(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY AUG. 22, 2016) — THE PLANET has never met Andrea Harrington. Prior to this year’s state senate race, in which she is seeking the Democratic nomination (Adam Hinds, Rinaldo Del Gallo) to the state senate to face Republican Chris Canning in the fall, we had never heard of her.
Since then, we learned she’s a graduate of Taconic High School, grew up in Richmond, went to law school, and practices as an attorney in Great Barrington. That’s is essentially the extent of our knowledge — which makes THE PLANET expertly qualified to parse the op-ed column in favor of her bid. It appeared in the Aug.12-18, 2016 edition of The Berkshire Courier. For the tax-battered district voter, the red flags in the piece rivaled Moscow’s Red Square on May Day.
The “My Turn” column is titled: “Public Service is why I am running.”

ANDREA HARRINGTON makes her announcement as campaign manager, in window, looks on. (PHOTO iBERKSHIRES)
Red Flag #1 — When a newcomer to political office tells you she is running because of “public service,” hold on to your wallets. The phrase equates to the other end of “service,” when an office holder gets caught in the cookie jar and resigns “to spend more time with my family.” It usually means business isn’t as good in her current gig as the $70,000 smackers + all sorts of bennies + per diem state reps get for part-time work. The legislature is out of session and won’t be back until January. In another oddity, the internet tells us she practices in Great Barrington but in the column, she says, “I have continued to practice law in Pittsfield.” Sleepy time, baby.
Red Flag #2 — Kissing up to the players, as she does by beginning to piece referring to the “tremendous leadership in the Massachusetts state [s]enate” by the outgoing Ben Downing. Ben was okay but he didn’t multiply the loaves and fishes. If leadership was so great, why does the district have all the problems she has talked about in the campaign?
Red Flag #3 — This line: “This election will have major ramifications on our communities …” Of course it will. Elections always do. This is one of those “one size fits all” cliches of a candidate with nothing specific to offer.
Red Flag #4 — Harrington favors “growing good jobs.” She will make that and “economic opportunity my top priorities.” Here we go again, another candidate yakking about “good jobs.” Her “proven strategies” for creating “good jobs” include “investment in job training programs” (like that hasn’t been tried). Harrington doesn’t get that the private sector grows jobs. Government kills them by stifling the conditions that allow local economies to flourish.
Red Flag #5 — Hold on to your wallets. Like a good Dem, she “supports key investments in our public schools,” stating it as if she’s just seen an apparition of the Blessed Virgin. She implies that taxpayers have been gypping public school departments.
She goes on to tell us her position on PCBs (doesn’t like them) and “the opioid epidemic” (she wants to continue wasting money trying to force junkies to do what they can do on their own but won’t).
THE PLANET can accurately sum up her Courier column this way: “I’m Andrea Harrington, and there is no difference between me and Adam Hinds. Like Adam, I favor all the policies of the local Democratic Machine. I have no chance of winning. I am only in this race because the Bosses want me to split the opposition vote with Rinaldo Del Gallo. I don’t give a hoot for citizens and taxpayers. Once Adam gets in, the Bosses will ‘take care’ of me. Don’t be surprised when I get appointed ‘executive director’ of some make-work non-profit at a big salary.”
Fortunately for Andrea, her misery will be ended in less than a month.
“Son, all I ask from my soldiers is to obey my orders as they would the word of God.” — General to Pvt. Joker, Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket.
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Like Andrea Harrington, I graduated in 1993, but I went to Pittsfield High School instead of Taconic High School. She has accomplished a lot in her life. She has a law degree, professional experience, runs a small family business, is married with children, and she is invested in the community. She has a positive vision for Berkshire County when the local economy is at its lowest point in decades. She stands for progressive causes, including public education and economic development. She is not the hand-picked candidate that Adam Hinds is by the Pittsfield political machine. She does not have the name recognition that Rinaldo Del Gallo III has in Pittsfield politics. Rinaldo’s uncle Remo Del Gallo is a former Pittsfield Mayor who has been involved in Massachusetts state and local politics for many decades. I am friends with Rinaldo and I respect the long standing leadership of his uncle Remo Del Gallo. Andrea Harrington is a long shot in this year’s race for Berkshire State Senator. She will probably finish in third place. I don’t believe it is fair for Dan Valenti to predict she is running a pseudo-campaign to be a spoiler to split Rinaldo’s vote tally in favor of Adam Hinds so she can be set up for a political plum sinecure. Isn’t that what Chris Speranzo did? He is the lifelong Pittsfield Clerk of Courts making a 6-figure yearly salary + lucrative state government benefits that will give him a big state government pension in his old age. What about Peter Larkin? He also makes a 6-figure salary as a GE lobbyist who ensures that Pittsfield remain polluted with cancer-causing PCBs! What about William “Smitty” Pignatelli running unopposed for his 8th term as Lenox State Representative? How many terms will this political hack, career politician serve? I predict at least 2 more decades so he can collect a big state government pension in his old age. It is more than fair to point one’s finger at Pols like Speranzo, Larkin, and Pignatelli than it is to pass judgment of one’s prediction on a qualified candidate with ideals named Andrea Harrington who is running a long-shot campaign for Berkshire State Senator in 2016.
– Jonathan Melle
Time for Canning. This democrap thing just isn’t working.
Dan I emphatically agree about the buzzword “public service.” Almost all of these people are in it for “self service”. A few may have started out with good intentions for the masses but once they were shown the potential in the goodie box they converted to the grab all you can get your hands on crowd. There may be some greed in the DNA of all of us but when you combine it with political power then things get out of control.
And the Massachusetts democrats have made a fine art of building a very cooperative machine of pliable “public service” wannabees. By taking the biggest voting block, the school unions, and showering them with gifts, they have ensured their continued power. Voters might want to consider a blindsided vote for a republican just to send a message. Nothing else has worked and what is the worse thing that could happen?
No question local politicians are for those only feeding from the City Employment trough. Let’s see if Harrington has any Artsy Past, they alway$ need a strong advocate.
It’s a part time job,pay is great and Pat Bouvier is not going to win.The political impact of planetvalenti should reveal itself in this election.Why should this carpet bagger be rewarded…We are all going down with the Taconic boondoggle……Titanic and the Taconic… will never see her announce jobs for the Berkshires.
So we have Pignatelli writing an article in the Berkshire Eagle in which he lays out just how bad things are here in Berkshire County. Not for him of course or other government workers living high on the hog. No mention of cutting back big government salaries or putting term limits on government leeches like himself. No, folks all of the sacrifice will come from us, you know the ones currently struggling with the lousy economy or lack of an economy in this area. School employees are also doing very well on the backs of local taxpayers, but don’t expect them to make any sacrifices in their salaries either.
I agree. William “Smitty” Pignatelli should offer to cut his own salary, or give up his future big state pension, or step down from being a career politician instead of running for his 8th term as Lenox State Representative. Lead by example. Lead from the front!
Instead, Pignatelli writes an insensitive op-ed about how his legislative district lost thousands of jobs, along with population losses. He even wrote about the “creative economy”, which means travel and tourism related jobs that pay low incomes and are based on seasonal demand.
We all already know that the average worker in Berkshire County is unemployed, under-employed, or just making end’s meat. Most young adults must move out of the area if they want to earn a living wage or middle class lifestyle. The young adults who stay in the Berkshires end up on welfare, depend on social services, or worse, end up in the Pittsfield Jail.
The Berkshire County is at rock bottom, while Pignatelli is living it up on his big state government salary + all of his side benefits he is collecting from the hard hit taxpayers!
– Jonathan Melle
future big state pension? big state government salary? hardly.
You miss the entire point! The average worker in Pittsfield makes around $10/hour with no benefits, while career politician William “Smitty” Pignatelli is making around $80,000 per year, including his base salary, committee pay, per diem travel pay, and tax benefits, plus health insurance and retirement pension benefits. I can say with certainty that Pignatelli is doing a lot better financially than the average worker he wrote about in his op-ed.
People are leaving his legislative district because they can’t support themselves and their families anymore. Businesses are bolting the Berkshires because the state and local government keeps raising taxes. Many other areas of the country offer more jobs and lower taxes than Rep. Pignatelli’s legislative district.
Pignatelli has been a state Rep. for over 12.5 years (+ 2 additional decades so he can collect a big state government pension in his old age. Look at his results he wrote about in his op-ed. Many businesses are gone or moved away from the Berkshires. Thousands of people have moved away, too. Municipalities are financially constrained and near fiscal insolvency. The state government is unable to help because it faces the same fiscal issues of budget deficits, constraints, and near insolvency. This all happened on Pignatelli’s watch!
– Jonathan Melle
Your are sensationalizing the numbers as usual. And blaming any politician for economic downturns is like blaming Obama for the price of gas going up.
Did you read Smitty Pignatelli’s op-ed? He wrote about the tanked Berkshire County economy, not me! He is the one who has been a career politician, not me! He is the one who is making a lot money + benefits off of the hard hit taxpayer, not me!
But it is me who is supposedly “sensationalizing the numbers as usual.”
But it is me who is supposedly blaming do nothing political hacks like Pignatelli for the Berkshire County economy hitting rock bottom.
Oh yeah, I did not write the op-ed!
Min wage is $10 per hour. You are suggesting the average employee in PITTSFIELD only makes min wage.
Do you see how silly that is, especially all the huge GOVT. Salaries. They alone bring the average up.
You are right. $10/hour with no benefits jobs are silly! But that is all some people can get. Some people cannot even get that! Some people are jobless, and/or homeless.
Pittsfield School Superintendent, the highly lauded (and paid) public servant needs an additional $125,000-$150,000 to move or relocate the WTBR radio tower at the new Taconic High School building site. Will this also come from the budgeted contingency fund like the additional $200,000 plus for unforeseen debris removal ?
Since WTBR is Council VP, John Krol’s personal taxpayer funded radio station, rest assured the money will be found.
The radio tower should be taken down and sold. The new THS doesn’t need a radio tower. Radio station there was intended to be for school kids not adults they way it is now.
I dont understand how krol or any adult not connected with school for school purposes can operate a taxpayer funded station there. This is krols personal gig as the copyright notice makes clear. Shouldn’t he have to pay for air time?
Once wbtr got away from teaching kids about radio and became the tool of the political establishment the whole thing has smelled. Wont someone look into this? DV? Mr Kinnas? Superintendent Jake?
If they want to teach kids about media they should take them over to the Berkshire Eagle. They can start their media education by learning what NOT to do.
Professor Warren Yabba Dabba Dews could be the instructor there.
The superintendent met with local commercial broadcasters over a year ago (including a prominent national broadcasting attorney) to discuss options for the future of the station and was informed that the station is in violation of several FCC regulations, not only in regards to its non student political programming but also with its engineering practices (or lack thereof) and potential liabilities. He vowed to take action and to date no changes have been made.
The money should come out of overpaid politicians and Pittsfield school employee salaries.
Meanwhile, the Bloomberg-Bouvier radio debate is now available online through Pittsfield Community TV’s website, or thought this link:
It’s slow to load but will eventually work. I share it here since the local media (aside from IBerkshires) hasn’t covered it at all.
C’mon. The media would never suppress a candidate.
Krol should take a leadership role in saving TBR – it has been his pulpit for years –
Dan, These are TWO things that need to be discussed and effects us all:
1) Communist AG Maura Healey. Ruling (like an Emperor) by fiat without reins grabbing our 2nd amendment RIGHTS.
mASSachsetts already has one of the most restrictive and set of INEFFECTIVE “gun control” laws in the nation. It is ranked 46 th out of 50 states in 2nd amendment freedom, and we know too well how that has turned out here in PITTSfield…….
BTW way, that “gun crime ridden state” to our north, Vermont, is ranked #1. They basically have NO RESTRICTIONS, and little gun crime. Yet the Basstun gun grabbers blame states like them for their own soiled nest/state.
This creature, from Basstun, just issued a new decree that clearly expresses her ignorance on the matter of firearms.
This woman should be impeached, disbarred, then tarred and feathered. Write/call your legislators, although that most likely won’t do much good. Better yet vote out Healey.
2) Obama Administration upsurping States rights and using Federal EO via FWS to “control” National Wildlife refuges, in particular, in Alaska. A move brokered by the HSUS, an organization that is pro-animal rights, to the determent of HUMAN rights.
Think it can’t happen to the rest of the nation? If they can do this ILLEGAL move what will be next? Maybe banning hunting Adirondack and Green Mountain forests? HSUS would love that too.
“And no other state in the country is more legally entitled to manage its game populations, including on federal lands within its border, than Alaska. It is spelled out in multiple laws and agreements, and was debated three times by Congress, ultimately resulting in giving Alaska precedence, including:
1959: Alaska Statehood Act
1980: Alaska Lands Act (which created most of the 77-million-acres of refuges at the center of this unprecedented power grab)
1997: Refuge Improvement Act (which also made hunting and fishing priority public uses on all refuge lands)
Further, this wasn’t a move reflective of the voice of any American, much less all Americans. It was a bureaucratic move by a federal agency backed by a special interest group (one who 98% of Americans disagree with their ultimate agenda).”
Sotero thumbs his nose on yet more laws, just like our AG Healey.
Hinds on Friday, Harrington on Monday so fasten your seatbelt Rinaldo, tomorrow should be the day the Planet tees off on you.
You mean Mr. Plastic Fantastic?
Just read this…”Karen Palatt has been named the first-ever assistance principal of teaching and learning at Morningside Community School” in the 8/11 Gazette. This changes the whole game, I hope every elementary school principal presses to get this for their school. What’s another couple hundred thousand. It’s for the children!
And so it starts. I just got a call from the Adam Hinds campaign. The nice young woman said that she HOPES that I will vote for Adam September 8th. I just don’t understand this use of campaign resource. Why would I vote for someone just because someone hopes that I do? I wonder how many voters get pissed off by these calls and vote for the other person. The land line is getting turned off until November 8th.
Vote for Canning
What is the difference between Zika and West Nilly? West Nillly is being sprayed Garland.
The Picks; Bouvier, Hinds, and the beat goes on.
Where have the council grades been? I used to enjoy those.
Trish is Hot!
If you prefer Bovine and Porcine looking women.
And this is why your comments that have merit solicit zero credibility from anyone.
John give it a rest already
I’m hungry for a Fish from the Hudson.
In the early 2000’s WTBR was a student run public radio station. The Pittsfield Public Schools ran WTBR using programming from the University of Texas ” Longhorn Radio ” and the Woodrow Wilson School of Broadcast Journalism ” ….then Pittsfield City Councilor John Krol acting out of pure greed wrestled the station away from the students at Taconic High School for his own political agenda and nobody in the Pittsfield Public Schools has said anything about it. It is time the Pittsfield School Department return WTBR to it’s students because the FCC License specifically states that the station is a ” student run Public FM Radio Station ” to be operated by the students of Taconic High School and nobody else.
How does he explain it? Does the mayor think it is OK? Who will be allowed to take over when Krol gives it up? Will it be another special interest politician? If you can control the media you should be able to get enough propaganda out to the public to sway public thinking. If you have followed local media over the years you know that it has walked in lockstep with every proposed tax raise city hall has ever dreamed up. Coincidence? No sir. Local media is not your friend. Look behind the curtain.
the only one looking behind the curtain in the media is DV.
In the 70’s and early 80’s you had to take a course before you were allowed to broadcast on WTBR. You had to learn all about the history of radio and how it works. Also you had to learn the rules of radio. It was a course that led to you getting your “DJ” license to broadcast. You just didn’t show up and say I have an idea for a show and start broadcasting. Also the station was not on the air all day long.
I say ditch the station if we have to put thousands of dollars on it and set up a course at BCC that STUDENTS who are still in high school can attend and really learn about broadcasting or want to go into the broadcasting industry. (TV and Radio)
If a person who is not a student wants to broadcast a show they should have to pay a hefty fee to use the studio and airwaves.
License? Kelly don’t need no stinkin’ license.
Krol not Kelly…… friggin auto correct
AGREED!!! DITCH THE STATION!! Larry K. knows where all the bodies are buries thats why he was fired. He told me a little bit. Not good at all. Waht surprises me is that the supt. is sitting on a powder keg as long as he allows the station to continue its illegalities.
They tend to brush this stuff off and Boston does too but one of these times someones going to file a complaint and they will see where it all leads.
Right now with new campus being built perfect time to close the station. Students arent interested in radio. Ancient technology to them. Adults should have no air time..
Nobody listens to the radio anymore.
While I understand that perception, you couldn’t be more wrong…. 91% of Americans ages 12 and older had listened to the radio in the week before they were surveyed in 2015, according to Nielsen Media Research. 63% named AM/FM radio as the audio source they turned to most often while in their vehicles. 265 million Americans listen to the radio each week; 66 million Millennials (the digital generation) listen to the radio each week.
I strongly disagree. I listen to radio all day at work and not just music stations. I listen to news programs and talk radio.
Broadcast radio, as opposed to satellite or internet stations, is dying. Don’t worry about me trying to convince you. It is a joke.
Planet…Check out the Great Barrington Police oui incident. You can’t make it up.
Hey, what’s the matter with giving one of your good buddies a ride home when he’s PLASTERED!!!
Hey, it’s 50 50 when it comes down to giving a fellow officer a hand. On the other hand was he given a field sobriety test. PLANET!
He oughta hook up with Fireball, for counseling.
This right here is Where America is at today! The very reason why we are seeing violence across the Country. There is a huge double standard and it’s tilted in favor of Rich… and Powerfull. No one is stopping it. It’s in Government, the Workplace, the very people who are supposed to protect you by their oath.
This right here is Where America is at today! The very reason why we are seeing violence across the Country. There is a huge double standard and it’s tilted in favor of the Rich… and those with Power. No one is stopping it. It’s in Government, the Workplace, the very people who are supposed to protect you by their oath.
I agree and it starts with the progressives. They are causing the poor to be poorer than ever, the middle class to disappear and the rich to get richer. With the progressives gone, this country would improve in every category, but especially financially.
I agree. If you are going to arrest and punish people for certain crimes and then go out and do the same thing and expect to walk free you should not be all that surprised when the masses get pissed off. Anybody would. It is the kind of thing that has laid the foundation to these riots and some loss of respect for law enforcement. Can’t have it both ways.
How terrible is that. The Companion couldn’t drive either.
So, if you have a drink and drive you can never be a cop, but if you’re already a cop, call another one anddon’t worry about it?
If Patty Bouvier wins you can fold up shop on tax cutting.All the players can afford 200 plus a year tax increases….so even if you like your councilor you must never vote for them again….Who believes Mazzeo…Marchetti….Amuso..are going to stop spending…..who believes that will shut down building….PHS looks like a abandoned building.Your all screwed by these elected officials…..Where does White work….what does Marchetti make for money….any guesses because that is what you are up against….know their income and that will tell you their vote…..
Amused-so stops spending in Increments. Next budget she will tell you, the next budget we have to start cutting….then the next….then the next”..
I will not be voting for TFB, but all of the school people will be. She is their money maker.
T F B equals Schools… WHEN they need her.
WTBR was about two very important things….reading and self esteem. Students who were broadcasters had to be able to read. Broadcasting made reading fun and productive to students who very seldom read anything at all. After they succeeded in reading the required announcements for each radio show each student became proud of their broadcasting accomplishments and thus developed better self esteem.
Certainly City Councilor John Krol does not need to learn to read. As for self esteem…I think that is the whole reason he is on WTBR…let’s face it… the guy’s in it for the long run..he is running a tax payer funded campaign for Mayor. I really wish he cared more about teaching the student than feeding his own ego.
I hope to God a HS student is capable of reading out loud. Or did they have 3rd graders running the programming?
The cop can always say he forgot what happened, like fIreball’s battered girlfriend.
I guess you have to pretty much kill someone drunk driving to be charged, everything else, not so much. Not Fair.
The comments by the Chief in Gt Barrington was an insult to the tax payers intelligence. When has anyone heard of the cops stoping a car for drunk driving ( crossing the center line to boot) then not doing a sobriety test, then let them phone a friend for a ride home? I call bull s###.