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ADD1 (THURSDAY JAN. 26, 2017) — Everything’s coming up peaches, cream, and frozen four-leaf clovers gripped by a closed fist heading its way to the first available, random jaw. Welcome to The Mean Streets of Pittsfield.

Mayor Linda Tyer, awfully quiet these days as the public safety crumbles all around her, might want to deliver a State of the City II, this time with a bit more truthin’ to it.

For starters, she can mention the events from less than one day in the sinking Shire City. The day, yesterday for those keeping score at home, included:

— A mad-dash car-chase worthy of The French Connection, ending with the crash of a green Mercedes SUV and the police pumping lead into the driver. This took place at a kids’ park on Springside Avenue. Remember, in Pittsfield, it’s always for “The Children.”

— An armed robbery of Kirk’s Variety on Tyler Street. Suspect hightailed it down Woodlawn Avenue.

— Downed power lines on Hubbard Avenue, stopping traffic for hours because of danger of electrocution.

— A fire from an electric overload at a daycare center on Lincoln Street. That, too, was for “The Children.”

— Countless Brazen, open-air, in-your-face drug deals consummated, among several locations, at  Linden and North streets, Orchard and First streets within feet of the Mercer Building (HQ of the phabulous Pittsfield School Department), and (again) on the corner of Elizabeth and West Housatonic, on the Plaine‘s corner.

— A vicious beating and robbery on Robbins Avenue, no charges pressed for fear of retribution.

Keep in mind: This is a partial list. Meanwhile, the parking kiosks are clearing the street of cars and the people contained within them. THE PLANET heard from several concerned merchants about a dramatic loss of business since the machines went into effect. Not to worry, though. The overmatched but well-intentioned mayor, plus the collective bobbleheads on the city council and school committee, assure us that all is well! They will stick to that story of Utopia, even as they work concocting as we speak yet another huge tax increase for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

Ah, Pittsfield. Ah, humanity.

Now back to our regularly running column.

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 25, 2017) — Here we go again. Pittsfield has given itself yet another not-for-profit group to fan opioid abuse. How many of these agencies can addicts choose? We  have:

  • The Brien Center, Pittsfield.
  • The McGee unit at Berkshire Medical Center.
  • Spectrum Health Systems, a.k.a. the downtown methadone clinic, which maintains addicts on taxpayers’ expense.
  • The Pittsfield needle exchange program, which will create more junkies.
  • Berkshire Opioid Abuse Prevention Collaborative. Preventing nothing.
  • Narcotic Anonymous, which, members say, serves more as a drug marketplace for sellers and users rather than a support group.
  • The D.A.R.E. program,  teaching kids the allure of drugs
  • The Pittsfield Board of Health, whose mascot is a giant germ.

Let THE PLANET stop there. Any more might send readers looking for a fix themselves. To that ponderous list taxpayers can now add the Central County Work Group. Has it ever occurred to the well-meaning folks behind such groups that if their agencies actually performed as advertised, we would see drug abuse go down? Instead, the more new groups and agencies, the more precipitous the abuse.

THE PLANET well remembers the 1970s, when each year more than 50,000 Americans died in motor vehicle accidents. In 1999 that number dropped to about 35,000. By 2014, the death toll fell to 29,230 (Frontline). The actions taken to reduce deaths (seat belt laws, better design, improved safety devices) worked.

It’s been the opposite for the drug epidemic. In 1999, “there were more than twice as many motor vehicle deaths as fatal drug overdoses. By 2014, those numbers had flipped, with almost 40 percent more deaths from overdoses than car crashes” (Frontline) — 47,055 in total. In the intervening two years, that number has continued its climb.

Social Engineering Can’t Penetrate the Human Heart

In Pittsfield, the agencies set up to “address” the crisis have failed or are at best reactive. They only help after the fact, that is, after a person has chosen to use then abuse. Treatment can work. Temporarily. After that, what? The addict is back at Go!, with the same stark personal choice to make. Even a program like D.A.R.E. precipitates rather than anticipates by educating grammar school kids about the glamour of drugs. In fact, D.A.R.E. is probably responsible for as many addicts as broken homes, indigence, or any other factor.

Clearly drug abuse is a national problem caused by

  • A  tripling in the number of legal prescriptions written for painkillers — 76 million in 1991 to 219 million in 2011 (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
  • The flood of cheap heroin washing over America, primarily from Mexico. Pittsfield has been greatly affected, more so because of its lack of a viable economy. From that has stemmed a Pandora’s Box of other attendant social ills, on display each and every day in the ghostly, ghastly downtown.

What’s the solution? The first step is to buy out of the mantric pounding by official sources, who tell us without evidence that “addiction is not a choice. It’s a disease.”

Our ass.

That statement has caused enormous harm by encouraging people to become “victims.” THE PLANET would never recommend Nancy Reagan‘s facile “Just Say No.” Nonetheless, we would establish that, unlike an actual disease, drug abuse can be stopped with one’s choices. Once you get Parkinson’s, diabetes, or cancer, you can’t choose or behave your way out of it. With drugs and alcohol, however, you can decide to stop the symptoms by ending their cause.

Nearly every addict who ever got clean agreed that after all the programs, counseling, and hospitalizations failed, they only got well after they grew up. As one of them put it, “I decided it was time to start acting like an adult.”

The countless programs, therapies, and treatments boil down to that stark choice mentioned above: stop or die. And that’s where drug abuse programs fail, by keeping addicts from hitting bottom.

Once you hit the sea bed, you have grow up or die. If you decide the former, you can reclaim your life. If you choose the latter, you will help society greatly. You will give the rest of us a communal solution that takes just that much pressure from the building social strain.


“I have no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge.”Edgar Allan Poe



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Chris Tremblay
Chris Tremblay
7 years ago

I was at CVS today to fill a prescription. At the counter there was a poster for Noxolone (Narcan).

The ad urged to get Noxolone and the wordage was as follows:

Opioid overdose can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

I may be wrong but I don’t believe someone can suffer an opioid overdose without actually taking an opioid.

It is a choice to take that first taste but it is not a choice to become addicted. And that is where the problem and the solution collide.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

I believe that mental health and substance abuse RECOVERY is about finding support to take the path of healthy living. The community programs that help people in their recovery do, indeed, help people choose to stop negative and self-defeating behaviors. To illustrate, if you experience suffering, you can choose to either become a victim or become an ally who supports your peers in their struggles.
No one is perfect, except Dan Valenti, and we all need help, and we can choose to help each other in our recovery from mental illness and substance abuse.
– Jonathan Melle

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

And you thought Opi was only in Mayberry?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

You forgot to bash Trump.

Tony Mangina
Tony Mangina
7 years ago

Build the dam wall and slow down the cartels

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

I’m not sure a wall will do the trick to stop the drugs from coming in, when the cartels see a demand they will fill it.They are digging tunnels, flying it over and floating it over. Would agree with Chris Tremblay I see these posters all over Berkshire County, highly doubt they will solve the problem either.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

Ron the wall will not stop all drug smuggling, but will definitely help stem the flow. Build the wall, fill the tunnels with concrete and beef up security on the border. We can’t give up. Start drug testing people on assistance, if they fail get them help. Close the loopholes that allow people to get cash out of there EBTs to buy drugs.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

Gee I sure hope the drug and trafficking cartels don’t figure out how to build tunnels under the wall. And I sure hope they aren’t smart enough to fly over the walls with planes. Or to pay off check point guards and drive them right through official border crossings. It is a good thing these guys are so stupid that when they see the wall they will say “oh darn”, and give up crime and become responsible citizens.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Nobody said a wall would be the entire solution, but it would make it more difficult for drugs and people that we don’t want here to get into the country. Let’s not make it easy for them. It’s a lot more difficult to dig a tunnel than it is to just walk across the border.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

We could always invade Mexico and take their oil. And then make them pay for having it piped up to America.

7 years ago


Substitute “addict” with “Alcoholic”. Isn’t that the same thing? How many support groups are there for them? I don’t know the number buts it way more than the number for addicts. Yet no mention of their “choice”. As an aside, alcoholics kill more people in car accidents.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Really?
7 years ago

That is a blatant lie. Drug overdose deaths are several times over alcohol involved crash deaths.

Deaths from drug overdoses:

Deaths from alcohol involved crashes:

Check what you say before you say it.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago


You misunderstood what I was saying because I wasn’t clear.

What I was trying to say is that drunk drivers kill innocent people and sometimes themselves.

You rarely hear of an addict killing someone while driving.

Sorry for not stating that clearer.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Really
7 years ago

Alternate truths and unknown knowns

Aunt Millie
Aunt Millie
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

A third one climbing up the charts is texting while driving. Tell me that’s not an addiction. Like tweety don.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

As Dan so compassionately states that in his world it’s the fittest that survive and if you choose not to get fit then.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Once again, you missed Dan’s point. He’s not claiming Darwin’s Theory is the way to survive. He’s writing about that simple concept we were taught in our early school days: cause and effect.

Nobody forced these people to snort or shoot up heroin. It’s a choice that has terrible cause and effect results. The key phrase being: Choice. I have never done heroin, crack, or meth. Why? Because I know what the end result is, so I choose not to do any of them.

But I also grew up when people were help accountable for their actions. Now, you democRATS like to place blame on everything else, except the actual problem itself (i.e.-that poor 20 y/o girl with three kids is a junkie because her father yelled at her growing up).

With social media, youtube, and “facesnap” (a Belichickian reference), etc, there is way more information on the dangers of doing heroin than when I grew up. Hell, you can even watch people shoot up and damn near kill themselves in a video the junkie posted themselves.

I know you democRATS have a hatred towards police officers, but ask one one day about the amount of 20-somethings on social security disability (SSDI) with “back-injuries.”

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
7 years ago

So, if as you say, democrats hate the police does that mean all policeman are republicans?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
7 years ago

The Planet cites the intense rise of prescription opioids as a cause of the heroin epidemic. We know the company that makes OxyContin is guilty of misrepresenting its addictive nature.

How can we on one hand examine evidence and acknowledge its results then on the other hand have a 100% no-tolerance attitude towards addicts?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

The state of Massachusetts is begging Pittsfield to maintain its school building.Taxpayer are willing to pay and build but it seems the upkeep of the investments in city and towns is left in the hands of incompetent people like Behnke Curtis Rush Mccanless and Yon to supply money so that buildings live much longer that they do .Not public building should need to be torn down in 35 years.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

The 35 year countdown on the new Taconic has already started.

7 years ago

The State of Massachusetts is to blame for the tearing down of school buildings. If the State funded renovations at a higher rate than building new, districts would choose to renovate. Unfortunately it’s the other way around.

Bill Q
Bill Q
7 years ago

Heard on the radio that back in day and this is coming, I believe from the Krol Radio Show, with a fill in host,says back in his day,if he was carrying a violin case it better have a machine gun in it. Now, he was making a funny, which is fine, but what if some kid hears this or a parent? I thought Someone on the Planet was supposed to look into this Show being used for such nonsense, political favor, and now one big free infomercial.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Bill Q
7 years ago

Krol reminds me of Ted Cruz

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Did Krol’s father murder JFK?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

I did see Krol in a book suppository near a grassy knoll;)

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Weren’t students supposed to learn about radio broadcasting through this station?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Yes. that is why the taxpayers are funding it. And Krol feels they are more than welcome to use it….when he isn’t.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Well yeah. The powers to be must think programming and an audience is more important? For whatever reason. I like the music on there and wish it was more student orientated, seems the school or arts and self serving politics and anything to do with funding these projects make this kind of programming a priority. We aren’t naive enough to believe the show isn’t self serving,are we?

7 years ago

Tastless programming sometimes B Q and nepotism at it’s finest. You’re missing out on the bull the Mayor’s throwing out on the State of the City,what a waste of programming with that one. The Planet already covered it, but it is showing on P C T V.

P Hewton
P Hewton
7 years ago

Thanks to the Planet for shredding the State of the City speech for what it was. Retread nonsense. The Melville card gets me everytime, the only reason Melville was here because he propbably was on a bender and didn’t know where he was.

7 years ago

When Pittsfield starts having Police Chases through the City Streets like this mornings Massive Police Chase……you know the needle has moved in our small town! Dead end in Springside Park Ballfield. Boom!

7 years ago

Is that boom? As in crash or something else?

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

Shots fired.

Aunt Millie
Aunt Millie
7 years ago

It should be made clear that DV’s caption:
“Social engineering cannot penetrate the human heart”
is referring to his own heart, not everyone’s. For example, one level of “social eng.” is the redistricting of voting blocs, enacted to affect an election. It worked.

My human heart has been deeply penetrated by the results of this one.

You may say I’m a dreamer, snowbat, moonflake etc., but I do believe in a Sanctuary Country, like MILLIONS of others worldwide believe; that the natural flow of humanity can’t be “redistricted” to fit a xenophobe’s “heart”.

Aunt Millie
Aunt Millie
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Thank you Dan for your kind endorsement. I pledge to be polite, considerate and, if possible, divine.

And I’m just getting started!


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
7 years ago

Maybe the border patrol will actually be allowed to be near the border. 0bama had many of them 100 miles away…… Aunt Millie you are a loon, but thanks for being honest.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

So in your world illegal immigrant criminals are only at the border?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

That’s the job of the local cops…,…Why do you think they’re called border patrol? If you çant figure that out call the police and ask for a detective.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

You can’t grasp the connects so there is no point in explaining.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Take care of our own first. And we suck at that?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Dan ..count your blessings that you don’t need real facts on addiction.It slowly sucks you in and herion is a death sentence so in keeping your thoughtless take on herion addiction you need to do some research my friend just ask some addicts Mom and Dad if they think you know anything about this.Ask them Dan and relay the real answers Mom gives you.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Addiction is not able to ‘suck you in’ – it’s not some kind of magical force that makes people do things they don’t decide to do. It’s a learned habit that can be broken if the addict decides to do so. The part you’re missing is these addicts like taking drugs, they like the high, and have little regard for their health or anyone it affects. Selfishness at its extreme.
Everyone knows the risks of taking heroin, if they are stupid enough to try it they deserve what they get.
And the clean needle program does not prevent disease spreading except among addicts sharing needles. Once a clean needle is used it’s now dirty and will spread disease just any other needle. All it does is support the habit.
These programs are nothing more than money making ventures for the special interests.

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Oh….the new addicts are over 50 and got addict through a medical problem.They should have said no as Dan says or grown up and decided to be responsible.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

I’ve had some medical problems that involved having to take pain killers including opioids. Got off them as soon as possible because I am not stupid nor weak minded. And guess what? No medical issue leads to a prescription for heroin.
Stop making excuses for drug addicts. They are responsible for their choices in life.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

How do you know many of us aren’t “former addicts’ or currently ‘addicted/dependent’ on opiates or some other form of narcotic?

I guarantee a good portion of your lovely, overpaid school employees are one of those. Throw in some civil service/government employees (see Paul Capitanio) and you get my drift.

don’t assume because someone isnt whoring themselves on the corner of first and fenn that they know nothing. You wanna know who knows the least? Those useless counselors who are essentially community college graduates or former addicts who couldn’t qualify for any other job

7 years ago

Heroine is not a death sentence. People can and do recover, that’s there choice.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

So, is the “shot spotter” in place yet? And if so would it have spotted any shots in this mornings gunfire? And if it was in place and spotted shots just what difference would it have made?

But I am happy to see that the mayor has recognized that the volume of gunfire in her city of Pittsfield, Ma has escalated to the point that we need high tech big city equipment to help control it.

I just hope that in addition to the taxpayers knowing about it that the tourists visiting the city also know. The up side of people coming to our city knowing about our shot spotter is that they will be forewarned that we have a lot of violence in our city and they can be vigilant. The downside is that they may make wiser choices and go somewhere that is not violent enough to need a shot spotter.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

The high tech equipment in itself does not help control gunfire. It’s just an informational tool for the police. The key is how/if/when the police respond to this information. Unless they have a proper plan in place to use that information, it will be a total waste. Let’s hope they do.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Dan I am surprised to learn all this done without help and support.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

The Wall is on U S soil then U S pays for it, if on Mexico side, Mexico pays for it. Mexico cannot be made to pay for something out of their Country. This is a No Brainer. Trump should be exiled. He’s is an uncouth bullshitter and a bag of hot air, not my President. Insanity should crawl into is resume.

Reply to  Miss Vito
7 years ago

most Mexicans believe that land is rightfully part of Mexico so I guess they are paying, Trump should get them to pay for the border guards too, and send them the bill for all the anchor babies

Reply to  Miss Vito
7 years ago

Say what you want about Trump. Big improvement over Obamass. PS he won.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Miss Vito
7 years ago

Who is your pres?

7 years ago

Believe me, The Planet was kind that day to the State of the City commentary.

7 years ago

Trump is Insane and childlike, something going on there.

7 years ago

Hail to the BB!!! They published something today that happened after 7 PM yesterday . This may be a first. What a weird coincidence it was Gaetani in cuffs.

Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Dave you’re the best! 🙂

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

the Eagle was told to expedite the story…they can do that when they are told to by city hall reps

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

I heard the Pittsfield family with the two corgis that do synchronized gymnastic tricks was irate their story got bumped for this nonsense.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

Check tonight’s Albany news for info on the shooting in Pittsfield today not your normal story

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

There was a Trump Planet moment at the Wall press conference today. Sometimes on Dan’s Show, which by the way has never been under house arrest, sic-there are gaffs in the timing, when Dan does a joke or funny, the drum roll is way late, but actually, that is funnier than when it’s on time, anyway, Trump made a statement and it looked like he was stunned for a second,because the applause wasn’t simultaneous with the great news he just delivered, I’m probably the only one who caught it, so that’s no big deal.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Why does Trump not talk like a man…he always talks like he trying to pick us up at a bar.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Because he’s talking down to us. When he tells you he’s for you, he’s not, and like the Mayor, when he’s reading everything he expects you to believe he’s for you, he’s not. Or.. When Gaetani tells you he’s for you and doesn’t read everything, he is.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

TSC, would much rather have a President that talks like a politician and can really read a teleprompter. Wait we already had that for 8 horrific years. Time for some real progress.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Are you at a bar now? Watch out for bad ice cubes.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Trump is skittish, that is a developement over the years of a mental block for a person who is not sure of himself and the consequences with not having affirmation or no assurance from an adult authority, such as his father,he has a lot of built-in frustration and is passive Aggresive.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Trumpty Dumbty Sat On The Wall

Trumpty Dumbty Had a Great Fall

All the Kings Resources

And all of his Billionaire Friends

Couldn’t keep out our Mexican Friends


Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Hilary Billary dock
Losing Democrats can only mock
Trump has won
Majority you have none
Stuff it in a sock

Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago


Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Dilly Dally
Lol… I Love the light side….Good one !

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

I would not want to be Mayor of Walmart field with this many stupid people in the city.All the smart people left for jobs and all the morons stayed.Pittsfield Ma sucks.Our chances are slim and none.
Gaitani and Trump 2020 now that would be awesome they are both made for each other.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Yeah, but Trump still won’t drink our water.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Do they have a stupid greeter job? I’m in.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

I’ll give you a ride on my boat.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Tyertanic
7 years ago

Now that is funny

Tony Mangina
Tony Mangina
7 years ago

The biggest problem in Pittsfield is the taxaholic politicians.

Reply to  Tony Mangina
7 years ago

The only thing progressives do is tax and tax and tax again. It involves no thought on their part and they don’t care about the people who can’t afford the high taxes.

7 years ago

Pat agree State Democrates in house voted themselves a large raise. All Republicans voted no on proposal.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

Don’t take too much stock in the Republicans who voted against. It was a safe vote knowing it would pass. Refusing to accept the raise would be more meaningful, otherwise it is just playing the game. I am just sick of the fucking game!

Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Why do they rep,senators ect. even have to be there?( The House?)Think of the money being saved by using a Movie type screen or Computer, they could still debate,electronic voting save on food gas ect.

7 years ago

What ever happened to personal responsibility? Screw these drug addicts. Narcan and needle exchange are nothing but encouraging their bad behavior, paid for by the productive members of society that pay taxes. The same crap goes for the breeders that have one kid after another. The expect us to pay for their food year round. Our schools have turned into restaurants first and education 2nd. In addition hey expect free everything as if it was some kind of god given right. We have so many social programs that we encourage people to be useless and it’s working really well.

Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

Good comment. Our schools are flush with money, but our kids are shortchanged on education. The elderly who worked hard in their lives have become the disparaged. So many things in so many ways….and you have nailed it.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
7 years ago

So the elderly bums that were the grasshopper playing and dancing while the ants worked hard and saved now complain about having to be personally accountable for their welfare?

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

I’m holding out on opinion on the payment for the Wall, let’s see how Trump is planning to pay or not pay, for it. This is his Waterloo, the first one anyway.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Must be tough looking in the mirror.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

Reading between the lines of chatterbox Trump. Looks like personal income taxes will be going up on both the state and federal level. Paul Ryan saying that states will be picking up what was the federal share of medicare under Obamacare. And the states will have to raise taxes to pay for it. Looks like the middle class is in for a thumping.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Trump is building a Wall for Pat Dan and Tax and I’m guessing Trumps 25 billion wall turns into the symbol of the greatest waste of money in US history.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Illegal immigrants and drugs cost taxpayers more than that in one year. Obama doubled the National debt in 8 years, should be a drop in the bucket for Obama boot lickers. Not to mention real shovel ready jobs.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

The reward for the biggest waste of taxpayer money in history goes to Boston for the Big Dig.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

I nominate taxing the young while the elderly poor mooch off of Medicare is the biggest waste of money ever. Fire up the death squads!

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Trump wants to steal Iraqi oil.I don’t want to steal their oil and I’m sure Dan does not want to take Iraqi oil but Trump wants it in your name.Hes insane.This is your America and you guys support this too.

7 years ago

You bet your ass I voted for him. Obama sucked his policy’s sucked! Hillary Clinton is and always will be a vile nasty scumbag liar. You lost get over it with a nice can of playdo. Cry bitch moan make fun. Will not chance anything you lost.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

It seems to me that if we are going to invade a country and take their oil it would be a lot easier to just take over Canada or Mexico or both. They both have nice oil reserves and it are closer to where we want to use it saving a bundle on shipping. Donald is a business man and should realize this.

P Hewton
P Hewton
7 years ago

Check out some of the side streets off west, the ice is in the roads and built up ice slush with no sidewalks, wear does one drive or walk?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  P Hewton
7 years ago

your tax dollars at work

7 years ago

The SIOGA club on First Street supported itself for decades and got 100’s sober – meetings are free, and they work. Whether addiction is a “disease” or not is a debate – what’s not debatable is success – there is big $$ in recovery – big – that’s what its all about !! Pot of coffee and meeting where you stand up and admit your an addict – go from there…..

Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

My name is Linda and I’m a taxaholic.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  Tyertanic
7 years ago

My name is Dilly, stop breaking my back.

Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

Tricksie addiction is not a disease. Cancer is a disease. Example, if only my Uncle could have quit cancer he’d still be alive today. You just can’t quit a disease, wish you could.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

like I said…it’s a debate. One that cannot be possibly had with rationality on a blog.. I will agree the first sip or injection is a choice.

7 years ago

DV excellent coverage again especially on the addiction problem. You list of events in the city’s “wild day” are sobering enough pun intended. I daily talk to city officials. Trust me, they do not know how to deal with the enormous financial and public safety issues threatening our well being.

I never thought I’d see the day. Anyway keep up the good work. I am enjoying reading you also in the Berkshire Courier.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

I’m guessing that Dan does not believe in PTSS.He believes you just snap out of it and grow up.

7 years ago

Looks like Mexico doesn’t want to give any Walll paper.. now what?

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
7 years ago

President reading like a sophomore on the high school debating team. If the pipe for the pipeline is made in America. How will it cost less money? The pipe?

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
7 years ago

Who’s building the wall, Maxy? U S voters were promised by Trump we won’t pay, he already has a funding source while negotiating, what a smug phony. What corporations are going to hire people on welfare, especially with families, and no skills? How will he vet d

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Mexicans will build the wall and Trump will pay for it.

7 years ago

Build it. It will save billions. Obama never worried about money. What a week, a end of a errOr and One Big Ass Mistake America. Hopefully you Snowflakes can find a safe space to calm down.