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EXTRA!! Norman Rockwell’s three sons filed suit today (10-20) in Berkshire Superior Court to enjoin the Berkshire Museum’s planned auction of art work. The action comes as the state attorney general’s office moves closer to issuing a halt on the proposed Sotheby’s auction. Things are popping. Stay tuned to this developing story, especially now that THE PLANET has given it via room service to the local mainstream press.


(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 20-22, 2017) — As the leaves fall, so does Pittsfield. Thank you, Mayor Linda Tyer. Thank you, city council.

For nothing.

With her tax increases, fat budgets, ribbon cuttings for garbage cans, and support of the abominable betrayal of public trust being attempted by the incompetents running the Berkshire Museum (BM), we’ve come to expect it from Mayor Trashcan. That the council would follow suit on derelict “leadership” also shouldn’t come as a shock, although THE PLANET offers faint (and feint) praise for its objection to the rape of the BM. We realize, though, that this rare and sensible group action bedazzles a meek observer the way a blind squirrel will occasionally stumble upon a nut or the manner in which Longfellow’s broken “Clock on the Staircase” gave the great poet the correct time twice a day when he lived in Pittsfield.

The latest affront to Pittsfield’s bedraggled taxpaying public comes in the form of a $1 million grant Tyer proposed and the council approved. Grants — ye be the devil fer Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Grants — Reminds THE PLANET of our favorite joke: “Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?” Answer: Pittsfield. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.

The latest futile giveaway, this of the GE settlement money, will be thrown down a sinkhole with the fancy sounding name, the Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC), to be built in the wasteland euphemistically known as The William Stanley Business Park. We like the moniker, although given this latest mistake, we propose one even fancier: the Berkshire Innovation Center for Taxpayer Harrassment (BITCH).

The BITCH represents another example in the long, grey Pittsfield line of a nearly bankrupt public sector financing what the Dreaded Private Sector should be willing to do on its own. The BITCH, so the propaganda goes, would offer high-tech manufacturing “resources” and training that small- to medium-sized businesses cannot afford using their own money. That’s the spin, and it betrays the fundamental flaw of this proposed center. Stay with us on this one.

Private-sector businesses who made a product in demand by the marketplace will gladly invest in such equipment and upgrades if they believe it will be profitable. They then go to private lenders who, being greedy, gladly furnish venture capital, providing, that is, that they judge the company’s proposal to be a sound one. You know, private lenders require such picky details as sound business plans and evidence of responsible management. Folks, beware of any venture that uses public money to fund private manufacturing. It means banks aren’t willing to take the risk.

That’s when “Politicians” (in every sense of the word) like Mayor Trashcan and most of the councilors step up to the plate. They will gladly blow the public’s money, because it keeps them in good stead with The Suits, which in turn helps them win votes in elections which in Pittsfield have become exercises in masturbation by the only entities that vote, meaning the special interests.

The BITCH was first proposed in the Lincoln Administration … or does it only seem like four score and seven years ago? The initial price tag came in at $3 million, but you know how these things go in The Land of Benigno Numine. The costs for this planned “not-for-profit” boondoggle mysteriously jumped to $9 million, then $12 million, leading to a multimillion dollar funding gap. Finally, the state had to step in and ask: “What in hell are you yokels doing?” You know the stink is on the turd when lily-white Boston has to bother itself with Pittsfield’s own special brand of corruption.

Want to know how redolent this deal is? Community development director Deanna “We’re Baaaaaaaaack” Ruffer is involved. That should be enough to jolt the bolts off Frankenstein‘s neck.

But noooooooooo, as Steve Martin used to joke.

Councilors OK’d Trashcan’s $1 million pillage of the dwindling GE settlement money. It doesn’t stop there. The mayor said she wants another million. That would be $2 million thrown away, money that could and should be used to lower taxes for businesses and homeowners.

Trashcan said the state “wants to know we’re committed.”

Yeah, so do we, and THE PLANET will gladly sign the papers.


“Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether [the city], or any [city] so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure”Abraham Lincoln, modified.



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12 Gauge
12 Gauge
7 years ago

Lincoln’s mentor, Henry Clay was all about this type of give away. He’d love it here. Also I’ll bet old stink breath was the brains behind this.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

What does “economic development” truly mean in Pittsfield?
The answers include:
* Welfare caseloads
* Social services programs
* Criminal Justice and the Jail
* Corrupt political hacks who raise your taxes
* A 19-year-old polluted-PEDA with 0 private tenants
* A Boston-centered state government who gives their crumbs to Western Massachusetts
* The vested interests (or the “Big 3”: Police, Fire, & School Unions) being taken care of financially
* A financially constrained municipality with a high debt load
* A new Taconic High School project that will cost well over $121-million
* Several Level 5 public schools
* All K – 6 public school students receiving free lunches
* The Berkshire Museum selling its art collection to fill its coffers with tens of millions of dollars
* A revitalized downtown that still has murders, shootings, violence, drugs, and gangs
* Dan Valenti bitching and moaning about Pittsfield politics never-ending downward spiral

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

The cost of school buildings in Pittsfield is killing taxpayers.Close Crosby because its not fit for children or teachers health.Millions spent just fixing what breaks and thats true at PHS

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Letter: “Pittsfield must wake up to its crime problem”
The Berkshire Eagle, October 20, 2017

To the editor:

With the second armed robbery in less than a week it’s about time Pittsfield officials come to grips with the fact there is a major crime/drug issue in Pittsfield. The city needs radical change to deal with the crime/drug situation. The police chief is totally ineffective and the administration is abysmal.

The city is best known for its medical marijuana dispensary, methadone clinic and crime — surely not something to be proud of.

How does the saying go, “the first step in dealing with a problem is to first admit there is a problem”?

Jeffrey M. Costa, Pittsfield

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Mentioned to a veteran PPD officer that I’d like to speak to the chief about some unresolved and ignored issues. Was told “good luck finding him”. It seems the acting chief avails himself to numerous vacations, out of town training seminars, meetings, and conventions. On the city credit card and expense account, presumed…..But who can blame him, the odds of being mugged are greater if he remains in Pittsfield.

7 years ago

and yet many of the roads are in pretty bad condition.

Can we get it put into the city charter that all government candidates have had to take money management courses? And ethics training?

7 years ago

iberkshires has a detailed but foggy story about the Pittsfield parking kiosks. Apparently the parking meters are raking in lots of money but the city is still losing money? Does not mention anything about if fines are part of the revenue or where that money winds up. I do know several people who have just said to hell with North st.

7 years ago

Interesting story about a large solar complex to be built out on East St. Is what I found interesting is the power from the project is to be sold to the Springfield School System and will reduce their electric bill by 20 percent. Now get this, the savings was first offered to the Pittsfield School System. However they apparently had no interest in reducing their electric bill by 20 percent.
Big surprise!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

The schools electric bill is 1 million dollars.

Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

May i ask where you read this story? Was it in the Pittsfield paper and if not why not I wonder.

Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

Dusty, it was in the Eagle yesterday.

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

Lets save the Halloween parade and move it out of the violence of Tyler street.Syringes in the street.You can watch from Zenners or from the Liquor store or from the surveillance spaces usually reserved for State police……stand up if you voted to move the parade to the most dangerous part of Pittsfield

War Pigs
War Pigs
7 years ago

BIC = Nuclea Technologies Part 2

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Frankenstein’s monster had the bolt’s on his neck, not the good doctor himself.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Are you saying the doctor was not on Franks neck?

7 years ago

Many people I know are fed up with the kiosks. You have to search for the nearest one, That will be fun this winter.

These folks are finding other ways to do business. Just ask any North St. business. I know for a fact that many are very disappointed in the results. But, of course, Matt Kerwood and the rest of the Mayor’s admin. will deny this.

Reply to  Spider
7 years ago

Rule number one in politics….Never tell the truth. Obfuscate and deflect when you can but if that does not work lie and then lie to cover up the first one.

Reply to  Spider
7 years ago

It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of the parking kiosks. If you recall when the city got money from the State for the Mckay St. garage renovations, there was the stipulation that Pittsfield would have to get metered parking. Done deal. Nothing the Kapinski’s can do about it. I did enjoy Finance Director Matt Kerwood’s imitation of Sgt Shultz, “I don’t know who came up the revenue numbers. I don’t know how the numbers were calculated”. I know nothing.

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago

Achesire, I think someone here posted a few days ago that the state did NOT stipulate the city had to get metered parking, but rather that they had to find some source of revenue and the city decided to turn to metered parking.
If anyone knows which is true, I’d really like to know.

Reply to  War Pigs
7 years ago

Here is one article War.
And here is the quote from the article:

“The idea behind the meters would be to have a program which would pay for itself and then some. The parking plan was developed by a requirement of the state for its investment in repairing the McKay Street Garage. The state wanted a program to maintain the garage.”

Also it paints Mr. Kerwood as a liar or memory challenged. In a most recent article he says he doesn’t now who came up with the revenue numbers or how they were calculated. In the article I provided from July 10th it clearly states it was Denis Guyer in September 2016.

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago

Thank you – that pretty much confirms that the state did not say it has to be parking meters per se, that they city itself came up with that in order to meet the mandate to come up with revenue to maintain the garage.
So now the question is, which politician or public employee is the company that makes the kiosks in bed with?

7 years ago

12 million for a free lab for local plastic co’s – when the initial technology becomes obsolete, where will the $$ come from to upgrade the facility ? you guessed it….DV on the ball !!!!

Mr. G
Mr. G
7 years ago

This is a fascinating conundrum though Dan. The question is, hasn’t the city already put in a pretty substantial ante for this BIC program? When it started didn’t they have to throw a million dollars on the table as a…gulp…public-private partnership? Didn’t the state put in a crapload too? If that is the case, the thinking must be that they feel they can’t let that initial investment go to zero with nothing. If this is the proverbial throwing good money after bad, do you see a different road out? It does seem nuts. What I always say, whenever I drive past and see the “Berkshire Innovation Center – Coming Soon” sign is, “$9 million dollar sign. Probably the most expensive sign ever made!

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  Mr. G
7 years ago

It’s best to cut your losses and get out before losing even more money. But that would be admitting the initial investment was a mistake and we all know these egotistical politicians will never do that. Both Nuclea and BIC have been called economic engines. And they are – for scam artists and the special interests.

7 years ago

Who collects the cash from the kiosks, what account is it distrusted In and what is the mechanism for the final tally of what is collected. Is there a manual transaction?

7 years ago

Tyer is the worst Mayor in the History of the City. Yes, worst than Gerry Doyle, Bianchi,Reilly,Smith, Woitkowski,Hathaway,Butler,DelGallo, even Ruberto, who is a close third.

Reply to  H
7 years ago

but all seemed to have enriched themselves and friends

and that is what counts in politics

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

Tyer white Marchetti demand young kids play inthe hood with syringes in the gutter and gunfire at any time….its time citizen s wear Kevlar vest to the hood parade

7 years ago

Does anyone know if PCTV is running the election statements from each candidate this year? I admit I haven’t been paying attention like I used to, and haven’t subjected my wife to channels 16-18 unless I’m surfing and catch something of interest. I haven’t heard or read hardly any position of anyone on anything and the election is 3 weeks away! Is the gazette guy having his debates at BCC? I guess it really doesn’t matter, Pittsfield has given up and is selling out. I admit I am part of the problem by giving up the fight by going deaf, blind and dumb, but damn they too good at the game.

Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Well, unfortunately I have subjected my Wife and have seen the Candidates ‘read their statements’. Politically amatuerish at best. One of the candidates was talking about a personal problem with his insurance? Probably the worst candidates speech were the newcomers. I thought Simonell was the best, Moon the phoniest.

Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Moon was mentioning her affiliation with refugees and Veterans. So, I guess she’s going to work for those causes.S ….Taxpayers.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

When Moon came to my house looking for a vote she was clueless…she thought GE left less than 10 years ago. Nothing more than a full blown SJW snowflake.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

Shes a Republican snowflake,completely not aware.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

She is a registered Democrat.

Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

She was technically right. The GE had a crew (about 20) to maintain the buildings they stilled owned. They had a few white collar guys too. They were in Building 56 until about 2 years ago.

Len X Abhorant
Len X Abhorant
7 years ago

Pete is rolling over in his grave.

Reply to  Len X Abhorant
7 years ago

There is no one like him. He worked tirelessly.

Reply to  Spagirl
7 years ago

As opposed to Tyerlessly.

Reply to  mi
7 years ago


Wild In the Streets
Wild In the Streets
7 years ago

The Bitch, love it! Or, Itsa Bitch.

7 years ago

The big white garbage truck with the two flat tires, that signified the hopelessness of Pittsfield, has been moved to a new location.

the hopelessness however is still there

7 years ago

Pittsfield proposed to host Amazon’s second headquarters and the 50,000 jobs ithat would accompany it in Stanley Business Park.
This should be in Ripley’s believe it or not.!!!

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

Amazon Needs mainline rail service ,needs affordable housing,needs colleges nearby,needs junior colleges,needs airport withing 45 min drive,needs local goverment fast track permitting,needs quality of life…..We have a 60 acre industrial site ready to go…..We also have a Mayor who knows nothing about this search by Amazon

Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

So Pittsfield could have Amazon and Walmart, two of the countries mega company’s, fighting for the PEDA site?

That would be awesome if we were not heading into world war 3 this month. Hope everyone is stocking up on canned goods and peanut butter.

Oh yeah’s coming at ya for real this time…we left the madman in too long

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Amazon should explore the Hess Forest site.

7 years ago

Pittsfield,Ma estimated population 2017. 43,403
These suits are dead serious. I am truly belly laughing.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

You have as much chance of Amazon coming here as I do buying a new home in a gated Community.

Len X Abhorant
Len X Abhorant
7 years ago

G e ain’t coming back and neither will Amazon come here,we are freaky arts,slush funds art sales,and crime up the yin yang. And trash cans and kiosks and Chesnut seeds and Tifs.

7 years ago

The Berkshire Museum is wrong to try to sell the works of Norman
Rockwell in its collection but is also wrong to sell the works of French Classical Painter William-Aldolphe Bouguereau one of the
Finest Classical Realists of the Nineteenth Century. These are works of art that are world famous and part of our community.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  gocometti
7 years ago

Who is benefiting from the auction of BM’a 40 pieces of art? Why are all of the local political hacks, including Jimmy Ruberto, for it? How will all of the legal court cases turn out? How much money will be spent on Attorneys and other legal fees?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Let us just say that it is a nice pool of money to have control over. Someone will be sleeping with a large smile on their puss.

Len X Abhorant
Len X Abhorant
7 years ago

Americana was Rockwell’s theme Disgraces the memory of the beloved Rockwell. His Art currently is one of the most sought after.

7 years ago

Berkshire Museum should be taken down if they can’t control their management constraints, the offensive part is, we can see Rockwell at the Rockwell Museum,send it back where it belongs

Arial Black
Arial Black
Reply to  H
7 years ago

you’re saying raze the building because the board had a dumb idea?

Reply to  Arial Black
7 years ago

If it goes through, yes.

7 years ago

GoytaniI for Governor and Mayor.