(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 13, 2017) — Step into Mr. Peabody’s Time Machine for a journey back to 1982. In Pittsfield, a little company starts up with a couple-three employees. The company wants to build armored security vehicles for police, the military, governments, SWAT, and a host of other like outfits. The company casts its net in the Dreaded Private Sector. Armed with a vision and private risk capital, the company establishes first a foothold and then a reputation for quality, customer service, and all-around excellence.
Over the ensuing 35 years, the company will grow beyond the rosiest ambitions of its founders, a case of grasp exceeding reach such that it enjoys a stellar worldwide reputation, provides 110 good-paying jobs with benefits, and stands as a valued member of its community, having paid countless millions in payroll and taxes. One would figure a city to value such a company, right? But in Pittsfield, Mass., such an enterprise comes in for official harassment.
Come on down, Lenco Industries.
Come on down, Lt. Randy Stein, Pittsfield fire inspector and answer to the burning question, “What’s the use?”
Last year in September, Stein visited Lenco, evidently determined to find something to bitch about. Was he sent there by Mayor Linda Tyer, who herself was acting on orders From Above? Was he answering a call from Spanky of the Little Rascals? None of that is clear, though there’s scuttlebutt, but when the obvious didn’t pan out, Stein began to pick the nits. Even there, he had trouble uncovering an offense, and so he sifted out the nits’ nits. That’s when the Michelin Tire Man flashed his tiny badge at the company’s parking lot.
The company’s permits allow for storage of 35 vehicles. Stein discovered 100 parked in the lots and so wrote up the violation in true tattle-tale fashion, Judy Hensler-style (Judy was the pigtailed snitch in Beaver Cleaver‘s classroom who would always tell on the boys when Miss Landers had to leave the room for a second). His report landed in the hands of the Licensing Board, where that pie-eyed friend to little boys, Carmen Massimiano, launched into the type of sickening, self-righteous lecture for which he is justly famed. THE PLANET loves holier-than-thou, especially when it comes from the mouth of a conissieur who has over the years cultivated many exotic tastes involving many interesting ages, shapes, and textures. We can’t say what anyone swallows, but most decent people have a hard time swallowing Butch’s tired act.
To judge the fairness of Stein’s action, you have to appreciate the context. Lenco had just come off the most profitable years of its existence. It had to expand manufacturing capacity, hire new workers, and manage stratospheric growth — the kind of “problems” that would normally win the appreciation of its host city. With the security world wearing out a path to Lenco and orders pouring in, the company literally could not make enough vehicles fast enough. This created the short-term need for tripled storage capacity.
Fortunately, this well-managed business had planned for such an event, and, as even Stein admitted, had the proper parking space to accommodate more than 100 vehicles. You also have to know it didn’t matter to Stein that the company assured him that shipping and delivery would soon reduce the inventory nearly to permitted size (35). The city refused to cut an exception until it had done its best to humiliate, harass, and harangue. True to its class, Lenco reapplied for an adjusted permit, as if changing the digits on a piece of paper would make a difference in reality. It didn’t, because reality, not technicality, showed that Lenco had proper parking room.
Enforcement of fire regs, codes, and permit conditions can prevent fires, no doubt. Against that, however, must be the cost of over-enforcement, especially done with vindictiveness, for political reasons, or simply with the intention of and official throwing his or her weight around because he or she can. How many Lanterns have been driven out of business or become less profitable because of the unprofessional actions of officials caught in the throes of Fifeism? That cost is incalculable.
Why would the city of Pittsfield risk alienating one of its crown gems? Could it be politics? We don’t know, but one of Lenco’s key executives is Jim Massery, former councilman and as decent a man you will ever want to meet. Massery, who exemplified everything good about public service, no doubt made some enemies in his time, but he’s the kind of man you would want in your foxhole when the going got going. Is it just a coincidence that Fifeism should strike when it did? THE PLANET cannot say.
We just know that in the aftermath of the shoddy treatment, Pittsfield came perilously close to losing the business, or don’t you think any other city in America would want to have Lenco on its business roster? There is a wide and dangerous gulf between “officious” and “efficient.”
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P.S. Still no word from the mayor on the latest gunfire where a man got a warehouse full of lead pumped into him within less than a minute’s walk from city hall. Sweet. Not “vibrant,” but sweet. This is to say nothing, which says everything. She hasn’t even uttered a conscious public syllable about the killing by cop, although The Boring Broadsheet‘s intrepid photographer just happened to be on hand the exact moment Linda Tyer stopped by to feel the pain of a resident of White Apartments. The White, in prehistory one of Pittsfield’s better addresses, is one of the dumps in town for which burning down is considered an upgrade.
“I put him in a category just below Martin Luther King and Malcolm X” — Stephen Shames on Bobby Seale.
The Usual Disclaimer.
Carmen Massimiano gave Pittsfield a new jail on Cheshire Road. The state placed overflow inmates in the Pittsfield jail. The ex-cons stayed in Pittsfield to collect their welfare and social services benefits. In 2010, Carmen Massimiano retired from being a three-decade long Sheriff. The Berkshire Eagle published a news article alleging Carmen Massimiano’s reputation as a sexual deviant who molested a boy in the 1970’s. The blogs alleged he was a sexual predator when he was a Camp Counselor at Camp Russell years ago. Many people have said they heard terrible rumors about Carmen Massimiano’s sexual deviancy over the years. Yet, Carmen Massimiano was never charged and convicted of a sex crime. But, I read that one man committed suicide because of what Carmen Massimiano did to him. He gives me the creeps!
– Jonathan Melle
You mentioned Massery. What I remember about this “fine public servant” was that he, along with Kerwood and the Berkshire Eagle, grossly mislead the people in their push for the Civic Authority.
The Civic Authority was a vehicle which would have given certain people unprecedented power and control over what went on in the city blocking out citizen input much of the time.
Ironically many years later, they achieved the same thing by rewriting the city charter.
In my opinion Massery was no “fine public servant” unless it benefited him along the way.
Thanks, Dusty. Jim was for the C.A., as you state. We differed vociferously and vehemently on that issue, but it never devolved into rancor, as usually happens in this town twixt crusading journalist (are there any others but THE PLANET?) and public official. In the Dreaded Private Sector, e.g. his position at Lenco, he has a solid reputation. How many other Pittsfield officials could make it or have made it in the D.P.S.? Think about it.
Wasn’t Massery also instrumental in the purchase of the assault / riot vehicle? Anybody know were it’s located?
Off Topic
What the hell is Going on with the electric rates? I got a $49.00 delivery charge on a $36.00 usage bill?
What are my options? Is Spectrum running the electric company now?
All your pals who have solar panels sell electricity to electric companies. This causes an increase in the electric companies expense so they make it up with higher rates on everyone else.
You are the only one who took time out of their busy day to explain this to me. So thank you. And the next time I walk by your house and my dog wants to piss on one of your lawn ornaments, I will tell him no bad dog.
Is your dog named sparky?
Dusty, my wife checked our elect bill and sure enough as you said we are getting hosed. Our bill was $51 and the delivery chg was $67.
The electric company is very close to billing us 100 bucks a month for 1 light 1tv 1 fridge all low energy running while brainwashing me that I use double what my neighbors use and im guessing thats the nightlight in the kitchen.The planet loves deregulation by Trump and this is where all your bills are going….The only politician speaking against deregulation is our own Elisabeth Warren.She will squeeze Eversourse instead of Eversourse squeezing you.
Electricity rates skyrocketed during the Obama years. When you curtail the supply of electricity, electric rates will skyrocket. Coal was an enemy during the Obama years even though coal generates 39% of the electricity in the country. The electric companies have passed the price of implementing all the EPA rules onto the customer.
Mine just skyrocketed in the last couple of months, about the same time Trumps cabinet was deregulating everything. Oh yah is true.
Please tell me if your electric bill changed in the last few months and if so by how much Pat.
Electricity rates are set at the state level. Building infrastructure and profit are what drive the increases. Also, if energy consumption drops due to efficiency, how will the companies maintain their systems with dramatically reduced cashflow?
Good questions, SHH.
My electricity rates began to skyrocket last summer 2016. They have been horrible ever since.
Yes get rid of the EPA Pat,so all the kids can play.Coal is a great idea Pat and so is a car that gets 10 miles to the gallon on leaded fuel.Pat ,Trump bring back the 1950s
I could care less if my truck gets less than 20mpg
ever tried to move with a Chevy Cavalier? Personally the 1950’s don’t seem all that bad… the standard of living was seemed much better, the economy was fantastic here in W. Mass and local politicians did other things besides tax the hell out of their constituents and claim it’s fixing things.
This state and it’s political monopoly is a joke. Make fun of Trump all you want, but here in the good ‘ol commonwealth there is ONE PARTY to blame and it’s not Lincoln’s
So true. Lots of change here in Berkshire County, but not change for the better.
More jobs may be lost at Country Curtains in Lee (175 jobs) which will be make our bad local economy even worse.
The 1950s were the arrival, however briefly, of the paradisic interlude, that pleasant period between the insanity of WWII and the establishment of the National Security State by what used to be known as the United States of America.
Nobody said to get rid of the EPA. Why do progressives love to exaggerate? Excessive EPA standards are what we are talking about. Common sense is lost on Progressives.
It goes hand in hand with being overly emotional and avoiding facts and logic
Our children are walking around in the middle of a gang war and we watch Mccandless buy 650 thousand of a new Math program.Critical thinking skills tell me that it all in on driving gang out of town or this instead of driving 500 children to other schools.Mrs Yon and Taylor can be blamed for their role in allowing gangs in Pittsfield
Nothing fights poverty and gang violence like the quadratic equation and some common core math
2+2 still = 4 just like before JIV bought into this program
The mayor should be making a statement about Chicago east everyday.
The mayor should go back to clerking
I thought Massery was a good ol boy also.
Pittsfield gave 450 k to Hancock Shaker village to redo the administrative offices and 350 k for air conditioning at the museum ….we are the most confused city in America
Once again I should point out that there were no kickbacks involved in these friendly donations. None at all so don’t go there.
Lol ….And don’t forget Covanta ( privately held company) half mil. Who really benefits with these subsidies?
We are being held hostage by a garbage syndicate and gangsters….just like the 1970s in NY
A waste of money.
When Ruberto was in the round barn some one told him to pee in the corner. He’s still looking for the corner.
Pittsfield’s affinity for shootings and stabbings and drugs is not a crime problem, it is a culture problem…
Culture Problem ? Oh… It’s part of Jimmy Ruberto’s art and Culture renaissance that Linda Tyer states is the economic engine that will drive Pittsfield to utopian status.
The city promoted culture, didn’t say exactly which ones they were promoting
How’s the Blight Program going?
Ruberto created a dead end economy, where The Arts are take it or leave it to sustain the economy here. Those who survive are the New Porkers who have viable income and come here for the fresh air. Lately the crime here is sending negative signals to our friends, they must think they’re in N Y.
I strongly contend that the Creative Economy is exactly what Pittsfield needs to transition forward, however, the implementation efforts were about quid pro quo, not about getting results that benefit the community.
Schools buy new curriculums constantly. The dirty secret is that teachers are told almost 100% what to give the students, at least for basic uninspired systems like PPS, so maybe they don’t need to get paid $100k?
The right wing regressives wanted us to compete with Japans public school,Rush limberg
The left-wing lunatics already understand that with the current, unionized public school system we don’t have a shot in hell at coming anywhere close to Japan.
Better to be a realist than a progressive
I’ll choose realist every time.
Regressive means aways following progressives as you always arrive where we were just 10 years after,you will always go forward as long as you are led.You are followers by nature.George Bush and Trump lead you in different directions
I think the brilliance of SC’s posts accurately reflect the minds on the actual school committee. Kudos
Off Topic…….Are Dolpins cool or what?
Are you talking about the fishy kind or the football player kind? The fish kind are very intelligent but the football kind? Not so much….
Maybe the mayor was pissed at Lenco because she couldn’t give them a TIF.
Not sure about that, but Lenco execs were batting around a move after the need for expansion brought the cold should from “official” Pittsfield. Don’t know why, but it smells of politics.
Gangsters love pittsfieds poverty
Gangsters run Pittsfield period.
Retied people will go broke supporting schools in a war zone.The mayor can not serve two master….the fight against murdering drug lords of Pittsfield or the schools.Schools will win if we drive them out of town.The towns of Lenox Lee and Dalton dont have the gangs but their schools have the Drugs so Pittsfield parent beware of school choice in neighboring towns
Tyer just gave Massimiano another term on the License Board. He hasn’t done the job and has missed many meetings due to ill health, good choice Mayor.
Those are called,look the other way orders.
This was a bad appointment. His time as for productive service expired eons ago.
wait…what ??? there is a fitness center of the basement of City Hall ?? even if I tried I couldn’t make up the stuff that goes on in City Hall – bahahahahcough cough cough
And what if somebody gets hurt down there? Let’s say a city councilor gets tossed off a treadmill into a cement wall and he or she is not found till the next morning. Are the taxpayers on the hook for medical expenses and lost wages from their real job?
Count on the EGull reporting on it a week later, and the Mayor a week after that.
Mayor Tyer has turned into Tricia Bouvier.Tricia is busy making Boston a great city.
You dig her Bettie Page bangs.
There are 300 cars driving down Holmes road everyday dropping their kids off at lenox high.Its a nonstop car line
and that is 300 kids that do not have to worry about getting recruited into gangs while trying to learn math. Pittsfield teachers and administrators, seeing what it is like in Pittsfield, love their own children enough to send them out of a poor learning environment and into one where they will have a chance. Pittsfield teachers were the first wave to start sending their children out of town for an education.
We have to get 5 million from the school department…shut down PHS and Crosby
I would say at least $10 million. That would amount to a 10% cut, reasonable by any stretch, especially if it was offset by a 10% or more productivity gain.
and they could get most of this by unloading excess assistant principals and assistants to the assistant principals. Huge gratuitous money there folks. If you are a principal with a lot of vacation time the assistant comes in handy. And if you are an assistant to the principal and you have a bunch of vacation time then you appreciate having your own assistant. And maybe, just maybe that is why the positions were created in the first place…because the principals were not going to be around much anyway. It all makes sense if you scrunch up your nose and cross your eyes.
TSC, you’re right , we should get rid of PHS and Crosby. Maybe we should donate them to the museum then they can auction them off for another pie in the sky idea.
Paul is absolutely correct. Snd you know any monies that are raised or reduced will go for some foolish project.
You can transfer people and use them in other buildings,upkeepof these buildings with heat and electric will save pittsfield 3 to 4 million on upkeep. Phs will make a great condo site with 250 k square feet.
Has anyone informed the Berkshire Eagle the headline everyday should be the Pittsfield Ma.gang war.We need money to fight this war and where is Bouvier .If she was running she would photo shop her picture making arrests
Its a huge mistake not to have the Pittsfield, Ma.gangster war go unreported.They should assign a reporter to this War
Gangster reporter, i like it. Is the scribe job still in play at PPD (crime analyst)
Seems like it is someones job to bigly downplay any violence in the city. If you are a mayor and you campaigned suggesting that you would reduce crime and gang stuff, and it has actually gotten exponentially worse, then you might be inclined to tamp down the reality. Especially if you added significantly to the police force. Keeping voters in the dark is what successful politicians do best.
The extent and truth about Unreported incidents that may reflect negatively on the mayor and her campaign public relations director’s husband who just happens to be Chief of Police will remain secreted and unpublished in the dark desk drawers of the Eagle’s Vice President, who likewise just happens to be the husband of the same mayor’s Director of Administrative Services, who skipped the required salary steps to be paid above her position level. The Truth is obvious.
And continuing on what Sojourner just said. When Ms. Amuso questioned the salary step for the mayor’s adm. aide, at the next CC mtg. her husband appeared and thru the “race card” out.
As bad as that was, the rest of the CC sat there, took his abuse of Ms Amuso and never defended her.
How many of you remember that?
The administration can bypass salary steps, particularly for non-union employees, as it sees fit.
Shakes: You missed the point. What I said was not about the salary steps. Read again and digest it!
The entire discussion is immaterial.
Dusty, crime is down 18 percent Tyer claims since 2015. Maybe if shootings don’t count!
Just because it was not reported in the paper or other misc logs does mean crime is down. Maybe it is down 18% on outer West street.
If you asked the average officer on the beat would he say crime is down? That he and his family feel 18% safer? Or would he say, “Holy shit it is dangerous out there.”
A police officer and a child get up everyday wondering how much gunfire this city can endure .When candidates should be leading the way on gang wars ,Tricia Bouvier,Tyer,Masseo have not protected our children in the hood as we turn into Chicago East
Isn’t it appropriate that our Ambulance Service is called Action.
In the car listening to this bootlicker talking about how great Ellen Kennedy is at B C C,who gives a crap? She’s a millionaire that lives in Williamstown.
Berkshire Eagle shoul not be bought if it does not report the news.
They should hire the Planet to report on gangster crime.First question is why is Pittsfield ground zero for drugs.Lenox ,Lee and Dalton better realize its in your schools and you have blinders on.
So I take it from these comments the honeymoon period for Mayor Tyer is over – where is BC these days defending her honor – he must be posting under his “other name”
When she gave Massimiano another stint on the license board,that was her swan song. To be a leader you can’t keep pols hanging around till they dry up and blow away. Ruberto is another who went as far as we could and abused his power as mayor before a gutless city council. Marchetti is another that should be put out to pasture, he’s also gone as far as he can,and is living off his community service reputation, it’s time Pete, you ain’t gots it anymore.
Pete has given his last mad face at the School department head when McCandless gives fake budget and layoffs
Try Shakes His former Red Head
Alas, I am not the esteemed Baraboo.
This STEIN troll is a nuisance to anyone trying to run a business in Pittsfield. He’s the classic bully…Picked on as a child. Enlists in the Marines because “they’ll HAVE TO respect me now!” Then came the job w/ the fire dept because “everyone loves and respects firemen”. What Stein fails to see is NOBODY respects him.
The boathouse on the Lanesboro line was an embarrassing eyesore for the city before it’s current owner spent his own hard-earned money to fix it up. Stein’s been trying like hell to shut him down. Within the last month I’ve heard 3 other unprovoked incidents where he screwed with their businesses.
The Lantern, a Pittsfield icon akin to Joe’s Diner in Lee, driven out of business by this clown’s demands. What a shame.
My guess is, he’s looking for early retirement. He’ll piss off enough people so this disappointment-of-an-administration finally cans him, then he’ll find a lawyer to sue the city, settle out of court. A then finally go away a rich man…still unliked by all.
I wonder how he feels about that run down building in west Pittsfield that is now part logging operation. Is that meeting all codes. Or does the owner get a pass because he knows a guy who knows a guy.
and what is the tax status of this place? any payments in the last 15 years? does anyone at city hall dare ask about it?
This might be a stretch, but has anyone ever listened to Sturgeon with his mocking voice of the elderly? Very distasteful Bill, have some respect for our seniors, they all don’t talk like that.
I don’t think Pittsfield has had to many effective Mayors over the last thirty years. Delgallp was considered effective but he had a thriving economy. The best Politician Pittsfield ever produced was Pete , and that includes Silvio, another overrated pol.
I like Mazzeo, maybe she can can. E top vote better this time around, she’s Involved
That should be be top vote getter? Sorry professor Planet.
I would like to see Chuck run for Mayor.
It’s amazing how Taconic High is falling downs? yet the radio station, the sports teams, the student activity and the day to day teaching in that school doesn’t interfere with the crumbling structure.
The dog catcher has low energy.
the boat place near the Lanesboro line is Randy Steins job to make sure it is in compliance. how did the house next to it gett a bulkhead put in. Stein should look at that parking there also.
Do NOT vote for Melissa Mazzeo. She is against a Super Walmart.
Me too
I’m for Wal Mart as long it isn’t anywhere near my neighborhood.
Stien needs to live at Crosby and PHS
Crosby needs a mold inspector,leaks into dark places that never dry