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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, FOURTH OF JULY EDITION, 2017) — In honor of the founding of America, THE PLANET wishes everyone a safe, fun, and suitably respectful holiday.

We won’t go into any long speeches. You keep the day in your way, we in ours. THE PLANET does, though, revisit three documents as a matter of reminder more than tradition. Tradition gets too easily petrified. Remembrance remains forever fresh. Those documents come as no surprise to our followers: The Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.

We typically do not like putting state documents in initial capitals for the deification it implies. We make an exception here.

We invite your reflections on the Fourth. As a stimulant, we pose this question: What does “The American Dream” mean to you? Is there even such a thing today? Please, stay relevant. No trashing, please.

Happy 4th.


“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary …” — Thomas Jefferson, et al.



The usual disclaimer.

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May Hemm
May Hemm
7 years ago

I believe the Fortress of Solitude was Superman’s Lair…Could the Planet be?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

As we remember our independence, remember what we mean to the rest of the world:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

-Emma Lazarus

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

What is true of creed is no less true of nationality. There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all. This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance. But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.
–Teddy Roosevelt

7 years ago

The American Dream means being able to pursue the kind of life that you desire in a prosperous economy that allows you to do so and without undue government interference in our lives. To live in peace with your neighbors and society in general and achieve your dreams in an ethical manner.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

The American Dream has a special meaning to me. It is the power of Free Speech and the Right to dissent against corrupt politicians and the government they spoil. I will always speak my good conscience as long as I live! I will always speak out against corrupt politicians, the political system full of special interests and corporate lobbyists, and socioeconomic injustices that cost our society “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”.
– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Sounds good Jonathan and I agree with you, but the trouble is that the bigger government becomes, the harder it will be to keep it under control and answerable to the people especially in a country as big as this one and most especially if we have the media too cozy with one party. The media knows it should be the watchdog for both parties, but they have only shown their desire to ask the difficult questions when it comes to the Republicans.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Reply to Jonathan Melle: I do like your statement very much!
But may I ask you, if you ever did something real to preserve
Free Speech?
There is Rule 1C in City Council Rules stating: ” Do not attack anybody (when you speak on City Council meeting)”
Each Council meeting, President of Council (what a funny title), Peter Marchette annonces like Holy Church mantra:
“Do not attack anybody! Do not attack city officials”(while speaking)
I wrote Petition and Administrative attempt (in April10,2017)to avoid Lawsuit against City, aasking to remove that wording from Rule 1C.
Moreover, there is also another violation of Free Speech in Rule1c—(all done by Trio: Pete Marchette, John Krol, Pete White with blessing of Linda Magnificient) that President (Marchette)can stop any speaker any time(even before 3 min limit) if he dislikes that speech!!! Why nobody cares?
If you realy mean what you said–call me 413-212-9872–Alex Blumin.
I am gonna file Federal Lawsuit against City of Pittsfield in a few days in Springfield Fed Court–cost is about $300 or $350.
I also wrote 2 additional Requests to City Solicitor–got No reply!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  VillageKnight
7 years ago

Pittsfield politics was, is, and it will always be a top-down order of political hacks who serve their Democratic Party masters. The Good Old Boys serve the vested interests, who return the favor by voting in Richie Neal, Adam Hinds, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, the lovely Linda Tyer, Peter Marchetti, et al.
It is one political party system that rivals China’s one political party system. There is no room for dissent, free speech, or even opposition. They will raise your taxes, while the working families fall further behind.

7 years ago

Horrible crime this morning on Tyler Street here in Pittsfield. A man and a woman jumped out of their car carrying knives and started stabbing a man. The victim’s brother said he doesn’t know the identity of the attackers.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

So shot spotter wasn’t a factor, probably why they used knives. Pittsfield is out of control and has been for quite some time.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

“Et tu, Mo Fo?”

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Why 13 Paul?

Reply to  Luc
7 years ago

Luc, didn’t want to raise my children in the military. To many moves, to many deployments.

7 years ago

My dad and my father-in-law served in WW2, came home, worked hard and provided my wife and I with a wonderful childhood in Pittsfield.
I served in the Military for 13 yrs, came home and my wife and I raised our two children here. We had a great life as did our kids. I have no complaints.
That was my American Dream.
God bless America!

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
7 years ago

The Arts will save us. This was just street theater.

May Hemm
May Hemm
7 years ago

Thanks for your service Paul, Happy Fourth.

Pittsfield Bureau of Instigation
Pittsfield Bureau of Instigation
7 years ago

Where does it say any dreams are guaranteed ?

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Gotta feeling the nastiness is going to continue.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

We’re losing.

7 years ago

Massachusetts should legalize fireworks, it’s a joke, it isn’t enforced and can’t be stopped.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

Lots of gun powder on top of my car from neighbors fireworks.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

When one of those fireworks burn a house down, then the shit will hit the fan.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

I worry about that every 4th of July.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

Reply to CosbiesLadies— Yesterday, 07/02/17 I called Police to stop fireworks done by 32-34 Hamlin St tenants
in the middle of the road. One car with a woman and child
even drove over one which could have started any moment. Police officer came and reluctantly listen, but refused to go and stop those people. Instead, Officer promised to drive around and see what happen.

7 years ago

We’re the peeps of Ward 2 invited to the latest ( Springside Gala) or was it V I P ?

Reply to  H
7 years ago

Thirty Bucks. A private cause, watch the community preservation act monies be thrown that way also.

7 years ago

You can’t make it up,just turned the scanner on and the first words I hear are, watch the crossfire?

Reply to  mi
7 years ago

Heard that also. Police were being careful at the time. Turned out to be a false report of someone with a gun. Hope the person that called the police gets in some sort of trouble for it.

Bill Q
Bill Q
7 years ago

The spokesman for the Health Department Trucks stated they don’t bring the vehicles to the student auto body at Taconic because it’s not a Fun Job. Oh, Yes, I heard it o Committee of the Whole.

Don T
Don T
7 years ago

If the City Auditor Scanlon tells the City,Do Not reduce Free Cash, and we do not take his advice, then why do we even have him?

7 years ago

I have great hope that the American Dream is alive, especially now that President Trump is in charge. He is draining the swamp in the White House, prosecuting and cutting down on illegal immigration, attempting to get rid of Obamacare, restoring ties with Israel, standing tough on foreign relations, eliminating burdensome business regulations, and nominating conservative justices for the Supreme Court. He has accomplilshed more positive things in this country in 6 months than Obama did in 8 years in office. Happy Independence Day!

Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

Happy Independence Day!!!!!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Grab that American Dream by the p$$y!!

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

No cash Pittsfield is being run by people who have lots of cash and dont care if your taxes go up 200 bucks a year.
Two school buildings must be closed.Councilors and ward 4 know it’s easier to throw cash at schools that plan 5 years down the road.Pittsfield cant find people who can plan and manage money,stupid is as stupid does.

Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

Right on, if the administrative staff et al want to make the big bucks at the expense of the taxpayer then make them earn it, increase class size or workload and start teaching to sixties size population classrooms.. Close two down and make sure any monies coming in from the savings through higher production stays in the free cash or taxpayers share of lowering taxes.

Pittsfield Bureau of Instigation
Pittsfield Bureau of Instigation
7 years ago

Becoming a 4th tradition…….

Reply to  Pittsfield Bureau of Instigation
7 years ago

It’s doubtful they will find out who did it, although I hope they do, just as 2 years ago also on the 4th of July when that mass shooting occurred in a parking lot and the shooters were never found. They take advantage of all the fireworks in the city to commit crimes knowing that all the noise gives them cover.

This is why in this city on the 4th of July all of these fireworks should not be allowed. There is just too much crime and the criminals are taking advantage of all the noise to commit their crimes. I’m sure that new system for detecting gunfire in the city can’t even be used on the 4th of July.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Unless you plan on being in Pitt park at midnight what are you worried about?

Reply to  Koz
7 years ago

Crime happens at all hours here in Pittsfield. In broad daylight last week a man was walking down Tyler Street when 2 people jumped out of a car and attacked him with knives.

The man was found dead at Pitt Park before midnight. Who knows when he was shot. Many people are out that late especially in the summer.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

We’re Losing.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Pat YOU wouldn’t be out late so why worry? And everybody knows the Tyler street thing wasn’t random.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Uh, because I think about other people besides myself.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

I haven’t heard anything more about the Tyler Street crime regarding motive or otherwise so, no, I don’t know that it wasn’t random.

Also, just the boldness of criminals to try something like that in daylight hours with lots of people around says a lot about their lack of concern that they will be seen.

Boston Getaway
Boston Getaway
Reply to  Koz
7 years ago

We love the Planet.

Luce Ball
Luce Ball
7 years ago

We are a relatively safe Community and our Councilman walk the streets late at night.