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Second of Two Parts

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 2016) — In Pittsfield, Shannon Grant money is used on children 10 to 20 years old. The city has 44 kids enrolled in a program called Pittsfield Community Connections (PCC) — another program with a catchy nickname, another few administrative jobs created, and lots of money thrown at a problem it can’t solve or even address. The same can be said of the Crane Foundation’s $100,000 awarded to the Brien Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse. The money will go toward “youth substance abuse education and prevention services.” Pittsfield has had at least a full generation of drug education for youngsters. The only tangible result has been spiraling use.

The center will pour the money into the bottomless well known as the Patrick Miller Youth Substance Abuse Program (PMYSAP). Stop THE PLANET if you’ve heard this one before.

“This grant will enable us to expand the delivery of prevention education services to youth in our community,” said Christine Macbeth. “Given the seriousness of the current opipoid epidemic in Massachusetts, treatment is often the focus. This grant allows us to work on the preventative measures that will reduce the number of youth and young adults falling into substance dependency.”

Let THE PLANET be the first to predict the failure of the well-intended do-gooding. In fact, THE PLANET is taking the “over,” that the 100Gs will drive up in kids’ drug use. We base this educated gamble on the decades of data that show such a correlation.

A Fumbling Alphabet Soup

Both PCC and PMYSAP are part of an alphabet soup of social services agencies that depend on gang violence, drug epidemics, dropouts, and the like for their existences. These agencies provide jobs, and their politics tend to be ultra liberal, since they owe their existence to what we might call The Drug War Dividend. It takes a lot of personnel to execute drug confiscations, forfeiture of assets, and criminal activity on the prosecution side, and education, intervention, screening, and treatment on the prevention side. The only problem is that both prosecution and prevention do not work. No matter how much money we as a city, state, and nation throw into the War on Drugs and the War on Gang Violence, it has not and will not stop the alarming growth. Only a change of heart and will can do that.

Drug use and gang activity are expected consequences when massive numbers of people have children without taking on the responsibility of parenting. What would work? Three solutions would be to adopt means testing for new parents, ease adoption laws, and legalize drugs. The first two would ensure that more newborn babies would end up in loving households. The second would unclog local law enforcement agencies and give supremacy to free will.

PCC interim director Scott Murray, of course, was delighted to hear of the Shannon Grant. It gives him a bit more job security. He didn’t say this, of course, but hid it in a cliche-ridden statement about PCC as “a dynamic program to offer our cities at risk youth viable options for a successful future in our communities.”

Murray’s counterpart at the Brien Center is James Mucia, who directs the center’s Child and Adolescent Services. Mucia also went to the cliche storage room in praising the Crane money: “As addiction problems increase, this grant will allow our staff to be prepared for working with youth and families to beat addiction issues. We will also be able to tackle the issue of substance abuse before it becomes a problem.”

Do you see the logical disconnect?

  1. Addiction is increasing, as Macbeth, Murray, and Mucia acknowledge.
  2. This is in spite of the countless number of dollars previously wasted for years on the same types of programs as PCC and the PMYSA.
  3. It is therefore illogical to make any claim on “beating addiction” or addressing it “before it becomes a problem.”

Addiction and gang violence become problems when a young man or woman chooses to imbibe. There’s no “sickness” here, only an act of will. The only true solution comes “cold turkey” and that person makes an equally free-will choice to quit and take advantage of the multitude of ways that America allows for individuals to succeed. It’s not easy. It might be the most difficult thing a person will ever do. Nonetheless it can be done.

In the deepest part of ourselves, there is a life force that, if given the chance, can burst out of its captivity and into daylight. People find it every day.


“Stop the world! I want to get off.”The Arctic Monkeys, song title ripped-off from the musical of the same name.



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Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

This would be a good time us to draft Dan for State Senate, Adam Hinds is like the kid in the back of the class raising his hand frantically to the teacher. Pick Me, Pick Me Please…

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Great thought, Ron. I would love to see a movement to draft Dan V for state senate. He’s not a politicians, he’s the smartest guy in the room, and he’s the most courageous and unafraid public figure around. We used to call it “plucky.”

How would we go about doing this?

9 years ago

I think Matt Kerwood would make an excellent State MSenator.

Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

Yea and Terry Kinnas took care of that. Thank gawd.

9 years ago

All these grants do is enable people to continue to spiral downwards with drug abuse. The words co-dependency and dysfunctional also describe the relationship between these programs and the people they are intended to help. A better idea, and virtually cost free or low cost, would be to show these people examples of those who have quit drugs and how much better their lives are without having to constantly take drugs.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

paid for with taxes on households and businesses that drain prosperity out of the community

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics’ only growth is people with social problems. Downtown Pittsfield is known as social services alley. About 70% of local residents in Pittsfield live in poverty and rely on welfare assistance and social services programs.
I feel sorry for the children who grow up in the underclass in places like Pittsfield and North Adams. They don’t have opportunities that made our nation great. They grow up in the cycle of poverty, violence, substance abuse, etc.
Pittsfield is going to lose about 500 jobs this year of 2016 when Sabic Plastics moves away. Pittsfield is losing thousands of people and jobs. Pittsfield’s senior citizens are slowly passing away. The only thing left in Pittsfield is the growing underclass.
Pittsfield politics makes things worse! Pittsfield politics is made up of the corrupt Good Old Boys club of insider one political party political hacks. Instead of investing in the people, Pittsfield politics only invests in the vested interests. The lovely Linda Tyer will be presenting her FY2017 municipal budget soon. I predict yet another 5% increase in the municipal budget!
– Jonathan Melle

Hugh G Rection
Hugh G Rection
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Contribute new material to the conversation or start a blog about how bad Amherst NH is!!

9 years ago

Thanks Dan for your commentary today. I would think L T could get her picture in the news with something more important to the hard working people of Pittsfield than the arts. I really don’t think that all the people who lost there jobs care about the arts . And how about the drug problems. I would like to see the mayor address more pressing problems in Pittsfield than the arts.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  painter
9 years ago

Painter I agree–Tyer has appeared at a lot of light weight photo ops. So far- nothing of any significance from her. The SIGS are lined up to see what kind of raises she is going to be giving them of their loyalty at the ballot box. I also agree with Spa Girl- that the council doesn’t hear a word spoken by individuals who speak in the open session at the CC Meetings. I’m not sure that everyone gets the full three minutes. I’ll be watching a replay and I time the speakers myself to find out what’s going on.

9 years ago

There is a War on Everything.
Currently the Donald Trump rising is all about War on the Government. People sure are fed up with everything. He is their outlet. It is interesting to watch
A brief thought about Public Comments before City Council Meetings.
I watch the body language of the City Council. They could care less. It is a total waste of their time. Just Saying.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

People are following Trump because they are so sick and tired of the phoney scum bag politicians.

9 years ago

Guess it could be worst. Mayor of Ithaca N.Y is proposing to have a building where addicts could boot up. They would be staffed with a nurse and Doctor.

9 years ago

A great book about the nitty gritty of the drug culture and its price on mankind is THE CORNER by David Simon and Edward Burns. It is a New York Times book of the year 1997 and quite captivating once you get into it.

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Saw it on HBO several years ago. Pretty powerful.

Darren Lee
Darren Lee
9 years ago

Run for office ? Dan I thought these posters were your friends !!

9 years ago

sometimes you need a placeholder until someone else can step in to do the job. Dan has a job, and no matter what you think – servicing constituent requests takes time and hard work. Even though these guys are told how to vote, they do serve some value when you have something needing State Government attention and you can’t navigate the maze of the bureaucracy.

Maybe Dan could groom an aid – the way Peter Webber groomed Jane Swift to take over. This job is all about constituent service. The players have zero power r effect anyway, since it’s run by the two or three on top.

9 years ago

Matt Kerwood for Senate!

9 years ago

Great article Dan. Broken homes = broken children. The family is the cornerstone of society, and when the liberal social engineers promote radical new marriage concepts, and our reps like Ben Dowling support “the bathroom bill” which enable people to “choose” which gender they “feel” like – no wonder our kids are confused!! Drugs take away the pain! There are no longer any absolutes! I believe Ronald Reagan said it best, “You know, man in his entire history has adopted about 4 billion laws – and we haven’t improved the Ten Commandments an iota.”
And who gets to pay for this messed up society in the form of counselors and service organizations – the lowly taxpayer!

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

That’s progress,baby!