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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10, 2016) — As we were saying …

  • Isn’t that Convenient? — Here’s a screen grab that might interest all taxpayers in danger of losing their homes, all seniors on fixed incomes who got 0% increase in Social Security COLA, and anyone who has to choose this month between putting food on the table, paying for heat, or filling needed prescriptions. It was taken from a roster of Pittsfield School Department (PSD) employees:
Matthew BehnkeGrade 2 Special Ed
Kristen BehnkeAssistant Superintendent for Business &


As Prof. Irwin Corey said, “It’s not illegal by any means but a nice joint payday.” Kristen is assistant associate deputy substitute stand-in proxy superintendent of the PSD, one of about 128 “me-too” superintendents. She makes $115,000 a year plus bennies. Hubby Matthew, as a Grade 2 Special Ed teacher married to a Chosen One, has to be pulling down, THE PLANET guesses, $70 grand per. That’s $185,000 + 30%. It’s not WHAT you know …

  • Flight Plans — Our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council recently asked Mayor Linda Tyer to put management of the Pittsfield Airport under the microscope. “We must demonstrate the value of the airport to our citizens,” said Ward 5 council Donna Todd Rivers. Councilors say they want to expose hidden costs. “Value?” The only thing THE PLANET cares about is extending the airport runways another two miles so they will be big enough when Donald Trump stops by to pick us up. Big Trump victory yesterday in NH.
  • Budget Busters — If the city council was so blasted concerned about exposing hidden costs, why don’t they make clear this budget season that the $59 or so million listed as the “school department budget” doesn’t include about $45 million or so from health insurance costs, busing, and maintenance. Those costs are hidden on the city side of the ledger. Positively fraudulent. The Boring Broadsheet and the rest of the mainstream media would also do well to make this clear in all stories in the PSD budget. Is a little honesty too much to ask.
  • The Sen. Also Rises — Don’t tell anyone, but our spies say Rep. Paul Mark will run for state senate and take on Adam Hinds for the Democratic nomination. THE PLANET likes the move.
  • Input as Output as Kaput — The Office of Community Development, which lately hasn’t done a thing except “study things,” will conduct two alleged “public input sessions.” The first is Feb. 8. Oops, you missed that one. We saved you! The second will be at 5:30 Feb. 22 in the community room at Conte School. Nice of them to schedule it at a time when those who work for a living won’t be able to attend. You know the drill. OCD is having these meetings only because the Feds force them as a condition of accepting payola for “low income” folks, to eliminate slums, and get rid of blight (think “entitlements”). No way does OCD actually want input from middle-class folks who pay their own way. In Pittsfield, when your government asks for your “input,” that’s The Suits’ code for “Stay the hell out of OUR business.”
  • Advance to the Rear — City “educators” are looking to add five Advance Placement courses. They include Creative Armed Robbery, Murder and Mayhem 101, Heroin Injection Science, Entitlements: The Government Owes You a Living, and Teen Moms: What a Concept. Whose paying? Got a mirror?
  • No Such Thing — Ever hear of a free lunch? Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hasn’t had one of those since their their mom made peanut butter and jelly sammiches. It’s sad how clueless official Pittsfield is about “universal free lunches” in the schools. It’s true: Every single child in the city’s eight elementary schools can chow down on free breakfasts and lunches, M-F. While it’s heartening to know kids will have enough to eat, why does the city think that’s a cause for celebration? Qualifying for federal dollars to supply the “free rate” for 100% of the meals in grammar schools demonstrates like nothing can how badly The Suits and politicians have destroyed the local economy. The schools job is to educate. When you ask them to pick up the mess dead-beat parents have made, they fail miserably. Teaching and Learning? Yes. Social engineering? No.


“There are people who live for the moment and other who seem to get no enjoyment.”Dan Hicks, from “Where’s The Money?” (1972).



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9 years ago

The liberals have been socially engineering society beginning with breaking down the family unit to benefit all of these non profit social agencies to the colleges that brainwash students into believing that socialism is the future of this country. All of this with barely a whimper from the public.

Nepotism is alive and well in Pittsfield. Many people have difficulty getting one job in Pittsfield, but these career couples manage to get high paying jobs in the same organization. It’s amazing. We know its not simply their credentials, but who they are friends with or related to that got them the job. What is so disgusting is that they are actually proud of this system that includes the in crowd and excludes everyone else. These same people will not be able to get to the polls fast enough to vote for either Bernie or Hillary. They will be chanting rights for women and help for the downtrodden while being unable to keep their own hands out of the cookie jar.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

You’re very astute Pat. They should be ashamed of where they work. Its doubtful that either of them could ever get a job on their own. I’ve lived in Pittsfield a long, long time and never heard the name Behnke connected to anyone local. I do know that she went to UMass and Tufts. Certainly neither of those institutions are capable of producing anything beyond a sweeper. Who do you suppose their connected to? I’ll try to find out for you. Til I do lets keep dragging them through the mud.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

They don’t have to be local and some are not. In some instances outsiders come in and get a job for themselves and then soon after their husband, wife, significant other, children or friends also land hard to get local jobs and not because their skills are overly impressive just as with some locals who get jobs because of who they are related to or having friends in powerful positions. I have seen this happen many times. Just as there are many examples of the city of Pittsfield hiring people from the other end of the country to come here and do jobs that many locals could do just as well if not better. Getting a job shouldn’t be just about who you know. We saw how this got out of hand in the Boston area with the probation department’s patronage scandal.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Pat, I see you’ve become very comfortable in your anonymity and the way it allows you to post hateful and uninformed missives on this blog every day. I know you’re dealing with unemployment or underemployed and I’m sorry about that. But how does tearing down people you don’t know help that situation?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Ah-ha, so that’s how they do it. They’re outsiders who worm their way in and next thing you know they’ve brought in all their relatives. Very clever. Thankfully the Berkshire probation department is squeaky clean, unlike Boston. You don’t see the children of judges landing positions in our probation offices like in Boston.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Of course Berk Probation Dept is full of nepotism, like that makes it OK because Pat didn’t mention it? Or because the article didn’t include it? Exactly right about the courts, school department as the two biggest offenders.

9 years ago

Many local social agencies dropped the ball when it came to the death of 11 year old Hannah Nazareth. She was dead for a month, but these local agencies failed to check up on her. Will there be any punishment for them? It’s doubtful since more than likely they all have connections who will protect them from any serious fallout over this tragedy. The family unit that should have protected this girl was obviously dysfunctional. Her father had drug problems and her mother had similar issues it seems, but the family being separated was a big part of the problem. Social agencies can never be a substitute for a caring and loving and healthy family. Society needs to do everything to keep families together. The family unit is critical and we as a society have allowed it to deteriorate.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Hmmmm Pat, sounds like conservative, right wing social engineering you’re advocating here. See….both sides do it, then blame the other.

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Yes but theres no doubting the main message here, when you’re Connected and Know Someone you and your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/unemployable brother will both have great jobs. Behnkes are a great example.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Jaxur
9 years ago

Terrible people.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

So YOU say. No one else here is saying. Theyre just pointing out that hubby gets a job in the school dept where wifey is one of the Big Shots. I’m sure they’re good people.

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Keeping families together is a normal process. Trying to break them apart is social engineering.

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

Just curious…who gets the contracts to provide food for the free school lunches? follow the money

9 years ago

I have had a few longstanding questions about the airport, that have never been answered: Is there a local fuel tax, local landing fee and local storage fee at the airport? I was always told the City is supposed to get a small cut on each gallon of fuel sold, so I am asking if that is true, and if so – how is tracked – and then of course, is it remitted?

Also, I believe most airports charge a fee to land/take off. Do we? Who makes sure it is collected when the airport is not “open” with staff?

And the storage fee is like a parking fee we all pay when we go into a parking lot – and again, is it collected, who monitors it and how?

Those fees should be the first monies used to run the airport, pay for upgrades, etc. – with surpluses going to the City’s general fund (or a reserve for the airport). I have always been told that the City’s largest user – it’s FBO is in charge of the fuel sales. So I would wonder how we could expect an honest accounting of revenues when the person in charge of collecting them has an incentive to keep sloppy books?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

You’ve had these questions for a long time and never attempted to find answers. How come?

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

I have, but no never knew exactly how to get the information. When you ask the Airport folks, they just don’t answer, when I asked the Treasurer’s Office they told me I had to ask the Airport…

I figured someone was just not charging it, didn’t want to admit it and maybe were stealing it. I asked the Eagle about it but since it was about the airport – nothing to see there folks.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

There should be a 5 year Airport plan that is continuously updated to keep the facility compliant for Federal Funding. Seriously, you guys are the worst sleuths in the world.

9 years ago

Did anyone read Mayor Tyer’s, “Mayor Linda Tyer Embarks on First Term in Pittsfield”, in Businesswest. com, then I turned to their carrers job opening, i guess for Berkshire County, here are the 1,700 job opening she is talking about!

Looking for a job? Have a job to advertise? Post a classified ad.
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Reply to  Jerry
9 years ago

Looking for a job in Pittsfield. Suck up to the Right People. Its worked a lots of them from the Benkes to the Josh Cutlers and on and on and on….

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Jaxur
9 years ago

Who are the right people?

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Funny!!! Like you don’t know and like you gotta ask…

9 years ago

Ran across our ward counilor in the Big Y. Asked about the school budget being inflated. His resposnse was evasive and he basically said the school committee were the experts and more atuned to the system.
Also asked about his feelings about a former mayoral candidate stating he was going to do all he could to remove him from the council and castigate him on his PCTV show. His response; “all 27 of his viewers”. No fear shown.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

Is that the same man who was THS VP for 20 years? If the school is in such bad shape what did he do to try and improve it? Maybe he studied his retirement investment portfolio instead of paying attention to the condition of the school.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago


Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

What response could he have made to satisfy you?

Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

the water wizard has no real credibility. He approaches you and tells you how dumb you are – and then wonders why no one listens to him or takes him seriously. I think 27 viewers is probably high by 20 or so.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

I guess folks lke you are watching the Kardashians when he’s on

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Sotheast Mr. G’s credentials are rock solid. Well established long
ago. You and your types have thrown stones at this brilliant
individual.. He laid out his credentials and no one has ever been able
to puta hole in them. Many like you have tried but you come up short
every time. Mr. G. will go down in history, as the most important
person to ever live in Pittsfield. His accomplishments are stellar. HE
stands alone and stands very upright. He is a fighter for the taxpayer
or do you not know that either? Watch his show every week and in a
short period of time even an imbicile like will seem more intelligent
. Name for me one person who can compare to this man. Stop posting to
make youself look important-your making a fool of yourself when you
post about the wizard as you have here today. Try to get yourself
educated. YOU can become intelligent by watching his show. Stop
watching the Kardashians. It is becoming clear that this is where you
get you information/

Reply to  Barack Kelley
9 years ago

I only watch PCTV and PBS and the Weather Chanel. Not much of a TV person.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Barack Kelley
9 years ago

I hope this is satire.

9 years ago

C o u n c i l G r a d e s
Rivers A
Mazzeo B
Caccamo A
White B
Alfalfa A
Tony ( roads ) A
Morandi B
Tully A
Marchetti A
Krol B
Amuso B

Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

Are you using the PPS grading system this term where you get points for just showing up? All A’s and B’s… was Tully awake? I don’t bother watching anymore.

Reply to  xxx
9 years ago

Tully is never awake or she pretends to be awake.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
9 years ago

He could have been diplomatic and not a dip stick

9 years ago

Christie Cream just bowed out of the Presidency.

9 years ago

Check out the Licensing Board Meeting channel 18 730

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

JEllo on the no clue Lew show says he lost twenty pounds…????

Reply to  Miss Vito
9 years ago

He is svelt

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Miss Vito
9 years ago

Is he conversating?

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

J LO sorry.

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

Lax Lounge to be the Picka Dilly? heard one of Bored members say that, supposedly Rock Bottom’ has been a bar fly for 30 odd years down at Lax.

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

That should be,used to be the Piccadilly. Where’s Carmen?

El Chapo
El Chapo
Reply to  Bill Q
9 years ago

I am working on a tunnel from city hall to Lach’s

9 years ago

So isn’t Karl.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

way off topic…..The Eagleton staff of four out of five have been fired.