(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 21-23, 2016) — At a recent meeting of THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friends on the Pittsfield City Council, the sanctimonious trio of Kathy Amuso, at-large and former school committee chair; John Krol, Ward 6 and noted defender of politics as usual; and Sweet Pete White, at-large and council water boy snuck an item on the agenda. They did it with an assist from Peter Marchetti, at large, council president, and eternally afraid of controversy or rocking the boat.
The measure asked councilors to endorse a “no” vote on Question 2. This question on the Nov. 8 ballot asking voters to expand the number of charter schools in Massachusetts. A “Yes” vote will allow up to a dozen new charter school to be opened in the Commonwealth. As a country-western song once put it, “Always say ‘yes’ if ‘yes’ if the answer.
On Question 2, “Yes” is the answer.
School Committee: Manipulation, Malfeasance, and Misappropriation of Funds
The Friends brought the item forward for debate. Fortunately, cooler heads brought forth prevailing winds. Notable among the Cool-Air Navigators was Donna Todd Rivers, Ward 5, former assistant city solicitor, entrepreneur, and attorney. She essentially said, “Woah. You can’t politick on public property. This here is city hall, owned not by us but by Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.”
The matter receded under this wise care. Will it be brought forth again? Be warned, Mr. Council President, for if you do so, you will be in violation of state ethics laws that prohibits such blatant political activity from public employees, particularly of the elected variety. It will come back to haunt you.
Not to be outdone and perpetually skating free from public scrutiny, the apparatchiks on the Pittsfield School Committee (PSC) took a similar course. Of course, knowing the corrupt game of manipulation, malfeasance, and misappropriation of funds regularly practiced by this criminal group, can you be surprised? Being professional functionaries of The Party Machine, they not only (a) put the measure on a recent agenda and (b) discussed it, but they also (c) voted. Sea-hag of the PSC, Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon, left the chair to hog the open mic and, still as chair, led the cheers for a view that, if passed, will further guarantee the erosion of public school education in the Bay State.
Advisory 11-1 of the State Ethics Commission addresses “Public Employee Political Activity.” The advisory is poorly written and at time contradictory, but the proper reading makes it clear that state law (G.L. c. 268A) limits the political activity of those feeding from the public trough. The reason is obvious to everyone except the public employees themselves, at least most of those from Pittsfield. They have a vested (usually financial and always political) interest in seeing that policy matters go in one direction as opposed to another. By the way, neither the advisory nor the ethics advisory restricts what a public employee does on private time with private resources.
What a public worker cannot do, especially those in elected or appointed office, is “use his public position to engage in political activity (Section 23(b)(2)(ii) of the state’s Conflict of Interest Law).” They can’t do it “because a public employee who does so is using his position to secure for himself or others (such as a candidate or a ballot question) unwarranted privileges of substantial value …”
The “substantial value” for the PSC is riding herd over 75 cents of every public dollar spent by the City of Pittsfield. That number keeps rising because of contracted pay raises stolen in one-sided “negotiations” and the dreaded “automatic step raises” that each year guarantee hefty pay hikes for teachers and administrators irrespective of the continuing decline in academic performance.
‘Yes’ on 2 Improves Public Education
A “Yes” vote on Question 2 will allow more public charter schools. Charters outperform traditional public schools on less money by relaxing the stranglehold teachers’ unions have over the politics of education, specifically through their control of jelly-spined politicians and equally invertebrate school committee members. “Yes” on 2 will will improve public education. Voting otherwise will guarantee that this generation continues to fail the next.
With that, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. Don’t embarrass yourself. Keep it intelligent.
“The man who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone.” — Ayn Rand
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I have seen VOTE NO ON QUESTION 2 signs on city property. Who put them there and who paid for them? The taxpayer?
This question, along with question 5, are among the most anti citizen, anti taxpayer proposals to come along in a long time. Why would city councilors try to stop school choice in a city with a failing school system? Because they work for the special interests and NOT YOU.
Thank you Donna Todd Rivers for reigning in this special interest effort.
Why didn’t Pete Marchetti stop this in its tracks? Because he was given the job of president to facilitate special interest projects.
That Krol, White and Amuso would puppeteer this thing forward comes as no surprise to me. They may as well wear head bands that say SPECIAL INTEREST COUNCILOR on their foreheads.
For those of you who really care about children’s education vote YES on question 2. This one really is “for the children”.
This is really a battle of the pocketbooks, between Save our Public Schools $6,777,696 (No) and Great Schools Massachusetts $4,122,566(Yes)
Huge amounts of money are coming from out of state to promote a yes vote.For some reason big bucks are coming from Arizona.
Sorry Ron – you could if wanted tell the truth. Expenditures:
Great Schools Massachusetts – $15,017,877.71
Save Our Public Schools – $9,278,452.71
OK. To Ron and Thomas, source of your info, please. I want to check it out. I’m leaning yes on two trying to learn more.
hope this helps you jax
Amuso White.Caccamo Marchetti will spend every cent your average retired guy makes.
Does Kroll or Amuso or Marchetti or White in anyway acknowledge losing 1,000 jobs.What financial world does Kroll live in.All must be voting Trump
On the contrary I can almost promise they will be voting Hillary. How ironic.
I will be voting YES on 2. I will be encouraging people to do the same. I watched Krol’s reaction live at the meeting when that silly resolution was tabled. He really needs a good bitch slapping. It is time to pull back the PPS system. They really need to sharpen their pencil to cut back and LEARN to do get it done with less.
I will be Voting Yes on Question 2
School Admini$TRAITOR$ in particular are afraid of question 2 as it will ruin their puppeteers and their own, stranglehold, on the flow of $$$ from the taxpayer ca$h cow
Planet and Gaetani both excellent SHows.
Can an ethics violation be brought against the school committee?
My husband and I will vote “YES” on Question 2.
School employees will be out in force voting against it so we have an uphill battle, but we all need to vote and get others to vote against it as well.
Sorry I meant to say vote for it. I just woke up since I have a day off from work. Please everyone vote “YES” on Question 2.
Financial collaspe will always happen under republicans.They will always put it on the plate of democrats….Nixon to Carter….Regan to BushSr.
..Bush to Obama
I don’t know what you do for a living but I’m certain you don’t teach history.
Didn’t know the 80’s as a decade of economic collapse. Also don’t remember that Reagan’s Vice President was a Democrat. That event happened after President Clinton repealed Glass-Steagall. True, a defecting Democrat predicted the collapse with his signature, but Clinton owns it. And, some would say that he owes us as well.
Otherwise to continue your train of thought, Obama to ‘X’.
I hope it’s Trump or we had best stock up on beer and turnips and get good making sausage. Cash is no good in times of devaluation and social perturbation.
I will also be voting YES on question 2.
In my travels, wherever I go, I ask people how they will vote on that question (because I feel so strongly for it). And only a few said they would vote NO. The vast majority are voting YES.
I have a good feeling that this will pass.
Nuclea who is file in for bankruptcy and owes as much as 10 M. I hope the city will remember this before they hand out a tax break but they won’t. I also will vote yes on question 2.
At least old Roberto gave Muraca the bum’s rush. That progressive GOBSIG Bianchi brought him right back.
I thought the kid who spoke at the council meeting made a good argument. All funding aside, kids should have more options. I will be voting yes.
Oh, and please, city councilors, please don’t tell me how to vote.
Explain question 2 to all your friends and neighbors and tell them why a YES vote is so important. Someone needs to put a stop to the cookie monster eating Pittsfield public school system . The children deserve a decent education and should not be used as pawns for greedy special interests. I hope a few teachers will get on board as well if they really care about kids.
Couldn’t agree more, DUSTY.
Perhaps kids should have more options but both charters and school choice were designed to help the poor. There are very very few poor kids from Pittsfield in Lenox or BART. Our rich governor is leading the charge and he’s a public employee, the same as the people DV decries. The goal of the hugely rich donors who are backing this question is to break the unions.While most here think this would be a good thing, please don’t think their donating this cash to help either the children or the Kapanskis
If the goal is to break the teachers union then that’s another reason to be all for it. The Pitts teachers union though really is not to blame. When they get into contract negotiations with the city who can blame them for using their big club as a threat against the spineless politicians and so called representatives who are suppuposed to be there at the bargaining table for ordinary citizens who foot the bill. People like me, my family, my neighbors. DV nailed it again, vote YES on Ques. 2.
If the teachers and their unions endeavored to fix the problems in our schools that resulted in them receiving a classification of “3” instead of “5”, we wouldn’t even be talking about Charter Schools or question 2.
You are so right Spider
If the Pittsfield School Department wants to prevent additional charter schools from coming in to house its fleeing customers, then under the law, all it has to do is increase its performance and quality of education that it provides students and not be an “under performing” district. But somehow, being accountable for its own destiny never seems to be open for discussion.
I believe Nuclea is pronounced New-Clay – Uh….Did the Planet out this pilferer or what? Being seen with Larkin was enough for me. Tes loved this guy.
We did indeed, H. Appreciate the nod.
Is Pat still on the Police Advisory Board?
The City should bail out Nu-Clay-uh,what’s Aten Million amongst friends?
Great idea. How bout it mayor tyer and city council? I say we give pat mur-caca $10 million to pay him back for the fleecing he gave us. Right? isnt that how it works in boo-tiful Pitts?
See Muraca and Ruberto picture Thursday August 5, 2010 Berkshire Eagle Archives. Muraca was in Worcester and came back, Ruberto was Mayor.
Muraca was jerking you guys around longer than that. At least he never got any GE money.
Only one media outlet gave it to us straight on Muraca and Nuclea. Thanks Dan, you warned us. Yes on 2.
Dan should take a victory lap on that one.
Thanks for the acknowledgments. Yes, having done our due diligence, we were on the Nuclea scheme from Day 1. Finally convinced Mayor Ruberto to back off from the con act. He did. We gave the same warning to Jimmy’s successor, but he knew better and brought them back — with more public $$. And we you will recall, The Eagle (aka The Boring Broadsheet) had nothing but glowing reports on the company. They did NO investigating, nothing close to what THE PLANET did.
Better schools….more choices….vote yes on 2!
Anybody read the 12 pages of BS about question #4/”Legal Weed” in the voter information booklet from the state? Now I should have put in my barn mucking boots before I tackled all that manure!!!
The state has themselves setup for a brand new state boondoggle complete with forming a new patronage organization at Beacon Hill.
They will have commissioners, vice-commissioners, assistant vice-commissioners, inspectors, rejectors, fines, fees, bribes, graft, and everything that has made Basstun politics/politicians famous for corruption. There is $$$ in weed and the Basstun crooks knows/wants it!!!
Why not something simple like: Adult possession, use and growing of small amounts of marijuana is legal.
Naaa!!!! No State take in that.
And ironically legal pot won’t have much effect on illegal sales. A good deal of the market goes to kids who will be too young to buy it legally.
12 gauge.. I dont revise history.
You just don’t know it.
12 gauge.. I dont revise history……
One can’t revise what one doesn’t know. Having said that sometimes you have good information but too often your posts are nonsense.
Nice contract re-do Covanta. R u serious?
Nixon.wanted price controls on his economy while bank cd at 17% would indicted out of control inflation with energy flow to the US being shut down and gas lines at the stations. Carter was given this responsibility….
Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt and raised payroll taxes on average families while raising ss taxes and limiting benifits….Thanks Bill Clinton for a balance budget.
Jr Bush speaks for himself while 2 wars and a deregulated banking system destroyed the world’s economy while making many company rich…Thanks President Obama
12 guage please revise.
What will Trump do …what do Republicans do when given a recovered economy….they suck it dry.China is a baby economy with growth while U S economy is very mature with less growth but big profits.China wants to be us.
I can see that you don’t have any idea about economics either
‘Sucked dry’ as economic theory. First coined by Ross Perot in describing the audible qualitites of NAFTA, brainchild of the marraige of Presidents Bush and Clinton. And today, with a combined State/Fed corporate tax rate of 39.1% that competes with others nations 25%, we have more capital leaving our soil. How about healthcare – one of the leading xost centers of the US economy? Obamacare threatens to devour Medicaid while sucking all predictability and affordability from the ‘concentional’ market.
What’s left for the Republicans, should they ever even be permitted by the American fascist movement to run for executive office, to suck dry? Bigger question is how long can Washington, Democrat s and Republicans together, keep the boat afloat with negative GDP, 0 % interest rates, and bailout policies before we experience sad economic truths now understood by Venezuelans? Will Hillary Clinton go to the brink or pull back? If so, how much more must she make in deals begore she adopts policy to safeguard our economic industries?
Last third Thursday I was approached by two students being walked around by either a parent or teacher. They gave me their well rehearsed speech on why I should vote no on question 2. I listened, then asked the students ” so you think competition is a bad thing?”. After about 10 seconds of silence ( an answer wasn’t in their script) , the adult chimed in that charter schools don’t have to answer to anyone like the public schools have to answer to the school committee. I then asked her if she could tell me the last program, curriculum change proposal, or increase in the school budget that wasn’t unanimously approved by the Pittsfield School Committee. I mumbled oversight schmoversight and walked away
YES on question 2.
The Pittsfield public school system spends money like the Kardashians. The difference is that the Kardashians are spending their own money and the Pittsfield public school system is spending hard earned taxpayer money. And not one person hired or elected to provide oversight to this budget cares or dares to even suggest control. They are either benefiting from the largess or are afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation.
Everybody is taking care of number one while the children and the city as a whole go down the drain. So sad what we have become as a people.
Great post Joe King.
I too saw students, chaperoned of course, on 3rd Thurd. Maybe the same ones? Don’t know. Didn’t talk to them but I discretely listened to the “speeches”. Youre so right. They were programmed.
They reminded me of little robots spewing out their programming.
I’m voting yes on Q2.
Derrick Rose N B A player formerly of the Chicago Bulls and now Knicks was found not guilty of raping a woman in a Hotel Foom with two other men, Rose’s attorney said Rose,can now concentrate on playing basketball. The cased hinged on whether the woman had engaged with the men in consensual sex.
This may be naive. If Nuclea is bankrupt, and they didn’t even pay the rent for the much publiczed PEDA renovated office space, which was never manned and opened with great political fanfare. And it is indeed fact that they placed play stations purchased at Wal-Mart in this PEDA facility and passed them off as a state of the art computer server system which performed complex international diagnostic functions digitally; And if Nuclea had little if any hard assets; then where is the $25 to $40 million that Pat Muraca raised through private equity investors and multiple governmental grants ???
PEDA’s executive director’s (C.T.) son was also employed by Nuclea during part this business (?) relationship.
Golly Gee ! Whatever happened to Bernie Madoff ?
All I’m gonna say about that is follow the money. I got that straight from one of the PEDA board members.
This stinks to high heaven. Too bad neither the police or DA or anyone else (PEDA board, mayor, council) wont launch a probe.
Whatever went on is being buried. Paper shredder on Woodlawn Ave being burned out from so much use.
So are all these officials gonna sit back keep quiet and hope the Planet doesn’t start asking questions?
Mr. Thurston how is your son doing these days? And yourself? I hear life is good.
Woah! Thats all I can say. I have a buddy who worked for Nuclea and left. Confirmed the joke of the Woodlawn Ave site. No work, but workstations so they could play games all day and get paid. He also said he had ‘huge suspicions about the money.
Now word comes out that company left ten mill in debt. I wonder why Mr Thurston has been so quiet about this. What does the board know.
Let’s not forget to vote “no” on Question 5 – the Community Preservation Act – the veiled property tax increase proposal! Read the great Letter to the Editor by Florian Ptak in today’s BB. Dan has also extensively covered this topic in previous posts.
Absolutely!!! Another brazen, in your face, money grab by the special interests who truly believe we are so Goddamn stupid that we will vote to add a gravy train tax on top of the 6 MILLION DOLLAR back breaker Tyer just clobbered us with.
And the fact they would even dare to propose this shows just how insensitive they are. They may be able to get their unions to vote this in and help drag down the fixed income sector that much more.
Write this down and take it with you. YES on question 2 and NO on question 5. Do not ignore these questions as they are very important.
Just make dure choosing ‘no’ means you want to reject the measure. Sometimes they make say ‘yes’ to inducate “no’.
Try again…
Just make sure choosing ‘no ‘ means that you want to reject the proposal. Sometimes they reverse the logic.
Excellent letter – glad I caught it.
Take a look at the back page of the gazette octobe twenty. See if you can name the taxpayers greatest ally.
I don’t have access to a copy of the Gazette – could you elaborate?
It’s the Princess
Here is what Obama said in 2008 side by side to what he said a few days ago in 2016 on election fraud.
Ever see a man boldface lie right through his teeth?
Great post Thor – and a great video clip! After 8 years of this lying SOB – I’ve learned to believe in the opposite of whatever it is that he’s preaching about. He will go down in history as the worst president ever………unless of course Hillary Beast gets elected – then she will take the crown!
Yes, you can be sure that when Obama/Hillary say that the election is not rigged, rest assured, they are rigging the election.
“If I catch you lying to me, I will never believe another word you say.”
– Judge Judith Sheindlin
And who cares what Judy says, is she God?
No she just plays a judge on TV.
She makes a few thousand a year doing so.
Here is how a progressive liberal would answer you:
Oh Judy is Jewish.
What are you anti-Semitic?
racist pig.
No she is just a normal person.
Are you saying you can only quote God?
Its a standard she uses to judge.
I don’t particularly like her.
Her standard for judging is right on the money.
Does she pay my Mortgage with all her thousands? Her show sux.
So we can only quote people who pay your mortgage now?
I think the whole point of the quote went way over your head.
She is not God.
She doesn’t pay your mortgage.
Her show sucks – I agree with that.
What difference does it make with what she said?
With you, I guess its okay to lie as long as its your guy.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say,
I bet Judge Judy doesn’t load your EBT card every month either.
I bet Judge Judy doesn’t give you a free cell phone and load mins on it every month either.
Judge Judy is your mom?
what do trees have to do with it?
That’s where we intellectuals do our thinking.
You two got a lot of hard bark walkin in here like this.
George Bush was the second worst president next to Reagan. The middle class is gone.
And was a Bush who took Trump out.
Yes, the Middle Class is gone, sucked down the collosal drain of NAFTA, the Welfare State, and our megalopolistic Government. The time to get mad at politicians who claim to ‘fight’ for the Middle Class is now! Out with Hillary, Warren, and the swarm of butterball demagogues.
In fact, it’s time for a Middle Class Manifesto. I’ll pen it under the pen-name, Karl Barks. Labradors of the ‘not that rich, (but not that poor)’ UNITE! You have nothing but your EBT cards and deductibles to lose.
Two legs bad, four legs good
Labradors of the ‘not that rich, (but not that poor)’ UNITE! Two legs bad, four legs good.
Over 190 school committees in Massachusetts have voted on a resolution supporting a No vote on Question 2, including most school committees in Berkshire County.
Levi, you could be on to something. call it….The Just Getting By Party.
It took me an old fashioned and some internal whining to get this, but NOW I see it. You have solved the sociological stratification theorist’s conundrum. A fresh class for the 21st century.Out with the Post Industrial Period upper, lower, and middle class. Theyncan join Warren in the deep forty.
White Water Clinton’s would approve of this.
Yes Warren is getting in the way of Wells Fargo doing more good SC and Levitan.Banks now charge a 1.50 for just thinking about them
That’s up from $1.00/thought three years ago. Tell me again how Warren brought the banks to their knees?
Donald Trump believes the election is rigged prior to November 8th, and he is going to sue the federal government if he loses to Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump says that the nearly dozen women alleging sexual harassment and assault against him are all lying, and he is going to sue every one of them after the November 8th election.
Donald Trump says his inappropriate sex talk caught on tape in 2005 was just “locker room” talk. Despite cheating on his first 2 wives, and being married 3 times over, he says that he respects women.
Donald Trump says he is a great businessman who knows how to grow the economy, yet he won’t release his tax returns, and he declared business bankruptcy 4 times.
Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform includes deporting millions of illegal immigrants, making Mexico build a wall, banning all Muslims from entering the U.S., and placing barriers against free trade.
Donald Trump’s financial policy proposals include huge tax cuts, record budget deficits, and penalties against corporations who don’t do what he tells them to do on jobs, trades, and taxes.
– Jonathan Melle
Bill was already impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, but will be back in the White House if Hillary wins so this lovely dysfunctional couple can run the country together. This doesn’t give me warm fuzzy feelings. I don’t think we will ever be able to trust anything Hillary says because we have seen her track record which is so similar to the track record of truth telling of her husband. Obama has been the same. He lies repeatedly to the public which is all covered up by the media. Hillary and Bill will just repeat this banana republic type of atmosphere in this country only even worse than Obama if that is possible.
I’ll bet Donald Trump would give you a warm fuzzy feeling Pat.
At least she won’t be granted Security Clearance. Uf they gave it to her, the brain drain from intelligence would be so rapid one could possibly hear it from the top of Mt Greylock when the wind blows our way.
Why does a puppet need to know anything?
The Democrats, excuse me progressives, will continue to vote in these corrupt politicians. Socialist countries tend to be corrupt because the government has all the power. The majority of people are kept dependent on handouts from government so they won’t bite the hand that feeds them by voting out corrupt politicians. This is what has happened in this country. It’s a vicious cycle.
All that corruption in Denmark. Remember that coup a few years ago. So much violence. Corruption. Graft.
Trump should be the next Peesident. just think of how he will screw other countries on our behalf.
Maybe this will help more Jaxur, Most of the money to support question 2 is coming from New York. These millionaires are not donating so things will be better for the poor.