(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY OCT. 6, 2016) — Perhaps the most preposterous claim made by apologists for the hegemonic decision by outside interests to locate two-score-and-10 Syrian refugees in the city of Pittsfield is that “three quarters” of the city is in favor. 75%? No way. 10%? Perhaps.
Ward 6 councilor John Krol carried the banner leading the pressure-cooker parade. Krol publically stated Pittsfield citizens overwhelmingly favored this risky move. Naturally, this being Pittsfield — a place where ideologues like Krol never have to answer to citizens, constituents, the electorate, or an inquiring press not named THE PLANET — he offered not a drop of evidence to support his claim.
On the other hand, THE PLANET has talked to or heard from what we conservatively estimate at 200 people, all locals. Perhaps a dozen favored the move. If we include as “favorable” those who thought “maybe” it might work but had worries, the number might hit 20. The rest expressed deep concern. Based on that unscientific indicator, THE PLANET feels comfortable saying that 9 out of 10 residents oppose this move.
Beside Krol, the other main cheerleader doing The Bosses‘ bidding on this totalitarian decision and issue is none other than Sweet Pete White, the man who makes at-large seem at-small. Pulseless Pete uses Facebook for most of his politics (curious, but that’s a whole other issue). On the refugee issue, however, Sweet Pete found he wasn’t preaching to the choir of friends. THE PLANET presents a sampling of the reactions White received on FB, along with his responses. Incidentally, we did not include the FB input in our poll of 200.
1. KRISTA MILLER — “Why does a Springfield organization get to determine that Pittsfield is “a good place to relocate” refugees to without actually consulting anyone in the Berkshires?”
2. DOUGLAS CROCKER — “Your constituents have a lot of concerns.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Douglas, and I am listening and discussing. Doesn’t mean I have to agree, especially on an issue where no was taken.” Then, “There are usually 1800 jobs available in Berkshire County at most times of the year. Refugees will not be given jobs, they will earn them same as every other job seeker. Out of 50 Refugees, maybe 15 will be looking for work. Others will be children.”
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3. RICHARD ARNOLD — “Sure hope they can speak English. I can tell you it’s a really difficult in the job world when I can’t speak English.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Last I checked America had not chosen an official language, English just happens to be the one most used. I’m sure most Refugees will be eager to learn it to fit in and become part of our community as New Americans. … There is enough money for all 3” [homeless, veterans, and refugees; notice he leaves out taxpayers?].
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4. RITA OSBORN — “My question is this: Tax dollars from the city, state, or federal government? But definitely our tax dollars.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Federal and maybe state dollars”
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5. DOUGLAS CROCKER (again) — “Are you kidding me that not one Political leader in the community bothered to inform its citizens prior? How about asking citizens how they feel about it first, before being the Boston pattsies. The Boston cronies and bureaucrats dumped this crap on us. They took advantage of unsuspecting green and gullible local Political Reps knowing darn well the backlash that would be comming. Our local leaders were taken for fools.”
6. JOE WHITE — “If one of these refugees were to do a violent act ,peter all the people on the city council would be done.we don’t take care of our own,there are no good jobs.bring good paying jobs not people that need jobs. Is this why we spent all that money on the new high school.really there should have been a vote if we the people want to do this. Is this still america or what. Fed up.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Joe, I didn’t vote on this either, nor did any city councilor.” [Notice the “it’s not my fault” running away from the issue.]
7. K — “Just curious…honest question: She [the head of Jewish Family Services] is from Springfield. Will there be refugees in Springfield? Also, you stated there is plenty of affordable housing available. How about the two-year waiting list for residents? Will they get bumped? I have friends living in shelters, waiting.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “There are Massachusetts Cities and towns that already have Syrian refugees. I am not sure about Springfield specifically. I am not a spokesperson for the program, so I don’t know all the answers. I would expect no one will get bumped and they are being moved into apartments over the 9 months from January 2017 to September 2017.” [Notice how White turns “politician” here, cowardly deflecting the question and thereby not giving an answer.]
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8. K (again) — “Interesting that she chose Pittsfield as an ideal place and not her home town. With our problems, already. Just spend a week at the Christian center, not shaking hands but being part of the patrons. No photo op, just one of the regular folk. Sorry, Pete. I like you. I’m also a generous person. This just makes no sense, if you’ve spent any amount of time with the less fortunate people of Pittsfield. I wish I could wear a camera, so you will see what I mean. … That’s why it’s perplexing that they’ll find housing for refugees, but not for their own residents. I’m just really confused. I did go to the meeting and there was no opportunity for questions. It was informational/feel good, a ‘we are doing it whether you like it or not.'”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Federal money is being offered for this. Write your Congressman and Senators. I didn’t know what to expect at the meeting. I’m hoping the next one will be answering the questions that were asked.” [Dan Valenti — professional smart-aleck, curmudgeon, and provocateur — responded on FB: “K has owned the issue in this discussion. For Pete White to say ‘We’re getting federal dollars for this. Write your congressman’ is a total cop-out Pete, and you know it.” White did not respond.]
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9. KRISTA MILLER (again) — “Dear Lord Peter federal money comes from us — these are our tax dollars — can we please stop talking about it like it’s just coming out of thin air or being picked from the freaking money tree in Washington???”
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It is clear to every rational mind that the good citizens of Pittsfield:
(a) Are upset over how this issue was settled, without any local say or input.
(b) Want the program to stop until the multitude of questions are answered.
(c) Want a say in whether or not to accept this autocratic decision.
(d) Are livid that not one local “representative” has asked any tough questions, including about the murky finances.
Total lockdown.
Welcome to Pittsfield, Syrians. You probably find it a little safer but not a lot freer than from whence you came.
“It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there is always a bad reaction. We see that controversy, and we believe that is a good thing to engage in.” — Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder
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Thanks for sharing this. I wasn’t aware of councilor White’s propagandizing on facebook. A revelation here.
I want answers. I want my reps to represent me. ME. They have forgotten me./
Latest Left Winged Parrot online has now eliminated their own censored editorials and letters.
Maybe their own stench has made them think about it?
Sieg Hiel Judge Rutburg!!!!
P.S. no contact links left either!!!
Can we put a note on a brick and throw it threw the window?
I can definitely seperate Whites ability to handle Pittsfields budgetary issues from his helplessness to do anything about this.When he raises my property tax 5 % that his choice but this issue is not of his doing even if he supports it.
It is being repeated here on PlanetValenti for the Trump campaign.The repeated brainwashing that compassion is now evil.This is what got Trump into the campaign his inability to deal with our first black president so he kept repeating he was not born here.Trump supporters still believe that even after his birth certicate was produced.
There has not been one newspaper in the country that has endorsed Donald Trump not one.The number one reason is that he is unqualified to be your president.
Pravda likely didn’t endorse Gorbachev until he became G.S. Something changed in U.S. Journalism since the age of print perished.
Let them all bunk at Mr. Whites house and they can mow his lawn, do his housekeeping, and keep his infidel women warm.
Well most of the “newspapers” are now just propaganda sources, look at our own “Left Winged Parrot”. They would endorse Stalin Mao or Fidel
SC, if you want even more unvetted refugees, that have not been screened for communicable diseases, voted Cain and Fabel 2016.
Reminds me of the story about the Trojan horse. But all these idiot, can’t see past their pocketbook politicians, are going to find out too late that they have put their children and their children’s children in great danger. (you would think they would care about their own families) My guess is that they have no working knowledge of the middle east or terrorism and how it works and spreads.
Some higher up politician tells them to jump off a bridge and they put a goofy smile on their face and jump. Idiots and morons and assholes galore.
The people running ISIS cannot believe their good luck. They can stop promoting home grown terrorists now because we are inviting them in and giving them food and shelter. WHAT A COUNTRY!!!!
This country can’t even take care of our homeless veterans but yet we want to take care of Syrian refugees who have done nothing for this country. Unreal.
Also saw on the news Muslim migrants in Buffalo were busted for stealing $2 million in foodstamps and their response walking out of court was “f-ck America”. They were women. See it on
This is what I mean when I say that progressives are destroying this country. The people have NO VOICE in their own country. This isn’t America anymore. We are being TOLD what will happen here whether it is good for the country or not. Obama and his progressives are in charge of this. Obama refuses to confront the issues happening in Syria so his solution is to spread these refugees throughout this country and Europe. Progressives only response to our concerns and fears is that we hate Obama. This is their answer to everything. Yes, we hate Obama’s politics that’s for sure. We don’t hate him as a person. Can we now discuss the issues? Blaming everything on hating Obama is a convenient dodge for progressives so they don’t have to discuss the real issues.
Blaming everything on progressives is a convenient dodge as well.
When the Progressives are in charge, the blame can go no where else.
Give me my social security money back and make all taxes user fees. Abolish Medicare and Medicaid and if you can’t afford to pay for your medical bills, just die. Make all schools for profit and get quality education based solely on your ability to pay.
Stop special privileges to groups like children, seniors, veterans, and the poor. These groups are nothing but leeches on us hard working Christian Americans.
Hey Pat, I just don’t understand what you, and you’re certainly not alone so not singling you out, just encouraging dialog, would want Obama to do to “confront the Syria problem.” That is just an incredibly complex situation and I really don’t see ANY good options. Assad is awful. The opposition is essentially ISIS. There does not appear to be a credible 3rd party thank God. So do we help Assad and the Russians and try to stand against ISIS? Go help ISIS defeat Assad and start a proxy war with Russia like in the good old days? Go in alone and try to separate everyone and beat everyone into submission? And we can’t just shrug and walk away either. Explain what the good options might be here because I just don’t see any.
The Torch is burning.
I don’t want Obama to go to war with Russia. I want him to protect the people in their own country. Safe Zones could be established. There has to be answers besides evacuating the entire country. These are our leaders who we elect to solve the complex problems. They need to brainstorm.
Oh I agree 100%. I voted for Obama because I felt he would be humble enough to gather the smartest people on a given topic into one room and hammer out solutions. I really do feel that’s why we should elect someone. Unfortunately, even in the best case politics seems to rear its ugly head and people (special interests, etc.) start lining up with their hands out.
Better worry a out the Floridians about to get rocked by Hurricane Matthew.
Not a Krol fan at all, but at least he had the balls to say he was in favor. I think it’s time for a clean sweep next election. Let’s get some new blood in there. We are not being represented, new Taconic shoved down our throats and now there letting potential killers in our community. Pete you and the Council could have tried to put a stop to this, you guys have no problem opposing (the war Iraq) things that you have no bearing on.
Separating the issues for a moment, I have to defend White’s use of FB to communicate with his constituents. It’s not a scientific poll but at least he’s soliciting opinions. And it’s a lot more transparent than the old school method of showing up for a city council meeting and declaring “my phone was ringing off the hook!” to defend your vote one way or the other.
Unfortunately, with all the input White has received on FB which shows a majority opposed to the refugees, I bet if it ever came to a vote by the CC, he would STILL SUPPORT bringing them here!
That would call for a good speech.
Pete White already exhibits verbal diarrhea at every opportunity. He just talks and talks and talks. But, he never says anything new.
As my mom used to accuse those who never shut up: he is in love with the sound of his own voice.
I think so too
The mayor like Trump is not qualified,but I did think the mayor had a plan.She is taking care of campaign contributor Dennis Guyer who gave her 500 bucks for his job.
Not only did the job cost Guyer $500, but he lost the respect of many in the community by his low life campaign propaganda – hope the job, which he will loose in 3 years, was worth his integrity and political career. SMH.
I think the whole “Federal funds” says it all. We know who’s going to be skimming off the top. Just like the lovely Democrats did with our countries TARP funds.
*puts on tin foil hat*
I wonder how many folks commenting are posting from an Apple device. What’s in your hands would not exist if not for a Syrian immigrant.
The lack of compassion by some of you, the bigotry, racism and hate, only perpetuates the never ending war of our civilization. As long as you maintain the us vs them mentality, the fighting will never stop. You are complicit.
I’m wondering about dead people every where who can’t post on blogs who were killed by Muslim immigrants.
I consider myself to be a rather compassionate person. But this Syrian refugee thing is a huge gamble. I (if I was even given a choice) would not take this highly risky gamble. And I resent those holier than thou who feel they can take the risk for me without even consulting me. This is not democracy. But we will all pay in the end. Everybody will be going down with this ship.
Anyone disagrees with you there racist. Really getting old, time to change the hand book. What is racist about letting people having a say? Waiting, to make 100% sure this people are who they say they are? Side note, there are a large group of Muslims that want to kill us.
It’s not bigotry or racism, it’s common sense. France took in many refugees, but nobody that I know of is calling them bigots because they are fearful of the situation in their country. We need to have an honest conversation about the issue without resorting to name calling and partisan politics. “Culture Shock” would describe what living in this country or France must be like for the refugees. We need to see the issue from both sides, ours and theirs.
Not as many as the 25000 Americans killed each yeah by other Americans or the 45000 killed in vehicle crashes. Those Christian deaths can’t you see it’s all a progressive plot.
Shakes has nothing to do with subject
The number of people hurt by Muslim domestic terrorism is infinitesemal compared to the number of Christian Americans killing people.
Those covered dish dinners are deadly
Your mothers breath is deadly
John you aren’t making sense again
Perhaps the whole thing is a devious plot by morticians.
I’m worried that the discourse on this site (by many… not all) is beginning to deteriorate in the way of Peter White’s integrity!
topix infiltrators…
I don’t have a problem with Pete White using FB , but would rather he use it for some critical thinking instead of taking his marching orders from the Mayor. “Bureaucratic rule has become so pervasive that it is no longer clear that government is legitimized by the consent of the governed. “
Another stellar night for the three muskaweenies last night regarding giving Covanta half a mil+ from G.E. funds so they can upgrade on the city’s dime. Krol, White, and Caccamo were in rare form. Krol professing how fiscally responsible he is, White professing how compassionate he is by saving jobs, and Caccamo professing how green he is by saving the planet from us uncaring humans. Caccamo was the best, bumbling the statistics that were obviously given to him by the person in the audience that he had to ask to make sure he had them right. But hey, saving the taxpayers money by spending the taxpayer’s money is an art perfected by Pittsfield politicians. It always works out doesn’t it?
I just don’t get this. Doesn’t Crane benefit from Covanta staying open? Why don’t they bail them out?
Crane’s is now owned by VC’s. They do not care if Covanta stays or goes – since they would probably love to move the plant to somewhere where taxes, utilities, and labor is cheap. they will then automate the hell out of it and make even more on the product.
Look at what has closed, look at how Crane’s has shed jobs. All done under the watchful eye of the BB, with nary a comment.
A few posts back by McConkey about a Syrian immigrant spreading joy to all Apple product users shows less knowledge than Sweet Pete’s pronouncements. The Syrian immigrant was anything but. He was from a wealthy Muslim family doing graduate level studies at the U. of Wisconsin. He met and impregnated a Wisconsin farm girl, then abandoned mother and baby . Mother put baby up for adoption and a Wisconsin mechanic, veteran, adopted the child and gave baby their name – Stephen Jobs. Years later the biological father wanted to meet his “son” who was now a billionaire but Jobs refused to meet man who abandoned him and was nothing but a sperm donor. Steve Jobs remained loyal to his real parents. They are the wonderful people who adopted him.
Jobs was SYrian and Jewish, don’t twist the facts.
My source is Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, , Simon & Schuster & Paperbacks, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. What’s your source? Yes, it was German-American farmers and mechanics who brought up Steve Jobs.
The whole County benefits but pittsfield pays….the berkshire museum gets air conditioning…Hancock shaker village got 400k ….retired voters get it stuck up their a… and mayor Tyer seems out of it….I want Syrians because the city sucks as is.
You want …that’s funny Committee. Pete White wants to give 600 g (sounds like a tarp) to a private company to save jobs…How not to run a City.
My aunt and uncle live in Port Saint Lucie in Florida about 8 miles inland. They are staying in their home. The homes are built to withstand high winds and they are not close to the ocean. They have lots of water and everything they may need if they lose power. I’ll be checking in on them, however, just to make sure they are okay. You can’t help but worry especially when its on the news 24/7 with all these warnings.
I wish them well.
Terry is filling in admirably tonight on the Planet, good job Terry!
Agreee Cat, Terry is a smart guy but seems even more intellectual tonight.
Super Citizen is a good man, he seems more relaxed tonight. is He going to run again? For something?
I hope he will run for something.
Dogcatcher is available.
Big Papi popped up. Poor Papi.
Papi grounds out. Poor Papi.
I don’t believe Mr. White has any idea or how the people at Pittsfield really feel and and when somebody expresses how they feel he tries to cut the rug out from under them . He’s not a good counselor he should not run again . I would be very surprised if his ward put some back in .
He likes food..,,,,,,,,
He is a puppet. Puppets are never good councilors. But the special interests who propped them up are very happy with puppets.
Can I get a high five for puppets?
Big Papi strikes out. Poor Papi.
Amends don’t worry your pretty head, Papi will take his 3 World Series rings and millions and ride off into the sunset. You will still be in Pittsfield on Dans blog. Poor amandaWell
True Joe and you’ll forget about Papi after this year and so will Moi.
I think Papi will be one of the legends. While not the greatest – he was the spark for a lot of the magic that has happened these past 14 years. and of course when his bat was cold (and it was many times) so were the Sox.
Base upon the Planet s provocative thoughts and like minded following who drink every drop I don’t think the Syrian refugees would be safe here.I thought Pittsfield was overall a good community but we have changed and too many people from outside Pittsfield have brought paranoia to our town.So many former Pittsfield resident left scared.
Tricia Farley did not move but she like many others who grew up here and out of fear gave up the fight and sent her children to the next town .
Looking at Wahconah and Lenox high I see many Pittsfield names in the lineups.The Johnny Damon’s and Jacoby Elsburry. Yes there was a time Pittsfield athletes could or would never play for the millionaires or the warriors.Pittsfield people are not loyal to their town anymore.
Pittsfield does not know who they are anymore but we definitely are not old Pittsfield.Pittsfield High use to be a melting pot of all social levels gathered in one public building to be educated.School choice ruined the almost perfect high school.We elected a mayor without a plan who is confused by it all.
Despite the efforts of the Trishas and McCandless s of the world some parents were able to opt out their children to a school with a real world education. They did this because they love their children and also do not want to have to take care of them for the rest of their lives because they came out of school too dumb to get a job.
Now that Trisha and most of the other Pittsfield school system employees got their own kids out they want to stop the building of any more charter schools thereby limiting other parents from getting a decent education for their own kids. That seems kind of selfish and rotten to me but you can vote YES on question 2 in the upcoming election in an effort to stop their effort. And tell all your family and friends to vote YES on question 2 so that all children, not just wealthy and connected kids, get a chance at a decent education.
If you READ THE QUESTION and THE LEGISLATURE BEHIND IT. The charter schools will be prioritized into districts where schools are overcrowded, underfunded and failing.
The sounds horribly like the rich, white bread schools getting more money don’t you think?
Shitty union teachers and crappy parenting ruined the almost perfect high school. Don’t kid yourself. School choice gave parents and kids a better option
School choice is the best thing that ever happen in the school system . Not rushing into the refugee situation, is just common sense. Heck we’ve had 5 year discussion on how we’re going to collect our garbage.
I am all for more charter schools and more choice. Make sure you understand question 2 before voting as it and its write ups can be confusing.
the last thing the gravy train mainstream unions want is competition for the money money money. Conventional public schools are much more about money than they are about education.
Loss of Jobs G E. Drugs……. lethal combination.The New Yorkers.
Gotta get those Lenco Vehicles out there in the Hurricane. Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. Come on Lenco, you’re the new Economic Engine!
Heh heh….you don’t have a clue.
Read question 2 see who is behind it
after posing the question, “Would you support 50 Syrians being located to Pittsfield?” – if you say no, you are a racist, leaving only one answer – yes. That my friends is political bullying and nonsense. No, is a perfectly acceptable answer that is not racist. it’s just an answer.
after posing the question, “would you support 50 Syrians being located in Pittsfield knowing that there could be just one member of ISIS who hated America hiding in the bunch?” you could certainly reply NO.
and that is the real question without the political spin of detail omission.
I wouldn’t want any of you Pittsfield people to come live with me either, even if you are escaping a war zone.
Shakes, I would see you point if there were a large group of Pittsfield people going around blowing up and beheading ignorant people. But since that’s not the case your safe.
You do realize American troops are murdering innocent civilians too.
Syrians are a race?
Don’t let the stupid Khardashian’s in either.
John you look like an idiot posting this
Do you just call everyone John, baby cakes?
Just those who are
Whoever this person is Steven, they’re not very smart.
I think Steven Andrews and Mike D-ummy are the same person, just multiple personalities.
The deal is almost complete,DennisGuyer will take over the 40 custodians at the school department so they can increase his paycheck to 100,000 thousand.You can see what 500 bucks buys you in the Mayors pay tp play city hall… will be a 40.000 k raise with no benefit to taxpayer except more taxes.
This is how toni stracuzzi went from 38 k to 90k…sham
Question #2 (Charter Schools) will be on the CC agenda Tues.
The room will be filled to capacity with members of the Teachers Union. Our council will spew their usual rhetoric to pacify their constituents (like DTR always explaining “I’m really torn on this one.”), but in the end they will obey the will of the teachers (hey, we’re talking votes, folks!)
Just my prediction!
No no spider…… Amused So has the best line…I really struggled with this,or Mel’s… I couldn’t wrap my head around it’
You’re right! I forgot about those two!
if she struggles so much, is she really qualified to make these decisions? I mean aren’t some things self evident?
And why would you ever want to wrap your head around anything? shouldn’t you wrap your arms around it?
Troy N Y proposing 28 percent tax increase.
Tangential observation regarding the Press, foreign relations and the American Dream. Since the end of the Cold War, the Soviets (even today Russia defines the Soviet aspiration) have taken the strategic highground. We are on the run internationally and risk being driven off of every continent save our own.
Meaznwhile, our nation is never more resembling the Soviets. The Press, save a few small fronts, functions as an advocate of the Demnicratic Party. They react stories upon request, distort quotatations, and bury alternate observations. The FBI is a hazard only to the private cituzen, but an adjunct to leaders of the Democratic Party. In other words, the American Dream, as seen as self-determination within structured government is dead.
Ugh, auto-destruct is working fine on my Kindle…You can decipher Demnicrats, meanzwhilsts, and the rest. ‘React’ should read ‘decade’s as in, the Press ( hello, NYT) reacts stories per the Clinton machine.
Apologies for any damage done to eyes.
no, not decade. Redact. This infernal machine changes redact randomly.
I completely agree with you. The government and media in this country completely resembles that of the Soviet Union. People shut out of their own government, free speech shut down, people afraid to speak out. The big shot politicians like Hillary get away with whatever they want while the rights of the average citizen are not important to this government. Meanwhile many of the not very bright voters want to grow this monster government that is out of control now. I can’t imagine what will happen if it takes on even more power. It’s too frightening to imagine.
Its hard to blame voters. Clinton used a range of devices to hack the primaries. It was clear from the first debate that the event was scripted. The polls will be tampered this November.
More insidious is the loss of separation of government branches. If Hillary wins and the Congress moves Democratic, we will see unbridled legislation, spending, and nepotism. If she wins and the Congress remains Republican, her power would remain unchecked unless the Congress exerts its power, call the Executive branch to the mat, and cut off its funding for all operations and agencies.
It was a long slow process that brought us to this point, but what we face
…is the result of Congress abdicating its powers laid out in the Constitution.
PLANET ALERT….Trump did it, they really have it on him now, new tape……stay tuned…..
Or tune-in, it’s all over the place. Grab them by the pu..y is the one.
I don’t doubt that he did. Then we have Bill Clinton being accused of raping women and having one affair after another not to mention being very aggressive with women in general, but Hillary stands by him. What does this say about her judgement? I think she should stay home and bake cookies and do the country a favor by not being our president. She said she isn’t being like Tammy Wynette and standing by her man, but in fact that is exactly what she has always done despite Bill’s horrible behavior towards women and disrespect toward her.
None of these people are that nice and that’s the problem with these politicians. It’s why I don’t want big government. There is NO WAY to keep the corruption of politicians in check if government continues to grow under the progressives.
You can’t go wrong in this election if you want a woman hating elitist scumbag president. Hillary or Donald, they both win
I’d say Trump is about done.
What the heck?
Trump Tower, we have a problem.
Don’t blame Dan, he wasn’t on board in 2005.
It’s all a bunch of lies, sounds like a voice over conspiracy. Trump is a true gentleman and loves all woman……Bill did much worse. Save the Donald and Make America Great Again!
Compared to suspicions of murder, nefarious handling of State business, and perjury pertaining to Hillary, I guess locker-room task constitutes hardball.
I would love to hear what Ivanka thinks about this. She knows Dad cares about woman, she just did not know how much. Or does she?
But what this tape really shows about Trump is that he is trying to act like a hot stud that woman cannot resist. And so for me he came across as very immature and I don’t think he has grown up much since then.
I want to hear how Kellyanne spins this one.
Yet Bill Clinton acted like this all the time only worse and he was an extremely popular president.
Donald Tru!o apologizes for his words. Words granted for words uttered sounds fair enough ro me. But the Clinton’s appear to have paid the NYT and others not to reference any association with child peostitute rings, rapes, motel forced engagements, and lewd behavior in the Oval Office. Much of this behavior is well documented in the Statr Report. Only the Clinton’s would make that thing relwvant and pertinent today.
In fact, I think that someone should mail a hard copy of the Starr Report, undoctored by Soviet agents, to news desks nationwide.
Looks like Trump just blew up.Dan ,did you draw a line in the sand that Trump could not cross.Can you imagine what women other countries will dangle before Trump who said he can not help himself because men like him can and Will do whatever he wants with pu__y