Now it’s back.
Yeah and verily, ‘twas not a good weekend for Hillary and da Dems.
The FBI’s investigation of Mrs. Bill Clinton has blossomed once again like one of those time-lapse Disney films that show the dormant flower coming to life in the spring. For Donald Trump supporters, spring arrived Friday, Oct. 28, when FBI director James Comey found the balls he misplaced this summer. For the supporters of Mrs. Bill, spring came dressed for Halloween as a demented clown giving Hill a taste of what she gave to Bernie Sanders. That is comes via the sex-perv ex-congressman Anthony Weiner makes for poetic justice of the highest order.

HUMA ADEBIN, left, aboard the Clinton Special. After the FBI’s decision to reopen their probe, the Special appears on its way to an unplanned meeting with the fast-rising ground. (PHOTO: THE NEW YORK TIMES)
Weiner’s perversions make Bubba’s look as innocent as a chocolate shake with two straws at the Ozzie-n-Harriet Malt Shop. Weiner’s estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is the top aide of the former First Lady, one with inner-circle access to the unholy of unholies. The new e-mails causing alarm in every quadrant of the campaign and every office in the State Department, Justice Department, and FBI came from Anthony Weiner’s computer.
Trump on the Rise, Hillary on the Run
Reaction came swift.
Trump released this statement:
“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office,” Trump said. “I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the DOJ are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understand. It is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”
The political earthquake injected new life into the Trump campaign. Polls showed Trump surging following the FBI’s staggering announcement, suggesting a sea-change in the tone, tenor, and direction of this endless and sickening campaign. Even before the FBI’s shocker, according to the New York Times, “polls have been tightening in recent days.” This surprise twist now gives Trump the momentum, and it’s Hillary on the ropes leaving her campaign in tatters trying to get on the same page with a message but unsure of what to say.
CNN asked a clearly rattled Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon about the news and Abedin’s involvement. Fallon dodged saying, “The facts of the matter is stuff that is unknown to us.” Yeah, we bet it is.
The Big One
This revelation may be The Big One that’s been rumored about, although word is that Julian Assange will weigh in one more time before Nov. 8. All along, the amount of corruption and sleeze oozing from the Clinton campaign has been extraordinary. However, backed by a heretofore timid and scared Mainstream Media, Hillary has been given a free ride. The honeymoon appears to be over.
The FBI’s bolt from the blue came In a stunning letter to Congress, from Comey, who said that emails “appear to be pertinent to the investigation [into Clinton].”
Investigators discovered the e-mails serendipitously while examining data from a computer belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman. Abedin dumped Weiner two months ago following revelations that her husband was exchanging lascivious messages with a 15-year-old North Carolina girl on social media. Why were Hillary’s e-mails on Weiner’s computer? The e-mails belonged to Abedin and were on Weiner’s system as a backup!
Comey said the new e-mails were pertinent to the FBI probe into Hillary’s private e-mail server, the one she used while Secretary of State. A federal official speaking anonymously said the new trove of documents number in tens of thousands.
Hillary squirming? A joy. Hillary squirming because of Abedin and her sleeze-bag husband? Priceless.
“Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?” — Ayn Rand
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Ask not what is corrupt with your country, but what your country can do to end corruption.
Drain the Swamp!
Thanks JB.
So where is the MSM drooling over this?
That witch AND her pedophile Husband should already be in the CROWBAR HOTEL
This spells it out pretty well:
Just tell em, Assange sent ya.
Harry Reid now accusing James Comey of breaking the law and playing partisan politics. Supposedly there is some obscure law that he has discovered that prohibits the FBI from starting investigations 2 weeks before an election. This is rich coming from Harry Reid who lied saying Romney didn’t pay his taxes. When asked why he would make up such a lie, his reply was “We won, didn’t we?” Politicians like Harry Reid are a major reason why people do not trust them at all. Harry Reid can’t retire soon enough for the good of this country.
Way to cut and paste.
I don’t think it is a law that prohibits the FBI from starting investigations 2 weeks before an election, but it is their protocol not to do so, but he told congress in his testimony in July if something came up down the road he would notify them. He did his job.
If Coemey did his job and not cave in to Corrupt AG Wright/Sotero.
She’d be headed to he crowbar hotel and the Hildebeast described ” Berine boottom feeders” would have the D- nominee
Deplorables and bottom feeders unite, take back AMERICA!
Just remember to Vote November 9
Take it back from whom, exactly?
Rinos and Jackasses
Liberals always want it both ways. If a Republican did this, which they have not, the liberals would be screaming for their hide. The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze. Hillary is bad, the nation always takes a back seat to her interests, and she breaks laws.
Trump as politician calls Clinton criminal but as citizen said Hillary Clinton is a great person.
It’s looking more an more like we will have a mayor Mazzeo in the future.Councilor White and Caccamo Kroll Marchetti Amuso lack financial maturity in their budgetary votes.
Mazzeo will be mayor? You speak too soon. In context of Hillary Clinton: Hillary ran for President in 2008. A fortune-teller told her that she would seek her Party’s nomination, but an attractive black man would thwart her. Mazzeo should take heed.
People responsible for the Pittsfield schools decline ….Eberwien Massimiano Curtis Amuso Yon Taylor Tyer Kroll White Caccamo Simonelli Marchetti Rush Behnke
….White Kroll Caccamo Marchetti lack maturity to understand who is paying for the Pittsfield mess.Recently a person who deals with Pittsfield Schools said the area in whichis he deals with them said they are very unprofessional and adolescent.
I always watch councilors and school committee and assume their personal financial situation is equal to how they spend other people’s money…irresponsible spending at home for most of these people…they buy what they can not afford.
And they want more money for the Pittsfield schools while sending their own kids out of town. Priceless.
S C was the fatal accident on Tyler St.. Because of bad lighting?
They are calling it:
You can’t make this stuff up.
How about Mail Weiner.
Trump got in trouble with a Bush, Hillary with a Weiner….you can’t make it up.
The BB runs an article making it sound like refugees coming from Syria are just like the typical immigrants who have been coming to this country for years. No mention of not being able to properly screen people coming from these war torn areas. No mention of terrorism. They say they have reached out to people here in Pittsfield who are against the refugees coming here, but haven’t heard back from them. That seems unlikely given how passionate many have been against having the Syrian refugees come here. Did they reach out to maybe 2 people who might have been unavailable in the last few days? In other words this is a one sided article that doesn’t address any of the concerns that people have expressed about the refugees from Syria. Typical BB.
If you reach out to say your are against Syrian refugees relocating to Pittsfield the Berkshire Eagle may just decide to put your picture on the front page saying. THIS BIGOT DOES NOT WANT TO HELP ORPHAN CHILDREN!
Of course no one dares go to public alone.
The October surprise.
Hillary and an a battery of lawyers tried and tried again to dig up dirt on Trump. All they could find was Donald said a bad word 11 years ago. Her October surprise was to hire a parade od bimbos (all now discredited) to lie about Trump. Hire people to disrupt Trump’s massive rallies. That too backfired.
The real October surprise came October 28, 2016. Not by the Russia, not by wiki-leaks, but by her own most trusted confidante.
Oh the irony.
Huma is now asking for immunity from the FBI in exchange for her testimony.
Meanwhile Hillary is hemorrhaging votes.
It even looks likes like the controlled main stream media is abandoning her ship.
The timing of all this is perfect.
Its too late to replace her.
Huma is really a Russian intelligence agent
Good one.
Maybe you should email that angle to Hillary because I don’t think she’s thought of that.
On a secure server, of course.
I heard that. And on hers days off she spies for China.
Nope, a radical Muslum.
And NOT a Muslim.
Get your dictionary, Jittery.
Where is the evidence that Abedin is asking for immunity?
Went to the parade on Tyler .I believe the last parade on North street had 20 thousand and the police it the paper said 2 thousand on guess is 500 went…..must be moved.You can’t see syringes or broken booze bottles when walking back to sidestreet…..The Mayor keeps the hood very very dark……White and Kroll and Amuso need to cut the branches down there and replace burned out bulbs also turn up watts on the polls
THE hood I’d dark dark dark…..1st Street after the common park is very very dark….who are the councilors trying to do something about crime…..cut branches on trees for God sake and turn on the lights in the high crime hood streets…..Kroll Amuso need to find out why the hood is dark for kids walking….councilors light up the hood…..Mayor Tyer please light up the hood.
The reason the streets are so very dark is that the city can’t afford to pay to turn up the brightness. Go look at the streetlights of any town that surrounds Pittsfield and the difference is very obvious.
True enough. Hard to see the jaywalkers.
there are not dimmer switches on streetlights
Shame on the BB for their brainwashing story about immigrants to this city. Do they really think we are stupid?
The ones mentioned in the story were legal immigrants who were VETTED. They were from Jewish/Christian countries, not Muslims who might practice Sharia Law.
They also immediately adapted to American culture. There is a very big difference.
If they think that story would condition us to accept the Syrian refugees without good concern, they are full of it!
they also learned ENGLISH, the currency of success in the US. They made sure they took advantage of the schools, so their kids could be educated and do well – and they made sure they did not stay on the dole (section 8, welfare, SNP, etc.). We WANT immigrants who assimilate, and work hard and do well.
We don’t want those with huge families, taking apartments in places like Dower Square and staying on the public nickel til they die – never givig up the old culture in favor of the one they came to adopt.
Hillary could overcome this.
The woman card.
If she got on national TV. Really cried her eyes out.
Gave a truly sincere apology to the nation.
Took all the money out of the Clinton foundation and gave it to the poor. She could invoke pity and forgiveness on behalf of the American people.
Its quite doubtful that would do that.
Whatever her health problems are…
I personally don’t wish illness on her in any way.
I hope she overcomes her health problems.
I personally don’t even want to see her thrown in prison.
I just don’t want to see her as President.
It would verily not be good for this country.
All we are saying, is give Trump a chance.
You will be glad you did.
Trump is not god.
He is only one man.
He can only do so much.
But at least he can try and reverse the course this country is heading in.
They will eventually get their new world order.
At least we can slow it down by having 8 years of peace and prosperity.
Dan, I have to say that that was quite the dustup over the weekend on Facebook. It is obvious that he had no idea who you are and that he responded with the distain that is widespread among his crowd in Manhattan. (He is at best a part-time resident of Pittsfield.)
Your bold labeling of him was a master stroke because his crowd uses that label often against anyone that disagrees with them.
where can I find this conversation?!
More about the story of immigrants:
The head of our local immigrations center said that the Syrian refugees would be buying homes here. With whose money? Our Social Security funds?
As Paul Harvey used to say……And now for the rest of the story!
you really don’t understand how social security works, do you….
I understand how SS is suppose to work. Obviously you are not aware that money from SS has been routinely taken out of that retirement fund by our government for a number of reasons including refugees to this country.
you could not be more incorrect.
What trump said was as a old fat billionaire ale celebrity women are so intimidated by him they do nothing when he starts molesting.
I am curious that Dan is supporting Trump given that he says he hates the press and will be taking steps clam,p down on their power.
Power corrupts and tends to weaken authority. One casualty of the Clinton machine was the destruction of independent reporting by trading access for content. I can’t even predict whether Trump could match The Clintons in running the editorial boards of national agencies.
He claimed early on that the Trump airplane would be flying in to pick him up. If he is somehow being paid to write for Trump then he is all the things he deplores in journalism. He claims to be unpaid and unbought. If this is true his opinion on Trump and the election can be respected. If he is being compensated in any way by the Donald’s organization he’s a shill, on sale to the highest bidder.
He hates the mainstream media……….The Planet is hardly mainstream..
this has nothing to do with his hates or likes. Mainstream is defined by those who claim not to be that. If not mainstream, what is he?
Interesting question.
I have two hypotheses. One, Reid’s charge has no weight. Comey never ‘exonerated’ Clinton; he expressly identified perjury to Congress and informed the Committee further investigation was contigent upon a formal request by Congress. That request had been issued. Therefore, what Reid is demanding in madhatter fashion is for the FBI to cease an active investigation because an election is upon us. Ceasing is distinguished from opening.
Second, Ms Abedin deliberately retained an image of Clinton’s emails for either posterity purposes or as Bus Insurance. If not, she has a generous policy now even so.
Comey said his investigation did not turn up any evidence that would allow him to recommend indictment. THAT’S when all of you called him a Clinton supporter.
Most accepted his testimony to Trey Gowdy, during which he stated that Clinton’s felonies of perjury, would require a request from Congress for him to pursue them. Such a request followed that conversation.
The actions that appeared to have been political included granting immunity to witnesses and relieving them of the burden to testify (claiming 5th Admendment). The point of granting immunity is to acquire information without exposing the witness. He then allowed witnesses to depart with the evidence, laptops, with no safeguarding the evidence. That extraordinary act ensures no further exposure to Clinton could occur from her staff.
Those sorts of actions were attacked by FBI staff first who wondered if the initials stand for Federal Bureau of Immunity. He made those of us who accepted his decision to not indict look foolish.
Also, never say ‘all of you.’ Such a global concept does not exist. Elections tend to disappoint both sides in time. I would just as soon not invest emotion in them, but the prospect of term limits and illegal alien policy is worth it this time. In the end, however, you and I will both share a common misery – there’s comfort in numbers for you.
Trump loves weiner .Trump wants weiner. Trumps going to pay for weiner. I’m guessing you all just admire weiner. I believe you all have weiner envy.
Trick or Treat:
So, Hillary Clinton Moves $1.8 Billion To Qatar Central Bank
Where did she get 1.8 billion USD when according to her tax records she does not have that much money?
Is she getting ready to flee the country?
The Clinton Foundation gives out 90% of what it takes in?
Is the Clinton Foundation also under investigation?
Why do you constantly link to sources of lies and disinformation? The European Union Times is not a real news site.
How can you not know that?
Again, don’t tell me or try to intimidate me as to what to post.
Again, this is not your website but belongs to Dan Valenti.
You have no authority here or over me.
The main stream media CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR All have been totally discredited.
You constantly attack the messenger instead of what is being said.
Brian Williams, Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Donna Brazil…. on and on all discredited.
You don’t get to decide where people get their information from.
You go on other sites and say the same thing about PlanetValenti.
Enough Already.
I’m not trying to intimidate you; I’m simply pointing out that the sources you incessantly link to are unreliable because they’re full of hate, antisemitism, misogyny, and paranoia.
No one takes your posts seriously.
You don’t. I get that.
Others do. You hate that.
The MSM cannot be trusted.
In a free society where freedom of the press is a reality, the press is not controlled by government spewing propaganga in lock step.
Your entitled to your opinion.
So now that you side tracked my post, let me get it back:
Hillary moved $1.8 billion USD of money she is not supposed to have Qatar.
Is she planning on fleeing the country?
Qatar has no extradition for fugitives to the United States.
Charles, Hillary did not move any money to Qatar.
That is a lie.
is it Charles or Charlene?
She’s too powerful a woman for him.
I take thor’s posts seriously. I think they are very good. Progressives can’t handle truth.
I recommend you consider how nonsensical his conclusions are, not to mention how shoddy and disreputable his sources are.
The stuff he posts ls laughable.
Look Praxis
If you don’t like my posts, don’t read em.
Skip over, move on, whatever, I don’t care.
Thanks Pat
You are one who gets it.
Praxis believes in censorship and government control of information.
Again, the shill Praxis, the poser uses the tactic to change his victim’s gender to make himself feel superior.
Shakes his Head and Rusty are the same person, posing as two.
I still don’t know why Dan allows these attacks on here.
I can tell you for a fact. Shakes His Head and Rusty are NOT the same person. SHH is known to THE PLANET personally. While he doesn’t always agree with us, he is nonetheless a good man, one who is highly respected at this address.
Thanks for the props, Planet. And while we agree to disagree sometimes, I am confident that we both question how government invades lives unnescessarily.
The Covanta half million puts Hills e-mails to shame, she’d be pardoned anyway.
So you guys are against emailing.
Does anybody know why emailing is against the law for only Hillary Clinton.
This recent FBI letter and the Trump supporters’ breathless reaction to it shows just how hollow and disingenuous Trump’s supporters are.
First, Comey wrote that the FBI has not even read the emails and cannot determine whether they’re significant or not. The supporters are reacting to facts that simply do not exist.
Second, Trump’s campaign is in such dire straits that his supporters are all but admitting that Trump needs the FBI to save his candidacy.
Progressives are trying to downplay everything to get their corrupt candidate elected. Comey had to have had good reason to reopen the case against Hillary otherwise his career would be at risk. That people are voting for Hillary knowing how corrupt she is shows that Clinton voters are okay with corruption as long as their progressive candidate wins. It’s all about the agenda. They could care less whether she is corrupt or not as long as the progressive agenda goes forward. They are as bad as their candidate. This is why our country is in trouble. The progressives do not care about ANYTHING except the progressive agenda.
The FBI doesn’t even know what’s in these recently discovered emails. They do know they were not sent by Clinton.
Stop speculating and act on evidence, not supposition.
Trumps fat and 70….that should be investigated.
Trump fat and 70 and uhhhhh rich.
No candy for the kids tonight, can’t afford it.
But you can afford internet access?
No, I’m using my uncle fetus I pad. R u giving?
Is Uncle Fetus married to Aunt Zygote?
Answer the question.
Yeah, affording candy isn’t a stretch for me.
Looks like Hillary is innocent until proven elected, If the Donald can’t pull this one off it will be a miracle
He’s done; he’s so terrible not even the FBI can save him.
I think Trump wins…….I think he makes America stupid again.
Is that worse than criminally insane?
The Devils Bride is on. Channel 58″ oooohhhh. The kids have to watch it!
You heard it here on the Planet many months ago,Uma is guilty and it will come out.
TISO, right on as usual!
So now its a proven fact that Donna Brazile gave Hillary Debate questions prior to the debate. She has now been terminated for doing so.
Trump asks an excellent question:
Why did Hillary not turn in Donna Brazile for cheating?
Indeed, why did Hillary go along with the cheating?
Trump would have been cruxified if caught cheating.
What does this tell you about Hillary.
Proven fact now she cheated.
Two parties were involved here, Donna Brazile and Hillary Clinton.
Two, not one.
What is the very definition of the word: Conspiracy?
Why is it not front page news that Hillary cheated in the debates?
It is not a stretch that those questions get asked. It’s kind like needing to cheat on a second grade spelling test.
Too bad Berine Sanders is a spineless fool. He should have had the evil wench up on a pike at the DNC convention.
But then again, he is still alive……
Yes. First, Wasserman had to leave as DNC chair for sabotaging Bernie at Hilldog’s request. Now, proof that Brazile, who replaced Wasserman as DNC chair, has to leave because of corruption. What kind of system allows this type of criminality to go unpunished? A rigged one.
She left CNN, not the DNC. Both political parties cherish these kind of operatives.
I know this is the question out can’t answer h…guilty of?
Howie Carr.said today she will murder the chief investigaor.
Always vote for someone who will screw you the most,it’s Trump for me. I think we oughta give, Covanta another 500 g.
President Cain?
Cain and Fabel
Has anyone looked at The Left Winged Parrot online?
They seem to have huge problems.
Maybe Hillary could sell them a sever if Huma and Wiener don’t need it anymore
Clinton Foundation accused of bribery by FBI, Obama’s DOJ stonewalled the investigation:
Maybe lock them all up?
Kind of like Trump’s crooked charity?
Alan Dershowitz is still on the Democratic payroll, come on man.