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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY MARCH 21, 2017) — For the second day of spring, we dance the dance of wonder. We wonder why Mayor Linda Tyer would fall for it. Why would she take the bait? THE PLANET had Two Cents read our thoughts when the latter posted yesterday here:

Mayor Tyer is about to make a serious rookie mistake by calling a news conference tomorrow to defend herself against a critical letter to the editor. In the eternal words of the immortal Peter Arlos- and a quote cited often by Dan Valenti-“Never Chase Criticism”. What would have never become a matter of public discussion or debate will now become one. It’s a purely emotional response that never ends well for an elected official.

——– 000 ——–

Neither THE PLANET nor 99.99% of anyone would have had reason to criticize or laud the city’s “hiring practices and diversity efforts” (quotes from mayor’s press release) if not for Tyer’s rube rsponse to a letter hardly anyone read. Ordinary people are too busy figuring out how to make ends meet in a city without a functioning economy and a punishing tax rate. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski would much rather hear about the mayor’s plans to cut blubbering fat from the obese Pittsfield School Department. Or how about a press conference on helping the truly discriminated against? Small business owners could certainly use a boost.

Two Cents is correct. The Aging Greek God gave us that sacred advice from high atop Mt. Olympus when we were first stepping out onto the public stage: “Never chase criticism.” We took the advice to heart and have since passed it on to countless acolytes, neophytes, tyros, and rookies. Some heed and profit. Some “know better” and let emotionalism get in the way.

The mayor’s overreaction indicates the letter hit a nerve. Is it because Tyer is a liberal Democrat? Is it because she has white person’s guilt over inequities from the deep historical past? Is she acting on orders from higher up? Who knows.  It is a shame, however, that she should waste her time, talents, and the public’s treasure on this non-issue. That’s correct: NON-ISSUE.

The word “diversity” from Tyer’s press release explains everything. It means if you have a job, if your white, if your male, if you’re not politically Connected, and if you’re not a lock-step “Massachusetts Democrat,” you’re a bad person — definitely a racist, sexist, capitalist, agist, psalmist, and whatever ever else “ist” you can name.

Tune In, Turn On, and Drop Dead

Speaking of “diversity” and its bastard cousins …

If you never tune into PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION, make an exception tonight at 6:30 p.m., channel 16, PCTV, Time-Warner local access. PVTV, with a huge co-hosting assist from Supercitizen Terry Kinnas, absolutely tears apart the bat-shit, libelous letter from Pittsfield Supt of Schools Jake “JIV” McCandless. At best, the letter insults every person whose ancestors came from foreign lands into this country THE RIGHT WAY, legally, prepared to start from the bottom, work hard, and assimilate into becoming Americans. At worst, JIV has jeopardized millions of dollars in federal funding.

Here’s a copy of the letter, so you can follow along with the television autopsy:

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A Letter from Superintendent Jason McCandless

Dear Pittsfield Public School Families,

The Pittsfield Public School District is committed to the safety of our students.

From ongoing bus driver training, to professional development in cultural competence for all staff, to practicing safety drills, to our partnership and dedication in working with the Pittsfield Police and Fire Departments, the PPS knows that students learn best when they are cared for, cared about and kept safe.

This urgent need and moral mandate to protect children extends to every child in our district and larger community, including immigrant students. Like most of you, the first generation of my family to live and be educated in American public schools were immigrant students. Our connection to newly immigrated families, regardless of status, is clear and strong. These students are owed the same opportunities that our families were given. Federal law prohibits public schools from even inquiring about immigration status. Like the PPS, the Federal Department of Education believes that students are students–and that every single child deserves and has a right to a free, appropriate public education.

The PPS, in its commitment to ensuring that students are comfortable and safe in the schools they are required to attend, want to assure all families that we do not allow legal investigations to occur within our public schools for non-school related events. This practice applies to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions that may occur in our community. Federal law prohibits enforcement actions to take place at “sensitive locations,” including schools, bus stops, pre-schools, places of worship, public demonstrations, hospitals and other medical facilities, and other locations and events. More information on “sensitive sights” may be found at Sensitive Locations FAQs.

In the Pittsfield Public Schools, we believe one of our greatest strengths is our diversity. We are a city and a school district that understands our differences should be recognized, respected and celebrated. We believe we have much to learn from the cultures, histories and the experiences of people who come from different places and see the world through different lenses. We also believe our common aspirations, hopes, dreams and dedication to freedom, equality and justice are what bind us together as Americans. These bonds are strong and serve as the common link between us and our foremothers and forefathers whose courage, intellect and dedication to freedom created our over 240-year-old experiment in, as President Lincoln called democracy in the Gettysburg Address, “government by the people, for the people.”

If you have questions or concerns, I encourage you to call me at 499-9512. It is an honor to serve our community through education, and please know the voices of our community are heard and respected by the Pittsfield Public Schools. Sincerely, Jason McCandless, Superintendent PPS

——– 000 ——–

Love that phone number. You can be sure that if you call, JIV “will be in conference.” You will leave a message, and when the phone doesn’t ring, you’ll know it’s JIV not getting back to you.

Tomorrow, THE PLANET peels the skin off of this disparaging document, a ribbon at a time. We want to reveal a fake and want it to be done as s-l-o-w-l-y as possible, so JIV can realize the damage he has done.


“Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”Albert Einstein



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William Munny
William Munny
8 years ago

Can someone copy and paste the letter that Tyer got upset about?

8 years ago

I believe this is the letter from the Berkshire Eagle that Tyer feels she needs to make a big speech about:

To the editor:

Do we know racism, sexism and other “isms” when we see them or do we just say “Not here.” Or do we give great speeches and write articles about the injustice of it all and and then call it a day.

I have to admit that I have been struggling with this issue. I grew up in Windsor, lived many years in Pittsfield and have now lived in Cheshire for many years. What caused me to write this letter was I read recently in The Eagle that Pittsfield appointed nine new firemen. Congratulations to them and to their families. I am sure they will serve the city well.

What my concern is that it appears that from the picture in The Eagle that the city appointed nine white, male candidates. Not one word has been said or written about this issue. I am not sure if we just choose to ignore this issue or with the emergence of Trump, this kind of action is condoned.

I have filed with the City Council a petition that calls for a review of theses appointments and the city’s efforts to promote fair and equal treatment for all. I believe that the city and all of us can and should do better to insure better treatment and more opportunities for minorities.I urge everyone to write to federal and state officials, especially those in charge of grants to the city and urge them not to award them to the city until they show real progress in promoting affirmative action.

James M. Boyle,


The writer is a former School Committee chairperson and former city councilor.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

What ever happened to young Mr. Conyers? Fail, pass, quit? He wanted to be a fireman so badly.

Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago

I was wondering the same thing about Conyers. He was definitely hired (the media made a big thing over it).

But you raise a good question. How did that go. Is he still employed as a fire fighter. If not, why?

Reply to  Spider
7 years ago

Probably he wasn’t connected enough. Others who are hired for the city haven’t even lived in this area very long at all. Many do not even have the proper skills for the job, but they will train those they want for the available jobs while at the same time claiming that more than a high school education is required for all city jobs. Usually they say that at least an associate degree is required for city jobs, but that rule doesn’t apply to everyone they hire. Same with people they end up hiring for the school department for office positions.

Timothy Bartini
Timothy Bartini
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Mr Conyers is still working at the PFD. He’s doing a very good job also.

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Boyle was a city pol blowhard from 30 years ago. He shot his mouth off several times too many and he finally was voted out of office. He has left Pittsfield and no one misses him.
Too bad that the mayor got so upset.

8 years ago

Pittsfield is heading for its own financial cliff sooner rather than later and will need to make responsible financial decisions. Salary cuts for school and city workers vs. cuts in services for kids and the poor? Which will it be? If it is taken over by the state, Pittsfield will need to get serious about money management. This is a speech that the mayor will need to be making soon. Read the letter in yesterdays Berkshire Eagle by Mark Tully about the Holyoke school system being taken over by the state and what Pittsfield can learn from that situation. It was a very good article.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I agree with Pat. Pittsfield politics needs to change its system of financial management with its next FY2018 proposed municipal budget. Pittsfield’s municipal finances are not healthy.
I still cannot believe that tens of millions of dollars were spent on downtown Pittsfield revitalization over the past decade. Moreover, over $2 million was spent on the Colonial Theater and North Street’s cultural projects from GE’s economic development account. Now, Pittsfield is going to start paying for the new Taconic High School project soon.
Pittsfield politics’ finances are not a pretty picture!
As for Donald Trump, he has a neo-nazi named Steve Bannon working at his side in the Oval Office! Donald Trump is a bigot! We must resist Donald Trump and Steve Bannon by protecting the people they persecute, including Muslims, Mexicans, and Women.
– Jonathan Melle

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

I agree about the Mark Tully letter. Every taxpayer should read it. I wonder if Barry feels it is accurate. I wonder if Kerwood thinks it is accurate. The mayor should have a question and answer session with the public and be straight with them. Bring along a real finance person who can give a non partisan opinion.

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Yes, I agree with most of Mark’s letter. Mark and I have discussed the situation several times, long before most even recognized it was coming.

The one thing I disagree on is the part about needing to build. The ceiling has been coming down due to the fair cash value of the property coming down. It can go back up without it ALL coming from new construction.

If people start buying houses and the values go back up, you can recoup value there. How does that happen, JOBS!

All the city’s leaders are well aware of the situation. Not so sure about the public.


Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

Barry is correct, we have discussed this several times. Unlike the previous administration, this city administration is aware of the problem and has presented it well to the public at several City Council meetings. I wrote the article because the public doesn’t appear to be listening. Prop 2.5 overrides have been mentioned many times, on this site, in the newspapers and among friends and neighbors. Overrides just cannot happen per the law.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Mark Tully
7 years ago

Not sure what you mean about the public not listening. What are we supposed to do to make our plight better? Volunteer to pay higher taxes?

Reply to  Mark Tully
7 years ago

I am a little confused. Above you say JOBS is the answer. Then why in January at the State of the City address did the Mayor say
“Let’s pivot from our past narrative that we need to create jobs first and then recruit the next generation,” she said. “Let’s do the kind of work that makes our city vibrant, dynamic and [an] interesting place to live so that the next generation chooses us. There are high-quality jobs here already. Research shows that Millennials prefer to first find a place to live and then create their job opportunity. We must turn our attention to this reality. ”

Sounds like we have enough “high quality jobs”, now we need the Millennials to come here and save us.

Reply to  Mark Tully
7 years ago

Mark, there is something called a debt exclusion that can be put to the voters, which while not technically being so, is in effect an override of prop 2.5.
Proposition 21⁄2 allows a community to raise funds for certain purposes above the amount of its levy limit or levy ceiling.
A community can assess taxes in excess of its levy limit or levy ceiling for the payment of certain capital projects
and for the payment of specified debt service costs. An exclusion for the purpose of raising funds for debt service
costs is referred to as a debt exclusion, and an exclusion for the purpose of raising funds for capital project costs
is referred to as a capital outlay expenditure exclusion. Both exclusions require voter approval with very limited
exceptions. These exceptions are explained on page 12.

Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

You fellas saw this coming a mile away how come you didnt get picking on the whatnots last year?

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
Reply to  Koz
7 years ago

They’re still discussing it.

Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

But Barry, didn’t the mayor state that her focus is not jobs but rather making Pittsfield an attractive place for millennials to live? And those phantom 1400 low paying, no benefit jobs are not the answer.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Mayor wants them to live here first.

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

I had a your, bright employee give notice yesterday. She is moving to the south. Why you ask…she said because there is nothing to do here. Does she already have a new job you ask…no. Her words to me today ” I’ll figure it out when I get there”.

So while some of you think what the Mayor said was nonsense, I’m personally affected by this trend. She is a good employee, too.


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

If this meeting in Holyoke was so enlightening for Lisa Tully why did she vote for the last budget?

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

That should read “young, bright”, not “your, bright”.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

You’ll find out how bright she is after six months

the School Committee
the School Committee
7 years ago

Here’s what we know,students have guns at Herberg,PHS,Taconic so why are parents opting out of our schools as Yon Sheran Behnke Curtis Mccandless ask for more money……Curtis needs to police the buildings….put your sneakers on people and understand these are your buildings.Walk Walk Walk your schools and get your principles walking all day everyday.If you open a window shut the window .If you open a door shut the door…if you drop it pick it up.Lazy educators sit sit sit all day.Work your building.

Reply to  the School Committee
7 years ago

I think you are confusing educators with custodians.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

This city is debt driven, all the housing and money in the world isn’t going to fix it. We are at the cliff. Think OPEB,dummies. Thinks High School Debt, throw in crumbling buildings. Think Covanta and Tax breaks for the rich and wonder how we got here?

Reply to  Trumped Up
7 years ago

Irresponsibility, not standing up for the taxpayers, falling in line with the rest. Thats what got us here. But the days are numbered. The Official positions will see a lot of turnover. Everyone distancing themselves from the turmoil they helped create.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

LIBEL: a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation. Compare with slander.

Whether you disagree with JIV’s letter or not, I do not understand how it is libelous.

But then again, in this new world, words don’t mean their definitions and the entire political spectrum aligns in dogmatic, but patently false, prose.

9/11 Never Forget
11/9 Always Regret

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Matt (shakes) you slander and libel people on a daily basis. Remember glenn heller. He knows who you are now

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

no, he doesn’t, and neither do you, asshole.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Notice, my above statement is not libelous, because you are very much a proven asshole, so publishing the statement is not false.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Looks like poor Dorffy is getting upset

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Yes matt we both do. You are a sad little man

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

Then who exactly do you think I am?

Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

You know little matt. so sad.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

Ha. that’s the best you’ve got. pathetic and impotent.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

I wonder if Dorff is the goofball lawyer who hangs out at the 1st St Burger King?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Dan, can you please reply as to which parts for JIVs letter are libelous?

7 years ago

The part that JIV left out is that his ancestors (and mine too) came into this great country LEGALLY. He’s a typical extreme radical progressive who cares more about foreigners and illegal immigrants than Americans.

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

I agree. They need to go through the process to become legal. Follow the LAW.

McCandless should not want to protect possible illegal actions in the schools. That is crazy.

7 years ago

JIV’s letter is full of s—! It’s this kind of liberal thinking that has gotten this country into the mess it’s in.

To prevent federal investigation into possible ILLEGAL actions in our schools is ludicrous!

Reply to  Spider
7 years ago

Added note to JIV: illegal immigrants are NOT Americans. Lumping illegals in with legal immigrants is downright disgusting and dishonest.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Why do you hate the US constitution so much?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

matt (shakes) why do you hate America so much.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

Dean, why are you such a pathetic limp little dick?

Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

poor Matt (shakes) busted again

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dean
7 years ago

what am I busted with exactly?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

SHH, Instead of making stupid comments, why don’t you point out the part of The Constitution that states that foreigners are American citizens? Oh, that’s right – there is no part that says that.
“We The People of the United States”… does not include foreigners!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

14th amendment:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


does not say “NOR DENY ANY CITIZEN”

Equal protection clause.

If you want to make a Constitutional argument, I suggest reading the document.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Maybe you read it Dorff, but you don’t understand it.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Dorff, why don’t you exercise your right to remain silent?

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

poor Matt (shakes) is a really really bad lawyer

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Death, taxes, and you two idiots harassing my posts without even knowing who I am are the things I can count on in life. Why don’t you go back to Topix?

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

matt (shakes) why dont you leave.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Topix troll

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

SHH, I’ve read the 14th and my interpretation is that ‘Person’, when taken in the context of the entire sentence, refers to a citizen of the US, not everybody and anybody. And even if you are right, that does not give foreigners all the rights in the constitution, but only those mentioned is that part of the sentence. So foreigners, which include illegal aliens, do not have full constitutional rights. I’m sure your tiny mind can at least agree on that part? Or do you think they all have the right to vote too?

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Matt (shakes) is a very very bad lawyer.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Of course, there are abilities that citizens have that non-citizens do not. And I agree with you 100% that voting is one of abilities.

You interpret the Constitution with conjecture and fantasy. The words are there for a reason. The courts consistently extend due process rights for all people, not just citizens.

Please show me where in the Constitution there is the individual’s right to vote?

Keep looking for it, it is there…… but it isn’t. Again, if you are literate, please read the document and understand exactly what it says, not what you pretend it says.

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

SHH, I asked you to show me the part of the constitution that says illegal aliens are U.S. citizens. You completely failed to do that. It’s true they get some rights here, but hardly the rights of a true citizen. And if I take your ‘the words are there for a reason’ at face value the ‘Person’ part of the 14th only applies to the States, not the Federal Gov’t.
And alot of amendments are open to interpretation, like voting rights and especially the 2nd which no one can seem to agree on. it was written a long time ago and is hardly exhaustive.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

You are correct, the 14th amendment extends to the states, and therefor local units of government because they are given power through the state constitutions. Many parts of the 14th amendment are handled though other provisions in the Constitution as applied to the federal government.

I didn’t answer your ridiculous question, I never made the claim that citizens and non-citizens are equal.

If I told you to make monkeys fly out of your ass and you didn’t do it, I could hardly hold you accountable.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

there is no provision in the constitution that guarantees voting rights. there are only provisions guarantees that if there is voting, states can not restrict equal rights and access.

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Matt (shakes) you are a horrible lawyer and a cry baby

7 years ago

Rockville, Maryland rape of high school girl, in school bathroom, by an illegal or two. Pittsfield is next. Any politician, police chief, school superintendent, or any other government official who supports illegal immigrants should be removed from office.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
7 years ago

I agree Sister GH. And we know from the Village Knight’s posting that Mayor Tyer is pushing the Pittsfield Trust Act which basically makes Pittsfield a sanctuary city.
I am upset about the Supt.’s letter supporting illegals. Are these illegal immigrant students fully immunized? Probably not! And if they are not……….I’m sure the taxpayers are footing the bill for medical services as well as English tutors. This has got to stop!

7 years ago

Sis look in our own backyard. Here are 2 very recent stories for you. In the first article the accused is denied bale because of his “ties to Honduras” and has 5 or 6 aliases. The second article states the accused has high bail because he is a “Mexican citizen”. The article doesn’t mention if he is here undocumented or enjoying the Berkshires on vacation.,500059?,499031

7 years ago

It’s a tough place to do anything – How about the Chief test this week – Wynn gets a 10 point advantage over JB & MG the way it was structured ? Where the fairness in all that? I do believe the mayor chose the structure – fixed? you be the judge…
The guns in the schools is an outrage – every teacher and student in THS knew what this kid was about – if the victim didn’t shield his head he would have lost more than a finger –

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

Ruth Ginsberg swallows

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Gorsuch sux

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Trumped Up
7 years ago

Wow….you convinced me. Who does he think he is? Only foolish judges believe in the rule of law,separation of powers and the Constitution. Judges should just make it up as they go along.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Trumped Up
7 years ago

Ginsberg swallows

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 years ago

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — A Taconic High School student is facing a raft of charges after allegedly shooting a man in the hand on Monday.

The student left school grounds without permission at noontime and later was arrested by police at the high school after being found with a handgun in his possession.

School officials released a statement to parents saying the unidentified juvenile was involved in a gun-related incident off-campus and that a search found a handgun in his backpack.

According to police, dispatch received a call reporting a disturbance at a residence on Danforth Avenue and a second call reported reported gunfire. Responding units encountered an adult man with a gunshot wound to his hand.

The suspect was believed to be the student and an officer stationed at Taconic confirmed that the student had been present at school earlier in the day, before leaving without authorization. While law enforcement investigators were working with school staff, the student returned the school and was taken into custody.

The juvenile is facing charges of possession of a firearm without a Firearms Identification Card; possession of ammunition without an FID; discharge of a firearm within 500 feet of a building; assault & battery with a dangerous weapon (to wit handgun); armed robbery (firearm); carrying a firearm on school grounds; and attempted escape from a municipal lockup.

He will be arraigned Tuesday, March 21, in Central Berkshire Juvenile Court.

The school district sent the following message to parents Monday afternoon.

“During second lunch today, a Taconic High School student left school grounds and allegedly was involved in a gun altercation with a member of the community. The student returned to school approximately 30 minutes later. The Pittsfield Police Department informed us of this incident including the name of student who may be in possession of a weapon.

“A short time later we conducted our hold passing and the student was placed in custody by the Pittsfield Police. While in custody a handgun was found in the student’s backpack. The student was immediately removed from the school. I would like to thank the Pittsfield Police Department and the members of the community as well as our faculty and staff who acted swiftly with the best interests and safety of our students in mind.”

The name and age of the juvenile was not released.

Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

How is shooting someone not attempted murder

7 years ago

English learning class is why two young adults are allowed to be in the class? It is so out of hand and the excuses also.

the School Committee
the School Committee
7 years ago

The long arm of Trump will force more layoffs and put more kids on the street .Everything cost so much because corporations don’t pay taxes and wealthy people don’t pay taxes and pittsfield having watched so many things leave the city are about to watch more as our city dies a very quick death in the next 24 months.Pat will blame democrats all the way to the end.Poor people for corporate greed.Poor people in support of the Trump wealthy.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  the School Committee
7 years ago

Go back to what you know Einstein.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Topix troll

the School Committee
the School Committee
7 years ago

Trump is the downfall of america.The full swampy is at hand.The poor are getting poorer.Trump loves failure weird family.

the School Committee
the School Committee
7 years ago

Trump is the equivalent of the Kardashians running America just more evil

7 years ago

I hope this isn’t true that Mayor Tyer is in favor of turning Pittsfield into a “sanctuary city”..

This damn well better go before the voters. I was a strong supporter of the mayor but it will be a very short 4 yrs. for her if this happens.

As much as I liked her before, I will personally work hard against her and any CC members who favor this.

I haven’t been this angry in some time!

7 years ago

If you see men walking down N ST. Lungering on the ground, throw him a couple bucks for a cup of coffee.

Rush N Hacker
Rush N Hacker
7 years ago

What is the point of painting a mural at Hess Forest. Has the City given up on the old property?

Ed Check
Ed Check
7 years ago

What happened to Planet Valenti TV show tonight?

Rush N Hacker
Rush N Hacker
7 years ago

The Mayor is pushing R F P because Boovy is telling her the marching order.

the School Committee
the School Committee
7 years ago

Federal money leaving cities for wealthy Trump friends.The poor will support this lying no good Crooked Donald.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  the School Committee
7 years ago

You should be mad at the DNC they are the ones who rigged the game for Hillary. She had no message,was unlikeable and spent very little time campaigning. It seems you are very caught up with posting here about Trump here….I think you need to unplug for a while.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

9/11 Never Forget

11/9 Always Regret