(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY MARCH 2, 2017) — It came in like a lamb.
THE PLANET doesn’t speak of March. We refer to President Donald Trump‘s first address to the nation in the formal chambers of a joint session of Congress. The reviews were largely good. Many, even Trump’s opponents, agree that he looked, acted, and sounded “presidential” on Tuesday night, although no one knows precisely what that means.
Here’s one of the best columns of many we’ve come across, written by our colleague Sandy Fitzgerald. It addresses the speech based on Vice President Mike Pence‘s reactions. Of course, THE PLANET invites your take on the president’s speech.
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President Donald Trump struck a new note for many Americans with his first address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday with his message of unity, but Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday morning that the address reflected the president with “broad shoulders and a big heart” that he serves with every day. “
[He was] reaching out, focusing on the future,” Pence told MSNBC‘s “Morning Joe” program. “To see him get the reception that he got, not only in the chamber but also all over the country as of this morning, it gives me great confidence that the agenda that the president articulated last night is the right agenda for America.”
The agenda, he continued, is “resonating with the American people, and I couldn’t be more optimistic about the opportunity to move forward, our agenda, to repeal and replace Obamacare and trade deals and infrastructure and rebuilding our military.”
Pence said Trump was rewriting the speech Tuesday afternoon before he gave it, and show co-host Willie Geist reported hearing that Trump was still drafting the speech up until just before he gave it. Pence said that one of the great moments of the speech was when Trump, at the outset, acknowledged the great division on policies that is happening, while reminding Americans there are “things that unite us in this country, in the way we condemn acts of hatred and referring to the terrible acts of anti-Semitism. It was a wonderful moment of unity and I think it spoke about the heart of this man.”
He also reminded the show that Trump won 30 out of 50 states, including hundreds of counties that former President Barack Obama had won twice because the “American people heard his heart.”
Pence, though, did say that the Trump administration will continue to call out the media “when they play fast and loose with the facts.” “It’s pretty strong terminology [Trump uses],” said show co-host Mika Brzezinski. “I think you see some of the baseless and fabricated stories come out and it’s frustrating,” said Pence. “One of the reasons why president Donald Trump was elected is because he is a fighter. The American people want a president who will fight for their future, who will fight for American jobs, fight to make America strong in the world again but he also willing to make his case and to challenge his detractors when unfair criticisms come his way.”
Pence, who booked appearances on most of the early morning news shows, stayed off of CNN, the network that has come under fire the most from the administration. However, according to CNN’s early morning tipsheet, the vice president was to make appearances on MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox News, along with appearances on the Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, and Sean Hannity‘s radio shows. He also had booked appearances for “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News and “For the Record with Greta” on MSNBC.
One of Trump’s main points Tuesday concerned Obamacare, and on Wednesday, Pence said Trump had made the case the the Affordable Care Act is a “failed policy” that needs to be repealed.
“But also you saw him do what great presidents do and that is he laid out the principles and the framework for replacing Obamacare, one item after another,” said Pence. The vice president told ABC News‘ “Good Morning America,” Wednesday morning that nobody will “fall through the cracks” when Republicans repeal and replace the healthcare law, and the repeal measure will be the number one priority of Congress.
“I think the president’s made it clear to Congress that particularly when it comes to the most vulnerable population … the Medicaid population, we don’t want anyone to fall through the cracks,” Pence said. “You heard him mention tax credits last night. What the president wants the Congress to do is to create a framework for people to be able to afford coverage.”
Trump also spoke of creating a national marketplace that will allow Americans to buy health insurance across state lines, said Pence, and the focus is on “lowering the cost of health insurance rather than mandating that people buy government-approved health insurance.”
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If Trump is coming across as “more presidential,” one can only guess the agita level among died (and dead) in the wool Democrats. It will be interesting, if not fun, to watch.
“Eloquent speech is not from lip to ear but rather from heart to heart.” — William Jennings Byran
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Trump’s speech was a zero on policy and he recycled quotes. If that is a president sounding presidential, then Tyer is the most mayoral mayor Pittsfield will ever have.
Thus Spake Dorffathustra
What are you even talking about, loser? Go back to your hole, bum. You are probably the same kind of person, as trump, that would promise to raise money for veterans’ groups then never contribute your pledge.
Seek anger management Dorffy
Bad day matt?
So you mean that his speeches were just like Obama’s?
Matt you are not making any sense
Dean, stop stalking me to live out your homoerotic fantasies. I’ve told you, I am not interested.
Matt (Shakes) give it up, you are busted again. Go cry.
What I saw was a T V reality show host with his porn star wife reading a speech from a teleprompter.
Trump read someone else s words of a teleprompter. Combine that with his constant vacillating on almost every subject and I consider his address to congress utterly meaningless. As far as being presidential, he is an empty suit.
Obviously we all see something different when we look at Trump. How weird is that?
Read Willie Geist’s words above and then realize how stupid everything you say is.
Oh great! I guess you don’t care about hurting peoples feelings.
You are a big meany!
If the Planet said it was good then it was good enough for me..Not!
Pence, Ryan, McConnell are messenger boy’s especialy Pence, he is following the leader because he wants to be President and wasn’t smart like Trump on figuring how to get there.
Humpty Trumpty still sits on the Wall
Humpty Trumpty gave Sessions a Call
All of The Russian Ambassadors
And all of our Congressman
Couldn’t believe Sessions ever talked to Russia and when
Hilary Clinton sat on a wall
Her dishonest campaign took a great fall
All of her lies and all of her zen
Couldn’t keep her emails from surfacing again
she sat on the wall. then it collapsed….just like the aca.
Trumps lack of Tranparency is in direct conflict with that of the Planet, who quite frankly, who is the most transparent Journalist we know, go figure?
Sounded to me like he actually proposed single payer hralthcare, or socialized medicine, as the Republican replacement for ACA, so I’m down. And Don t…it’s starting to look like Pence WAS indeed smart enough to figure out a way to become president: become Trump’s VP and wait for the whole Russian election mess to fester until impeachment! The cover up is always worse than the crime…ask tricky Dick.
If that’s what you got out of his speech then you need to stop with the recreational drugs.
Dick’s dead. So I’ll take you word.
Matt stop talking to yourself
populist message, populist programs, populist results. More Dems voted out in the mid-term…the Republicans are now the Democratic party I once believed in…and the Dems are just mad little children..sad really
You mean like the southern democrats of the 50’s and 60’s?
Interesting Shakes…I’ll hafta ponder that for a bit but you may be correct.
not really…but the intimation by a nit wit like you that my comment was somehow racist doesn’t surprise me…I’m beginning to see Dean’s point about you.. troll
Are you 80?
Typical bully that calls anyone that expresses an opinion different than their own a troll or crybaby rather than expounding on their unsupported claim.
Both political parties are a joke. The speech was a Trojan horse – for the Democrats to ‘normalize’ Trump. Vote them all out!
Matt (shakes and john) stop talking to yourself. You are showing your ignorance
Donnie’s in trouble .
It’s all Trump Republicans from now on.You own him and his policies. If he wins you win and when it goes down the tubes so do you.
No matter what Pittsfield needs to cut the schools budget by 5 million.We live in the poorest County in the state.The mayor believes as does Yon Kroll White Marchetti Behnke Mccandless that we are thriving and we run a tight ship.Pittsfield is a very violent city.All educated young people move away.We lost years ago.Go’s who we are.
Donald Trumps’ speech to U.S. Congress:
* I will never release my tax returns. Deal with it!
* Russian Officials colluded with my presidential campaign last year. Deal with it!
* Steve Bannon is a white supremacist and a neo-nazi. Deal with it!
* I have 6 former Goldman Sach’s executives working for my administration. Deal with it!
* I am going to slash the budget of the EPA and State Department. Deal with it!
* I am going to cut taxes for the rich while spending $1 trillion on infrastructure programs. That will balloon the national debt to record levels. Deal with it!
* I am going to slap huge tariffs on imports from China, Mexico, and other trade partners. This will start costly trade wars. Deal with it!
Awesome speech, now time to come through. Best part is when the Snowflakes worry about how we’re going to pay for it. They must have been out of the Country when Diamond Jim Obama was in office.
First time I laughed all day.Compared to what?
Another tough day for Trumpflakes
Sessions Over!
The Pittsfield-Syria- Morning Star Refugee Collaborative-Public Private-Partnership Federal Grant Settlement at Tyerville.
S & J Crossing at Mary of the Morningstar Heights.
Hamburger Hill in Ward Two.
Hess Forest Condomium Refuge
I personally have given up on pittsfield but will vote in city elections one more time just to vote for anyone who runs against anyone.
I suggest moving to dalton lee Lanesboro lenox .Pittsfield needs a charter school yesterday and I suggest everyone go.
Fake Fox News is pretending th as the there is no Trump scandle today….just hilarious.So in denial.
Didn’t here that he stepped down from his position as Attorney General, did you? I think your in denial regarding Obama. You actually think he did a great job as President. Now I find that funnier than anything I have read on Dans blog in weeks.
The President will now be addressed by his new official name
{ The Teflon Don }
Trump reminds me of the Man in the Moon. He has that face. An orange man in the moon face. It is Amazing. Trust me!
You Trump Troll’s got to come up with some original stuff. Seriously your such babies, I kinda feel sorry for you. Not!
I cannot accept this man as My President…Unless you want World War 3
Lie Lie Land. What a bunch of Losers. Humiliating our Democratic process in this Country. Cumlative toll
The Hills at PCB.
The Lebrea tar pits at P CB Fields.
Trump flakes are quiet again.This is pretty much how this will go.
You guys could give a aspirin a headache.
Planet is great, and free!