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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JUNE 27, 2016) — There will always be an England, although we can’t say the same for the USA. While America withers under the control of nefarious politicians-for-life, the voters across the pond smoked the British establishment and shocked the world Thursday when they decided to exit the European Union (EU) by a 52-48% count, or 17.4 million to 16.1 million. The vote makes sense for 10 reasons.

  1. The United Kingdom is not part of the continent. It is separated by the English Channel, and in geopolitics and geo-history, that waterway has been more than symbolic. For example, it kept Hitler from invading after he took France in 1940.
  2. Despite Wall Street’s panic, if cooler heads prevail and time does its planing of the economy’s splintered boards, America should not be much affected. U.S. trade with the UK amounts to less than 1% of our gross domestic product.
  3. It put “The People” in charge. That’s THE PLANET’s favorite outcome of this historic vote. The British Harumph Rumphs, what we called The Suits, heavily pushed for remaining in the EU. They poured money into “throwing the game.” Britain’s Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, Shirley and Colin Quimby, however, had other ideas. So who has the better democracy? Britain, which allowed citizens to vote on the fate of the nation, or Pittsfield, Mass., which refused to let its people vote on spending $200 million for a new school that is as unaffordable as it is unneeded?
  4. The outcome of Brexit benefits Donald Trump, who just happened to be in Scotland on the day of the vote (he owns several golf courses there). The sore losers in the Mainstream Media called the British vote one for “nativism, populism, and me-firstism.” Actually, the vote displayed how righteous anger, well channeled and independently expressed in the voting booth, can trump every rotten plan our hideous politicians launch to benefit themselves and, more importantly, their masters. This form of populism is catchy, and in the fall, the Trump campaign will tap into this Comstock Lode of presidential politics. In a campaign message to THE PLANET, Trump praised the Brexit tally, linking it to his own campaign: “I am fighting to upend the failed Big Government status quo in Washington, so that Americans can start believing in the future of our country again. And if elected President of the United States, I will strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain.”
  5. The Brexit vote can be viewed as an anti-terrorism and anti-illegal immigration decision. The insanity in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq (thank you Bush Lite and Obama), Eritrea, and endemic poverty elsewhere has driven thousands of refugees into the UK. The votee re-establishes Britain as its own arbiter on immigration. It no longer must abide by EU mandates.
  6. The outcome, according to a report by Yahoo! Finance, caused Millennials fits. What’s not to love pissing off these self-indulgent slackers, “The World Owes Me a Living” types who have been brought up receiving trophies and ribbons not for achievement but to appease their temper tantrums when they realize that not all are geniuses and it is not the norm to write your first symphony by the age of three. Millennials blamed everyone else but themselves for not getting the result they wanted, but they failed to vote at twice the rate than those 50 and older.
  7. The EU has been a debacle. It has taken autonomy out of local national control, created a corrupt and top-heavy bureaucracy for the elites, and has long tried to protect itself from involvement by ordinary citizens. In other words, an organization designed along the lines of the current Pittsfield School Department has no other option but failure.
  8. The vote could inspire the U.S. electorate to storm November with a record turnout. There’s no question the corrupt Hillary Clinton campaign can only win with low turnout. A record vote will benefit Trump and third party candidates Gary Johnson (running with Bill Weld), Libertarian, and Green Party nominee Jill Stein.
  9. Is Texit next? Texas, a soverign nation in the mid-19th century, has a $1.6 trillion economy. As a nation, it would rank #10. The Texas Nationalist Movement has officially asked Gov. George Abbott to allow Texans a vote of secession for independence.
  10. Brexit is the ultimate bitch-slap for what Trump called “corrupt career politicians.”

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Pittsfield citizens have long been beaten down by the gutless wonders THE PLANET calls The Suits. That fight is over, but isn’t it nice to see the British electorate exemplifying “the possible” in rigged “representative” politics.


“Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a raise it’s no surprise that they’re giving none away.”Pink Floyd (Lawson), “Money,” from the Dark Side of the Moon album.



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8 years ago

I doubt this city or state will learn anything from the BREXIT vote as this area is too far gone down the progressive rabbit hole. It will be up to wiser people in the rest of the country to pull us out of this mess.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Absolute power corrupts. Absolute power plus a large available money source? Well, what could possible go wrong?

Reply to  dusty
8 years ago

And if the fourths estate becomes part of the absolute power then you are really in trouble.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

This is right inTrumps wheelhouse which he to some degree is advocating.He screwed up and suggested that Hillary and Obama are the reasons they left the EU….Trump does not want to be president….Trump is running as the greatest progressive of our time then runs away from the EU vote…..whats up with that?

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

PEDA now needs to pursue Casinos.The area around the teens is the hood and a Casino will clean up the neighborhood of crime.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

never going to happen. Casino market is saturated.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Are you sure? Does the Albany area have one ?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Longitudinal studies about the effects of casinos in impoverished areas are few and far between. Suffice it to say the economic principles are straight forward. The house generates income. The income pays the debt service, operation costs, profit back to tribe, and taxes.

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Just like the Massachusetts lottery.

Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Yes, Schenectady has a $330 million one on schedule to open in the spring of 2017. It is being built on Eire Boulevard on brownfield remediated land near Mohawk River Harbor. Here is a link to their version of PEDA.!the-history-of-alco-schenectady/ccjb

8 years ago

The British people were rejecting the immigration policies of Cameron and the EU. They were rejecting liberal values. They don’t want to see their country go the way of Europe. Progressives in this country have long touted Europe as a place that America should look up to and make ourselves over in its image, but Europe is in trouble.

8 years ago

Our country continues to allow unvetted immigrants into this country. We are not taking proper precautions in a time of terror. Our government isn’t doing its job, but American citizens will pay the price by losing our rights and our safety. The British citizens were smart enough to realize that this was happening in their own country and they did something about it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

It’s not only unvetted but uninoculated and disease carrying spoor.

TB AIDS LEPROSY ……..the liberals love them all!

I don’t have high hopes for the Brits, they only had a 4% margin.

We are in worse shape, A Criminal who should be in the crowbar hotel for life, under current CRIMINAL investigation, with the Crook in Chief whom was voted in twice ( One Big Ass Mistake America), has her covered from justice.

The other major”party”is corrupted just as badly, and the media is in both their pockets.

Dan is one of the few outlets of information that has even mentioned 3rd party candidates.

I fear they too are infected/corrupted, as I have voted for Gary Johnson as a constitutional candidate, but hooking up with Willy Weld won’t get my vote this time.

8 years ago

And in Pittsfield you have people with plenty of money making financial decisions affecting those who do not have the money to keep up with the spending. I admire the British courage to rebel. These are the type of people you want in the foxhole next to you, not the type who, when the chips are down, will actually increase the budget and make matters even worse than they were before.

Courage versus no courage. Heroes versus cowards

8 years ago

The EU should invade England, claim it as a colony, and eliminate any “insurgents” who oppose their occupation.

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
Reply to  Info
8 years ago

Just as dishonest Abe did here.

Ed Check
Ed Check
8 years ago

The British people (52% of them anyway) realized it is a battle of globalists vs nationalists. This has thrown a real monkey wrench into the internationalists plan to consolidate the world into a one world system.

Remember, it is these people who try to divide us into various camps…democrats, republicans, liberal, progressive, conservative, etc. However, a majority of Britons have woken up out of the matrix and realized who the real enemy is. Thank you numerous Internet news sites like Newsmax, Breitbart, Infowars, and others for getting the truth out there.

I hope America has the same awakening. The two candidates that are against the globalists were Sanders and Trump. If you want to see were Sanders policies will end, just look at what is happening to Venezuela after years of socialist policies. Clinton is part of the globalists agenda, no matter what she says (or lies) to her followers. Trump is not a perfect candidate (no one is), however his stands on immigration and trade are a good start to fixing what is fundamentally broken I the US.

It is also interesting to see all the leading “Republicans” distance themselves from Trump. Their real masters might cut them off if they stray off the globalist farm.

Our little Pittsfield is just a microcosm of this when little fish are given a little power. It goes to their head. They feel they are better than the people they SERVE, and they want to be the new masters. One day they too will wake up and realize they have been duped.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ed Check
8 years ago

Never mind Venezuela had an economy dependent on a single commodity that plunged in value because of a trade war between the Saudis and Iran that the US instigated to wedge apart and destabilize oil dependent countries across the globe.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Like Pittsfield with GE. Lots of eggs but only one basket. Howd that turn out for Venezuela? For Pittsfield?

8 years ago

The Brittish have taken back their country.
It is their declaration of independance.

In November it will be America’s turn to take back their country by ushering in Donald Trump as President of the United States.
Its time oust the mentally ill Progressive Liberals.

When will the citizens of Pittsfield take back their city?

8 years ago

The Mayor has gong from 65,625 to941,540 and then put her self in for a raise which brings her to 95,000. And during all the things that keep her so busy in the corner office and made it necessary for her raise she found time to buy a house.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Painter
8 years ago

Who says she bought a new house?

Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

It’s in the records. A $600,000+ McMansion.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Hackett
8 years ago

post link please

8 years ago

Movin on up painter.

8 years ago

NUCLEA does anyone know what happen to this Business on Elm St.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

New Clay uh, just the pronunciation would confirm it as bogus reality.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

It was a scam

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Thet want to retake the vote to leave the EU…..thet fear imigration as do many americans who want Trump to stop it here too.Remember the state of our economy the republican party left Obama.One person high up said we were 3 hours away from a world financial collaspe. Obama had his hands full with 2 bush wars and the collaspe and the Republican right saying no to everything….some of you must have not read about this ….it was less than 8 years ago….Trump is not smart enought to run for president…but he is definitely smart enough to be a republican candidate.

Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

How neatly liberals can change history. The housing crisis is what caused the economic crash. How many times does that need to be repeated so liberals do not keep rewriting history?

Hillary is neither honest or smart enough to be president. She can’t even keep confidential information safe on her computer, but that will not stop the brainwashed liberals from voting for her.

Obama has caused the immigration crisis that is currently destroying the lives of so many around the world. Why do people need to learn everything the hard way?

Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

Try breaking the Prozacs in half

Reply to  Ignint
8 years ago

directed to School Committee

8 years ago

10 years to build a bridge nothing to celebrate there.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Republican party record under Bush is understably denied….its impossible to accept I get it.

Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

As is the progressive/democratic policies of Clinton/Obama

8 years ago

How can a similar city as Pittsfield have a budget $13 million less? Are our politicians really that dumb?

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
8 years ago

The UK is our fifth largest trading partner. The UK bought about 2.5% of our exports ($56.1 billion in 2015) and was 2% of our imports ($57.96 billion in 2015). Obviously, Brexit has caused the pound to fall and we will import more since UK products and services are now cheaper and will export less.

My view is that Brexit was about both immigration and trade. It was a strongly pro-free trade and anti immigrant vote. The English were tired of unelected bureaucrats telling what to do. They are also tired of having their communities drastically changed by people with different cultures.

The relevance to the US election is overstated. The Tower-Dweller and Sanders are definitely anti-trade but the English vote is definitely pro-trade. They left the EU to join the world.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
8 years ago

The “Tower Dweller, Trump” (as you call him ) is not anti-trade. If you really read some of the trade bills, the USA constantly gets screwed at the expense of third and fourth world countries. He has continually expressed a desire to make sure we get a good deal on any agreements.

Wake up…the wealth of America (manufacturing) needs to come back here. Trade policies and corporate tax policy will make that happen again. And for those who say Mr. Trump is not qualified to be president…compared to what?

Clinton…taken political corruption, murder, and illegal activities to a new high. Possibly the worst Secretary of State in history, unless Kerry surpasses her, but that would seem doubtful…he does not have a clue.

Johnson…also installed and infiltrated by globalists.

Sanders…claims to be a socialist. If he claims to be a socialist, really is a communist. Wants you to sacrifice, but wants to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous political elite.

Obama…who is this Manchurian candidate really? Multiple social security numbers, hates America, wants to fundamentally change it…to what? A third world?

Again, wake up….

C Trzcinka
C Trzcinka
Reply to  Ed Check
8 years ago

I have read many of the trade bills and seen their economic effect. There is absolutely no evidence that the “USA constantly gets screwed” at the expense of any country. NAFTA increased trade with Mexico and cost Mexico jobs but not the USA. Of course you can pull out the “I know a guy..” story about this or that person hurt. Carrier in Indianapolis is the most recent case of anecdotal thinking. But the evidence is absolutely clear that your view is wrong. Economists have been arguing against protectionists for 200 years and your side never, ever comes up with anything but “I know a guy..” When are you going to learn to stop simplistic categorizations and start thinking?

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  C Trzcinka
8 years ago

The main source of jobs lost in Mexico was when they left the farm to go to the trade zones along the border. Then when those wages were too high, they abandoned those for even lower wage countries.

The error in the free trade policy (as opposed to a fair trade policy) is that if a small percentage of manufacturers do it, not a big problem. However, now after decades of exodus by industrial manufacturers, the economic devastation is apparent.

Wholesale industries are gone…electronics, housewares, textile, clothing, steel products, machine tools, plastic molding, etc.

Travel to Springfield VT, and see what was a former machine tool giant. Travel down south and see the remains of textile and clothing mills. We have lost the ability and knowledge to provide clothing in this country.

Steel products from India and China…I know, I sold their inferior quality for a time to make a living until I could get a better job.

These industries move out for lower wages, no real environmental laws, no worker safety, nothing but improvements to the bottom line. I do not blame the companies, but I do blame government policy for allowing their products to be imported back to the USA without adding a tariff for the societal and environmental impact to any companies still here trying to compete.

How about imported steel paying a tariff to USA companies to pay for their added environmental expenses that the offshore company does not have to deal with.

Did you forget about the Beijing olympics? How many weeks did they shut down the country to try and get the air quality to just a haze in order to have those games.

The reason everyone “knows a guy” is because the cancer is so widespread. And these new UN global climate treaties will kill the remaining USA based manufacturing.

How do I know what I speak. I used to work for a global company at a high managerial level. I was ingrained with the global mantra. It never felt quite right. Deep down I knew it was the end of the America I grew up in, and that company thrived in. But the that company, even the world was not enough.

Your position has cost this nation prosperity, and worse, the lives of many young men in countless wars and military actions to defend the economic interest of the multinationals and global financiers. I will stick with my position. I have seen it and I have lived it.

C Trzcinka
C Trzcinka
Reply to  Ed Check
8 years ago

Start reading real studies. For example

Its apparent that the Tower-Dweller hasn’t read this view from his alma mater.

I know many people, including some in my family, who have been hurt by competition from non US companies. What I also know is that we can’t hide from the world, we can’t choose which industries to protect or not to protect and we can’t reduce economic freedom without destroying the economy we live in. It is far better to help those who are hurt by taxing those who are helped than to follow the way of the Tower-Dweller and Sanders.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Ed Check
8 years ago

Just read the article in the link. Pretty much validates my last post.