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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, FEB. 26-28, 2016) — It wasn’t published here first but in The Boston Globe. Nonetheless, thanks to our vast spy ring, we got it before anyone else locally. The house race in Pittsfield just got more interesting. Here’s how our Globe colleague wrote it up:

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Mike Bloomberg is running, he told the Globe in an exclusive interview.

Not that Mike Bloomberg.

The billionaire former mayor of New York has made noise about launching a third-party presidential bid. But it is his second cousin who has actually taken the leap of running for office this year.

Michael Eric Bloomberg, whose grandfather’s brother was the former mayor’s father, said this week he will run for a Pittsfield House seat, challenging the incumbent, Democrat Tricia Farley-Bouvier.

A self-described “progressive and pragmatic” Democrat, Bloomberg said he moved back to Pittsfield, where he grew up, last year and wants to bolster its urban revitalization and economic development. Bloomberg formerly worked at Connecticut-based Bridgewater Associates, which claims to manage about $154 billion in global investments, he said.

Asked if he feared that his plutocrat cousin would seek to capitalize on his own political derring-do, Bloomberg the younger replied, “If he decides to make an announcement, he can call me and give me his elevator pitch and I’ll consider endorsing him.”

Jim O’Sullivan can be reached at

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It’s interesting. When Sen. Ben Downing said, “That’s it” and announced he was leaving the Senate for geese that lay platinum eggs, TFB and Rep. Paul Mark sent out trial balloons on running for the senate. Those balloons met with heavy flack and anti-aircraft activity. Word THE PLANET heard is that the Bosses “got” to these two, telling them to “stay put.” The Suits want young Adam Hinds for a coronation. Like good loyalists, TFB and Mark backed down. See, that would make three sure votes The Bosses can count on through thin and thin.

Bloomberg’s challenge to TFB can only be a good deal. No one running for any seat, for any position in America, should waltz in without opposition. THE PLANET knows nothing about Bloomberg or his politics, although, as a self-described “progressive” Democrat, we’re wondering how he’s different from TFB? We imagine taxpayers will still have to cling to their wallets. Heck, we’re still trying to figure out “whose grandfather’s brother was the former mayor’s brother.”

By the way, THE PLANET checked with Dan Valenti about the rumor of drafting him for a Senate run. Dan muttered something about “retiring to my home in Essex and keeping bees for the remainder of my natural life.”

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We wrap up The Weekend Edition with this wistful lament over the city of Pittsfield:


There, in the once great city,

The summer shimmer of sidewalks is gone.

The traffic of the mean streets all around that vale

Have put their story on.


The mountains that infold

In their wide sweep the Pittsfield landscape round

Seem groups of giant kings in purple and gold

That have fled the murdered ground.


I roam the streets that crown

The hotels and eateries, where the mingled sadness glows,

Where the pure company of trees looks down

On the druggies and thugs below.


My steps are alone

In these dismal walks, the sweet southeast at play.

Flies, rustling, where the painted ladies are littered

Along the winding way.


And far in heaven, the while,

The Sun, that sends a baseball to wander there,

Pours out on Wahconah Park its quiet smile —

The sweetest of the year.

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The Comment Line is open. Keep it intelligent, for God’s sake and you own self-respect. Have a great weekend, everybody!


“Every strikeout brings me closer to the next home run.”Babe Ruth



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9 years ago

Three Police Officers shot in Virginia. One of the officers, a woman, had been on the job one day. Let us pray.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Nota
9 years ago

Lock your doors and load the 12 gauge

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Wasn’t a Mike Bloomberg a former New York Yankee?

9 years ago

Yes what a terrible incident…I have a sad feeling we are moving into a summer of trouble similar to the late 60’s. I’m not feeling very good about this year.

9 years ago

On an Oscar note Christian Bale is undoubtedly the next super star. exceptllent actor, enjoyed him in the Fighter, Rescue Dawn.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Hat–eye candy!!-you must be kidding. A stick and a ball of lard. You
have been spending too much time at Lach’s.

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Nah! Dave B. and I hang at Mazcot’s.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

Does TFB go there with you guys?

9 years ago

Oscar Grades Revenant : Best Picture
Leo: Best Actor:take it to the Bank.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

As of 11:45 in Las Vegas you can actually wager on this, currently the odds are 11-3 for DeCaprio. You would wager 1100 to make 300.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Now CNN reports it was 1 to 19 whatever that is? For Caprio.

Duke Trump
Duke Trump
9 years ago

wat,never met the man, don’t know him, wah, you’re nasty, very nasty, wah, get out of here, don’t know David Duke, never met him.

9 years ago

Who is Gabbard? Where is she from? What is her claim to fame? Is she seeking a higher office? Is she trying to be the next Sarah Failing? Is she an experienced legislator or flash in the pan? What is her party?

9 years ago

Why would Mike Bloomberg, one of the most successful people in the United States want to run for a lowly Representative position in Pittsfield?

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Did somebody die?

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Not that I know of. But there was another shooting in Pittsfield last week and it barely made the news. Either we have so many it is not news any more or they are trying to tamp down the news of how violent the city has become.

Donnie's Rump
Donnie's Rump
9 years ago

You don’t want me to condemn a group I know nothing about? passive answer?

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

Bloomberg term was up in New York. You have the wrong Bloomberg.