First of Two Parts
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MODAY AUG. 15, 2016) — Last week, the Berkshire Brigades (The BBs), which bills itself as “the countywide Democratic Party Organization” (don’t you love them capitals?) held a pep rally smeared in the gauche lipstick of a “debate.” The disguise fooled no one, of course, but the “progressive” Kool-Aid guzzlers themselves.
Owing to the beauty of totalitarian rule, The Brigades authoritarianism pretends to be “democracy in action” (inaction is more like it). Stop THE PLANET if you’ve heard that one before. Quick example: If you go to The BBs’ website, you’ll find the latest “year” postings from 2013. Lesson: You don’t have to be current, responsive, or even relevant when you have crushed all thoughtful opposition. You are the 800-pound political posturer. You do whatever the hell you like.
It’s interesting that for one of the two “debates,” The BBs asked the co-owner and publisher of the other BB, The “New” Boring Broadsheet, to moderate the senate chit-chat. Fred Rutberg, who knows as much about journalism as Aunt Edna‘s poodle, sat in the middle — not literally, though, because he catches on quick. The Suits on hand and in the back rooms need the judge for printing their propaganda as-is with no editorial amelioration almost as much as he needs them to send him ad revenue for his quotidian rag.
A Rigged Beauty Contest

Democrat candidates for the state senate, from left, Rinaldo Del Gallo, Adam Hinds, and Adrea Harrington. (PHOTO iBERKSHIRES)
The local Democratic Machine brought Dem state senate and house candidates together for the hoe down. The “challengers” had no chance against the party’s two Chosen Ones. For the open senate seat, the Bosses have installed Adam Hinds. He is being opposed, though not challenged, by attorneys Rinaldo Del Gallo and Andrea Harrington. For the house, the Bosses want Tricia Farley-Bouvier back in there, and why not? She has done a marvelous job in Boston fetching slippers, bringing the master’s pipe, and otherwise rolling over and playing dead. As long as the leadership on Beacon Hill can count on her unbreakable loyalty (why else would a Pittsfield rep co-sponsor a bill to impose a crippling new road tax on Western Mass. drivers?), Trish is in like Flint (Michigan). Just to make it look like a fair fight, political newcomer Michael Bloomberg furnishes the “opposition” for the house “contest.”
It’s not that Bloomberg, Del Gallo, and Harrington lack the “it” factor as candidates. They are rather good. The way the Machine controls local elections, though, they might as well be playing the role of Texicans at the battle of the Alamo. For those who like their battles more recent, substitute Custer vs. the Indians. (with all due respect to Elizabeth “Granny Clampett” Warren). Through a combination of the electorate’s apathy, nonchalance, indifference, and ignorance, these three have virtually no chance of emerging from the primary and on the to general election to face Republican Chris Canning for senate and independent Chris Connell for the house, though THE PLANET would love to be proven wrong by any one of the three. The November elections, depending on how the challengers play it, could be way more interesting with Canning and Connell.
Back to THE PLANET‘s original point, the “debates” may be an exercise in pledging loyalty oaths, but they were not polemic. There was about as much argumentation as you might find among the groupies of Justin Bieber. Nonetheless, one of the Kool-Aid’s biggest drinkers, our Right Honorable Good Friend city councilor “Sweet” Pete White, got on Facebook with gushing praise, citing Rutberg for gabbing the wall-papering nonsense that the event proved “democracy was alive and well.”
THE PLANET couldn’t let that frivolous statement go unchallenged, so we decided to show Sweet Pete what debate truly means. THE PLANET shall present the full exchange tomorrow. It reveals:
(a) How the Dem Disciples are not used to push-back
(b) That when coming up short against reasoned opposition, they try to avoid the question
(c) When bested, they take their football and go home.
Game over.
“We’ll load the hollow depths of our ships and row with double stroke from this dread shore.” — Percy Shelley, from “The Cyclops of Euripedes.”
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Isn’t Hines the one who ended gang violence in Pittsfield? Now we’re all living happily ever after.
Patty Bouvier should not receive one Pittsfield taxpayer vote.She is desperately campaigning in ward 4 and if she wins you will never hear from her again.She’s awful.
Maybe Trish will get a DC job and we can have a special election in a few months. Thanks for enduring Dan, we were too busy watching swimmers in polluted water winning gold metals to focus on local events.
She should get a job in a DC comic book and it wouldn’t be anything to marvel about.
Can’t be any worse corrupt and criminal than the Hildebeast and the DNC, but Beacon Hill tries it’s best. The CCN (Clinton Crime Network) tops them all. You guys and Gals in Basstun, someday you might compete with the Clintoons, maybe even learn “Arkancide”, whoops! You know that just ask Whitey and Billy!
The national Democratic Party rigged the primary election for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. Yet, Bernie Sanders got behind Hillary Clinton to stop Donald Trump, who still has a shot at winning the general election in November. If I was in Hillary Clinton’s shoes, I would not want to run for the presidency based on a fixed political party system. But that is how politics really is. It is always a corrupt, rigged, and fixed process that favors the chosen candidate.
The news media keeps forecasting Hillary Clinton’s victory, but real analysis shows that it will be a close race within the margin of error of about 3%. I believe Hillary Clinton has an early advantage, but she is not guaranteed a victory against Donald Trump.
On the local/state political level, I believe that Dan Valenti is correct that the Democratic Party establishment is for Adam Hinds for State Senator and Tricia Farley Bouvier for State Representative. Former Congressman John W. Olver endorsed Adam Hinds, while prominent Pittsfield Democrats have endorsed Tricia Farley Bouvier. If there is low voter turnout, the political machine wins.
The only way Rinaldo Del Gallo or Andrea Harrington, and Mike Bloomberg, can win the primary election is to hope for a high voter turnout who will vote for change.
I think I have the manufacturing silver bullet to save Michigan.
Trisha Farley- Bouvier sponsored a vehicle mileage tax that presumptively would eventually replace the current gasoline tax, Key words; presumptively and eventually. A definite maybe.
TFB about the Berkshire impact of this tax; “What me Worry ? I get paid to drive to Boston.”
She gets $100 or so to travel to Boston. Is it both ways ?
Just like her advocacy for the new high school in Pittsfield, while she chooses to send her kids via school choice to Lenox.
She is the classic hypocrite. Do as I say, not what I do.
I concede she was right in her strong position on allowing males who vacillate at will about their gender identity to use whatever public restroom satisfies their momentary whim. It provided an graphic opportunity to discuss anatomy with my frightened granddaughter when a”lady with a beard” used the ladies room at a local matinee.
Or if they are just pretending they feel female that day to gain access to the ladies rooms for nefarious purposes. Thanks for that TFB and our progressive AG Healey.
Or if they are just pretending they feel male that day to gain access to the men’s rooms for nefarious purposes.
TFB = Too Fat Blivot and do nothing for the people
I Forgot!
We have more news on Kaine and Fabel ( H- beast)
And DEMOCRATS say nothing.
Come n say about the H-Beast, we love to KNOW what that evil witch won’t TELL?
No, Hines is the one who created the grant funding so he could have a job….and of course it didn’t stop any gang disruption.
Bash Bloomberg all you want, the man is smart and knows what he’s talking about. TFB is a joke, she shows up places to take pictures for Facebook then goes home. She claims she goes above and beyond for Pittsfield Public Schools, yet she sends her kids to Lenox schools because she knows the pathetic state that our public schools system is in. She has virtually brought back no money to the city. Crime rate is sky high along with the poverty level, so when people say Tricia does so much for this city, I really don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. She has not been effective at all and it has clearly shown. She’s clueless. To all those people who think you owe her favors or your loyalty to her goes so far to as where you’d vote for her, open your eyes, your doing a disservice to your city. She is the WORST candidate in this race. As for Connell, don’t know much about him but some of his actions in the city council have been downright wrong, still would vote for him if it came down to him and TFB. As for the Berkshire Brigades, they continue to rig elections, Hinds is a puppet for higher ups.
Riots in Milwaukee this weekend have been reported by the elitist media to be protests and not riots. Buildings have been burned and police shot, but these are still protests according to the media. These Democrat controlled cities are doing nothing for the people in these cities and are fooling the people in these cities into thinking that they actually care about them and their situation of poverty and despair. The progressive Democrats want to spread this despair across the rest of the country as they try to federalize local police forces without any semblance of constitutional authority. This is what Obama wants to do and this is what Hillary wants to do.
Please Pat. Wear the tinfoil hat if you must, and kep your eyes skyward for the black helocopters. I do not think it’s the progressive democrats looking to militarize police and enforce martial law. Your buddies Cheney and friends have the tightest grip on those aspirations.
Methinks you protest too much.
No mention of the other issues I mentioned which I guess means you agree with me that Progressive Dems do nothing to help the problems in the cities that are Democrat ruled.
Lol…ya know…I’ve been thinking about this all morning, and when you look at this more deeply, it is kinda fascinating. The fact is, police departments everywhere are getting more militarized. They have, and continue to acquire, more heavy, expensive equipment that ever before at alarming rates. They do so in the name of “security”. The security threat may be marauding racially comprised gangs, muslims, terrorists, lone wolves, Isis, militia people…whatever. But the real underlying fact is, this ongoing, and alarmingly accelerating militarization process is, in fact, overseen and blessed by BOTH sides. Cheney/Bush started it in earnest, and Obama has done nothing to curp it. Yet they get reasonable people like Pat and I to blame ” the other guys.” Hmmmm…maybe an even deeper rooted conspiracy and problem than we thought Pat?
If the Republicans are responsible, I will go after them as well. Neither party should be militarizing the police. That is wrong and dangerous. I will not have loyalty to ANY party that does that.
Sometimes the establishment candidate is the best candidate. Adam Hinds is one of those rare politicians that is a good person with good intentions that also has the experience as well.
If you oppose a candidate just because the establishment likes them then I feel that is a very poor way of choosing your candidate. But to each their own.
On the state representative race which candidate has the best chance at throwing their weight around to get things done with the Boston lawmakers for Pittsfields best interests? That’s all I care about it.
Bloomberg and Connell are self righteous idiots. Neither would get along with the leadership, or bring home the bacon. Even though both are campaigning on that issue.
Talk to Bloomberg and he is right about everything. Watch Connell on the Council and you see the same attitude. What’s up when every time he talks he puts his hand in front of his face, sighs, like he regrets having to ask the obvious question (in his mind only), then pretends to be smart. And that pinky finger, my god man, get it straightened out.
As for TFB, she has the weight to throw around, she just does it for the wrong issues. Stop spending ALL your time on the minorities and bring back some doe, will ya. I know you adopted a minority and good for you. But this is about ALL the taxpayers, not just your special interest groups.
There is a letter to the editor in the Berkshire Eagle by a person gushing about how wonderful Her friend Trisha is. And she says Trish is fighting to keep a cap on charter schools, like that is a good thing. Of course she is fighting to keep a cap on charter schools but only because it is a tool to stem the tide of Pittsfield residents sending their kids out of town looking for a real education. Trish sends her kids out of Pittsfield but wants to make it harder for others with less money than she. This is not a reason to vote FOR her but rather AGAINST her. She needs to stop playing God with other kids education.
Watching Connell during council meetings is one of the most excruciating experiences in politics. Can you imagine him debating on the House floor? The wheels of government would not only come to a halt, they would fall off. Does Bloomberg have a job or residence in the city? His license plates are from New York, so he’s not even paying local excise tax.
Are you kidding? Hinds has “experience”! In what? He is and was another Obama….a community coordinator, working on government and state programs paid by the taxpayers.
With that “experience”, how does he relate to the taxpayer? Has he ever held job in the private sector?
But, not to worry, he is the choice of those in power (so what else is new?) and he is the winner already!
He spent 10 years working for the United Nations where he 5 years of that time working in Iraq and Israel.
I’ve worked in Financial Analysis in the private sector the past 6 years and I can tell you that his experience in Government is far more beneficial than anything I’ve ever done.
Working in the private sector is overrated. Understanding the consequences of Government policy on the private sector is what is important. That doesn’t come from just working in the private sector. It can come from many different experiences.
Don’t agree at all! As I said before, he is a replica of Obama, a community coordinator..
And “working in the private sector is overrated”?
Please tell all of us working in the private sector (you know, the taxpayers) how that is so.
Can’t wait for your answer!
If you read my post I stated “I’ve worked in Financial Analysis in the private sector the past 6 years”
When it comes too understanding the consequences of Government policy on the private sector working in the private sector is not a prerequisite to understanding that.
I work on the consequences of Government Regulations on specific financial decisions everyday and that does not make me anymore qualified than someone with the same experience in the Government.
Big deal, he worked for the United Nations. Just exactly what did he do. Did he wash floors? Did he take notes? That claim to fame means nothing.
You should find out what he did. I like to have a whole lot of information on the subject before I make harsh judgments. He’s an incredibly nice and intelligent person with some valuable experience and I feel he would be a good representative for Western MA in the State House.
Like I said before the resources are in Boston. They are going to be spent. You should want someone who’s going to get those resources spent in Pittsfield to improve the community rather than Boston.
I don’t vote in Mass but if I did I’d vote for Hinds. Also I’d write in John Kasich for President and Turk Wendall for State Rep.
Spider, he ended violence in the Mid East just like he ended gang violence in Pittsfield.
Bloomberg does not even work and Connell is too busy collecting his rent from his tenants. I am still not clear how CC will choose which important meeting he will attend. City Council or Beacon Hill meetings? Can be at both places.. Either way, Pittsfield is shortchanged. We need a new Ward 4 councilor that wants to be one and a full time Rep that has experience, not newbies or people with council attitudes.
Conservative Sean Hannity wont allow for a conversation of class or rich and poor and it has always been a battle of rich and poor.
Power and money want the poor and uneducated to point the finger at each other as they rip apart unions as evil,public schools as evil,and the courts and lawyers as evil
They are winning.
Is it true that Bloomberg hasn’t registered his car in MA? Tell me it isn’t so. If that is true, it should be the straw that breaks the camels back. Anyone voting for him should be ashamed.
Pittsdield doesn’t elect Mayor’s, just Ambassadors.
R E C E I E V E D !
Just heard about this. 9GA 130 are my mass plates … 2005 silver audi A4 registered in my name. The car in question belongs to my stepfather who lIves in New Lebanon. He let my borrow it while my car is getting fixed.
As for not working. I have had a job every years since I was 15 years old until this year. I haven’t worked in a year because I have been a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts. For those saying I’m doing this for a job. State Rep isn’t a raise from hedge fund. I’m running because we finally need to turn the tide on 4o years of economic decline in Pittsfield.
Happy to answer questions any time!
Ok ladybirrd tell me what he did at the United nations? That was my question.
He fetched coffee for the mail room.
Sounds about right. If you are going to brag that you worked at the United nations it is your responsibility to tell us what you did.
Hedge Fund?
Not sure if the United Nations comment is directed at me, as I never worked for the United Nations.
The United Nations comments are directed at Adam Hinds.
Wasn’t Hines some kind of hostage negotiator?
I would love to know the connection between Larry Bird and Hinds. Seems pretty close.
The fact remains that Hinds is just another Obama type with the same type of credentials.
Mike Bloomberg is the real deal…smart…progressive..honest.
Tricia is just a poser…only around for photo substance.
The Aging Greek called her ” China Doll ” because she took a
trip to China and bragged that it was for diplomatic experience.
….she really has always been just a poser.