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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3, 2016) — Do you hear the one about the “anti-freeze” leak. It, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, sent noxious-smelling fumes through Taconic High School yesterday. Kids by the dozens texted their parents, but the school kept everyone in class …

… which tells us, according to a well-placed administrative staffer who understandably asked not to be named, that the redolent incident “was a set-up job.” Essentially, our source told THE PLANET, the “incident” involved a harmless substance meant to cause alarm but putting no one in danger.

A Telling Q-and-A

Q: Was it a student prank? Answer: “I don’t know for sure, but it doesn’t seem so at this point.”

Q: Why, we asked, would this be done? Answer: “Who knows. Maybe to make sure no one tries to derail the school building project?” It was a rhetorical question. Our source then asked us to recall last winter, when well-meaning inmates from Bowler’s Holiday Ranch took pick axes, jack-hammers, carrot peelers, and and Veg-O-Matics to slice’n’dice the THS roof, ostensibly for “snow removal.” It just so happened that the hack job caused the roof to leak and backers of building a new THS to scream, “See? The building’s a mess!” When $200,000,000 million is on the line, no Done Deal is ever “done” enough.

Q: From what over-tilled brain did this fishy event emerge? In other words, who ordered the hit? At this, our source became Marcel Marceau, doing the “Three Monkeys” bit: hearing, seeing, and telling no evil. In other words, lacking a better explanation, it could well be that the incident is another piece of fake evidence to “prove” the building “is falling apart.” The oligarchs (a.k.a. The Suits) want that school built, literally at any cost.

The Right Honorable PSC Chairwoman Checks In

Fumegate provides a decent barometer of the level of integrity to be found presently among PSD administrators and the city school committee.

Speaking of professional integrity, for which one strong measure is accountability, THE PLANET heard from unaccountable PSC chairwoman Kathy Yon. Yes, we heard — but not a whole heck of a lot. You’ll recall Lady Boots ignored our request for a response to THE PLANET’s criticisms of the great job she’s doing shilling for the department and ignoring citizens. That was the same request that PSD school supt. Jason “Jake” JIV McCandless answered for himself and on behalf of his administrative subordinates.

THE PLANET persisted with Her Lady, sending this note on Monday:

You ignored my group invitation, which the superintendent answered on behalf of Kristen and Joe. You, as school committee chair, cannot be included in his response. Therefore, let me extend to you this call to appear as guests on my TV show and comment on THE PLANET’s posting about the school committee. I have, as you know, posted regularly on the PSC. In fact, you are a topic on today’s column on THE PLANET. I am eager to give you the chance to respond.

I can get you on the show as early as this coming Thursday, Feb. 4, @ 7 p.m. If that is not convenient, I can do it on the first Thursday following that is convenient for you. This being the beginning of the budget season, the public would benefit from your appearance on the TV show and on the blog. You should be more than ready to defend past policies and current requests in the face of my questioning.

Let me know if you wish to be on the show and when and if you want to submit a comment or article for THE PLANET. Let me remind you that you have a responsibility to respond to media requests. There is case law that has clearly established this. 

On Tuesday, we received the following response:


I respectfully decline your invitation to appear on your show or to respond to your blog.

——– 000 ——–

At least JIV put “Dear” in front of our name.

Thus, we can say that the good Lady fulfilled her obligation to respond with her one-sentence text. Why didn’t she ignore our second query? Could it be that last sentence mentioning “case law?”

There Are No Such Things as Accidents in P’ville

Think back to our opening about Fumegate. Doesn’t that “accident” convince you like nothing else has or will that the city of Pittsfield needs a $200 million new THS?

THE PLANET thought as much.

Beware, folks. It’s budget time, and the vultures are circling.


“Her mind is Tiffany-twisted.”The Eagles, from “Hotel California,” (1977).




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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield’s population, including the number of public school students, is shrinking. Pittsfield should have one high school. The new Taconic High School is unnecessary. Start over and plan for one high school for Pittsfield.
On another subject, I am happy that William “Smitty” Pignatelli declined to run for Berkshire State Senator. Instead, Smitty Pignatelli is going to run for an 8th 2-year term as Lenox State Representative. I wonder who is going to run for Berkshire State Senator this year of 2016? Probably another Democratic Party political hack!
I believe that Dan Valenti should simplify his analysis of Pittsfield politics instead of going after specific local politicians. We all know that Pittsfield politics is made up of political hacks who run the Good Old Boys’ club that serves the vested and special interests at the expense of the hard hit taxpayers.
Break it down. Pittsfield politics is corrupt and never changes except for the names and faces like the lovely Linda Tyer, who appointed her cronies to city hall positions. Pittsfield politics raises yearly taxes by about 5% per year, all in the name of the children.
The local politicians who decline to comment on Dan Valenti’s blog do not want to hear alternative or different points of view. They just want to do the same things year and year out that has caused Pittsfield to lose population, jobs, and businesses.
– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Adam Hinds is running for Ben’s seat – I presume his resume is loaded with success in his endeavors and his willingness to steward the taxpayer’s money?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Wow! Adam Hinds is really qualified to run for Berkshire State Senator! I would vote for him if I still lived in Western Massachusetts! I never met him, but I am very impressed by his awesome professional background.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Not impressed at all. If AH is the best we can do we are in deep deep do do. Somebody, anybody, please run. AH is a gob bootlicker.

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

These people are terrified about going on the Dan Valenti show. Real questions from taxpayers looking into fiscal issues? No way Hose.

By the way, just what is the racial diversity at the Mercer building? On the school committee? On the superintendents staff? Is any of it reflective of the student body in Pittsfield? Did Mr Bianchi ever level the playing field or is it still as white as snow.

Why are a bunch of well to do white folk making all of the decisions for an ever changing student population?

Jose can you see
Jose can you see
Reply to  Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

Johnny Dingo. No way Hose? Love it!

9 years ago

Mrs yon and Mr mccandless are not supposed to be on the same team,Mr mccandless should see Mrs yon as a adversary role meant to be a check and balance against out of control spending to improve data. Most of the behavior programs don’t work and instead of keeping a program that does not work and adding more programs,simply redirect that money and try something new…..sped has many high paid administrators who sit and hide….phs no one should be on a school Roof except a professional roofing co…..they are covered by a thin membranes that are not to be walked on

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

That’s just not true Change, by law. The School Committee is not adversarial to the school administration, nor are they meant to be. They are definitely supervisory, as a board of directors is to a CEO, but not adversarial. The School Committee IS supposed to have both the interests of the School system and the taxpayer in mind though, as their ONLY real responsibilities are to approve budget and spending and hire a Superintendent. That is ALL they do.

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Seems like they talk about all kinds of stuff at the meetings

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Thanks Barry

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

There are no check and balance in Pittsfield not on the council and not on school committee

Reply to  painter
9 years ago

I agree. The schools get everything they want thanks to our mayor and councilors for at least the last 20 years.

9 years ago

Did you know that it would be cheaper to pay the real estate tax bill for parents if they keep them in the pittsfield schools than it is to loose them to lenox……..southeast pittsfield is northeast lenox,and if you live in northeast lenox you already know this……here is reality going forward. …go to morningside school or go to Morris elementary in lenox…….morningside, crosby need leaders not knucklehead s….data drives how people see students,student ,and students who live in the hood are pre judged by the data…..for once higher.leaders

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

What do you see as major problem at Morningside School?

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Morningside is a chaotic school environment. No learning really occurs there. The teachers and paras do their best, but there is no support from the well paid folks at the top to stem the chaos and the disruptive kids kill the academic atmosphere for everyone else.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Thanks Southeast

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Which is not uncommon in the city as a whole and which for the most part explains why most of the teachers and other school employees send their kids out of town for a decent attempt at education.

It is a gross waste of taxpayer dollars and is not a question any superintendent would want to be asked about on the Dan Valenti show or anywhere else.

9 years ago

Pittsfield is flint ,problem is pittsfield thinks it better than flint…..Allendale school,anybody,anybody it only a few iq points….that is what they told the parent of a student in flint……Mrs yon knows Allendale, I hope she knows the history of the swamp at allendale, being head of school committee is bigger than saying thank you for doing your job……how do you thank people for teaching in the Allendale school building,how

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

I wish Change would devote a bit more energy and effort to spelling and grammar.

Jose can you see
Jose can you see
Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

Please tell me that “Change” did not graduate from the Pittsfield school system

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Jose can you see
9 years ago

Change does not have a skin from any institution.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Pittsfield is not Flint. Pittsfield is not the result of three generations of whites stealing from the African American workers that General Motors imported from the South as a cheap alternative to white union labor.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Yeah, thats what happened.! Corrupt democrats weren’t involved at all.

who farted?
who farted?
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

I thought the problem was taking the land away from the native Indians.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  who farted?
9 years ago

Did I mention a political party? Democrats are as committed to lining their own pockets as Republicans.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

Its around nine o’clock A.M. The midnight to eight shift has hit the sack. ’bout time for Southeast, Roberto, Vic Pat and the rest to take over.

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

and I see you made it on time as well….

9 years ago

Flint said the water is safe,pittsfield said the school is safe……lying.there is no time for grammar when exposing a school system…..superintendent is subordinate to the school committee, school committee has the power to tell the subordinate superintendent how to spend money in the budget.
They may be friendly or advaserial

9 years ago

Spagirl….principles that walk their building all day,leadership when hiring principles. .
……..this is the budget we have been given,let’s stop winning and get it done……when the school committee and the superintendent whine. ,so do principles and teachers

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

You keep saying you got nothing for me
Something you called love,but confess
You been messin where you shouldn’t been messin
And now someone is getting your less
These boots are made for walking and that’s what your
Gonna do
You keep lying when you oughta be truth in
And you keep losing when you oughta not bet…..

9 years ago

Mccandless is capable of great leadership.he needs to get up 1 morning and have a life changing experience. ..he so far has taken the well traveled road to taxpayer ruin…..Allendale, morningside, and crosby have very strong staffs,there are no sissies working in those buildings…there are great ladies and gentlemen. ……hire leaders…..most are lightweight s… in pittsfield ma is not for the meek Mrs yon types,take off your high heels and get to work….I would suggest putting your office desk out in the main hallways

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

​Maybe we should have everyone in Pittsfield choice their kids into​ the lenox schools. We could dump all the high salaries in the PSD and their PEBs and come out ahead even though we’d be giving more money to Lenox……Ths would free up cops who are in the schools all day and those cty workers who fix things in the schools too. Think of the heating cost savings.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

That’s funny change, maybe they can c put a bucket next to the desks and catch the rain water?? Wherever that may be?

who farted?
who farted?
9 years ago

Not to worry. The toxic fumes the sitting duck students were forced to breath will not effect their health for many years to come.
Most will not even remember the incident when receiving medical treatment and will not connect their health problems to these toxic gasses.

Unlike Flint where the damage to children is already self evident and laws have been passed where families cannot sue. Remember the PCBs in the ground on Taconic land – mums the word.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  who farted?
9 years ago

Infestation of PCB ridden urchins is evident in Pittsfield standardized test scores.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Vic, are there PCBs in donuts?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  who farted?
9 years ago

who farted, not me and I have nothing to do with THS

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
9 years ago

There were four candidates who qualified for the mayoral ballot last year. One of the four if elected would have started the budget reduction process and we would not be discussing McCandless whining about money. In the next municipal election cycle let us all remember this.

9 years ago

The PSC is derelict in its responsibility to provide oversight on school administration. Caint blame the supt. for asking for the sun the sky and the moon. I would too if its my dept. Problem for taxpayers like me and my family is that PSC grants all the wishes and then some. These Boots are made fer walking and that just what I hope they do– Walk far far away Ms Yon and the PSC remainders …..

Reply to  Yeller
9 years ago

That’s exactly right.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
9 years ago

I think it’s time to start a dump the PSC chumps campaign.

9 years ago

The kicker is the taxpayer is giving them a stipend to do the work for agendas and crony goings on that benefits them?

Reply to  Beezerdo
9 years ago

Yeah $24,000 plus ,a total waste. I like robertos idea that we start a dump the PSC campaign. Im in!

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
9 years ago

Hey kid, where is you grammar?

She lives across the street with grandpa.

Vic Wilson
Vic Wilson
9 years ago

Now Dan says the new school will cost 200 million. Next week he’ll say it will cost 250 million! Dan where do you get you figures?

ashley waters
ashley waters
9 years ago


9 years ago

Tyer is the only shot we got and if she goes down the usual path just pack it in and wait for the bill and pay it till you can’t pay it.mayor tyer knows why she was elected and she may not care who elected her,we will see what side she’s on….if I were a betting man she s being advise to leave the schools alone

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

The SIGs live and breath for the school budget. Without it they would disperse and find other feeding grounds. It is the golden Fleece. Emphasis on the word Fleece.

9 years ago

The woes of education in pittsfield ma are not about education as much as it is about a dreadful economy, that is why we need a long range plan to consolidate and get a grip on this budget,we need to get small…..Allendale, morningside,crosby….1200 of our kids…it’s time to stop throwing money away and figure out the best way to spend money on these kid…it’s not funny anymore to think data,data,data… can’t teach kids that have trauma, got to deal with trauma of mom getting beat up by her drugging boyfriend who’s turned mom on to herion. ..these are crimes and it’s time to stop throwing baloney at kids to see what stick sin the data speech to the Dan ellias, Kathy yons

9 years ago

Curtis loves data,as the world around him fall apart he on the phone to eberwien asking him how to present new data,eberwien still farms students from pittsfield through the principles email system….they never go completely away

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

and isn’t eberwein the “dir. of education” at Eagleton the school caught up in the abuse scandal?

9 years ago

Are there 12 year old gang affiliated 5th graders in our grammar schools….Allendale we hear…that is the word on the street

9 years ago

I’m done,you know enough……mccandless will move on,curtis will move on and we as usual will be stuck with the bill…..knucklehead s in charge of the 3 grammar schools…redirect money,don’t add new money…they change the names of programs,same program and call it by a different name say it’s new same people

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

look like a couple of sumo wrestlers squeezing a grape

9 years ago


9 years ago

Mrs yon won’t respond to the home owners message board …she thinks planet valenti is not mainstream

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Planet is not mainstream. Thats what makes it the dominant force in local politics

9 years ago

I would suggest we all tell family and friends to choice out of pittsfield, if you do this you can’t go wrong….we can make them shrink….right now would be a perfect time for a charter school in pittsfield at St marks school….you can easily do 500 kids there….charter AR sacred heart…both are perfect locations east and west…st marys,st joe high …buy it charter schools

9 years ago

While watching Ordinance and Rules, was particularly impressed with the Clerk. Way to go Clerk.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

I once saw the Planet having lunch with Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain, at Ma Kethcum’s all you can eat in Philly, I think?