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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY JAN. 5, 2016) — Yes THE PLANET is back —  from the dead to the living. The journey plumbed the depths of life’s fragility and ascended the apex of its immortality, something we all know about through our own dread and welcomed majesties.

While you’re trying to decipher that opening, let us thank all of you for your steadfastness in returning to this site. Our brief leaving has come to an end, and THE PLANET‘s Secret Squadron stands ready, awaiting the signal.

There are new parking meters in town that do not accept folding money. They only take coins, which you do not keep in quantity enough to feed the thirsty machines, or plastic, which will pin you down like a butterfly specimen by license plate and therefore by identity. It’s a pity you don’t know about the crunching of Big Data and what that shall ultimately mean to your loss of privacy and perhaps identity.

Park Your Carcass

Never heard of Big Data? You’d better get hip. Big Data refers to the collection and analysis of data sets of almost inconceivably enormous sizes. Big Data harvests and, more importantly, analyzes information from multi-structured digital and traditional sources so large as to encompass nearly-absolute metadata profiles of almost any personal web behavior or interaction with a social network. We love you Big Brother.

Yes, that’s the dirty little secret they’re not telling you about those fancy new parking kiosks that shall lay the stormtroopers on parking in downtown Pittsfield. When you use one of the kiosks, you shall become a source of digital information that will track and analyze you by name, age, gender, race, time, date, location, and a plethora of other identifiers, all via your license plate “plus.”

What’s the “plus?” THE PLANET has investigated. An engineer who designs such systems for one of the largest manufacturers of digital parking kiosks dropped the dime:

“The kiosks in Pittsfield actually contain embedded technology that will capture a variety of data formats,” said Engineer BRW, whose name is withheld on request. “This information can be collected, harvested, and  sold to any number of outlets. It could be marketing companies, web properties, government offices, agencies. Parking isn’t what it used to be, that’s for sure.”

BRW said that, unlike other systems that accept folding money (for example, in Syracuse, NY), Pittsfield’s kiosks will only accept coins or plastic. That’s by devious design. Since most people won’t have enough change or won’t want to trouble with coins, they will use credit or debit cards. Those cards will be chip-enhanced. That’s where those innocent kiosks will go to work Big Brothering anyone who uses them.

Be Sure to Say ‘Cheese’ When You Feed The Meter

Computer chips in credit cards contains libraries of personal information on the individuals who hold and use the cards. The Pittsfield parking kiosks consist of an entirely new data input for the harvesters of that information, who in turn sell it to the highest bidders. Thus, it appears that the real reason for the parking kiosks is not to fulfill the conditions of state grants or provide a better parking system for Pittsfield as the mayor claims but to collect information to be sold to … whomever, for whatever purpose. That information will include bits, bytes, text, and likely — ulp — visuals. Remember, high-resolution cameras have “grown” incredibly small and cheap. You will NEVER get any city official to admit the kiosks are taking you in “close-up.”

That’s what “FacebookPeter White didn’t tell you while he was jerking off with his irresolute colleagues on the City Council about the kingdom and the glory of this unnecessary intrusion into the lives of Pittsfield’s ordinary citizens. Haven’t Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski been abused enough with taxes and poor service? Nah, let’s pin them to the wall of Information Technology with this set of digital manacles masquerading as parking meters.

The Big Data operates on the 5 Vs: volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value.

Volume — Thhe amount of information harvested and ultimately analyzed. The parking kiosks give Big Data companies an entirely new source of information as it spies on ordinary citizens.

Velocity — How fast the information can be generated and sent to the collecting agency (the company that’s crunching this material in a virtually infinite matrix of breakdowns).

Variety — Big Data will take any information from any source, the newer and more unique the better. The parking kiosks fill this task admirably.

Veracity — Since the information is instant and in near-real-time, it is considered veracious. In vino veritas … and also in parking meters.

Value — The amount Pittsfield makes selling the information. No city official THE PLANET spoke to has even admitted this will take place. Where will the money go? Great question. Maybe you can ask Councilor “Inbred” White, especially if he forsakes the usual greasy spoons for Blantyre, the Red Lion Inn, and Wheatleigh — you know, where THE PLANET eats daily for free.


“Two purposes in human nature rule: Self-love to urge and reason to restrain.Alexander Pope



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12 Gauge
12 Gauge
8 years ago

You can count on after 3 pm as being free as the parking patrol will want to be waiting for the time clock to strike 4 and they won’t want to be doing any paper work on their own time.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
8 years ago

Did the mayor announce the contest for kiosk art yet? Will BHS fund the contest?

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Dan, did your friend tell you if there is a camera eye in the kiosk watching you or maybe taking your picture as well? Can the thing talk like a Burger King kiosk?

I heard they are testing one in Yuma, Arizona that shoots your tires out if you don’t put enough money in. But that is a open carry state.

and welcome back Dan.

8 years ago

My wife and I travel a lot. We have seen several of these type parking systems. We have never had one where we had to enter our licence plate. I think I’ll skip going to anyplace on North St. except for Carr’s that is.

Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

My husband and I travel too, Paul, mostly in summer and whenever vacation and schdules allow. Many cities have a type of this metering but like you I have never seen one where the user has to enter a license plate. All the meters we’ve used elsewhere take bills.

We both talked about it. We have made one of our 2017 vows never to use a Pittsfield parking meter. Like DV says Big Brother meets Idiotic Pittsfield.

8 years ago

The simple solution: Don’t use them…Oh, and mask up when walking by them. Ms. Mayor, the police chief, and DA may be watching you. The tapes are in Baltimore….

Reply to  Frankly
8 years ago

If they can put cameras there, they can also include microphones.
I will avoid North St.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Frankly
8 years ago

Are those secret tapes?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

Good piece Dan, maybe you didn’t get the e memo though. Big Brother is out, we’ve moved on to a whole new world now.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

It never mattered to councilor White the name of the Mayor or what he or she wants to spend money on he is the yes councilor.
If your the yes councilor you get the phone call from the important people who incrude you in all the phone call strategies on getting yes votes.It makes Mr White feel like the go to guy and power feels good.Mr White is addicted.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

In Pittsfield the elderly taxpayer has been dis respected.Pittsfield needs a tax bill revolution.My taxes are up 45 % in 6 years not counting water and sewer.
I question the intelligence of a councilor who keep raising taxes in a city of well published poverty and land values going down….when taxes go up and realestate goes down the politicians have good employment while we go down the tube because White wants to be at the cocktail party.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

They say that history always repeats itself, “in 1954 The Ramp report suggested a number of improvements for the better flow and control of traffic. They included rerouting of through traffic to relieve congestion on busy North Street, and widening of certain main intersections, a new synchronized timing pattern for the traffic lights. These measure were designed to not only facilitate traffic but to reduce accidents to pedestrians and motorists. To remedy this, the report recommended the immediate creation of four large city owned parking lots to accommodate 576 cars. On the parking problem, the Ramp survey revealed that approximately 29,000 vehicles entered the central district on an average business day. Almost 20,000 of the drivers wished to park. But more than a fourth of them could find parking spaces. One of the proposed sites was at the corner of East Street and Wendell Ave where the old Peace Party house stood, another on First Street just off East Street. A third on Columbus Ave running through Summer Street. The fourth comprised almost an entire block bounded by First, Eagle, Pearl and Fenn. On the parking problem, the Ramp survey revealed that approximately 29,000 vehicles entered the central district on an average business day. Almost 20,000 of the drivers wished to park. But more than a fourth of them could find parking spaces. “ The history of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1916-1955. Willison, page 235

8 years ago

I will not park downtown.

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

I used to go to Methusaluh after that shooting no more. Johnnies gets shut down and the same thing happens at thoosy and they stay open?

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

I was over to the veterans clinic on Eagle street this morning. NO PARKING METERS!! And then I went to the library…NO PARKING METERS. And then to the post office…NO PARKING METERS!!! All this lost revenue…Why do sick veterans get special treatment? Or people who read? Or people who mail stuff??? The chucklehead consultant who did the study for these parking kiosks should be ashamed, embarrassed and mortified. I hope the mayor gets on this quack quick.

If I knew how to tweet I would tweet…….Lousy job buddy…..

8 years ago

How long will it take the city to pay for the parking meters? What will be the cost of maintaining the meters? How much business will the few stores on north st lose? And what ells can the mayor come up with to make Pittsfield less friendly to new business on north st?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Painter
8 years ago

With the costs for a parking director plus employees and their benefits I doubt that this will generate any actual revenue.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Another 1 million down the drain…1million for garbage…..1million shot spotter….120 million for taconic ….more new hires at ried middle school…..

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

School departments mccandless has added 15 new jobs this year

Don D.
Don D.
8 years ago

Bianchi was a jerk but Lovely Linda is in so far over her head. Still cant wrap my head around the mayor not having a 4 year degree or any private sector work experience. Is it too late to make mayor 2 years again??

8 years ago

AND 19 police who need cars to patrol the streets in.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 years ago

This will go great with the big data being collected on the pike.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Meanwhile, fixed income folk ain’t getting any raises. But to hell with them anyway. They are just fodder and ain’t gonna be around that much longer anyway. If they did not have that much anyway what difference does it make if the mayor takes whats left?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

They won’t be around too much longer but who the hell will buy there homes?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

their not there

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago


8 years ago

What’s up with the DD on First St.? Foundation long in but no building.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
Reply to  EddieP
8 years ago

Probaly asked for a cigarette license

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

Because there’s a lot of money to be made on caffeine addiction.

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
8 years ago

What happens if a prankster puts in someone else’s plate on an occupied space?

Two Cents
Two Cents
8 years ago

What bothers me about the new parking system is how city officials keep parroting that the state is now requiring it as a condition of a state grant, as was repeated by a downtown business owner in a Beagle story. This is a lie! While the state did mandate a parking study for an appraisal of current parking facilities before bailing the city out for piss poor management of the garages, it did not require additional paid parking. What it required was a funding “mechanism” to cover the cost of upkeep and repairs. Considering that the city collects well over 100 thousand dollars a year in parking tickets-not to mention 10s of thousands of dollars in sticker fees, the money to fund parking facilities is already there! But instead of putting the funding in an earmarked revolving account for that purpose, the city moves the money into the general fund so that it can continue in its unabated spending spree on the backs of taxpayers.
Let’s face it….Its not the economy, aging population or rural location of the city that’s preventing its recovery and growth.. It’s the endless cycle of true Incompetence in management and leadership positions. Well, at least I have Peter White’s Facebook page to tell me how wonderful everything is!

8 years ago

Just so you and your readers are aware: if you use an ATM, a photographic record of the transaction is being made as you stand there in front of the machine. Might as well smile because lodged behind curved mirrors or darkened glass at the top or sides of the ATM are mini cameras recording your every move.

8 years ago

Rennet when T F B was running for office she ason Facebook all the time not so much know. Well I think Peter White is doing the same thing getting ready for nex year.

8 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
Which company is being hired to handle the credit card transactions at the meter and what is the specific kickback arrangement?
Just how much of each transaction does the city actully get, and how much from each transaction does the vendor assess as a handling charge?
Was this ultra-valuable contract put out to bid or was it rewarded to the politically-connected?

8 years ago

GMHeller, I have options when it comes to my banking. I have no options when parking in downtown. Your comparison is not reverent. Furthermore, their is a difference between government and private business. Your comment sounds like something a politician would say.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

I heard that those parking kiosks are antennae for the shot spotter. Oops…did I say too much?

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

White and Marchetti and the original yes person Amuso are players in this town.Amuso just wanted Eberwien to think she was smart.He would deliver Data and she would say how many millions you want .

8 years ago

DV welcome back. When you were not posting we got a taste of how much The Planet adds to our understanding of events.

Neither the Eagle nor any other media outlet locally would have covered this aspect of the parking meter story. Great job of investigative journalism.