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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, SUPER BOWL WEEKEND, FEB. 3-5, 2017) — Just what the city of Pittsfield needs: A central location that will attract hordes of junkies and drug dealers. That’s what the city will get when it establishes its needle exchange program. Little wonder why neither the mayor, Tapestry Health, nor anyone else is letting the public in on where the home of the program will be located.

In case you haven’t heard, official Pittsfield thinks it can “affect positive change” regarding an out-of-control heroin epidemic. Knowing it won’t stop junkies from shooting up, the city plans to supply fresh needles to the wigged-out stoops in the hope it will keep cases of HIV and Hepatitis C to the minimum. That’s like giving kids free cigarettes because we know they’re going to smoke or providing free motel rooms and condoms because we know they’re going to have sex.

Why should the city spend taxpayers’ hard earned money on futile, preventive measures to “help” irresponsible people who won’t help themselves? Where’s the sense of that? What part of freedom don’t we respect? If people want to kill themselves, let them do so and be done with it. Each fatal drug overdose is one less person for clean up after.

Supplying fresh needles will increase drug use. The math is simple: More fresh needles = more junkies. Is this what Pittsfield wants? And where will it place the needle exchange? That’s going to be a white-hot issue. THE PLANET offers some suitable locations:

HOTEL ON NORTH — The junkies will blend in nicely with the morning crowd that gets its taxpayer-funded highs around the corner at the meth clinic on Summer Street. Foot traffic at HON will be a pleasant change from the present near-desolation there. Why, if it wasn’t for events booked by The Suits, the HON would be a ghost hotel. Seems even NY tourists aren’t stupid enough to pay $450 a night for a room overlooking one of the dirtiest downtowns in the Northeast.

METHUSELAH BAR AND GRILLE — The Meth could offer a happy hour featuring free needles. The underage drinkers it serves would then get their double poisons in one convenient location. Remember, it’s for The Children.

COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL — That room could use something sharper than a bowling ball.

NUCLEA FACILITY — The empty Elm Street building has seen its share of scams and schemes. A needle exchange would be the perfect fit.

——– 000 ——–

It’s interesting to note that Tapestry, the outfit that will run the program (and make a killing in public money) already has an office on Wendell Avenue. Word on the street is that the needle exchange won’t be run out of there but at a location on North Street in downtown Pittsfield, one of the empty storefronts. You can be sure there’s more than one “Connected” landlord who even as we write has a tourniquet tightening around the proper arm.

Hey, gang, if you want to address a “panel of experts” who will tell you why a needle exchange is the greatest thing since the invention of the toaster, you can do so at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7 at the Berkshire Athenaeum. You will hear some mighty fine preaching, but be warned. If you are not a member of the choir, they won’t want to hear from you. In Pittsfield, that’s what’s known as Freedom of Speech — right Frank “Foney” Farkas?

If you go, prepare to hear a collection of Fractured Fairy Tales from advocates of the needle exchange. They will tell you how wonderful the experience has been in other cities. They will cite that Garden Spot of Western Mass., Holyoke, and tell you the needle exchange there operates well, a veritable Disneyland of efficiency that hasn’t impacted the neighborhood. Right.

That’s what they still say about the meth clinic in downtown Pittsfield on Summer Street. Show up there at that site early any weekday morning. Watch the junkies come in for their free fix. You will also notice a ton of ancillary business being done. The horse dealers show up in droves, ready to pounce on more new, recidivistic clients.

Ah, Pittfield. How THE PLANET has longed to take you under our wings. But you would not have it. We can only watch as you shrink to gutter size. We can only watch as you punish good citizens and take care of the scum. Official Pittsfield, you richly deserve the fate that’s heading your way.

With that, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line and reminds you to catch our new column in the current edition of Pittsfield’s finest weekly, The Berkshire Courier, free at newsstands everywhere.  Have a great weekend, everybody.


“I will show you a love potion without drugs … or any witch’s spell. If you wish to be loved, love.”Charles Lindbergh



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heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

I agree that it is a sure bet that some local special interest connected land lord will get the franchise. There may be more time spent figuring out who gets the largess of city government than on actually solving city problems. The city has such a heavy history of nepotism that it is hard to trust anything they say or do. At the same time there is nothing that can be done to create a level playing field. Power feeds power.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Pittsfield ,if your honest has a fantastic looking downtown.South street is the best looking entry into a beautiful park square and beyond .The planet does forget that the litter and PCB dust of a filthy Pittsfield we grew up in has been replaced with a extremely attractive busy main street.The common park was a place you did not enter after dark.When a fantastic job of rebuilding mainstreet is done it should be noted.
If you base everything on the romantic view of Stockbridge with people walking around the Red Lion motel ok.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Thank you Cumberland Farms for lighting up your part of the gangster let’s get Marchetti white Morandi tyer to turn up the street lights and get Eversourse to trim tree limbs…..Mayor ,Please light up our the hood around Morning side elementary school….turn the hood on.Light a light.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Turn the lights up everywhere again. Driving in the dark is awful especially when people are walking with dark clothes and no sidewalks (or sidewalks not cleaned)

Boy George
Boy George
7 years ago

Dan, look at it from this perspective (though you won’t).
Taxpayers will have to pay for them to receive HIV and Hep C meds which are 1000X the cost of needles.
I’d rather the later come from my taxes.

Reply to  Boy George
7 years ago

At this point the clinics should dole out laced bags of heroin and let Darwinism sort them all out.

Reply to  Boy George
7 years ago

Junkies don’t care about their health or think clearly so they will still be getting infected. Of course there is money to be made operating a facility that provides and injects drugs at taxpayer expense so get your wallet out

Boy George
Boy George
Reply to  Wilson
7 years ago

Sorry but when they get sick they end up at the hospital.
They often take the care provided because it beats living on the street, they’ll get suboxone or methadone and antivirals if needed.
You’re paying for the treatment they get.
Some of the meds cost 1000’s of dollars a pill.

7 years ago

The city has a sorry history of shooting itself in the foot, from so called urban renewal, and the train station hit by the wrecking ball, the downtown mall that people voted for but twasn’t to be, the GE “consent” decree, which raped the city, the Pathetic Economic Development Asses (PEDA), the measely 10 million GE Economic Development Fund, which instead of being used to creat jobs has been a slush fund for the GOB orgs, tax breaks for the well connected while the rest of us get bent over and raped in new taxes, a new school we can’t afford and don’t need (bend over some more because the tax man is going to pork us taxpayers a couple hundred more per year for that), a 4 year mayor instead of 2 so we have less accountability not more, a police department underfunded and understaffed and with an acting chief for 10 years, in violation of civil service law, while the city has seen dozens of murders and hundreds of shootings, just to name a few examples. What did I leave out?

So what’s a few needles among friends? Besides substance abuse is an economic engine in Pittsfield so we dont want the users to get sick and die.

p.s. Dan, is this a run on sentence or would it pass for “an essay” in a Pittsfield Public School?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Don’t go to a Mall that has no security cams inside or lead to the parking lot .

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Let’s sell PHS for development as a retail mall .

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Perhaps Tierney and Stanley could join hands and turn Pittsfield high school into HOTEL ON EAST. Give them their standard indefinite tax breaks and throw in some taxpayer funded boiler maintenance. They can take all the furnishings out of the Crown Plaza in lieu of that hotels unpaid taxes, compliments of the city. Plenty of parking in the rear.

I really should be compensated for all my awesome economic engine proposals.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Yes heh you should.Mccandless and School Committee provide free custodial services to the Yong Mens Christian Association who run day care out of the schools using all taxpayer built classrooms ,electricity,heat ,security and bill hundreds of thousands of dollars to the parents of the school and not paying for one thing.

7 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle wants local businesses to step forward with cash to help save the Crowne Plaza from going under. Big 40% increases just went to judges and other government officials. Our lovely state reps including Tricia Farley Bouvier along with Senator Adam Hinds approved these outrageous increases. Tricia will be getting an increased travel stipend of up to 20K. Where are our local politicians to solve these problems? Oh, that’s right, they are worrying about increasing the salaries of their big bosses in Boston.

Berkshire County has serious problems, but don’t look to the local progressive politicians to solve them. Not even a mention in the Berkshire Eagle editorials about the big pay increases in Boston.

7 years ago

As a Catholic, I was very disappointed in my Bishop’s criticism of those of us who question the safety of welcoming refugees that are not thoroughly vetted. And they are not, in spite of what we are told

For the record, I would have the same concerns with any Christian terrorist groups (if there are any).

It’s not about religion, it’s about terrorists!

Reply to  Spider
7 years ago

I agree completely Spider. Why don’t they get that?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

As a catholic I think that my church should have not enabled Preists to molest children for decades. My church should drop sanctimonious bullshit because God didn’t make the USA and doesn’t care where borders are.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Matt your church doesn’t want you. Thievery is a sin

Demetrius T. Gladiator
Demetrius T. Gladiator
7 years ago

The needles are needless. The choice is clear. Choosing to shoot up runs grave risks. As for preventing Hep C and HIV, if people get these diseases through choice them let them pay for treatment on their own. If they can’t, nature will do the sorting out.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

The American Pickers (Mike Wolfe) stayed at the Crown Plaza, wonder if they knew something the City didn’t.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

It might be cheaper for the mayor to just buy them some reclining seats than to give them a tax break. That is what they are hoping for right? Tax foregiveness?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Bouvier and Tyer had there sights set on Washington and Trump interrupted those plans.Now their sights are set on Boston because they both know they have seen their last election.Tyer has no shot answer Bouvier has lost so much of her support she needs a job like the Pete Larkin helping busness exploit the state as GE did.Tricia can double cross voters better than Tyer and Marchetti and White…..Caccamo

7 years ago

Hey maybe we can win a Good Housekeeping Award for having our heroin addicts being the tidiest in the NE !! Berkshire Magazine could run a front page story, and all the GOB’s can pat themselves on the back !! yay Pittsfield good work providing clean needles for the heroin addicts !! Maybe a trophy is in order ?

7 years ago

Trump’s not gonna get his wall.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  h
7 years ago

Somewhere out there there is a wall for Mr Trump. And just like Humpty Dumpty did, Mr Trump is going to fall off of his wall…. and it is not going to be pretty….for any of us.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

It’s not going to be pretty for any of us if Progressives keep allowing refugees into our country who cannot be properly vetted. Progressives think the radical Muslims will like us if we allow them in as has happened in Europe, but this theory hasn’t worked out well for France which is now a police state and continues to have to stop one attack after another. Why must Progressives learn everything the hard way?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Cuz we are not as smart as your Mr Trump from Wharton school?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

We will fix the refugee by arming people that are mentally unstable. They we can worry about retards blowing people away and not so much about terrorist attacks like Bowling Green.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

France has the strictest gun laws and it hasn’t helped them. Turning our country into a police state is okay with Progressives because that is what will happen if we pour refugees into our country from these dangerous parts of the world.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Matt that comment adds nothing to the conversation

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Speaking of retards. Hi Dean!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

There are an estimated 7.5 illegal guns in France. And it is hardly a ‘police state’. You’re making shit up again.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Kelly Ann has a new title…Miss Spokesman.

7 years ago

Dan couldn’t agree more, let them go to another town for there free needles. Because of the States lack of oversight, they are funding most addicts habits.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

Needles in itself are ridiculous for injecting. You give an addict a needle so the heroin can get into the bloodstream to get high. The concept is insane.

7 years ago

All you negative Nancy’s are bringing me down. I am thinking positive hoping needle manufacturers will be competing to build and employ hundreds in the William Stanley Business Park .

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Can’t ya just soak the old ones in salt water?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

YMCA childcare is a 1/2 million dollar business being subsidised by Pittsfield taxpayer….who gave the OK to let them reap huge profits off the city… this on the up and up.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Worry less about the YMCA and more about the Berkshire Medical Center.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Did anyone else notice Lenox State Representative William “Smitty” Pignatelli’s hypocritical vote for a second legislative pay raise this year? He has some nerve! It is the same Smitty Pignatelli who wrote Op-Ed’s in the Berkshire Eagle telling municipalities that they have to make “sacrifices” and regionalize or consolidate their public services.
So on the one hand, Smitty Pignatelli is for 2 legislative pay raises in one year, while on the other hand, local governments must find savings by sacrificing, consolidating, and regionalizing.
Smitty Pignatelli gets 2 pay raises this year, while the rest of us can “eat cake”.
Do as I say, not as I do!
This is politics at its worst!
– Jonathan Melle

7 years ago

Pittsfield thinks there on the cutting edge, free needles and meth. Larger cities have been doing this for decades with little results. Time for our State government to look in the mirror. They are enabling the addicts. Most addicts can’t hold down a job and on assistance. Time for mandatory drug testing and picture ID’s on EBT cards.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

peDa needle COrp. I like it!

7 years ago

Jonathan M, great point! Smitty is as phony as a 3 dollar bill. His crap with the tolls on the Ma Pike were self serving for him. He is a run of the mill MA politician. Funny how rich they become SERVING the public. Can anyone say oink, oink?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

A true leader, leads by example. When I was in the U.S. Army, I was told to lead from the front lines instead of behind the brave Soldiers who fight for our freedom on our behalf.
If Smitty Pignatelli was a true leader on sacrificing on behalf of the hard hit taxpayers, he would not have voted for 2 legislative pay raises so far this year! Instead, Smitty Pignatelli would have told his legislative leaders that the taxpayers come first and that the Legislature receiving 2 pay raises in one year sends the wrong message.
But no! Smitty Pignatelli voted to override Gov. Charlie Baker’s veto and enriched himself and his fellow politicians, while the taxpayers get poorer.
– Jonathan Melle

7 years ago

So true Jonathan, as far as I know Smitty never served in the military. That explains why people like us don’t understand his leadership, because he has none! He’s a self serving political clown.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

Smitty’s has done a lot of good, ask Mike Case Or the assclown on O TV

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Miss Vito
7 years ago

When people write that “Smitty’s done a lot of good”, they never name even one example of what he has accomplished during his 13+ years as a State Representative.
Smitty Pignatelli wrote Op-Ed’s on how Berkshire County’s local economy has tanked. Over one dozen factories in his legislative district have closed. Municipal taxes along with a aging and diminishing population is financially constraining local governments and school districts. Major employers like GE and Sprague are long gone. Sabic moved to Houston, Texas. The creative economy that Smitty Pignatelli touts produces low wage jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry. In other words, working class families are hurting more than ever!
Smitty Pignatelli’s first vote was for Speaker Tom Finneran. He then voted for Speaker Sal DiMasi. Both are convicted Felons and disgraced politicians. Smitty Pignatelli voted for the current Speaker for Life, Bob DeLeo, whose first piece of legislation was to give himself a huge pay raise, which Smitty Pignatelli voted for.
What makes Smitty Pignatelli so great in the eyes of voters? My answer is that he is a failure! He is a career politician who is intimidating to people who want political change. He comes from a political family and he is enriching himself at the expense of the hard hit taxpayer!
– Jonathan Melle

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

You and I both know that Smitty, hell the entire Berkshire delegation, are useless to the middle/lower class taxpayers. Smitty serves his well connected, money friends, well. The people who can ill afford another tax increase, Smitty could care less about.

The rest of the Berkshire delegation does the same, but also to the welfare crowd as well. They have to. Pittsfield’s welfare crowd is growing faster than a junkie can shoot up his/her next fix.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Smitty shops at Marshall’s,come on man?

Don t
Don t
7 years ago

Give it a little time Trump will have us all working in the Military.

Reply to  Don t
7 years ago

Obama lets Iran build Nukes. What next?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

So true Joe.. as the story goes Obama was mining uranium through a hole in the White House floor and then sending it a little at a time by carrier pigeon to Tehran. he is a bad hombre

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Editorial: “Pay raise windfall for Legislature”
The Daily Hampshire Gazette, February 2, 2017

The Massachusetts Legislature couldn’t have written a worse script for good governance than the way it rammed through pay raises for its leaders, statewide elected officials and judges.

Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, of Amherst, and House Speaker Robert DeLeo, of Winthrop, led the charge on the first major legislation of the 2017 session. Rosenberg and DeLeo are among the chief beneficiaries of the pay hikes, with their annual salaries increasing by $45,000, to $142,547 — a 46 percent boost.

The House and Senate on Thursday overrode the governor’s veto of the $18 million pay package, little more than two weeks after Rosenberg and DeLeo put the bill on the fast track to approval. That’s in contrast to the plodding pace of most other legislation, which involves months of public hearings and debate in committees before votes are scheduled.

We don’t doubt that the Legislature’s leaders deserve some increase in their stipends, which are bonuses for the extra work that goes with their positions. Those leadership bonuses have not been increased since 1982.

But lawmakers created a public relations fiasco with the heavy-handed way in which they hustled the hefty raises through the Legislature without a full public airing of the details or justification of increases that are far larger than what most of the state’s workers see in their paychecks from year to year.

Adding insult to injury, the Legislature added $25,000 pay increases for judges to the bill which has the effect of ensuring that lawmakers’ raises can’t be repealed by voters in a 2018 referendum. The state Constitution prohibits a ballot referendum adjusting judicial pay.

The pay hikes for legislative leaders, including the many committee chairs and vice chairs, take effect immediately. At the very least, increases in bonuses should be delayed to the next two-year session so legislators must stand for re-election before collecting the fatter paychecks they wrote themselves.

To his credit, Republican Gov. Charlie Baker vetoed the pay package, even though it contains more money for him as well — boosting his salary from $151,800 to $185,000 a year, and adding a new $65,000 housing allowance. Baker, who lives in Swampscott in a house valued at more than $1 million, has said he will turn down the raise and the housing stipend.

That housing allowance is among the questionable expenses in the package. It was recommended in 2014 by a special commission which studied compensation of state officials, even though the lack of state-provided housing has not been an issue for recent governors. In the last half-century, every governor except one, Jane Swift of North Adams, has lived within a reasonable commute to Boston.

In announcing the veto, Baker said the pay package is “fiscally irresponsible” and resulted from “a hasty process that included little substantive debate or time for public comment.” He also cited the impact on the state’s pension liabilities resulting from such massive raises. State pensions are based on the three highest-salaried years.

The package also includes raises for the state’s other constitutional officers — the lieutenant governor, attorney general, treasurer, auditor and secretary of state — as well as court clerks. Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Attorney General Maura Healey and Treasurer Deb Goldberg plan to decline the raises.

The timing is particularly bad because the same Democratic legislative leaders now getting big bonuses decided last summer to skip the traditional sales tax “holiday” because the state could not afford to forgo the estimated $26 million in revenue that would have been lost. It was only the second year since 2004 that consumers did not benefit from the tax holiday.

The package given final approval Thursday does not affect the base pay of legislators, which have been tied to the state’s median household income since a constitutional amendment was adopted in 1998. For the first time in eight years, the legislators’ base salary was increased from $60,032 to $62,547 beginning in January.

The bonus pay for leadership positions is added to that. Stipends for most committee chairs are doubling from $15,000 to $30,000. Even the largely honorary positions of Senate president pro tempore and House speaker pro tempore are getting a hefty raise with their bonuses increasing from $15,000 to $50,000.

We have no argument with granting reasonable raises to legislators who work long hours for the public’s good. But there was nothing public-spirited or good about this self-delivered windfall. Lawmakers should be ashamed.

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
7 years ago

Pat please email me

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

For any of you that exercise independent thought, I offer the following:

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Matt that is brainwashing

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

So tell us, is your experience as a level 3 sex offender, what will fix the heroin problem?

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

The latest edition of THE BERKSHIRE COURIER is out for your reading pleasure. It is free and has great coverage of what is going on in the Berkshires. News without a political slant. Everyone should give it a read.

Dan it would be great if you could get a list of all places this newspaper can be picked up so more people can see what a real newspaper looks like. I got my copy at Basswater Grill in Cheshire.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Baker doesn’t take the money because he doesn’t need it.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

The Courier is a fine paper but provides very little news. As for Valenti’s contribution its just a rehash of all what’s posted on this site.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Thomas More
7 years ago

Are you comparing it to the Berkshire Eagle or the Boston Globe?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

not comparing it to anything

Demetrius T. Gladiator
Demetrius T. Gladiator
Reply to  Thomas More
7 years ago

Thom your need to throw insults like this shows you have a problem with Dan and his success. Question is why? Espec. since his Courier columns are all new nothing like those on the Planet. I love em.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Adams Cheshire took their budget deficit 2 years ago and cut it by 90%and will do more.Pittsfield is the poorest city in the poorest County in you have to ask yourself do Yon,Caccamo,Kroll,White,Marchetti read about our local economy. These people treat other departments like highway with zero respect when it comes to budgets but when school department speak you are so intimidated so overwhelmed you act as if this is all new and overwhelming.Cut and consolidate.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Their priority topic may revolve around state legislative pay raises and how it might be time for them to help themselves as well. You can only get just so many pigs around one trough but that does not mean you cannot try.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

North Adams is poorer than Pittsfield.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

The council always played a game with consolidating even just 1 position.The school department does not need a custodial director at 60 k a year as those custodial positions are under the direction of school principles.They do not need a grounds crew and parks maintenance Forman making 90k year.Schools need administrators out of their office.Each community school coordinator makes 75 k per year doing organizational work that principles should be doing.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Pittsfield school s pay teachers during the summer 30 bucks per hour to tweak repairs on lockers.Stop this nonsense. Why doespecially Pittsfield pay this kind of money to a teacher.The business office has 10 people attached to it as Behnke get 120k to be called superintendent. Remember that last year Mr Mccandless said he understood people can’t afford his budget but started adding more people and programs while tell the taxpayer to stick it.Now it’s time to put him on notice and he should resign or stop making excuses and accept reality.

7 years ago

If they won’t close one of the 2 smaller elementary schools, atleast have one principal for them. Capeless & Stearns combined have a lower enrollment than Egermont .

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

PPS can afford to close two elementary schools due to declining enrollment.

7 years ago

Thanks for posting that excellent article on the legislative pay raises from the Hampshire Gazette, Jonathan. Important that the article pointed out how the legislature declined a MA sales tax holiday this past summer but did find money for their outrageous raises. Howie Carr noted on his show yesterday that our illustrious Gov was seen partying at Rosenberg’s yesterday – obviously they are all happy about their newfound wealth! Email your displeasure to Trish & Hinds!

And on the needle distribution……really bad idea. Not only will Pittsfield be attracting drug users from all over the area to take part in the needle distro – they will also be ensuring a steady customer base for the drug dealers! Dumb dumb dumb.

Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

Tricia and Hinds don’t care about this issue. They both voted for the huge pay raises.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

@danvalenti – What was Adam Hinds rationale for voting for a second legislative pay raise this year?
How come Smitty Pignatelli is telling municipalities to make financial sacrifices by consolidating public services and personnel in a regional compact, yet he voted for a second pay raise this year?
I will tell you why! Legislators are beholden to their political bosses in Boston. Adam Hinds and Smitty Pignatelli are bum kissers with dirty brown noses!
– Jonathan Melle

7 years ago

And with drugs comes crime. I would love to hear from some members of the law enforcement community about the needle exchange program. Won’t this make your job even more difficult?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

Wouldn’t it be much safer if there was a clinic, say at city hall, where the junkies could just go and get shot up by a board of health member? That way the dosage could be monitored avoiding overdoses and we would not have to worry about dirty infected needles being left all over North street.

Or maybe we don’t love and care about them quite that much?

7 years ago

WHY not just give the needles to the suppliers, that way if there are hot doses, they’ll know who to go to.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Humpty Dumbty had a great Fall
Humpty Dumbty doesn’t have a Wall
All of Kelly Ann’s Rhetoric
And all of his Billionaire Friends
Couldn’t keep the Foreigners from Flying in.

Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Dilly Dally cried like a bitch, that he or she is. Nuff said!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago


Why do you hate your mother so much?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

I think the folks here are just fed up with you. They don’t hate anyone but you are just a fool and a buffoon.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

I’m sorry, was this your safe place? Are you triggered because I don’t share your point of view? Maybe your mommy can come and make sure nobody hurts your little feelings.

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Go away insect

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Guage
7 years ago

Poor poor little tender man. Just full of anger but oh so soft and sweet.

7 years ago

In Pittsfield pick up your free copy of the Berkshire Courier at these locations:

Angelina’s Subs (2 Locations)
Berkshire Wine & Liquor
Bill’s Top of the Hill
Cumberland Farms (Dalton Ave.)
Dottie’s Coffee Shop
East Street Video
Epoch at Melbourne
George’s Liquors
Harry’s Supermarket
Highland Restaurant
Jake’s Variety Store
Johnnie’s Variety
K&K Liquors
Lipton Mart
Nichol’s Package
O’Connell’s (3 Locations)
Peaslee’s Package
Pittsfield Public Library
Price Chopper
Rite Aid (North St.)
Sabrina Professional Center
Springside Rehab & Nursing
The Marketplace
The General Store
Wheeler’s Market
Xtra Mart
Zenner’s Variety
Zucco’s Restaurant

This list is from the Berkshire Courier website. There are other locations listed for other towns and cities in Berkshire County. I just listed Pittsfield.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Thanks Pat. I think many people will find that this gives them adequate local news and show them that they do not need to throw their hard earned money away on make believe newspapers.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Yes,, thanks Pat. aside, you’re a credit to our Planet!

Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Thank you. I am going out to find the Berkshire Courier today when I do other errands. Hope it is still available.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Puttin hates critics and murders these Russian heroes and now we have Trump advocate for Puttin.Trump does not like to be criticized…what’s next Trump.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Did u know Putin is richer than Trump?

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Yes, he is Definetely the richest onein Trump’s Cabinet.

May Hemm
May Hemm
7 years ago

Pete Carroll or Bill Buckner, that’s a close one?

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Steve Bartman.

Don t
Don t
7 years ago

Salman Rushdie!!!!!

7 years ago

Salman Rushtie? Funny stuff.Maybe outside the sports realm. You might have well said Trump.How about Jack Tatum, the first, of the concussion head hunters who’s hit paralyzed former Purdue and New England Patriot great,Darryl Stingley. Jack Hamilton ranks up there as all time disgruntled fan favorites,not.

7 years ago

So, Donald Trump is a A Big Fan of the New England Patriots. Wouldn’t it be a little odd should the Patriot lose to the Atlanta Falcons? Are you going to embarrass the President and Tom Brady, now considered to me the all time greatest? Never mind Bill Belicheck and Matt Patricia. As the Planet’s Premier Forecaster and resident Sports enthusiast. Super Bowl prediction.. Patriots Big! Brady will have plenty of time to relax at the end of the game, this time!

7 years ago

Synopsis….Patriots will shut down secondary receivers of Atlanta
Pats defense is Superior to Atlanta
Brady, big edge in experience
Brady wants it, becomes oldest Quarterback to win Super Bowl
Quinn has had a great year as Coach and Jones top flight, corners shut him down, secondary receivers won’t be enough.

Congrats again Mr. Kraft. Pats cement game as Greatest Football Franchise in History. Lady Gaga is certainly an appropriate Half Time Show. Pats in a Romp!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

What are secondary receivers?

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

Go Bird’s.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

I hope the Patritos get beat,I have a big dental bill coming up.