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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, CHRISTMAS +1, 2016) — Today being an unofficial holiday because Christmas fell on a Sunday, let THE PLANET keep this brief and light.

We appreciated everyone’s patience while we were closed for renovation. You don’t see it in the viewable product, but backstage is new, updated, and much better. THE PLANET is more secure and powerful than ever. Our publishing platform captures every keystroke with identifiers, which helps greatly with the backstage “bookkeeping” and the integrity of the site. Strictly as an aside, we love the word “bookkeeping” because it is one of the few words in the English language where you have three consecutive sets of repeating letters — one pairings of twin vowels bookending a consonant duo. Can you think of another such word?

We enjoyed a great Christmas day, begun with morning Mass then a breakfast of Eggs Valenti, a culinary feast that was a triumph. Then it was time to open the gifts left by Santa, followed by a delightful visit with two of our dearest friends. We’ll keep details quiet for privacy sake, but “here’s another clue for you all.” Their house is in a Norman Rockwell painting. Yeah, and “the Walrus was Paul.”

Here is our annual Christmas Poem (original, of course!):

To all THE PLANET readers, scrolling through these lines,

a very Merry Christmas  and joy we can’t define

that comes in entry whose steps we won’t assign.

Whether near at hand or far apart this holy Christmas season

pours from us in reach to all a wish beyond all reason.

Though logic, welcomed, shows again a penchant-pure proclivity,

typed in public service, when, “Voila,” from bestial floor: civility.

What can we give you but our love presented as a gift?

With that we vanish out of sight and quickly move away.

We see the little Christmas tree! Enjoy the Christmas day!

“I’m as happy as a schoolboy. I’m as giddy as a drunken man!”Ebeneezer Scrooge.



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Trumped Up
Trumped Up
8 years ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Trumped Up
8 years ago


8 years ago

Thank you Dan for your awesome site. Hoping you and your texters can stop the bleeding in Pittsfield. We need some cost saving ideas from our inept leaders. I have more ideas than there years in office combined .

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

I would also like to say thank you Dan for your most informative site. It was like someone turned out the lights on local news for several days. I am not sure what the mission statement at the Berkshire Eagle is but it has little to do with the fourth amendment. And speaking of the local paper that reminds me of another word with three pairs of vowels. Bullshiitt!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Why would the mission statement if a local newspaper have anything to do with unreasonable searches and seizures?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

or open heart surgery for that matter.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Crosby school has mold and a very very unhealthy heating system.The building should be torn down.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Behnke Curtis Mccandless….have spent all the money and failed.Time to consolidate….Holyoke High has 1300 kids and 210 staff….Pittsfield High and Taconic have 1600 kids and 325 staff.

I. Seymour Taxes
I. Seymour Taxes
8 years ago

Happy New Year and Enjoy your city services from Mayor Tyer and her RAT (Raise All Taxes) pack.
On The Dan Valenti Show and other media, Taxing Tyer definitively demonstrated her indifference and insensitivity to the financial plight of Pittsfield’s seniors and others on fixed or lower incomes.
Sorrry but if they want city services;” they gotta pay up”. But she lumped all city services including her and McCandess’ salaries and perks into one broad stroke generalization. All of Pittsfield has to want all her services as a whole.
Taxing Tyer’s attitude toward anyone who questions her tax increases is : F them and feed them fish heads .Pay for what she knows is best for you. Don’t dare to question her tax and spend policies.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  I. Seymour Taxes
8 years ago

I don’t think city services includes timely snow plowing this year. And many of the roads are in bad shape still. She is cherry picking easy stuff with perks for friends. And yes, I don'[t think she will bat an eyelash if another hundred seniors are forced out of their homes. Collateral damage is all that is.

8 years ago

Drove down Wahconah St yesterday and noticed that there are parking kiosk near the hospital. I know it’s a really bit parking lot that BMC has but damn having to pay to go to the hospital is just not any more right than having to pay on North St. Ms. Tyer can’t wait for your 4 years to be over.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Magic
8 years ago

Seems like only yesterday that the folks here were saying the same about Bianchi. Who will be next?

Reply to  Magic
8 years ago

sorry for typo’s BIG not bit and I didn’t vote for her

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Seymour Taxes has got it.Barry Clairmont pretended he understands the margins for seniors is gone….there is nothing left.Barry and Linda are now about attitude.Look for Linda’s attitude and you know taxes are going up.Linda and Barry want to clear out old WW2 veterans from tax rolls.I was told that every school could eliminate 5% of people in the schools.I was told the sped department at PHS has people who don’t teach and the person who runs it does nothing all day for 82 k a year.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Joe Jake Yon Behnke and the principle at PHS allow her to do nothing….there is another up the that sit all day…then goes to Herberg to sit thete.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Consolidate…there are to many buildings….close PHS it’s over.This is a failed school system…..all the principles and employees send their kids elsewhere costing the city millions while we pay them.Linda knows this is true.