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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, FEB. 26-28, 2016) — It wasn’t published here first but in The Boston Globe. Nonetheless, thanks to our vast spy ring, we got it before anyone else locally. The house race in Pittsfield just got more interesting. Here’s how our Globe colleague wrote it up:

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Mike Bloomberg is running, he told the Globe in an exclusive interview.

Not that Mike Bloomberg.

The billionaire former mayor of New York has made noise about launching a third-party presidential bid. But it is his second cousin who has actually taken the leap of running for office this year.

Michael Eric Bloomberg, whose grandfather’s brother was the former mayor’s father, said this week he will run for a Pittsfield House seat, challenging the incumbent, Democrat Tricia Farley-Bouvier.

A self-described “progressive and pragmatic” Democrat, Bloomberg said he moved back to Pittsfield, where he grew up, last year and wants to bolster its urban revitalization and economic development. Bloomberg formerly worked at Connecticut-based Bridgewater Associates, which claims to manage about $154 billion in global investments, he said.

Asked if he feared that his plutocrat cousin would seek to capitalize on his own political derring-do, Bloomberg the younger replied, “If he decides to make an announcement, he can call me and give me his elevator pitch and I’ll consider endorsing him.”

Jim O’Sullivan can be reached at

——– 000 ——–

It’s interesting. When Sen. Ben Downing said, “That’s it” and announced he was leaving the Senate for geese that lay platinum eggs, TFB and Rep. Paul Mark sent out trial balloons on running for the senate. Those balloons met with heavy flack and anti-aircraft activity. Word THE PLANET heard is that the Bosses “got” to these two, telling them to “stay put.” The Suits want young Adam Hinds for a coronation. Like good loyalists, TFB and Mark backed down. See, that would make three sure votes The Bosses can count on through thin and thin.

Bloomberg’s challenge to TFB can only be a good deal. No one running for any seat, for any position in America, should waltz in without opposition. THE PLANET knows nothing about Bloomberg or his politics, although, as a self-described “progressive” Democrat, we’re wondering how he’s different from TFB? We imagine taxpayers will still have to cling to their wallets. Heck, we’re still trying to figure out “whose grandfather’s brother was the former mayor’s brother.”

By the way, THE PLANET checked with Dan Valenti about the rumor of drafting him for a Senate run. Dan muttered something about “retiring to my home in Essex and keeping bees for the remainder of my natural life.”

——– 000 ——–

We wrap up The Weekend Edition with this wistful lament over the city of Pittsfield:


There, in the once great city,

The summer shimmer of sidewalks is gone.

The traffic of the mean streets all around that vale

Have put their story on.


The mountains that infold

In their wide sweep the Pittsfield landscape round

Seem groups of giant kings in purple and gold

That have fled the murdered ground.


I roam the streets that crown

The hotels and eateries, where the mingled sadness glows,

Where the pure company of trees looks down

On the druggies and thugs below.


My steps are alone

In these dismal walks, the sweet southeast at play.

Flies, rustling, where the painted ladies are littered

Along the winding way.


And far in heaven, the while,

The Sun, that sends a baseball to wander there,

Pours out on Wahconah Park its quiet smile —

The sweetest of the year.

——– 000 ——–

The Comment Line is open. Keep it intelligent, for God’s sake and you own self-respect. Have a great weekend, everybody!


“Every strikeout brings me closer to the next home run.”Babe Ruth



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Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Trish oughta have a bake sale, she’ll need it.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

It will be interesting to see if he can beat her in the primary. The winner would have to face Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  larry
9 years ago

The primary will decide the seat.

Distressed Cat
Distressed Cat
9 years ago

Has CC decided what party he likes yet?

James the Great
James the Great
9 years ago

Politics push someone in Pittsfield focused on economic growth to run as a Dem. Party lines are less important to me than how a candidate will really address city needs. The issues are what is important. If you look at the accomplishments of the incumbent aside from being friendly…is there anything to point to that has resulted in the City’s biggest need…business, industry, and jobs. If voters went beneath popularity, they might see nothing has been done to reverse continual job loss and address the economic needs. I think Mike understands the problems and needs, but it will be a challenge to address them. You have scooped the local media who will learn about the bid on Monday, I believe.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

CC has no chance as a republican and he knows that. This smells exactly like four years ago. Scago ran a solid campaign and had a good chance to win. Peter White chooses to abandon his seat on the council and enter the primary as a third Democrat. TFB the winner in a special election with less than 40%. White and Scago split the rest of the vote. If more than two democrats enter the primary we get to keep TFB.

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

What has she done for the City or the State?

9 years ago

If this is an open Friday i have a question.

Who was the mayor when the airport lease contracts were signed? I assume it was all legal so the individuals should not be afraid to come forward. Anybody know?

Anybody surprised?

Jim M
Jim M
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Ed Riley was the mayor signing the airport contracts, he was reluctant to sign them because there were no provisions for future rent increases but he was somehow pressured into signing them.

Reply to  Jim M
9 years ago

I wonder who his city solicitor was at the time. Or any other advisers.

9 years ago

Only the shadow knows.Another workplace shooting in Kansas. Mental illness needs to be addressed when hiring nowadays.

Reply to  mi
9 years ago

I blame a lot of this nutso behavior on medications. God only knows what frightening brain altering combinations get together in the body when mixed with all the shit that is in food preservatives and dyes and other meds.

Sarcasmo Fantastico
Sarcasmo Fantastico
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Hmmmmm, let’s hear the guy’s name and we might garner a few clues.

Diseased Cat
Diseased Cat
9 years ago

Chris Connell (alfalfa) never had a chance.

Reply to  Diseased Cat
9 years ago

On the contrary, he is one councilor who has tried to make things better in the city. The residents have seen that so I believe he has a shot to dispose of TFB.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

What exactly does “economic development” mean for Pittsfield?
In order to find a living wage job in Pittsfield, you have to be part of the Good Old Boys club. If you are someone like me, you have better odds of winning the lottery jackpot than finding a good job in Pittsfield. Those are terrible odds!
Did everyone forget that Sabic Plastics is moving away and about 500 jobs will be lost within the next 2 years? About 70% of Pittsfield residents live in poverty and they are dependent on welfare assistance and social services programs. Moreover, Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt!
A good Mayor of Pittsfield would ask the following question:
“Does the average middle class family and small business want to move to Pittsfield?” The answer is obviously “no” due to Pittsfield’s unsafe streets and poorly performing public school system. Not to mention, Pittsfield’s high taxes and political corruption.
– Jonathan Melle

Ruby Begonia
Ruby Begonia
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Maybe if it’s repeated enough somebody with a brain will listen.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

If I were to run for Mayor of Pittsfield or another political hack state government office, I would promise “economic development” in Pittsfield by promising a healthy residential and business environment. I would invest in the people and small businesses instead of the corrupt vested interests that are sinking Pittsfield with high taxes and huge debts. The #1 resource in any community are the people or residential population. They pay the taxes that fund the city government. They purchase goods and services from small businesses. They invest the most into the community. BUT, Pittsfield politics refuses to acknowledge the people who live in Pittsfield! Instead, they bow down to the vested interests and cave into all of their demands. It is a one party, China-like political system where a majority of the people are not participating in their state and local political system. It is the very definition of oligarchy and political corruption!
– Jonathan Melle

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Keys to economi development:

Good schools.
Safe streets.
Low taxes.

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Economic development=meetings about vibrant, dynamic collaboration…. And paying hacks to have these meeting. Oh it helps if you paint pictures on electrical boxes and she’ll out $1000.00 per artist per box.

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Economic development=meetings about vibrant, dynamic collaboration…. And paying hacks to have these meeting. Oh it helps if you paint pictures on electrical boxes and she’ll out $1000.00 per artist per box.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
9 years ago

J Mel, are you a Trump supporter? You keep repeating yourself?

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  Trumped Up
9 years ago

You noticed?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Trumped Up
9 years ago

No, I am not nor will I ever support Donald Trump! He is a moral and political hypocrite. He has been married 3 times, had a daughter out of wedlock, and received military deferments to avoid the draft during the Vietnam conflict. He made his billions of dollars off of real estate and casino gambling. Poor people get hit the hardest by gambling, while the wealthy receive the most benefits.
Yet, Mr. Trump goes after the right wing evangelical “Christian” vote! Yet, Mr. Trump is now pro-life, pro-family, pro-Bible. Yet, Mr. Trump criticized war hero John McCain, whom we should all thank for his long military and public service to our nation. Yet, Mr. Trump claims he will achieve economic growth for all of America.
Donald Trump really bothered me when he used U.S. Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl as a political football. Mr. Trump doesn’t understand what it is like to serve in the military. Mental illnesses, Soldiers and Veterans suicides, and harsh superiors are daily occurrences. I do not condone what Bowe Bergdahl did, but he is evidently mentally ill and deserves due process of law!
– Jonathan Melle
Disabled Veteran

9 years ago

During his PCTV News Hour, the city’s watchdog and show host, stated that he was; “An Adjunct College Professor” .
Seemingly teaching at this level would require at least a masters degree.
This advanced degree and a College Professorship would have been a beneficial qualification and enhanced his credentials for his mayoral candidacy during the last election.
Why didn’t he ever make this known previously ??? Humility maybe ???

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

There are adjuncts at colleges that do not have a Master’s. MCLA has had many with just a BA or BS. The formal title is that they are an “adjunct faculty” or “visiting instructor.”

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

Dowgerhat, I detect much doubt in your tone. What did you learn if anything from watching the show?

9 years ago

Look at the former G E site boy is that a joke.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

What confuses me is Dan is adjunct and no clue Lew isn’t. So, does it really matter?

Sarcasmo Fantastico
Sarcasmo Fantastico
Reply to  Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

BCC is bringing No Clue Lew back as an adjunct professor of pickle ball.

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

Yeah it matters….probably pulling down a 50 g pension, he has a clue.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Bill Q
9 years ago

he may have 50k but still has no clew about anything but pumping up soccer balls and jock straps.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Bill Q
9 years ago

$54,922 to be exact for Markhamt – Dan hauled in $10,917 to teach a course last year

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

Tommy, wasn’t 50 good enough? Come on man!

9 years ago

More or less?

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
9 years ago

Shooting in Pittsfield???? thought that is what I heard on scanner

Reply to  johnny dingo
9 years ago

3:30 corner of Francis and Daniels. Juvenile arrested, non life threatening injuries to victim.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

There is no corner of Daniels and Francis, they run parallel.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Danforth and Francis Ave

9 years ago


Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
9 years ago

NEWS FLASH The water wizard is at Dunkin Donuts

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  larry
9 years ago

Are you some sort of stalker?

Vinny Boombatz
Vinny Boombatz
Reply to  larry
9 years ago

I hear thery’re going to name a donut after you Larry

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  larry
9 years ago

Does it really matter if you see a well know citizen out in public? By the way I saw Lew Markham in Dick’s . He was buying a jock strap and a soccer ball.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Irvin Corey
9 years ago

Well known?

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Dunkin Donuts should be honored.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Pittsfield School Dept — mumbo jumbo
speak?–I-BERK Feb 25th. Andy McKeever- rup swab
reporter. Topic–Pittsfield School Officials not happy with PARCC
Results. Can someone explain?????

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

They blame the test because Pittsfield students aren’t getting taught anything, but since expensiveness is the true measure of quality, the less teachers work for their high salaries the better.

9 years ago

Best Actor Award Prediction: And the winner is………….

. Leonardo DeCaprio.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

I haven’t watched the Oscars in 30 years. I’d be curious to know if Planet readers care

Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

He should be.
That is the best acting performance in a Movie that I have ever seen.. Leo should Sweep!!

9 years ago

Really don’t care, seems to be a awards show every month. Every Jan 1 every screen actor should get a trophy. Then they would not have anything to bitch about. Oscarssoboring#

9 years ago

Joe, go see the movie, it was awesome.

9 years ago

Bunch of spoiled brats patting themselves on the back. Big deal, you did your job and got way over paid. Shut up and go home.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Letter: “Clinton is leader with experience, passion”
The Berkshire Eagle, Letters, 2/26/2016

To the editor:

Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person on the planet to be the next US president. She has the breadth and depth of experience that is comparable to absolutely no one else in the field. I trust her to lead our country.

Secretary Clinton reflects my progressive values and has the ability to accomplish our shared goals of addressing income inequality, debilitating college debt, environmental injustice, our crumbling infrastructure and our terrible campaign financing laws. And in the complicated, sometimes scary world that we live in, I trust that Secretary Clinton has an understanding of international issues and the problem-solving ability to keep us safe.

It was only 12 years ago that I began my political career with a grassroots organization whose aim was to take on the local political establishment. What the leadership of the WHEN! organization proposed caught fire in a climate of frustration in the city. You might say it was a little revolution right here in our own community.

Now, I have the honor of serving Pittsfield as your state representative (and I am proud to say my fellow WHEN! candidate serves in Pittsfield’s corner office). I do so fighting for a progressive agenda on Beacon Hill — on gender issues, social justice, environmental justice, economic justice. I know that fighting for justice means that I am given the label of liberal, and it is a term I wear as a badge of honor.

So, as a relative newcomer and someone with solid progressive credentials, I support the candidate who has fought her whole life for the values I care about. I appreciate and admire the outstanding message that Sen. Sanders has proclaimed and I applaud the activists who are rallying in support of that message. At the same time, I understand that it takes much more than messaging and ideals to lead this country and the free world.

Leadership takes a combination of experience, wisdom and the willingness to work with others — even those with whom you don’t always agree. Leadership is the ability to take a hit and get back up. Leadership is fighting for values that are not always the most popular, but are the right thing to do. Leadership means going beyond the sound bite to understand the myriad of details and the deep consequences of the complex issues that we face. Leadership means that proposals that you put forward can stand up to the scrutiny of experts and that the numbers will add up.

Hillary Clinton has those leadership qualities. She has the experience. She has the passion and the fortitude. I trust her to take our progressive ideals and turn them into the reality that will impact our everyday lives.

I’m proudly casting my vote for Hillary in the March 1 Massachusetts primary and I ask you to join me.

Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Pittsfield
The writer is a Democratic state representative.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Major endoesement with national ramifications!!!! Two heavy hitters. Both feminine eye candy too!!!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Hillary will be able to keep us safe? She didn’t even know that top secret classified information on her server wasn’t safe. Basic stuff. No, I have NO CONFIDENCE that Hillary would be able to keep us safe. Also no confidence that she would be able to tell the truth.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

TFB and MS Tyre took on the local political establishment and sold out to them at the very first opportunity.

Vinny Boombatz
Vinny Boombatz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Now, I have the honor of serving Pittsfield as your state representative I do so fighting for a progressive agenda on Beacon Hill — on gender issues, social justice, environmental justice, economic justice. I know that fighting for justice means that I am given the label of liberal, and it is a term I wear as a badge of honor.”

What an absolute crock of bullshit…….her so called progressive agenda has not done a damn thing for Pittsfield. How will any of her crap help this city?

As for the rest of the WHEN’ers…..they have gotten elected to a few offices but how have they made Pittsfield in any way better?

Linda Tyer,, a WHEN product was a decent city clerk……Perhaps she’ll do great things as our mayor…’s too early to tell, but she better come up with more than paying pretend artists to doodle on downtown electrical boxes.

Reply to  Vinny Boombatz
9 years ago

If anything the city has gone seriously downhill since the WHEN’ers came on the scene. Nothing is done for the struggling middle class and everything is done for the special interests.

Reply to  Vinny Boombatz
9 years ago

“Now, I have the honor of serving Pittsfield as your state representative I do so fighting for a progressive agenda on Beacon Hill — on gender issues (figuring out who can use what restroom), social justice (cops are bad, rich people are bad), environmental justice (hear that BCC, she’s still fighting for your new field), economic justice. (like pushing hard for 127mil new school )”
Been working real hard for OUR interests.

Reply to  acheshirecat
9 years ago

In that entire list that you mentioned there was not one thing that was mentioned that helps the middle class. Tricia Farley Bouvier is all about the progressive agenda.

Reply to  acheshirecat
9 years ago

Maybe you don’t really know what senor intersects are in this city. And I can tell you it not a new school.

9 years ago

No shock there that Tricia Farley-Bouvier will be voting for Hillary. The shock would be if she didn’t vote for her.

I will proudly be voting for Ted Cruz. I think he has a lot of common sense and knows what this country needs to head into the future with strength both financially and security wise. He would be a president for all people not just the special interests. He does what he says he is going to do. He is not politically correct.

If Donald Trump wins the nomination and it is a contest between Trump and Hillary, I will vote for Trump without a doubt. Hillary would be very bad for this country. She would not be a strong leader and the causes she would promote would divide our country even more.

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Cruz is a war monger. A vote for him is a vote for dead young Americans….for nothing. Do not give this man any power….he is a danger to mankind itself.

9 years ago

Hooray. Tricia Farley Bouvier has competition for her job. We have a chance to get rid of her. Go Mike Bloomberg!!! I don’t even care that you are a progressive, after all that’s all we get in this area.

9 years ago

Cruz for President, Hillary for prison, and let’s vote TFB out in the next election!

Reply to  Gigi
9 years ago

Hopefully Mr. Cruz will be heading back to Texas or Canada.

9 years ago

Sounds to me like the air port is looking for things to be done there that have nothing to do with what it was meant for. Car shows solar. I though it was a bad investment before they did all that work and it looks like I was right.

9 years ago

TFB , Governor Baker and the rest of legislators should stop flappy there gums and do more to stop drug and alcohol abuse, not to mention fraud. First stop allowing cash withdrawals from ATMs with a ebt card. Second put picture IDs on cards. Third no out of state purchases. Also drug test all persons receiving welfare. Not to punish or put in jail, but to get them help so they can help there families get back on track. This would ensure more money go towards the children.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Trump says Carrier is going to pay a thirty five percent tax for every air conditioner that comes across our border. Mr. Trump,What do you think Carrier will do? They’ll raise the price of the unit. Trump went to Wharton?

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Missing the point, first of all US will get the revenue, second if there not competive they will suffer financially. Maybe others will think twice before leaving.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Right Joe, what he is trying to say is he would level the playing field. The tax would negate the lower wages other countries offer therefore moving businesses out of the U.S. would not be so attractive to the bottom line.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Speaking of Jail
Joe Buffis still skating….. what a crock of shit!!

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

He will probably wind up suing the prosecution and wind up rich. People with power in this state do not do time and rarely suffer any consequences for bad behavior.

Reply to  johnny dingo
9 years ago

This Judge should be questioned.

9 years ago

TFB is useless to the Berkshires. Who in their right mind would care who she endorses. If a German Shepherd ran against her and we voted it in we would be better off.

9 years ago

State House votes are land slides in the Democrates favor. Doesn’t make a rats ass deference who’s in there. Read the back of the gazette to see the voting records. Sheep flock together.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Joe, there’s also job involved here.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

I live for the Oscars. Having been a former part time Artist in New York and beyond,my talent was never at the peak and always under the radar, until it was way to late. I am a beautiful person and people have adored me and my looks for years, and have been flattered by this, a gift from the Heavens. however my real talent was the ability to bring joy to the fans of a talent, wasted because of a lack of ambition. I currently enjoy the finer things in life and some that test the curiousness of the mind. As a child, many thought of me as a prodigy of the first magnitude,as a beautiful mind was in full developement and was able to see things others could not, i’m not bragging but I was always ahead of the curve. I was probably the smartest person ever to come out of my City, but never boasted or took advantage of those less fortunate. The Oscars are currently being protested by individuals because they believe there is a bias amongst them that has nothing to do with thier ability, that may be true, but the Oscars are a truly a blessed event, and I am hoping nothing happens to take away the dignity and honor bestowed on these performers. Hopefully we can all enjoy the ceremonies and wish all the best on the night of stars. Thier lucky I’m not in the business anymore, it would have been a forgone conclusion When I was a nominee, not bragging, but ai was that good of an actress.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago

The smartest person ever who can’t spell. And the winner is…..

Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Dilly Dally, you’re a legend in your own mind.

9 years ago

And beyond? Like Outer Space?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Hillary Clinton received the endorsement from Pittsfield politics’ establishment.

The following statement stood out to me:

Tricia Farley-Bouvier said Hillary Clinton will provide the tools needed to clean the Housatonic River, bring more jobs to the area, and implement an energy policy to resolve the proposed Tennessee Gas Pipeline debate.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Too bad Berkshire County doesn’t shock the likes of Mazzeo, Bianchi, and Tricia Farley Bouvier by not voting for Hillary or Sanders. They are counting on Hillary winning because that means more job security for them. It would be so great to prove them wrong. Don’t believe the nonsense about creating jobs here in Berkshire county for the average citizen if Hillary is elected. We’ve heard that song and dance before. Come on Berkshire County you can stop the insanity of progressive politics by not voting for Hillary or Sanders.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
9 years ago

Excellent Jon. Very interested to know who and why pols are in favor of a pipeline, especially candidateHinds, Rep. Bouvier and others. Smell of a rodent is the perception.

9 years ago

I have contacted several of these representatives in the past few months and they don’t even bother to get back to you. They want your vote on election day, but that’s about it.

9 years ago

It’s all about the state jobs, the Dems equals a suit and tie and a paycheck for the sheep who follow.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

I’d apply for the electrical box paint gig, but I can’t paint. Guess only a certain few can apply?

Vinny Boombatz
Vinny Boombatz
9 years ago

Give it a shot Harlan, most of the ”artists” around here have no talent

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

On the electrical box art,Where does one apply? My only experience was writing on my desk during school, what is the theme?

May Hemm
May Hemm
9 years ago

I want to be the Arteest, that repaints the Boxes Grey!

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
9 years ago

Painting these boxes could be an economic engine. Another one. It will draw people from all over the world into the city. Perhaps the downtrodden Mercer building employees could do the painting in order to pick up a few extra bucks to help them get by.

And I hope they know enough not to stick anything metal inside them….especially copper. Will there be a safety class first? If they are going to be on North street they might want to wear Kevlar vests just in case the gangs are out sighting in their weapons.

And speaking of that, perhaps if the police dept could teach gun safety courses for these gang bangers there might be less civilians caught up in the crossfire. More live civilians equals more money spending consumers and god dammit that right there is another economic engine for the city. Somebody really needs to hire me to help get this city back on its feet!

9 years ago

They should paint the ones on North St. to look like people so we can fool visitors into thinking that we have a bustling downtown. It would also give the current denizens who walk around muttering to themselves someone to talk to.

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  xxx
9 years ago

Excellent idea. Paint them to look like cops. With their guns drawn.

Or, or school department employees holding out donation buckets.

9 years ago

How come the eagle doesn’t publish Howie Carr and his list of state workers that are all connected making 100+ G’s from the good taxpayers from Massachusetts. I say this every election in my life Pittsfield has only declined yet the same group keeps getting elected in…a very sad tale. Maybe Barrington Stage could write a play about how a once vibrant city with many national figures decline towards ruin. All the material is right there for the taking…ooh I just had an idea!!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
9 years ago

It wouldn’t be done. Liberals are too busy telling each other how great they are.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Politicians equals influence vs merit.

9 years ago

Excellent article in the Times by David Brooks, a Conservative columnist. Pat and all the other Trump supporters here should read it. William F. Buckley couldn’t hat said it any better!

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Hello, I am a Cruz supporter first. I will only vote for Trump if I have no choice if he runs against Hillary. Trump running against Hillary would not be great. The lesser of two evils. Cruz is my candidate.

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Ted Cruz is the true conservative.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Hey Pat, I always appreciate your thoughtfulness. I really do. So I ask you, is Ted Cruz a true conservative, or just a religious zealot? I do not know a lot about him because I never thought I’d have to, but to me he doesn’t differentiate much from Rick Santorum or that ilk. I have no patience for the ultra religious guys who care much more about abortion and prayer in schools than they do about poverty, jobs, crumbling infrastructure, etc., etc.

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Ted Cruz is religious, but not a zealot. He cares about poverty, jobs, and crumbling infrastructure, certainly more than the one we currently have as president. He doesn’t have all of the drama and large personality of Trump, but in my opinion that’s a good thing.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

if that Trump speaking in Alabama doesn’t look stupid. Then we have silly Hillary supporters, equally inept. You can’t fix stupid.

9 years ago

Watched a basketball game on T V saturday night,man that kid on Golden State is some player. Just having the nerve to shoot the ball from far beyond the three point line, and make the hoops as consistently as he does, is amazing.