(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION DEC. 9-11, 2016) — The fire that torched the Tahiti Takeout building culminated a tough week at the Pittsfield eatery. Earlier, sources say, two of the chefs got into an argument. A knife was pulled, and one of the cooks came out of it stabbed. Thursday morning, an overturned heater in an upstairs apartment set the building on fire. Hmmmmmm.

Pittsfield fire fighters world on the blaze at the Tahiti Takeout on Wahconah Street. (PHOTO iBerkshires)
Sources say one person was critically injured with lfe-threatening 3rd-degree burns over 60% of his body. A medivac helicopter lifted the injured man to Worcester for treatment.
Persons familiar with the situation identified the burn victim as the one of the participants in the fight a few days earlier. Is there a connection? Officials were tight lipped when asked about the possible link between the two events. That’s to be expected, but THE PLANET nonetheless has the red flag raised. Something’s not adding up.
This wasn’t the only odd thing about the blaze. On Facebook, mayor Linda Tyer congratulated the Pittsfield Fire Department for their good work. Congratulations are in order. They saved a man’s life, for now at least. However, Scot Garner, a member of the PFD, also took to Facebook to reveal that equipment problems prevented the department from responding in a more complete manner. Garner wrote:
PFD…It was a tough one tonight and equipment was a factor. Job Well Done given the conditions you were faced with. Despite the conditions, you still gave it a 110%. Thank you for your service and sacrifices. Although 8500 miles away, I pray for you all and I pray the City will step up and correct your equipment issues. It is not safe (no Truck company for a 2 alarm fire and wait 30 minutes to get one there from another city), yet, everyone still gives it their all. PFD Fire Fighters – you are the best! Thank you again. Stay Safe my Friends!!!
Chief Robert Czerwinski confirmed the city couldn’t cope on its own and had to call in volunteers fire fighters from Dalton and Lenox. You can be sure many anxious eyes will be monitoring the condition of the injured man. If he dies or even if he survives with horrible burns and the city was found to be technically negligent in terms of equipment at the ready, the lawyers may begin descending.
The Big Lie Goes On, So What Else is New?
As official Pittsfield continues The Big Lie that “all is well” with its economy, its schools, and its downtown, life on the mean streets tells another story.
Case-in-Point #1, the shooting of a young man in front of North Street’s Methuselah bar. Another shooting within reaching distance to Hotel On North (HON) — that story is getting old as Methuselah. It ought to do wonders for the swanky hostelry, which should now be referred to as a hostile-ry, given the gunplay, stabbings, beatings, and jaywalking that occurs within view. Yes, JAYWALKING! You are shocked! Shocked!
Talking to “Angel” on the street, THE PLANET heard Thursday night that the victim, all of 17 years old, had been drinking at a veddy upscale North Street bar and lounge prior to the shooting. We haven’t confirmed that and officials won’t talk. We can confirm, though, that Methuselah Bar and Lounge has this on its web page at “A parallel universe where all the world’s problems are solved through belly laughs, love, edible and quaffable works of art.”
How precious.
Case-in-Point #2, an elderly man out for a constitutional gets mowed over Thursday afternoon by an

Scene of the accident in front of Clapp Park. The driver plowed into a pedestrian. Note the extensive damage on the front end. (PHOTO iBerkshires)
errant driver in front of Clapp Park. A police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the driver “fell asleep at the wheel” but added that it was “probably” because of drugs.
Sources say the driver sustained minor injuries. The pedey wasn’t so lucky. The car plowed into the man.
The man’s injuries were described this way: “From the waist down, it looked as if every bone was broken. When they picked him up, his bones were like dice rattling around in his skin.”
Case-in-Point #3, another day, another shooting. As first reported on THE PLANET, a young man was felled by gunfire Wednesday on the west side. Officials weren’t talking, but THE PLANET picked up these gleanings from witnesses. The kid was shot in the femur and bleeding heavily at a location “off of Linden Street.” People gathering at the scene before public safety officials arrived were in heated discussion. The phrase “Latin Kings” popped up several times. That’s not a soccer team.
Ah, just another day of rainbows, chiffon, sparkles, and peppermint swirl in the once-great city of Pittsfield. Is the ship sinking? It isn’t every day that three members of an important city board resign, en masse, as happened Wednesday with the Board of Health. Chair Bobbi Orsi, Cynthia Geyer, and Dominica D’Avella all said “buh bye.” THE PLANET gladly plays “Aloha” on the steel guitar to see Orsi go. It’s hard to be over your head for 12 years, but Orsi somehow managed it. She said she quit because she wanted to spend more time with the family. Aint’ dat what dey all say?
With that, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. Have a great weekend, everybody!
“Cabbage: A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man’s head.” — Ambrose Bierce
The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment that violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.
Wha what? The city could not cope with a house fire? What is being left out of this story? Are they short of personnel? Not enough trucks? What does Dalton and Lenox have that Pittsfield does not?
Tim? Better clear this up before rumors flare.
Equipment buildings repairs roofs boilers windows….the city has been neglecting all repairs of everything so that the school can pay Joe Curtis and more new million dollar programs Behnkes 9 person purchasing dept and her 30 k raise and Brendon Sheran s teacher raises as Pittsfield teacher seeley the 100000 dollar salary that will give them a 80000 retirement in the years to come.
Tyer is afraid to tell the physical ed teacher that we can’t afford his or her 75k salary.
I agree. The schools are sucking the money out of the city. Not enough money for proper fire fighting equipment and street lights so dim that it’s dangerous. The list goes on and on. Meanwhile the school department is raking it in. This insanity needs to stop. Seniors need to become a real presence at the next election. Their numbers are growing in the city and they could do a lot to out vote the people who want to keep all the money flowing toward the school department. Seniors and their precarious financial situation are being ignored by this administration. Seniors just received a $3.00 raise from social security. How many of the elites out there could survive in Pittsfield with all of the taxation on a $3.00 cost of living increase?
I agree also. Elected officials need to cut the crap, and prioritize. Safety is of the utmost importance to Citizens. The School Department Budget is a crux, and way out of proportion to other needs in this City.
I agree too. When the city raises my taxes again they say they need the money for new equipment, fixing this and repairing that. Stop the lies. They need the extra money not to properly equip our fire dept but to fund all the insane raises and personnel rosters in the School Dept.
2017…It’s gotta stop. Please candidates help us throw out the bums.
Get rid of the dead weight resource sucking seniors.
I just got my form from SS, I did not get a $3.00 raise. I will be making the same in 2017 as I did in 2016.
What do firefighters make in salary and overtime compared to teachers.
The 100k+ earners for fire and police are greater than the school department. Just ask Coco
Two shootings in two weeks hiring more Police officers is no guarantee of reducing crime
Add another 900 to that department, simple fix.
The PFD has enough equipment to send 3 or 4 firefighters to the Big Y every day and spend an hour grocery shopping.
Hope they use coupons?
Where doespecially Tyer think everything is going.Trump believes people are paid to much money and people in his cabinet don’t want even minimum wage workers. Yon Mccandless Tyer Taylor Sheran go not give a ____ Amuso as ex head of school committee started this ball rolling.She alone needs to direct schools and tell them elderly people and WWE veterans are being destroyed as teachers live on 75k and they live on 12k and Yon Behnke Sheran Amuso Kroll White want that raise for teachers taken from the guy on 12k income.Mccandless Curtis should be embarrassed by their demand for services we can’t pay for…..Grow Up
The Berkshire Eagle is running an Opinion piece pretty much encouraging the governor to raise taxes because through waste, ineptness and fraud the state is in serious debt. A more customer friendly member of the fourth estate might rather encourage the governor to look for fraud and waste because lord knows it is boundless.
But back to the Eagle…..what is their agenda with always pushing for higher taxes????? Why in the world would I buy a newspaper who does not even have my best interests in mind? the old owners always pushed for high taxes and now the new tribe is also doing it. But why?
Right on dusty!!
Taxing is the only thing progressives know how to do to fix any situation. Their brain power stops at taxation.
Why higher taxes? It’s not just to finance Special Interests Groups like School, Fire, Police, City Administration…
There is much more into that…
To turn this country into Socialist Utopia, Progressive Liberals need to take away Private Property rights. They can’t do it by openly proposing to change the Law.
So, by increasing property taxes above affordable level, Dem liberals simply push home owners from their houses–just abandon your house and leave! And that what people do.
Who gets abandon house? City and State. They then build Pittsfield and Berkshire and Adams Housing Authority–Private Property becomes the Property of City and State, which is fundamental stone of Socialism, first step to Communism–where No Private property allowed whatsoever.
Most blue collar working people would consider teaching a part time. Job.
Re: Tahiti Fire
Something smells here and it’s not Chinese take out.!!
Despite the possibility of criminal activity, 2 other issues arise.
First, bad tactics that resulted in heroic efforts cannot be heralded.. We could’ve lost 2 firefighters and a civilian because of Kurt Russel style movie tactics. Entering a conflagration without a protective stream!? Haven’t we seen enough firefighters die due to poor tactics?
Does Dec 3rd 1999 strike a bell?
Second. If there is an equipment issue, it is eventually going to cost lives! Why are stations being manned if there is no available apparatus to use? 5 open stations and mutual is requested?? Generally speaking, mutual aid companies cover the empty fire house(s) while the local companies tend to the local fire OR
was requesting mutual aid from neighboring volunteer departments a ploy to keep PFD overtime low?
You weren’t on the scene when those decisions were made. It’s easy to armchair quarter back the choices made by the guys who risked their lives to pull the victim out or to say “what if..”; but the reality is they made their choices and saved a life (for now at least) without anyone getting hurt. A fire scene seems too fluid and dynamic to make such rigid judgement without having any experience being there.
You can assume luck, I’ll assume Lt. Michael D’Avella and Jarrett Robittaille were capable, brave individuals who made the right choices to save a life.
On the second part you seem to switch from complaining about them being too aggressive to complaining that they have too many people staffed. I imagine they have backup equipment, and when each station only has a few firefighters that’s 15 firefighters to put out a dangerous fire and protect the other 5000 buildings in Pittsfield; Good for them to know when to ask for help, the city is becoming more and more isolationist as it goes downhill.
Mikey, How do you know WHERE or WHO I was at the scene?
Hint-“We” could’ve lost???? Public Safety (Police, Fire, EMS is one BIG family, Bro)
I didn’t say anything about where or who you were at the scene, I spoke about WHEN. WHEN those decisions were made there were 3 firefighters on scene and victims screaming about someone trapped. Unless you are Michael, Jarrett or their engine operator then who or where you were AFTER the fact doesn’t matter, it’s just you claiming knowledge about a situation you don’t know.
Unless you’re willing to shed the anon troll motif and use your real name and what qualifies any remark you make to second guess our brave city firefighters, there’s little reason for anyone to credit what you have to say on the matter, bro.
I agree that it is fine to have unnamed sources as a source of intelligence gathering but it hurts your credibility. to allow people to state what ever they want under hidden identities, it is more a problem then anything possible.. A responsible investigative journalist, will vet all his/hers information to check for accuracy . I can give you a few cases..Roche vs Vincellette in the Lenox selectmen race a few years ago, The Conyers story, and now this..
I have no problem with bringing up issues but the facts of each issue must be researched or it is just gossip..see my problem. you would do more by that than by jumping all over the map..but it’s your thing..
When it comes to Scott Garner, you were quick to call him a firefighter trying to minimize his words. Dan, you and everyone else knows who Dan Garner is. The biggest advocate of Firefighter fitness and accountability this county has ever seen or ever will see.. you knew that.. so trying to paint a different picture was wrong.
Lastly, your ghost guy. This guy may insinuate that he has something to do with the PFD. if he did, he was the most yellow belly person ever. Risk vs Reward. huge reward huge risk. that is what we owe the citizens of Pittsfield. That is what we do. please everyone go research it for yourself. these guys made great decisions. down right balls’y decisions but they were right. do any of you think that for 1 Second the 343 FDNY firefighters wouldn’t have done what they did again today or the Worcester 6? They would have, now would they have maybe done in a bit different or had more training and tools yes..but they would have.
Mutual aid has always been an important part of every community, that doesn’t matter at all. If they need us we go, if we need them we come…it is really that simple.
Deputy Chief Matthew D. Noyes
Thanks for the input. Always welcome. THE PLANET shall be addressing some of these point in tomorrow’s column. I would LOVE to name my sources EVERY SINGLE TIME but with the climate of political fear in the city, few are willing to “spill” and give their names. Retribution is a bitch. Countless times I have contacted officials in the city from various departments including yours and have been successful ONLY when I can guarantee anonymity. I vet my information as best as circumstances allow then go with it, what you might call a “downright ballsy decision.” I notice that no one disputed the information THE PLANET conveyed. That was accurate and we were the only ones to have it. Glad to have your official comments, on the record. By the way, I don’t know who Dan Garner is.
Thank You to the 3 members of the health board for giving the city the greatest holiday gift ever with their resignations. If only that longtime John Barrett suck-up with delusions of grandeur would follow suit. Maybe this time we can find members who are in touch with reality outside of their insulated worlds and not beholding to the county healthcare monopoly. Hopefully, Mayor Tyer has seen what negative impact zealots with personal agendas can have on a struggling community, while sitting on that board and takes her time in making quality appointments to a committee that has lacked leadership and open-minded intelligence for way too long. Now, if we could only encourage that absentee and non city resident health director-who has also been over her head for way too long-to take her talents elsewhere.
2 cents: I’ll go check the Office Political Donations and tell you who is next on the Tyer list…if you gave more than $250 you can have whatever Board spot you’d like (& even maybe a job)…..Bianchians need not apply….
I have an idea. Let’s pay these people and give them health benefits like the school committee. That sure worked out well. Now they are getting paid to be puppets of the special interests. And they chuckle under their breath as they cash their checks. They cannot believe they were able to dupe the taxpayers into this one.
You are probably right UAlbany. I bet whomever she appoints will appear on that list.
How much does school committee get paid and why would this 2 hour a week volunteer board geto health insurance
You don’t know?
Pittsfield politics is part of the problem! The Good Old Boys only serve the vested interests, NOT the People! Population and job losses continue to mount up. Municipal taxes continue to excessively increase by millions of dollars per year. The downtown area still has violent crime, including shootings and murders. Pittsfield’s public finances are near insolvency. Pittsfield land, water and air is still polluted with toxic waste chemicals called PCBs. Over 600 Pittsfield students per year choice out to neighboring public school districts. All K – 6 Pittsfield students receive free school lunches. About 70% of Pittsfield residents live in or near poverty.
On another subject, I continue to read about Lenox State Representative William “Smitty” Pignatelli asking municipalities to consolidate and share administrative services as a form of sacrifice to the hard hit local taxpayers. I would like to point out the following about Smitty Pignatelli:
* He will serve his 8th 2 year term in the State House over the next 2 years
* He is a career politician who plays into the hands of the Good Old Boys club that has tanked Pittsfield’s local economy
* He explains how bad things are for the struggling working class families in Western Massachusetts, while he collects all of his taxpayer funded pay and benefits
* He wants the local government to make sacrifices in the name of the hard hit taxpayers, but he never offered to sacrifice any of his own state government pay and benefits
* He will probably serve decades in public office and is banking on collecting a big state government pension in his future old age
In closing, Smitty Pignatelli is everything that is wrong with Pittsfield politics!
– Jonathan Melle
We have Career Politicians all over the Place. People who works for the City,could be called Politicians also, as you say good ol boys is who you know or what the gene pool is. The Mayor’s Cabinet is a prime example.
Receivership will only stop Pittsfield’s need to spend. Mayor Tyler is not to blame, she stated her platform and won. The voters are to blame and the lack of conservative candidates. Regardless of the winner,the Mayor would have been tax and spend. Keep spending Mayor, we need bankruptcy.
I agree. Until the city goes bankrupt the ever fattening budget will be a grab bag for the people who control it. It seems weird to be hoping your city goes bankrupt but ironically it is our only long term hope because the parasites are devouring the city from within.
How is Scot Garner a member of the PFD when he is 8500 miles away? Come on Planet, you are better than this…..
I have contacted Scot for the answers. As always, we strive for 100% accuracy. When given better information, we are the first to correct the record. The information posted was (and still is) the best available as of press time. If and when Mr. Garner responds, we shall let you know.
Perplexed – Thank you for recognizing this. The Planet is not correct. I am not and never have been a member of PFD. And yes, I am 8500 miles away.
I sent this e-mail to you, and it bounced back with “Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients.” I responded to the address of your e-mail, Nothing doing. I wrote:
Are you a member of the PFD? If you are not, were you once a PFD employee? A City of Pittsfield employee? You seem to have a strong connection with the PFD. If you will clarify this, I shall be glad to publish more accurate information. That’s my intention all along, and what I wrote was the best information available as I went to press.
Also, can you clarify the 8,500 miles? Vacation somewhere? Military service? Other?
Many thanks, and best wishes,
Career politicians tell us we must sacrifice by paying higher taxes. Meanwhile, they are tickled pink when counting all of their money.
The only answer is to vote them all out of office!
And who do you then vote in Jonathon? It is not like there is a plethora of honest independent thinking citizens running who have a bank roll that can compete with the special interest backed candidates.
I blame Yon and Amuso whos personel home budgets must be out of control.Brendon Sheran is another who believes that a high school history teacher should be paid 75000 .
A high school history teacher should max out at 50k a year Along with gym teachers health teacher art teacher music teacher business teacher ….Please let’s get a history high school teacher explain why he or she earns more than 50 k.
TSC, pretty much all the city’s teachers are overpaid giving their education, hours worked and benefits.
The whole thing is the biggest joke in Pittsfied. The school dept. in general is a sucking hole of waste. Don’t believe me? Wait untill the end of the school year and monitor the dumpsters. What will you find? All the crap the tax payers bought that the overpaid unqualified teachers couldn’t live without.
RE: The Tahiti fire…..Am I the only one who thinks it’s embarrassing that our city had to call for support from neighboring towns with volunteer fire fighters. Usually it’s the other way around.
And there was equipment problems?
What would have happened if it had been the Crown Plaza?
Our elected officials better have some answers for the public and not sweep this under the rug,
Seems like anytime there is a large fire mutual aid is requested. Not just this time.
I agree and Planet Valenti is the only game in town when it comes to holding these politicians accountable for their actions. It’s the main reason why the suits in Pittsfield don’t like the Planet. Also why the school personnel do not like the Planet. Dan tells the truth and these locals can’t handle the truth because it upsets their control over where the money goes in this city.
Many thanks for the kind words, PAT. ‘Tis true. They don’t like when THE PLANET pulls back the curtain to reveal the skunkery.
Mr Valenti…In response to your article, it is not understood why you mis-state facts or do not check facts first, even when they are before your very eyes. Yes, I commented on FB about the Outstanding effort of PFD, always giving 110% despite the conditions of the equipment they have to work with. But first, let’s back up. I am a former Pittsfield resident until the USMC took me oversea some 37 years ago and this is where I remain. I explained that in my post (hence…the statement 85oo miles away). I am passionate about my support for Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters. My family serves Pittsfield in both areas as well as several communities throughout Berkshire County. Unfortunately, these professions are never given the support they deserve both personally and financially. I am listen to most Berkshire County agencies via available apps and it is clear what the status of equipment is, as it is reported each morning for every town in Berkshire County. Also, when you listen and hear that a needed piece of equipment is not responding, when it is normal for that piece to respond, then, something is wrong. On the day of the Tahiti fire, and several before, if anyone was listening, they would know that Tower 1 and Truck 2 were out of service, so the Truck crew was responding with E7, which also had failures while responding to this early morning fire. Pittsfield brought in and had professional study done last year that resulted with the report confirming the condition of PFD apparatus and equipment is outdated, exceeded its life cycle, and recommended replacement. This is all public information. I could go on an on, but, time does not allow. I can only ask that you get facts correct before publishing and have you thought about taking a pro-active stance to help the city get things done, vice the embellished negativity of your writings. Also, I have not received any attempt from you to contact me as stated above either. To PFD…Job Well Done (every day). Stay Safe my friends.
Thanks for the feedback. Truly appreciated.
So now, because of THE PLANET’s coverage and your input, the public knows the truth about the sad state of equipment at the PFD. God knows We The People would never have learned that from The Boring Broadsheet. You have family in the PFD, then? Is it a “Garner.” That would explain the confusion when one of the members told me “Scot Garner” was jake. I have reached out, officially, to members of the PFD, ranks and brass, and virtually all the time they will not comment “on the record.” Perhaps you might have a suggestion on how to remedy that from the inside?
THE PLANET states the facts as they are best available to us at press time. We are always happy to update the record, as we are doing with this exchange. Keep in mind that with the lightning pace of news in cyberspace, the window for fact-checking is shorter than ever. THE PLANET works with those restraints to the best of our ability. We NEVER knowingly misstate the facts. In fact, the TRUTH is the name of this website — the only local media outlet doing any substantive investigative journalism. THE PLANET’s stance is “pro-active” and diagnostic. Since you have been away for so long and so far away, you obviously do not have a comprehensive handle on what’s happening “on the ground,” as you guys in the military put it. What you call THE PLANET’s “embellished negativity” (we are impressed by the phrase!) is actually “unvarnished optimism.” I am the physician diagnosing the ills of a very sick patient who insists he is in great shape.
Semper Fi.
Somtimes, some people
Can’t Handle the Truth!
The state of the equipment at the fire department is well known and has been made public several times.
While I was on the Council, four councilors held up the capital budget because we wanted a new fire truck, recognizing the state of the trucks. Then Mayor Bianchi wouldn’t give us one. He finally did a year later.
Mayor Tyer had money in the last capital budget for another, needed, truck. That was part of the capital budget that you and many others on your site bitched about. Now, many here are bitching about the state of the equipment.
Can someone please tell me how one is entitled to bitch about spending money to try and maintain or upgrade equipment, then bitch when there are problems with equipment? Keep in mind, the city has many fire trucks, we spent money on two in five years.
You can’t have it both ways.
You CAN have it both ways. Your logic is good but your premises are faulty. You are making it sound like the complaint about the capital budget precludes pointing out faulty equipment in the PFD. Not the case. The city could have purchased the fire engine while cutting other, less responsible capital requests. Capital budgets should be determined on priorities. MUST HAVES should come first. IT WOULD BE NICE TO HAVES should come way down the list. That is what leadership is about. The atrocious overspending on the PSD by politicians including the mayor who don’t have the political courage to call out the con game there has as a direct result these types of discussions. With those two reforms — (1) Better prioritize capital spending and (2) Reel in the overspending at the PSD — we can have all the new equipment the city needs. There, I just told you how it can easily be done. Thanks for your feedback. Always welcome, always valuable.
Veal cutlet rocks.