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In THE PLANET‘s article on parking meters from earlier this week, we inadvertently forgot to include remarks the mayor had sent to us earlier on that subject. We regret this omission and now include mayor Linda Tyer‘s exclusive statement to us on that topic:

“There are several reasons for metered parking in the downtown and in the city’s parking garages and lots.  First, the city made a commitment several years ago to implement a parking management plan that would provide a source of revenue for the maintenance of our garages and lots when it accepted a grant for repairs at the McKay Street parking garage. In fact, we have been seeking grant funding for a new Columbus Avenue parking garage which is in total disrepair and structurally unsafe for parking on the upper deck.  We have been stymied because we have not implemented the parking management plan.

“Second, during the review of the city’s parking challenges it became apparent that there is a need to move those who work downtown off of North Street and into the parking lots.  This practice has long been a frustration of downtown merchants because parking turnover has not been conducive to attracting customers.  Third, Pittsfield is a thriving downtown.  We have a strong theater, museum, and restaurant district and a gorgeous boutique hotel.  New investments are being made such as Regions Wine Bar, Funk Box Studios, and Brooklyn’s Best while others continue to succeed such as Steven Valenti Clothing, Mad Macs, and Museum Facsimiles.

“In addition, we have seen significant investments in downtown market rate housing at the Howard Building, the Onota Building, and soon the former Holy Family Church will become Powerhouse Lofts.  In addition, downtown is the financial, legal, and medical center of our city and the county.  We’ve got a lot going for us.  Metered parking is a natural evolution to what is now in high demand because Pittsfield is thriving – parking. — LINDA TYER

——– 000 ——–

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 14-16, 2016) — All of Pittsfield’s problems can be reduced to one overriding issue from which every other challenge extends, be it failing schools, garbage collection, a sick downtown, parking, taxes, crime, drugs, and the lot. That issue is the lack of a vibrant economy.

Compounding the problem is the chronic overspending by the city, especially to feed the relentlessly money-hungry and underperforming Pittsfield School Department. The schools claim a departmental budget of about $60 million ($60,316,388). The city repeats this fiction, and the Mainstream Media goes along with the lie. In actuality, the budget is almost 75% of the overall $151,302,164 FY17 spending plan, or $112 million.

That $112 million doesn’t include short- and long-term debt service, which will add anywhere between $60- and $100 million; community services; or facility improvement.

That missing $52 million (the difference between the reported school budget and the actual) goes for maintenance, health care, benefits, and cost of running school buses. It is buried on the city side of the ledger.

Rogue Department Runs Wild

Until the city reels in this rogue department, its financial future remains bleak and punishing tax rates will crush homeowners ($18.06 per thousand) and businesses ($36.63 per thousand). This will continue the drop in population, the influx of undesirables, the failure of small businesses, and the inability to attract new business.

Administrators and politicians such as Supt. Jason “Jake” JIV McCandless, his business manager Kristen Behneke, mayor Linda Tyer, council president Peter Marchetti and lockstep apologists such as Kathy Yon, Kathy Amuso, John Krol, and Pete White will tell you with a straight face that the PSD is underfunded. They will use the tired example of teachers having to buy their own supplies for the classroom.

Granted, some teachers spend their own dime here and there. Of course, the reason there aren’t enough supplies is that too few dollars actually make it to the classroom. Far too much money gets eaten by salaries and benefits for administrators, teachers, and the myriad of “support” staff.

The unsustainable increases handed out year after year have come as a consequence of a series of one-sided budget “negotiations.” The teachers’ union and city negotiators represent the special interests. No one has represented citizens and taxpayers for more than a generation.

‘Average’ is Well-Above Average

For example, here are the average teacher salaries for Pittsfield for the past eight years from the state Department of Education:

  • 2009 — $53,401
  • 2010, $53,707
  • 2011 — $58,114
  • 2012 — $60,760
  • 2013 — $63,853
  • 2014 — $64,762
  • 2015 — $64,515
  • 2016 (estimated) — $67,211.

In 2017 and the years after, that average will continue to increase because of step raises.

Do you see a pattern?

You can see that in this brief time span, salaries increased every year but one, going from $53,707 to $67,211, an increase of $13,750 (26%). This is for a 181-day work year, with overly generous sick time, vacation time, half days (which count as full), professional days, and personal leave deducting from “time served.” Name me one other profession in Pittsfield outside of hooker and drug dealer that pays as much for so little.

How does one solve this problem? Where are the “cuts” to a department whose shuckers claim is already “cut to the bone?” Allow THE PLANET to tell you how to tame this budget and reclaim Pittsfield’s economic future:

  1. Change the health insurance spilt for city employees from 85-15 to a more equitable number. THE PLANET recommends the state minimum of 50-50. This change will save tens of millions.
  2. Halve the number of school administrators. That function is top heavy both at Mercer and in the schools (assistant principals, deans of students, and other make-work positions.
  3. Eliminate tenure.
  4. Make it easier for administrators to fire bad teachers.
  5. Eliminate early-retirement.
  6. Institute pension reform. The current 80% of the top three salaries cannot continue without severe financial damage to the city.
  7. Increase the school day by one hour.
  8. Regain control of the classroom by adopting school uniforms for all city public schools.
  9. Uncap the limit on charter schools. Charters are public schools with the red tape removed. No wonder the teachers’ union opposes more charters. Look at the way BART has ascended to #1. Vote YES on Question 2.
  10. Adopt a strict no-smart-phone policy in the classroom.

The city can continue its farce with public education or it can embark on bold reform. The former option will lead to disaster. The latter gives Pittsfield a fighting chance for survival if not revival.

——– 000 ——–

With that THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. Be intelligent.

Have a great weekend everybody!


“Learn to value yourself, which means fight for your happiness.”Ayn Rand



The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment that violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.

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Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

Nothing will or can change unless the City goes Bankrupt.

Reply to  Knock Knock
8 years ago

Did you mean bankrupt…or Behenkerupt? That’s a special kind of bankruptcy!

Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

That’s Behnkrupt.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

When I think of the Pittsfield, Ma school budget I picture a big fat Mama pig lying on her back with her swollen nipples exposed. And when I think of the Mercer building I picture a big lean-to filled with hungry piglets screeching to get at the Mama pig.

and when I when I think of the mayor I think of a farmer who dumps buckets of taxpayer money in front of the Mama pig and after she gorges herself the farmer mayor opens the gate and allows the herd of drooling piglets access to the Mama pig, where they pile on to her scrambling for their self entitled cash nourishment

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

clarification…after the Mama pig gorges herself

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

If Tyer does not resign she needs to give dying broke taxpayers a plan for the next 4 years.Her advisor knows basic math and how to subtract.If he does not come up with a word problem that reduces our School budget she can blame him.
Pittsfield high had 3,300 students in the 60s now with a quarter of a million square feet has only 850 student at a peak and is a half empty wharehouse…close it then sell it.That move alone will save millions.Taconic combined with Pittsfield high is still at only 1600 kids.Close crosby and save millions.THIS school was built for 1100 and has 350 students
.How long will crane company stay or the Guardian Insuranc…do the consolidating now before it’s a emergency closure.

8 years ago

I was visiting my sister in Dallas recently and was introduced to one of her friends, a school teacher for over 30 years. She told me that she has not received one dime pay raise over the past 2 years. Zip, notta, zilch. I told her to come to Pittsfield where they give the teachers all kinds of money.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mark
8 years ago

Did she tell you she couldn’t afford the pay cut?

Salary range for Dallas ISD teachers increases to $50,000-$90,000 … › News › Headlines
Apr 20, 2015 – Salary range for Dallas ISD teachers increases to $50,000-$90,000. Dallas ISD teachers will have the ability to earn a higher salary at a faster rate under the district’s new salary schedule. In the 2015–16 school year, the starting base salary for new Dallas ISD teachers will be $50,000.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

Cost of living and tax rate is pretty different in Dallas too.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

You are currently earning $50,000 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts as a High School Teacher.

You need to earn $42,883 to maintain the same standard of living in Dallas, Texas.

Sounds to me like its tougher to mane ends meet in Pittsfield. If Mark’s sisters teacher friend has been
teaching 30 years and is worth her salt she most likely closer to the $90,000 than the $50,000.

Steve C.
Steve C.
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Yes. Housing costs are half of what they are in Mass. and Berkshires. Taxes drastically lower.

Terry Kinnas
Terry Kinnas
8 years ago

According to 22news, St. Joe High School is closing at the end of the year.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Terry Kinnas
8 years ago

Very sad indeed. But I imagine McCandless is grinning from ear to ear.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

More like beer to beer.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

St. Joe Charter School.

Reply to  Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Excellent forward thinking. Can we get some of the alumni like Ruberto on board with this? Are any city councilors alumni that would like to preserve the legacy of an excellent and historic educational institution?

Can we get some GE money in lieu of taxes behind this? Mayor Tyer?

Better move fast because I hear there is a guy already drawing up plans to turn the place into condos.

8 years ago

Good one Dilly, hadn’t thought of that. jake now frowning.

8 years ago

Why did The Joe Close? Is it a solid Building to accommodate a Charter School, they do have a Gym, it looks to be solid on the outside.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

I thinking St Joe alternate school. Love the No Smart phone idea Dan put out there, wouldn’t cost a cent. Overheard a Mom last week coaxing her darling child to calm down till the end of the day and the big mean teacher would give it back.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

Where did you overhear that Ron?

8 years ago

Someone needs to talk to the diocese in Springfield to try to keep the political cadre out of what happens to the building. You know they are going to do everything possible to keep it from becoming a charter school.

8 years ago

How bout we close ALL the schools and slash the budget by $112 million USD per year. Cut taxes down by 75%. Taxpayers pay of 25% of what they pay now. Scrap the whole new Taconic High project.

This is the 21st century. All information is at your finger tips and only seconds away. A brand new Chromebook is only a couple hundred USD or less.

Overpaid baby sitters who indoctrinate the youth in political correctness and transgenderism is seriously damaging our youth. The education system is folly.

Parents who choose to have children should also be responsible to educate them. Not the state.

“Well I don’t know if I’m ready
To be the man I have to be
I’ll take a breath, I’ll take her by my side
We stand in awe, we’ve created life

With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I’ll show you everything
With arms wide open
Now everything has changed
I’ll show you love
I’ll show you everything”
– Creed / with arms wide open

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

First of all, Creed is racket, not music. Secondly, your statements show a bitter and introverted person.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Sorry you don’t like Creed. That song is excellent. Music is a matter of taste. Of which you have none.

So you are the resident shill here I see. Your purpose is to attack people whose comments you don’t agree with. You resort to name calling. You take the easy way to make yourself look good by putting someone else down. You seem to be very much a sociopath. You serve no purpose here.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Says the diversity intolerant person.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Says the shill/troll/poser aka Solons/Praxis33.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Like I said in another post earlier this week, why don’t you offer a fact, or hell, even your opinion, instead of just name calling?

I generally don’t agree with you Torch, but that’s what makes responding to a post interesting. Differing opinions.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I’m glad I have your approval, Mr Kate.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Notice the shilling technique this shill employs here.
Changing the gender of the poster.
Its meant to insult the poster.
Rather childish but a shilling technique none the less.

Its done in an effort to gain control over the shills victim. To maintain a false sense of superiority in the mind of the sociopath.

This shill has been trained to do these things.
He is only here to disrupt. Divide. A true troll in every sense of the word.

8 years ago

Can you imagine what would happen if St. Joe did become a charter school?

Within hours of announcing, they would receive more than enough applications to fill it ten times over.

Excellent idea! So good that it will never happen. The same people who are telling us to vote “no” on question 2 will exert their powers to maintain their control over the public school system in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Spider
8 years ago

Perfect location for BART 2.

8 years ago

Hedge funds are taking over catholic schools in the bigger cities. They like the model of doing more with less.ive read that online.

8 years ago

I agree with turning St.Joe into a Charter School

8 years ago

Pittsfield teachers do an amazing job for the most part, but you wonder if they realize how unique they are getting that kind of health insurance and that kind of automatic pay raise. It’s just not like that anymore. And who even gets a pension these days?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

They are not unique, the entire state gets the same health benifits except the legislature and they get 100%. They pay into their own pension fund and its a state pension, not as Dan would have you believe, that its a city pension.

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

I wasn’t comparing them to other teachers, but to other types of careers.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

You’re right there and its not a good thing. Private employers do have to pay 15% of an employees social security and that is a good size chunk of money. They also have to pay DUA (unemployment) tax even if they never lay anyone off.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Teachers complain all day long.Not all but majority. The real problems are the administration and principles….extremely bad attitudes very very negative enviroment.Most not qualified to work with people.The 2 new Herberg and crosby hires are different much more positive.Privateer business would not hire most of administration.They have fake personalities or multiple..Eberwien who hired most of the principal s gave superintendent status to everyone…..even the guy in charge of rodents puts his super hat on when he sets traps in the school kitchens.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Right now Joe Crazy has turned the teachers world upside down. Changed the whole curriculum. One teacher was in full blown tears yesterday. God help our kids because they are …….in the middle of chaos.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

In 10 years remote learning from home with some checking to the school mostly in high school.Will never need 1/2 million square feet of high school for…..the Pittsfield schools are not measuring success …Common Core Measures Failure…what a holes try to add anot her way we get to 14…8 plus 6 is 14….also 10 plus 4 is 14……………….how can we spell the number 5…five….also … it looking in a mirror….yes boys and girls that would be another way

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

To the parents of almost all elementary schools…those principles are using fake interest and fake smiles.They are very depressed because they were not qualified when they received their position.

8 years ago


A little experiment.
Just for gits and shiggles.
In order to post here, you need an email address.
Check on the following names:

Shakes His Head
Thomas More
Bull Durham
Dennis OKeefe

Check not their email address but rather check their Mac Address from their posts. Or have your web-master do it.

I think you will find something very interesting.

Maybe you can do an Expose´ on this shill/troll.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Someone is sensitive about their taste in crappy pop
Music. If it makes you feel any better Taylor swift is one of my guilty pleasures.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I would have guessed the Backstreet Boys

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Add MrG1188’s Mac address.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Lady, if I wanted to post on Topix, I’d post on topix.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Boom…speak of the devil. Say my name just one time and I appear, unlike Beetlejuice who needs to be called thrice. Dan HAS every email of every poster. He knows who is whom. So now that you’ve brought me into this…Creed DOES suck and I seriously question the musical taste of anyone who disagrees. That said, I can’t stomach Taylor Swift either so Shakes and I are obviously different there. Plus he rises to the bait much more readily than I. Now SpaGirl is me as well? Now I am just insulted. She’s nice and everything but I am a much better speller.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

You can’t post on topix. You got banned from there twice.
Two register accounts under the name Praxis33.
When topix catches your mac address now your comments are removed. Redacted.

How pitiful do you have to be to get banned from topix? Topix!

You have also been banned from discus.
Under the user name Steven Dean.

Dan Valenti had redacted many of your comments.

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

The whole point went right over your head.
It was never about Creed as a band or music.
You….made it about that.
A shill diversion tactic.

The quote was done for the meaning of the lyrics.
Sometimes words do have meaning, even song lyrics.
The song is about a man and his wife about to have a baby. Intensely thrilled about teaching it everything there is to know.
“We stand in awe
We’ve created life”
It was emphasizing the parents responsibility and joy in teaching their new child.

Whether or not you like the song or the band is irrelevant.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Lady, DV has removed some of my comments, but that’s his call. I assure you he and I know each other away from this venue. I don’t know how he considers me, but I think of him as a friend and a consummate professional, even if we disagree drastically on some concepts.

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Once again, note this shills technique.
Change the poster’s gender. Giving himself a false sense of superiority over his target of which has none.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

That would suit you

8 years ago

St. Barts I like it! Dilly, great idea!

A Butter
A Butter
8 years ago

St. Bart, that is cute. Where’s Barry on this one, he pokes his head in the door and disappears for days.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  A Butter
8 years ago

You betcha!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Let’s just concentrate our kids with the priests. Surely nothing can go wrong…..

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

See Torch, you and I agree on that statement.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
8 years ago

I am glad you do not support priests raping children.

Henry LaMere'
Henry LaMere'
8 years ago

Dan by far one of your best articles on the PPSD and the bloated school budget. Concise, fact filled, really sad. I would like to add a couple items to your article if I may.

* When Kathy Amuso was leading the school committee she took a one time $1.5M federal stimulus grant and gave the teachers all raises in addtion to the step raises. This created a long term liability that is the yearly deficit the school budget today.

* At 181 days work, if the teachers were in the private sector they would be considered part time, and would only be eligible for part time bennies

* Are teachers professional because the have to have a master’s degree? Then if so, why do the need to be represented by an union.

* Is it true 79% of my tax bill goes to support the PPSD, and 96% of that money goes toward salaries and health benefits for the teachers and administration, and only 1% actually goes in the class room.

* If we need to be competive to get excellent teachers then why are all techers paid on the same step raises without any kind of measurement.

* With the upcoming budget deficit, will the teachers take a wage freeze includeing there steps raises to avoid the layoffs of lower tenured teachers.

* Will we vote yes on the charter schools, or will we continue with the same school budget insanity that the Pittsfield City Council burdens the tax payers with.

Reply to  Henry LaMere'
8 years ago

Henry, teachers are the only group that wants and gets the best of both worlds. they want pay like blue collar workers (defined work schedules, work times, etc.) yet want the respect of a professional – a person who works all the days and time necessary to get the job done.

while teachers tell you how much time they spend on their own grading papers, doing lesson plans, and other tasks essential to being prepared in the classroom – what they do not tell you is that they get prep periods during the day for that, ad that any work done beyond what is in the contract is compensated.

no one coaches out of a desire to ensure the kids get a full experience. no one actually would take an extra class. no holding a Saturday ore sunday (or after school hours) tutoring session to ensure those who still don’t “get it” are not trying to frustrate their parents, who still need to make sure that food is cooked, house work is done, etc and may have two or three others needing the same homework instruction, or as the schools call it – assistance.

If you live or wok near a school, you know the teachers arrive on time and leave on time. if you work in a law office, manage a construction company, or do any other salaried work in the private sector; you leave work when you are finished.

so they demand some sort of “respect” because they get a no-fail masters degree (show me one teacher who ever got fired for not getting the required degree) – forgetting that most of us have degrees or experience we need to do our jobs. their degree doesn’t make them special. most of us have jobs that are hard (that’s why it’s called “work”, f it were fun, we’d call it “play”) and that they are not uniquely overworked. in fact, compared to most non-government workers getting snow days and other days that match their kids’ days off – they are somewhat underworked.

I am not saying teaching is easy. but I also am not saying that teachers are taxed any more or any less than the rest of us who go out there and work approximately 50 more days per year for the same or less money, less benefits, and the added premium of scrambling on all those damned “half days” when they get their professional development. I get to do mine on my time, or more precisely – on my family’s time – uncompensated.

I say if they want to be compensated like blue collar workers – then they can be treated the same way. if they want a professional’s respect, then they need to act professional – and work til they are done doing the job at hand and quit bitching about how they are treated like slaves.

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

oh yeah, and since I routinely work 12 hour days and partial days on the weekend, that whole time thing doesn’t make me want to sympathize with teachers. after all, most non-government workers 50 weeks, 45 hours per week, get maybe 6 holidays paid, and get ostracized for taking their vacation time.

teachers get sick days, personal days, and other days off built into the 181 day calendar. and since the contract day is a bit less than 7 hours a day – even two hours a day grading papers puts them at a shorter day than most folks I know.

I do know this – I always thought the education majors were dumb and lazy. well, maybe lazy, but when I see their schedule, pay, and benefit package – compared to me they were really smart!!

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Don’t forget the pension Southeast. Do it for 20-25 years and you can retire set for life. I am 35+ years in to my profession, still working average 60 hours a week with no viable, comfortable end in sight. I kick myself at least once a week for not going the teaching route or taking the civil service exams.

Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

As a former PPS teacher I can fully attest that the benefits are absurd and bankrupting the city. No other district in the state has a 90/10 or 85/15 insurance split *(whatever it is)

All the bitch about is they need more money to do their jobs better. Meanwhile, private school teachers make less money and usually have better results. After 3 years, professional status kicks in and they can rest on their laurals and basically never get fired thanks to the Union.

When you see the Union President at 30 years old cruising in his Lexus and complaining teachers need better compensation, a reality check is needed.

Our school committee represents the teacher, not the city

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

@Thomas More that was a joke but maybe the adult learning center could look into leasing that space instead of a space from the GOB’s

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

I realize you were kidding Ron but its just one more knock on the teachers. Dan would have you believe that there is no ban against phones in the classroom. He would also have us believe that tenure is a huge problem. Tenure was instituted in the 1930’s when work was short. It was put in place to protect employees from being replaced by politically connected people who needed a job. Moral turpitude and incompetence are the grounds for firing. If the person decides to fight for his job the folks doing the accusing have to prove it. That seems fair. To one parent a teacher can be a hero and a savior and to another a bastard. Which one do you believe.

8 years ago

We’ll,we knew these Woman would line around the Block for the Clinton’s. Don’t buy into it.

8 years ago

This outrageous letter to the editor appeared in the Berkshire Eagle today:

“Commissar of The Berkshire Eagle: I would like to congratulate The Eagle for its courageous and decisive decision to remove reader commentary from its online publication. The online Eagle now provides a much finer reading experience.

The articles are faster loading, and the pages are much more pleasing to the eye now that the messy conversations, corrections, and alternate viewpoints expressed below the article are gone. With the editorial content, columnists, and reporting objectives currently completely aligned and politically appropriate for your readership, I proclaim that you have produced a perfect and complete product.

May even better things happen as you continue to grow!

Charles Kronick, Pittsfield”

First of all what is a Commissar? It sounds heil Hitlerish to me, but we all know the leanings of the Berkshire Eagle so I shouldn’t be shocked. Unbelievably, I looked it up and it does mean a member of the COMMUNIST PARTY. If there was ever any doubt that the Berkshire Eagle has communist leanings and that they proudly printed this letter, then doubt no more. I am astounded and everyone in this city should be absolutely floored by this letter.

Yes, we should all be grateful that what most of us have always known has been confirmed. The Berkshire Eagle could care less what the public thinks. They just want to be left alone to promote the progressive (communist?) agenda. They don’t want to hear other ideas or opinions on anything. Their word is law. Notice that Mr. Kronick calls reader opinions “messy conversations”. Yes, it is messy when people question things. We used to call it democracy. Now we call it “messy”. If you don’t like it then too bad. We need to get used to this attitude because with Hill and Bill in charge, it’s only going to get MUCH WORSE.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Pesky progressives.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Pat, the letter seems a sarcastic dig at the BB.

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

I thought so too except it’s hard to believe the BB would print it unless they believed it.

Struthio Camelus
Struthio Camelus
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Satire, Pat, satire. Charles was a frequent pseudonymous flyer in the comments section at teh Broadsheet.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Sarcasm: O.K. then! All of Pittsfield’s problems are caused by the overpriced, underperforming public school system!

It wouldn’t be the corrupt Good Old Boys political hacks who are all interrelated, low gene pool, multi-generational insiders.

It wouldn’t be that thousands of people, businesses, and jobs have been lost over the past 4 decades.

It wouldn’t be the 70% underclass population whereby all K – 6 students are eligible for a free lunch at school, local teen pregnancy rates and welfare caseloads double the statewide average, and downtown Pittsfield is also known as “Social Services Alley”.

(Sarcasm): Nope. Rather, it is all the fault of the greedy teachers’ union!

What is the definition of “Myopic”?

Answer: Lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.

Synonyms: Narrow-minded, Unimaginative, Small-minded

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Never been anti union, but the pendulum has swung way too far their side. I am voting yes on 2.

8 years ago

All I’m saying is no raise in 2 years, Pittsfield teachers can’t say the same, regardless of cost of living

Voytek Gobsigski
Voytek Gobsigski
8 years ago

Are we still talking about free needles? I could use one for Sansui turnable.

Reply to  Voytek Gobsigski
8 years ago

Free needles: bad idea. It will draw every druggie to Pittsfield. And you thought we were already a magnet for drugs & crime!
Terrible idea. Keep Tapestry out of here.

8 years ago

This needle Proposal is so insidious it begs of collusion between the Powers to be as a camouflage to defect the recent goings on in the city, throw in the refugee conversation also. Deflection is the new Progressive tactic.

8 years ago

Agree, amazing how these hot button issues..Covanta, Refugees, Needle Program, Ledge issue at Titonic, and others, one seems to top another.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
8 years ago

Watching Amuso on one of Sturgeon’s show…….how did anyone as stupid as her ever get elected?

Alexander Waverly
Alexander Waverly
8 years ago

I just watched the idiot at 10 and he always talks about the gobsigs but he just said he wants clinton to win and clinton id the gobsig queen….what a buffoon this clown is. He should put on his clown suit and walk around pittsfield.

Reply to  Alexander Waverly
8 years ago

I agree. All the media is in the tank for Hillary. Expect the lies to continue in these last weeks leading up to the election.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

As long as Mr. Trump stays in the race the lies are guaranteed to continue.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Eberwien chose to move alternative education to mainstream schools….these kids hate hate hate mainstream.The teacher of these alternate kids are told to ignore their behaviors .The Pittsfield school administrators allow children to tell staff to go fu_k themselves with no penalty…none.
The damage done to the schools by Amuso.of the city council and curtis and Eberwien still lives on because Mccandless lacks balls to change it…..I heard Amuso say she hates to spend money….in denial she was Eberwien s right hand person.I have no clue how she has removed herself from such a financially wasteful legacy that still has her name on it.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

knew a special ed kid some time ago….he/she felt humiliated and embarrassed to be in with smarter kids….just hated school and faked being sic to avoid it…was promoted along without any meaningful education

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Teachers work hard end of story. Common Core is a program designed to destroy public schools…it is the last nail in the coffin .It was designed to mess kids up.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Most principles in the pittsfield schools were hired by eberwien and need to be removed.There is no happiness inside these grammar schools concerning principles.Mr Mccandless sends out meaningless emails of appreciation for the depressing work they do.There is no smiling or humor in education as we developed cookie cutter failure.

8 years ago


We need more charter schools because many of the public schools are failing in educational value and have exorbitant costs, most of which goes to administrative costs. Charter schools funnel much more of there monies to the actual education of a child.

The school unions and their special interest leaders are fighting hard against charter schools because they dip into the huge pot of money that is indiscriminately distributed among themselves.

Charter schools= a chance for a real education

Existing schools system= a pile of free cash for special interests with education a far second goal

Vote YES on question 2 for more charter schools

8 years ago

Pittsfield residents should watch 60 Minutes Sunday night because they will be investigating the vetting of Syrian refugees.

Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Councilors take note.

8 years ago

I would like to see the Mayor & City Council take a firm stance AGAINST hosting Syrian refugees in Pittsfield. Just this past week there were two terrorist attacks nearby. The Boston instigator who was shot dead by police had announced his conversion to Islam on his facebook page. Also, the plane crash in East Windsor – the student pilot was a Jordanian national who was aiming for the Pratt & Whitney plant. It was not “just” a suicide as reported by the AP. More media distortion of the facts.

Reply to  Gigi
8 years ago

We will continue to see more lies up until the election and even beyond. They will continue to cover up anything that makes people fearful of these refugees. Since Hillary wants to continue pouring them into the country with her “open borders” policy, expect the refugee numbers to increase along with the danger to citizens. The only thing Hillary will do is to remove as many guns as possible from citizens. She will tell us its for our own good, but really it will be to keep weapons out of the hands of the refugees. We will pay the price by losing our gun rights because they know the dangerous situation they are creating by bringing so many Syrian refugees into this country.

Dowager Hat
Dowager Hat
8 years ago

Another out of county (Needham) representing another Pittsfield police officer in litigation against the city and the PPD.
Nice, sweet, adorable, cherry picked community service and photo-op leadership isn’t getting the job done.
This is just the tip of the iceberg and is what happens when there is no civilian oversight of a police dept. Outside of a disinterested, ineffective civil service system in Boston and a political hack mayor ( who is advised only when necessary for political reasons) the PPD is a kingdom within itself, answering only to itself.They manage themselves and investigate themselves. No accountability to any board persons,place or thing.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

Seems that way huh? Why is this information even in the paper as it seems like most of their negative stuff is hidden under the shroud of “personnel issue.”

Yet for this officer they wanted it on the front page? Why is that?

Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

I believe Tim Burke is a union lawyer who represents cops accused of a whole myriad of thing. His name appears in the Globe, Republican, and Telegram quite regularly.

I think he’s the one you get when you want union representation.

Steve C.
Steve C.
8 years ago

Other depts. have their problems to be sure but by far the one most in need of top to bottom reform is Pitts Public Schools. The financial waste each year is in the tens of millions yet city officials, who know this, allow everything to carry on as if everything is great.

Things are horrible inside. Trust me. I have very very good reason to know!

Reply to  Steve C.
8 years ago

Easy to believe. You can tell there is absolutely no fiscal oversight and this would suggest that there is the likely hood of poor management all around. Just look at the players.

And you have three city council members trying to head off the expansion of charter schools. What in the hell was that? It is obvious they are not representing the citizens, children or taxpayers.

8 years ago

I was fairly young when Proposition 2 1/2 was voted on (early 80s?), but it seemed like it was a bloodbath for the school department. Is that what we are expecting for the next budget?

Steve C.
Steve C.
Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

“Seemed” like a bloodbath but wasn’t. They have been trying to make it look like one ever since despite the outrageous salary and benefit hikes outllined here by DV.

As for next budget, what the PSD will call a “bloodbath” ordinary citizens and taxpayers will call “right sizing.” Seriously $20 million could be easily cut from PSD without loss of quality or performance. Again I have reason to know (but can’t say more because of certain retaliation).

Reply to  Steve C.
8 years ago

Steve C:; I, too, know what you are talking about. Believe me, you are not alone.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Steve C.
8 years ago

It ain’t going to happen, not on this Mayor’s watch, maybe in fthree years.

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

it wasn’t a bloodbath. at first, the cuts seemed draconian. but, services still got provided. What is true – is that some things got pushed aside in order to still take care of the folks in power. So, an 11 year old Taconic High School (in 1980) probably never saw a decent day’s maintenance again. Why? because if you wait until it breaks – you HAVE to fix it. If you do preventative maintenance, you need to make choices on how to spend limited dollars. Pittsfield was not unique. Most communities neglected their infrastructure. In fact, 36 years on – it’s all coming home to roost across the Commonwealth.

But, on the other hand, if we maintained everything according to the original plans, we may still have needed a lot of the overhauling we are facing since there is no guarantee that using City workers vs. Contractors, or maintaining ancient systems beyond their usable span to maximize efficient operations would have turned out any different.

In fact, the payroll cuts originally associated with Prop. 2 1/2 would have clearly paid off if communities would have kept pensions capped. that old law had the beneficial effect of ensuring that if you need to go out and compete for talent for certain jobs – that the pension, while still reasonable, would not have been some obscene amount that will bankrupt every community in the Commonwealth before the end of the decade.

8 years ago

Since 1960,no candidate for President has won without Ohio.

8 years ago

There will never be a way to reign in the feeding frenzy of the Pittsfield, Ma public school system because of the incestuous nesting of the players and the politicians. The politicians give the school employees what they covet (money and more money), and the school employees give the politicians what they covet (votes to be elected or reelected). So one hand feeds the other in a merry go round of avarice and power and the taxpayer in the middle becomes the neglected. powerless and forsaken stepchild.

Power and greed have taken down many an empire and so it shall be that Pittsfield will suffer the same fate.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Mount Greylock…Wahconah…Monument…are all older than Taconic.Ask yourself why did Pittsfield need to spend 125 million dollars and they dont.The answers is they have to justify every dime they spend to taxpayers in those towns.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Mt Greylock is undergoing an equally (for their district) expensive build right now. Wahconah is looking to update their previous renovation right now.

Monument has been turned down, but will keep re-appearing until their taxpayers cave.

the vote in Lanseborough and Williamstown was divisive. The Central Berkshire plan has not progressed enough to get to a vote yet – but we can presume, that too will be a contentious battle.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Anyone can be Mayor of Pittsfield Ma.Just spend more money.Barry does the First 4 year Mayor of Pittsfield have a 5 year financial plan for Pittsfield schools……I know, it’s a secret.Barry she will only serve one term as the first 4 year term mayor.
I mayor Bloomberg can spend the next 2 years working on a plan of consolidation of schools he is in.To be politically successful you need a issue people can vote for.Mayor Bloomberg or Mayor Mazzeo ….The no 1 answer is Taconic is the new Pittsfield High

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Does it really matter who the mayor is if the position is controlled from outside? It has been a puppet position at least since Doyle made the concept obvious to all. Many of the political positions and committee chairs etc are simply figurehead roles. Getting rid of Ruberto did not make things better and getting rid of Bianchi did not make things better and getting rid of Tyer will not change things either.

You can change the name and you can change the face but the truth is that the true power behind the position does not occupy the corner office. If you want change you are going to need to leave the city. That is the reality.

Rocky Creed
Rocky Creed
8 years ago

Tim Burke of Needham is a private high priced attorney who is also representing former cops Lenihan and Kennedy in their cases against the city of Pittsfield.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Rocky Creed
8 years ago

and who is going to pay this guys fee?

8 years ago

Massachusetts Speaker DeLeo says that a Trump presidency would be scary. Someone left a comment below this iberkshires article that the last 3 speakers before Deleo were federally indicted and one is still in jail. That is scary he writes.

Since the Clintons represent everything that is wrong with government….the lying, the corruption, the sleeze…I think that a Clinton presidency would be VERY SCARY indeed. Also, Bill was impeached for his sexual naughtiness in the White House and then lying about it, I do not think he should be allowed back in the White House. He has a history of using his power to sexually abuse women (Juanita Broderick) such as when he was Arkansas Attorney General. When asked why she didn’t contact the police, Juanita said that Clinton was the law at that time. If Hillary is elected, we get a twofer since this dysfunctional couple has a history of sharing the power. If Clinton abuses his authority at the White House this time there will be no impeachment since he won’t be the president.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

So Pat, you say you don’t want a sexual predator in the White House but seem to be campaigning for Trump. I am confused.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

I don’t believe the Trump women BECAUSE the timing is so suspicious. Weeks before the election they come forward claiming sexual harassment not rape mind you as with Clinton. Several have already been proven false. There is no doubt what Clinton did in the White House which was why he was impeached. It was thoroughly investigated.

Again, I voted for Cruz, but the country decided on our two current candidates. Maybe in the next election, people will hopefully make wiser choices.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

So you are saying Trump should be elected and then investigated?

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

No, I am saying that the media is playing the public for being complete fools by trotting out these allegations this late into the election. Where were they 2 years ago when they could have stopped his election campaign at the very beginning? Oh, that’s right NBC held off releasing some of this until now. They wanted to make sure Trump was the candidate so the FLAWED Hillary/Bill team could win.

8 years ago

Just a reminder, 60 minutes will be investigating the vetting process of refugees from Syria tonight. Lets see how many more lies the clowns that showed up here from Springfield told us.
By the way I’m still waiting for a call as promised to answer my questions. They have my full name and both home and cell number.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Some lucky landlord will provide apartments for these refugees and collect a federal rent check which may be more than the average rent. Who will choose this lucky land lord and will a kickback be provided? Who will choose the other providers for things they will need and will there be kickbacks?

This is a money driven event disguised as a humanity thingy. I do not believe this has any more to do with humanity than the Pittsfield schools have to do with education. 10%? Maybe.