(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY OCT. 6, 2016) — Perhaps the most preposterous claim made by apologists for the hegemonic decision by outside interests to locate two-score-and-10 Syrian refugees in the city of Pittsfield is that “three quarters” of the city is in favor. 75%? No way. 10%? Perhaps.
Ward 6 councilor John Krol carried the banner leading the pressure-cooker parade. Krol publically stated Pittsfield citizens overwhelmingly favored this risky move. Naturally, this being Pittsfield — a place where ideologues like Krol never have to answer to citizens, constituents, the electorate, or an inquiring press not named THE PLANET — he offered not a drop of evidence to support his claim.
On the other hand, THE PLANET has talked to or heard from what we conservatively estimate at 200 people, all locals. Perhaps a dozen favored the move. If we include as “favorable” those who thought “maybe” it might work but had worries, the number might hit 20. The rest expressed deep concern. Based on that unscientific indicator, THE PLANET feels comfortable saying that 9 out of 10 residents oppose this move.
Beside Krol, the other main cheerleader doing The Bosses‘ bidding on this totalitarian decision and issue is none other than Sweet Pete White, the man who makes at-large seem at-small. Pulseless Pete uses Facebook for most of his politics (curious, but that’s a whole other issue). On the refugee issue, however, Sweet Pete found he wasn’t preaching to the choir of friends. THE PLANET presents a sampling of the reactions White received on FB, along with his responses. Incidentally, we did not include the FB input in our poll of 200.
1. KRISTA MILLER — “Why does a Springfield organization get to determine that Pittsfield is “a good place to relocate” refugees to without actually consulting anyone in the Berkshires?”
2. DOUGLAS CROCKER — “Your constituents have a lot of concerns.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Douglas, and I am listening and discussing. Doesn’t mean I have to agree, especially on an issue where no was taken.” Then, “There are usually 1800 jobs available in Berkshire County at most times of the year. Refugees will not be given jobs, they will earn them same as every other job seeker. Out of 50 Refugees, maybe 15 will be looking for work. Others will be children.”
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3. RICHARD ARNOLD — “Sure hope they can speak English. I can tell you it’s a really difficult in the job world when I can’t speak English.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Last I checked America had not chosen an official language, English just happens to be the one most used. I’m sure most Refugees will be eager to learn it to fit in and become part of our community as New Americans. … There is enough money for all 3” [homeless, veterans, and refugees; notice he leaves out taxpayers?].
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4. RITA OSBORN — “My question is this: Tax dollars from the city, state, or federal government? But definitely our tax dollars.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Federal and maybe state dollars”
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5. DOUGLAS CROCKER (again) — “Are you kidding me that not one Political leader in the community bothered to inform its citizens prior? How about asking citizens how they feel about it first, before being the Boston pattsies. The Boston cronies and bureaucrats dumped this crap on us. They took advantage of unsuspecting green and gullible local Political Reps knowing darn well the backlash that would be comming. Our local leaders were taken for fools.”
6. JOE WHITE — “If one of these refugees were to do a violent act ,peter all the people on the city council would be done.we don’t take care of our own,there are no good jobs.bring good paying jobs not people that need jobs. Is this why we spent all that money on the new high school.really there should have been a vote if we the people want to do this. Is this still america or what. Fed up.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Joe, I didn’t vote on this either, nor did any city councilor.” [Notice the “it’s not my fault” running away from the issue.]
7. K — “Just curious…honest question: She [the head of Jewish Family Services] is from Springfield. Will there be refugees in Springfield? Also, you stated there is plenty of affordable housing available. How about the two-year waiting list for residents? Will they get bumped? I have friends living in shelters, waiting.”
WHITE RESPONDS — “There are Massachusetts Cities and towns that already have Syrian refugees. I am not sure about Springfield specifically. I am not a spokesperson for the program, so I don’t know all the answers. I would expect no one will get bumped and they are being moved into apartments over the 9 months from January 2017 to September 2017.” [Notice how White turns “politician” here, cowardly deflecting the question and thereby not giving an answer.]
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8. K (again) — “Interesting that she chose Pittsfield as an ideal place and not her home town. With our problems, already. Just spend a week at the Christian center, not shaking hands but being part of the patrons. No photo op, just one of the regular folk. Sorry, Pete. I like you. I’m also a generous person. This just makes no sense, if you’ve spent any amount of time with the less fortunate people of Pittsfield. I wish I could wear a camera, so you will see what I mean. … That’s why it’s perplexing that they’ll find housing for refugees, but not for their own residents. I’m just really confused. I did go to the meeting and there was no opportunity for questions. It was informational/feel good, a ‘we are doing it whether you like it or not.'”
WHITE RESPONDS — “Federal money is being offered for this. Write your Congressman and Senators. I didn’t know what to expect at the meeting. I’m hoping the next one will be answering the questions that were asked.” [Dan Valenti — professional smart-aleck, curmudgeon, and provocateur — responded on FB: “K has owned the issue in this discussion. For Pete White to say ‘We’re getting federal dollars for this. Write your congressman’ is a total cop-out Pete, and you know it.” White did not respond.]
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9. KRISTA MILLER (again) — “Dear Lord Peter federal money comes from us — these are our tax dollars — can we please stop talking about it like it’s just coming out of thin air or being picked from the freaking money tree in Washington???”
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It is clear to every rational mind that the good citizens of Pittsfield:
(a) Are upset over how this issue was settled, without any local say or input.
(b) Want the program to stop until the multitude of questions are answered.
(c) Want a say in whether or not to accept this autocratic decision.
(d) Are livid that not one local “representative” has asked any tough questions, including about the murky finances.
Total lockdown.
Welcome to Pittsfield, Syrians. You probably find it a little safer but not a lot freer than from whence you came.
“It is the role of good journalism to take on powerful abusers, and when powerful abusers are taken on, there is always a bad reaction. We see that controversy, and we believe that is a good thing to engage in.” — Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder
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Michele Bachmann, a twit in her own right, thinks Donald is as cuddly as a teddy bear. Maybe she should fix him up with one of her daughters.
Let’s see, we have a foul mouthed person versus a lying and corrupt person. Who do we choose?
We don’t know for sure if Donald is corrupt or not because he refuses to show his tax returns. Obviously he is afraid of what they would tell about him.
I am not promoting HIllary but Donald is the guy you want for president if no one else wants the position.
The cover up is already worse than what was said,,saying Clinton said far worse on he golf course. Feel bad for the Planet and the talking heads that are trying to smooth it over, on C N N some woman is ridiculous defending him. My options have dwindled to vote.
Bill Clinton was disrespectful to this wife child by his endless affairs and mistreatment of women, but was was popular and elected twice by the American public. If anyone did enough digging they would find all the horrible things Bill said supposedly privately about women, but of course this media covers it up because he is a Democrat.
This doesn’t excuse Trump. My first choice was Ted Cruz. Now I really like Mike Pence and think he would make a GREAT president. I hope he runs next time. Democrats will keep electing the nasty candidates and hiding and excusing their bad behavior from the public.
Bill Clinton is a rapist. Much worse than any words spoken. His wife is a serial liar. I would think the Democratic Party is much more of a mess, they actually supported this sub human candidate.
What do you think our enemies around the World think of this? One thing we can all agree on that it is a big mess for the R Party.
The whole election is a “mess” for the country. We are facing serious economic and security issues, but neither candidate is giving Americans a lot of hope.
I will still vote for Trump because I think the progressives are a WORSE threat to the country.
Democrats are soooo funny, they push and push for boys and men in your wives and daughters bathrooms, dressing rooms and ‘gasp’ locker rooms, then swoon when they find some guys locker room banter by a politco Remarkable !
Just another dirty old man.
I think the whole thing has been a vast left wing conspiracy. The left knew that if anyone “normal” ran against Hillary, she would lose because she has so much “baggage” so they had to insure that didn’t happen. All of the media played up Trump and fawned over him endlessly. He was wined and dined on all of the Democratic sites like CNN and MSNBC. Even Mika from “Morning Joe” had him on the show constantly promoting him to the public. They even said many Democrats crossed party lines to vote him in as the candidate. Hmmmm…interesting. Once he was the nominee, that support quickly turned into doing everything they could to bring him down. Mika put him down constantly on her show. They wouldn’t have been able to do that for a Cruz or a Rubio, but with Trump they had a field day.
Hillary came out after the Monica Lewinsky scandal and said it was all a vast right wing conspiracy against her husband. Should we not suspect as much against the left as to how far they will go to win elections?
Pat, you have outdone yourself. You must wake up in the middle of the night thinking up these brilliant posts. Keep up the good work.
Fox news is not left wing and Bill O’Reilly had Trump on almost every night. Fox and Ailes are in Trumps back pocket and he may take them down with him.
FOX news has nothing to do with what the Democrats were doing. Either way, the country is in deep trouble without a credible candidate on either side.
I believe that Trump may well be our first credible candidate since Carter. A private citizen, bold enough to run on an established party ticket without buying in to vetting process and payment of political dues – that includes past endorsements, fundraising, and other forms of political behavior makes him the first my lifetime. No wonder he is being trashed by both the Republican an Democratic Party esablishments.
I suspect that if Hillary wins, we could experience turbulence that resembles what is happening in Germany today. 8 years of Obama gave us a race war. What follows, if not a concialiatory tone and strong sense of national purpose, could be unfortunate for all of us on the street, but useful for Washington heads of state. Disaffection is a powerful and destructive affect.
Pat, You were right as some leaked e mails show.
Trump is just not presidential material and never will be. Maybe one of his kids are. But Donald is clueless and needs to go back to whatever cartoon he escaped from.
Ok, so Hillary is. That’s funny, they both stink so hold your nose and vote for the one that stinks the least. For me it’s Trump, I want our borders protected better, let’s try to stop the drugs from infesting our cities. I’m not happy with what Obama has done and don’t need 4 more years of his policy’s. Also I fear for the safety of all the interns if Hillary is elected. On a personal note I like to grab alittle booty once in awhile.
But the Donald says he feels like he can grab a woman’s vagina any time he wants to because “he is a star”.
One of these days one of these woman is going to kick this “star” in his little balls area and his “star” will cease to shine so bright.
He said pussy…not vagina, not genitals…pussy. A quote’s a quote.
Bill in action actually grabbing and Trump was actually talking about it. What was Hillary and media’s response ?
You’re not running for prez, joe.
I agree with you Pat. Bill Clinton has been a serial rapist for the majority of his adult life. Hillary & Bill have made a living off of their bogus Clinton Foundation, “pay to play.” Hillary is seriously ill – she’s been off the campaign/fundraising trail since Thurs., and – after Sunday’s debate – does not have any events scheduled until Oct. 23rd. What’s up with that? A flare-up of the Parkinson’s? Where’s the investigative reporting? Trump makes a lewd comment 11 years ago and the Dems say “he’s done.” Get real. This is a fight between globalism and nationalism. There is talk that the Dems are desperate enough to get us involved in a war with Russia, declare martial law, cancel the election – so that they can maintain Democratic control of the White House.
It ain’t the dems that say he’s done. Ryan won’t get on the podium with him on Wisconsin and Pence isn’t going there.
We KNOW ALL, the Clintons are corrupt.
“But what difference does it make now?” – HRC
How’s that kool-aid?
Starting to think Trump will try to weasel out of tomorrow’s debates. He’ll say that everything is rigged against him. The only thing rigged against him is his mouth.
We are talking about Trump’s comment. as bad as Hillary is, and she Is bad, you cannot vote for Donald Trump, simply put. Clinton wins by forfeit. We are screwed, again.
Clinton is poison, poison is never an option.
Bill Clinton: I did not have sexual relations with that woman (Monica Lewinski)””not unlike Our own Monty from Kentucky who was hired here and harassed a woman, and he got paid for it.
Sexual harrassment should not be condoned anywhere in the workplace, to Donald Trump…Your’re Fired.
When is Fireball going to answer to the authorities?
[This is what happen in Schenectady with parking meters. The cost a1.00 no matter how long you use the parking place. The city government promis that property tax would be cut 20 to 30%. Then the mayor started coming out with10%. Then the official numbers came out 3.5%. So let’s see what happens in Pittsfield .
Taxes are going up with this Mayor.
Tyer’s salary too a big mortgage to pay for new house in gated community
Donny Trump has stated he loves woman,that just includes body parts as well.
painter way to go on Schnectady spelling.
Agree, painter has become a great asset to the Planet.
Trump may grab the kitty but Bouvier has the tax payer by the balls.
If Hillary shakes hands with the star enforce the debate, she oughta ask him where he was before hand.
After being married to Bill, no doubt she has lots of experience with that issue.
Clinton should have no problem shaking Trumps hand. She seems to have no problem with grabbing female genitalia. After all she sleeps with her aide, Uma “grabba dab a do” Abadene (sp).
If anything Trump should wear a vinyl glove if he shakes her hand.
It is always amazing how our socialist progressive friends make excuses for people like Bill Clinton, John Kennedy (never met a beautiful woman I couldn’t have), KKK Byrd (W Virginia), etc.
And they support these people in spite of even illegal activities.
Yes, the globalist bought Republicans also are looking for any reason to torpedo Trump as well. Our political system has evolved, the two parties are now nationalists vs globalists (one worlder sell outs). The British woke up, the Germans are starting to awaken, even the Russians are fighting the war machine neocon (USA backed) ISIS armies. Next step is the demonization of Russia. Globalists hate Russia as much as Trump. Both represent a real threat to their agendas.
To get up to speed, read articles on Breitbart, Drudge, or Infowars. Then you will find out what is really going on, and break out of the artificial news matrix of main stream media and NPR.
It all happened when he was much younger man of 59.He has grown alot since then…..he now moans at women and pouts at women…..he does not think women should have opinions.He admitted to assaulting women….say whatever you want….Trump admitted to sexually assults.
Trump said he wants to represent the stupids…he says they would vote for him even if he murdered someone ….is he right planet…..the stupids.Trump has banged out more ignorance than anyone ever.
Trump can do that S C he’s a star.
Clinton has murdered many including an ambassador of the United States, there is not enough time before the election for Trump to surpass her
Money was taken from the G E Fund to bail out Covanta? can someone explain that?
The Resource Recovery Committee is comprised of Collingwood, Kerwood,Greg Yon, and the like, they recommended to the City Council to give them 500 thousand . Kerwood said if the City didn’t it would be catostrophic.
Please if someone knows….where do all other trash haulers drop their trash if not here.Is this only used by us in pittsfield?
Independent haulers from other communities like Dalton use it as well.
Syrian “refugee” plants a bomb at a German airport…and the elite get even more excited by bringing large numbers of foreign Muslims in at taxpayer expense. The elites know that they are safe since the terrorists prefer civilian targets with lots of casualties, and the more the public is damaged the more power and wealth they can extract
I just read the story. This Syrian refugee’s apartment was full of explosives. The German city is in lockdown. This will be happening in this country soon unless people wake up. Hillary wants to have open borders (she just said this in the latest WikiLeaks) and bring in lots more refugees. If you don’t care about yourself think about your children and grandchildren’s future in this country if you continue to be so casual about who we allow into this country.
The BB just runs an article (which nobody can respond to online anymore, only to the editor since they don’t want people to talk among themselves about these issues) in which they state that the WikiLeaks shows the “moderate” side of Hillary. Really? Open borders is moderate? That seems very progressive to me. Right next to it is an article putting down Trump.
Get used to this type of reporting if Hillary is elected we will never hear anything bad about her or her policies. Just as here in Pittsfield, the BB will make everything sound like paradise in the country under Hillary’s presidency. Just as in the Soviet Union, there will be a total lockdown on any type of criticism of Hillary and the progressive Dems.
Rudy Gooliani sic has turned into a real mut.
Who the hell is Rudy to defend anyone? He cheated on is wife himself, this guy is a real piece of garbage as are Trump and the Clinton’s. The Republican Party is abandoning the Donald as we speak.
My dopey friend Todd still supports me.
We all have our skeletons,Donald.
GiuIIani was on Meet The Press, if you can watch it at another time, it is just incredible what he told Chuck Todd (moderator) of the show, money can buy anything.
Only a matter of time before the woman he sexually predatorized come out of the closet. can you say, Gloria Allred.
So, Covanta gets bailed out for a couple years and at the end do they stay? No assurances at all. But more imortantly using G E Funds 500g to be exact, to bail out a private entity and also other City’s are using it, are they contributing?
The other Mayoral blunder is the bailing out J B property that they didn’t even know who owned it. The building has been empy for many years, no assessment, no nothing.
Also the Beacon Theater. Don’t forget the tens of thousands in tax breaks for this dear friend. It is called corporate welfare and it is Linda Tyers economic engine plan. toot toot
Watching it now, Tyler is the one dressed like Dale Evans.
Dale Evans….that’s awesome funny.My buddy A Trump person said he likes when Trump says he just goes for it just starts molesting his targets.He said that’s how he wants Trump to be….remember Trump is 6 feet 4 inches tall and 245 pounds…imagine…he does not drink or do drugs…completely sober he goes in for the crime.
What was Bill’s excuse? What was Hillary’s excuse for declaring war on all of Bill’s women and trying to destroy their lives because her husband was a monster?
He oughta start drinking
Haha that’s what I thought too.
Was thinking the same thing.
And it’s all OK with Pat.It’s OK because Clinton was impeached for it…I would impeach him as soon as he has been sworn in
You either vote for a liar, or a dirty grandpa….nobody wins! This Country is broken.
Anyone see the photo of the gentleman washing windows at City Hall, they still use ladders?
Isn’t the Resource Recovery Team a team comprised of Mayoral Appointments? is the vote to affirm the 500g illegal?
May, they voted to recommend, but see your point. one of the members was against and another didn’t say anything but voted to give the money.
If you don’t have a justifiable reason to explain your vote it is better to just remain quiet.
Sometimes you just have to remain silent, because there are no words for whats going on.
Krol-Aid was spewing the Mayor’s reason for Covonta, assuming he was talking about Covannta which sounds like Atlanta to or comparable to Nuke clay uh as opposed to Nuclea.
And Caccamo is talking in terms of matter released into the atomosphere, not unlike Carl Sagan,but didn’t quite have the right equation in the beginning, which of course would make that conversation palatable,gawd.
Sounds like a Private Business to small to fail.
Covanta is basically holding this City at bay with the fact they do NOt want to invest in thier own infrastructure,and is saying help us, and mind you it’s a private entity, with stockholders. This is the most ridiculous request in the History, other than The Beacon, and others, ever heard. Oh, as deals, the Consent Decree,was the worst.
I’m I’m I’m the Mayor um I’m I’m I’m. Krol and White are always willing to support the private business with taxpayer monies, which is not the way to run a City. These two especially and Amuso Arenmt for the citizens, not by thier actions anyway.
What about tax breaks? Isn’t Covanta getting a tax break as well? Did they say anything about that part?
The representative from Covanta is full of crap. Mazzeo asked some great questions. So why would you sign a contract with the City if you’re not willing to invest your own Capital into your own Company, whether you sell it down the road or not is your business, but it sure seems like you’re hoodwinking the City. Smell a Rat!
Amuso is talking in favor of the money for Co VON tuh- Co VAN-ta, and while she’s talking asks the man to talk about the project, to step up to the mike, one problem, he was almost there as she’s asking. Did she script this, was there a hand signal? Sic….. timing was incredible.
Ever notice when Sweet Pete is talking he slides or shifts his eyes to look at the proponents. It’s funny, it reminds me of someone that’s not supposed to look because someone else is watching them.
Also,it looks like he doing the bidding for the proponent and is looking for approval!
A good ticket would be Hillary and Mike Pence.Trump is going to lose it tonight, Watch!
Don’t just help fund a project. Fund it Quickly. Immediately.
I thought Isis was our greatest problem, not p.ssy?
Clinton’s girls are in the audience. nd so is my Hot Wife, don’t you just love Melania?
Trump is kicking ass!
Presidential Debate Grades: Clinton B-
Trump B