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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY DEC. 14-15, 2016) — When THE PLANET covered the recent Tahiti Takeout, fire, we included what The Mainstream Media wouldn’t or couldn’t, including an issue that surfaced regarding equipment problems at headquarters of the Pittsfield Fire Department. As a result of these problems, the city was unable to respond adequately to the blaze. The PFD had to call in back-up units from Dalton and Lenox.

One man was critically burned in the fire and had to be airlifted to Worcester with life-threatening injuries. Would he have been burned or burned as badly if the PFD had been adequately equipped? We don’t know. If the man loses his life, and perhaps even if he doesn’t but has to go through the rest of his life with traumatic scars, mental and physical, perhaps the lawyers will force the question.

THE PLANET had received sketchy reports of the technical issues surrounding the fire that were confirmed on Facebook in a post by Scot Garner. He obviously had inside information about the blaze, and when we inquired of PFD sources about Garner’s identity, we were told he was a member of the department. There is a Garner in the department, but it’s “Dan” and not “Scot.” That and the lovely pressure of a deadline, lifeblood for THE PLANET since we began out journalistic career in 1974, meant the decision to go with the information.

Our reportage was accurate. The city did have equipment failure. As for the attribution, THE PLANET corrected the record the next day. In the meantime, we had provided the crucial missing element in a story that the rest of the local press glossed over.

Our honest mistake in identifying Scot Garner led to a most interesting series of exchanges, the type of which is practically impossible with The Boring Broadsheet. We believe this type of vibrant dialog serves the community well.

——– 000 ——–


Submitted on 2016/12/09 at 9:25 pmHow is Scot Garner a member of the PFD when he is 8500 miles away? Come on Planet, you are better than this…..

——– 000 ———

 THE PLANET answered, and so did Garner:


December 10, 2016 at 8:12 am

I have contacted Scot for the answers. As always, we strive for 100% accuracy. When given better information, we are the first to correct the record. The information posted was (and still is) the best available as of press time. If and when Mr. Garner responds, we shall let you know.

——– 000 ——–

Garner then commented on THE PLANET:

Scot Garner

December 10, 2016 at 2:42 pm

Perplexed – Thank you for recognizing this. The Planet is not correct. I am not and never have been a member of PFD. And yes, I am 8500 miles away.

——– 000 ——–

THE PLANET then contacted Garner at the address on the above comment:


Are you a member of the PFD? If you are not, were you once a PFD employee? A City of Pittsfield employee? You seem to have a strong connection with the PFD. If you will clarify this, I shall be glad to publish more accurate information. That’s my intention all along, and what I wrote was the best information available as I went to press.

 Also, can you clarify the 8,500 miles? Vacation somewhere? Military service? Other?

Many thanks and best wishes,


——– 000 ——–

The e-mail bounced back. It read:

“This report relates to a message you sent with the following header fields:

“Message-id: <>

“Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2016 10:10:20 -0500

“From: Dan Valenti <>


“Subject: MEMBER OR NOT?

“Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients: …”

——– 000 ——–

 THE PLANET then re-sent the message with a different address, one that Garner included in another reply:

I sent this e-mail to you, and it bounced back with “Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients.” I responded to the address of your e-mail, Nothing doing. I wrote:—————-
Are you a member of the PFD? If you are not, were you once a PFD employee? A City of Pittsfield employee? You seem to have a strong connection with the PFD. If you will clarify this, I shall be glad to publish more accurate information. That’s my intention all along, and what I wrote was the best information available as I went to press.Also, can you clarify the 8,500 miles? Vacation somewhere? Military service? Other?Many thanks, and best wishes,

We heard nothing back .

 ——– 000 ——–

Garner then wrote back to THE PLANET via The Comment Line:

Mr Valenti…In response to your article, it is not understood why you mis-state facts or do not check facts first, even when they are before your very eyes. Yes, I commented on FB about the Outstanding effort of PFD, always giving 110% despite the conditions of the equipment they have to work with. But first, let’s back up. I am a former Pittsfield resident until the USMC took me oversea some 37 years ago and this is where I remain. I explained that in my post (hence…the statement 85oo miles away). I am passionate about my support for Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters. My family serves Pittsfield in both areas as well as several communities throughout Berkshire County. Unfortunately, these professions are never given the support they deserve both personally and financially. I am listen to most Berkshire County agencies via available apps and it is clear what the status of equipment is, as it is reported each morning for every town in Berkshire County. Also, when you listen and hear that a needed piece of equipment is not responding, when it is normal for that piece to respond, then, something is wrong. On the day of the Tahiti fire, and several before, if anyone was listening, they would know that Tower 1 and Truck 2 were out of service, so the Truck crew was responding with E7, which also had failures while responding to this early morning fire. Pittsfield brought in and had professional study done last year that resulted with the report confirming the condition of PFD apparatus and equipment is outdated, exceeded its life cycle, and recommended replacement. This is all public information. I could go on an on, but, time does not allow. I can only ask that you get facts correct before publishing and have you thought about taking a pro-active stance to help the city get things done, vice the embellished negativity of your writings. Also, I have not received any attempt from you to contact me as stated above either. To PFD…Job Well Done (every day). Stay Safe my friends.

——– 000 ——–

THE PLANET answered:

Thanks for the feedback. Truly appreciated.So now, because of THE PLANET’s coverage and your input, the public knows the truth about the sad state of equipment at the PFD. God knows We The People would never have learned that from The Boring Broadsheet. You have family in the PFD, then? Is it a “Garner.” That would explain the confusion when one of the members told me “Scot Garner” was jake. I have reached out, officially, to members of the PFD, ranks and brass, and virtually all the time they will not comment “on the record.” Perhaps you might have a suggestion on how to remedy that from the inside?THE PLANET states the facts as they are best available to us at press time. We are always happy to update the record, as we are doing with this exchange. Keep in mind that with the lightning pace of news in cyberspace, the window for fact-checking is shorter than ever. THE PLANET works with those restraints to the best of our ability. We NEVER knowingly misstate the facts. In fact, the TRUTH is the name of this website — the only local media outlet doing any substantive investigative journalism. THE PLANET’s stance is “pro-active” and diagnostic. Since you have been away for so long and so far away, you obviously do not have a comprehensive handle on what’s happening “on the ground,” as you guys in the military put it. What you call THE PLANET’s “embellished negativity” (we are impressed by the phrase!) is actually “unvarnished optimism.” I am the physician diagnosing the ills of a very sick patient who insists he is in great shape.Semper Fi.

——– 000 ——–

 That’s the last we heard from Scot Garner.


——– 000 ——–

Name: Kim Graham


Comments: You are an ass! Get your facts straight… Scot Garner is not a member of the Pittsfield Fire Dept. Thank you for validating that you are nothing more than a shit stirrer and a shoot from the hip kinda guy. Dan Garner is dedicated, a hard worker and you owe him an apology. Something your narcissistic personality is not capable of. Get over yourself ….. you lead a sad pathetic life.

——– 000 ——–

 THE PLANET was heartened by Graham’s response for the following reasons:

  1. We had struck a chord. Getting a fervent reaction translates as success in this business.
  2. She had expressed her true feelings, crude as it was. We always appreciate knowing where we stand.
  3. THE PLANET never draws defensive perimeters around what we write. We don’t dispute someone else’s interpretation. We let the words speak for themselves. In this case, they speak volumes. Our readers and viewers are intelligent enough to know what’s what, who’s who, and what it means.

——– 000 ——–

THE PLANET then heard from the PFD brass:

I agree that it is fine to have unnamed sources as a source of intelligence gathering but it hurts your credibility. to allow people to state what ever they want under hidden identities, it is more a problem then anything possible.. A responsible investigative journalist, will vet all his/hers information to check for accuracy . I can give you a few cases..Roche vs Vincellette in the Lenox selectmen race a few years ago, The Conyers story, and now this..
I have no problem with bringing up issues but the facts of each issue must be researched or it is just gossip..see my problem. you would do more by that than by jumping all over the map..but it’s your thing..
When it comes to Scott Garner, you were quick to call him a firefighter trying to minimize his words. Dan, you and everyone else knows who Dan Garner is. The biggest advocate of Firefighter fitness and accountability this county has ever seen or ever will see.. you knew that.. so trying to paint a different picture was wrong.Lastly, your ghost guy. This guy may insinuate that he has something to do with the PFD. if he did, he was the most yellow belly person ever. Risk vs Reward. huge reward huge risk. that is what we owe the citizens of Pittsfield. That is what we do. please everyone go research it for yourself. these guys made great decisions. down right balls’y decisions but they were right. do any of you think that for 1 Second the 343 FDNY firefighters wouldn’t have done what they did again today or the Worcester 6? They would have, now would they have maybe done in a bit different or had more training and tools yes..but they would have.
Mutual aid has always been an important part of every community, that doesn’t matter at all. If they need us we go, if we need them we come…it is really that simple.
Deputy Chief Matthew D. Noyes

 ——– 000 ——–

THE PLANET answered the deputy chief:
Thanks for the input. Always welcome. THE PLANET shall be addressing some of these point in tomorrow’s column. I would LOVE to name my sources EVERY SINGLE TIME but with the climate of political fear in the city, few are willing to “spill” and give their names. Retribution is a bitch. Countless times I have contacted officials in the city from various departments including yours and have been successful ONLY when I can guarantee anonymity. I vet my information as best as circumstances allow then go with it, what you might call a “downright ballsy decision.” I notice that no one disputed the information THE PLANET conveyed. That was accurate and we were the only ones to have it. Glad to have your official comments, on the record. By the way, I don’t know who Dan Garner is.

——– 000 ——–

The bottom line is that THE PLANET’s coverage was accurate and contained details missing from every other media account. We got the goods because we were willing to dig.


“In a free society, one does not have to deal with who are irrational. One is free to avoid them.”Ayn Rand



The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment that violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.

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May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

An error does happen occasionally, surprised Timmy hasn’t weighed in on this,maybe they owe the Planet one for not coming down to harshly on the incident at the boat ramp, they (PFD ) got a mulligan on that one.

8 years ago

Dan V. please do not get discouraged by people who write terrible things. Pittsfield needs Planet Valenti since none of our local media will even mention the issues that need to be discussed. The PFD does great work for this city and we all appreciate their bravery and heroism in saving lives. We also want them to have the proper equipment to be able to continue to save lives in extremely dangerous situations. There is nothing wrong with having that discussion. Confusion over names happens. You didn’t say anything bad about anyone in my opinion.

8 years ago

Council Grades:
Rivers: B
White B
Morandi B
Amuso B
Krol A
Marchetti A
Connell B
Tully A
Caccamo A
Simonelli A
Mel Maz Absent

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
8 years ago

No good deed is left unpunished…

Bill Q
Bill Q
8 years ago

If the Shotsy Gizmo isn’t one hundred percent accurate, why would the City even consider it? More mediocrity. there was a shooting inside a Bar a couple years ago, does the Gizmo detect that kind of noise?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Bill Q
8 years ago

It has nothing to do with kickbacks so don’t even go there

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

“I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie, there is no system, the universe is indifferent.”

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Bill Q
8 years ago

So long as it doesn’t trigger every time Pete White farts we’ll be OK

Tempus Fugit
Tempus Fugit
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

That happens on his facebook page

Reply to  Tempus Fugit
8 years ago

Now that’s funny

8 years ago

Bill Q, you make a good point. In addition I would point out that fireworks run rampant in our fair city. Let the games begin, the fireworks people will definitely have fun with that useless system.

Thomas More
Thomas More
8 years ago

I fail to see the .”the lovely pressure of a deadline,”. You seem to publish when you want to not at any particular time. If you waited until you had the more info would it have made a difference? You have no competition so no one is going to beat you with the story. The Eagle does what it does and comes out at three AM and their reporters do have a deadline. They must miss it most of the time because there is rarely anything of interest other that the obits which are as good as the deceased’s family can afford. They did have a good article on the for gunmen this morning but that’s the end of the story. There won’t be another word printed about them or what is going to happen.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

Dan please do do a story on the Eagle obit. Mention how it costs north of $400 for a cheap obituary. Talk about taking advantage of your customer base when they are down.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

If you are connected in this city and you or a loved one commits a crime your story and name are not likely to make the daily paper. But yesterday there was a story of a homeless person who was breaking into cars and her story and name got full coverage. I wonder if the Eagle will start a gofundme account for her so that she does not freeze to death in the next couple of days.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago


Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

plenty of places for her to go if she stays sober.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

That is very kind of you. What is your address again?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Your mom’s house.

There are dry shelters in Berkshire county.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

You can find the Torch at lach’s or Sim’s now that they have wi-fi

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Actually, those aren’t my haunts. I prefer Methuselah or Mission.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Working your way through the dive alphabet? Let us know when you get to Zen’s.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

I’ve been there a bit. It’s chilly in the winter tho

8 years ago

Last Friday night a pedestrian was struck by a car crossing First St. at 11:45pm. He was brought to BMC and transferred to Baystate. Where is the follow up on this accident? Driver and pedestrian?

Dlilly Dally
Dlilly Dally
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

That one should make the E by ohhh next Monday, give or take a few days.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

Seems to be a lot of pedestrians getting clobbered by cars in Pittsfield lately. Anything to do with people blowing though red lights?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

United Way director on her phone again?

8 years ago

The Planet once had another Show that featured Tahitti Takeout, yes,back in the day it wasn’t just Wheaties, but just the same, we lovedTahitti’s. Best Egg Rolls and General Tso’s in Town.

Dr Whoo
Dr Whoo
8 years ago

Like ear drop soup, delIsh.

Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov
8 years ago

This matter needs to be brought to Fearless Leader and Mr. Big.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

So, if the officer goes to the location this shotsponder locates them to, the person is suppose to stay at the scene of the shots, or be long gone????? One thing is for sure, firecrackers will be popping off left and pright, just to be funny, they never arrest anyone for that anyway. police need to be writing citations for the bad drivers out there, keep letting them off eventually they injure someone.

Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov
Reply to  Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

The person being shot will be the one there

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

It’s a school department tactic to spend 600 k and it will be very successful and will be expanded to 1000000 for another 3 square which will be described as a bargain. Also I would light firecrackers off in another area and would keep m80s in the car if im a gangster….sounds very easy to beat.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Is Barry Clairmont on the PEDA board that wants to relocate Coltsville Walmart to Tyler and Elm street.Yes that will not take any business away from Elm or Tyler.It is walmart goal to destroy everything in its path.Palmers may want to sell…how about Flynns pharmacy will they close with walmart down the street.Let me guess the new walmart will sell booze.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

So many food businesses on tyler…say goodbye to the convenience of walking traffic because they are walking into walmart.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Bring back a Movie Theater to Tyler…Hess Theater and the Round.

8 years ago

The two stories I would most like follow up on from this year, before year’s end, is in fact the boat launch beating story with the FD officer (or was it a cop?) and the story on the dead guy found all shot up in the shot up car behind a bar right near the PD. Anybody know anything about either? Did I miss the follow ups?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

How about how not to run an operation.. 500 G for Covanta, a private company to maintain school contracts with free cash..give tif to stiffs Beacon…Wal mart to prime area of City.., only because the consent decree was awful…a gun shot noise machine..For What??…when a citizen gets pulverized by a City employee, a women beaten the crap out of, don’t walk down North Street with high heels pretending to defend abuse of said Women. Don’t go knocking on doors when an Old Lady has a paring knife in her hand, in her own home. Never elect a City councilor who uses the position to tip off drug dealers, catch a break, then violate terms of condition, and nothing happens. Never use the excuse of building a new high school because it creates an economic engine. When a Mom and Pop comes to town and is willing to clean up the mess of the previous owner, give them a damn cigarette license.

Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

I believe the girlfriend of the Fireman backed down. No case.

Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

True she did, but there was a hearing where a PPD officer testified saying the women was clearly visibly in fear of her life, just on that testimony there could have been deeper inqueries, especiaally because of the direct link to the welfare and safety to the people that pay his salary and the position of trust he holds. The Lawyers defending some of these higher profile clients is becoming a cottage industry, you know the players.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
8 years ago

Absolutely….The biggest players are the dirtiest

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

According to The Eagle today they have won one of the highest awards.

Everybody gets a trophy these days.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

I see that the mayor has a attitude now and can plainly see she has not in the last year considered cutting anything.We will get our shot spotter because the city council lacks interest in making sacrifices. If Pittsfield just did one thing….dont add 1 new job or 1 new program we would have a different budget.
A Walmart for Elm street….a residential walk in Walmart…..this will kill Tyler and Elm.
Elm is struggling right now.What councilors would vote for this after all the small business owners busted for Tyler street.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

What councilors? All the councilors who were told to vote for it.

“Toe the line private”!

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

There is no Walmart being built on Elm st

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

don’t let facts ruin a good story.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Tyler and Elm?

8 years ago

Another follow up story: A father and young daughter were found dead in a Plunkett St. apartment. I believe they thought he died of a drug overdose, possibly suicide. But no info on the girl’s death. They found her body under a bed. She had been dead for some time.

Why even bother reporting this if we never get the rest of the story. It’s left up to our imaginations as to what really happened.

Reply to  Spider
8 years ago

Here’s a few more. I guess there unsolved, but still…

July 2015 Ronald Pinel, 25, shot in a vacant lot on Linden St., killed by a gunshot wound. 4 others wounded.

Jan 2016 James Dominguez III, 30, found dead on Fenn St., killed by a gunshot wound.

Aug 2016 Joseph Brown, 38, was found lying in his driveway on Columbus Ave., killed by a gunshot wound.

Reply to  LIALW
8 years ago

I think the Dominguez one was the one of which I’d been thinking. Wow…lotta stuff has happened and brushed under the rug. The little girl in the Plunkett St. Apartment SEEMED to have some accountability from the PSD…like she was supposed to be attending and likely even eating there all Summer. Their tracking of her, or lack thereof, may be what has buried the coverage. I remember JIV offering all sorts of quotes the fist couple of days…then shutting up, then the story disappearing.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Spider
8 years ago

A lot more to that story than meets the eye. How does an 11 year old girl go missing for so long (Up to a month) and no one notices? How is it the family came to Pittsfield? Family roots? A social type program? Who was subsidizing the rent? Who was collecting the rent? Was Anthony, Baker acted? Was DCF or any other agency involved on a routine basis? What are the community’s obligations to the family? Or more importantly to the little girl?
Another story that went largely uncovered was “the Duck” He ran into a high school at 100 mph have we ever heard definitively that he and his buddy that were killed were doing what? Joy riding? Racing? Out running rival drug dealers? Foot slipped on the gas pedal?

What happened to “its for the children” ?

Just sayin

8 years ago

Walmart on Tyler and Elm St??? That tells you much about the aptitude of the poster.
Instead of bashing the FD for their years of capital requests for new requests being shot down so the school department could add more stuffed suits to their payroll maybe you should focus on the absolutely heroic rescue performed with disregard for personal safety and with no impediment because a ladder truck has been out for repair. This was a 2 story dwelling and a ladder truck would never be used in the first stages of this operation. The rescue was conducted immediately upon arrival and the victim was quickly transported to BMC for care. The damage to this fire victim was done before arrival of rescue personnel.
So back to my initial point. Why is it ok for the school department to balloon their budget year after year while performance gets worse and worse and students flee the district?? Yet everyone complains about public safety and they get nothing. Compare the number of leadership positions in the school department to the FD & PD and you will see a huge disparity there.
The time has come to seriously reduce the number of do nothing positions in the school department, consolidate purchasing, hr, maintenance and whatever else we can between the city and all high and mighty school department. But rest easy school department employees, that will never happen because the school department employees and union control the election of all our politicians in a position to make this happen.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  FloggingMolly
8 years ago

I wouldn’t lionize the fire department for doing their jobs. They are paid handsomely.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Then don’t get alarmed

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

? Gibberish

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Well said. And the current mayor has shown absolutely NO sign of making things better. Is she on the Dan Valenti show tonight at 7 pm? Tune in for more spin than you could get inside your washing machine.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

If you just moved to Pittsfield we have.linked Tyler street to east and to Elm with the Woodlawn Ave bridge.You can now walk from Holmes road over to Walmart when built.Tax are you on the payroll to get the residential Walmart built.Palmers and Elm street walmart are done.Remember the price of policing a super walmart is around 1 million dollars.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Policing a super Walmart? What are you even talking about?

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Joe Tax….the city is trying to develop a super walmart next to belanger field on east.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

No total other side of the PEDA property. Tyler & Woodlawn

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Building on Tyler street side of Peda site. Not across the street from Belanger.

8 years ago

The media has been taken over by progressives and they are causing Trump nothing but trouble. One reporter today accused him of sleeping with his daughter. She later apologized and said she will never do it again. Yeah right. They are just trying to stir up trouble for Trump. If the electoral vote on the 19th doesn’t work, progressives will next try to impeach Trump. I know I made the right decision in voting for Trump. These people are insane.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

The MSM are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.

8 years ago

Fake news.

Pablum Puker
Pablum Puker
Reply to  EddieP
8 years ago

It’s very cold tonight, hug a loved one!

8 years ago

A 52 year old woman was abducted from Coltsville Shopping Center at 7:30 this morning and taken to Springside Park where she was robbed. One of the suspects has been caught. The other one is still at large.

8 years ago

Fluffy has the Mayor on. Same old Bullshit.

8 years ago

Did the Mayor say that she owes something to community organizations and Business? Just heard it on the cr radio.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Obama brought it from 7800 to 18000 out let’s make it 20000…lets see if Trump can bring the downtown to 50000 and he will be as good as obams…..OK OK. Some people don’t understand how close Woodlawn Ave is to Elm Newell or Belanger Park…..I can easily and in 10 mins walk from Sacred Heart Church to Walmart….I can eat a pizza at East side and walk over in 4 minutes I can leave Tony barber shop on elm and walk over to Walmart in 15 minutes……This residential Walmart will destroy some great small businesses and if I were them I would be livid our Mayor and council are voting for this…..I do believe our green councilors will vote against it….White is sways iffy he likes to say yes…..Caccamo is a no Kroll is a no

8 years ago

Bagels Too will be missed. Love their bagels. A little too much cream cheese, but you could always scoop it off. It will leave North Street without a store that is affordable for the lower income people in the city.

A woman (52 years old) was kidnapped from Allendale Shopping Center yesterday by 2 men. She was then taken to Springside Park and left there after being robbed. Scanty information about the story in the BB. As usual no details about how the abduction took place despite the fact that one of the men is still at large. One has been arrested. The arrested man must have been able to tell police the identity of the other man unless he isn’t talking. Put a picture up so the public can help the police locate the other kidnapper.

8 years ago

How is Obama going to punish Russia for supposed hacking?

Is he trying to start a war before Trump gets in office?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

He’ll put them on double secret probation and give them a stern warning.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Speaking of Russian hacking — anyone else notice some odd things going on here?

Reply to  Romen
8 years ago

Oh I get it now! Technical maintenance…*cough*

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  Romen
8 years ago

I thought it was just me having problems with the site.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Lol, Russians

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Woman was followed to her car in a busy Pittsfield ma unnamed parking lot and kidnapped and driven to a remote park and left for dead.We in pittsfield are to fill in the blanks of the felony as now the FBI is investigating.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

How come the eagle leaves so many stories to be finished in any way one decides…no mention of how it happened or how the victim is.I guess we are to believe all crimes in pittsfield have storybook endings.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

How many crimes in pittsfield go unreported or the eagle gives out just enough info so that rumors fly around town.The only crime reporting is done on the blogs and half of that stuff is rumor.How about will we be able to see reports of how many shots are fired every week in pittsfield.

8 years ago

Looks like this site has some serious issues. Can’t wait until it goes back to normal.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

What has happened?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Joe Blow
8 years ago

City hall is working with he Russians to hack this site…fake news or reality you decide

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Dan said he is doing maintenance on this site. Go to his facebook page and read about it.

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

If you want fake news read the Eagle editorial pages.

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
Reply to  Libfoon
8 years ago


Ham Anex
Ham Anex
8 years ago

Hope we’re back soon