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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2016) — Pittsfield School Committee chair Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon and her group had it.

School superintendent Jason “Jake” JIV McCandless and his team had it.

School Building Needs Committee co-chair Kathy Amuso and the clan had it. So did the mayor, the city council, and most of the other city officials.

They had it, but they sat on it.

They knew of a report by New England Expansion Strategies (NEES), a consultant hired by PEDA, that documented the shocking decline of manufacturing jobs in the city. Between 1969 and 2000, the city lost 60% of its jobs. From 2001 to 2011, manufacturing positions declined another 40% for an overall fall of 78%. NEES then projected the expected loss from 2012 to 2022. NEES said that for those 10 years, the city would lose 3.54% each of those years. However, the pullout of SABIC Plastics took care of the total expected loss for the entire decade, with another five years of decline still to come. [NOTE: The SABIC jobs are counted in the study as R&D positions, which is seen as the “manufacturing” of technology].

Bottom line is that virtually all the city’s prime manufacturing jobs will be gone by 2022. That’s devastating news in its own right, but when you add that this report was done while Pittsfield school officials (SBNC, PSD, city council, and mayor) were proposing the spending of $200 million for a foolish construction project, it becomes morally reprehensible.

And yet …

… and yet, city officials, led by the duplicitousness of Yon, Bianchi, McCandless, and Amuso did nothing to highlight NEES estimation that Pittsfield’s economy would essentially implode by 2022. That damning report alone would have, should have, led to an immediate cancellation of the THS building project — a project, THE PLANET reminds you — concerning which these same officials and the Vested Interests who control them denied you a say. In fact, they did everything they could to assure that Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski would never get to mark a ballot up or down on the advisability of building a large new school in light of a continuing decline of students in the Pittsfield system.

This same corrupt and underperforming system last year lost $5 million due to school choice, an indictment of the scam now in place in city schools. The scam pretends kids are getting an education and that their diploma is a guarantee of preparation for either higher education or the Dreaded Private Sector. We know that is not true. This knowledge is why they didn’t want you to vote on the gigantic building project: They knew you would reject as unneeded, unnecessary, and too expensive. There were too many “promises to keep” to allow that to happen.

The NEES report, which came to light when former school committeeman Terry Kinnas dug it out from 147 pages of supporting documents of tonight’s council agenda, highlighted the “significant evidence to support the continued rate of decline” in manufacturing jobs. NEES identifies four key factors:

  1. Prolonged Decline — The study, released Dec. 15, 2015, calls the loss of jobs “sustained, persistent, and not driven by one particular event.” Chilling words, those, but they describe a reality that city officials — by their unsound pushing of the THS construction — refuse to face.
  2. Empirical Evidence — NEES cites the pullout of SABIC.
  3. Presence of Risk Factors — The study mentions the danger of having 75% of the city’s manufacturing jobs in one basket (GE for all those years).
  4. Manufacturing Cluster Tipping Point — As THE PLANET mentioned yesterday, the tipping point is when the local economy “becomes too small to sustain itself because of the lack of available skilled workforce and supply chain.” This is when the whole shabang collapses into receivership or worse. NEES suggests this will occur no later than 2022.

NEES then spits in the face of every sunny-day, “Everything is great” pronouncement made by city officials, ad infinitum ad nauseum, regarding the local economy, for example, when Mayor Linda Tyer and others oversold the painting of eight downtown electrical boxes as something like an economic Second Coming. Citizens and taxpayers get this insulting “sell” every time something or someone from the arts sneezes and puts pastel on it.

The NEES letter says that a turnaround in the Pittsfield economy “seems highly improbable and would buck every prior trend and indicator.”

In other words, Jake, the Pittsfield “Renaissance” didn’t happen and it ain’t going to happen, especially with the current “tipping point” of “sloppy seconds” leaders now in place. The economic engines were never started up. They were never built.

What’s the answer? The first necessary step is for city officials from the mayor on down to start leveling with citizens and taxpayers. Don’t keep saying everything is great and getting better. Admit it: The city is going down the flusher. Unless there is a radical new approach (tax cuts, for example, and elimination of fat in the school department), you can all start singing “Aloha” on the steel guitar.


“Tiny bubbles in the wine make you happy, make you feel fine.”Don Ho



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johnny dingo
johnny dingo
9 years ago

Perhaps you could get John Krol and Mr Marchetti on your show to discuss this report.

(early Aprils fools joke)

9 years ago

This city needs a fiscally responsible person to take charge. It’s more than stunning that leaders had this projected outlook for the city, but went ahead with pushing this Taconic project anyway. How many expensive consultants has this city hired over the years and they took the advice of all of them except for this very important report? That says a lot about the priorities of those in charge of this city.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Pat, think real hard. There might be somebody around who can fulfill this roll

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
9 years ago

Perhaps it’s time to dig up the old Gerry Doyle “It’s Happening” banners that once hung in downtown Pittsfield. With a slight modification, showing the words “Pittsfield” swirling around in a toilet-bowl, before being flushed down, we can say “It’s Really Happening in 2022!”

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
9 years ago

Well maybe they will be able to use the new school for a homeless shelter.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Aren’t you sad for the people of Pittsfield that there are no living wage jobs left? All this means is that Pittsfield is slowly becoming another North Adams. Pittsfield and North Adams are known as high per capita welfare caseloads communities. It is not a very nice future for the youth to grow up in.

ashley waters
ashley waters
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

You all must see Gaetani at last nights O and R meeting. Supporting the taxpayer every step of the way. Meeting will be on demand on PCTV and repeated on Thursday night. Channel 18 at 8pm. Watch the body language of the O and R committee and listen to how they want to limit participation by taxpayers. A “Must See” for every resident of the city of Pittsfield.

9 years ago

It took a study to show, decreasing population + decreasing commercial tax base, Combined with increasing budget yearly, will resort to financial ruins. Hope they didn’t pay for that.

thus colon
thus colon
9 years ago

The city of Cleveland is stocking up on riot gear; plans to spend $50 million USD in preparations for this year’s Republican Nation Convention:

It sure looks like the RNC is going to pull some shenanigans that will be very unpopular to we the people.

They are sparing no expense to stop one man “Donald Trump” from becoming the next President of the United States.

You think your vote matters? Think again.

Reply to  thus colon
9 years ago

They also want to stop my guy, Ted Cruz, because he is also anti-establishment. Ted Cruz isn’t popular in Washington because he speaks out against the “powers that be” and they don’t like it. I say too bad. He gets my vote.

9 years ago

The silence of city officials in light of this information is deafening.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
9 years ago

Why are there people who don’t live in Pittsfield on the SBNC? What stake do they have n the City?

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  Economic Injun
9 years ago

heh heh

9 years ago

It should be obvious to the powers that building a new school is a bad idea. Not only that but they should be doing what the people want not what they think is a good idea and with something like this it should be put to a vote and election time would be a good time for a question on the ballot but that wont happen because they are afraid of the answer. Some people cant stand to be wrong.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Companies will not locate in Pittsfield because there are no skilled tech workers. Skilled workers will not stay in Pittsfield because of high taxes, crime, and underperforming schools. Stabilizing the tax base is important, but with the City so dependent on Federal and State revenue, it remains unlikely to lessen tax burdens.

Here are some solutions:

Stop the competitive war with McCann. Form a partnership. Pittsfield Schools is wasting money building programs from scratch. Share facilities and educators, build capacity and fill in underutilized programs on both ends.

Voluntarily require Computer Programming as a high school graduation course. Build a programming/computer science tract in the high school/technical program that results in a tailored associates degree with pipelines to the major research universities in the northeast.

Work with the congressional delegation to expand BCC coordination with PPS so that 100% of PPS graduates have an associates degree that is immediately and FULLY transferable to any state university in Massachusetts.

Develop a curriculum built around health sciences so that upon graduation, PPS students need only one year to complete an accredited nursing program at any community college in Massachusetts.

These are not my original ideas, and honestly, they are working in other parts of the country where young people are excelling AND finding jobs in their hometown. Whether a new school facility is needed or not remains up to the Pittsfield perception. I will however mention that between BCC, PHS, and THS, there is enough funding available to provide students in Pittsfield with a world class education. Tragic it isn’t happening.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

I like those ideas. We need to try them in this area.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Excellent ideas.

K L Stevens
K L Stevens
9 years ago

From DV & GG and the rest of all the input today, not one of you care about trying to have something good happen in Pittsfield. Stop this, Stop that. Your nothing but quitter, make me sick.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  K L Stevens
9 years ago

Stevens, what should we do?

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
9 years ago


Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

I believe that Dan Valenti sincerely cares about Pittsfield. Why else would he devote his life to advocating for the people who lived or still live in Pittsfield. Dan Valenti is the voice of the little guy in Pittsfield. That is not to say that I agree with everything he stands for. But it is a free country where everyone has a right to express his or her opinions.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Dan V. and those of us on this board do care about this city. We are trying to prevent a disaster because we care.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

You tell them Pat I with you.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

I tried to express my opinion.
Mark Miller(Human rights and Green commission) told me today
that I disrupt their Official Meetings by speaking my voice.
They don’t want to hear anybody, but themselves only.

9 years ago

People who don’t care about what is happening in the city are the ones who sit by and poke fun at anyone who dares to complain. They will call you angry, anti-social, unhappy with your life all because they can’t understand why people would criticize anything that happens in Pittsfield. They would rather stand by and let the school department continue to ask for more and more money for salaries not for helping the children. Of course many of those who complain about us probably work for the school department. They won’t bite the hand that feeds them so its up to the rest of us to stop the city from going into receivership because we love the city enough to want to see it healthy and successful again.

9 years ago

Pat for President !

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

Paint Box Project?

9 years ago

Council Morandi pronounced the Airport Manager’s last name as SNOOK, his name is spelled SNUCK.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Kathy Lloyd presented herself very well tonight..good job!

Yolanda Tecate
Yolanda Tecate
Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Be great if folks like her would put their fire and eloquence in the service of saving this city.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Thanks! I needed that 🙂

Harlan Rinkelnutts
Harlan Rinkelnutts
9 years ago

Imagine the escape route for criminals when the Bridge opens up again at Woodlawn and East. A whole new criminal element to draw from. This whole light project has Big Box written all over it.

Harlan Rinkelnutts
Harlan Rinkelnutts
9 years ago

And remember who the first proponent of such a project(box) and was shut down at the time because it wasn’t income sustainable for residents that would work there. The debate now is who pays and how much, guaranteed the box comes there, why? Because nothing is coming!

Seymour Heinie
Seymour Heinie
Reply to  Harlan Rinkelnutts
9 years ago

Don’t understand the big box theory.

The Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC) is going in there.

But I have not heard that it actually has any committed tenants yet.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

The PEDA director should be embarrassed to still be at his Cush high paying political job, why? Nothing has been done. Another appointee told to steer the vehicle, don’t crash the car and collect a check, you’ll be o k. No one is going to invest in this baron wasteland with a reputation of poisoned environment written all over it, whether it was PCB or any other chemicals that polluted the air, ground or water.

9 years ago

Council Grades: Amuso D
Mazzeo A
Connell D
Morandi C
Krol D
White A
Marchetti A
Caccamo A
Tully A
Simonelli A
Rivers A

Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

Caccamo–A? Seriously?
He said on March07 on Human Rights commission:
” City Council Meetings are for us–Councilors.
Residents have many other ways to express their opinion
like reaching newspaper editor (so we should not talk on their meetings) The boy is 32 year-old. No life experience, no business experience, no military service–just an ambition for Politics.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Gaetani and Trump are marketing geniuses, why? Well, we know about our local hero G and it looks like Trump has taken a page out of G’s play book, why? Trump is funding his own campaign, spending far less than his opponents with great results, he’s in the lead. His marketing strategy is genius, how much advertising is The Donald getting, by running for President while getting his name out there, which is famous to begin with, and is able to put his other products which he sells, free of charge, everyday he’s on the Internet and t v, GENIUOS. Another Trump slogan, Everytime someone puts him down ( Trump ) they get defeated.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Trump is not funding his own campaign. Everyone keeps repeating this lie by the Donald. He has lent his campaign money but donations are flowing in to pay it.

Meanwhile as Pittsfield circles the drain, tax reductions and the suggestions by “Shakes His Head” might make things a bit better but without business locating in Massachusetts, Pittsfield will get worse. It is Massachusetts that needs to examine policies that drive companies toward Boston or out of state.

9 years ago