(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY NOV. 1, 2016) — It’s “the biggest scandal since Watergate.”
So says GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about the FBI’s reopening of a criminal investigation of rival Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while she served as Secretary of State. The FBI has obtained a warrant to search the new hidden e-mails, and early results indicate Hilldog may be in for a rough ride. All this as Clinton’s surrogates, lackeys, and apologists feverishly struggle to contain this widening story, whose ending will not be known for some time.

Here’s Hilldog the day after the FBI’s October surprise. Read the body language. You tell us. What’s going on? (PHOTO: AP)
This much is certain: The renewed probe has given Trump a huge boost while delivering a crushing blow to Clinton. It’s the equivalent of a point-swing in football. The Raiders are on the Eagle’s two yard line, ready to score, but they fumble on the next play. The Eagles recover then drive for a touchdown. That’s a 14-point swing. When it comes in a tight game late in the 4th quarter … well, does THE PLANET have to draw you a map?
What Do the E-Mails Contain?
What are contained in the tens of thousands of e-mails the FBI found hidden on Anthony Weiner’s personal computer? As you may know, Weiner estranged wife is Huma Abeden, Hillary’s closest friend, has disappeared. Sources say she she’s pulling a Garbo, in seclusion at her Manhattan apartment.
G-Men found the e-mails accidentally, it appears, while they were investigating Weiner on a charge of sexting a 15-year-old North Carolina girl. As they examined Weiner’s server, lo! and behold!, a fresh batch of State Department e-mails.
That FBI director James Comey decided to reopen the probe just 11 days before the presidential election (now one week away) shocked the nation and the world. Reason would tell us he wouldn’t have done so, especially after he had declared the case closed in July, unless investigators suspected an appalling breach — for example, jeopardizing national security. That’s treason, y’all.
It is appalling if true that a Secretary of State would treat official department information, classified files at that, in such cavalier fashion. It is doubling loathsome if she hid files while under investigation for criminality. It is beyond all understanding to think that highly classified filed may have been compromised to such an extent as to put them on a private computer of a creep such as Weiner. That’s the same as giving every foreign country the keys to America’s national-security “lock box.”
Would this explain, for example, the bold initiatives taken by nations such as Russia, China, and the Philippines while Hillary was heading State? Russia waltzed into the Ukraine while Vladimir Putin ran circles around President OBama in statesmanship and brinksmanship. Putin felt no qualms about dealing with the incompetent Commander in Chief by taking US-Russia relations back to the darkest hours of the Cold War. In the Mideast, under the Obama-Clinton regime, ISIS came to birth, maturity, and fruition. In China, the emerging world Superpower has laid claim to geopolitics as never before, for instance, in their aggressive build-up in the South China Sea. Meanwhile, new Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has dumped the U.S. and embraced China and Russia in a strategic area that the U.S. has long used as its gateway to the Pacific Rim.
‘A Most Egregious Criminal Offense’
All this came under the watch of Obama and Clinton. It’s not a stretch to align their disastrous foreign policy blunders — delivering state secrets and bumbling deals to foreign governments like so many M&Ms given to kids on Trick-or-Treat — with the newly discovered e-mails stashed away on Weiner’s computer.
“The FBI would never have re-opened this case at this time unless it were a most egregious criminal offense,” Trump said. “The investigation is the biggest political scandal since Watergate, and it’s everybody’s hope that justice at last can be delivered.”
“I have had plenty of words about the FBI lately, but I give them great credit for having the courage to right this horrible wrong,” Trump added. “Justice will prevail.”
Trump also slammed Clinton’s response to FBI Director James Comey’s letter to congressional lawmakers announcing the discovery of the emails through a separate investigation.
“In a very brief remark … Hillary Clinton tried to politicize this investigation by attacking and falsely accusing the FBI director of only sending the letter to Republicans, another Clinton lie,” Trump railed. “As it turned out, the letter was sent to both Republican and Democratic leaders.”
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THE PLANET cannot recall an instance where the head of one of the major departments of the U.S. government released a ticking bomb so close to an election. It was one of the unwritten rules of government: FBI, Justice, State, Oval — never do this, unless national security is on the line.
As Jimmy Durante once said, “Tings are gettin’ interestinger and interestinger.
“Sure, we’ll give you a fair trial. Then we’re gonna hang you.” — Judge Roy Bean
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Rather than turning over the emails she destroyed them because even then Hillary could not be transparent. If she had nothing to hide why not just turn them over to the FBI? Her behavior shows contempt for the law. Criminals think they can destroy evidence, but with today’s technology, they will be shocked at just what can be recovered. Watch Forensic Files to see just how amazing the techniques are especially as it relates to recovering evidence on a computer.
The crux of the anti-Hillary argument concerning her missing emails is that she allegedly engaged in pay to play politics on a global scale to benefit the Clinton Foundation and her family’s personal finances.
Did Hillary Clinton break the law to enrich herself and the Clinton Foundation?
That is the question here!
Since the Clintons are all about MONEY, I think pay to play politics on a global scale did happen.
Donald Trump is the 1st candidate for Prez in decades who did not release his tax returns. What is he hiding? The Truth!
Donald Trump declared business bankruptcy 4 times. That is not a good track record!
Donald Trump uses hate speech and sexist commentary. He threats to sue people and the news media who expose his public record and alleged private transgressions.
Donald Trumps says he respects women, but he is 3 times married and cheated on his first 2 wives. He faces allegations of sexual harassment and assault by nearly one dozen women.
Donald Trump goes after his opponent, Hillary Clinton, so extremely that he told her he would jail her when he would be the Prez.
Donald Trump is violent and a bully who has all the markings of a fascist “leader” from the 1930s.
I hope Donald Trump loses next week on election day: November 8, 2016!
Go Hillary Clinton! She is Innocent until proven guilty!
– Jonathan Melle
Bankruptcy, lawsuit, union grievance…. they are all processes that are needlessly negative in connotation. Yes there were bankruptcies. Yes most people consider them negative. They are legal processes for restructuring obligations and Trump used them to his advantage.
That said, I am still undecided although leaning Libertarian.
I voted Libertarian in the most recent two elections.
John Melle,
You’d actually vote for someone who has been described by the Director of the FBI as a felon to Congress directly?
There will be a trial, if Hillary Clinton lives by the standard we do. But elections and character assesments are two separate things.
I don’t recall him calling her a felon.
Comey identified three lies before Congress which amounted to perjury. He also stated that lying to Congress is a felony that can be punished by years in jail. The building of the case was contigent on a formal request from Congress which happened soon after the hearing. So, no, he did not say, ‘H. Ckinton is a felon’, but he did identify lies before Congress which if deliberate are felonies.
It’s safe to assume that Hillary Clinton knew how many devices she used for email while S.S., As well as the content of her communications.
He did not call her a felon.
I voted Bacchanalian
Is high treason still a capital offense?
I’ve got a nice big oak tree and a good stout piece of rope.
Maybe NESN could cover it as part of the half time show for a Pats game.
Sounds like you might be joining the civil disobedience crowd if Trump loses. Be aware that if this sort of shit starts other unhappy groups are going to join in and it will be every man for himself. There is a lot of paranoia and anger out there. No one will be safe anywhere. It is just going to take one moron to light the match.
If Trump wins, what will be the response from the progressives? Since we have already seen them stirring up trouble at Trump rallies, we need to be worried about them as well.
The “Progressives” will riot if Trump wins. The “Not my President” campaign will begin the minute he is confirmed as winning the election. It will be pandemonium.
I agree… stock up on ammo and get your bug out bags ready. If Trump wins the entitles will rape, pillage and plunder
I wish we could just start the whole process over. No good will come of this election no matter who wins. So much hatred has been sown. Unless the elected president has a majority in both the house and senate the bickering and animosity will continue, and things will be worse than ever.
Absolutely dusty. The system is broken, and the only trickle down is corruption across the board. Fed by Power and money. Trickels down right to Pittsfield, Ma.
Pittsfield’s problems are encouraged by all of the greed and corruption in Washington right now. If Hillary wins, things will only get worse here in Pittsfield. Local progressives will think they have a mandate even if she wins by a few points. The progressive philosophy will go into overdrive. Big corrupt government will rule.
Dan , libertarian and as Mr Mele just stated so well Donald Trumps stumping for tax relief for corporations moved you and tax cuts for billionaires got your juices flowing.
One thing we know as not great Americans as Trump sees us is tax cuts don’t trickle down.The middle class was build by high tax rates on the wealthy and Corporations along with strong unions.
We’ll give you a Planet’s version of what is happening in simple terms. Clinton bleached the e-mails that were critical for the government ( F B I ) to investigate for criminal complaint and there wasn’t enough to indict.Someone has uncovered some e-mails from another server ( WEENY ) that now will prove that Clinton did break the law. Comey did not release this new information because he’s protecting his own ass.
This situation reminds one of , when Tom Bardy was accused of deflating footballs, which happened before the Super Bowl.
Even the Good Morning Joe hosts have turned against Hillary. Mika said yesterday that there is simply too much corruption coming from Hillary Clinton to ignore. I was shocked as were many others since they have been extremely pro-Hillary. This morning they played Barbara Streisand’s song Memories as they showed clips of all of the Democrats praising James Comey as a man of integrity and honesty back in July. Both Mika and Joe were crying their eyes out from all the love shown toward Comey when he decided not to indict Hillary back in July. Now they want to indict Comey for doing his job when more information has surfaced.
Pat, if Trump loses in this election will you accept Hillary as president?
I won’t be out there stirring up trouble in the streets if that’s what you mean. What choice would we have but to accept, but staying silent while corruption continues would not be a good option either. People still need to voice concern about these politicians or they will get away with everything they can get away with. We are seeing it happen everyday here in Pittsfield and in Washington.
Uh oh, all this trouble stirring…. All those scalawags and scoundrels.
Release the Cometose information.
In 1992 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was served a second indictment for the Iran-Contra affair four days before election. Prosecutors cited Weinberger’s daily diary had a contradiction to a claim that President Bush had made. Some people think that sunk Bush and let Bill Clinton into the presidency.
Some background on Huma.
Anybody find it disturbing she was working for SOS Clinton and had access to loads of classified material?
Trump calling the recent revelation of emails being found on Abedin’s computer as “worse than Watergate” is absurd.
Watergate involved a sitting President running a criminal enterprise out of the oval office.
Clinton has not been charged with a crime, was cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI in July, and now the FBI does not yet know what’s in the emails, let alone whether they contain any new information, are duplicates of what the FBI’s already reviewed, or are even relevant to the inquiry.
Speculating about them is foolish.
Hildebeast was never cleared. The Sotero DOJ stonewalled the investigation and pressured FBI officials to stop the investigation.
Her use of the private email system for classified information is a crime in itself. Her excuse was that she was too stupid to know the emails in question were in fact classified.
Further her scrubbing her hard drives is obstruction of justice and criminal contempt.
Maybe Mr Wiener and Huma just saved all those emails on purpose, as an insurance policy against the Clinton Crime Network?
Huma also seems to have also developed amnesia, maybe she caught it from one of the Clintons. They never can remember anything about their criminal activities.
The Sotero DOJ is still stonewalling the FBI for warrants to further seach little Wieners, and Humas, computers. Why is that? If the wicked witch”has nothing to hide”.
No one takes anyone who refers to Obama as Sotero seriously.
Everything Hillary has done up to this point or not done as the case may be is foolish. Don’t destroy emails that the FBI requests. Don’t be careless with top secret classified information that you put at risk by having a private email server and by your association with people like Anthony Weiner and his wife, another dysfunctional couple like Hillary and Bill.
Meanwhile – Trump is due in court for actual real crimes, albeit civil litigation at this point. Must defend against charges of racketeering on November 9th and later will face a lawsuit for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl. That’s who you want for President?
TYER thinks thinks thinks she can.just keep taxing the elderly of our city.
Trump is to big to fail.
6 ft 3 inch 250 pounds of failed fascism. Celebrity molester according to himself.
Watergate was certainly a scandal of calamitous proportions. It led to a presidential resignation, constitutional crisis, turmoil reverberating to this day. It was a big deal. Interestingly, Watergate was brought to a head by a night watchman who reported a break-in. Sounds harmless enough until we found out the break-in was approved by President Richard Nixon. Wow! All political problems, big and small, are now all “gate” related. Current political issues if questionable are “Watergate” issues. Why does this almost always mean something crooked? Let’s take current Hillary”gate” problem. Now here’s a problem. From what we know it is pay to play, pay to see, pay to receive a favor, pay to hear a favorable speech, pay millions to a questionable foundation that ridiculously enriches a family that not long ago said that they were broke and in debt. If you are really lucky the payment you now make will result in big paybacks if your person attains political power. Not long ago this was called bribery and corruption.
A century ago Teapot Dome was a scandal that rocked America. It involved top political personalities, giant corporations, million dollar payoffs, oil companies, it was as crooked as can be. It involved corruption and bribery at the highest levels of government and business.
We recovered from Teapot Dome and we recovered from Watergate. We’ll recover from this mess, too. But first we have to comprehend depth of corruption. This is not a two bit office break-in discovered by a night watchman. This is a Teapot Dome type scandal., maybe worse. Teapot Dome was confined to our borders. Current disaster has international implications.
Great historical info CHuck for the younguns, or anyone under 40. As you wisely say this current crisis involves the world via national security risks.
Actually, the break-in was not approved by Nixon. The crisis was caused by his choice to illegally cover it up. The cover-up was the precipitating event that led to resignation.
Almost fifty years since the event, and people still cannot get it right. The facts pertaining to thee break-in should be beyond dispute by now.
Not to the Dims. They will twist and lie to suit any purpose.
Nice thoughts my friend Chuck! Chuck, was wondering as an old Cowboys Fan what you thought of Zeke Elliot, remember you saying he was a bad choice during or before the draft because of his attitude, and you were correct, but he seems to have turned it around.
Good memory, May. He was selfish as an Ohio State running back because he did not run with ball as often as he thought he should – not because he wanted to help his team but because he wanted to build up a record to become a high draft choice to fill his pockets. Not a team guy.He was critical of his coach. He did leave school and was a high draft choice and he did fill his pockets. I’m still betting Cowboys made a mistake with this guy. It’ll come out. Hasn’t he already embarrassed Dallas by abusing his wife or girlfriend?
Fascist Trump says we need corporate tax cuts in 1/2 and what about the guy in pittsfield making 9 bucks…..he has called for a revolution if he does not win….pays nothing for our country’s veterans or military…won’t accept the votes of citizens.If he targeted your daughter he would intimidate and molest… people are amazing
You can’t argue with stupid Chuck!! “Fascist?” As you say OMG.
Thanks, Demetrius. You get it.
Valenti is the Greatest.
By his own admission…Trump said it.
Only a moron would use the word fascist without any clue as to what it means
Whether the 650,000 emails are a problem for Hillary depends on what’s in them. If Carlos Danger sent emails to 650,000 teenage girls it will not be a problem for the presidential candidate…