(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016) — Carl Michael Yastrzemski.
The Man Called Yaz.
Number 8.
This is the ballplayer who authored what is considered the greatest all-around season in MLB history. We speak, of course, of Yaz’s exploits with the bat and glove in the magical year of The Impossible Dream, 1967.
Why do we start on THE PLANET today in this unusual manor, putting the spotlight on Yaz?
Because we can.
True, there’s a reason for this tribute, but we shall keep it confined for the “Eyes Only” file here at The Fortress. Suffice it to say that our words, while they can and will be appreciated by the general audience of baseball fans and those who cherish greatness in any endeavor, will serve a much more specific and benign purpose with a much smaller audience (in number).
Now just to get y’all thinking, the setting for the secret in this message is A-D-h-s-V T-9-k16l visual.binary.
See after the disclaimer three of our favorite photos of Carl.
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Coffee with Bloomberg, Black and Straight Up
Yesterday, THE PLANET had coffee with Mike Bloomberg, who’s running for the Democrat nod for Pittsfield state representative. He will be trying to knock off —not knock up, we are pleased to say — Tricia Farley Bouvier, the suddenly encumbered incumbent. It’s early in the campaign, but let THE PLANET tell you we were pleasantly surprised.
Bloomberg is young, and at 26, you might be tempted to write him off. You would be wrong. We could fill in the details, but suffice it to say for the moment that he’s serious about his effort and aims to drive home the earnest intent of his bid by beginning his campaign now and not letting up until the Sept. 8 primary, six months from now. Be certain about this: the kid possesses an almost preternatural knowledge of politics and procedure, and is a policy wonk in the best sense of the word (and yes, it does have a “best sense”).
He also has something that TFB has never had. Bloomberg has a sense of mission propelled by something we hear a lot about in politics but rarely see, especially at the local level: a “vision.” THE PLANET won’t spell out that vision or share how the candidate intends to implement his ideals. We’ll leave it up to the candidate and his strategists. Suffice it to say, however, not 10 minutes within the duration of one hour and with respect to THE PLANET, Bloomberg showed more grasp of issues, more quickness on the uptake, and more of an ability to carry on a conversation at a level deeper than an oasis stream than TFB has demonstrated in all her years of public office.
As a member of WHET (Women Helping to Empower Themselves), as a city councilor, and as a state rep, TFB has not been noted for being quick on the uptake. That’s putting it mildly. She is noted, however, for being the good soldier, for not questioning orders, and for carrying water for the Bosses — city and state — that made her rapid political ascendancy a reality.
Much of our conversation was off the record, but Bloomberg did confirm something we heard shortly after he made his official announcement. A proverbial Well Placed Source, one who would be in a position to know, told us that TFB has been fuming that someone would have the audacity to challenge her.
Someone should remind Trish that she was elected state rep from Podunk, not Queen of the Universe. Senses of entitlement should be confined to the Gimme Group that mooches off taxpayers for free meals, free tuition, free housing, and the like. Our source said she was hoping to skate by without having to campaign. Bloomberg’s bid put the skids on that.
Bloomberg confirmed as much, telling us that when he made a courtesy call to TFB informing her of his intention to run, she first told him she was glad to hear of his involvement. After a pause, though, she sounded surprised and made with the ice daggers. Her frostiness, should it be that, brings warmth to the hearts of all those who will be rooting for the kid. It won’t be The Bosses, of course, but be that as it may. Don’t underestimate the power of optimism and enthusiasm or of We The People when they close the curtain upon that most sacred place, the voting booth.
“Remember this well: We are sometimes so busy being good angels that we neglect to be good men and women.” — St. Francis de Sales
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WHET is the perfect name for that former group.
I will vote for anybody but TFB. She has done nothing for Berkshire County.
News Flash—– Tammy Ives said today she will enter the race against TFB. WOW
T F B is small potatoes, come on. The way it works,everyone gets a share and some more then others with tenure in office, no newcomers are getting more than share for their constituents. So, let her. Uilding her service, like Smitty,and get some influence for us sheep.
Morandi called the airport manager Snook, name spelled Snuck. This is relevant to today’s Planet as many years ago, Snuck into a Hotel Bar late into the night, where after a night game,Yaz and his wife was with Bill Mombouquette having a late night drink? Disnmt get his autograph, but he did say hello.
I agree with Pat, I’ll vote for anyone but TFB. She has been useless for Berkshire County.
Glad to hear we have a formidable challenger for TFB’s seat! But I’m sure she’ll be pushing her agenda to get drivers licenses for illegals – with the time she has left. Please, let’s hear some screaming from Berkshire County on this issue – people who are here illegally should not be given licenses! Bloomberg, you’ve got my vote! Let TFB return to her other career as an underwear model.
I have family in Texas. They laugh at all these sanctuary cities/states that want to give illegals drivers licenses. Just like they said, most drive older model cars with NO insurance. So, you better make sure if Tricia Farley-Onasis-Kennedy-Clinton-Carter-Bouvier allows illegals to obtain a drivers license, get full coverage on your insurance and lower your premium for under/no insured.
Will somebody please name one thing Tricia has done for Pittsfield/Berkshire County while in office?
Friend of mine had a fender-bender with an illegal in Dallas once.
The man exited his vehicle wielding a gun. No insurance and gun equals get back in car and leave while you can.
I have friends that are both legal and illegal that work 70 hours a week to send money back to their families in South America. they are hard diligent workers although occasionally there are poor decisions, as there are in any walk of life. I don’t think that allowing a license, proper driving instruction, and participation in insurance is against good public policy. There may be more pressing issues for Berkshire County that TFB could spend time on, but I believe she is on the correct side of public policy on this one.
If you don’t vote for for TFB, you’ll hurt the feelings of the self proclaimed legend, Jim Ruberto. He was her benefactor and constant after hours companion. Where’s the respect ?
Tricia Farley-Bouvier’s career began with the rise of WHEN in 2003, which led to the election of Jimmy Ruberto as Mayor of Pittsfield. For the past 12-plus years, Pittsfield politics has hit the skids. The tax base is shrinking with population and job loss. The streets are unsafe with violent crime, murders, shootings, etc. Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt with the G.O.B.’s serving only the vested interests instead of the people. The lovely Linda Tyer began her political career with WHEN, too. Both ladies were loyal to Jimmy Ruberto’s failed “leadership”.
TFB has an arrogance about her that is more annoying than inspiring. She was an early cheerleader for the new THS – and I remember one speech she gave, she needed to keep defining what a facility is, that it facilitates something (in this case – learning). But she kept saying it like she was on Sesame Street and today was brought by the letters F and U and the #200.
As for Yaz, it was the perfect start to any column. He was my hero growing up and I spent all of my ball playing years trying to imitate his stance, first trying to unnaturally be a left handed hitter and then in the mirror image. For me it never worked since my power came from a low, backwards leaning swing. It gave me my share of doubles and home runs and today is my less than ideal gold swing (that gives me a pretty consistent 200+ yards!!). Following Ted Williams was an impossible task, and he learned to ignore the haters and just go out and do his job, quietly. The game is poorer for the loss of quiet hard working role models – every0one seems to need to let their personalities do the talking instead of their skills.
Loved your remarks about Yaz. I did the imitation thing, too, occasionally batting left in Wiffle ball and with my phantom swings anywhere else. The mirror image? Yup. Did that, too. I used to imitate Yaz and Ted in the mirror. Except in Wiffle ball, I didn’t hit for power. In organized and sandlot ball, I was a lead-off guy. Pesky, small strike zone, find any way to get on base, then try to rattle the pitcher with a big lead, and maybe steal (I was fast). Good Lord, when I think of how much time we spent from April to October on various forms of baseball, I wonder if it could have been, or was it all a dream — especially when you look today and see how empty the parks are, except if adults are there to Organize something for kids. You’re right about Yaz’s work ethic. I covered MLB for 10 years (1980 to 1990) and got to see Yaz up close for the final three years of his career. Man, that guy worked, worked, and then worked. He was also a quiet, intense guy who has a sense of humor that would come out like a sun ray piercing through on a cloudy day. He’s a great role model for any young person.
TFB and Linda are the political benefactors of WHEN. How about the president of chairwoman or whatever she called herself, basking in a 7 year tax free business on North St.
All those tax breaks for the millionaires are such a spit in the eye to the hard worker blue collar guy. And there are several of them. Probably a lot more if someone looked through the tax roles and compared. And the GOB apologists can’t seem to understand why Johnny Basic has an attitude toward the city government. And it is not going to go away until some moralistic upstanding mayor puts a stop to the favoritism.
Bloom is the theme of the week. Al Blumin and now Mike Blooming.
Plus, with the warm weather, we have flowers blooming.
I don’t blame the CC in one respect. No one needs to sit on the dais and be called disrespectful things. 3 minutes is a long time, and if you can’t make your point in half that time, there is a good chance you are either off topic or repeating yourself.
Mr. G is not my representative, I can (and do) speak for myself. He represents exactly one person – himself. Others may agree, and they can go speak for themselves.
I don’t support many of the folks on the City Council. But, I have the option of running myself. If I am defeated, then those who voted against me don’t support my view or my vision and that is that. Non-voters did not vote against those on the Council, in fact – they voted FOR them.
Telling someone they are corrupt, stupid, or whatever does not make them open to listening further to what you are saying. Folks comment that during the public comment session the CC looks disengaged. How many times do you need to hear Mr. Blumin or Mr. G say the same thing in their own rude manner. When Kathy Lloyd gets up and speaks, folks listen because not only is she a decent person acting respectfully ands civilly, she makes her point and sits down. The meeting is not a bitch session for taxpayers, it is a meeting for the Council to do its job. if you think they do a poor job – run for office. many run unopposed.
SE, thats very true about Kathy Loyd, the other ones you mentioned should learn from her.
Kathy lloyd is a nice person and well behaved but well behaved women don’t get anything accomplished……..we have been playing nice, nice with the city council for years and where has it gotten us? A few years from the tipping point….that’s where……It’s time for the sheeple in Pittsfield to wake up and that includes you southeast.
Do you really think that anyone cares how John Krol voted on the Trans Pacific thing? What matters in Pittsfield is letting the taxpayers have a voice on the THS boondoggle. And if the previous council et al had the information that Dan spoke about they are stupid and or corrupt. Were getting screwed over in this city and you’re upset that Gaetani doesn’t curtsy, and bow and kiss rings. Give me a break. It’s evident that the politicians aren’t the only ones who should be called stupid southeast.
No, Mr. Flimsy, no one cares, not I, for sure.
Let me understand here: CC spends about 5 times/10 times(?) more time on the TP thing than on approving a $2 mil loan (with the promise of getting half back from the feds)?
I’m sure all the speakers and the CC sponsors of the resolution can now sleep with the knowledge that they are, indeed, good people. But if it is that important (and it might be), organize a delegation to the State House, call Lizzy Cherokee’s office, and put the pressure where it belongs.
Donna, Kathy, and Tony should have voted “no” just to send the message that such “emergencies” won’t be tolerated in future.
I think that’s about enough of the fiscal brinkmanship for this administration, thanks.
Did anyone think to ask the feds for at least enough extra time to consider the thing?
Woodlawn project has been going for how long?
I’m also not sure residents of other cities should be allowed to speak at CC meetings unless specifically invited.
Lived in another MA town once. Teachers appeared at CC meeting to protest some cuts. If they did not live in that town, they were told to shut up.
I don’t think respectful behavior is what’s holding us back, if that’s what you’re suggesting.
Disrespectful behavior may be holding you back, however.
Thanks everyone, I try to keep it civil and get things done. Dick Flimsy, I’m glad to hear you think I’m well behaved I haven’t been described like that, ever!
I’ll be watching to see you in action . I’d hate to think you’re with the GOB Pittsfield network
Looks like earlier posts concerning Airport Manager Robert Snuck’s name have been removed.
I was going to say that Mr. Snuck gave me more straight answers about airport operations in 30 minutes than I received from Germanowski in three years!
I didn’t necessarily like any of the answers, but I got them in a timely, courteous, and professional manner.
Let’s see if the airport folks, or anyone else, is prepared to give straight answers at the ASC this evening.
You can’t sneak anything by the Master, otherwise you’ll end up a disaster.
It is time for T F B to retire public office it was never intended to be a life time career. Besides that she is no good.
CC meeting was a nicely rehearsed play by Tyer and Krol – are we going to have to watch 4 years of their phony BS ? yuck.
Krol is next in line…he is the protege. He will be a good soldier.
John Krol is the new Guy Smiley.
I’m thinking we can host Pittsfield’s number one game show:
“Piss Away Taxpayer Money.”
“Contestant number three, are you ready to . . . Piss Away Taxpayer Money?”
“Yeah? Well, c’mon up and play.”
“Now, remember folks, every other Tuesday at 7 PM we have a special “Into the Wind” version of “Piss Away Taxpayer Money.”
“Please join us.”
“he” can host, duh.
Again, the man was there..again, probably suffering from some sort of ache or ambient creatures surrounding him.But as usual, the deftones on the city council probably didn’t get the message, again, like Jack Nicholson said in the movie A few Good Men u can’t handle the truth, and this applies here and now. Maybe repetition will finally get through to some folks, or maybe not?
Kate…She Built Relationships..
What does this mean?
You keep sayin you got something for me…a tax hike
Some you call love but confess…….a pay increase
You’ve been messin’ where you shouldn’t have been messin’……the Planet
And now someone else is getting all your best…….Planet
These boots are made for walking…….take a hike
And that’s what they will do…….Na
One of these days these boots are going to walk all over you…….nope
Yeah, you keep lyin’when you oughta be truthin’….uh huh
These boots are made for walking’ and that’s what they will do, keep p….. Around with the Planet, cuz The joke is all on you de de de de de de ceding…..
Bottom of the ninth, two outs, Yaz up.
High pop fly in foul territory just off third base.
End of game. End of season.
Never watched another Red Sox game again.
Too bad, Brockton. You’ve missed three world championships since 2004.
I went to a few games, but I didn’t watch them.
Is John Krol Guy Smiley reincarnated/humanized?
How about John Krol for state rep? I might vote for him.
I once saw Yaz picking his nose and throwing it into right field, true story.
Remembering sneaking out of my hotel room at the now defunct Somerset, we were teenagers looking for wine and beer and got into the bar,which was at closing time,and who is there, with wife in tow, Captain Carl himself. I shook his hand and as He and Mrs. Yaz were leaving, he said, see you boys at the game Tommorow,and that we did, he signed my scorecard before the game, Yaz. An interesting side note, the Orioles were in town for a set and that same night, Brooks Robinson, considered by many to be the greatest fielding third baseman, in the same inning, missed two straight pop ups in the infield, it was incredible. Small world.
it’s funny because as a kid we were in the Yaz era and really never had a chance to see Williams, but everyone new he was great, but I always thought Yaz was the best player ever, so, that’s the way that went. Yaz was quite an athlete and was actually from New York, went to Notre Dame on a baseball and basketball scholarship and was actually a legendary high school basketball player. He had a wonderful career,like the Planet said, in 67, was one of the greatest performances of all time. Fred Lynn was the next in line to follow greatness, I like Fred, he was a really awesome player, one thing those three did were equal in was Class
Potato farmers from Long Island.
I struck Yaztremski out in1961, think it was a curve?
I got him on a quick pitch fastball, he was doing that flinch with his elbow against the side of his rib cage and right in between that famous flinch, quick pitched him for the strike out, he was pissed, He was a hot head also, and when it came to being called out on a third strike, many, many, many, hot headed arguments over those calls. Yaz knew his strike zone and hated the call, third strike.
Kathy, weren’t you the self proclaimed kick ass Kathy? thought I read that? Anyway, I thought you we’re fine last night! Keep it up. Looked like the G man was warming up to you, you knew His Greatness was next to you, right?
Oh, on the bullshit tour, I was the sixth Beatle.
I struck Birdie Tebbits out.
That’s TEBBETTS, to you, Rinkenutts.
I was never good at baseball as a kid. Could not field a grounder to save my ass. Also, I was small and was picked last if at all in the sandlot league. Most of my friends were good enough to get into little league, Babe Ruth and some legion ball.
Then I tried to learn how to play the violin so that I could write sad songs about how I was always on the sidelines watching during the games but I was not coordinated enough to do that either.
Eventually I was given a chance in the pest control business where I found my niche and eventually climbed the ladder. When I retired I was in charge of grey squirrel control at a large logging camp in Manitoba.
The lesson here is to never give up as everyone has a hidden talent.
I also excelled in bullshit.
Dingo, you should have stayed with the story.