(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY MARCH 9, 2017) — You’ve heard the hackneyed buzz words overused in and by Pittsfield until you don’t even hear them any longer: “renaissance” … “revitalization.” Without the presence of a strong local economy, however, no city is going to find new life.
Language is powerful. THE PLANET knows this more than most, but even the nitroglycerin of words cannot create new life by themselves. Someone should tell the politicians that you can’t gum a vibrant economy into existence.
The arts and culture “economy” is dying on the vine. Art serves no practical purpose when a citizenry faces such “gut hit” problems as having enough money to pay rent, heat the home, buy prescription drugs, pay taxes, and satisfy the thousand-and-two financial obligations that accrue in living a self-sufficient life. Of course, the bottom feeders don’t have these worries. They get their free cell phones, free EBT cards, free education, free meals, and free you-name-it handed to them courtesy of taxpayers.
Similarly, artificial government support designed to “revitalize” sections of the city — think “Streetscape” — ultimately faces doom, because it, too, comes from money government steals from a shrinking pool of working, productive citizens. Take the “revitalization” of Tyler Street. Please.
Hoss … Without the Cartwrights
Late last month, city planner C.J. Hoss outlined for the gullible-as-usual Pittsfield City Council the Tyler Street plans to be funded by the euphemistically named Transformative Development Initiative, a pie-in-the-sky program of MassDevelopment. Who funds this, ultimately? Got a mirror?
Local mainstream media save two — the Berkshire Courier and THE PLANET — fell for the puffery the same as the suckered council. Only the Courier and THE PLANET gave you the complete, the truer, picture.
As reporter Olivia Schneider pointed out in the Courier, receiving money through the TDI is no great honor. From her story in the March 3-9 issue: “To qualify [for TDI], cities must have had a population between 35,000 and 250,000, a mean income below the state average[,] and college education attainment below the state average.”
In other words, to get this funny money, cities have to be poor and dumb.
C’mon down, Pittsfield!
‘Gateways’ is Wrongways
Again proving its love of euphemism, the state calls these pitiful burghs “gateway cities.” Translated into the vernacular, a “gateway city” is … well, see the above paragraph: poor and dumb.
Schneider’s story captured a telling quote from Hoss, who by the way is a good public servant, a man who delivers an honest day’s work for his pay. Hoss, however, makes his living in the public sector, where politics rather than performance rules. You play the game or you’re out.
Hoss said getting the TDI bucks isn’t about the money: “This was really about becoming eligible for program and grant opportunities that were eligible only to these TDI [cities].” Reading between and among the lines, as one must always do when a “public servant” speaks, Hoss’ statement admits Pittsfield is on empty when it comes to the local economy. Why else are “program and grant opportunities” needed?
Over the most recent (de)generation, Pittsfield has received countless such “programs and grants.” Each perpetuates the city’s economic depression in the way a hit of methadone keeps a heroin junkie addicted. As long as Pittsfield relies on taxing its vanishing middle class to death and pursuing program and grant money rather than rebuilding the economy, it will not have the energy, the vision, nor the capacity for strategic thought required to throw off the fiscal shackles and build an economy that works for productive citizens and not for deadbeats.
The Typler Street spiff calls for improved lighting (to see what, exactly?), sheltered bus stops (to go where, exactly?), and bicycle lanes (to improve whose safety, exactly?). Naturally, Ward 3 councilor Nick Caccamo and Ward 6’s John Krol love the idea of bike lanes. Heck, they’re a whole lot easier than getting good jobs to move to Pittsfield.
And so while politicians fall in love with bike lanes and lighting, they continue to do nothing except to distract citizens from the extinction that, in events remain unaltered, lies just ahead.
“Too many churches and not enough truth.” — The Guess Who
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Dan you are one brilliant blog. Thank you for this blog. It is cherished! Truth- Justice- and the American Way. How sweet it is.
Any community who wants economic growth has to answer the following question:
“Would a middle class family choose to move to Pittsfield?
To answer “Yes”, Pittsfield would have to accomplish the following goals:
* A positively performing public school system
* Higher educational opportunities that leads to young people investing in the hometown they grew up in
* Living wage jobs
* Affordable and middle class housing
* No political corruption, meaning no Good Old Boys!; meaning no one political party rule; meaning no non-competitive “elections”!
* A fair tax rate without giveaways to out of town millionaires and 5% annual tax hikes with ever-increasing municipal debts
* A chance to vote on a the construction of a new high school that will cost local taxpayers over $121 million
* A solid infrastructure instead of polluted PEDA with zero private tenants after nearly 2 decades
* A nightlife for adults
* Youth programs
* Recreational activities
* Low per capita rates of poverty and welfare caseloads
* Not having downtown’s North Street being known as “Social Services Alley”
* Not having teen pregnancies double the statewide average
* Safe streets
* Not having violent crimes, murders, an unsolved mass shooting, drugs, and gangs
BUT, I believe that Pittsfield will never change for the better. Rather, Pittsfield is in a never-ending downward spiral. Moreover, Pittsfield politics makes things worse with high taxes, a corrupt Consent Decree, and its Good Old Boys political network!
– Jonathan Melle
All such feel good projects come with big buckets of discretionary monies. Money which at the discretion of project leaders, can be sent in any direction they would like. Money for planning, money for administrative stuff, materials, hauling, design. It can be sent in the direction of friends and supporters. And some of this money, in a round about way, goes right back in the direction it came from. Whodathunk it? It is not totally unlike money laundering. And in some cases this is the whole basis for the project being created in the first place.
Yes, I am a conspiracy theorist. I also read about stuff like this and it is not rare at all.
Check out the Finance Committee Meeting, the people running that show are Winking Blinking and Nod, do they know what they’re doing?
Another Grant just added another layer to the Brein Center. Soon to open a 17 bed facility for pregnant addicts.
I hope you are kidding. If you are a pregnant addict you should have your child taken away and sterilized.
Maybe under sharia law
LoneGunMan, unfortunately not kidding. I read the story on Masslive a few days ago.
Great point. The “fine print” with these grants require “additions” such as this. For the state money, Pittsfield must make room for more addicts, sex offenders, pregger teens, gangstas, and other such Upstanding Citizenry that the tonier communities in the eastern state do not want and will not have. The grant money ALWAYS has a huge cost.
The Brien Center is opening another home for women addicts (said nothing about pregnant) and turning Keegan (I think that is the name of it) House into a home for addicted men after they find another home for the women
Magic in the Masslive article, it stated for Pregnant women. Search it on the Masslive site.
I did and it did say that. I listened to an interview this morning on the radio and that impression was not what I got from it. My apologies.Gotta say I’m tired of working for other peoples benefits
Me too! Let’s repeal and not replace Medicare!!!! I’m
A true revitalization of Tyler Street would really happen with a Super Walmart. A city with a healthy economy wouldn’t have any problem having a Super Walmart in their city. In fact they would welcome it with open arms. Tyler Street would come alive in a really good way by having a Super Walmart. Have the suits led by Melissa Mazzeo stopped the Super Walmart from coming to Pittsfield?
Not yet, but she is trying real hard.
Spot on, Dan! Bicycle lanes, needle exchange programs, parking kiosks, welcome mats for Syrian refugees……where’s the beef??
Permit me to segway into news your readers may have missed; the mayor of Rutland, Vt was voted out of office on Tuesday, due to the turmoil stemming from the mayor’s secret plan to make the city a permanent refugee resettlement community. Documents have emerged which show that the exec. director of the VT Refugee Resettlement Program urged the mayor to “avoid transparent public forums on refugees.” Sound familiar?
A high percentage of the Syrian refugees have latent T B infection, many states do not want the refugees, many problems.
Many sources are telling us about the numerous health issues these refugees are bringing with them.
It won’t stop Pittsfield! They will believe the Springfield group sponsoring this move that they are completely vetted….health and otherwise.
Buyer beware!
That’s right, realtors gain,doctors, psyche joints,non profs,lawyers, it never ends.
Health issues are one of the most dangerous aspects of allowing refugees and tolerating the undocumented. The best answer for Pittsfield is “not here, no way.” That is to be delivered to the highly suspect two groups from Springfield who want to foist this outrage on a city that’s deep within its own problems.
Planet, if you get the chance watch the Finance Committee Meeting. Jake will do what he wills, this body has no clue what to cut, or will cut, if Jake cuts anything, he and Mrs. Yon, and Honey Boo Boo should be to blame, not the CC..
There seems to be a gap of unknown cost with our share for the new school could be millions, so the council won’t know that for awhile. Hope Barry is watching?
Here we go again. JIV, Jake McCandless, states without the usual school budget increase, he will be “forced” to eliminate 57 positions, all of which have a substantial impact “For the Children”. Is it already time for his lame emotional budgetary threats ? Same Ole , Same Ole. C’mon JIV get creative and at least entertain Pittsfield’s bedraggled taxpayers.
That’s why you build a new school, keep that paper roll humming.
My reply to JIV, as mayor or school committee member: “Good! Then get rid of 57 positions. And let that be a start.”
Assistants upon Assistants. Layers and Layers. Adjust the numbers and Consolidate and eliminate. Do your jobs!!!
The schools need more counselors to provide crayons and pillows for the snowflakes. That’s the priorities.
I agree Dan, but why not even talk about closing a elementary school. No mention of fixing the empty school bus problem. No mention of housing the buses in the section of the City it picks up the students, I thought we were a green City. The buses do there rounds the head back to the beehive, every morning no afrernoon 186 days a year,
On The Mark DV
The city is planning to spend over $800,000 (am I correct on amount?) to upgrade the First St. parking lot. I use that lot often and do not see the urgency in repairs.
Wouldn’t that money be better spent fixing the rail tracks at PEDA to encourage businesses to come here?
Joe’s brother in law makes out like crazy!
Who gets the contract? Did they donate to any campaigns? Will they be putting parking kiosks?
You’re kidding, right?
Open your eyes. That lot is a mess. My office is right next to it. It’s crumbling.
I was on the council three years ago when we approved $500,000 to have that lot fixed. A certain person sat on their duff and did nothing, even though they asked for the money.
Lot got worse. Now the cost is $300,000 more than the money asked for when I was on the council.
This screw up really burns my back side.
Barry: While we are on the subject of the parking lot and what I said about using that money for the rail track at PEDA, who was responsible for allowing it to fall into the condition it is in now? GE or the city (PEDA)? And why wasn’t something done to avoid it?
Talk about enticing businesses to come to Pittsfield!
One more burden for the taxpayers.
To clarify….I am talking about the “railroad track”.
I’m not sure. I think the tracks are owned by either GE or one of the rail roads. I’m fairly new to the Board, and this is the first time the subject has been brought up while I have been a Board Member.
UNICO is a great org.Good SHow Judge! Played ball with Mike Q.
Marchetyiis asked Terroraxhi about high overtime for the Parks Department in the Winter months and his answer was something to do with adjustments. What kind of answer is that? Planet has to watch the feb 24 finance nmeeting.
Councilor Tully asked the best question. Where are we getting the money for the 2018 budget?
Why would that be a question? It comes from idiots. Idiots who choose to stay in Pittsfield.
It is not going to change but it will rather get exponentially worse. The current mayor never said she would lower or even control taxes. And she is being true to her non words.
there will be a lot of shuffeling going on. Bank on that. First, of the Ouncil does manage to cut it won’t mean beans. Adjustments will be the Key Phrase on this one.
If you get 30 professional positions out of the schools you will be just fine and under budget.Start with new position in the last 3 years.You can keep all paras custodians kitchen and bus.This is reality close crosby close PHS in 3 to 5 years.and bring in 1 charter school at St joe.
Did not know the mayor favored Walmart moving from Coltsville to Pittsfield Economic Development Area ….she is desperate for cash
To the parking Kiosk Lady who doesn’t live here. The lemon isn’t worth the squeeze. If the city needs revenue start pulling some speeders over. There on Dalton Ave, West Housy, Hancock Rd. Actually all over.
egads level funding of the school department – the horror – I love it when JVM says “sacred cow” – can’t wait for the over ride vote next year –
Wal Mart is not the way to go.
Following up on this week’s blog discussing Barry Clairmont’s figurehead accounting role in a new proposed dispensary. There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask Barry for several months. Knowing that he often slips away during the winter to his home in Colorado, has he explored the legal pot industry in that state, visited retailers and/or discussed the situation there with residents and officials? If so, has he gathered ideas on using the industry to create revenue and jobs in Pittsfield? I was actually impressed with mayor Tyer’s ideas on capitalizing on the new law and her thinking outside of the box in regards to potential new economic development. Only to be disappointed when she ran away from those concepts as fast as she could-even if she was misinterpreted by the reporter.
Two Cents,
To answer your questions and correct a statement…
I never slip away in the winter to go to CO. I work. It’s tax season.
I have “explored”, as you put it, the legal pot industry in CO. I’ve looked into it our of curiosity. I have visited a retail establishment to see how it worked. Very interesting. I think many parts of our law is modeled after CO’s law. BTW, I didn’t buy anything.
The most interesting thing I observed was that the average age of the customers, based on observation, was 60-65 years old. They were lined up out the door.
I have friends who live in CO year round. I did discuss their take on how it affected their town.
Yes, I have ideas.
BC-Thanks for your reply and I apologize for my seasonal confusion. I figured you would have ideas. Sounds like those demographics makes Pittsfield a very attractive market and we can’t say that very often.
While Pittsfield s elderly population might seem like a sure fire customer base a consultant might conclude that ours is a much poorer customer base. And to the best of my knowledge they are not giving this stuff away. Will medicaid be chipping in? I dunno. Will we be allowed to smoke it at the senior center and if not will the mayor work to make this happen?
Unfortunately under the MA plan the tax on marijuana will be 3.75% plus a additional 2% local. Colorado has a 2.9% sales tax plus a 10% Marijuana tax. After they spend 100+ million a year on Marijuana Administrative costs, (MA lottery 103.3 Million FY16 Ad. Costs) and dole out more money to the Brein Center and other addiction centers won’t be worth it for the taxpayers.
Barry: Thank you for your reply. Perhaps now, since you are on the Board, you might get back to us with some info.
Here’s the British Broadcasting Corporation’s view of how Indiana revitalized itself. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-32925294
To summarize; “Indiana is seen as an island of reasonability,” says Brian Burton, the incoming head of the Indiana Manufacturers Association.”We have made major regulatory and tax structure changes over the last 10 years which have helped our competitive advantage.”
Pittsfield needs a government that maintains good services, makes sensible choices on education, keeps taxes low and gets the hell out of the way of enterprise.
Chuck why is Indiana way below Ma. In education?
I assume you are referring to K-12 education? We spend far less than Mass. ($9.5K versus $15K per student). This is part of where the tax benefit comes from.
Pittsfield spends about $14.6 per student. The Planet has ah, strong opinions about how productive this money is.
Cannot compare Pittsfield with State averages. Majority of schools are in Central and Eastern part of State where cost of living is much higher.
Right Now we are Dodge City soon to become Tombstone, keep going the way we are…refugees, needles, high taxes,pot,seniors exiting,heroin,dead north st. Shootings, disrespect on the roads, and the list goes on,we’ll end up like Illinois urban squall.
Maybe the health department can earn their keep when we have a tuberculosis outbreak in the new fancy high school.