(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 21, 2016) — It is a profound mistake for Pittsfield to bring in Syrian and Iraqi refugees. If the Middle East cannot solve its religious and political differences, that is their problem — in case you forgot.
… Forgot the millions of casualties and trillions in financial damage and waste inflicted on the region and America by hyped-up war that never should have happened. Going on 14 years later and irreparable damage to this nation’s national interests (let alone security), and the area is messier and costlier than ever.
— Forgot that President Barack Obama broke his campaign promise to get us out of there.
— Forgot centuries of West-East turmoil and inter/intra-tribal savagery done in the worst name of all. That would be “God.”
— Forgot that the city of Pittsfield cannot feed, shelter, clothe, or employ its own because of a non-existent economy.
— Forgot the city’s crushing poverty, crime, decay, and urban neglect. Refugees will only add to the nightmare.
Will Krol Take the Lead and House a Family in His Humble Abode?
THE PLANET “gets” the urge for do-gooders to play Mother Teresa, but how can you fathom the incredibly myopic (to the point of self-serving stupidity) “progressivism” of Ward 6 councilor John Krol, who told Dick Lindsay of The Boring Broadsheet, “This is an extraordinarily positive opportunity for the city. We have a history of welcoming immigrants …”
Yeah, JK, but that was a century or more ago, when those newcomers wanted more than anything else to assimilate. They yearned to be Americans. They broke their backs for pennies, learned English, paid taxes, obeyed the law, and built this city — only to have Krol’s kind of “progressive” politics bring it to ruin over the last one score and 10. Oh, and he fail to mention the minor detail that those immigrants of long ago came here legally through normal channels.
THE PLANET asks our Right Honorable Good Friend from Ward Satellite 6 if he will personally host Syrian or Iraqi refugees in his fancy abode off of posh outer West Street? When the phone doesn’t ring, we’ll know it’s Krol not getting back to us with the answer.
And speaking of saints, Fr. Peter Gregory, who of course is all for this folly, don’t you need to remove the beam in your own eyes before you can see clearly enough to get behind the Free Admission, No Papers Required plan? The move to open the refugee floodgates is led by Jewish Family Service of Western Mass. in conjunction with the Berkshire Immigrant Center and the Pittsfield Area of Congregations (PAC)? You may know of what we speak, Fr. G. THE PLANET will leave it at that.
Oh, and Father G., will you be taking in the immigrants at your rectory?
Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, get ready. You just know that most of the cost will come out of your hides.
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Did you notice while you were out playing polo that downtown Pittsfield hosted another murder this week? At his arraignment in Central Berkshire Court, the giant intellect charged with assault and battery in connection with the later death of Brian Signor had that look so familiar with the critters of downtown North Street.
Ben Garver, The BB photo wiz, perfectly captured the accused’s vacant stare, the “you can knock but
nobody’s home” visage. Anyone who has reason to go to the front lines on North between between Columbus Avenue and Waconah Street has seen the “empty set” gaze on countless faces of “the armies of the road.” They aimlessly roam the avenue after they’ve been kicked out of the shelters in the morning, looking to “better themselves.”
Would it surprise you that Signor gave his address as “homeless.” That couldn’t be Homeless Terrace, one of the side avenues near Pheasant Way, could it? Nah. Couldn’t be that exclusive.
For those keeping score at home, the fun and games that resulted in death (and likely murder) took place directly, and we mean directly, across from snooty Hotel on North. Good thing the $450-a-night stable has been nearly empty. THE PLANET couldn’t bear to learn that Mr. and Mrs. La-de-dah lost any sleep because of a drunken party or a possible murder.
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Last night’s hearing on Walmart’s proposed Superstore at the PEDA “Teens” ended in a split decision. Our spies in the room gave the win on points to thse in favor of relocating the current Walmart at Berkshire Crossing, called by Forbes magazine at the worst in the country, to PEDA.
The meaningless event was nothing more than a staged political glory grab by two of the council’s most irrelevant voices: The soundless Lisa “I’m Not Linda” Tully and the inaudible Kevin “The Barber” Morandi. Waterstone Development, the group looking to build at PEDA, has yet to submit a formal proposal.
Let THE PLANET spill it. The Superstore will be built, and it has as much to do with Morningside grant stipulations as it does with whether or not the proposal has merit on its own. We can say no more.
“He got the peace prize. We got the problem.” — Malcolm X, on Martin Luther King Jr.
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Will the new super store carry pressure cookers? Maybe a pressure cooker factory will go up next to it.
All the local moonbats are just peeing themselves with excitement over the prospect of Islamofacists coming to town.
The look on Signor’s face has a dual purpose. The first, is the look of your typical junkie walking on North Street looking for his/her next fix or person to rob to be able to get the fix.
The second “look,” is the look of the down trodden, poor Pittsfield tax paying citizen, after being forced to bend over and get the big tax bone, at the same time TFB, JIV, The school committee, John “when did muslims become pronounced mooslims by Hillary” Krol, and Barry Tyer, serenade you with the “economic engine love song.”
Walmart is the political issues at this time,a very big deal for citizens who have waited and invested for 20 years.This issue is a great example of why boards need to be residents of Pittsfield. All serving on this board are successful and could decide this has no effect on them.
Throw a Walmart at the hood and call it a day.How many residential neighborhoods in this country have a Super Walmart. Who’s going to be the PEDA sellout…get on record .
Letting vetted immigrants into our country is not progressive it is however something we have always done.
Kate…I am sure you bought into our extreme interventions into the middle east by Bush who’s family won’t vote for your current candidate.
I’ve never been a big supporter of either Bush, but I’d take them over Hillary “The Truth” Clinton. If H.W. would have done it right in the first Gulf War, we wouldn’t be in the Middle East mess we are in today. But let’s not forget, who was Prez when Bin Laden appeared on the radar. It was Bill Clinton. Do you remember what his response was to Al Qaeda bombing the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania? He lobbed a few cruise missiles into EMPTY Al Qaeda training bases. Bill Clinton and Hillary are weak when it comes to stopping terrorist threats. Case in point, Benghazi.
Now TSC, if you read or watch the news, you will see that 800 of our “Mooslim” friends used fake documents to gain access into the US. Homeland Security does not know where most of these people are. If that doesn’t scare you, then just hope your not in the path of the next pressure cooker bombing.
I see nothing wrong with Trump’s ban on Muslims from these war-torn areas until we can properly vet them. Again TSC, look what’s going on in France, Germany, and other parts of Europe, who openly took these “refugees” in.
TSC, you can bury your head in the PC sand. I refuse to. I’m sure you’ll find a few more passengers aboard the “economic engine express.”
The biggest problem is the federal government is involved with this refugee program. Do not trust them to properly vet any of the Syrian’s. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim. Krol is just trying to get the school enrollment up, so they won’t have to close a building.
All terrorists are Muslim?
Yes indeed they are.
I did not know McVeigh had converted.
Word Origin and History for ter-ror-ist
in the modern sense, 1944, especially in reference to Jewish tactics against the British in Palestine — earlier it was used of extremist revolutionaries in Russia (1866); and Jacobins during the French Revolution (1795) — from French terroriste ; see terror + -ist (also cf. terrorism ). The tendency of one party’s terrorist to be another’s guerilla or freedom fighter was noted in reference to the British action in Cyprus (1956) and the war in Rhodesia (1973). The word terrorist has been applied, at least retroactively, to the Maquis resistance in occupied France in World War II (e.g. in the “Spectator,” Oct. 20, 1979).
You just don’t get it. Stop being a poser
“This is an extraordinarily positive opportunity for the city.” That is what Mr Krol was quoted as saying but he did not detail how or why. Exactly who benefits and how? Is it possible that along with the refugees comes MONEY? MONEY with discretionary disposal for food, housing, health care and education? Money that can be aimed at friends? Just curious.
An “extraordinary positive opportunity” Mr Krol, would be to throw a bone to your fixed income seniors who have lived in, supported and paid taxes in this city for 50 to 80 years. Where is their entitlement? When people from half way around the world show up on the door step and wind up better off than those who have spent their lives here contributing to this city something is wrong in the appreciation category.
I do feel really bad for these people. But I believe in taking care of your own and then if you have extra you share it with others.
Please don’t ask Mr Stanley to help because he needs help too.
This idea by progressives is so dangerous. The other day Hillary says that Trump is making attacks against us more likely when he talks about not allowing refugees from that part of the world into this country. The truth is that attempting to assimilate people into your society who come from a completely different culture and a very strict religion sets us up for violence. They will see homosexuality, transvestites, and in general a much more relaxed atmosphere that they just do not believe in. Some will easily be recruited either by the internet or visits back to their home countries by people who will remind them of how they are being corrupted by our society and lifestyle.
This has been one of the major complaints against this country from that part of the world which is that they fear being corrupted by our lifestyle even the ones who are not radicals, who are the majority, have this fear. Yes, many have supposedly assimilated here in the past, but we see that some can turn to violence when they are reminded of how they have left behind their true religion which doesn’t accept our lifestyle or culture.
Progressives have used social engineering in this country and it has been disastrous in many ways. For them to attempt it with this very strict religion will be just plain dangerous for this country and I believe the people they are attempting to assimilate will eventually rebel. Look at what has happened in France and Germany and how their society has been impacted. Those countries will never be the same. They should receive the help they need to stay in their own countries so they can continue to practice their own religion and in this way we respect them and their culture.
You talkin about the Irish and Italians here? They had the same beef brought up against them and their strong commitment to a strict, mostly foreign religion too.
There wasn’t a religious faction of them trying to murder people. Big difference.
It was the Baptists and Methodists that were murdering the Catholics.
Well now it’s the terrorists who are trying to murder anyone who isn’t muslim.
What you don’t understand is that these people want to bring on the apocalypse. The are not afraid to die and will kill anyone who doesn’t bow down to them and their religion.
Actually Pat, there is also a radical Christian wing dead set on bringing on an apocalypse of some sort too. Probably a similar percentage as Muslims. Certainly a minority.
You do realize these are terrorists we are talking about? They want to kill as many of us as they can as they themselves have stated repeatedly.
Yeah maybe that’s true, but they didn’t say they would kill anyone who wasn’t their religion and they embraced and assimilated to the American way of life.
Krol was an out of touch elitist in high school, him and his wife are out of touch elitists now. Watch those kickbacks happening, watch Krol move up the democratic (progressive) ladder in the next ten years.
He’s also a complete shill for Hillary. Go take a long run off a short pier Jon.
Krol has no conception of the pride of self earned accomplishment. He never will as long as the check book that bought him his house and continues to sustain him remains open. He even gets a free political and self promotional platform at Taconic High radio/media students’ expense. He is totally plastic, a idealistic opportunist and political demagogue.
Yet, he manages to mentally enslave the voter sheep in his ward. Eventually they will reap what they have sown.
I haven’t been this angry in some time!
They will be vetted? Oh, really…..how well has that worked so far? Do they think we are all stupid? Answer: YES
And is this just the beginning? How many more after these families arrive?
We will never know where they are housed….just quietly moved to places (probably section 8) around the city.
We think we have problems with our schools now…..hold onto your hats!
And, finally, they will be financially supported by our TAX dollars, forever!!! Assimilate? NEVER!
Lies Lies Lies
Are you talking about the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton, or Bill Clinton? I read lies, lies, lies, in your post.
Read the link.
All lies poser
Most of the Muslim refugees are men of Military age.
They are strategically being placed throughout the country.
Federal dollars (your money) is being paid to communities to take them.
Obama had already brought in 100’s of thousands of them.
Hillary promises to bring in over 700,000 of them in her first year.
We are already seeing the results. Bombings, mass stabbings and terrorist attacks. Hillary is hell bent on taking your guns, leaving you defenseless.
It sure does look as if they are trying to bring this country to its knees. Third world status. The mental patients are running the insane asylum.
How many members of the Pittsfield City Council are likewise of Military age ? Did Krol, Caccamo, Marcetti, or any of them choose to serve ? Are there any vets on the council ? These are the elected leaders in time of crisis. Heaven help us.
Two things could happen on today’s topics. We could get a new Sister City from the east and Mr. Signor could be a firefighter in about fifteen years.
Dilly: Those are wise remarks!
Thanks Spider, I’ve always wanted to visit Aleppo.
How the hell is “This is an extraordinarily positive opportunity for the city.”? I wish he would explain what that means but he won’t. Krol says Pittsfield has a history of welcoming immigrants, the Polish and the Irish. Not always. They came to work 14 hours a day in the sweatshops because it was better than where they came from. When I was a kid I caddied at the Country Club. There were no Polish, Irish, Italians, French, Catholics or Jews. That didn’t change until the mid sixties.
Griffin, Green and Krol hope there will be enough of the vocal majority to silence the vocal minority who are in reality the silent majority.
That being said I will add that the people I caddied for at the Country Club in the mid to late 40’s were very nice to me and my fellow caddies.
What happens when these Muslim men meet up with the Bloods or the Crips? Turf wars?
These men will have to be housed, clothed, fed…..all with taxpayer money, your money, as there are no jobs.
Most of the good people of the Pittsfield would never have experienced a real terror attack in their lives outside of the 6:00 oclock news, but they will now.
Are you starting to see why Hillary is too big to fail?
Trump would just ruin all this with his wall, his banning all Muslim immigrants until properly vetted. His stopping illegal immigration in favor of legal immigration. His stance on this one issue had catapulted him to #1 rock star status among the people.
Make no mistake…..you will not see many people at any meetings regarding these families. Why? Because of “retaliation”.
As usual, a small powerful minority rules this city.
Great coverage today DV.
My take. Syrian and Iraq immigrants = No. Political grandstanding by Mr. Krol, yes.
Murder on North St = We havent seen the last. Remember Mayor Tyer’s big open press conference on “crime?” Whatta joke.
Walmart = Why not. Nothing else is going to go there.
word is that Krol is going to convert the 2 bay garage under his house to an apartment to house 10-15 refugees for a year…a truly remarkable gesture by a truly generous citizen.. thank you for doing this Mr. Krol.
Better clear out any bacon and pork chops in the meat freezer! I can’t tell if this is sarcasm, or a sad truth.
Krol is the Polish word for King. He is King of the libtards.
NAFTA/GATT/TPP …. lets ship all the jobs out of this country.
Lets strip Americans of their right to own arms.
Lets bring in millions of Syrian and Iraqi Muslim men.
Lets indocrinate our yoots in political correctness and be tolerant of men who choose to dress like woman and want to use the ladies room.
Gay marriage…….
Is this what you really want for this country?
Jobs were reduced because of technological advances, not offshoring, and now the quality of life demands in many parts of the world have a re-shoring effect.
The Iraq Body Count project (IBC) figure of 110,937 – 121,227 civilian deaths from violence up to December 2012 includes reported civilian deaths due to Coalition and insurgent military action, sectarian violence and increased criminal violence.
Estimates of deaths in the Syrian Civil War, per opposition activist groups, vary between 301,781[1] and 470,000.[2] On 23 April 2016, the United Nations and Arab League Envoy to Syria put out an estimate of 400,000 that had died in the war.[3]
UNICEF reported that over 500 children had been killed by early February 2012.[4][5] Another 400 children were reportedly arrested and tortured in Syrian prisons.[6][7] Both claims have been contested by the Syrian government.[8] Additionally, over 600 detainees and political prisoners died under torture.[9] The United Nations stated that by the end of April 2014, 8,803 children had been killed,[10] while the Oxford Research Group said that a total of 11,420 children died in the conflict by late November 2013.[11] By mid-September 2016, the opposition activist group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported the number of children killed in the conflict had risen to 15,099, while at the same time 10,018 women were also killed.
The democrats will only continue our wars and increase our risk of terrorist attacks. The west installed havoc and loss of life permanently across the middle east, and now we wonder why they come here and hurt us? We declare war on “terrorists” and we still lay waste to countries that are stable and sophisticated.
Poser you can twist numbers whatever way you like We don’t want the refugees period.
Typical reverting to name calling when argument is refuted with facts.
Your facts are made up
By calling them facts, by definition, they are not “made up”
if they can clear the gates I’m sure the Mayor will take a few of them in.
A few more cop murders by approved “black lives matter” terrorists should get this civil war going nicely.
Federalize the police, martial law…… that’s progressive.
Some think it will take Hillary 8 years to ruin this country and flush it down the toilet. I bet she can do it in 4.
Obama is running out of time.
Got to get this civil war cooking.
I’m sorry but to turn a blind eye at this time in our nations insecurity is being naive. Properly vetted and with restrictions on how much and how long assistance will be paid to them is necessary. Also security is going to be an issue. Pittsfield has issues now, wait until the “vocal minority” becomes physical because of their beliefs and fears. Are we going to house them in a protected area? I’m sure Pittsfield is safer than the countries that are in the middle east but there probably are still some concerns about them being accepted by all at this seemingly pivotal time. I am nervous for them and nervous for all. How can you not be?
Don’t worry they will bump families on waiting lists and get into Pittsfield public housing. Plus Feds. will cut them 1,500.00 check to get them started, until gov’t assistance kicks in.
Why don’t we house them in a certain gated community just passed BCC. I hear that’s a nice protected place.
I’m not in favor of immigrants coming here Because the fact is there’s not enough jobs for the people who are already here . The next thing you know we will be getting our taxes Increased to subsidize the fact that they can’t find a job .
I agree with your post, but jobs? Most of these people have no more than a third grade education. What job can they do? They are going to be a burden to tax-payers, the medical community, and eventually law enforcement.
Will they bump every body on the section 8 list down a couple of dozen? How about elderly housing? Will they get precedence over elderly who have been waiting forever on a list?
I am sure they are not going to be open about any negatives so we might as well ask the stupid seeming questions right out front.
They are doing this in Northampton too. 51 refugees being shoved down their throats. I personally think we should look at the list of registered democrats and put them on top of the “housing” list, force them to accept the refugees and tell them to thank their elected officials.
Then I hope they freak out every time a kitchen timer goes off in their house
In Chicago, former Mayor Jane Byrne in 1981, tried this publicity stunt in the Cabrini-Greens Housing Projects. The only difference is that Mayor Byrne had a small army of police officers around the apartment she and her husband stayed in.
Anybody unaware of Cabrini-Greens, google it. It’s the apartment building that the Evans’ lived in the the TV show “Good Times.” Dyn-o-mite!
Yes, Northampton is doing it, after much discussion and meetings. Of course Pittsfield wants to rush it through without input from residence. They have to hurry up before Obamass is out of office.
Two questions for John Krol and Pete White, who support this immigration move.
Can you assure us that none of these families believe in Shiria Law and will expect to practice it here?
And Just how much more will our already inflated school budget increase when they have to hire numerous teachers to work on a one-on-one basis to teach English to each child. They are doing that now in our school system.
You could have at least spelled it correctly.
It is important to note that Syria was considered a refined Muslim country prior to destabilizing the Assad regime to plow pipelines across uncooperative regions.
It’s the poser spelling police again
Those two were not gonna listen to you or anyone else Who voted them in to office
I love how Diedre Griffin, who lives in Springfield wants to place refugees in our town.
I believe this city should demand accountability on whether they practice Sharia (Shakes take notice) Law and inform us.
The families should agree to abide by US laws, learn the English language posthaste and assimilate.
Do you really think that will happen. I don’t! And quite frankly I don’t trust those who are spearheading this whole thing.
The state of Texas on Wednesday announced that it is withdrawing from the Obama administration’s refugee resettlement program due to the administration’s inability to ensure that refugees resettled in the state do not pose terror threats, according to an announcement by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.
Texas informed the Office of Refugee Resettlement in a letter that it will be withdrawing from the program on Jan. 31, 2017. The letter comes on the heels of several weekend terror attacks across the United States
The administration has refused to approve a security plan by the state of Texas aimed at ensuring that refugees are only resettled following in-depth security checks.
Texas officials drafted a plan that would require federal national security officials to provide assurances that none of the individuals being resettled pose a terror threat. The administration has declined to approve this plan.
Abbott said Texas would not accept a single refuge until proper security measures are put in place.
All you really have to do is consider who is in favor of this nonsense. Slumlords, Social Workers, the School System, welfare advocates, local low end business owners and liberal politicians. All of them have a vested interest in perpetuating the Welfare State.
It would be nice if the young men coming into this country served in our military. Let us see how bad they really want to be American? We can use the translators.
There is bad precedent for this in some European countries that would like to ship them all out to somewhere else. (see Germany).
The bottom line is that this IS NOT a benefit to our city.
if Kingcroll is smart, he’ll sugges putting them up at 100 North it won’t be long before that becomes an apartment complex anyway.
Let the good times roll……
FREE housing, cell phone, EBT cards, dipers, don’t forget WIC, the food pantry, of course why do they really need it? The kids get free breakfast and lunch year round! That doesn’t stop them from taking all they can get from the food pantry. Even if they throw it away. Mine, mine, mine!
Maybe we can put all the Refugees at Hotel on North, all expenses paid in full by the taxpayers!
DVD is slick…he wants you to do the slippery slope of ignorant rants here in Pittsfield so he does not have to deal with this 12 miles from here in America’s photograph of what never existed.
Rockwell was ahead of his time with political illustrations of ignorance.DVD is not slick enough.
DVD? And you want us to take you seriously?
If you can sell Walmart and ignorance in Pittsfield we will be changed forever.You just hold on there DV Pittsfield was always open to progressive free thinking.I don’t believe Israel would exist today if it was up to Planet fear.
once again, what?? This makes no sense. Literally. You are embarrassing yourself.
This isn’t bad for the city in that we are letting immigrants into our community. In fact it will probably help the community. It’s bad for our city because our brain-dead local leaders are going to use this for fluffy photo-ops instead of doing anything that remotely resembles their job. This will dominate discussion over the economy, crime etc.
Tammy: Do tell…..just how will this help our community?
It’s amazing that Texas can so NO, but Pittsfield can’t.
What is happening to our city. Some of these do-gooders don’t even live here, but they are able to determine our future?
How did this happen? It seems that we have nothing but Wimps in our administration.
Texas has a Republician Governor with balls. Mass. has a Republician Governor with balls in a jar, resting on the Democratic’s machine’s mantle.
We are at war with Islamic extremists who have attacked us numerous times on our own soil. Racial tension is at its worst in decades, borders are unsecure allowing drugs and terrorists free range. That’s as clean as Hillarys record.
Looks like the MaryJuana Dipensary will be located at the old K F C, about time that section of the City got some revitalization,maybe they could bring the Chicken back also, don’t you get munches with that stuff?
This is happening in small towns across the country.
Decisions like this affecting our entire city and especially schools can be made by an outside group (including only a few select individuals in the city) without approval by our city government?
Why wasn’t the Mayor and Council involved?
I hope the rest of the City Council are not in agreement with Krol and White.
Any non english speaking children in the school system will need paid translators and lots of extra help. Who pays for this?? Why we will and now there is one more excuse to raise the school budget. Oh my!
We need to take care of our Vets and then our own, then maybe refugees, but now is not the time.
I have loved ones who had to leave the area because of the eeconomic climate and we are asked to fund someone from the middle east, not on my vote.
I think you won DV our city will take a stand.against Christian Catholic teachings we all had in our generation.
I think the PC DemocRATS have already taken care of that: Holiday Trees, Merry Christmas is now Happy Holidays, Nativity Scenes, etc.
As Hillary said, “I did not have sexual relations with that women….” Oh, wait that was Bill. Hillary said, “We do not want to offend our Mooslim friends.”
Is there someone out there in ward 6 who will run against Krol?
And may I add that, in years gone by when immigrants came to this country legally, that they were also required to have a sponsor here in the US – who would financially provide for them in case they were not able to find employment. Nowadays, more than 80% of them end up on welfare – so you the taxpayer will be supporting this latest wave of illegals. I am totally against Pittsfield bringing in illegals, especially Syrians – they should be kept in the Middle East amongst the Muslim crowd. This is a Trojan horse situation – look at Europe!
I agree. Europe is a mess. Read the comments on the Berkshire Eagle site on the refugee article. Some people wrote they had recently returned from places like France and even Sweden and the are overrun with refugee problems and violence.
Maybe Mr. Krol and Mr. White will sponsor them for rent and housing.
I agree with all your comments.
President Trump will be given a great economy no wars and a clean slate.Kate …Trump will be given a excellent chance to succeed and even a angry guy like you will want fairness for a newly elected president unlike what Republicans dis to President Obama…
Fairness and tolerance will seem like a great idea to you a
Economy is not great, Obama doubled the national debt in 8 years. He out spent all the other Presidents combined. More people are on government assistance since the inception. Yeah clean slate.
School Committee,
You must have graduated from one of Pittsfield’s “Economic Engines,” if you think I’m an “angry guy.”
They will not be smuggled in…where do you people get these ideas
Why not put a ballot question out there since we will be voting
soon. Are the taxpayers of Pittsfield willing to support an unknown number of refugees? Not to mention that some of these refugees will probably turn against the USA in the years to come (the Boston bombers NY-NJ bomber this weekend)Maybe that dip ### Krol is right but I think the majority of tax payers would think we are already supporting enough people in this welfare state.