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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY JUNE 6, 2017) — A tip of THE PLANET‘s lid to all those incredibly brave men who clamored out of Higgins boats to hit the beaches of Normandy 73 years ago.

Lest we forget.

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TOP TENThe Boring Broadsheet recently ran a house ad (it being hard to sell space) listing “The Top 10 Reasons” to read it. THE PLANET presents those followed by  with the “If Truth Be Told” response.

  1. “You want to save money.” … If Truth Be Told: You want to save hundreds of dollars each year, so you don’t subscribe.
  2. “You need a new job.” … You need a new job, but you’re in Pittsfield. There ARE no jobs.
  3. “You’ve outgrown your apartment.” … You’ve been thrown out of your apartment by gang members.
  4. “Your car is kaput.” … What car? It was stolen.
  5. “You’re craving a night on the town.” … You’re craving a night on the town. You go to Orchard and North but don’t live to tell about it.
  6. “You’re dying to know who won the game.” … Yeah, dumbwad, like there’s no Internet.
  7. “You want to read local news.” … You won’t find it here.
  8. “You need something to talk about on your date.” …  You need something to talk about after your date has stolen your wallet and her boyfriend rolled you.
  9. “You need to unwind.” … You need to step off the 14th floor of the Crowne Plaza when it hits you — You L-I-V-E in Pittsfield.
  10. “You need a plumber, electrician, or a realtor [sic].” … You need a lawyer, a bail bondsman, and a new drug dealer.

BUDGET BUSTERS — Don’t trust the skunks of Pittsfield government for one second. Why and how did the proposed FY18 budget go from $156 million to $164 million? There has been no explanation about that $8 million increase from anyone in government or from what passes for local press. And how does the city get away with claiming an increase from FY17 of 1.04%? Do the math. The FY17 muni budget came in at $151 million. The $164 million plan adds $13 million. That’s an increase of 8.6%.  Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, you are getting screwed once more, so raise a glass to the mayor, council, and school committee, over-their-heads all, who fatten their wallets by bleeding you dry.

IS PARIS BORING? — Here’s why President Trump‘s decision to exit the U.S. from the Paris climate accord makes sense:

  1. There’s no such thing as “clean energy.” All methods of using energy to generate power produce dirty byproducts.
  2.  It keeps a campaign promise.
  3. The agreement ignored the constitutional process, which does not give the president such authority.
  4. The agreement is voluntary and contains no provisions for non-compliance, assuring the U.S. will get stuck for trillions.
  5. Allows the U.S. to negotiate a better deal both the for environment and for American taxpayers.


“Unfortunately, we find ourselves in dire circumstances.”The Lovely Linda



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7 years ago

I think the local media has been even quieter than usual without Planet Valenti on the job. They figured they could sweep more stuff under the rug.

The Pittsfield budget did increase so why all the hoopla about how they were really reining in expenses this year? As you have pointed out, it’s an increase not a decrease.

Trump did the right thing regarding the Paris Climate accord. It would have been too costly with nothing to show for it.

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

For the Dems any budget that does not increase by 10% is a cut.

7 years ago

We have also been having a much cooler and wetter spring than usual, but no mention of this by any of the local media. It’s like they refuse to acknowledge what is happening unless it fits in with the global warming theory. I actually love the cooler temps. I could do without all the rain though. A great summer would be 70’s during the day with low humidity and cool nights.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

It’s not a cut when you’re mortgage goes up.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Trumped Up
7 years ago

I’m confused as to how taxes affect your mortgage. Are you in some sort of weird ARM?

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Escrow for taxes.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Should probably just save annually, if an option.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

yeah, thank, well, now you know.

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

there are plenty of jobs in Pittsfield, if you want to make 30k a year or less. People on welfare or unemployment make more than that, and folks wonder why they don’t look for work.

Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

Who’s talking about jobs, you in the wrong thread?

Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

Article in the Berkshire Eagle today about how there are tons of jobs in this area, but not enough people with skills. This is the same old song and dance they keep saying over and over. If they are talking jobs requiring Masters degrees, that may be somewhat true, but there are plenty of people with Associates and some with Bachelor’s degrees. With a new vocational school in the area (the new Taconic) there will be a need for people with vocational skills to have jobs in this area. They aren’t going to have Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees because they specifically will want jobs that require their vocational skills or they will more than likely leave the area.

Since Pittsfield only has two types of jobs; those requiring many years of college education or retail and resort type jobs paying minimum wage, we have a problem in this city and county.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

People on welfare do not make $30k a year

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

They easily make that. Add up the free money, food stamps, free health care, free housing, free Obamaphones and adjust for taxes (of which they pay none) and it easily reaches 30k and even 40. Dan Valenti had an article last year on this, where have you been?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

I vaguely recall an opinion piece about the mythical welfare kings and queens, but that’s a fairytale just like your statement.

7 years ago

Yeah, like Mayor or treasurer.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
7 years ago

Is this off topic? I was sad and angry at the last graduation of St. Joe High. Unlike Indiana voters, Massachusetts voters will not support vouchers and charter schools. Moreover the requirements of being accredited keep going up. As a result, every school I graduated from in Massachusetts is closed (Notre Dame and St. Joe).

I should also say that even the public college I went to, Boston State College, was considered too pedestrian to support.

I wonder if Purdue (where I got my PhD) is next? But its not in Massachusetts….

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Pittsfield politics’ operating budget increases by 7.67% from fy2017 to fy2018. The dollar figure increase is $12,565,920. Fy 2017 operating budget was $151,293,951. Fy 2018 operating budget will be $163,859,871.

The 7.67% operating budget is a far increase from 1.04%.

The lovely Linda Tyer’s latest proposed operating budget may be the largest one yet!

– Jonathan Melle

7 years ago

Zee Lovely won, and had a frown on her pretty little forehead as her treasurer had to do a redo on the budget. It was just another bump on the road in the inevitable foreverness of tax and record breaking budget busters, which will climax in the little guy being pick pocketed again.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
7 years ago

I can tell you one thing for sure, if a car comes to North Street and handicap parking is not being used and because there is no parking other than handicap, they are gone, mister.

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

Pittsfield is done,schools still pretending,we are going small so lets get there.
Trump is a hero to a lot of guys who should know better.I understand Jonestown

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
7 years ago

Trump is a skunk.

7 years ago

Hey Shake, Pitts is mostly right innsaying that people on welfare make 30,000 per year, and perhaps Dan will break it down for us but he has alot of other fish to slice and dice such as the boring broadsheets’ coffee hour bs, so here is a quick of bennies which if fully milked will certainy prove “Life in the Pitts” point:

Cash handout (for lottery tickets, smokes, weed, booze, and other necessities)
Free groceries (trade food stamp card for 50’cent on the dollar at dirty corner store to get more cash for lottery tickets, smokes, weed, booze, and other necessities, while feeding kids Ramon noodles and food collected from the food pantries)
Free breakfast and lunch for,kids from schools,even in summer
Free or nearly free apartment
Heat voucher or subsidy
Earned Income Tax Credit
Free internet and Free Phone
reduced electric bill
Subsidized car
Free medical and dental for kids and baby making machine (it pays more to make more babies)
Free prescription drugs for ADHD etc which can be sold on street,for more cash
Free WIC vouchers

Dummy up,and do,the math

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
7 years ago

Shakes is grossly detached from reality, like most radical progressives.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

You’re a joke. That list is a joke. What programs subsidize cars? Counting subsidized lunches for children as income? That’s moronic.

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

All subsidies are a type of income. It’s called a freebie, something you radical progressives think are entitlements.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

Actually, I know a lot about the mooches at Columbia arms. And I’ve posted on topix zero times. There is no arguement to lose. You can fabricate whatever. You have as many facts to back it up as illegal votes were cast for Hillary.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

So stop driving on my roads?

Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

You posted multiple times today on topic as “valenti is a fraud”. Your game is up

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Typical liberal… lose the argument and go straight to the name-calling.

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

SHH is the same SHH that went on Topix and said how glad he was that Planet Valenti was down and only losers post here. And yet he’s one of the first ones back.

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

You know nothing about Seniors living at Columbia Arms. You just make stuff up. Which is know as lying. Just like Hillary.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Why is counting subsidized lunches (and breakfasts) as income moronic? A working person would need after tax income to send their child to school with food, and feed them breakfast.

The family is not having to use the free money on their EBT card to provide these items…hence it is income.

Just another reason why progressives are not getting the picture…poor math skills.

Also, remember the Earned Income Tax Credit…No earned income, no federal tax paid, and yet a refund. That should be eliminated. There are numerous frauds on this by a variety of populations.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ed Check
7 years ago

Then count the meals on wheels, Medicare, free housing, free transportation, and social security benefits to seniors as welfare income. Where is the outrage over seniors that mooch off the rest of us?

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

Barry can answer the budget question.If you watch McCandless he talks out of both sides of the budget in a way that makes the council and committee hand him the keys to the vault.He should be in politics.

Montreal Lindy
Montreal Lindy
7 years ago

Worst Mayor, or top two worst in history.

7 years ago

Hess Forest is starting to bloom again and across from the Ambulance Business on Wahconah Street is getting a little long.

7 years ago

Hey Shakes, here is a list of programs that give away cars, and many other resources for the gimme grabbers, and please note I said free breakfast and lunch and that means money from working folks to pay for the kids’ free lunch, because the parents are not, so it does count towards income because it is one less thing for the parent/s to pay for. As Dan pointed out free isn’t free, and there is no such thing as a free lunch in life. Someone pays.

And here are links to several studies that prove Pitts’ is right.

It is not a fairy tale Shakes, and it is also not fair to all the hard working Kapanzis’ of America. We aren’t talking about taking housing from the elderly, we are talking about the free loaders, the bums, the scum, and the maggots who milk us taxpayers dry. I am right about the free cars, and Pitts’ is so right about the value of welfare bennies being $30,000 or more. No apology necessary.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
7 years ago

You should read what you post. Those articles actually disprove your arguement.

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

Pittsfield school principles are born tired and mean.

7 years ago

trumps a liar.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Freeloading seniors any veterans are the same problem as your welfare queen unicorns.

Life in the Pitts
Life in the Pitts
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

You’re an idiot. People pay into Medicare and SS via payroll deductions their whole lives so they are actually entitled to those, unlike those on welfare who haven’t paid for a single thing they get.

Reply to  Life in the Pitts
7 years ago

Excellent,someone finally gets it. And tell government to stop raiding the fund to pay for other expenditures ie Bush Administration.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

people that don’t work as much as I do or make as much money should not get the same Medicare benefit as I do. And I’d rather have my social security money that leave it with the government to play with. And you are just a not very nice or articulate person.

Ham Sandwich
Ham Sandwich
7 years ago

Good comments Shakes!