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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 30, 2017) — What a first week for Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States. While the loons were donning and doffing pussyhats, President Trump demonstrated “doing” at a dizzying pace. The “doings” of our action-figure President have Washington and the libs flummoxed. They aren’t used to kept promises. They aren’t used to office holders working not for themselves of their political masters but for We The People — a “government responsive to everyday working people,” as Trump puts it.

Trump is a visionary, a man who identifies a goal then utilizes his resources to embark on the steps leading to accomplishment of the objective. It leaves boring bureaucrats and ideological dilletentes moaning in their latte mocha. They aren’t used to someone who acts true to his word and wastes no time along the way.

Trump’s just delivered the most historic first week in the modern presidency. THE PLANET takes a look:

Easing Regulatory Burdens

Shortly after being sworn in, President Trump ordered federal agencies to ease the “regulatory burdens” of ObamaCare. Agencies are ordered to “waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement” of Obamacare in hopes that this order will lower the burden on individuals, families and patients as the President and the Congress work on a permanent solution to Obamacare.
Withdrawing from TPP

The President wasted no time in ending the United States support of the disastrous TPP trade deal by withdrawing our country from it on Monday. President Trump called the move, “a great thing for the American workers.”
Spurring American Jobs

On Tuesday, President Trump re-opened the door for the Keystone and Dakota Access pipeline to be built with an executive order. Also included were related orders that would speed up the timeline on the project by streamlining the permitting process and cut through more government red tape.
Securing Our Borders

President Trump is moving forward with several items that will secure our borders and keep Americans safe! He plans on stripping federal grant money to dangerous sanctuary cities, hiring 5,000 more border patrol agents, ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants, and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

Remembering our Allies

On Friday, Trump met with British Prime Minister Theresa May. Prime Minister May said, “So as we rediscover our confidence together — as you renew your nation just as we renew ours — we have the opportunity — indeed the responsibility — to renew the special relationship for this new age. We have the opportunity to lead, together, again.” The meeting signals a shift for the better in trans-Atlantic relations, cementing an alliance with respect to fighting terrorism, defense and security issues, trade in a post-Brexit United Kingdom. At the joint press conference with May, Trump looked and acted refreshingly presidential.

On the same day, Trump spoke for an hour with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. The president brought up the issue of the U.S.’s 60 billion trade deficit and addressed porous borders that allow illegal immigrants and drugs. Trump said “it was a very friendly call.” Enrique agreed. The two leaders agreed to meet in the near future according to a statement released by Nieto’s office.

On Saturday, Trump called no less than five heads of state. The list included Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. The list did not include Sherwood Guernsey, head of Pittsfield Pussyhatsylvania, the world’s smallest country. And you thought you were busy.

Protecting the Constitution

This Thursday President Trump is slated to announce his choice to fill the vacancy left on the Supreme Court after the loss of Justice Antonin Scalia last February. This is a highly anticipated announcement, as this new justice will shape the future of our nation by weighing into decisions that have reached the highest court.

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People wearing pussyhats are sitting in the corner, gumming their oatmeal at all this. For instance, the Four Freedoms Coalition, the partisan “non-partisan” group form by panicked local liberals in response to Trump’s win, held another “hate Trump” rally Saturday, the same day Trump was busy working for the American people. The pussyhats don’t get someone who is out to win, who plans to reverse a generation of losing caused by a series of Establishment presidents: Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama.

It’s the old story. Sore losers can’t admit defeat.


“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember: You have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”Harriet Tubman



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Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Trump is a fraud.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Think you already said that. Say it all you want doesn’t make it true.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

Trump is indeed a fraud. It bears repeating.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

if fraud means actually doing what you say (whether its right or wrong) then yes he is a fraud –

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

Lock her up?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Trump has Fired Sally Yates acting A G, one down.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

I believe Donald Trump will be impeached soon. He is defying court orders, breaking laws on immigration, imposing unconstitutional religious tests against Muslims, and he even stated, “Torture works!”
I think Mike Pence will be a better U.S. President than Donald Trump. Pence is reasonable and will comply with the rule of law. Pence is true to his beliefs and he is a good man.
If I still lived in the beautiful Berkshires, I would be part of Sherwood Guernsey’s “Four Freedoms” movement that protests the unjust policies of the Trump administration. I also support the Women’s Marches and the protests on Trump’s Immigration ban order.
– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

You need to actually read the constitution and stop getting your information on facebook…or the voices in your head. whichever you listen to most

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

you need a 2/3 vote for impeachment – not likely – get over it – enjoy the ride, we will all be better off –

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

As soon as Donnie pushes through the cabinet appointees the republicans want, and gets the banking and environmental changes they want the republicans will impeach him themselves. They are using the fool and will kick his ass to the curb before you know it. They already have the paperwork drawn up. Unfortunately we will be in the middle of world war three by then.

Oh yeah…it’s true.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of Government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides that individual aliens outside the United States are “inadmissible”—or barred from admission to the country—on health, criminal, security, and other grounds set forth in the INA. However, the INA also grants the Executive several broader authorities that could be used to exclude certain individual aliens or classes of aliens for reasons that are not specifically prescribed in the INA. Section 212(f) of the INA is arguably the broadest and best known of these authorities. It provides, in relevant part, that “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” Over the years, Presidents have relied upon Section 212(f) to suspend or otherwise restrict the entry of individual aliens and classes of aliens, often (although not always) in conjunction with the imposition of financial sanctions upon these aliens. Among those so excluded have been aliens whose actions “threaten the peace, security, or stability of Libya”; officials of the North Korean government; and aliens responsible for “serious human rights violations.” Neither the text of Section 212(f) nor the case law to date suggests any firm legal limits upon the President’s exercise of his authority to exclude aliens under this provision.

By, Rich Lowry

Read more at:

Read more at:

7 years ago

I am glad we have Donald Trump to protect the country. The first job of government is to protect the people. Allowing large numbers of refugees into our country that cannot be properly vetted is not protecting the country. Hillary was going to do the same thing in this country as Merkel has done in Germany allowing large numbers of refugees to come here. This hasn’t worked out well for Germany or France. Why should we make the same mistakes as those countries? America can still help with solutions to the refugee problem without bringing millions into this country.

There is no religion test. This is the liberal media spreading lies. Trump chose the same countries that Obama did when Obama suspended refugees coming here from these dangerous parts of the world.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

And what Obama did was bigoted and against our constitution too. Pat, why do you hate America? Why do you hate our Constitution?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Shakes stop making this whole thing political. You progressives are making the whole thing political because of your hatred for Trump and the GOP. In 2011 Obama instituted a 6 month ban on refugees from Iraq. Where was the media then? Where were the huge crowds of protestors defending human rights? Why wasn’t Elizabeth Warren out there trying to undermine the president? Oh, that’s right she supported everything Obama did because he is a progressive Democrat.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Who said I liked or voted for Obama? I didn’t.

And no, Obama did not issue an executive order banning anything. You’re repeating a lie. The Obama administration increased the scrutiny of the vetting process at the request of Congress.

What I did ask is: Why do you hate America? Why do you hate our Constitution?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Shakes, in 2011 then president Obama banned refugees from Iraq for six months.

Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago
Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago

No it doesn’t, the administration, after requests from congress, and legislation, halted processing Iraqi visas while it figured out how to integrate troves of data that technology could now include in the vetting process.

No ban, no denial of entry, no handcuffing 5 year olds. You don’t know what you are talking about. Not the same. At all.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

TT stands for Trump Turmoil

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

You should write for SNL, they could use the help. OBAMA stands for Our Big Ass Mistake America.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

SNL does not need writers any more. Donnie Trump is writing their scripts for them.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

I guess that’s why the show sucks and ratings are down. Or is this Bush’s fault?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

When Obama won regressives never admitted defeat…the party of the Planet had a plan to attack Obama 24 and 7 everyday for 8 years and Obamas no 1 enemy was the most disrespectful In election history.Donald Trump gave fake news and the planet bought that Obama was not a legitimate president.My president spent 8 years doing fake news and he got elected on a like by white hate groups using tactics that were used in Germany to make Germany great again….how did that work out.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Pat you pay more taxes than Trump who has never paid taxes and I’m sure not one Trump has.He is the welfare president.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Unless he has done so illegally, it’s irrelevant. Blame Washington, not the person who followed their regulations

7 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
Recommend anyone crossing paths with MSNBC fake-news host Rachel Maddow in Great Barrington (her local stomping grounds), be sure to thank Rachel for her decisive contribution to November’s election.
Were not Rachel’s self-righteous rants (and those of other ultra-Left ‘Progressive’ Democrats) amongst the things that challenged thinking voters and propelled Donald Trump over the top on Election Day?
Thank you, Rachel!

7 years ago

Democratic land is now suffering and expanded case of liberal dementia
Like a child having a temper tantrum
Because mommy and daddy won’t give them their own way

If the Boston Marathon bombers had been held to trumps new standard with the older brother traveling back-and-forth to get his terrorist training. We May have avoided that tragedy. Mahhty Walsh supports and encourages the marathon bombers behavior. another bagman for the Democratic Party. Sessions going to make an example of the corrupt state of Massachusetts.
Easy pickings. Massachusetts will have its own Marion Barry,
Liberal land will probably reelect him upon release

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Magoo
7 years ago

Trump is not a founding father. He doesn’t get to rewrite the Constitution.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

The world of Trump will immediately become much more violent. His assault in Yemen killed many woman and children. But just hold your breath as the backlash from his policies hits like a tidal wave. And do not think you will not be effected. All of our lives are about to be radically changed.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Was it Obamas fault Orlando night club shooting, Boston marathon bombing, Fort Hood shooting, San Berdino shooting, Dillion Ruff shooting at a black church? Of course not, but if anything happens now it’s Trumps fault. Funny shit

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

These progressives are more dangerous to the country than Russia.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Are our lives about to be radically changed because sour grapes progressives are getting revenge for Hillary losing the election so they are going to act like little spoiled children?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Hey, you want people to give up their rights to assemble and protest? You want the press to disappear and to outlaw religions?

How many of these rights have caused the 1206 deaths in January 2017 that firearms caused? You want to talk about giving up rights? Give those up.

You are the one that needs to get over the election. I love America for what it is, not what you want it to be.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Yes very unfortunate for women and children to be caught up in this, but it is war and these cowards hide among the women and children. What about all the innocent people killed in the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and the US? They were not military at all. In fact they were defenseless and clueless that they would be attacked. Be mad at that and protest that. Maybe just maybe if President Trumps type ban was in effect back then the killers in the Boston Marathon bombing, San Bernardino,or Pulse night club might have been picked up going back and forth to the Middle East where they were so called Radicalized.

7 years ago

Great article Dan. I completely agree – it was a very impressive first week for President Trump!

7 years ago

Great stuff Dan – the Dems have no toe hold and the American people are wise to their BS – I think they lose more seats in the mid-term – as the tide turns our local politcos ought to pay attention –

7 years ago

Questions the liberal media and countries allowing huge numbers of refugees into their countries should be asking:

We have seen the short term consequences of allowing large numbers of refugees into European countries, but what are the long term consequences? Everyone expects that refugees who come from a completely different culture from ours and follow a very strict religion will assimilate to our culture, but what if the opposite is true? Many Americans cannot even tolerate Christians. How could we possibly tolerate changing our society to follow the customs and religious practices of large numbers of refugees from Syria? Why isn’t Saudi Arabia taking in more refugees?

Get on sites of German, France and even Canadian news and hear the real story of what is happening in these countries with the influx of refugees. The liberal politicians are reporting problems but stop at going into the details of what is happening. The people in these countries are reporting a real clash of culture and religion which is why Merkel is in trouble in her country and even the French president may be ousted.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

How’s your French and German? You cannot read either language, so again, you are just repeating lies and conjecture.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Also, the French president will likely get ousted because he scammed the gov’t into paying his wife $500,000 to “work” for him, allegedly.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Poor Matt (Shakes) is wetting his pants

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

Why am I the only one on here with the constant name guessing?

Your time would be best spent on cogent points of view and pertinent facts.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Not a guess

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Take a look at what has happened in Dearborn, Michigan.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mannix
7 years ago

The Same Dearborn, Michigan that is the world headquarters for Ford? Anytime you’d like to go to Dearborn, just let me know. I’ll happily show you around. You don’t have anything to worry about, well, as long as you are with me…

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Pat there are risk involved in not letting human beings be slaughtered.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Also big risks involved in letting potentially dangerous people into the country.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

As Pat and DV want Europe and America are very close to feeding these people to the wolves.I do believe this is going to happen.And when Christ says I came to you dressed as a Muslim you turned me away.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Where was all of this progressive concern about humanity when Christians were being slaughtered in Iraq?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Did we not spend Trillions intervening on behalf of the Chaldeans in Iraq?

7 years ago

Don’t city politicians have enough to do to take your pittsfield business without getting involved in immigration issues

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Info
7 years ago

What page of the Berkshire Eagle would this story be on? Was this story right next to Gataeni disrupts council meeting story? Or is this also on the “do not touch” list.

Rich Baloney
Rich Baloney
Reply to  Info
7 years ago

did they catch him stroking it?

7 years ago

What I find enlightening here is how the “pro” and “anti” Trump sides are yelling at each other, insulting each other. Knd of a microcosm of what’s taking place in the country.

I didn’t vote for Trump, didn’t want him, but he won. Hes the president of all of us. Maturity tells me we have to give him his opportunity.

I love how this website at least draws out the battle lines of discussion.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

Dan, I know you don’t allow advertising on your blog but I’m currently looking for investors in the Pittsfield area for my What’s new Pussyhat pink line of knit hats – What’s New Pussyhat jingle plays over and over on the infomercial for the low price of $20.17 covers the cost of shipping and handling and $5 off for a second Pussyhat My attempts to get a stimulus incentive TIF, were met with some resistance, but if you or your readers would like the opportunity to invest in a franchise act now

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

Why I am surprised you wouldn’t know what to do with a pussyhat?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

I’ll bet you know what do with a moon bat pussy hat Matt

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Is that what they called it in the 1930’s?

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

No Vinny pepper head hats?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

Your approach might need tweaking Ron. First, you need to promote it as an economic engine for the city of Pittsfield. Secondly, you need to whine about the need for reclining seats in your online store. Offer to set up a dummy store on the PEDA site. Then you might want to grease a few palms in the area of Allen street.

I do think your product is going to be hot and I might want to get in on the ground floor. The city of Pittsfield usually does not ask for business plan before doling out money but I will need one. I would like to be an equal partner and in charge of overseas distribution. Have your people call my people.

Thomas More
Thomas More
7 years ago

Fantastic exchange of thoughts.

7 years ago

So the bleeding heart radical liberals are already falsely labeling Trumps 7 country ban as a Muslim ban, even though 40+ Muslim countries are not affected by it.
Politics as usual. The truth is the victim.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

You are right. Muslim countries where Trump has hotels and other business s were not included. He needs his business associates to be able to travel back and forth without hassle.

It is true.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Believe President Trump got the list of 7 Countries from former President Obamass. It was his people who thought that these Countries were a threat to the US.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

you cannot blame Obama for this one but nice try. Trump is president now and he needs to grow the hell up.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Again, Trump only been in office 10 days he used Obama’s intel. Not blaming anyone, for our President protecting our Country.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

The 7 countries are in legislation that Barry signed. Calling it ‘intel’ is just more lying.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Signed off on a law passed by congress you mean.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Sad day when controlling the border and knowing who is coming into our country for a change is considered bigotry. Course anything a liberal doesn’t like is considered racist. All that is happening now is that existing laws are being enforced. Liberals had 8 years of one sided debate where they either ignored or ridiculed anyone that disagreed with them. Now they are throwing a fit because they don’t get their way. They are pathetic.

7 years ago

You guy’s that always whine and cry about Trump on this site might want to get some rest. Tomorrow President Trump will announce his Supreme Court nominee. I know this will trigger you and cause more uncomfortable crying . Rest up my little Snowflakes.

7 years ago

Just went by Park Square and it melted my heart seeing all of compassionate Pittsfield braving the elements in support of everyone except the American citizen. If only they came out before the election, we could have saved the USA from electing a President that actually does what he said he would do! $100 says it is page 1 tomorrow. Any Shakers, I mean takers?

Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Progressives care about everyone except people in their own country and Christians anywhere.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

If you don’t care about everyone, even non christians, then you ain’t much of a Christian yourself.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

I’m not even sure what you are failing to articulate? But I tell you what, I’ll donate $25 to the charity of my choice if it is the case.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Basically because of Trump’s triumph and the people who voted on his campaign promise on immigration, apparently validates his executive decree. No Muslims though, seems a little bit radical. ,No pun intended)

Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

86% of Muslim are not affected by the temporary order. Don’t let the facts wreck your catchy phrase.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

And now the talking Heads are crying nepotism because Trump does business in the Countries free to travel. That would be hard to prove if the Countries currently banned also have Trump investments.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

They do not.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Then I concur, Trump’s an a go. And tell him his wife is part of the Deal, get her ass in Washington where it belongs. It is a gated community.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

She is looking very unhappy these days. And who can blame her? She may just take the kid and move back to Europe.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Don’t blame her heh, small hands ….. …k.

7 years ago

According to the editorial in the BB the immigration ban weakens Pittsfield and the country. How does not allowing refugees from Syria into Pittsfield weaken the city? Do the writers of these editorials even think before writing these comments or since they are preaching to the choir to many in this area, do they feel they don’t need to make sense?


7 years ago

It’s only fair that the refugees can live in this country according to their laws and religion so will progressives be okay when refugees want to change this country to reflect their values rather than ours?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Since you continue to hate America, I’m sure you hate the establishments clause of Constitution that says no religion can be placed above another.

Except you are a Christian in name only. CHINO, has a nice ring to it….

7 years ago

Starbucks promises to give all refugees guaranteed jobs in their company once they get here. Don’t you wish they gave this kind of guarantee of jobs to any American who applied to their company? Just another example of more concern given to outsiders rather than people living in this country.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

You’re right Pat,real Americans work at Dunkin Donuts.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Pretty insulting offering them jobs as servants, shows how clueless liberals are.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Read the fine print. They said they would hire refugees that helped the U.S. as translators. Not all refugees.

7 years ago

Pat the Eagle sucks, cancelled a long time ago.

7 years ago

Pat, I agree with the BB on this point. If we don’t let more government sucking people in, the next couple of contracted automatic raises for the PSD will make the average income for Pittsfield too high to qualify as a “Gateway City” and all the free lunches and such that go with it! Then we’re really screwed.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Brilliant observation Dave.

7 years ago

Check out the video Mannix posted – above. This is what’s coming to a city near you! Wake up people!
Thanks Mannix.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

That video is bullshit. It would be the same as criticizing an orthodox Jewish community. Dearborn, MI is all American.

May Hemm
May Hemm
7 years ago

When state dollars dwindle then get those fed dollars for kindle, like Dave is relaying,keep the fire burning anyway they can…and then there’s that! free cash. Next contract across the board cuts.

7 years ago

If i knew this was morphing into a serious discussion,,uh, I would have been more serious. Good banter here though, another Great Piece from the Planet….While the Bugle, covers an Octogerian being led out of a lame City Council Meeting for speaking.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Why pick on Mexicans and Muslims, what about Chicago Americans? Deport the real criminals.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Shelly Liver
7 years ago

You’ll never see Isis invade Chicagoland they’d get their ass kicked.

7 years ago

Donald Trump is doing the right things for America.
God Bless President, Donald Trump!