(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2016) — Welcome to March. In like a Hillary, out like a Trump.
Since Pittsfield state rep. Triscuit Faraway Tralalla Boomdier has dragged THE PLANET into it, we have no choice but to return fire.

“Triple chins and free donuts for all!” True, it’s not exactly “54-40 or Fight,” but, hey, what do you want at these prices? (PHOTO: iBerkshires)
This past weekend in the mainstream media, TFTB endorsed Hillary for President by invoking Yours Truly in the lead-up to today’s Super Tuesday primary voting in Massachusetts and elsewhere. Triscuit wrote: “Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person on THE PLANET to be the next US president.”
THE PLANET knows this is not true. The most qualified person on THE PLANET to run for Prez is our good pal, Donald Trump. The only close second would be Terry Kinnas. Trump and Hillary prove the political dictum that while men posture and pontificate, woman nag and nitpick. Obviously, there are exceptions, but they prove the rule.
Shagging for Hillary
Being the “kept” property of the State Democratic Machine, of course, Triscuit has to put out when her pimps tell her to shag, and over the weekend, she shagged for Hillary. OK. We get that. Politics is soiled business. If you wanted morality and integrity, the last place you’d go other than the Catholic Church is with a nobody politician in a nothing legislative seat from a forgotten district — you know, someone like Triscuit.
Speaking of the Catholic Church, I would add Robert Frost to Pope Francis’ reading list, specifically, the bit about not building a wall until you know whom you’re walling in or out. The Pope is the last guy to be critical of wall building. He lives in a city-state surrounded by a high, thick stone wall.
Getting back to Triscuit’s endorsement, she has this “ilk” of a paragraph:
“Secretary Clinton reflects my progressive values and has the ability to accomplish our shared goals of addressing income inequality, debilitating college debt, environmental injustice, our crumbling infrastructure and our terrible campaign financing laws. And in the complicated, sometimes scary world that we live in, I trust that Secretary Clinton has an understanding of international issues and the problem-solving ability to keep us safe.”
Where to begin? First, TFB should be told that Clinton is no longer Secretary of State. Second, notice in the litany of “progressive values,” there’s not one mention of beleaguered taxpayers. All of the “values” Triscuit mentions are aspects of the social engineering Democrats have successfully applied to diminish the once great Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Or haven’t you noticed how, for example, the phrase “income inequity” becomes code for providing every bum and moocher a free ride on the middle class’ broken back?
WHEN!? How About Never. Yeah, Never Will Do Us Just Fine
Triscuit’s actual values have, judging by appearances, include many midnight raids of the fridge and all the free donuts she can eat. We won’t even start with Hillary. True, Trump wears a Davy Crockett cap on his head and loves orange skin, but the white around his eyes at least give us the assurance that his vanity is a conscious choice and not the result of societal convention.
Trish mentions WHEN!, how the group “caught fire” during “a climate of frustration in the city. You might say it was a little revolution right here in our own community.” It “caught fire,” all right, and the blaze helped torch what little was left of responsible government in the city of Pittsfield. In other words, Feel the Burn, Shire City citizens and taxpayers.
TFB’s endorsement (“I am woman, hear me bore”) continues speaking in tongues, mentioning “gender issues, social justice, environmental justice, economic justice.” That’s a heck of a lot of “justice.” We get it, already, Trish. You want the good times to roll for “just us.” She tells us she knows “that fighting for justice means that I am given the label of liberal, and it is a term I wear as a badge of honor.”
Trish, come on, babe. Tell the truth. If we go by results, “fighting for justice” means screwing the rapidly disappearing middle-class out of every penny possible and giving it to deadbeats to keep them voting “Democrat” or, better still, to keep them in apathy and ignorance so they won’t vote at all.
Trish, though you can’t admit it, that’s what your “ilk” really wants. You don’t want We The People getting involved in the process, and we have to say, you’ve done a great job in that respect. That’s how you ensure that the oligarchs that own you can stay in power.
THE PLANET endorses Donald Trump for President.
“Harping should be limited to musical instruments.” — Charmaine Smith Ladd.
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Trump! Trump! Trump!
I agree with everything you say about Tricia Farley Bouvier. She is only worried about her own meal ticket in endorsing Hillary. Tricia Farley Bouvier needs to be voted out and has done NOTHING for Berkshire County.
I will be voting for Ted Cruz today. I think he is the best candidate. I hope Berkshire County is smart enough to realize that Hillary and Bernie are Not what this country and the Berkshires need. After 8 years of progressive politics, the Berkshire have never been in worse shape and the rest of the country isn’t doing much better. The progressives just want to keep us fighting each other so they can continue to get more power. This is why their divide and conquer tatics to win elections have been so successful.
A vote for Cruz is a vote for sending someones sons and daughters off to war in the Mideast. He will escalate that quagmire into a full scale war and hundreds of thousands more will die needlessly. He is a psycho. He is the worst choice possible.
I don’t agree. Cruz is not a person to let his emotions make his decisions like with Trump. Trump is all over the map. If it comes down to Hillary vs. Trump, I will vote for Trump, but only because I think Hillary is much worse.
It’s sad that after all this time of leading up to choosing the presidential candidates that we will possibly end up with two (Hillary and Trump) who are in my opinion not the best choices. Trump is a wildcard. Nobody knows what he will do in office. I’ve heard him say things that are not conservative at all. I worry he could go too far to the left. Hillary is not even an option in my opinion, but that doesn’t stop the sheep of Berkshire County from voting for her. She can’t be trusted on national security and wants to stir up tensions between people just as Obama has done.
An objective look shows that you are correct, PAT, in your comments about TFB. She has done nothing for the county. She occupies a back bench in the legislature simply for voting as the party Bosses tell her to vote. In fact, TFB is one of those Berkshire County Democrats who have become so brainwashed by her captors that she actually believes in the “progressive” agenda she touted in her endorsement of Hillary. This means, of course, that TFB does not represent anyone but the Bosses and herself. The former “takes care” of the latter. Where, for example, in the Dreaded Private Sector, could TFB get a job making what she makes as a state rep? No where. That’s where. Give me Connell. Give me Bloomberg. Give me “anybody but …”
I would vote for Bloomberg.
I’m for Bernie all the way. Don’t let anyone convince you that “it’s over” after today. There are 34 states to go!!
Bernie got smoked in a landslide’s landslide in South Carolina, which backed Hillary 3-to-1. Even when Bernie “wins” the Bosses make sure that Hillary gets the superdelegates. Hillary is inevitable as the Democrat nominee.
Cruz is a nut job, like most of the candidates! People are sick of where we currently are and this is why Trump is striking such a nerve. Unfortunately, he is just “smoke and mirrors”! Has he said anything that was not divisive and moronic?
The sad state of our politicians running for our countries highest office does not bode well for any of us in the coming election.
Ted Cruz is not even a natural born citizen. He was born in Canada and is not qualified to be President. He is also a liar. Talk about a wasted vote. Especially in Massachusetts.
Trump will be the next US President unless the powers that be asssasinate him. The people want him. Overwhelmingly.
Trump has promised that Hillary will be prosecuted under his administration. He says he will audit the FED which is the very thing that got JFK assasinated.
If they do allow Trump to become President (which they won’t), they will allow the economy to finally crash and then blame it on him.
Trump is by far thee best candidate for the job. Absolutely.
However, something tells me they will cut him down before he can serve.
You all do realize that most of Trump’s platform is DEMOCRAT…. right? The Planet supports someone that is between Sanders and Hillary?
More in between Hillary and W Bush
What are you saying. Trumps wants socialism like Bernie?
or maybe you are saying Hillary wants to build a wall on the boarder.
Whoever said that you must be a democrat or a republican?
You must be squeezed into a mold?
Did you know Al Gore was once against abortion as was JFK?
Irregardless of what Trump is, he is the man.
He chooses to run on the Republican ticket.
So be it.
A President should do what is right within the rule of law.
Trump will undoo all the damage Bush/Obama have done.
You think Hillary or Bernie will do that?
vote Trump, FYI there is no such word as “Irregardless”.
More or less, SHH, that is correct. Trump is the only guy running that has a track record of working with both sides of the aisle. The hip new term for that ability in today’s warped politics is “hypocrisy.” I prefer to call it what it is: Bipartisanship.
I love Cruz. He isn’t as over the top as Trump and its not all about his personality. He is much more conservative than Trump.
I think Hillary should be prosecuted for what she has done. Cruz would do that too.
I also worry they may do something to Trump to stop him.
Cruz –yes–was born in Canada by both parents being then the U.S. citizen, so what is big deal?
Trump is stronger and better.
Cruz is against LGBT meshugener madness, so I am with him and Trump is My President.
Nearly the entire Pittsfield politics’ establishment is behind Hillary Clinton, not just Tricia Farley Bouvier! Most of the former WHEN group is behind Hillary Clinton, too.
What do you think about David Duke’s KKK endorsement of Donald Trump? Trump is the “anti” candidate.
I support Hillary Clinton for U.S. President. She is a wonderful person who supports Human Rights and progress for everyone.
– Jonathan Melle
It might raise a red flag if the entire Pittsfield establishment is behind a particular candidate.
JONATHAN: You have nailed it, once again. Trmp is the “anti-candidate.” That is the PERFECT description for him as a political phenomenon.
Unfortunately, his followers don’t understand that almost everything he is promising will need Congressional support. .and that’s where reality will smack em in the face
He’s campaigning as if he’s gonna proclaim himself a Monarch.. or suspend the Constitution..
Go Trump
Today’s criticism of Democrats and politicians is exactly the subterfuge that establishment politicians want you to believe. Fear the different. Fear the poor. Accountability is gone. Money is not used up. It transfers from workers, to spenders, to hoarders.
your elected officials are not the stooges of the poor, the non-Caucasians, and the downtrodden. They are the stooges of the wealthy that are going to get your money whether you like it or not.
I know the system is rigged against me. I know my ability to become wealthy is limited in spite of my willingness to work hard. But – if I work hard, and get educated I will do better. Maybe not billionaire better, but better. I would rather know that if I do better I can keep what I earn than have some politician believe it is mine to give to some non-working, non-contributing lazy bastard.
So better for a politician to take from you and give to the wealthy than for our society to have compassion?
I am surprised this page hasn’t attacked the somewhat autonomous PHA for providing housing and support services to the elderly and the disabled.
Reminds me of a local store owner who bitched and moaned about all the Food Stamp users who come to his store … etc.. I wonder if he ever realized that those people were a majority of his business.
Especially if it’s a package store with a ATM.
Well put, SE
Southeast, nice, well said!
Had 16 years of establishment Republicain & Democrate. Why not give Trump 4 years, couldn’t screw it up as bad as BushObama era.
Correction 32 years Bush 1 + 2.Willie, Barry
It’s a little long, but funny AND the truth. Please watch before marking the dot next to trump’s name.
I’ll be voting for Trump today. One of the writers above put it best, he’s the “anti candidate.” I’m sick of “all of the above” and Trump has locked into that.
JAMES, see my comments regarding JONATHAN’s word, “anti-candidate.”
“Triple chins and free donuts for all!”
Way to stay objective
Telling it like it is, thas’all.
Very slow at the polls
Hillary for Prison 2016!
Donald Trump will NEVER be president of the U.S.!
Mike Bloomberg has no chance. If he runs a strong campaign with a good organization and shows that he might have pulse TFB’s ‘friends’ will find a third candidate for the primary. It might even be Pete White again as he won’t have to give up his at-large seat this time around. TFB will get her 38% again and the other two and none of the above will split what’s left over. She’s useless to us but she’s all we get. Last year she raked in $69,542 plus per diem travel pay for every day that the General Court is in session. FYO the GC is in session every day. How much do you get paid to drive to work?
Had we been as discernible about the Mayoral election as we are the Presidency we could have had G@etani as mayor, with a sure shot of savings at the water plant and a overall budget decrease of seven percent. Cr@ig is no different than Trump in this aspect as he is also self funded, and owes nobody anything. One thing you can say about him is he’s in the trenches. I personally would liked to have seen him as Mayor.
Amen Cat and good comparison. Also, Trump is being sidetracked with the Duke question, and Gaetani with the false allegations and discrepancy with the telephone recording.
Hillary Crimeton is one of the nastiest people you’d ever encounter. Just ask anyone who’s ever been assigned to her Secret Service detail.
One time a uniformed US marine was assigned to her detail.
She said, “Here, carry my briefcase.”
Marine replied, “I’m sorry, ma’am, I’m not allowed to carry anything. I must have both hands free, for your protection.”
The gentle-lady proceeded to rain down expletives upon the marine.
Nice person.
With mazzio and bouvier bankrupcy will be here sooner than we think.
TFB and L T are the same kind of politician.
Biggest event of the night…Brian Williams is back.
I was happy to cast my vote for John Kasich.