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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY OCT. 6, 2016) — Perhaps the most preposterous claim made by apologists for the hegemonic decision by outside interests to locate two-score-and-10 Syrian refugees in the city of Pittsfield is that “three quarters” of the city is in favor. 75%? No way. 10%? Perhaps.

Ward 6 councilor John Krol carried the banner leading the pressure-cooker parade. Krol publically stated Pittsfield citizens overwhelmingly favored this risky move. Naturally, this being Pittsfield — a place where ideologues like Krol never have to answer to citizens, constituents, the electorate, or an inquiring press not named THE PLANET — he offered not a drop of evidence to support his claim.

On the other hand, THE PLANET has talked to or heard from what we conservatively estimate at 200 people, all locals. Perhaps a dozen favored the move. If we include as “favorable” those who thought “maybe” it might work but had worries, the number might hit 20. The rest expressed deep concern. Based on that unscientific indicator, THE PLANET feels comfortable saying that 9 out of 10 residents oppose this move.

Beside Krol, the other main cheerleader doing The Bosses‘ bidding on this totalitarian decision and issue is none other than Sweet Pete White, the man who makes at-large seem at-small. Pulseless Pete uses Facebook for most of his politics (curious, but that’s a whole other issue). On the refugee issue, however, Sweet Pete found he wasn’t preaching to the choir of friends. THE PLANET presents a sampling of the reactions White received on FB, along with his responses. Incidentally, we did not include the FB input in our poll of 200.

1. KRISTA MILLER — “Why does a Springfield organization get to determine that Pittsfield is “a good place to relocate” refugees to without actually consulting anyone in the Berkshires?”

2. DOUGLAS CROCKER — “Your constituents have a lot of concerns.”

WHITE RESPONDS —  “Douglas, and I am listening and discussing. Doesn’t mean I have to agree, especially on an issue where no was taken.”  Then, “There are usually 1800 jobs available in Berkshire County at most times of the year. Refugees will not be given jobs, they will earn them same as every other job seeker. Out of 50 Refugees, maybe 15 will be looking for work. Others will be children.”

——– 000 ——–

3. RICHARD ARNOLD — “Sure hope they can speak English. I can tell you it’s a really difficult in the job world when I can’t speak English.”

 WHITE RESPONDS“Last I checked America had not chosen an official language, English just happens to be the one most used. I’m sure most Refugees will be eager to learn it to fit in and become part of our community as New Americans. … There is enough money for all 3” [homeless, veterans, and refugees; notice he leaves out taxpayers?].

——– 000 ——–

4. RITA OSBORN — “My question is this: Tax dollars from the city, state, or federal government? But definitely our tax dollars.”

WHITE RESPONDS — “Federal and maybe state dollars” 

——– 000 ——–

5. DOUGLAS CROCKER (again) — “Are you kidding me that not one Political leader in the community bothered to inform its citizens prior? How about asking citizens how they feel about it first, before being the Boston pattsies. The Boston cronies and bureaucrats dumped this crap on us. They took advantage of unsuspecting green and gullible local Political Reps knowing darn well the backlash that would be comming. Our local leaders were taken for fools.”

6. JOE WHITE — “If one of these refugees were to do a violent act ,peter all the people on the city council would be done.we don’t take care of our own,there are no good jobs.bring good paying jobs not people that need jobs. Is this why we spent all that money on the new high school.really there should have been a vote if we the people want to do this. Is this still america or what. Fed up.”

WHITE RESPONDS — “Joe, I didn’t vote on this either, nor did any city councilor.” [Notice the “it’s not my fault” running away from the issue.]

7. K — “Just curious…honest question: She [the head of  Jewish Family Services] is from Springfield. Will there be refugees in Springfield? Also, you stated there is plenty of affordable housing available. How about the two-year waiting list for residents? Will they get bumped? I have friends living in shelters, waiting.”

WHITE RESPONDS — “There are Massachusetts Cities and towns that already have Syrian refugees. I am not sure about Springfield specifically. I am not a spokesperson for the program, so I don’t know all the answers. I would expect no one will get bumped and they are being moved into apartments over the 9 months from January 2017 to September 2017.” [Notice how White turns “politician” here, cowardly deflecting the question and thereby not giving an answer.]

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8. K (again) — “Interesting that she chose Pittsfield as an ideal place and not her home town. With our problems, already. Just spend a week at the Christian center, not shaking hands but being part of the patrons. No photo op, just one of the regular folk. Sorry, Pete. I like you. I’m also a generous person. This just makes no sense, if you’ve spent any amount of time with the less fortunate people of Pittsfield. I wish I could wear a camera, so you will see what I mean. … That’s why it’s perplexing that they’ll find housing for refugees, but not for their own residents. I’m just really confused. I did go to the meeting and there was no opportunity for questions. It was informational/feel good, a ‘we are doing it whether you like it or not.'”

WHITE RESPONDS — “Federal money is being offered for this. Write your Congressman and Senators. I didn’t know what to expect at the meeting. I’m hoping the next one will be answering the questions that were asked.” [Dan Valenti — professional smart-aleck, curmudgeon, and provocateur — responded on FB: “K has owned the issue in this discussion. For Pete White to say ‘We’re getting federal dollars for this. Write your congressman’ is a total cop-out Pete, and you know it.” White did not respond.]

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9. KRISTA MILLER (again) — “Dear Lord Peter federal money comes from us — these are our tax dollars  — can we please stop talking about it like it’s just coming out of thin air or being picked from the freaking money tree in Washington???”

——– 000 ——–

It is clear to every rational mind that the good citizens of Pittsfield:

(a) Are upset over how this issue was settled, without any local say or input.

(b) Want the program to stop until the multitude of questions are answered.

(c) Want a say in whether or not to accept this autocratic decision.

(d) Are livid that not one local “representative” has asked any tough questions, including about the murky finances.

Total lockdown.

Welcome to Pittsfield, Syrians. You probably find it a little safer but not a lot freer than from whence you came.


It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there is always a bad reaction. We see that controversy, and we believe that is a good thing to engage in.” — Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder



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8 years ago

Trump nailed it…….Hillary look for another job….

Reply to  Behnkrupt
8 years ago

Trump was great!!!

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Practically got Hillary to lie yet again about deleting her emails. And he is right about the econony. 4 years of Hillary will result in zero recovery and growth, but more money will flow to the very top.

Reply to  Levitan
8 years ago

Went in last night undecided. Came out favoring Trump. He did a great job under enormous pressure.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

I dont believe anyone on the blog has yet to believe Don Juan Trump sexually molestations women because he can…his quote not mine.We impeached Bill Clinton.Many of you Want to elect Don.Juan Trump and spend 8 years on impeachment trials

8 years ago

Trump is the Village Idiot! desperate, and doesnt stand a chance.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Will this be the week Mr McCandless comes forth with the truth about how many more students have opted out of the Pittsfield public school system? People have a right to know no matter how embarrassing it might be to him as we pay tens of millions of dollars into his school system including an outrageous salary and expenses for him. He needs to stop hiding.

maxwell edison
maxwell edison
8 years ago

If Dan never returned with a new column I wonder how long would this prattle go on?

8 years ago


Locker Room
Locker Room
8 years ago

Dan is like Trummpk,he could throw a headline out there and responders take it from there, the problem with owning the blog is to urn inflamed nonsense, except for one or two poster’s, blogs has been rolling along.

Dave Wiechecki
Dave Wiechecki
8 years ago

As I read through this blog, and see how many people are offended by Trump’s comments, I am amazed at the hypocrisy.

If you are a male or female in a locker room, or workplace, this type of conversation does happen. And yes, it even happens among women. Several years ago, I was an assistant coach of a girl’s cross country team. The coach’s changing room was next to the players. You could hear through the wall pretty well.

The conversation, mostly sexual, could be heard rather plainly. So please do not tell me you are offended by Trump’s comments. After all it was President Clinton who told a whole generation of young people that oral sex was not sex, and infidelity was acceptable. So now we are all reaping what was sown by our leaders.

Our leaders are actually a representation of what the people either are, or will tolerate. We say we want a M. Ghanaian type or a mother Teresa, but a B. Clinton or B. Obama get reelected.

So take your self righteous hypocrisy and take a good look in the mirror. It may have been your children or grandchildren I overheard in the locker next door. And what I heard from them makes the Donald sound like a choir boy.

Reply to  Dave Wiechecki
8 years ago

Sorry, no locker room I have ever been in. Real me don’t talk about abusing women.

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

Men dont talk about sexual assault. They talk about their girlfriends. Donald Trump is not a role model for young people. He is a racist, a bigot, a bully, and a narcissist. Actually, he is repulsive and will never be elected President.

Steven andrews
Steven andrews
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

It’s going to be president trump

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven andrews
8 years ago

Your mom salutes the staff.

Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

Bill Clinton served nearly 2 terms as president when everyone knew he was a womanizer and disrespectful to women (being accused of rape by many) and disrespectful to this wife. He was extremely popular even after the disgusting things he did with Monica Lewinsky in the White House. Yes, he was impeached but only after someone finally called him out on his behavior. Democrats were content to let him get away with his behavior. He will be roaming the halls of the White House again if Hillary is elected. I find that disgusting.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dave Wiechecki
8 years ago

You could hear through the wall pretty well if your ear was right up against it huh? Did ya have a little peephole too?

How old were the girls? Trump was 59 when he said these things and is just a little too immature to be my president.

but to each his own

Dave Wiechecki
Dave Wiechecki
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

These comments from a person who does not even post under a real name. Perhaps you should change your user name. If Dan required people to post with positive identification, this site would be blank. Everyone’s an expert when they are anonymous.

And please, do not tell me that you are afraid of repercussions. If you are so darn afraid of what is going on in the city, state, or country, then you better get a backbone and speak your mind as a real person. Otherwise you are to blame. At least Dan Valenti has the strength of his convictions to publish as himself.

Otherwise, just use the generic username “gutless” and post your babble. At least the boring broadsheet requires identification (if they even bother to publish your letter).

Reply to  Dave Wiechecki
8 years ago

Your position in pseudonyms is well intentioned and I presumed directed at the ad hominem posts. But, political speech is growing more perilous and difficult today and is watched by unfriendly eyes. The ability to post under false name is as much protecting free presses as protecting against adverse repercussions via viral behavior and employment. It is apparent that freedom is under seige in big media. Consider in Venezuela, petioners supporting recall of Maduro were fired from employment, regardless of economic status or merit.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Dave Wiechecki
8 years ago

You’ve definitely got cojones grande using your real name to post on this site Dave. Hats off to you but buckle your seat belt, you could be in for a rough ride.

Reply to  Dave Wiechecki
8 years ago

I agree with the hypocrisy. Some “music” today has worse language and a lot of disrespecting women. Some of these artists were invited to the Whitehouse. Where was the outrage?

Winchester 73
Winchester 73
Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

Agree Dave W deserves all the credit in the world. He posts under his own name. As he pointed out so does Dan Valenti. Ever notice how the bb runs editorials UNSIGNED.
New owner said that would change.
The only change at the paper has been to go downhill from starting at downhill.

8 years ago

PI would be disinterested With locker room talk of what you are saying, I repect woman that much,and would not want my child to talk like Trump or the coach you’re referring to.. Neither candidate does anything for me. Our current Mayor is spending money like a drunken sailor, almost deliberately trying to bankrupt the City. We don’t belong in the business of bailing out private business’s or properties owned by the private sector. Krol-Aid and White along with Kathy Amuso seem to be the choir for any of the Mayor’s ideas or proposal’s and it is getting way to obvious. Councilor’s Mazzeo and Simonelli seem to be the advocates for the general taxpayer, at least asking questions. It is going to be a long four years.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Curious to know what Chuck G thinks about this?

8 years ago

We don’t want American to be like Germany and France in 4 years. That’s the main point. Hillary will be just like Merkel who is in charge in Germany and continues to let refugees in by the thousands. Hillary has said she admires Merkel. Hillary is for open borders. That should frighten everyone.

Ed Check
Ed Check
8 years ago

Interesting dialogue on Trump’s comments on Rush Limbaugh radio show today.

Might give you a new perspective.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

If Trump talked like that while he was Married, then the man is really a crumb,he won the debate last night and had this tape not come forward he well could have been on his way to Prez.Trump seemed to hit some sore spots with Hillary last night, but bringing Bill’s woman before the debate was a mockery to the people that run such events. The one thing it did do wass make C N N a lot of cash.

Reply to  Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Trump is a cesspool

Steven andrews
Steven andrews
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

That’s president trump

8 years ago

I thought bringing the women forward was great. Hillary brought this contest into the mud. Why should Trump back down? Hillary brings out evidence that Trump talks against women, but her own husband DID horrible things to women. Hillary has already said Bill will be right there beside her running the country. Does this make anyone feel good? A man who women have said raped them and who had affairs throughout his marriage? Trump wasn’t even going to bring it up in the first debate, but Hillary thought since she and Bill get away with everything else that they could get away with their obvious hypocrisy.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

How about the goings on here in Pittsfield. bailing out Covontuh or Coavanta, the Greek God must be rolling over.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

On the brighter side it is one half million dollars that the mayor cannot hand to one of her friends.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Amuso White Marchetti Kroll Connell Yon Taylor Tyer…I would not want to see their home checkbooks…Some people can not handle money.
I am now in favor of sending as many students as possible to other towns…

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

I’m now back on the Mazzeo band wagon because she is I hope returning to her roots .She and Simonelli both know how the money is spent. I’m hoping Mazzeo runs for mayor starting tomorrow morning.They both have guts and know the questions to ask.

Winchester 73
Winchester 73
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Have to agree with Melissa’s strong showing. Melissa and Tony were great. The others were awful.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Is it too much to ask that you guys just 1 time advocate for the elderly and not the youth.

8 years ago

So you were o k with Bianchi S C?

8 years ago

Good bye Big Pappy. It’s been real.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Not ok with Bianchi…not ok with tyer needing 7 million extra and no discipline…next mayor please sign up….Mazzeo and Simonelli know 121 million dollar high school to educate 750 kids is ridiculous…….Pittsfield need s 1 high school.We know why 4 year mayors don’t work.We need a 10% cut in our budget before walmart opens a high school on the PEDA business park

Billie Alabama
Billie Alabama
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Never mind schools, she’s sending monies to private business Covon-ta and Former J B for studies.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago


Mazzeo voted for the new Taconic. Are you an idiot? Vote them All out. So did Tony, I suck off the pension system, Simonelli.

Give me a break.

We need new leadership all the way around.

If I were to keep one, it would be Tyer, at least she talks to the Planet.

8 years ago

It was locker room talk? Played sports and never heard that in a locker room, but then again I wasn’t a star??

A Butter
A Butter
8 years ago

This Planet site is fantastic. mr. valenti great job!