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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016) — In the miracle of miracles, topping even You Know Who doing a time step on the Sea of Galilee, your Federal Bureau of Investigation Tuesday recommended to your “Justice” Department that no charges be filed against former Secretary of State and Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.


FBI director James Cormey issued what AP termed “a bombshell announcement” — what we call a classic case of reverse ball busting. Members of the investigatory team argued for charges against the former First Lady for her use of a private server to handle classified e-mail as she headed the State Department. They did not prevail, however, after Clinton’s hubby, Bubba, talked “golf and grandkids” with the thoroughly compromised AG Loretta Lynch. Not long after, it appears Comey got his nuts crunched and issued the agency’s high-pitched recommendation.

Comey’s squeaky decision came just before Clinton and President Obama were to appear in a joint campaign rally —  just another of those D.C. coincidences, the same kind that happen all the time in little, old Pittsfield, Mass.

From AP: “Although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case,” Comey said in a televised statement from FBI headquarters. “Although there is evidence of potential violation of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

Comey’s announcement, if anything, added to “the political firestorm” [AP] surrounding Clinton’s use of a private server for her official e-mail usage while heading State. It raised eyebrows that Comey issued his report in such haste. Only on Saturday (7/2) did the FBI grill Hillary for almost four hours. Typically, declarations take much longer than three days, especially when one of those days is Sunday and another is the Fourth of July. Another miracle.

Trump Gets the Jump

Replublican presidential nominee Donald Trump wasted no time denouncing the news on Twitter: “FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! #Rigged System, 11:39 a.m., July 5.”

Wow! indeed. The FBI, Comey said, found Clinton’s handling of secret information “extremely careless.” Comey said 110 e-mails sent on her server contained classified information. It was more like a couple thousand. Seven e-mail chains, he said, were classified at the “Top Secret.” Wow!

From AP: “Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Friday that she would accept the recommendations of the FBI and senior Justice Department prosecutors. Lynch made that pledge as she tried to dampen the controversy over a meeting with former President Bill Clinton earlier in the week.

“While Comey stopped short of recommending that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee face criminal charges, the … FBI chief painted an unsparing picture of her controversial and unprecedented use of a private email server to do government work. While other past secretaries of state had used private, commercially available email, none had set up a private server.”

Coney said the evidence shows Clinton was “extremely careless in … handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.’” But still, no charges.

The AG said she would accept the advice of the FBI. Of course she would, because she knew the FBI would recommend the case be dropped. What choice did she have — even though Comey had to admit it was possible “that hostile actors gained access” to Hillary’s private e-mail account?

Trump followed up his Tweet by releasing separate statements. In one, Trump said “Comey let Clinton off the hook. … The fix was final. The Obama administration’s annointed successor has had an indictment removed from her path and will now be able to glide to the rigged Democrat nomination.”

All but forgotten in this news is the blistering report issued a few weeks ago by the State Department’s inspector general. In the report, State’s IG directly refuted Hillary’s claim that she had permission from that office to use a private server.

You’re shocked, THE PLANET realizes, to learn of yet another Hillary lie. At least the news won’t be earth-shaking in Pittsfield, where a rigged game has been going on for more than a generation. There, “the fix” has been in for a generation and counting.


“Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lies to you.”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice



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8 years ago

Is it any coincidence that Pittsfield and Washington is made up of progressives. Both suffer from serious issues regarding the truth and transparency. Pittsfield has gone seriously downhill since these progressives have been in charge.

Hillary should not be allowed anywhere near any classified information. She is a danger to the security of this country. This Democratic party has gone off the rails. They are lawless and don’t even care if the people know it. They flaunt it. The people of this country need to rein them in or their dangerous power plays will take away all of our rights. The sad thing is that because of the “liberties” that Obama has taken with the presidency and pushing his authority beyond what is allowed, both Democratic and Republican presidents will need to be watched by the public and kept under control from trying to push for even more POWER or we will end up with a dictator.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

What “liberties” ? and what authorities ? Please site specific examples and laws that were broken. The generalities and rants dismisses and credibility of ur comments.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

Gun running BATF with Holder/Obama running the show. “Transparent” Barry running interference to the investigation. Guns provided by BATF show up at numerous domestic and international crime scenes. One was used in the Paris attack, one was used to murder border agent Brian Terry.

Look at Sotero’s illegal “executive orders”, by-passing congress and pissing on our Constitution.

The whole immigration system run by Barry is corrupt and illegal. He has no respect for our nation, borders, or security.

“Justice” department? Two words: Holder, Lynch

I could go on but it would take a book, with many volumes……

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Get one for your bumper and front lawn this fall:

Hillary for PRISON 2016

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

As for the gun running claims … The intent was good but the plan was bad ….(Tracking gun serial numbers to criminals)

Executive Orders… Take a look at past Presidential Executive Orders… Where is the line drawn on how far a President can go…. what’s the legal criteria… if there isn’t one then there needs to be ..

Bush scared me more with his warrantless “wire Taps” and trying to get the Attorney General Ashcroft to sign a last min. extension while he was drugged and in a hospitable bed. very unnerving … Thank God Ashcroft had the B—s to tell Gonzales to go screw .

The Hillary email thing is quite disturbing , I agree… she knew conservatives would use the Freedom of Information Act to scrutinize her emails and cloud her campaign with conspiracy theories… doesn’t excuse her actions… But damn .. do not trust Trump either… and can’t support more tax cuts… Do conservatives realize that the shortfalls to pay the budget has to be borrowed which adds more to our debt… there is no tax cut to GDP growth anymore with Free Trade….

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

“The intent was good but the plan was bad” any number of people arrested convicted and jailed for DWI for example could say that. I went to Patrick’s to celebrate Christmas with the Probation Department (Good intentions I would say) I had more than a few to many got into my Subaru Outback to drive home ( bad plan most would admit) and lost control of the vehicle and ran into the guy leaving him for dead. Oops bad example she has peeps in the right places.

Ok better example It was Jeans birthday we went to the bar (once again a good intention) to celebrate I had a few too many jumped into the car to get home. (Bad plan) ran into the other car killing the occupants. So it isn’t always intention that matters. Few if any of those charged with vehicular manslaughter for example had intentions of killing any one no matter how stupid a thing they did Driving under the influence, driving excessively fast or recklessly the intention wasn’t to harm yet they are held accountable. So please do explain to us why Obama and Holder should not be held to account? What’s worse they had intentions of using the results to strip away rights, to stack the deck to aid in proving a point of view.

Just sayin

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Through his first term (i.e., the first four years of his presidency), Barack Obama issued 147 executive orders, not 923. (Now into the final year of his second term, President Obama has issued a total of 227 executive orders.) Moreover, compared to President Obama’s predecessors in the White House, this is not an unusually large number of orders for a modern president: President George W. Bush issued 291 executive orders during his eight years in office, while President Bill Clinton issued 364 such orders over the same span of time

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

So if Johnny did a bad thing it’s O.K. for Jimmy to do the same thing, three times? Your logic is twisted.

I did not vote for either Bush, Clintoon, or Barry. And I do not support their criminal actions or their pissing on our Constitution and laws. EOs, for the most part are illegal and unconstitutional. But the DOJ and APPOINTED Courts/Judges, are in cahoots with the Criminal in Chief and the pullers of his strings. Seems the FBI/Feds are just the same. Our founding Fathers warned us about tyranny, and it is here NOW.

The democRATS are totally out of control. Primary was rigged for H-Beast. Different set of rules/laws/judiciary for them and us. RINOs are no different, open season this election cycle on them too.

Re-Elect NOBODY!!!

Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

You can have good intentions with a bad outcome and be criminally negligent… Try thinking a couple levels below ur first gut response…The guns issue is being twisted by conservative media into Obama hates this country and wants to arm Mexicans … then let them cross the border to do harm…I never said there was no negligence..

If the US would try to convict every President for doing stupid crap where innocent people were killed then no President would risk action for fear of being held culpable.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

DRIP Don’t Return Incumbent Politicians

Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

Nice use of democRATS .. u clearly tipped ur hat as a follower of ur supreme brainwasher Rush Limbaugh…

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

Instead of suggesting what the conservative media are trying to do, please do tell what were his intentions regarding this? How is it no one in the loop so to speak couldn’t see this going sideways? So the liberal media has vetted, explored and explained this completely? Blaming Limbaugh or Fox news is simply putting blinders on and picking sides not following the truth past your initial gut reaction.

Just sayin

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

I have included a link from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) regarding the various gun running schemes of the Administration. This is in fact a Draft working copy the final report is as scarce as hens teeth. Please note the link comes from that conservative bastion known as MSNBC.
As you can see I have thought this through past an initial gut reaction. This country is founded and based upon each of us being equal under the law no questions no exceptions none more equal than the other. Is it perfect? No but each of us a citizens must struggle and fight towards perfection not not more equal through election.

Just sayin

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

The other bastion of conservative news CBS actually has a good accounting of both operation gun runner and fast and furious

Just sayin

Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

So what was illegal about Fast and Furious ?????? What is ur point … That sense the Obama Admin. tries to spin it to cover the embarrassment for political purposes … Whats new about this ???? If its political spin then say it .. U claim to be indep. however, what is ur argument other than bashing Democratic candidates ???? Talk issues not politicians and I’ll consider ur point. I think Cheney should have been shot for treason for the smear campaign against Val Plaine … Why is a Vice President involved in a smear campaign ??? Maybe cause their report on yellow cake didn’t match the drum beat for war.. Oh and this whole liberal media baloney… yet u cite MSNBC and CBS as links for Fast and Furious …

Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

Obama was just slapped down by the Supreme Court for overstepping on immigration. He lost because he overstepped his authority. He wanted to allow all these illegals in without them having to go through the process to become legal.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Not one article can site the law that states that Obama’s Executive Order on illegal immigration is against the law… If it is then show me !!… If u read George Washington’s Executive Order u would call rant about how ole Georgie is taken away my liberties ….

Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

What about Lincoln’s Executive Order to suspend Habeus Corpus ????? Same thing for Bush II .. These are far more serious to our liberties then amending the Immigration Law or spinning Fast and Furious.. That’s why ur intentions are not about Liberty but some good ole’ gut warming Liberal bashing .. prove me wrong ..

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

My point is the outright lies from Holder and others claiming they had no knowledge before date X then e-mails and memos surfacing that shows knowledge and involvement some 10 months prior. You do understand innocent people lost their lives right? Others who love and cared about them will suffer forever due to the loss, but that is secondary to some spin for embarrassment? It was Senator Grassley who asked first in writing then in a hearing when people in charge knew about things and they out right flat out lied in hearings are you ok with that? It isn’t conservative news spin its outright fact I dare say it would be perjury if you or I made false claims in a hearing. Can a government of by and for the people remain viable and effective like this? When the goal is to smear the messenger instead of trying to understand the message I should think not. I want consistency so Cheney should have been shot for the Val Plaine ordeal what should happen to Clinton should we learn her server was hacked and information from that was used by others to cause harm to agents? What of Holder? What should be his fate? Holder lied and people died? That was the chant for Bush wasn’t it? Why is it now less valid for a different political party? My point is very simple Accountability needs to be demanded for all regardless of political party or agenda. I am not willing to lower my standards because of a political affiliation nor discount information because it comes from Fox or MSNBC

Just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

Lies political spin so on and so forth…if the gov’t spent time and money prosecuting all perceived lies and spin … then u aint seen nothing yet on gridlock.. Why Benghazi and not Iraq ????? To what ends ? The country is split and people will blame media outlets for spinning for one side .. whats Trumps rant on the media “lying disgusting pigs” so now what … we only listen to Trump yeah right its been tried before and the outcome wasn’t to good … (Mussolini) .. I respect ur point but ya got sat out da bushes… I don’t think most people care about the truth only to score political points… I’m done…

Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

Why did the Supreme Court reject what Obama wanted on immigration?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I am confused help me out here your text “Talk issues not politicians and I’ll consider ur point. I think Cheney should have been shot for treason for the smear campaign against Val Plaine …”. You request I talk issues not politicians and go right into Cheney, Is he a politician or an issue? Or is it different rules for you than you request of me?

In done too
Just sayin

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Voltaire
8 years ago

Criminal Alien.

Read those two words. Aiding a criminal alien is A FEDERAL FELONY, yes the law is on the books. Barry is guilty as are the sanctuary cities mayors. If the laws were enforced they would all be in the crowbar hotel and the CRIMINAL ALIENS DEPORTED

8 years ago

For the life of me I cannot figure out why either one of these two old multi millionaires even want to be president. Why don’t they just kick back and spend time with their grand kids?

Reply to  dusty
8 years ago

Hillary is addicted to power. She will do and say anything to get it.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

What about Trump? Is he in it because he really loves his country?

Reply to  dusty
8 years ago

I think Trump loves this country more than Hillary does. He knows we can be better. He knows we are suffering. Hillary applauds everything Obama has done and vows to carry on his legacy. NO THANK YOU!!!!

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Pittsfield like small industrial cities are victims of their middle class success meaning high wages…..conservatives are against high wages and needed to tap into 3rd world wages,just business conservatives would say.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

Actually small industrial cities are victims of NAFTA and other such free trade agreements. Look, we can all buy cheap stuff!!! It will have to be cheap as wages stagnate and job are lost to automation.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

It’s not cheap stuff it’s financially inexpensive it is quite costly though in terms of impacts on local economies, social structure and infrastructure. It’s not cheap at all
Just sayin

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

That’s the point.

8 years ago

Here we go now with a $100,000 assessment of a water system upgrade. Could require technology change. This is a non working City on Social Services. The kick in the ass is the Taconic High School debt put on the backs of the Citizens. This is going to come back again and again.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

I am shocked the miracle float technology might be obsolete with new drinking water standards.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

We are going broke and Tyer Connell Amuso Mazzeo Krol Krol Krol KrolKrol Caccamo White

vote Hillary
vote Hillary
8 years ago

Vote for Hillary
America needs a president who is “extremely careless” with top secret government information.

Just ignore the people sitting in prison for doing far less of the same thing. After all Hillary is above the law. America needs another president who lies to the people.

Yes we need a president who cannot be trusted.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  vote Hillary
8 years ago



8 years ago

Compare Snowden, who publicly exposed classified information, who is now wanted for treason – to Clinton, who secretly exposed classified information, who is now wanted for President???

Winchester 73
Winchester 73
Reply to  Gigi
8 years ago

Snowden’s a hero. Hillary a zero.

8 years ago

You can’t really blame Comey for his decision.
He just didn’t want to meet with his untimely death.
Perhaps being suicided.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sam
8 years ago

It’s called ARKANcide

Reply to  Sam
8 years ago

I thought he was making a pretty good case for an indictment.

8 years ago

Do not forget that hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in Hillary for president. These people do not want to lose.

If the sheer strength of the people turn up at the polls and sweep Trump into office, they will collapse the economy and blame it on Trump. The economy is on a crash course anyway.

The game is truly rigged. Your vote does not matter. America is no longer a Democratic Republic. Those in power have a good old boys club and you ain’t in it.

Hillary is above the law. She has no interest in the rule of law.
She is too big to fail.

If they can get away with it, they will tell you the American people voted for her. The people are smarter than that.

Reply to  Sam
8 years ago

I agree. The progressives are out to win elections to get power. They have fooled everyone into believing they care about them. They don’t. The average person has become poorer under the progressives.

8 years ago

Spa-Girl–Looks like the Wiz will get another chance to play David-in the David and Goliath rematch with M and E. With all things being equal he will demolish them again but we have to look at the atmosphere that exists here politically. Stay tuned. If you are reading this Wiz I bet you find this whole situation comical. I bet you would love to get Collingwood on your Tv Show. I can guarantee you -He will never show. It would be like putting his own head into a meat grinder. As for Krol’s future-He will not be unopposed next time. He will be turned from a rubber stamp to a pile of crap. Onlt problem will be where to dump it. Fun times coming. Every one will have a good time

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  mottso
8 years ago

I sure do hope that he has learned a lesson and will be running a campaign based upon expressing and articulating ideas and solutions. I hope he shows the maturity to establish, build and maintain a consensus. I hope he has the wisdom to listen and develop a platform that includes ideas from all that he speaks to. I do hope he has learned to speak and not to preach to the public. And most of all I hope he has learned that those who have different ideas and thoughts are not enemy’s but they want the same things he does but they may not hold the scorched earth procedure he has demonstrated.
His ideas and concerns may be valid and spot on his methodology is counterproductive to put it politely. Now is the time to remake himself.

However from reading the above post I am afraid he has not learned.

just sayin

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

Pittsfield’s most famous Illeist. He puts Rickey Henderson to shame, although Rickey Henderson probably knows more about people skills, engineering, and grammar.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Henderson has Collingwood beat in those categories but Collingwood knows about enemas and he’s preparing a big one for Pittsfield… AECOM enema.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

I don’t ever recall Commissioner Collingwood referring to himself in the third person.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Shakes that’s because Collingwood is too stupid….he let’s AECOM speak for him. He only speaks in the third person when he sells an enema treatment…..If you saw the front page of the Beagle you’re about to get a Brucenema.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

Joe, are you a fan of silver spoon krol?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

I am not a fan of his brand of politics either, As far as him as a person I have no idea about him. Ive talked to him twice I think I do not live in his ward.

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

“Ricky don’t like it when Ricky can’t find Ricky’s limo.” Actual Ricky Henderson quote! He is a walking, talking ego, but one of the best, and most exciting to ever play the game.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

This is Rickey calling for Rickey.

8 years ago

Joe Pinhead-constructive criticism always welcome. Solutions are what we should all be looking for. United we stand-divided we fall. Lets all start pulling together to create a sharp scalpel to cut away the cancers in city hall. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US COULD MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE AS TO HOW THIS CITY IS RUN BUT IT TAKES LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT AFFRAID TO SPEAK THEIR MINDS. Watch who will show up at all future City Meetings. The numbers will tell the story. We definetly know two who will show every time but they can only do so much themselves. Perhaps the non-gobsig network will be built and joe pinhead you would make an excellent member. Thanks for your constructive criticism–It is much welcomed. We need 10,ooo more people like you.

8 years ago

Mr Valenti–Did i say something i shouldn’t have? I think everyone should be working for solutions. I am certain you would agree. I like the planet and can be a substantial contributor. I have met Mr. Gaetani and he spoke well of you and I see a lot of similarities AS TO WHAT YOU HOPE FOR AND WHAT HE HOPES FOR. hAVE A NICE DAY-MOTTSO

8 years ago

C’mon now Dan. Careless, possibly…maybe even probably. Criminal? Apparently not, and you know there’s a big difference between careless and criminal. Your Trumpification is showing. As you likely know, both Colin Powell and Condolezza Rice used private email servers as well during their stints and I don’t hear anyone (neither Democrats nor Republicans) calling for their heads on pikes. You and your team have got to get over the fact that you pissed away millions trying to pin something on Ms. Clinton over Benghazi. Lick your wounds and move on.

Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

The real truth is…. Our Country is broken and dysfunctional at every god damned level. That is the real crime.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

The same fools that voted for Tyer will vote for crooked Hillary

Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

Not true! Powell, Rice, and other used private e-mail platforms running on SECURE servers. Hillary is the only one to use her own PRIVATE serve. Unprecedented. No wounds to lick except hte ones Mrs. Clinton has done to the country.

Reply to  William
8 years ago

Hillary and the progressives are about the law.

Reply to  William
8 years ago

Stop confusing us with the facts William. Not only did they use a secure sever, they only used one email account. And Madeline Albright didn’t use email at all

Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

Thanks Cat! MrG got a giant doo-doo sandwich for his supper with our inconvenient facts. Remember he does’nt like facts or truth for that matter.

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton very clearly violated the law.

She committed a direct violation of 18 United States Code, Section 793, which does not require intent. It requires only gross negligence in the handling of anything relating to the national defense. Comey determined that she was ‘extremely careless.’ The definition of gross negligence under the law is extreme carelessness. It’s the first definition that comes up in the law dictionary. It’s the definition the judges give to juries when they charge injuries on gross negligence. Negligence equals carelessness. Gross negligence equals extreme carelessness. So that is a clear, absolutely unassailable violation of 18 United States Code, Section 793, which is not a minor statute. It carries 10 years in prison.

Why let Comey decide?
Why not let a grand jury decide?

A suppose a jury can be controlled.
Even if she was convicted and sentenced to prison, Obama would just simply pardon her.

IF they don’t launch a false flag event designed to shut down the election and declare martial law –
IF Donald Trump is still alive in November –
IF they allow a free and fair election –

Then the American people will decide Hillary’s fate.

A President Trump would prosecute her.

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
Reply to  Sam
8 years ago

Come on, Sam… step out from behind the grassy knoll for a minute and live in the real world. If Trump wins, he can’t prosecute anyone. The Attorney General makes that decision, and even if that happened, then he would also need to prosecute Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, as they both also used private email servers to send classified information.

False flag event to shut down the election and declare martial law? We had a civil war, it didn’t shut down the election process. We were bombed by the Japanese, it didn’t shut down elections. We saw terrorists attack NY and DC, it didn’t shut down elections or lead to martial law.

It must be scary living inside your head.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Here’s what Clinton did, she owns a Movie Theatre let’s say,and is in charge of how popcorn is made, instead of using butter she used Margarine, but charged the butter rate.

What happened toTyer’s Blight promise, there’s a bunch of trash laying at the beginning of Crane Ave. been there several days. And low and behold Planet, guess what’ back?…The Hess Forest is back, in all it’s splendor. My, my, so much for campaign promises.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Yeah and KFC on Easte Street. Looks like the Ritz now doesn’t it. Remember the big photo op Linda had there!?

Reply to  William
8 years ago

I know Tyer ran on sprucing up the city and it looks worse than ever. Did she give all the money to the schools so there’s none left for anything else? Sure sounds like it.

8 years ago

That is a Confirmation Dan. The Hess Gardens are ready and open for viewing in all it’s Natural Habitat and Splendor. Guess someone forgot to weed wack it with all the Springside Park Gala,goings on.

Reply to  Nota
8 years ago

I saw a guy camping out there the other night. No joke.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

That was Shakes His Head

8 years ago

Bill I think you know that Trump himself would not prosecute Hillary but you are just making a pathetic attempt to shill for Hillary. Trump would see to it that justice would be done.

Perhaps you missed how the Boston bombing was handled. A lockdown of a major city. Shelter in place. Door to door searches where no one was allowed to leave their homes. Where was this used when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor or Lincoln’s civil war?

A false flag could be done by using an atomic bomb on a city like NYC. Such an event would indeed trigger martial law all across the USA and yes would indeed cancel any elections in progress. Not saying this would happen but the possibility is there.

If they know the people will elect Trump, they will stop at nothing to stop it. Including a false flag event or even the murder of Donald Trump.

This election is proving just who controls this country and its not of the people and by the people.

8 years ago

Hess Gardens, love it. Hess Gardens at Planet Memorial Park….maybe they can have Elephant or Donkey rides, Trish and L T can cut the ribbons with food of course. Absolutely, NO TIFS.

You would think being a Barber and knowing about trimming,Kevin could get some Volunteers other than the Planet,and spruce it up a little bit?

8 years ago

Cheerful Diane, get Cheerful Diane Ward two’s Biggest Advocate.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

The City needs to make Hess Forest a National Park ?…or a National disaster area. Imagine some Company checking out neighborhoods and schools and right across from Morninside School is a mess like that.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

Give it to Stanley. If you give him a half million dollars of GE money he will clean it up and turn it into an economic engine. But ya gotta keep the tax breaks coming for eternity cuz he da man.

Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

What about the hell hole on W. Housatonic across from McDonalds? What’s wrong with Pittsfield Leadership that allows this stuff? There is a house on outer East Street right on the curve past Worley that ought to be condemned. It’s occupied, so why doesn’t the health dept. step on it.

Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago


Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

West Housatonic eyesore would be the perfect place for the new Walmart, instead of Tyler St.

Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

First of all that is not a forest. It is a botanical garden and it is a gem the city is proud to call its own. I don’t now why Dun-kin Donuts does not set up there and let monkeys serve coffee from the tree limbs. Anyone remember Reds Dairy Bar? This place is opportunity waiting to happen just like the PEDA site.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

Shakes His Head camps there.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Ha! And why are you so fascinated with enemas? That’s a very peculiar perversion.

Bill Q
Bill Q
8 years ago

I was thinking a pitch and putt ( with tif ) the tif will be for golf balls.

8 years ago

Send the Board of Health over to the Forest. I believe the enforcer is, can’t think of his name?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Halo
8 years ago

If one can’t wheel and deal for a kickback why do anything at all? These people are in it for themselves and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to pay closer attention.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Just because you buy in to Fox news saying this is a huge criminal act and not a dumb waste of time…whitewater….Benghazi each investigation is the equivolent of sorry fox news we just cant give you what you want…..FBI must have evidence….Fox BI could not find anything …..Dont worry Trump will win

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
8 years ago

It’s Tyer-Bianchi all over again with the National choices.

Barry made life difficult for TES and his Lady is ten times worse….connect the dots.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Im a Democrat who could vote for Trump if fox news gets out of the way.Trump needs to talk jobs to get my vote…..Trump needs to stop talking about stupid stupid stupid emails.If he talks email I vote Clinton ,if its Benghazi,emails servers….he loses big… he can win….American corporations dont want either one talking about lack of quality employment and abundance of 3rd world wage jobs.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Trump is only a thing because network television is a tech dinosaur.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Mayor Tyer is the Pablo Sandoval of mayors.Pablo Sandovol signed a 4 year 80 million dollar deal guaranteed and then showed up unfit for duty.
Tyer has the money and is now an elite living on the outskirts and making retirees lose food money and heat money car money so Christine Behnke can have superintendent status and 120k .Tyer lied.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Tyer will leave office as the worst mayor with the biggest chance to succeed with 4 years and Senior citizens and poor people are in a gentrification period where they are being forced out of their homes.
I cant believe she has no plan to financially bring down cost…..if your over 60 you will die poor in Pittsfield….that should be on a shirt

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Christine Behnke is smarter than Joe Curtis but Joe Curtis is nicer than Christine Behnke.Joe seems so happy doing Eberwien data analysis that Amuso and Yon pretend to understand.
Toni Stracuzzi makes 50 dollars an hour over at Dunkin for donuts.I dont think Toni knows how to put the plow down on his truck.

Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

Tony should take a class in how to answer e-mails sent to him on the city’s site. I asked him why no trash barrel at the entrance to Deming Park is there this year. There has been one for the past few years. The trash in the part of the park is horrible. Bottles, empty wrappers, chip bags, etc. The mowers cutting the grass do a great job on the wrappers. He has never answered me. Too busy at Dunkin.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Dennis Guyer thinks that it his job to bully people who work at the building dept.He is like Tyer a complete failure whos ego cant hold a job.Guyer can not manage 10 men and he wants a raise to 100,000 thousand and he can not give people respect.Why are we always giving these morons jobs they cant do.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

Guyer is an unqualified Jack Wagon who does not have clue one about his job.

8 years ago

This is from today. Rep Trey Gowdy questioning James Comey. Its only about 2 minutes long but it gets right to the point.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Its over