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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016) — The dominant theme in the wake of Donald Trump’s ascendancy has been the panicked reaction of a flummoxed the Republican Establishment, whose plans went awry when Jeb Bush proved about as dynamic as a piece of wet cardboard. The GOP Bosses had hoped for a Bush coronation, and when Trump first announced his bid for the White House as a Republican, the Big Shots laughed. What was The Donald thinking? He had no chance. He was out of his element. Politics would eat him alive.

How did that work out for Lincoln’s Party?

Trump Celebrates (PHOTO: CDN)

Trump has roared and soared primarily because he’s giving the entire political establishment The Finger. Americans of all stripes, who have had to swallow their anger in a climate of political correctness while losing evermore of their hard earned money to high taxes in support of the Entitlement Culture that Big Government has created, have loved it.

Today THE PLANET presents a guest article that gets to the essence of “The Trump Phenomenon.” Note that it was written before Trump’s huge win on Super Tuesday.

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WASHINGTON, February 22, 2016 – Republican candidate for president Donald Trump continues to confound the experts. He says things that are simply outrageous, often offending people who are held in high regard by Republican voters. Yet with each confrontation that would be huge loss for any other candidate, Trump manages to come out stronger. Maybe he is just a brilliant politician.

Trump graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. That is an accomplishment achieved by only a very small percentage of extremely intelligent people. He had to be intelligent to get in and very intelligent to graduate.

The value of an Ivy League education can be seen not just in having the degree but in the critical thinking skills he refined during his education. When confronting a problem, those skills teach an individual to gather all relevant information, analyze the data, evaluate opposing positions and then reach a conclusion. Trump is very good at doing this.

He used those skills to become a very successful businessperson. As such he has accumulated vast wealth and, more important, vast experience in solving complex problems mostly by seeking a solution that benefits his position while allowing room for the opposition to also feel successful. In other words, he found mutually beneficial common ground.

He also learned the value of timing, which allowed him to be open and transparent when necessary and closed-mouthed when that was appropriate. He learned there is a time to go on the offensive and a time to sit back and wait. Trump knows that the key to being profitable in business is to give consumers exactly what they want at exactly the price they are willing to pay.

He is using these skills to propel him into the lead for the Republican nomination.

Before running for president Trump gathered necessary information. He found that the majority of Americans were fed up with political correctness, having endured many years of holding back their true feelings in order to say things in a politically correct manner. So he decided to tell it like it is.

He found that Americans had lost faith in politicians who make promises during the campaign cycle but rarely follow through once elected. He set out to convince people he is a person who will follow through with his promises.

He also found that Americans felt that politicians were afraid of confrontation. Even during debates, elected officials seemed to be more concerned with political correctness than speaking the truth. Donald decided to tell it like it is and, when appropriate, confront anyone about any issue.

He made negative comments about war hero Sen. John McCain, who is very popular among Americans and particularly among Republicans. It was believed that Trump’s comments would hurt him and cause him to lose support. Exactly the opposite happened as Trump gathered more support.

He attacked President George Bush, who has an approval rating in excess of 80 percent among Republicans.  The conventional wisdom was that his very negative criticism would hurt Trump in South Carolina, where George Bush is very popular. Again exactly the opposite happened, and Trump easily won the South Carolina primary and knocked candidate Jeb Bush out of the race.

Trump is not afraid to confront anyone, even the pope. Pope Francis made comments which, when taken out of context, appear to be saying that Trump is not a Christian because he wants to build walls rather than build bridges. Trump received this information as he was preparing to speak to a large crowd. He instantly responded without taking time to carefully review what an appropriate response should be.

That means he was instantly able to gather the information, make an analysis and reach a conclusion.  Within minutes he argued that it was a disgrace for the pope to question his faith. That quick, intelligent response, where he confronted the pope, should have been a disaster for him.  Instead the pope’s spokesperson backtracked on the pope’s comments and Trump again appeared stronger.

It is difficult to imagine Trump’s actually winning the Republican nomination and even more difficult imagining him as president of the United States. But he is able to use his intelligence, his goal-oriented problem solving ability and his understanding that a politician must give the majority of the people exactly what they want at exactly the price they are willing to pay, to propel him into the lead in the primaries.

Love him or hate him, Trump’s use of his brilliance may carry him to the presidency.


“The heart has reasons that Reason cannot understand”Blaise Pascal.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

The local establishment in Pittsfield politics loves Hillary Clinton. While the national Republican establishment hates Donald Trump. It looks like it will be Hillary v. Donald for the 45th U.S. President. They both have major flaws in their lives. Their politics are both top-down in favor of the powerful wealthy and ruling class. Hillary will raise taxes, while Donald will cut taxes. It is typical tax and spend Democrat versus borrow and spend Republican.

On another subject, the EPA’s response to GE’s alternative cleanup plan of the Housatonic River is in the news today. The EPA criticizes GE for only wanting to cut costs on the cleanup of PCBs from the Housatonic River. It looks like it will be decades before the Housatonic River is safe again!

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Mr. Melle, what do you think about Pittsfield Board of Health ban
for styrofoam containers?
My opinion–they simply violated Federal Laws and regulations, since only FDA has a Legal power to ban food or food containers–nobody else.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Durty Deeds Done Dirt CHEAP111 By GE Doyles and EPA

Hi Dan,

I have been watching the unfolding toxic jihad going on in NY hudson.

Where were mASSAchsuttestts regulators when a bakery across the GE tracks gettinning soild oil, not PPB in water on Neweell ST?

That is PCB in %, not PPM. An OBSCENCE level.

Has the ENITRE aquifer been assed? if not why?

In the floodplain, where and when have test wells been monitoried?.

I still see no upper mamailian studies from ANYTHING!

I see a way to make Berkshires clean, make the bassturds like Welch pay for it, and employ berskshireites doing it,

Oh I forgot. Take the rest of their spoor from Sliver Lake, Ge site, unkamkemt brook. amd DUMP it on JACK WELCK/AKA Greedy Electric

Donnies Rump
Donnies Rump
9 years ago

Very close to making one of those faux pas comments. His David Duke non comment,(passive) was his closest yet. He’s smart, but give him enough rope and it will eventually happen, let’s see.

9 years ago

All the candidates say and do things on the campaign trail, that are disputed and sometimes hypocritical of thinks they stated in the past. Only difference is the media and establishment Republicans have it out for Trump. Let’s face it politicians are less than truthful and Hilliary leads the league.

9 years ago

I don’t think its so much that politicians are less than truthful than it is the American public doesn’t understand how are gov’t works… Presidential candidates are laying out their visionary strategy on the campaign trail.. When they get into office this plan usually hits a brick wall when they have to work with Congress.

Reply to  Voltaire
9 years ago

Especially with this Congress. This is what has brought America down and incised the average American. People work so damn hard to just tread water. While these arrogant asses hold your heads under water.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago


9 years ago

Wondering if someone can tell me why Ted Cruz even qualified to be President. Was born in Canada and didn’t become a US citizen until 2005.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Wonder why the Republican Party can’t even engage a Candidate honorable enough to represent them? They are the biggest bunch of buffoons ……. Carnivores!!!!

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Really, Hillary is the most dishonest person in the entire field. Bar kinda set low for Republicans.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Actually, I wasn’t referring to Hillary. I do think the Republican Party has reaped what they’ve sown. They have a long way to go to ever be credible. They can’t repair their own dysfunction within.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

To my point…
Mitt Romney just put a nail in the Republican Coffin. Dumb ass. This is going to help the Donald not hurt him.
This Party continues to embarrass themselves and our Country.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

I think Barack Obama continues to embarrass himself and our country.

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Doesn’t matter where you were born. You have be to a “natural- born citizen.” Birth in the US is automatic.

If not, you must be born to a US citizen–McCain was born in Panama to US citizens, for example. I think one parent works. My sister was born in Scotland. No problem.

Cruz’s mother was a US citizen, ergo, Ted’s a “natural-born citizen,” but he did have dual citizenship before he renounced his Canadian.

The question with Obama was that his mother might have been a British subject at the time, and his father was not a US citizen. So if he was born in Kenya–which he apparently did tell people once upon a time–he would not be a natural-born citizen.

Hence the issue with the birth certificate, which he promptly settled for good after six years as president.

But if you’d like to argue with Cruz on constitutional law, go ahead.

Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Reply to  Brockton West
9 years ago

I believe Donald Trump offered Obama $5 million dollars to prove he was not born in Kenya and that Hawaii birth certificate is not a fake.

Obama never cashed in on that offer.
Considering the office of President only pays $400,000.00 per year, it should have been easy money for Obama.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Vote Trump
9 years ago

Maybe Obama felt that a fool and his money are soon parted and took pity on the rich fool?

Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago


Obama’s cannot prove he is a natural born citizen.

Hopefully President Trump will prove to everyone that Obama was never qualified to be President therefore everything he did in office is now null & void.

Perhaps one Trump executive order will wipe out the entire 8 year Obama Presidency.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Me thinks you not understand what an executive order is.

Bill Clipton
Bill Clipton
Reply to  Brockton West
9 years ago

The anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Ted Cruz’s both parents were the U.S. citizens when he was born.
Child born by American parents is an American citizen.
Where did you get info about 2005?

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  VillageKnight
9 years ago

Not sure about Cruz’s father. Cruz has only mentioned that his mother was a citizen. Haven’t heard him say that about his father. In fact, I thought his father became a US citizen only later.

Reply to  Brockton West
9 years ago

Father was born in Cuba. Also not sure if he resided in US for 14 years.

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

From Wikipedia:

“Rafael Cruz (Ted’s father) earned Canadian citizenship in 1973 and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2005.”

Reply to  VillageKnight
9 years ago

I want Ted Cruz to be our next president. He is an honorable and polite speaking man.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago


johnny dingo
johnny dingo
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

He also wants to enlarge the war in Syria. Do you have any grandchildren that like war games? Cuz its probably going to be another long one and we are going to lose a lot more sons and daughters.

this is the last man you want to give power to.

Reply to  johnny dingo
9 years ago

Cruz will protect the country without unnecessary wars. I would put more faith in him than in Trump. Trump is a wildcard. I don’t know what Trump will do from one minute to the next. I like a lot of what Trump says, but he seems kind of unstable, nervous, and hyper.

Russell Moody
Russell Moody
9 years ago

To use a phrase from a colleague of mine, “Trump doesn’t pass the decency test.”
I cannot, in good conscience, vote for a man who portrays misogynist tendencies, makes fun of disabled reporters and states his desire to punch people in the face who he sees as disruptive– Just to name a few. Offered below is an article worth reading regardless of your personal religious beliefs.

Reply to  Russell Moody
9 years ago

So if it comes down to Clinton, Trump your going to vote for one responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans. Who lied to the families of those killed. The one who is married to a serial rapist. That’s what makes this country great, it’s your right.

Reply to  Russell Moody
9 years ago

Sounds like you only support hypocrites, good luck with that.

Russell Moody
Russell Moody
Reply to  Russell Moody
9 years ago

I said nothing about ‘who’ I’d vote for… rather, for whom I could not vote…
Hillary? Well, that is a whole ‘nother subject…

Vote Trump
Vote Trump
9 years ago

It is truly amazing how Jeb Bush spent $115 million dollars for nothing. He had to apologize to his supporters. All Donald had to do was bring up 911 and it knocked Jeb right out of the race.

Trump is financing his own campaign with his own money. That is huge. He answers to nooone. This is exactly what the American people have always wanted in a Presidential candidate. He doesn’t even need to spend that much as the media gives top billing wherever he goes and prints whatever he says.
The man in brilliant.

Everywhere he speaks, the venues are full. Many are turned away and can’t get in. The guy is a rockstar. He has singlehandedly taken over the Republican party.
It’s Trump all the way.

9 years ago

Another thing about The Donald is that he may have been born with a silver spoon, but he didn’t squander it. He turned it to gold with an education and hard work. He didn’t go down the road of self destruction so many heirs to fortunes go. His children are well educated and also hard workers. They very easily could have gone the Kardashian way. Also his oldest sister is a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Appointed by Bill Clinton in 1999.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  acheshirecat
9 years ago

What way did the Kardashians go. They took nothing and made it into something very successful. They far from self destructed. There was nothing special about them but they made themselves special to millions, I not being one of them. They may not appeal to you but they certainly are successful. Their father was a lawyer and they did not have nearly the head start that the Trump children had.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Don’t think Donald isn’t just another democrat using the system to his own benefit.

And really, you are comparing the scripted lives of reality TV performers to shape your world view of ethics and accountability?

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
9 years ago

Donald Trump as president is kind of scary to me. But not as scary as the rest of the republican offerings.

Not crazy about Hillary either if she is the democratic choice and not sure who I would vote for if it is her and Donnie.

Luthor Rex
Luthor Rex
9 years ago

I agree with Dan. Much the same way for me. I went into this completely disillusioned but with open mind. I looked, sorted and in the end, Trump was the best choice. He’s not one of “them.”

9 years ago

Didn’t you study the Haolocaust in school and think… “how did Hitler get over 6 million people to follow along blindly and not fight back?” And now, realizing that our fellow Americans are taking the same path.

Vote Trump
Vote Trump
9 years ago

I see the Republicans are dragging in Mitt Romney in a pathetic attempt to bring down Trump.
Romney – A man who stole Ron Paul’s delegates and refused to even seat Ron’s Massachusetts delegates at the RNC. A man who lost to Obama in an easily winable election. Lost to Obama in a landslide.

And we are supposed to listen to this idiot opinion on Trump?
No thanks Mitt… You are a washed up failed politician.

Reply to  Vote Trump
9 years ago

The same Mitt Romney who asked for and received a endorsement from Trump in 2012. Is calling Donald Trump a phony. Mitt Romney you are a phony bastard.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Quivering Puddle of a Loser.

9 years ago

Why doesn’t L T go to the people who are losing there jobs and have her picture taken and to see how she can help them. Pittsfield are losing jobs every year and they were good paying jobs and there art that many good paying jobs to be filled here.

Demetrius T. Gladiator
Demetrius T. Gladiator
Reply to  painter
9 years ago

Tyer has gotten pretty quiet all of a sudden. I think the big shots are getting to her. Budget time will tell but I’m not getting a good feeling about this…

Mr G1188
Mr G1188
9 years ago

I’m out. I’ll check back in a few weeks or you can let me know when you stop shilling for this misogynistic, racist, privileged buffoon who has said in public that he considers the Kardashians the pinnacle of class.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Romney statred Bain Capital with money tied to death squads. Romney made a tidy 250 million loading companies with debt/ millions from those companies fees and firings people to finance debt. Kay Bee was a victim of Bain Capital.

9 years ago

Mitt Romney was caught on camera saying exactly what he thought of most of us. He is a total POS. I could not care less what that guy has to say. He sucked as governor if you ask me. He was the king of taking jobs away from the US.
I’ll take Trump any day over all the professional politicians that use us as door mats and do nothing but feather their own nests.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

C N N just showed Wrongness saying Trump was great in 2012, now Trump sux? What is it Mitt?

9 years ago

Pittsfield Board of Health should disband.

Reply to  mi
9 years ago

Mi, thats a fact! They are beyond useless. Their inspections of our food establishments alone is reason to dump them.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  mi
9 years ago

The head health inspector thankfully left, she was incredibly rude, insulting and verbally abusive to restaurateurs, often citing folks for random items that weren’t even code (read: she made stuff up). She was overheard saying that even if an inspection turned up no comments she would make sure and “find” something to write about.

The new inspector is already getting behavioral complaints (word on the street.) We haven’t gone through the process yet because we’re not open til May.

If you see/ hear something say something. My food truck business is inspected weekly in 3 different states. I have the experience to know that insulting inspections are not the norm nor are they acceptable. If you don’t feel comfortable saying something (inspections are stressful even if you’re doing nothing wrong,) call me. I’ll do it for you. I was so thrilled when she left and knowing that more of the same is possibly on the way makes my blood boil. Please don’t hesitate to call me.


Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Romney was rolled out put doubt into the R P. The main objective is to get Trump, one way is a brokered convention and that could happen. Don’t trust any of them, all millionaires, both sides. Hell,mthe R might still owe the Dems for the bank bailouts. Obama made a fortune also, don’t feel sorry for him.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

I saw

9 years ago

Hillary may yet end up in the slammer as immunity has been given to someone who will testify against her. Who will the Democrats vote for then? Will they make a mad dash for Bernie? Or will they brush the cob webs off of Biden. Tune in as this Democratic soap opera continues.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

I saw Lothrop and Dick Flimsy on TV last night. They were talking about the Primary.Lothrop is the Blowhard Barron of Boredom and Dick Flimsy hasn’t been right since he had a paper route for Zig-Zag. After seeing this show and the Stirgin show I was ready to go back to Direct TV. Strig had Tyer on and the two of them talked for an hour without saying anything…….I hope Tyer has more in her bag of tricks than reading to 5th graders or having squiggles painted on electrical boxes downtown. Who thinks Bianchi eft his cerimonial scissors for Tyer?

Did anyone else see these shows? There are a few good shows on channel 16/ I have my favorites. What are yours?

9 years ago

Gaetani News Hour is up for a Critics Choice. Lo throw up is up for the… Calls Aren’t going through Award.

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

Tyre got the best readers with wardrobe ensemble ( boots) award non fiction.

9 years ago

Don’t look now,but since the Planet played the Boots Video there are a ton of woman wearing Boots. Maybe because it’s winter?

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago

Speaking of our ahealth Board.Jim Wilusz had a show telling people not to go to the all you can eat and pig out, can you believe that guy? A little while later he gained a lot weight himself. What a hypocrite.

Donnies Rump
Donnies Rump
9 years ago

This city has more retreads than a used tire outlet.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
9 years ago

Thanks to Trump University I was able to survive being homeless. Trump U was worth every penny!

9 years ago

It has to be ……..”.T R U M P “

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
9 years ago

Check out the mint hanging on Cruz’s lip?

Bill Clipton
Bill Clipton
Reply to  Local Yokel
9 years ago


Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

John Kasich is the most qualified person to be the next POTUS.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
9 years ago

Looked like a white chip of mint, like a life saver. the media will show it.

9 years ago

Chuck is right, but he doesn’t have the chutzpah, just like Tes.

9 years ago

First: The picture of the mayor reading to 5h graders was ridiculous. I thought by the time they got to 5th grade they could read!

Second; I have lost all respect for Romney. He was an absolute wimp during the debates with Obama. He could have smashed him on the Bengazi incident but didn’t have the guts. But now he bravely goes after Trump.

I hope the Republican party (and the Dems) implode. Neither of them care about our well being.

Student Clown
Student Clown
9 years ago