!PV COLUMN #1,500!
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, JULY 29-31, 2016) — The reading public delighted THE PLANET yesterday with its response to our column about the downtown’s painted electrical boxes. It’s our goal every time we write here, donating our talents to discriminating folks so that we may entertain, inform, delight, infuriate, provoke, and, perchance, move to thinking.
When we talk downtown, we need to recall its once lofty position as the hub of Berkshire County. “Downtown” or “Upstreet” once bustled with activity, shopping, and an array of good, services, and attractions that were a magnet for shoppers, commerce, and exchange. That “Downtown” is but the ghost of a forgotten dream. Any visit downtown, even once in a magenta moon, reveals instantly that Pittsfield decided to get into a race whose crown will be death. The image we take from Shelley. The reality, however, prevails in spite of misguided efforts such as Artscape‘s painted utility boxes or the boondoggle known as Streetscape.
Yes, other cities have painted electrical boxes, but the idea is to borrow Best and not Worst Practices. Painting utility boxes degenerates into nonsense when employed “Pittsfield-style.” Two factors doomed this do-good effort into the mortal throes that suck the life from born and unborn. The first mistake was to award the job to talentless doodlers. The finished “art” bears the results of the “give a medal to everyone” mentality that has a stranglehold over most areas where young people are expected to compete. True competition rewards talent. Political correctness rewards mediocrity. The second mistake was to even entertain the project, even though the funds were privately donated. The money — chump change, actually from Berkshire Money Management — could have been used to buy better chumps.
Cities with the urgent problems of Pittsfield should not waste community time, talent, or treasure on veneer. Public “Arts” only work as ancillaries to healthy economies. Few cities can rival Pittsfield in the stupidity of trying to make “the arts” the centerpiece of a regional economy. First get the city out of intensive care and into recovery and health, then navel-gaze over painting your electrical boxes.
With that preamble, we present this letter received this week. The writer addresses not just the boxes but the neglected murals that dot the city. Official Pittsfield’s attitude toward the arts can be best judged by the sad state of the murals our writer mentions, to wit:
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The city ignores the public murals that Daniel Galvez painted in Pittsfield. The police station mural is falling apart ( right across from the Mayor’s office ) … the mural on the back of the former City Savings Bank is all hacked up… the mural on the back of the Shipton Building has been white washed … the firefighter mural on Columbus Ave. might be torn down with the parking garage … the mural on the Intermodel Transportation Center is bleached out because the protective coating that should be applied every year is never done (it faces south and takes a real beating from the sun ) … the Boy’s and Girl’s Club mural is starting to fall apart … the mural across from Dery Funeral (a view of Park Square ) is totally gone (painted over by Berkshire Housing for no reason ) … the Vietnam Memorial has been repainted, eliminating two soldiers from Northern Berkshire County who were killed in action … and the mural on Harry’s Supermarket is a total mess, completely changed from the original design with sunglasses put on several figures because the artist who repainted it couldn’t paint portraits….now Galvez wants to forget he ever came here. We gave Pittsfield ten murals executed by a world famous artist and the City has allowed each one of them to fall apart.As for the painted boxes one thing stands out … who were the judges who chose the artists selected to paint these boxes? Were they themselves artists ? I suspect they were bureaucrats who knew nothing about the arts. It looks like a rigged selection process. Selectees “won” because they knew somebody on the jury … THE JURY THEREFORE IS NOT REALLY A JURY. IT’S A SHAM. As for the art on the boxes … they are pretty weak when you think of what could have been painted on them if there was an impartial, professional jury and the process was open to a national field of professional artists. But in Pittsfield, small minds execute small projects using Joe Blow to jury the proposals of your cousin and the person who just happens to know the juror because they drink together at the Mission or have coffee at Dotties. — GIOCOMETTI
“I would not be a king. Enough of woe it is to love.” — Percy Shelley
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Paid, legal graffiti!
Somebody please get pictures to post.
Is this open discussion Friday?
I would like to see a discussion about the looming tax override. It would be great if the taxpayers could get informed and get out n front of this thing as I am sure the city is going to haul out the propaganda machine and give a a major tune up. Just what is it and what can we do to stop it in its tracks?
Boy, that letter says it all. Well done!
Oh boy, Pittsfield will get to vote on thr Community Preservation Act this November. Hopefully we will vote the same way we did in 2006.
Dont ever forget that Allendale school is built on top of a General Electric chemical dump…..this is the biggest sin in Pittsfield Ma…..Yon Amuso Mazzeo BehnkeCurtis McCandless know this.
PCBs are becoming scarce. Someday Hill 78 and all its toxic waste will become a treasure trove of hope for the city. Like gold and silver the price of PCBs can only increase in value. One of these days somebody is going to need some and we will be able to charge them an arm and a leg for ours. Gerry Doyle caught a lot of flak for this hill but he was investing in our future. If you kept all your childhood comic books you know of what I speak.
Much has been made of this “rigged” art jury, suggesting that some outstanding designs were not selected because of politics. It would be helpful if we could see some of these rejected masterpieces so we can decide for ourselves.
Wow, you mean there were actually some “outstanding designs”?
Boy, I’d like to see those, also.
I will start by saying I am not an Art critic however to me the boxes appear to be whimsical and amateurish looking. Was it rigged? This is Pittsfield each of us knows the answer to that.
Regardless I am once again somewhat perplexed by a few things.
Why didn’t they have each of the high schools and the middle schools take a box or two? They could have spent time in class researching a time in the City’s rich history. The school could have the students do real world type of work. Research for History class write about it in English class and then illustrate it in art class. A project about the City by the Students of the City sponsored by a local business.
just sayin
Why? I will tell you why Joe. Because a thorough research of the history of the city by high school students might turn up some nefarious political history. And then they might have innocently gone out and painted the boxes with caricatures of carpetbaggers and shadowy back door dealing underworld figures.
Now how would that look?
The lack of care shown toward the murals just goes to show that for Pittsfield the arts are just a means to an end and not an actual love of art at all. The arts is just Pittsfield jumping on the latest bandwagon and saying “Look at me I’m popular”. If Hillary wins in November we can only shudder to think of all of the “causes” the city will take up to be even more progressive.
The “Save the Circus Animals” cause is another example of bored activist progressive housewives with nothing better to do. When is the last time Pittsfield had a circus? This was brought up by someone on this board earlier this week.
The activists time would be better spent drawing attention to the high rate of child abuse in this area which goes hand in hand with a high rate of poverty. Of course they won’t do this because drawing attention to the high rate of poverty in the area would draw attention to the do nothing politicians in this area which these activists will protect from any criticism at all costs. They all band together when anyone criticizes the “cause”.
Shouldn’t Pittsfield’s Director of Cultural Affairs be in charge of the upkeep of the murals? This is a part time position that pays $52,000.00 per year.
Dudes had a big bong, man! Right on the picnic table under cover at Wild Acres on Thursday afternoon, man.
Like, far out, man.
At least there’s people in this city who care and are trying. Remember what North Street looked like 15 years ago? Without committed citizens and YES tax dollars for investments like the streetscape it would still be a desolate wasteland. Its got a long way to go but its a heck of a lot better than it was.
a long way to go? oh, my aching senior pocketbook
Yes, I remember North Street 15 years ago. It was much better with more business, shops, and respectable people. Fewer empty stores fronts, weirdoes, and nail salons.
Maybe 35 years ago, not 15. Fifteen years ago EVERYONE was bitching how dead North Street was. Hathaway became Mayor and made it slightly worse, even though to was hard to make worse.
Send the Arteests up to Taconic, they can paint the Tarp covering the Debris.
I know for a fact that the selection of these ar-teeeests was a rigged job. This is a small city. No secret is safe.
Same as a brewing storm at the P Fire Dept. over the hiring of a convicted felon. The guys want no part of this man. Chief is under political pressure to hire. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Has he had any fire fighting training? experience? that would be important to me
He once peed on a campfire
But was he trained on HOW to pee on a camp fire? And did it go out or flame up and catch a tree on fire?
What is the name of this fine upstanding felon?
If he knows how to fight a Fire, then you must Hire….sort of like,if it doesn’t fit, you must aquit….Johnny Cochran
maybe the secret squadron can provide the name and crimes and conviction date so this can be exposed to the light of day BEFOR he’s hired? Maybe we can find out who he’s related to and providing the pressure?
Was he hired over another qualified candidate that had trained and passed an exam? That would be sad.
A Pittsfield ma Truth…..We accept the fact that our children will by law be educated on top of a toxic landfill at the Allendale elementary school… the anyone that wants to challenge this as truth.
Must be where you went to school
Lyin Linda, Where hath thou laid, er lied ?
Do you know for sure that vapors from a steaming pile of PCBs does not enhance the learning experience?
Yes or no.
I say hire the firefighter and if there is a problem pay him off. call it the Kentucky Walk off.
Stop worrying about Painting Electric boxes and start worrying about the trash facility that’s going to close. I have heard no solutions to what is going to be a big trash problem
What is your solution? It’s been less than a month since the announcement. I’m sure this is more complex than any of us would understand. Let’s give them a chance.
I gave them a chance with the GE property and look what happened I gave them a chance with the Big N. and look what happened everything the city told us would happen didn’t.
painter-I am told that other companies may bid to take over the plant. The Plant could be a gold mine with the right people running it.
Painter, i think we should put an transfer station on the GE property.
It took me a minute to find out that Daniel Galvez only painted one mural in Pittsfield. “Lest We Forget” which is the 24 x 24’ exterior mural honoring the sacrifices of American soldiers and
the Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War. Pittsfield paid him : $15,000
You can see his resume at:
It was finished in 1991. While I am sorry that the artist who repainted it left out some of the figures, I am guessing that money is problem keeping up any mural.
It can’t be money if the mayor is giving away tax breaks to millionaires. She must have a stash just like Bianchi did.
If there is no provisions to do maintenance then it never shoud have done in the first place!
How is the garbage processed, burning, buried?
They’re going to paint pretty pictures on it.
Here are my ideas for Pittsfield arts projects:
* A big mural of Gerry Doyle enjoying a cold one while Jack Welch dumps a barrel of PCBs into the river.
* Carmen Massimiano, Jimmy Ruberto, Angelo Stracuzzi, Nuciforo, and all of the other Good Old Boys, digging a deep ditch representing Pittsfield’s tanked economy.
* PEDA’s 18th birthday cake with no manufacturing jobs anywhere in site.
* A colorful chart showing Pittsfield politics’ record setting municipal budgets
* A portrait of North Street with the arts and culture alongside poverty, violence, drug dealers, and gangs.
* The lovely Linda Tyer living in a gated community far away from the people she works for as Mayor of Pittsfield.
* A rendering of the new Taconic High School contrasted with voters deciding on future annual Proposition 2.5 override votes.
* Peter “Pac Man” Larkin lobbying for GE’s interests versus the EPA’s position on the PCBs-polluted Housatonic River.
* Dan Valenti being told to pound sand and stuff it in response to his weekday blog on Pittsfield politics.
Jon, right now North Street is a cloud of dust, neither man nor beast will trafficate that crummy set up.
C. Trzinka:
If you were to research the Painting of murals in Pittsfield you would find that Daniel Galvez painted Pittsfield’s first mural
” A Painted Palace ” on Renne Avenue in 1985
” Illusion of Grandeur ” on Renne Avenue in 1985
” Under the Elms ” on the rear of Capital Arms Housing in 1986
” The North End Remembers ” on Harry’s Supermarket in 1987
” Lest We Forget ” on First Street in 1988 ( first edition )
” To Serve and Protect Together ” on Police Station in 1989
” Dedicated to those who Serve ” on Columbus Avenue in 1991
” Lest we Forget ” at Rte. 7 & 20 in 1995 ( second edition )
” Boy’s and Girls Club Mural ” in 2000
” Right on Tracks ” Intermodel Transportation Center in 2004
” Gerald Doyle, Sr. Girls Softball Complex ” in 2005
I guess you have to live in Pittsfield to experience the full scope
of the masterpieces that Daniel Galvez left her for our citizens
All the murals were funded by public and private sources.
Daniel who?
It’ss all junk if you ask me.
Art is, what one likes and dislikes. It is very subjective. Ones art is another’s candidate. I personally think Hillary is a piece of work.
You have zero choice joe, zero.
I agree, only choice is Trump. Don’t need 4 more years of Obama. Spending, lying and opening our borders even more. Not to mention, Bill abusing more interns.
I have an ‘ Artsy Idea ?? A contest where every taxpayer who owns a home can participate. Paint Your Garbage Can. The Haulers can Judge the Contest.
Good One!! Lol
Good One!! Lol.
Love it, winners get % of property taxes, just like the millionaires.
Lol, and a free garbage can cleaning at the end of summer.
It’s all about cash with the Dems joe. a little story. my friend grew up with a kid from l I ny and at their 50 high school reunion, the friend told him a story about his wife’s family. When O’Bama was first running for President, they gave O’Bama 2 million dollars for his campaign in their Chicago Suburb home. Yes they get a lot of small donations, and a lot of large also.
Stupid is as Stupid does, 1$ or 1milion
Hillary for Prision!
Chelsea went to Trunp U on a scholarship.
Put photos of Mayor..CC and SC Members on the boxes. Ask taxpayers to leave comments.This will insure that North street will turn into graffiti alley.
Are these boxes low enough for a German Shepard to pee on?
heh heh-I can’t top your comment. I was thinking the same thing.
“Democratic candidates for Berkshire district Senate seat to debate in Pittsfield”
By Mary Serreze, Special to The (Springfield) Republican, July 29, 2016
PITTSFIELD — Three Berkshire County Democrats vying for a two-year term in the state Senate have agreed to an August 2nd debate in Pittsfield.
The event is set for Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Whitney Center for the Arts at 42 Wendell Ave. Former Ward 2 City Councilor Jim Arpante will moderate.
The Democratic candidates are attorney Andrea Harrington of Richmond, nonprofit director Adam Hinds of Pittsfield, and lawyer Rinaldo Del Gallo III, also of Pittsfield.
The primary election is scheduled for September 8th, and the winner will face Christine Canning of Lanesborough, a Republican, in the Nov. 8 general election.
I believe the newly hired firefighter is Freddie Conyers…I say give the kid a chance
What is his criminal background?
Don’t know if he’s been hired. I think he’s been interviewed and filled out an application. Decision yet to be made from what I’m hearing. Huge pushback from the brothers at the fire station. A jake needs to have TOTAL trust in his mates. Lives are literally on the line in that business.
You are so right, W73. And again, I would like to know what criminal act he did and did he receive jail time.
If there is a pushback by the brothers, there must be a good reason.
Until I hear more, I’m inclined to side with them.
But more importantly, who is pushing for the chief to hire him?
Not for sure on this Spider because the old memory is just that, lol, but I think he was a good B-ball player at THS about 6 or 7 years ago. Just a short time after graduation, and here is where the old memory comes in, I think he was shot over drugs or a gang related activity. May have been a drug dealer. I just don’t completely remember.
Thanks “Cat”. That info is very interesting. And I am sure there is much more to the story.
Can you see why this isn’t going over big with the guys.
All the more reason we should be told “who” Is promoting him and “why”.
SPIDEY et. al.
I am aware of this story and am investigating. Hope to have the dope next week. Stay tuned. This may be a “hot one.”
graduated in ’99 or 2000 – at least 35 now, perhaps 36 and your close with all the rest
Superintendent of Schools Mccandless accepts children s educated on top of a toxic swamp.
Does Mr Mccandless children have to learn at Allendale school
Freddy will be a credit to the union.
Very serious accident on Newell St. Thursday night. Involved a truck and three or four cars. Truck was totaled and the driver of the car was hurt badly. Truck and other vehicles were parked at Newell St. Transmission, unoccupied. No info from police or any news media.
thank god we now have a new revamped newspaper which is doing so much better than its predecessor
they are so on top of things
Believe me!!
if the young man can’t become a Firefighter th police are always looking .
Thanks Dan for your reply on Conyers. In the meantime, I also learned some facts that I find disturbing. But I will wait for your story.
Thanks again!
Hire the parking guy before this guy, then we’ll talk. Firball still employed?
Are there any remnants of the old civil service program remaining and if so does it have any standing in city hiring practice given the political take over of most everything else in the Pittsfield?
Did I really read that correctly? The Tyler Street Business Group welcomes the Walmart business group to build in the PEDA land off Tyler Street. Imagine what North Street and Pittsfield would look like now if a handful of merchants didn’t kill the “upstreet” project a long time ago?
Let’s see what they think when Tyler street is torn up and repaved and all the business s can’t get their customers in.
That’s what North Street is like right now. Torn up and customers don’t want to go there. I am for the Walmart project. It’s Pittsfield’s best hope.
Great point, CG!
Walmart wouldn’t have much of an effect on the banks, non-profits and social service agencies that now occupy most of North Street. The good old days of retail there are gone and the upstreet project wouldn’t have made much of a difference. The stores that would have been part of this project went to the mall and now the mall is failing.
A little know fact. Czerwinski is the grandson of Gus the fireman of Leave it to Beaver fame.
Didn’t like when June says to Ward that he was a little hard on the Beaver the night before.
Have you seen Hillary lately?