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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY SEPT. 27, 2016) — Last night’s meeting at the Berkshire Athenaeum on Syrian refugees coming to Pittsfield fits right into our theme for today, which is shutting down the voices of We The People. Organizers did not allow anyone in the overflowing room to ask questions.

That’s just how The Suits want it.

Now that The Boring Broadsheet terminated on-line comments, frustrated scribes wishing to react to stories of interest or offer their ideas will have to come this way, to THE PLANET. As readers of this board know, THE PLANET welcomes comments and reactions at the end of our columns, though we will say the matter caused no small debate when we first began, a discussion that has continued since then.

One of the questions THE PLANET had to decide in the beginning: To allow comments or not. We talked to many different sources, experts in the field, companies, technies, and others. There were compelling arguments both ways. The “No Comment” people said online contributors would attract too many bottom feeders and that it would be difficult to regulate or police (think Topix). The “Allow Comment” people said to do so takes advantage of the internet’s major benefit over other media, especially print, in allowing real-time feedback. As a believer in the free marketplace of ideas and the greatest amount of exchange as possible, we turned on the “comment” switch.

To Post: A Privilege Not a Right

That being said, THE PLANET reminds everyone about this magical ability to have your say, 24/7, in real time, instantly. It is a privilege, not a right. The disclaimer THE PLANET began putting at the end of each column exists as a tacit acknowledgment of this. The disclaimer states that you own your words. It also states our right “to remove any comment that violates [our] Rules of Conduct.” What are those rules? Few. Express your views with as much reason, logic, persuasion and best writing as possible.

Ah, but this is the internet. The ability to enjoy a few seconds of “fame” by seeing your name in the “print” of excited photons on a computer screen being viewed by thousands of others proves to be too much of a joy-ride for those who can’t write but even worse, can’t think. This includes the usual assortment of screwballs, delusional, hate-held, and the like. Everyone once in a while, such idiots sneak on to THE PLANET with their stale gonzo crackers. We know it when we read it. The more persistent find themselves banished, never to return, since even if they change their phony online names and fake e-mail addresses, their electronic fingerprint identifies them. This fingerprint is a unique electronic identifier.

THE PLANET doesn’t buy The BB’s excuse for denying comments. The paper said it’s too time-intensive and expensive to monitor. PLANET sources at the newspaper say new owner Fred Rutberg issued the clamp down “because he didn’t like the criticism the paper was receiving.” Another said he did it to please advertisers (we wonder if the city was among them?). Editor  Kevin Moran had the task of defending this move. Moran basically said that large companies have the resources to adequately police their on-line comments but The BB doesn’t.

An Army of One 

The easiest thing for THE PLANET to do would use this same argument. The BB has a newsroom of between 30 and 40 people. THE PLANET has a newsroom of one, yet we regularly have our site policed. Is the dialog always at the high level that THE PLANET would like? No. In fact, at times, it’s banal, but it is as a good as or better than similar websites.

Of course, the simple answer to all this is for contributors to comment to the best of their ability, leaving aside infantile attacks devoid of reason and logic. Be smart, not stupid. Consequently, once again, THE PLANET asks those to whom we allow the privilege of commenting to do so responsibly. We welcome all points of view — but we won’t hesitate pushing the button on the James Bond ejection seat to anyone who wants to share idiocy and not information.

Simply put, be cool and not a fool.


“A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”Malcolm X



The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment that violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.


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Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Dear Dan,

Thank you for your work and effort in giving the people of the Berkshires an untainted news source and a means to voice their thoughts on the issues concerning us.

The Berk Bird/Boring Broadsheet has sunken to new lows, and is far ahead in it’s seeming quest to be the worst, of the worst, newspapers. I do not feel the two previous pseudonyms I’ve just used do that soiled rag justice anymore. I move to propose we use the term LEFT WINGED PARROT. Their slanted biased views are left of Chairman Mao, and they may as well cackle “Polly want a cracker” concerning the utterings of talk points handed down by the string pullers/suits.

Best regards,


Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Everyone should send a message and stop reading the BB. It no longer represents the people and only cares about promoting the progressive point of view. This situation just shows how far this country has gone downhill.

The first job of government is to protect the people. When government goes so far as to no longer even bother to do so by bringing in refugees from questionable parts of the world and not even caring what people think about it, they should lose the ability to govern. Imagine the arrogance of telling people at last nights meeting that there are no guarantees these people will be safe so deal with it because you have no say in the matter. Since it is mainly progressives who are bringing in all of these refugees, they should be voted out to send a message. Hillary will increase the number of refugees coming to the country as she continues Obama’s mission to “fundamentally transform America”.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

It like radio is a forum for mostly angry white men without a college degree.That is what Trump has tapped into on the Republican side and is now pursuing a broader base of support.
Angry conservative white men want jobs and have been used as pawns by the religious right that don’t offer jobs and have been used by the right wing gun lobby that does not offer jobs.
They have nowhere to go after Trump and what happens is the Conservative right will cease to make a difference.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

I love how you can generalize Trump supporters. I guess my 2 masters degrees are now null and void. Then again I could probably assume most Hillary supporters have low wage jobs, majored in feminine studies/art history and blame those with MBA’s and law degrees for their plight.

Where’s my safe space?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Yes, I too am among H-Beasts “basket of DEPLORABLES”.

Bachelor and Master of Science, followed with a science pH D. Guess I should have majored in Womens Studies and Philosophy

Hillary, FOR PRISON 2016!

Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Don’t forget 3rd generation welfare receipts. Anyone is better than Hillary, she is a subhuman.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Gun lobby is doing GREAT!!!! Thanks to Obama/Sotero.

Invest in gun companies and ammunition producers.

Real Americans will need their arms to protect their undeniable natural rights.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

MT, Its still Soetoro Doctor.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

Would that be the guy who took college financial aid as an Indonesian foreigner? Yea Barry

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Do you have a HS diploma? Or maybe you didn’t make it to 8th grade.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

that was a question for SC

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

That refugee meeting was a joke. It is scary how manipulated things are in Pittsfield. Are we becoming North Korea with all information and public opinion stifled?

Have so many people bailed on Pittsfield and its floundering school system that we have to import questionable refugees from war torn countries half way around the world? Are we now that desperate to bring the numbers up?

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

After living in Pittsfield for 30 years, I bailed last year and what a great and timely decision it was.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Still Wondering
8 years ago

From the looks of the homes for sale you have a lot of company. Many more would go in a blink if they could.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

On the flip side, home are cheap! and if you can snag one with a low interest rate before the economy improves and rates go up you’re golden.

Unless Trump was right last night and we are living in a huge bubble perpetuated by the Politically- Run FED, then were are heading for devastation regardless

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Why would anyone who knows anything about the current state of affairs in the Pit voluntarily move into the cauldron of chaos?

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Yes prices are on the low side but then the taxes kill, absolutely kill. The current rate is $18.06 for poor homeowners like me. Even worse for business, $36.63.

No wonder why the middle class is moving out and no businesses want to move in.

Then on top of that you have to deal with politics that feature inbreeding of the worst kind. Terrible terrible yet to Tyer, Krol and their likes everythings great. As for The BB I unsubscribed this year afte r the regime change.

8 years ago


I could tell right away that last nights meeting was really a propaganda session. Tell everyone how great it’s going to be.

Reality, these people couldn’t even organize a meeting, no less how to properly take all these people in.

I overheard one of the City Councilors telling someone the city has no voice in this matter. The whole thing is up to the Feds. The Mayor and the Council weren’t even asked for their opinions.

Are the churches making money off this gig?

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

AHeard that three quarters of the people were from the Topix site.

8 years ago

This seems to be more of a religious idea rather than a political one. What Man or Woman, especially with a Family who just lost a job or is out of work want to subsidize another family from another part of the world?This should be a no brainer, no refugees until we straighten out our own struggles, for it’s own Citizens.

Reply to  H
8 years ago

This is definitely more political than religious. The orders to send these refugees here comes directly from the Obama administration. They want to cloak it in religion, but the roots are most definitely political. Northhampton just recently received about 50 Syrian refugees. They ran an ad to the public asking if anyone had any jobs they could do once they arrived in that city. No, this is your progressive government at work attempting to fundamentally transform America and not the religious community which is just being used to try to put a happy face on this dangerous situation.

8 years ago

The Eagle should now be known as the Berkshire Spin. On the refugee issue, agree with the Dilly, take care of our own at this time.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Halo
8 years ago

The Berkshire Fox Spin. Change the Eagle logo to a Fox. A sneaky, calculating and an opportunistic propaganda rag. Buy any other newspaper off the stand and compare the content. .Quite an eye opener. Most people still get it out of habit. People, it is a bad habit you need to break until they become a real newspaper of the people and not the special interests.

8 years ago

Don’t forget, we have a Defense Plant here in the City.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Don’t think the City Council or any other elected body should make the decision on refugees coming here, until the people who vote,weigh in on it. Right now this is a definite No.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
Reply to  May Hemm
8 years ago

Concor and run, Concor and run.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  Trumped Up
8 years ago

? ?

8 years ago

I knew in the first few minutes we were being hosed with kool aid. I though I was attending a public meeting in a public building. If I wanted a prayer meeting I would go to a church.
They couldn’t even organization a simple meeting. If the game plan was to have people write questions on note cards then they should have passed out pencils with the cards like every other normal common sense organization would do. Many people had no way to fill out the cards. The plants in the meeting were prepared, the lady next to me had her little paper filled out already when she sat down.
This whole thing has been in the works for a long time and it was very clear to me that they were speaking at me not to me. This whole thing was a done deal WAY before it was announced to the taxpayers who will finance it.
I will wait for the answer to my questions like they “promised would be answered”. I did write 5 questions on a card with my name and phone number. Like Dan says “when the phone doesn’t ring I’ll know it’s them not getting back to me. I will keep the Planet updated on this issue.
I could go on but that’s it for now. In closing, follow the money!

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Absolutely! Follow the money.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

I knew it was a sham when I saw TFB yucking it up with Griffin before the meeting even started.

The fix is in! She needs some money to pay her grocery bills

Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Grif or Trish?

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Holy Family Church will be renovated and have 10 apartments ready in 8 or 9 months and they will need to be filled. Timing is right.

8 years ago

Are we still living in America? It doesn’t sound like it.

That meeting was nothing more than a set-up. Questions had to be submitted on paper? Only to be filtered….hand picked as to which ones would be asked.

Supposedly they are hoping that our CC will endorse this. That’s funny. It’s a done deal, guys! But I would still like to see where our CC stands on this. But it ain’t going to happen….they won’t touch this!

God Bless America!

Richard Harry
Richard Harry
8 years ago

The second amendment isn’t the only one being violated in this country. What’s self evident here is not the abuse of the first amendment it’s the down right violation of it. Every day can we hear and see issues being presented as truthful only to find out they were presented falsely in part or as a whole. This disregard for observance of the truth that comes so easily by so many creates not solves problems.

Last night’s meeting is a fine example of possible media misrepresentation of all the communications that could have taken place from those in attendance. It is unfortunate a hidden agendas can manipulate how a meeting will go.

In my opinion treating this issue in any manner that is not vetted properly or has hidden agendas based on non truths, lack of planning, political mismanagement and public financing will result in the creation of many complex and undesirable issues for all invovled.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
8 years ago

The fix is in. The organizers of the meeting know awhile lot more information than they conveyed. I wonder how many locals are in on the lie?

8 years ago

This particular secession is to take away all the other nonsense going on in the City..crime,the school, high taxes,garbage pick up, the mayor’,s lack of leadership, shootings, the new F D hire, the recent dismissal of Officer Eason,the cigs debocle from the Boardof Heath, .

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  mi
8 years ago

and all the smart parents sending their children to schools out of Pittsfield. Parents who took the time to find out just what kind of education their kids were really getting (or not getting)

Mosqued Man
Mosqued Man
8 years ago

How long has that Islamic center been there. It’s right across from the boys and girls club. Get them while they’re young.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Nice word,mi!

8 years ago

Let’s legalize “mary Jane” and our new “workers” can work the fields…and also teach us how to grow poppies!

8 years ago

The last thing we need is another big poppie.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
8 years ago

The Eagle sank to a new low when they eliminated comments. In Bloomington, IN the Herald Times has a lively comment section that adds to the revenue of the paper and the public discussion of many issues (some local, some not). Other papers I comment occasionally are the Buffalo News and the South Bend Tribune where the comment section is not as lively but can be useful on various issues. The paper is part of the community in all three places. It is less part of the community in Pittsfield.

I think its outrageous that some group can bring in refugees without public discussion. Here in Bloomington there is fast growing opposition to settling refugees from Islamic countries (not nearly as much for refugees from the Congo). The basic issue is that the Europeans showed that creating enclaves of people who do not want to integrate into the country creates a risk of terrorism. Many of us are opposing this here.

Shelly Live
Shelly Live
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
8 years ago

Nice Post Charles, someone wrote that thier letters to the E was either not printed or altered, not quite sure which. Someone has changed the new name on here to The Bershire Spin, I like it.

8 years ago

I have sent letters to the editor and if they were a view that the Eagle disagrees with they never showed up. I have had letters altered (they call it edited) to the point that they completely changed the meaning of the letter.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Me too. They definitely seem to have an agenda. And it does not seem to have much to do with the fourth amendment.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

I was wondering if the special interests tried to stack that refugee meeting last night and were caught off guard when the usually disinterested public actually showed up as well. Maybe they panicked and went code red making sure no negative comments could come out.

In Pittsfield this could definitely happen.

8 years ago

Coincil Gtades:

White D
Morandi B
Amuso D
Krol A
Marchetti B
Mazzeo A
Connell A
Simonelli A
Caccamo B-
Tully inc

Reply to  amandaWell
8 years ago


it isn’t even over yet.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
8 years ago

Goober is the new ppd dispatcher.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
8 years ago

FBI Director James Comey announced again that a successful campaign against ISIS will produce a “terrorist diaspora”. The communities with Islam refugees will be natural targets for this network. See

I hope Pittsfield and Bloomington avoid the risk. I am angry at the moral dictators in both places who have decided that helping the refugees is a superior moral position to protecting Americans. We need to shut these people down.

Reply to  C. Trzcinka
8 years ago

Great post C.T.
As reported by Stephen Dinan in The Washington Times, 9-22-2016, “Refugee fraud is easy to commit and much tougher to detect, Homeland Security officials acknowledged in an internal memo made public by members of Congress that challenges the dept.’s own assurances as it seeks to increase the number of refugees from dangerous countries.”

In addition, I have concerns about the alleged health screening of incoming refugees. Breitbart News 9-26-16 has reported that 14 states have confirmed refugees diagnosed with active TB. “Many states, however, fail to collect or report either latent TB infection rates or the number of active TB cases diagnosed among recently resettled refugees.” So, the numbers could be much higher!

8 years ago

Thanks Dan for providing this blog. How much longer will free speech be allowed on the internet? Obama is planning to hand over control to the UN on Sept. 30, midnight. “This proposal will significantly increase the power of foreign governments over the internet,” warned a letter signed by several Republican senators. You won’t hear about this move on the major media outlets!