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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, FEB. 19-21, 2016) — Allow THE PLANET to empty  the notebook with another fearless edition of Qwik Hitz and Hot Lix.

  • Separated at birth: Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels and Don Knotts, a.k.a. Barney Fife, deputy sheriff of Mayberry, N.C.
  • Prediction: President Obama will name a woman, either black or Latina, and likely lesbian. That will allow him to mark gender, minority, and sexual orientation on the politically correct checklist. THE PLANET says fine, if you can find from those narrowing subsets someone actually qualified for The Supreme Court. The problem is that such searches immediately rule out qualified candidates who might happen to be male, caucasian, and straight. The Senate will hold hearings. They will not confirm the nominee. Maybe Obama should nominate Diana Ross. Just a thought.
  • It’s evident that We The People want Donald Trump on the elephant side and Bernie Sanders on the mule side. The party bosses, however, have other plans. Somehow, the bosses will find a way to see that Hillary and Anyone But Trump make the finals. If that is the case, the Democrats will hold on to the White House. Trump is the only Republican who can win in November.
  • Many thanks to our Right Honorable Good Friend, councilor-at-large and city council president Peter Marchetti for being such a good sport on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION last night. Pete happened to be in the building while we were in pre-production (fancy term for trying to figure out what to do five minutes before air time, the high-wire part of the show that’s our favorite for the challenge). He agreed to a walk-on during our opening monologue. Funny stuff. The show re-airs four times on Friday on Channel 16: 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m., and 11 p.m.
  • Peter’s predecessor as council hoo-hah, Melissa Mazzeo, finally got back to us on the airport-Open Meeting Law issue: Here’s what she wrote: Dan

   Just heard that you have a “story” on the planet involving me and my questioning the Study group vs

Dominick, Joe, and Ted. Why? Sure is a lot better than being nagged!

Committee. You stated that you reached out to me twice and did not hear back..I just saw this email to Chris and Donna.. I never got an email from you to me.. Its school vacation and I am trying to spend time with my kids and I am only reading work emails..this is my private email…. I did get a call from Rich Dahoney  yesterday asking if he should give you the legal opinion, which I said of course, its part of our minutes and is a public document.

  IF you had  listened to the meeting you would have heard why I wanted it to be a study group( like the petition calls for) and not a committee. I had a similar petition  for a study group a few years ago, and we met over a years time. The public was welcomed to attend and many did, we kept minutes and gave our findings to the Mayor. I remember many times that meetings were cancelled at the last minute or moved to a new location if needed. Because we were a study group we had a little flexibility to do this since we were not bound by the OML. I discussed this with Mayor Tyer and she felt differently, she wanted it to be a committee. I had asked for the opinion to show that they are two different groups. If you watched the first meeting you would have heard me say that I have no issue with following the OML, and we should to the best of our abilities. Since we are listed as a committee, as the Mayor and  others wanted its a mute point. But then you wouldn’t have a controversy to write about…………….  

can you show me the emails that you said you sent, I only see this one.


That was followed by this one:

just found it [REFERRING TO THE FIRST E-MAIL WE SENT] … I never saw it and was out of town on college tours….you know that I always respond when you email.. you know I don’t duck questions.. but I do have to take a break from emails when its family time…

THE PLANET thanks our Right Honorable Good Friend for taking the time from college tours, family, and the rest for getting back to us. We love the “story” reference in her first line!

  • And with all that, my dear friends, THE PLANET opens up The Comment Line. Have a great weekend, everybody!


“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.”Don Marquis.



The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment which violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.

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Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

Hmmmmm. Why would Rich Dahoney feel he needed to ask Melissa if he could give you a legal opinion? Is there a screening process she is in charge of?

Reply to  Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

That statement took me off my feet, also. Isn’t the city paying him for his legal advise? But he must run it by a non-attorney first?

Who out there can answer this?

Reply to  Spider
9 years ago

The solicitor is the City’s lawyer. So they really are there to give advice and counsel to the Mayor first and other officials and departments. He really is not obligated to answer questions from Dan or anyone else.

Since we have a budget and the person doing the work is not an employee, I would presume they were getting the OK to share the information.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Wrong SE. As city attorney he can and should respond directly to the press. He doesn’t have to get “permission” from a councilor. This is public info. This sounds like vetting to me, not good.

Reply to  Hackett
9 years ago

No, as City Attorney he responds to the client, the City. His opinion stands on its own. I don not think any entity except the folks he answers to is entitled to clarification or explanation of his opinion, which stands on its own. if the Committee or the Mayor or the Council wanted clarification, then that is their prerogative to ask.

He asked permission because he’s on a clock and everything he does is on that clock – so if he wants payment, he better ask permission.

As I have said about a lot of things, we may be the taxpayers – but the City is an entity in its own right and we are the folks the elected officials are answerable to. But vendors and employees are answerable to those above them until you get to the person directly answerable to the Mayor.

If he is answerable to the “press” we can all say we are journalists and he could be subjected to 44,000 requests for information. Dan is a journalist and I would be willing to bet that he has an expansive definition of the term journalist since we all could in fact start our own blog (though it would pale in comparison to this one) and commit for public consumption any amount of stories or information.

Reply to  Hackett
9 years ago

Hackett is correct here not SE. Yes, his client is the city but citizens own the city that is the government. This is a long-established legal principle.

Being “on the clock” has nothing to do with this. The solicitor absolutely owes citizens and their representative, the press, a response.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Hackett
9 years ago

There is howling about spending money, but as soon as somebody has a sideways hair, the fiscal conservatism goes out the window. The solicitor wrote a well reasoned and accurate opinion.

I think a better question is why is the airport commission failing to provide oversight to the point where a special group is needed?

9 years ago

Obama will choose someone who is most definitely NOT a moderate for the Supreme Court in order to get the progressive liberal agenda locked in stone. The Supreme Court now makes decisions based on politics and not on the law. I think Supreme Court nominees should be chosen by the people and not by any political person in order that the Supreme Court does not continue to be biased. These people are in this position for life which is another reason why politics should not play a part in who gets these jobs.

Obama will try to stir up the most controversy right before the elections in order to make the Republicans look bad. Count on it. That’s what Obama does best….play politics.

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Obama has resisted the republican urge to expand the war in the mid east.
And so, many American sons and daughters have not died needlessly getting involved in a war without direction or possible solution.

So as a veteran for that I thank him dearly. Way too many lives lost because some in American power think we need to save the world.

Reply to  Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

I agree that we can’t save the world, but unfortunately as we learned in WW2 when you try to stay out of conflicts, they just get bigger and bigger and eventually everybody will be at risk meaning the entire planet.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Some democRATS are clamoring for Liz “Hiawatha” Warren. No judicial experience but a rabid socialist.

Maybe she will be an advocate for “indian” rights?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 years ago

Please, check
I donated to them a few times.
That’s #1 for straight families and common sense.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Pat- There is an old saying- Don’t say too much lest you broadcast
your ignorance. You have said too much already and you have
catagorized yourself. Stick with the Kardashians. That is where you
fit best. Just saying. Is there anything good you can say about Obama?

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

0bama is one of the worst presidents in history. He feels justified in trying to be a dictator. He has no respect for the constitution. What good can be said about him? He has less than a year left.

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Yes, he will soon be leaving office. Really I am finding it difficult to name something I like that Obama has done. Maybe the unemployment extension. I hate the Kardashians. They are a symptom of what is wrong with America.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

I will stick to my main point. In my opinion the Supreme Court should not be a political entity. I don’t think Republicans or Democrats should choose members of the Supreme Court. They should be chosen by the people because the laws they are making are for we the people. Not for the power players in Washington of either party.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Gee Pat, I think a lot of things too – but in this Country, the appointment of Justices to the Supreme Court is proscribed in the Constitution in fairly plain language.

I have little use for Obama either, but as LBJ used to say when he would call a person with whom he was in disagreement: “this is YOUR President calling”. It does not matter if you love them or hate them – for their entire term, they ARE the President and they can act in accordance with the laws and the constitution to carry out their duties.

That is why we ARE better than most other countries – we have laws, and we follow them. Making laws you disagree with does not mean the law is invalid. We have evolved into a system with parties – and the constitution is silent on that since in fact it is not Republicans or Democrats who nominate Justices, it is Presidents. And it isn’t Republicans or Democrats who advise and consent on the choices – it is the Senate.

The parties are just how the people involved choose to organize themselves.

If you disagree with the methodology, the constitution also provides for a way to be amended – but it is pretty hard given the relatively few times it has happened after the original 10 which were ratified with the constitution itself.

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Donna another old saying is freedom of speech. If it upsets you that she doesn’t like the president, skip over her posts or ignore them. Our president has divided our country. There are many people who agree with her, and many who like him as you do.

9 years ago

It will not matter that Obama’s Supreme Court choice will likely have a far left agenda on every issue, he will make it all about their gender or their race and insist this is why the Republicans do not want his choice nominated because they hate women and are racist. He was even asked in a press conference the other day if he would nominate a moderate and Obama gets this devious grin on his face and said, “I didn’t say that”.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

Pat, you will never cease to amaze.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Thank you Thomas More, but I can’t believe you can watch what Obama does and remain in awe of his policies and his presidency.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Obama fought hard against Supreme Court Justice Alito being nominated and even went so far as to use the filibuster. He now says he regrets it, but this just shows that Democrats would do the same thing as Republicans are doing now and they have. If Obama nominated a moderate, I truly believe that the Republicans would have no problem with accepting his decision. A moderate would be good for the country and for the Supreme Court. This is why Republicans are speaking out now because they know he will not choose a moderate.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

That makes sense.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Mr Obama has the right to nominate a justice. The United States Senate has a right not to take action.

9 years ago

Whoopie Goldberg would make a great nominee. Female, Black and Jewish a triple threat. Plus there’s rumors in Hollywood she’s gay, grand slam.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Won’t the Jewish part offend Barry’s Muslim friends?

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

And Whoopi doesn’t give a Whoop who likes it or not. She is comfortable with who she is. I really like that.

9 years ago

Topix Stooges

Reply to  beezer
9 years ago

Jeeser Beeser, Just trying to have alittle fun.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

We owe gratitude to Mr. G. for dismantling MM at many city council
meetings in the past which led to her being demoted and Bianchi being
thrown out of office

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Just heard from Mr. G., who wanted me to pass this on: Drum Corp
competition consisting of six top Drum corp international units. If
you have never been to an event such as this -you have certainly
missed an event of a lifetime. PRECISION marching and MUSIC to rival
any large group musical entertainment, any where on earth. Reserve the
date-The evening of july 3rd at Whaconah park. You will not be

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics makes things worse concerning population and job loss, its shrinking tax base, its about 70% poverty rate, and GE’s cancer causing PCBs toxic chemicals.
When thousands of people move away from Pittsfield, Pittsfield politics responds by raising municipal taxes.
When thousands of jobs are lost in Pittsfield, Pittsfield politics responds by placing a majority of its residents on welfare assistance and social services programs.
Pittsfield’s most valuable resource is its local residents, but Pittsfield politics invests only in the vested interests.
With about 70% of its residents dependent on welfare and social services, Pittsfield politics only economic growth is in its underclass.
With a sizable underclass, one wonders who is paying municipal taxes in Pittsfield? The Senior Citizen population is slowly dying off, while young families must move away from Pittsfield if they want to work in living wage jobs instead of depending on welfare and social services.
Pittsfield politics finances are unstable and face serious challenges over the next 5 to 10 years. Pittsfield politics responds by raising its yearly municipal budget by about 5%. Meanwhile, Pittsfield politics’ municipal debts are between $250 billion to $500 billion. Pittsfield politics’ debts will never be paid off in our lifetimes. It is likely that Pittsfield politics will become fiscally insolvent and may even face bankruptcy in the future.
Also, Pittsfield politics is still facing GE’s cancer causing PCBs toxic chemical and the fraudulent Consent Decree litigation. Gerry Doyle signed the Consent Decree, and sold out the people of Pittsfield in the process. GE capped a majority of the PCBs in Pittsfield. The caps do not last beyond several decades (about 20 to 30 years). The caps can become ineffective from day one, and therefore they need daily monitoring, which is not done. Pittsfield politcs spent several million dollars from GE’s economic development fund on downtown Pittsfield revitalization instead of investing it into businesses that would actually create living wage jobs.
I declare that Pittsfield politics makes things worse in Pittsfield!
– Jonathan Melle

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Jon -You are correct in what you say. A past Mayoral candidate has
stated- it would be to the city’s advantage to go into bankruptcy. BY
so doing– The city could renogotiate all municipal salaries and
benefits which are at the root of what ails Pittsfield. I have never
ever heard you mention this man’s name and thus your posts are just
ramblings which accomplish nothing. If the city electorate does not
get behind this man- who was beyond any doubt the best Mayoral
candidate- the city will continue to decline to the point that a home
that the taxpayer has been paying for- for decades will have little to
no worth what-so ever. We can not continue to let the city slip into
oblivion. Under Ms. Tyer. it wil definitely continue. Unless the
taxpayers amass in numbers- as the Wizard has said they must– things
will continue to get worse and worse in Pittsfield. WE have heard
plenty of words from you Jonathan but words are worthless. We need
action from all city residents or we can kiss the city good bye.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

You know, I feel like I’ve known the Great One’ all my life. I remember as a little boy of a situation involving a former Veteran who was in distress coming home from a terrible War. At the time I was a religious sort, and being an Altar Boy knew all the prayers, and some in Latin. Authority’s converged on a home one summer day to help the Veteran, it seemed to work. Don’t know if it was the same person, but said a prayer that Day watching it all unfold. Hoped it helped Sir. Thank you for your service to our Country and giving us all a chance for Freedom. And thank all Veterans, everyday.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Two Of PCTV’S best shows. Tonight CH-16- 9pm and 10 pm. Compare and
contrast.The shows you need to see to become an intelligent up to date
citizen in the city of Pittsfield.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
9 years ago

Watching the Valenti show… was fun seeing Marchetti show up…..nice to see the guy has a sense of humor.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

“Hillary for Massachusetts to open Pittsfield office, five others”
The Berkshire Eagle, 2/18/2016

PITTSFIELD — Hillary for Massachusetts on Saturday will open an organizing office in Pittsfield — one of six across the state.

Volunteers and supporters will officially open the offices before going door-to-door in nearby communities, talking to their friends and neighbors about why they believe Hillary Clinton is the only Democratic candidate who can achieve real results for families, especially in underserved communities.

A recent poll of likely Democratic primary voters showed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders leading Clinton by 7 points in the Massachusetts primary race, according to MassLive. The primary will be held March 1.

Offices also will open in Boston, New Bedford, Springfield, Holyoke and Worcester.

Hillary for Massachusetts members will gather at 10 a.m. at the office at 137 North St. to engage supporters and volunteers to be part of the campaign by signing a “Commit to Vote” card, pledging to vote for Clinton in the primary.

Members of the public can sign up at to receive more information about campaign events happening in Massachusetts.

The Public Policy Polling survey showed Sanders with 49 percent to Clinton’s 42 percent.

The poll interviewed likely Democratic primary voters from Feb. 14 to Feb. 16. About 538 people were interviewed in Massachusetts, with automated phone calls to landlines and “online interviews of cell phone only respondents,” according to Public Policy Polling.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percent in Massachusetts.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Hillary is a proven Liar.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Already Tyred
9 years ago

She should have been convicted and imprisoned years ago.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

I detest democrats but as an independent voter I will vote for Sanders as the lying evil witch H-Beast is the spawn of Satan.

BTW, look what the democRAT DNC is doing with it’s “superdelegates” all going to the H-Beast? Why?

How about 6 of six coin tosses and pulling an Ace ve a Six? What are those odds DNC?

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
9 years ago

Now I’m watching the G man…..Go G man

Tim Bartini
Tim Bartini
9 years ago

Dan just my opinion , it seems the clowns are taking over your blog. Too bad it used to be entertaining .

Reply to  Tim Bartini
9 years ago

Planet Valenti is not meant to be entertaining. I think Dan V. would agree that his purpose is to educate. If there is some entertainment along the way that is fine, but that is not his first concern. I don’t speak for Dan V., but I think he would agree.

Tim Bartini
Tim Bartini
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Pat, Sorry but I read it for the entertainment value.

Reply to  Tim Bartini
9 years ago

Aren’t clowns entertaining enough for you.

Russell Moody
Russell Moody
Reply to  Tim Bartini
9 years ago

You just have to ‘skim’ the responses… don’t spend too much time in one spot or you’ll get burned–

Reply to  Tim Bartini
9 years ago

Tim B I would suggest that you concentrate on DV’s blog itself and as someone else said just skim the comments.

Dan consistently high quality for this tremendous amount of output is a definite positive for the community and we should be grateful for it. That and the fact that he allows comments and feedback.

Reply to  Gene
9 years ago

“Dan’s” sorry

Reply to  Gene
9 years ago

Sounds good I guess except that Dan V. is saying much of the same as the bloggers are saying. I think some people are reading this entire blog for entertainment. Why? Because anything that challenges the status quo makes them nervous. They aren’t used to critically thinking about anything and while some of the bloggers on here may say “entertaining” things the majority are saying really thoughtful things. Pittsfield people are used to not thinking deeply about any subjects. This is why the area has so many problems.

Carolyn Barry
Carolyn Barry
Reply to  Tim Bartini
9 years ago

Agreed Tim Bartini!!!

Reply to  Carolyn Barry
9 years ago

Carolyn Barry and Tim Bartini did it ever occur to you to contribute more than just knocking what other people say?
Or dont you have less “clownish” things to add?

Carolyn Barry
Carolyn Barry
Reply to  William
9 years ago

I’m not knocking “constructive remarks” just the ones that should be on topix. Last I read this was planetvalenti.

9 years ago

Hillary For Prision 2016!

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

I agree.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Wish I could vote on that!

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Here is a thought for everyone to think about. How about hiring only
former military personell to become School SUPERINTENDENTS AND
PRINCIPALS? I am sure we can find many former military personell who
would love to come into the public schools and clean up the mess we
have in the public schools in america. One thing we know about former
Military People, is that they are not afraid to do what must be done
to complete their mission. I dare say -that they couldn’t do any worse
than what we have in the milk toast superintendents and principals we
have in all the public schools today. Lets get a common sense
conversation going on this topic. Fire away

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

The former staff at abu ghraib should be up to your challenge.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

Ed Shepardson–Re read the post again. I have seen your past posts and
I am not impressed. What I am saying- is that there must be a better
way to run the schools. What we have today- is a definite failure. You
do not seem to get the jist of many posts and I would summize you
think that we should continue on with the same proven failures that we
presently have. Please get yourself educated so that you won’t
continuously look like an idiot on thise site. What are your ideas to
correct problems in the school system. I bet you are a product of the
Pittsfield Public Schools

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Ya Ed, get with the program. We summize, or is it surmise, that you are a milk toast, or is it milquetoast, and you don’t want military personell, or is it personnel running our schools. Get educated like Donna, will ya.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Jake McCandyass is doing a great job.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

I’m not impressed with my posts either Donna. They are generally not productive and usually just a reaction after reading a really stupid post.

Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

Love the honesty of this, Ed S.
I for one enjoy your posts.

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

The only problem with your idea is this. In the military we defend democracy but don’t practice it. The general public would go nuts. 🙂

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Gaetani with all your supposed money why dont you start your own site. Then if anyone wanted to listen to your drivel they could follow
you there. Your pathetic.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Sonny
9 years ago

Sonny-give one example of anything Gaetani has said that is drivel. It
is you who is pathetic. You can not even string two sentences
together. That is pathetic

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Sonny
9 years ago

were’s you’re grammar?

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Donna, do you mean where’s your grammar? Like I wrote earlier, I only respond to really stupid posts with a special emphasis on really. I pass on the posts that are just plain stupid.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

you missed the sarcasm

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

It takes a certain level of smarts to get sarcasm

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

I see that Lach’s is open again

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Nearly 1 in 10 inmates are vets. However, I am all for preferential hiring for vets, if they are qualified for government positions. They don’t just get to be teachers and administrators without the education.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

I am watching the Antonin Scalia Funeral Mass. His son is the
celebratory priest . In listening to the homily- it makes me think how
short our time on earth is. What is it that all of us seek? iT is not
riches or other material things but the ability to help our fellow
man. If our fellow man is not doing well -we all are not doing well.
We all need to stop and think what our lives are about I believe it is
better to give than take because in giving- we make someone else
content To give contentment to others- is the greatest gift we give
our selves

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

I am with you

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

Bring in the Clowns!

Reply to  Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

or is it…..more clowns?

9 years ago

We fight Wars to be free and when we’re not doing that we fight each other in our own Country, every minute of everyday.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
9 years ago

I’ll settle for the nuns I had running the schools

9 years ago


Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

You have to like the fact that Trump finances his own campaign…sure makes you think about his U S A great again speech.

9 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle ran another article yesterday about how Massachusetts schools are not preparing students for the job market. Their skills are lacking even in basic areas. I think a big part of this is that students have too many days off. This past year in November and December they were only in the classroom for 2 weeks in each of those months thanks to the long Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Add to that a week off in February and in April and only having 11 days in June this year not to mention the entire summer off and numerous holidays throughout the year, its ridiculous. There is more to learn than ever before for these students due to technology, but their actual days in the classroom keep shrinking.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

We all went to School the same hours in a day. The Classroom evolved around teaching and learning. Today, the focus is on testing. The class section has turned from a complete family structure to poverty, and a single parent environment, with no support system for children. Teachers are fighting discipline issues, pressure from Administration on testing. It, along with everything else in our Country is screwed up. I don’t blame it on Class hours… not by a long shot.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

I agree there is too much testing, but we didn’t have all of the technology that they need to learn today mainly revolving around computers, but also other techno stuff. Discipline issues could be solved with less time on their hands and more time in the classroom. In other countries, students spend a lot more time in the classroom than in this country and even their basic skills are much better.

As for single parents, that is a societal issue that is only getting worse. People have to start making better choices for their children by keeping the family unit together and stop having children out of wedlock.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Maybe the teachers should work a little harder. Teachers in Pittsfield average over 60k.

9 years ago

One down (Bush) one to go. As easy as ABC, Anyone But Clinton!

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

Why isn’t the Mayor on the PEDA Board?

Reply to  Miss Vito
9 years ago

Please that board Is bad enough without her

Reply to  Miss Vito
9 years ago

Please that board Is bad enough without her

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

Any minorities on the P E D A B O A R D?

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Bill Q
9 years ago

Not too many available….As of the census[40] of 2000, there were 45,793 people, 19,704 households, and 11,822 families residing in the city. Pittsfield is the largest city by population in Berkshire County, and ranks 27th out of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts. The population density was 1,124.3 people per square mile (434.1/km²), making it the most densely populated community in county and 92nd overall in the Commonwealth. There were 21,366 housing units at an average density of 524.6 per square mile (202.5/km²). The racial makeup of the city in 2010 was 86.9% White, 4.99% African American, 0.14% Native American, 1.16% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.77% from other races, and 1.64% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.04% of the population. Major ancestry groups reported by Pittsfield residents include: Irish 20%, Italian 17%, French 11%, English 10%, German 8%, Polish 7%,Black/African American 5%, French Canadian 4%, Puerto Rican 3%, Scottish 2%, Dutch 2%, Scotch-Irish 1%, Russian 1%, Greek 1%, Ukrainian 1%, Lebanese 1%, Portuguese 1%, Asian Indian 1%, Swedish 1%

Reply to  Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

Yeah but these figures are 16 years out of date. Is current population above 40K? I doubt it.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Quentin
9 years ago

latest figures I could find….could be worse now.

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

I don’t think so?

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

City wants a new fire truck, good idea!

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

First, who is Ed Stevens? Ed Stevens may have disparaged Mr. Gaetani, but Ed Shepardson has not. Second, please identify yourself to us cowards. Third, is there a new cult I haven’t read about? Lastly, I agree that this blog has turned into a laughing stock but for reasons you failed to mention.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

Ed Shepardson– Do not surrender– You seem to be an engaged
individual and you would be missed on this site. Please keep posting.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

I find it difficult to to make sense of you and the rest of The Walking Dead here.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Ed SHepardson– Ed check is Ed Stev. YOUR friend who has tried to
marginalize the Wiz many times. You have tried to marginalize the Wiz
many times. YOU are guilty. Try being a man and admit it. Have you
called the WIZARD? He is waiting to hear from you. He stated he will
be nice to you as he is with everyone else and will try to get you up
to par. The wiz is waiting to hear from you and all other cowards who
post on this site. His tel# is 413 442-5466

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

I surrender, unconditionally.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

wow, The PCB’s are definitely affecting logic.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

I can assure you that I am not Ed Stevenson.

9 years ago

How about them Red Sox?

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Joe- We are not talking about sports now. Sports have contributed
immensely to the dumbing down of the american taxpayer. There is a
time and place for sports but not now. Do you have anything to
contribute to the topic at hand?

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

Really don’t want to get in a pissing contest.

Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

I didn’t know you were moderator of this site. Weekends are open for all comments. Yours no more important than any other persons.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Does anybody have a problem leaving messages on this site at times?

9 years ago

Planet Valenti is doing GOOD in this city already. Baby steps. People who don’t like this site shouldn’t come on this site.

9 years ago

Do our public schools have a drug testing mechanism ( piiss test)?

9 years ago

Topix rejects always want to spoil the party.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Must be a Trump supporter?

9 years ago

Gaetani supporter!