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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016) — Out of the western skies came Sky King. We got that. THE PLANET, though, doesn’t get what’s going on at and with the Pittsfield Municipal Airport (PMA). We haven’t since they canceled commuter airlines there and then began all that fiction about economic engines — you know, the improvements that would keep old businesses here and new ones flocking in.

With that, we pass along this report from one of our airport sources. This information is exclusive to THE PLANET, presented in our never-ending quest for Truth, Justice, and The American Way.

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Third Airport Study Commission meeting



(because the Boring Broadsheet is busy promoting the city council as the savior of the world)

March 9, 2016 (7 to 9 PM)

Members attending — Chair Sakshaug, councilors Connell and Rivers, PMAC Chair Pedersen, ex-councilor Lothrop, Jeffrey Cook, Ashley Sulock. (Members councilor Mazzeo and Mike Lyon of Lyon Aviation absent).

Also attending— Two PERC/Comm. Dev. reps; Kerwood, city finance director;  city PMA employees Snuck and Spencer.

 1. Review of Westwood leases.

Leases were signed in 1986. Seven leases, two for $1 a year. One $1 leasee subleases his property. Connell said he was not happy with that.

Total revenue for leases is $20,312 a year.

85% goes to PERC (NOT THE CITY).

15% goes to PMA.

All lease revenues are supposed to go PMA per FAA rules.

Problem was that you had two fed agencies involved: FAA and HUD.

Lothrop pointed out that HUD put in $450,000. They invested, so they should get their share. Thus the 85% ($17,000) a year goes to PERC for its programs, such as low-income folks, etc. Connell wondered if HUD had gotten its money back by now and can we drop them. Others asked if we can rebalance the split.

Airport Manager Snuck says he can’t find where FAA approved the $1 leases. Snuck added that this could end up in court. “FAA would never approve the $1 leases,” said Snuck.

Sulock brought up the issue of noncompliance, which may affect future [FAA] funding. Yes, compliance a real issue, added PMA Commission Chair Peterson et al.

Chair Sakshaug said the ASC’s charge is to only recommend to mayor, not fix anything. And so the recommendation is that the proper people try to fix this.

 Tax receipts to city on the Westwood properties equal $109,000/yr.

2. Lothrop did a spot of work and crunched the numbers.

Long story short: Cost to the city for the airport is $84K a year.


 3. Search for more revenue

Fuel flowage fee of 2/3 cents a gallon is only about $5,000 a year for city. Raise the fee, and you might get $10,000, said Lothrop.

PMA does not monitor fuel dispensed by FBO Lyon.

Solar farm seemed to interest the entire ASC, and it seems like it can be done. It was stated that Rob Van Der Kar, city conservation commission, was at the airport recently said there’d be no apparent environmental problem in many spots at PMA.

There followed a discussion about possible increase of “user” fees. Apparently, people can fly in and out in the wee hours of the morning and not pay a fee, because no one is there to collect it. Can’t implement and collect some fees in general because no one available to monitor, record, and collect it.

PMA cannot know who is flying in and out, as has been stated at every meeting so far. You’d have to have a control tower, Snuck said. Or you’d need a camera set up to take pictures of aircraft tail numbers and track them that way, but that would cost money to do and may not be worth the cost.

 4. Economic benefit for the city/area of the PMA

This issue was discussed. The phrase “may be” was heard five times, twice from Spencer and three times from Pedersen. As in, “The people flying in MAY BE eating at a restaurant in Pittsfield. They MAY BE staying at a hotel in Pittsfield. They MAY BE shopping in Pittsfield.”

Speculation was proffered in general, as in the previous meeting.

A plane was spotted at PMA with a “Caesar’s Place” emblem on the tail. “They MAY BE . . .”

5. FBO purpose and role

Lyon Aviation seems to be an entity unto itself — a lot of mystery surrounds the operation, such as exactly how many employees they have, how much fuel they dispense, revenues, etc.  “We suffer from a lack of knowledge,” someone said. “They’re a private company.” But city is locked into a lease/agreement, so not much can be done.

 6. DOT’s Economic Impact Study was mentioned briefly.

[Not stated in the meeting: Numbers touted for PMA are 226 jobs, $10+ mil. in salaries, and $35+ mil. in total economic impact. However, footnote 2 for these numbers reads: “Total impacts include all on-airport business, construction, visitor, and multiplier impacts.” How much of the 226, 10 mil, 35 mil. comes just from the expansion project itself? The numbers need to be examined in more detail to even attempt to determine what economic benefit the city and area derive from the airport.]


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One thing is apparent: The city has an appalling lack of knowledge of airport operations. For example, how can a municipal airport not know of planes that fly in or out? How can a company such as Lyon Aviation set up at a city facility and remain a mystery? What exactly is it that the specially appointed airport review board is trying to get to the bottom of? Will they know it should they get there? And if they do, will they share it with We The People, or will it be hidden or obfuscated, like so many other forms of “official” information, data, and knowledge in the great land of Benigno Numine? And what of the rumors that have long swirled about the airport operations, that all is not all that it seems?

For the answers to these questions, boys and girls, you won’t want to miss the next thrill-pact adventures of “Sky Queen.”


“In the land of the blind, the Cylcops is king.” — Anon.



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Brockton West
Brockton West
9 years ago

I must say, however, that it was a good meeting.

An opened “can of worms” was mentioned.

ASC could serve as a model for studies of other City operations . . . Who’s paying their taxes, who isn’t, that kind of thing.

Brockton West
Brockton West
9 years ago

$109,000 or $190,000 a year in tax revenue from Westwood?

I thought I heard the former.

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
9 years ago

Really? Planes can fly in and out during the night and checking with no one?

Uh, could any of the cities drug problem be flying in right under our noses? Anyone checking? Anyone care?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  johnny dingo
9 years ago

Right, because a private jet and its expenses is going to make up for the relatively small time Pittsfield drug market.

Pittsfield is a general aviation airport. By law the flight plan gets filed and the plane lands. While the airport is made aware, I am sure, there is not local “permission or oversight”, as there shouldn’t be.

Probably time for the Airport to update the Master Airport Layout Plan. it is from 2001. I am under the impression these should happen each 5 years to maintain funding, and it definitely should be compiled now with the runway project complete.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Pittsfield isn’t a small time drug market. In fact all of Berkshire County is a big time drug market.

9 years ago

Con Air

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

Doug, there are more important issues than Trans Pacific.

9 years ago

Does this commission have a copy of the agreement with Lyon Aviatio0n? When does it end? Does it provide for reporting? Does Lyon have any duties which cover the “I don’t knows” we hear at these meetings?

Is the tank farm paid for?

It seems like a public asset has been appropriated for private use and one wonders if FBI or other Federal investigative powers are needed to uncover the true story of the airport?

First we got screwed by $20K/year. Now it’s $84K/year. Where will it ultimately end?

If they stay in the HON, eat in the City’s finest eateries – is it worth a subsidy of even $20K per year?

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  southeast
9 years ago

“may be”

James the Great
James the Great
Reply to  southeast
9 years ago

This is a job for the mayor. She put this commission in place. Big Q now is if she will give them fangs and other sharp teeth or will she keep their gums in place?

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  southeast
9 years ago

Don’t believe your loyn eyes.

Reply to  southeast
9 years ago

I received the reply for her Majesty’s Office in Boston:
“Based on the information provided to us, the White Collar/Public Integrity Division will not initiate a criminal investigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Attorney General’s Office with future concerns.
Sincerely, James H.O’Brien
Assistant Attorney General
Chief Trial Counsel
White Collar/Public Integrity Division

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
9 years ago

Who will peel this onion and who will try to stop or slow the onion from being peeled?

Reply to  johnny dingo
9 years ago

maybe’s don’t cut it here. I suspect the folks in the room (FBO, airport staff and airport commission chair) know the answers and know how far down the onion you can peel before the police or some higher law enforcement agency needs to get involved….

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

Maybe it ‘s the inspector general s e

9 years ago

Morningside kids put on a great show at Morningside’s Got Talent.

9 years ago

Who was the mayor in the mid 80s when all this happened? This may answer some questions.

No Clew Lew
No Clew Lew
Reply to  EddieP
9 years ago

Charles E. Hibbard Charles E. Hibbard.png 1891–1892 Democratic
2 Jabez L. Peck Jabez L. Peck.png 1892–1894 Republican
3 John Crawford Crosby John Crawford Crosby.png 1894–1895 Democratic
4 Walter Foxcroft Hawkins Walter F. Hawkins.png 1896–1897 Republican
5 William W. Whiting William W. Whiting.png 1898–1899 Democratic
6 Hezekiah S. Russell Hezekiah S. Russel.png 1900–1901 Republican
7 Daniel England Daniel England.png 1902–1902[1] Democratic
8 Harry Dwight Sisson Harry D. Sisson.png 1903–1904 Republican
9 Allen H. Bagg Allen H. Bagg.png 1905–1907 Republican
10 William H. MacInnis William H. MacInnis.png 1908–1910 Democratic
11 Kelton B. Miller Kelton B. Miller.png 1911–1912 Republican
12 Patrick J. Moore Patrick James Moore.png 1913–1914 Democratic
13 George W. Faulkner George William Faulkner.png 1915–1916 Republican
14 William C. Moulton William C. Moulton.png 1917–1919 Republican
15 Louis A. Merchant Louis A. Merchant.png January 5, 1920-January 3, 1921 Republican
16 Michael W. Flynn Michael W. Flynn.png January 3, 1921-January 1923 Democratic
17 Charles W. Power 1923–1924 Republican
18 Fred T. Francis 1925-1926 Republican
19 Harry Goodrich West 1927[1] Republican
20 Jay Preston Barnes 1928–1932 Democratic
21 Patrick J. Moore 1932-1933 Democratic
22 Allen H. Bagg Allen H. Bagg.png 1934-1937 Republican Republican
23 James Fallon 1938-1947 Democratic
24 Robert T. Capeless 1948–1956 Democratic
25 Remo Del Gallo 1965–1968[2] Democratic
26 Donald G. Butler 1968-1973 Republican
27 Evan Dobelle 1974-1976 Republican
28 Paul E. Brindle III 1977-1979 Democratic
29 Charles L. Smith 1980-1987 Democratic
30 Anne Woitklowski 1988-1991 Democratic
31 Edward M. Reilly 1992–1998 Democratic
32 Gerald S. Doyle Jr. 1998–2002 Democratic
33 Sara Hathaway 2002–2004 Democratic
34 James M. Ruberto[1] 2004–2012 Democratic
35 Daniel Bianchi 2012–2016 Democratic
36 Linda M. Tyer[3] 2016- Democratic

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  No Clew Lew
9 years ago

How many names do you recognize? Keep that in mind mayor Tyer……It won’t be long before people say, Linda Who?

Reply to  Roberto Del Halitoso
9 years ago


Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  No Clew Lew
9 years ago

I see a preponderance of democrats since the 30’s. Little wonder that this city is screwed and screwed up.

Reply to  Already Tyred
9 years ago

Good name you got:)Bravo!

9 years ago

I have a bit of a conncetion with the airport. Let me tell you. There are some very very nervous people right now. Something about the onion getting peeled down to the core.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
9 years ago

Why is Shawshank on almost every board and commission?

No Clew Lew
No Clew Lew
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
9 years ago

He’s the mayor’s water boy.

Reply to  Dick Flimsy
9 years ago

Why is Mark Miller on Human Rights commission and on Green Commission?
All those people in commissions are appointed as somebody’s friends—none is ever elected.