(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY JUNE 28, 2017) — In case you missed it while dodging bullets and beating off burglars, the city conducted a dedication ceremony Monday morning for the city’s new Bridge of Sighs. It took 10 years to renovate an existing span. Think about that. This wasn’t blasting through to create the Hoosac Tunnel. We’re talking reinforcing a bridge already part of the former GE campus. Put another way: “Welcome to Pittsfield! Welcome to PEDA!”
The effort didn’t evoke Alec Guinness and the Kwai or Clint Eastwood and Madison County. PEDA, the Pittsfield Evasion and Duplicity Association, hosted the event to open the transom linking East Street and Woodlawn Avenue.
A splendid time was had by all. Following a rousing speech by that noted orator and absentee executive Corydon Thurston, the paint dried as assembled hordes ran off to suck on the exhaust pipes of BRTA buses or guzzle Silver Lake wah-wah. The PEDA board passed out free hosannas of praise, calling the bridge a new “economic engine,” its yellow bricks leading directly to an Oz otherwise known as Super Walmart — if we’re lucky. Yet watch how much The “New” Boring Broadsheet plays this non-event up. It’ll be bigger than McKinley‘s win over Bryant in 1896.
A Bored for the Ages
This is your PEDA board, the pursuers of self-aggrandizement and purchased acclaim. The coin of such realm, of course, is the forfeit of one’s independence of thought and the suspension of personal scruples as they apply to public life. It’s not that they do anything outright criminal. Rather, it’s that they do NOTHING AT ALL. This happens without direct remuneration, but we all know the barnyard kickbacks find their way into those ever-verdant pastures as sure as the recoil on a 30.06 Savage or the uncoiled hind legs of a riled Mr. Ed.
Presenting the bored:
* Mick Callahan, chairman: Ubiquitous.
* Christina Barrett: “Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet …”
* Churchill Cotton: “Take Sominex tonight and sleep. Safe and restful sleeeeep, sleeeeeep, sleeeeeep.”
* Barry Clairmont: “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing” or “One and one and one are three.”
* Douglas Crane: Paper Tiger.
* Paul Dalton: Named a town after him.
* Mike Filpi: “Your honor, we are legitimate businessmen, respected members of the commYOONity.”
* Krystle Gallo: A rag, a bone, a hank of hair.
* Pam Green: How many lawyer jokes are there? Only three. The rest of true stories.
* Mike Matthews: A CEO walks into a bar … .
* George Whaling: (sung as a sea shanty) “A whaling we shall go, Doobie Mick.”
Apathy Remembered with a Wet Kiss
Nothing has happened at the PEDA site since the last winder girded the last coil around the last transformer, so the opening of The Bridge of Sighs was seen as Big News in the city that time forgot and apathy remembered with a wet kiss. The city reached agreement with GE regarding the polluted factory grounds on May 28, 1998. GE gave the city $10 million for economic development and tax relief. Not much remains of the money, as though it vanished into thin air or thick pockets. In addition, GE made a “redevelopment fund” of $15,300,000 available to PEDA. Who knows where that money went?
The Consent Agreement required GE to “be responsible for all remediation required by the Consent Decree.” Perfect, eh? It has to be the most deleterious tautology ever to involve the city of Pittsfield. The terms essentially allowed GE to get away with leaving 350,000 square feet of foundations in place. Although the company “will bear all costs related to soil management,” leaving the foundations intact essentially ensures that what’s in the ground stays in the ground. There will be no “soil management.” It was the master’s touch, legally, that, as we have long since learned, doomed PEDA to failure. Why else can’t they give that land away?
The PEDA Pod People have acted since the beginning like they knew no authentic manufacturing would ever be done at the site. That would explain the succession of do-nothing managers, executive directors, and boards, the worst of whom and which are the ones presently “serving.” It also neatly accounts for why The Suits wanted the “roll over and play dead” types for PEDA, who, in exchange for not insisting on better terms to an agreement that could, even yet, be reopened, were led to their unjust rewards.
Only the ordinary citizens and taxpayers suffer.
THE PLANET hopes you enjoy the new bridge.
Especially when you jump off it.
“When one burns one’s bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.” — Dylan Thomas
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The bridge deck and span were completely replaced and the supports were substantially modified. This was actually completed fairly quickly and as part of an effort to raise bridge clearance to accommodate double decker rail container cars.
The ribbon cutting was nothing more than political leavings and scraps from MassDOT buying the CSX rail line between Worcester and Boston. The City and PEDA had nothing to do with it.
On a side note, I’m surprised Tricia and Peter get along so well. After Ruberto abandoned Marchetti to campaign TFB into office, costing him the election to Bianchi, I expected acrimony.
That’s because she has done so much for mother Pittsfield.
IF PEDA had nothing to do with it then why are their faces hogging up the camera? Why have a ceremony at all? Whats there to celebraete?
In the olden days the trolls lived under the bridge.
now they live here
Yes. On the surface, in plain view. We should be honored that our taxes support them.
The new bridge was raised for the Great and only city in the state of ma.Boston.All other cities in this state are in the same or worse shape than Pittsfield.
Lower taxes by shrinking the schools brick and mortar and build a reputation that lets gangsters know a decision to do business in our city will cost them their freedom.
We need a council to stop grilling highway and have police update gangster activity at every council meeting.I am embarrassed Mccandless does not understand finances and the next superintendent must be asked if he can run a dept with a responsible budget.
Reply to The School committee.
One man–Wiz–(CG) did something real beasides talking.
He filed the Lawsuit against City of Pittsfield for building
new Taconic HS. He asked Superior court to hold it until
residents have their say in Referendum.
1676CV00117 XXXXXXXXXX C vs. City of Pittsfield et al
Check on line: choose Superior–Berkhsire county, then type City of Pittsfield
Just another chance for local politicians to congratulate each other for all they do. Not sure exactly what they do, but does that really matter? A great photo op time was had by all. The ordinary citizens in this city, however, really do want to jump off of that bridge.
I bet when Dan Bianchi saw pictures of those gold plated scissors he got just a little teared up
I think he enjoyed awarding proclamations and throwing out first pitches more.
Lol Ron….and a deflated chest.
Governor Charlie Baker to put a Cap on State Spending as early as July due to $750 million dollar shortfall.
Pittsfield Mayor, and City Council better wake up and get on a serious fiscal clamp down.
Like a Bridge over Troubled Water, ( Silver Lake) I will lay me down…
Cory Thurston is quoted as saying that the belated Woodlawn Avenue economic engine bridge will enhance public safety in this city, but it doesn’t help his hometown, Williamstown, where he is on the fire dept. It’s a long drive for him to answer the call.
Now Pittsfield residents can stand on a newer bridge and watch the economic CSX engines go on by on their way to Eastern New England.
If Thursty lives in Williamstown why the hell is he on the board to begin with. He’s a perfect example of why the petition to require residency needs to be passed sooner than later.
This economic engine only has 4 cylinders.
But only 2 of those 4 actually work.
Heap big lie
I think the City and points south are safer with the bridge closed….
Is easier access to Morningside something I wanted? Nope. I wanted the fence.
Let’s build a wall.
I’m not quite sure but doesn’t safety regs require a fence on that Bridge over trouble water? Quite honestly, Pittsfield seems to be putting lipstick on a lot of Pigs lately.
Oh sorry, see the Fence.
City council needs to ask Mccandless if Walmart has decided to build at PEDA site because he is building a 80 million dollar school for 120 million
Why are Walmart employees asking people to sign a petition to build at PEDA site if they want to renovate at current location?
I just wish city officials would deal straight with us on this and everything else.
Standing way in the back and hidden from view behind the politicians is the fixed income taxpayer who’s contribution to the bridge gets no recognition. And there is a fence, perhaps to keep that taxpayer from jumping off.
The bridge is funded with gasoline and diesel excise tax receipts, with maybe some sales tax funding too.
If you’re a fixed income taxpayer, get off your duff and go make some money. We shouldn’t be subsidizing your entitlement assistance because you were too stupid and lazy to save for when you couldn’t work more. Stop asking for handouts.
In which paragraph was I asking for handouts knucklehead? Have an grown up reread my entry to you and see if it reads differently.
Shakes – you are just annoying most of us on fixed income are retirement age (and some of us can’t) not looking for a handout, just looking to survive.
There is something seriously wrong with you Shakes. You have a screw loose.
Why? each an every one of you grifters with your Social Security and Medicare complain about everything, If you are looking to survive, go out and get it. If you want to (or have to) stay on your porch and yell at the kids in the lawn, then expect a quality of life not of your choosing. You agree with the “snowflakes”, the “helicopter parents”, the “hipsters” and the “welfare queens” stereotypes, don’t forget to look in the mirror.
My point of post was property taxes did not fund the bridge, so you’re “fixed income” comment is moot. The world, by nature, just isn’t fair.
Well you sure have straightened me out. I apologize for getting you so upset. I don’t want to be the one that sets you off on a binge of mayhem so I am going to tread lightly when I think you might be on board.
dusty and spagirl it’s obvious Shakes has allowed you to rent out space in his head. He is so angry at what you’ve posted. so please be kind to him. Imagine what it’s like to be that wAY.
Binge of mayhem? Upset? Understand, my comments are satirical, meant to point out opposing viewpoints in the extreme. I don’t get on here and cast foul insults and disparage the character of public employees.
If most of you were confronted with the same tone you direct at others, you would be extremely offended. My point is you don’t like it and feign indignity.
There are personalities that are truly disturbed, angry, and violent on this blog. Megalomaniacs, charlatans, and blowhards that defame others for their own personal gain. Suggesting an honest reflection rather than rushing to embrace media archetypes is hardly an upset or outlandish suggestion.
Shakes, you really are a wacko.
time to rid this blog of the shakes bufoon
But your are okay with giving handouts to illegal immigrants? Just not elderly people who have lived here all their lives and maybe didn’t get the breaks in life that the well connected in this city get? No, I’m not talking about myself. I’m only in my early fifties. I’m not ready for an old folks home yet. I’m talking about the truly elderly in this city who are hurting financially.
May the feces of 1000 bridge pigeons foul your sister’s laundry.
Also opening this week is the Berkshire Carousel, a project that comes from the heart, was really intended for the children and the people of Pittsfield and is the antithesis of the way things are usually done around here. Thank you Jim Shulman for all your incredible effort.
What a wonderful thing Jim Shulman and his volunteers have done. Can’t wait to ride
I hope that Jim and the dedicated carousel volunteers have any photo bombing politicians arrested for trespassing, if they dare to set foot on his property during the grand opening.
We should firmly tell any politicians looking for a photo op to leave. They had nothing to do with the carousel. Tell them to hang out at the Beacon.
That is a good one Pat. They should hold all their parties and celebrations at the Beacon. As I hear they do. Stick with the money crow where they belong.
After hearing the news on Tuesday, Mayor Linda Tyer expressed concern for those will be impacted by the closure at Nuclea. I KNOW THIS CAME OUT IN January BUT IM AMAZED AT HOW LITTLE CONCERN L.T. SHOW IN HER STAREMENT.
Shake and Bake….Hannity and Rush give you 6 hours a day of angry programming….then you can repeat what you have experienced on your radio.
Aarrgh Matey, line up the graybeards and have ’em walk the Woodlawn Avenue plank!
WTF are you talking about? You do a good post or two and then you put up some foolish crap.
Did Trump campaign just accuse Clinton of murder.If he could just shut up
Trump is probably just repeating from Roger Stones book on the Clinton’s or the House Bengazi report.
Stop listening to National Propaganda Radio (NPR), and get some truth about the world in which we live.
Have a great day.
I agree. NPR is a lovefest for Democrats. Democrats can do no wrong according to NPR. I think this is where most of Berkshire County gets their political news. No wonder they are such Democratic sheep.
Clinton isn’t a nice person. Stop living in a dream world in which all Democrats are nice sweet people. It just isn’t true. She has bad judgment and would make a terrible president. We need someone totally different than the same people we have had in office. No more Clintons!!!
I’m bringing my whip to my first Carousel Ride, won’t use it on the Carousel but it might come in handy going to and fro.
As someone that has moved out of the city and state. This is embarrassing .
Fox wants you angry and you are.Trump wants your angry vote and you will.Keep borrowing.
why do they want me angry?
We should ask each councilor to go on record right now to see where they stand with the information they have on Super Wal Mart.
Wouldn’t the community development board be a more appropriate place to solicit comment?
Open Mike at the City Council is exactly what I preach to the choir over and over. What damn joke.
Open Mike is not a required part of the agenda. Many communities don’t allow it., I think it’s a good idea – but before it begins, the rules are laid out.
The woman who had a compelling story about Chief Wynn and the PPD back in 2008 needs to find another way to get her story out there (maybe through Dan Valenti?). She clearly violated the rules as set out, and even if she is telling the absolute truth – the truth as she sees it is just that.
City Council meetings are not bodies of law, and the Chief or the others involved were not there to tell their side of any story. And the rules say no disparaging remarks against others.
I think as these folks abuse the opportunity to get a message out in a civil manner, you will some day find that the piece of the agenda will disappear. Some folks here think the councilors should be paying rapt attention to the speakers. Why? The Council meeting is to do the business before the Council, not to engage with everyone who wants to speak. And when folks demean them, it seems odd we would expect them to receive the same criticism of a raving lunatic week after week. Better to just wait for the end.
Just imagine yourselves in that seat on the receiving end here. Remember, each of these folks were elected and re-elected (except Rivers who is a first termer) – so somebody supports the jobs they do – even if I sometimes do not.
southeast, you truly are a jack wagon. I feel sorry for you.
n. Slang term derived from the Freight or Chow wagons used in the late 19th century. These were often the last wagons in a wagon train, making them the least favorable to drive due to the dust, waste, and debris from the front of the train.
Nice one, gongoozler.
Another one in Turkey today. Still gonna blame the NRA?
Did you know you could go up to a law enforcement officer, call them an ass,,,, and they cannot do anything to you..
what good would that do?
What is the story about the Chief and a law suit filed in Federal court about? Hope to get the truth as this is important to know and if this is true why was he appointed acting chief in the first place?