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First of Two Parts

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016) — On April 20, the same day THE PLANET scooped The “New” Boring Broadsheet on the sale of its own paper, we also beat the pathetic rag with confirmation of our earlier reports of ledge and pollution problems at the construction site for the unnecessarily uber-expensive “New” Taconic High School.

THE PLANET wrote on the two findings:

——– 000 ——–

Rock Ledge — Having to deal with more rock ledge has caused all sorts of problems, sources tell THE PLANET. Building on or around ledge can cause major problems later on with the building’s foundation. Builders will now have to blast where they didn’t before. They may have to blast at least five feet greater in width and depth to allow a proper foundation to be built. Extra costs may also include reinforcement and pinning prior to blasting. It sounds like they will have to pin the foundation’s footings to the ledge with rebar. You engineers out there: Does that make sense? Added cost? Enormous but unspecified.

PCBs on Site – It’s long been known that PCBs have been found on the building site. The SBNC has even listed the need for remediation. It tried to bury this as a small, undocumented line item only to have THE PLANET uncover and publish it. Now we have conflicting reports about the amount of PCBs. Have old, rotted barrels of the stuff been uncovered? Rumors are flying. One of the old timers, a man we’ll call Al, drove forklifts and trucks for GE back in the 60s. He says the THS site was “one of our favorite” dumping sites – all done with company and city approval. Will the SBNC come clean? Will it either refute or confirm rumors of a large PCB cache. And will it also tell us if “PCB Remediation,” which they themselves admit needs to be done, has or has not been included in the official construction figure of $121 million?

With these three items, our $200 estimate is looking more conservative every day.

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The following day, we had this headline: “SBNC HAS MORAL DUTY TO ADDRESS PROBLEM AREAS AT THS SITE.” In that story, we reported that following our earlier story, The Suits sent their goons around the construction site asking “odd questions” in an effort to find out who talked to THE PLANET.

This story present Pittsfield in on the half-shell. Consider:

  1. You have a lame newspaper further crippled by an incompetent new ownership group getting scooped for the nth time by a website run part-time by one journalist with the largest set of sources in town. It takes them more than a year to print a word about a story that could have saved taxpayers $200 million.
  2. Instead of admitting the ledge and pollution problems and responding publically, the School Building Needs Commission secretly tries to find out THE PLANET’s sources for the story, a variant of the “Kill the Messenger” theory. The intimidation was meant to plug any further leaks from the site. They failed to find out informants, but not before it had construction managers tell their workers that no one was to talk to that troublesome, snooping reporter Dan Valenti. They were threatened with firing. What’s that about Openness and Transparency?
  3. No one in government — not one of We The People’s representative on the School Building Needs Commission, the Pittsfield School Committee, the City Council, the mayor’s office, or in any other elected of appointed office — stepped up to try to prevent the predicted boondoggle.

Consequently, here we stand today, with two serious construction problems that will certainly open the check book and hand out blank check to any number of companies, consultants, and assorted toadies and hangers on called in to “remediate” the issues. Of course, there will be no bribes, kickbacks, or money exchanging hands [large bills in enveloped inside of brown, paper bags preferred], just as there has not been up until now in the project, one that, as we also predicted, would use its publicly posted $121 million budget as the starting point.

In Part Two tomorrow, our sources, direct from Ground Zero at the construction site, blow the lid off of what’s ACTUALLY happening there. We go way beyond The “New” Boring Broadsheet‘s tame and apologetic coverage to reveal the truth, that always dangerous commodity in a city such as Pittsfield. Be warned, folks. It’s not pretty. In fact, it’s a shocker — and a lot worse than they’re letting on.


“And then the Witch would let them take no ill: / Of many thousand schemes which lovers find, / The Witch found one — and so they took their fill” — Percy Shelley, from “The Witch of Atlas,” LXXVII, l. 657-659.



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heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

I wonder if the owner of that land knew about the construction debris, since they were in the construction business.

Tar like substances? Like asphalt? Road asphalt? Like if someone was doing road work? Paving?

If city hall sent this story to the Eagle it must have been because they felt they could not contain it any longer. I doubt the Eagle got this story on their own because they are not allowed on the site either.

8 years ago

As far as I remember, most of that part of Valentine was all filled with miscellaneous shady fill. Including where all the new houses were built. The grade of the land was raised many feet. It really is common knowledge.

Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Your right. When I went to school there in late 70’s and early 80’s there was still dumping going on. You would see dump trucks driving on the land next door and in the woods heading to West St. and dumping. That’s why for the longest time there were no houses on that side of the street. Maybe if the SBNC had used local engineers, consultants, construction companies and their brains they would have seen this problem.
The other thing that bothers me is none of this was caught in core samples. The amount of debris stated in the article was over 1000 TONS, yet nothing in core samples. I would want some kind of refund for that job.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Only Pittsfield would put another school on another GE dump site and there is nothing you can do…Amuso…White…Kroll…Yon Caccamo….Tyer…Mazzeo…..Connell…Bouvier.

Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

Pittsfield CC, SC, and SBNC would built a new school inside Hill 78 if their political masters ordered so.

8 years ago

Once again local politicians, school committee members, and school administrators have proven themselves incapable of making smart and logical decisions. If only they had allowed the general public to weigh in on the decision to build a new Taconic. It is common knowledge on this site just how bad the land is in that area.

8 years ago

Just another case where the politicians have failed us

8 years ago

What’s the rest of the story on THS? Will this new discovery just be covered over, as in other places in Pittsfield, or will they do the more expensive clean up?

And the really big question. How much more is this going to cost the taxpayers?

That million dollar gift from SABIC would sure come in handy.

8 years ago

I’m not an engineer but have done a fair amount of building. Ledge in and of itself is not the worst thing in the world, but if you don’t budget for it, it can be a killer on the budget. Pinning a building’s footings to ledge is not unheard of, but again – was it in the plan that was approved, ort is this another “extra”?

That the site is full of ledge is not a secret to anyone who lives near here. Why it would be ignored in the name of pushing the project through seems ridiculous. Except that site work, as we all have learned – is not reimbursable.

More troubling, in a community that hosted a large waste generator, who was known to dump wherever allowed (including in every neighboring community), that engineers would not go on an exploratory dig. 1968-69 was not so long ago that this is pre-historic excavation. Many folks are still alive who know the site was used for dumping. That should be the default understanding.

I don’t support the construction of the new school – but if I did, I certainly would want to make sure it came in on-time and under budget so I would not look like a fool. Amuso, et al are sure to look like they were in over their heads on this and either on the take or just plain dumb. Re-visiting PHS or even Crosby as a site for a new school would have made more sense.

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Could not agree more. When their term is up….Vote each and every one of them out……they have rammed this school down the Citizens throats with huge arrogance, ….. and continue to ignore the Fact that Pittsfield cannot afford the bill.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

Don’t you want your children to have a better education?

8 years ago

Where’s da mayor?

8 years ago

You will pay any extra cost incurred by the digging, and you will pay because it is for the children. Besides, the Mayor, is committed with a four-year deal.

8 years ago

Last week they had a recording a City Hall, no assistant answered.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

I’ll go with the just plain-southeast, and add naive.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Anybody care about the crooked DNC and and the rigged primary process for the H-Beast?

MSM is now blaming RUSSIA, yes RUSSIA, not for CORRUPT DNC/H-BEAST, but for leaking the news!!! Could they not find a better messinger of their CORRUPTIOn to blame? I bet Putin s laughing at them all.

What about Bernie? And his capitulation to the CORRUPT in power of the Democrat party? Was he bribed? Maybe threatened with “Arkancide”?

For those whom still love the wicked Witch named Hillary Rotten Clinton, have a look at this:

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Bernie isn’t a Democrat. Word is that if he didn’t capitulate, the Democrats would not assign him to committee for the next session of Congress.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I agree, Bernie is a socialist.

And so the Democrat corruption of the election process is O.K.? And the MSM is in the corrupted camp. Blame the Russians, not H-Beast/DNC.

How can people feel strongly, in a positive way, about a woman who has been lying since birth?

Who feels laws do not apply to Clintoons (Willie, Chelsey, Chelsey’s Husband, HRC brother….)?

Whom would stand by a CORRUPT, DemocRATic Party?

Yes the “party” of CORRUPTION.

Want more? just vote D- local state or national, to continue the lies fraud and deceit.

Can you hear me TFB, or are you munching too many Philly Cheese steaks to care?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

I forgot, are not most all PITTSFIELD politicians, democRAT?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Don’t worry, Donnie is going to fix everything. He is the only one who knows how. Thank God. He came along just in time to save the planet.

Harlan Rinkelnutts
Harlan Rinkelnutts
8 years ago

New Logo’s for Taconic Construction:

Build it and they will find Debris…..or….You can’t stop me now.

A wise man once said. The only people who benefit from digging, are Cemeteries,Oil Companies……..and Construction Company’s. And then he said…….POLITICIANS

Was that true about the 3,000,000 beer cans? No Wonder Nuclea left.

Luthor Rex
Luthor Rex
8 years ago

I have a buddy who’s on the site every day as part of the crew. He told me last night “You won’t believe the problems.” DV you’ll be pleased to know he said your name came up….in good way, along the lines that you’re the only one who will get to the bottom of the story.

My buddy said workers were told not to talk to anyone especially media about whats really going on. there. Threatened with firing.

Thats intimidation I told him. He laughed ans said”so what else is new.”

Something’s not right. Somethings terribly wrong.. Shame how the bb wallpapers over this and other stries. Go DV!!!!!

8 years ago

After going to the my garage mechanic yesterday,it’s very clear to me that there is something in the
drinking water,and that everyone is out to screw everyone.

On another note:

The politicians and the school committee and administrators have no regard for the taxpayer and have zero regard for the economic struggles of the retired and working class.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Pittsfield politics selling points:
* Record setting municipal budget
* Very high municipal taxes, fees, and debts
* PCBs in the ground, water, and air
* Poorly performing public schools
* Murders, shootings, violent crime
* Large grouping of poor people
* Low-income part-time jobs
* High per capita welfare caseloads
* Teen pregnancy rates that double the statewide average
* Political hacks with their heads buried in the sand
* The little guy gets to pound sand
* A new Taconic High School project that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars
* No fishing/swimming at Silver Lake or the Housatonic River
* PEDA nearly 2 decades old with no manufacturing companies
* A proposed Super Walmart to sell their products to people on food stamps
* A dead downtown infested with drugs, violent crime, and poverty
* The lovely Linda Tyer who calls Pittsfield “vibrant”

8 years ago

Great Lex, we have an insider at Taconic………Off Topic…why is there no entry tape in back of Reid Middle School.

Also, years ago we could go to the top of State Forest, now it wants admission. I Guess to fish in Berry Pond? last time I was up at Berry was the last time going to the Forest. I fished up there there were no fish,

Reply to  h
8 years ago

H, the reason for that is because some scum bag put some northern pike in there and they wiped out all the trout, the bait fish and the carp.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

No Swimming at Silver Lake, so it ain’t so. Can you fish? Never see anyone over there.

8 years ago

School Building Needs should reconvene for an emergency session.

8 years ago

When did the Pike thing happen? Paul?

Reply to  h
8 years ago

H, about 3 ys ago is when my friend and I went up there and caught 2 of them. We were shocked because we used to go up there and do catch and release fly fishing there. Haven’t been back since.

8 years ago

What was the History or is of the King Street dump. Over the years have heard some horror stories? Also have heard of some Pond/swimming hole behind Pittsfield Country Club, where dumping was allowed, not sure about that one.

Reply to  mi
8 years ago

I used to go frog legging at the pond behind Pittsfield Country Club. I would hate to think they were dumping by day as I was getting frogs by night to eat the frog legs. Every where you turn there is something that has been covered up in Pittsfield that is going to kill us all.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Hope the Planet appears live this week , show the characters for what there worth. Quite frankly, I’m getting sick of the same players making decisions without any conscience for the working stiff and retiree, especially the retiree, who shouldn’t have to work into their Golden Years because of the attitudes and principals of these crony politicians and retreads,who pay taxes with good paying City jobs, namely Schools.

We now have this stiff Mayor for 3 plus years, let’s get some candidates in that will not go with the status quo, and stick up for the working taxpayer.

It’s hard to believe that no mention was made if the problems which are now discovered discussed in preliminary discussions?

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Jae’s Bistro is coming back to Pittsfield. They were near the top of the special interest list when they were here before. Were they lured back by more tax giveaways?

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago


Rumor has it that Tony Mazzeo is some how involved. I wouldn’t be surprised if his “wife” somehow got them a sweet deal.

Maybe it was one of Tony’s “friends” at the casinos that helped Jae out.

Reply to  Really?
8 years ago

Tony Masseo has his nose in everyone’s business including mine and I don’t even know the guy….

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
8 years ago

Been to Vangs, not bad,heh.

8 years ago

Why are helicopters landing at Reid Junior High? I saw one land there last week.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Medical Evacuation

Reply to  Paul
8 years ago


May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

It’s only going to cost 700g to move the roofing materials buried from previous construction, wow, that was ok? And now the extras might have to be cut out. I think this is a Travesty and the powers to be must be booted out

I say rebury and take extras back anyway. Dumb asses

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Should the SBNC have known there could be contaminants or any other debris, or did they know. This would undermine the approval and the negligence of a vote as it would 1) have cost much more to remediate, and more importantly 2) the comparison of the new school to a refurbished one was quoted by both Kathy Yon and John Krol as 2 million, which seemed low, and now this increase, who knows how much. There are serious flaws in addressing the Public and the lack of participation by the taxpayer, which have been lied to. I would think someone like Vouncilor Simonelli who was very vocal about cost overruns, would be furious.

8 years ago

If the THS site is indeed a former well-known PCB dumping ground, where is the community outrage over building the new school there? Teachers, do you really want to spend 8 hours a day in this new school? Parents, do you want your kids spending 8 hours a day in this new building and on the surrounding property? Shouldn’t construction be halted until we know beyond a doubt how contaminated the ground is, and what potential health hazards exist there?

8 years ago

This is just a guess, but there maybe isn’t PCB on the current site but I’ll say it’s close by.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

If its pcbs and they build on a known cancer causing site the criminal proceedings should begin…finally pcb outrage as I railed against children having to go to Allendale and now a brand new school with more pcbs and we will build it and our high schoolers will go to lenox….and they should boycott THD

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School committee
8 years ago

The best the EPA can come up with is that PCBs are probable in cancer.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
8 years ago

Excellent comments S C.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
8 years ago

Perhaps the lawsuit that was filed will come to fruition.

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Remember its the coverup that gets people in trouble…..Yon Amuso Mccandless you know anything pittsfield parents should know……24 hour meeting about budgets in Jan but no news on probable cancer causing and learning disabilities carcinogen found in old petrica dump

The School committee
The School committee
8 years ago

Just down the street on valentine road a 1acre lot fronting valentine was cleaned of PCBS 6 years ago with no logical reason it was there except from dumping of PCBs

8 years ago

Bill Clinton says his cover was blown, some people just can’t forget the past.

Reply to  h
8 years ago

I refuse to listen to these political conventions. I didn’t watch the Republican one either. I am not in love with politicians. I just don’t find them that interesting. Politics is not a religion to me as it seems to be to people who can watch these conventions, find them entertaining, and not fall asleep.

8 years ago

There is a whole article about the problems at Taconic on iberkshires. According to the article, there are no PCBs, but some smelly substance that has been sent to a lab to be analyzed. Who knows what it is. Hopefully, they will let the public know when they find out.

8 years ago

No, no pcbs but a tarp covered couple blocks of debris. No problem 700g to clean it,,,,no problem.

Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
8 years ago

So ridiculous. This new Taconic project should be stopped right away.

8 years ago

Can’t wait to read the truth Planet, your move!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
8 years ago

Keep in mind that there is a massive water storage tank across from THS and that land belonged to Petricca as well.