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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 26, 2018) — Resolved: Any student in Pittsfield public schools who leaves class without permission for whatever reason, including a political protest, should be suspended for three days. If the city’s school superintendent, school committee, and mayor care at all about students and pupils, it will clearly state this as policy, promise repercussions for a policy break, and follow through.

——— ooo ———

To those enrolled in The Old Professor’s debate class, you can’t logically have it both ways. You can’t, on the one hand, argue that because millions of children play violent video games but don’t shoot up schools proves there’s no link between shooter games and mass murder while at the same time backing kids in their misdirected efforts to political action. Think it through, and you will see: All men are mortal. Biff is a man. Therefore, Biff is mortal.

Conversely, THE PLANET’s claim holds true: the data strongly suggests a causal link between a young man’s immersive exposure to shooter video games and a greater desensitivity regarding and tendency toward violence  and criminal behavior and its precursors. To be fair, the data is inconclusive but only because the Great Leap Forward in ultra-realistic games has emerged in the past couple years and hasn’t been properly evaluated. But screw that. Anyone with an adult mind, eyes to see, and ears to hear intuitively knows that a heavy daily dose of graphic violence wrecks attention spans and the capacity for empathic thought and feeling.

Of course, the mainstream media and adults who think more gun laws will prevent the blood lust that seems to infect young Americans at an unusually high rate have fallen in love with the “army of children” bent on skipping school in favor of marching on state capitols and shouting down speakers with opposing viewpoints at rallies and town-hall meetings.

“The children.”

Ah, that magic phrase.

Automatically, it becomes a litmus test of being a good, politically correct citizen to applaud what these well-intended but clueless teenagers are doing. Walking out of class helps no one, hurts everyone, and accomplishes nothing worthwhile or productive.

THE PLANET is here to tell you that the best thing these teens can do for themselves is to stay in the classroom, put their “smart” phones away, and begin paying attention. If they begin doing this, they might actually learn importantant life skills in reading, writing, math, history, biology, and other subjects to equip themselves with the critical thinking they now generally lack. They will then equip themselves to either enter the workplace to assume their role as productive citizens or be ready academically and emotionally to enter a classroom of higher learning and succeed. Only then can they take part in participatory republicanism. Until then, they should keeps their heads in the books. Or Nooks.

By staying in class and applying themselves, they will learn the greatest , most translatable life skill of all: Critical thinking.

Critical thinking will allow them to realize that the best way to keep safe is to educate themselves and cooperate with teachers and administrators who want to assist them in that task. Critical thought would also let them see that missing class time, while providing fun and an excuse to goof off and party, plays right into the hands of the peers among them who invariably are the ones who pull the triggers in school mass shootings.

Teens need to take a good, long look at themselves and ask: Why are WE the ones who almost always fire the AR-15s? What are WE doing to ourselves. In Florida, it wasn’t a politician or a TV news reporter or a lawmaker or a teacher who pulled the trigger. It was one of their peers.

The greatest tribute they can make to the 17 who lost their lives is to stay in class, working to better themselves, something the young dead will never have the chance to do.

Meanwhile, the best directive given to pupils who walk out of class is the one given by a Houston, TX, superintendent: If you walk out, keep walking, because you’re suspended.


“That’s the way of it, sometimes” — Capt. Smith, RMS Titanic.



The Usual Disclaimer.

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Kids Ar U S
Kids Ar U S
6 years ago

Ban video games. Ain’t gonna happen.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
6 years ago

A suspension was a harsh punishment in years gone by. The student would miss considerable class time and would have to work hard to catch back up on lessons.

A better solution might be a couple of weeks of detention during which time the student would be required to do extra homework for each of their classes. This extra work, or lack of, would figure into their semester grades.

In this way a suspension would be avoided, a period of time some students would just use to slack and goof off. While the detention may in fact, seem to the student, to be more onerous and punitive.

At the same time the detention would be a period of learning, so as to assist in the main goal of students attending school.

6 years ago

Now there is a teenager organizing companies to stop doing business with the NRA. Unbelievable. It reminds me of the saying my grandfather always used to say that, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. These kids are just focused on gun removal without seeing the bigger picture. They think that taking away gun rights from average citizens will solve the problem. They don’t see the bigger issue of taking away Americans rights since they are only focusing on one problem.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

The answer is all of the above. Mental health, video games, assault rifles.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

These are same kids who watch a video about eating Tide pods and then do it themselves, they are easily programmed by paid operatives and message from Bloomberg

Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

You obviously don’t have any kids in your life. Maybe you should get out and meet some.

6 years ago

My own opinion is that congress has done a really bad job on just about everything. So I am willing and hopeful for these children that they will change many things about the way our government operates. They can NOT make it any worse. Godspeed young ones!

6 years ago

I havent seen anyone proposing to take gun rights away. What I do see is a movement to ban automatic weapons. I support this movement.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Or just banning to minors for God’s sake. Not asking a lot. Good for these kids. Nice to see them engaged.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Spagirl , Your head has been in the hot tub too long.

Do you know what an automatic weapon is?

That would be a machine gun. Effectively banned in 1934 by National Firearms Act of 1934.

Now what if we wanted to ban the ignorant from posting drivel on the internet? Would Your 1st amendment rights be infringed?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

I support banning AR-15’s. Sorry I did not articulate that. My support is 100 percent.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

An AR-15 is a semi-automatic consumer hunting rifle in a different skin. If is truly ignorant to think banning a type of gun because of the way it looks will help solve this issue. I have never seen more stupidity in my life when folks come out of the woodwork who obviously know nothing on the subject of guns and try to comment on them. By the way Spagirl you live in Peoples Republic of Massachusetts where you CAN NOT purchase a new AR type gun but you can buy a 223 Ruger Mini (oh the irony). Is that stopping the gun violence in your neighborhood?

Reply to  RJD
6 years ago

Taxes are killing us,all kinds. Ever hear of the pickyourpocket 018

Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

No one hunts with an AR.

-Signed a hunter of 20 years.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  justathought
6 years ago

Who is “No One”?

Armalite AR is a dandy hunting rifle. In small 15 form light rounds for small game and varmints, in 10 form, deer elk moose and bears.

-Signed hunting 20 years, before You were born

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Automatic firearms have been illegal since 1935.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Spagirl, you and others like you are part of the problem. You can’t be bothered to learn a damn thing! Automatic weapons have been banned for years and years. This is the stuff that pisses legal gun owners off. If you don’t know a damn thing about something and can’t be bothered to research it then don’t comment about it.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

ooooooohhhhh…guess you straightened her out huh Paul?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Dusty, that is just the hard truth. I didn’t know you were her mommy.

6 years ago

Education is key to any reasonable discussion. Hear lies a major problem when it comes to the gun debate. For the most part the anti gun crowd is not familiar with the normal nomenclature of guns in general. For example, the term assult rifle is misused over and over. An AR 15 is not an assult weapon. In addition anti gun advocates are not familiar with existing gun laws. Most any gun owner will tell you how much they would love to see existing gun laws enforced. A good example of this would be the constant dismissal of gun charges by district attorneys. Right here in Pittsfield would be a perfect example of this.
Another huge problem is when neither side is willing to even listen to each other. A perfect example of this can be found at our college campuses. These students have been taught that if they disagree with a speaker they have the right to act like spoiled brats and scream and yell so no one can hear them. Furthermore they believe they have the right to protest an bully the administration to cancel some speakers all together. Somehow these entitled brats were not taught that college is a place for the exchange of ideas.
Many of the liberal professors have forgotten that their job is to teach these young adults how to think not what to think.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

While I agree with Dan V. that the children need to be in school rather than organizing against the NRA, I know that the children are NOT learning critical thinking skills in the public schools. Children used to be taught this very important skill, but today they are spoon fed liberal politics instead. They are being taught to have NO TOLERANCE for other viewpoints. There is no diversity of ideas being taught in public education.

I agree with getting rid of bump stocks, but to start focusing on banning certain types of guns is a slippery slope in my opinion. Assault rifles should be much more strictly regulated. Schools should be protected. Look at every other place where people gather in large numbers and they are protected. Even at many of our local offices like the DTA there is an officer regularly on duty.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Critical thinking skills come at birth. If you did not get them then you become a Trump supporter and hope for the best.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Agreed Dan, like I’ve said before, teachers and professors use to teach kids how to think but now the liberal party line is to teach them what to think instead of the former. Very sad.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

The kids got their Doctorate on Valentines day,they are the experts

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

In the Planets day there were walkouts and protest over a War in Vietnam, racial unrest associated with where can blacks eat,sleep and be educated.
All of this violence and destruction and mass killing with a rifle developed to kill Americas enemies is used in school buildings and concerts. America is not safe,Americas students are not safe and elected officials and And American citizens are to blame.Students should walk and not come back until these guns are not sold.Just my opinion.Let these student use the freedom to walk and bring attention to adult that dont think when the situation is critical

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

So these guns have been around since the 1950s, the guns have not changed.

We used to bring guns to school. Hunt on the way there and way home. Remember any school shootings back then? And yes some were semi-automatic that used magazines.

What has changed? America/Americans. Think about our moral, educational, and ethical decay.

Now why does God allow all this carnage in schools? Ask the liberals! God is not allowed in schools anymore, he’s BANNED!!!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

Yes, Americans have changed. So you have to change the gun laws too. Laws are constantly changed to fit a changing society.
BTW, I don’t know of a single person who brought a gun to school when I was a kid. Maybe you are recalling some purple haze hallucination.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Not a sportsman I see NIB.

We hunted fall and winter. The guns were locked in trunks if we had cars , or checked with the principal.

Maybe you were too busy baking a cake in home economics to notice.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

I thought God was all powerful….I whudda thought he could have just busted down the door and gone in.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

School committee, keep in mind that these school shootings have been perpetrated by students and recent grads.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

Yes Paul that is true and we know that a very critical age for kids is between 15 and 21 and I believe its fair to do background and age also part of this discussion..
This generation in my opinion is so much smarter than the kids of the 60s 70s….my generation looks back at when we were kids and nieve and ignorance ruled.They know right now in Pittsfield ma some gun owner has not secured his inventory.Like keys to the liquor cabinet .

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

This generation don’t know enough, to look up from their “smart” phones , when crossing the street with a trailer truck coming!

My generation played pickup football, baseball, hunted, fished, trapped,……instead of mindless staring into video screens.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

I agree with some brats, send Winchester back to the foundry and just make single shots guns.

6 years ago

Why can’t the government ban half the guns, why so many? Definitely ban the bump stock.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  U
6 years ago

Bump Stocks were approved by the BATF under 0bama.

6 years ago

All of these protests were done on Spring Break….last week was time off…a trip to Washington or the state capital were nice diversions …the protests must continue and the NRA knows that…but will they ? We will see if these students are truly committed after Spring Break ( February Vacation )

Bill DeWahl
Bill DeWahl
Reply to  gocometti
6 years ago

Russian agents are organizing these NRA protests and the useful idiots are falling in line.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

They should offer the protesters scholarships to Berkley. Its a tactic to silence the opposition. If we lose the 2’nd amendment the 1’st will fall tool.

6 years ago

Just ban the AR style weapons and collect all of the magazines associated with it , shut down all stores that sell video games including online purchases. Trump approval rating at all time low 35%. Fire Sheriff Israel,what a dope.

Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Perhaps they could ban high capacity magazines and give the kids a fighting chance. At least some of them might get away. It is good sportsmanship.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

How about arming all students with slingshots.

Reply to  U
6 years ago

maybe…but not high capacity slingshots

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  U
6 years ago

I’d like to arm the libtards on this blog with common sense.

Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Yah, but you don’t seem to have any extra so that option is out.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Spoken like a libtard

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

Dan, swing and a miss. Your arguement is flawed from the 2nd paragraph on where you offer two unrelated thoughts/propositions as two sides of a single arguement. If adults and legislators are gonna continue to take millions of dollars from the NRA to bury their heads in the sand and do nothing, or actively distract by pointing to & blaming unrelated things like video games being causal to mass shootings, well, someone has to take matters into their own hands and who better than those with the most to lose; those in the crosshairs, the students. Obfuscate and distract all you want, and I especially enjoy Mad Trapper and paul’s discussions on firearm semantics, the AR and its class have been the common link in ALL these mass shootings. Ban them, ban access to them, and a lot less people die at the hands of violent people whether or not they were pushed by violent video games.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G what is an AR and its class? What is the difference between a AR and lets say a Benelli r1? How about the difference between a AR and a Remington .750 Woodsmaster? Do you judge a book by its cover? Do you judge a person by their color of their skin? There is no difference between the semi-auto hunting rifles and the AR/M4 consumer rifles. Just because it is the #1 selling gun in the US, you don’t like the looks of its, and the mentally deranged can get their hands on it you believe it should be banned. You’re logic is not only flawed it totally ignorant.

Reply to  RJD
6 years ago

AR-15 is really just an M-16 that is semi-automatic. It has also been officially designated an assault rifle. The thought of you having such a weapon should scare everyone.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

NIB your comments reek with ignorance. Do you even know what the AR in AR-15 stands for? Again, the depth your stupidly should scare a lot of people.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

NIB, you are mistaken. The AR-15 is not an assult weapon. Some clown that may decide that they want to classify it as such is a fool. I can classify a cat as a dog but that does not make it so.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

To clarify, an AR-15 (ArmaLite Rifle) with a bump stock makes it fully automatic which makes it an assault rifle.
Without the bump stock it may not officially qualify as an assault weapon, but it’s still a military style weapon designed after the M-16.
Funny, I don’t know of any hunters who use it for hunting. And it’s the weapon of choice for all the nutcases who want to shoot as many innocent people in as short a time as possible. Obviously, you can’t conceal carry it. So it’s not good for hunting, you can’t conceal carry it, a handgun or shotgun can be used to protect your home. So what is it’s use?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago


A rubber band will do the same as bump stock on many rifles. Lets ban them too.

Lots of responsible sportsmen hunt with AR 15 or AR 10. FUNNY you are so ignorRANT!

Now liberal MSM and liberals seem to “bump fire” all sorts of propoganda. Can we ban their speech?

Reply to  RJD
6 years ago

RJD, excellent point! There is the problem. People making arguments and they have no clue about the subject matter. I’m certain that none of them were on a debate team. This is why the anti gun groups will never be able to have a conversation with the legal gun owners. They know nothing about firearms or existing laws therefore they will never earn the respect necessary to have a realistic conversation.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

matt stop trying to sound like the terrible lawyer you are. Stop being a poser

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Snark is unbecoming on you. Perhaps you have spent too long teaching thirteenth grade English to remember classes in Logic from a real university…yes I would count Syracuse as such. Your two propositions are completely unrelated, unlike your subsequent example, so not related by the binding arguement. I know you can do better. As far as the guys trolling for response based on weapon classification and terminology, that’s just BS. This is not semantics. I don’t care about the subtle, or not so subtle differences between various weapons makers and their products. If you can shoot multiple rounds per second in a high capacity fashion no one should have access to it. Done. The NRA always gets busy trying to engage in semantics at times like these. Bullshit. Its time for action. We’re taking your precious effin high capacity, rapid fire weapons.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Matt, enough. Everyone knows its you. You are busted, exposed and humiliated. Go steal something…of course you are not even good at that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Be vewy vewy quiet!

We’re dealing with libewal twolls.

We need to send them home, back under the bwidge.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Why are Pittsfield students being given the opportunity to take Tuesday off to attend a political rally? I agree with the TX supt: take off & be suspended! Let them rally AFTER school hours. Allowing them to take off results in a rather useless day for the teachers who want to teach and the students who would prefer to be in the classroom. Who’s running the schools – the students or the adults?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

They should not be given the day off. If they want to protest they can do so after school or on the weekend.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

If they were walking out to protest abortion you’d see how hollow stuffed-suit McCandless’s principles are, union-operated schools are fully political, kids’ minds are more at risk than anything else: ban public schools

Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

When you have activist hags like Cindy Taylor on the school committee what do you expect?

Voytek Gobsigski
Voytek Gobsigski
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Big Mac McCandless is a huge BUFFOON.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Can we all agree that the safety of the students is the primary concern?
That being said – get military vets, retired cops, national guard to have a presence in the schools TODAY to show the students we are committed to their safety. This gives a few weeks time for the admin& school committee to come up with a formal plan. Have them work under the direction of the armed resource officers. Get it done!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Are you aware the armed security guard at that school was a military vet? And yet he took the coward’s way out and didn’t help those students one bit. He should be sent to jail as an accomplice.
If we are going to put armed guards in schools let’s at least make sure they’ll do their job.
BTW, many people in the crowd during the Tuscon AZ shooting of Giffords were armed. Yet they did nothing. It was unarmed people who took that shooter down
Give a coward a gun and you still have a coward.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Defending someone you don’t care about is not heroic, it’s stupid. Very difficult to hold union members accountable, armed teachers would at least be shooting back to save their own skin

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

So your logic is that because all 4 deputies cowered outside the school – that having armed guards won’t work? I believe now that the Parkland event has unfolded….that hiring vets, retired officers whose sole purpose is to defend students – WILL work. Yes, I agree – those deputies who refused to engage should face disciplinary actions if found by the courts/authorities to have had reason not to have engaged Cruz.
We need to protect our students.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

NIB sounds like you are in good company!

Richard Baculum
Richard Baculum
Reply to  RJD
6 years ago

If an armed murderer kept the deputies away why wouldn’t armed school personnel keep potential murderers away?

Reply to  Richard Baculum
6 years ago

Many potential murders hope and plan to die on site. No incentive to stay away.

Richard Baculum
Richard Baculum
Reply to  Richard Baculum
6 years ago

These incidents almost always occur in gun free zones. Posting a sign declaring anywhere a gun free zone tells the crazies where they can commit murder and mayhem with no resistance.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Richard Baculum
6 years ago

Works in Israel.

But not in Florida, ask Sheriff Israel

Reply to  Richard Baculum
6 years ago

He was not a coward, first off. He was an armed man who froze. Police are not required legally to put their lives at risk to save others. Forbidding all teachers from bearing arms at work is fooish, and this story does not suggest otherwise.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

He was probably a cook in the army

6 years ago

Most gun owners in MA are aware that Healy wants nothing less than confiscation. Go ahead and deny it. It’s only a matter of time before they smarten up and go underground to get their protection.

Good job politicians. Just take more law abiding owners, make them criminals.

It’s like that stupid mothers group “fighting NRA propaganda”… by spewing their own propaganda.


6 years ago

If we have armed teachers in the schools who are we going to arm at the dances or at the basketball games or football games or field trips or movies or church or super markets or birthday parties?

It might be more practical to just give every kid a Kevlar suit to wear where ever he or she may go. Maybe put armed guards in the bathrooms so if a kid needs to take the suit off to go number two he will be protected. And if anybody goes number two IN the suit it is their responsibility to disinfect it sometime before graduation when it will be passed on to the next potential target.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

I graduated with a dipey and my gown,easy changeover.

6 years ago

Dusty, pretty sure they have a slingshot where you can put several pellets in at once, like a cluster shot.

Reply to  U
6 years ago

Probably. And there may also be someone out there clever enough to put a modified bump stock on one. It is 2018 after all.

6 years ago

How about this for protection, a student goes to school, the door is locked,a message goes over the intercom outside the door to the student with evil intentions, that student or any other student is asked to solve a problem that was a homework assignment the previous night, then the evil doer is asked to empty book bags, large duffle bags, or anything that might be carrying this elusive semi. When that is done a series of questions will ensue, for instance, are you depressed? When was the last time you purchased a killing video game? Did you have you’re breakfast this morning? Do you have any issues with the school that would you would want to harm others? How did you get to school? Have you ever been suspended from school? Ok,we’ll continue tomorrow, schools about to close, oh by the way, what is you’re name? Is it Cruz?! Authorities were supposed to notify you that they had you on the radar screen,surprised they haven’t told you they were looking for you already.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Late 1960s early 70s the time period the planet should remember well as every major city in America was on fire. MMalcolm x,JFK,Bobby,Martin were assinated,Mafia violence, CIA assinations,Local weekend assaults with high school kids,fights in school,domestic assaults by drunkin Dad on his wife and kids….Violence is not new.You stop it when you can,where you can and remove the rifle associated with the violence….Violence is taught by families or society.

6 years ago

Made my day , excellent.

6 years ago

If C C Moon is going to eat cookies during a C C meeting shouldn’t she at least share?

6 years ago

Yeah saw that also, bad ediquette.

6 years ago

Cookie Moon…… so it shall be written.

Reply to  Nota
6 years ago

Really? That meeting went how long? Maybe her blood sugar was low. You don’t know. These little nick names are pretty juvenile. If this is all you got, maybe we aren’t in such a bad place after all.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

I would have liked to see Chris pull out a hero sandwich from Agelinas, now that would have something to see.

Reply to  Nota
6 years ago

Do the taxpayers pay for the cookies that councilors eat during session? Are they part of the compensation package and if so did Krol eat his in the car on the way in or did he drop them off at the Christain Center because that is just the way he is?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Nota
6 years ago

I think Moon Cookie has a better ring to it

Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

How about cost us a fortune.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Maybe kids shouldn’t watch Godfather or Bonnie and Clyed movies, lotsta of gunfire in those movies. It’s the semi’s stupid!

Reply to  Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Dilly Dally, no they should not, both of those movies are rated R.

6 years ago

Dont know about you but the coN-$ultant$ speaking,spoke very cautiously when answering direct questions about the multi million dollar project. Forcips and Loon have no idea,hopefully Gaetani can guide the few Councilors what we can do about these over zealous consultants. Bottom line, this is not needed in it’s current presentation, drinking water does not need a tenth of cost what they will propose,wake up C C? You will be known for the Billion in debt, the last 80 for naught, at least put up a fight. Fix the Roads,chipped a tooth last week.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

What makes Bootlicker Bill Sturgeon and Councilman Krol think that the Federal Government will subside any major projects in this City?

6 years ago

Councilor Rivers is the only one with the common sense currently that knows this new project will literally kill the taxpayers and is not needed. I will say I wouldn’t mind seeing her run for Mayor one day, she is a great ward councilor!

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

You had to love Councilors Mazzeo and Connellspeeding under their, breath while Marchetti squirmed as he was waiting for an opinion form the City Solicitor against his opinion which he was wrong, concerning the vote on the projects.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Chilli’s is coming to the Pitt.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Riding down West Street I saw Mr. Gaetani was clawing a tree,must be getting ready to pounce at the next City Cowncil Meeting.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

The NRA is losing many corporate business deals. The high school students are courageous for speaking up about mass shootings in the United States of America. I am for gun control!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

The Russians are behind it

6 years ago

This thread is on fire. 82 posts at four thirty…holy cow!

6 years ago

In the latest issue of Berkshire Magazine is an interview with Liz Warren. Liz is asked what is the biggest issue facing the country right now? Racism is of course her answer. No shock there that she thinks everyone in the country is a bunch of racists. Accusing everyone of being racists and haters of women is the Progressive platform. Add growing big out of control government, taking away guns and creating a two class system of rich and poor and you have the complete Progressive agenda.

6 years ago

Why do Progressive want big government? If they are in charge of this big government which they hope to be, they know and we know that corruption will run out of control. Since the media is in bed with the liberals there will be no voice to keep the corruption in check. Everything they do will be just wonderful. Just like it would have been if Hillary had won the presidency. Any negativity would be completely buried.

Taking away all guns which they hope to do eventually will be symbolic of making everyone totally dependent on big government. Big government will take care of you, but the price will be to give up all your rights and freedoms. Liberals accuse President Trump of being a facist, but the type of government the Progressives want to set up would be a real facist regime with big government in complete control

6 years ago

Trillions added to the debt IS Big Government.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Yes,these guys do get .Pat ,big goverment is big debt.Trump borrowed future money for billionaire tax breaks

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Quite honestly, that is the first time I’ve ever seen a Council Member at a Meeting mowing down on food during a meeting.Gum,water-drink,yes.

Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Did they have to get up and take a dump shortly after? Hope he washed his hands before handling that gavel again.

6 years ago

As of this moment noo e has any idea how many assault rifles are in circulation in the United States. That’s intentional. Knowing would require a registry and the N R A and the conspiracy minded anti-government groups, see this as a step toward confiscation or at least facilitating the possibility.

The N R S estimates between 8.5 mil and 15 mil based on manufacturing data.

The first step to control these guns of war is to create ongoing policy and regulatory recommendations to reduce reduce gun violence, short of this nothing will ever change.

6 years ago

A lot of truth in that C good post.

6 years ago

mandatory drug testing for students should be required and maybe the fire and police departments will be better mentors and require the same for themselves !!! students should also not be allowed to leave school grounds during school time or be allowed to drive their own cars to school !!!!! the old Harrys supermarket on elm street is overflowing with students vehicles from Pittsfield high school which brings me to the question if that is even legal ??, was this authorized by someone from the school department ?? do the students or the city have some type of lease agreement with the owner for use of the property ????

Reply to  lakeside
6 years ago

A lot of kids drive themselves and help parents drive siblings to after school activities, and some drive themselves to work.

6 years ago

No one wants to ride a bus if they can drive.

6 years ago

Excerpts from the Liz Warren interview in Berkshire Magazine:

“I worry about the visibility of racism in this country. We’ve known for a very long time that we are an imperfect country, but in the past year, the way that ugly feelings and terrible accusations have been thrown into the public dialogue has been so destructive for this country. It’s been hard.”

“Prior to a town hall gathering of 1,200 people at Malden High School, north of Boston, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren sat down in a hushed classroom to talk on topics that matter greatly to her—from #MeToo to the environment to racism to medical care.”

She has a total Progressive agenda that includes racism and hatred of women. The environment meaning global warming and health care are her top concerns. Health care meaning the terrible care currently given to many here in Berkshire County where doctors don’t even want to come here because they are paid so little which severely limits choice of practitioners for patients. Waiting lists are off the charts for many in the Berkshires. Many doctors are no longer taking new patients and those who do will not accept Mass Health patients. It’s a real mess.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Senator Warren is fantastic,Trump saod hes very brave

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Fake indian

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

The kids got their Doctorate on Valentines day,they are the expertsT

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Liz Warren is just a Progressive agenda politician who has made healthcare worse not better. Healthcare is a mess here in Berkshire County thanks to Obamacare. Few doctors, long waiting times, doctors not accepting patients either because they have too many or they will not accept Mass Health which is what most people have for medical insurance in this area. This is socialist medicine. Doctors don’t want to come here because with all the poor in the area they end up earning very little after investing so much money in medical school. This is why local medical establishments are bringing in immigrant doctors.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago


6 years ago

Trump said he would have gone into that school and taken the shooter down with his bare fists. He don’t need no stinking assault rifles. someday he is going to show us all the medals he got in Vietnam. Probably the same day he reveals his tax returns.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

You don’t need to be in the military to be brave.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

If Trump was brave (and not afraid of lying) he would talk to Mueller face to face. But he colluded and colluded and colluded over and over so he is afraid Pat. Very afraid. The best scenario for him is that he gets a prison cell next to his kids so he has someone to talk to.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Trump needs the secret service to take a dump.

6 years ago

The Obama/Holder regime instituted the PROMISE program in order to change school discipline policies and financially reward school systems for implementing the program. Is this in play in MA schools as well? I suspect it but can’t confirm.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

That would explain the lack of discipline in the high schools.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Donny Trump is a hero,he said he’s a hero and that great,its great great you could feel his greatness it was big,big big you could feel his bigness

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

He has incredible muscles too..and they are big…as you know…and everybody says so…even Stormy Daniels and Ivanka think so

6 years ago

I am not against arming teachers but only if they volunteer for it and go through very vigorous training (and pass it!) to ensure they protect the kids. Making it mandatory for all teachers to be armed is ludicrous. Also for having properly trained security guards in schools but not requiring them to be ex military or anything like that. I know of ex military who I wouldn’t trust to protect anything.
The key is to get the proper people in the proper position to protect the kids.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Curious, is there a proposal for mandatory 100% arming of all school personnel? This is a popular theme amongst the anti concealed carry. Two problems for me here. They tend to argue that janitors and English teachers are unfit to respond or return fire. Why would one assume that? Also, they assume we intend to arm people, which is an admittedly awkward mandate, as opposed to permitting those who carry to do so at work.

I suggest we start addressing irrational taboos regarding firearms and address the taboo preventing us from aggressively challenging the psychopaths.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

I agree, NIB.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

School kids used to, get firearms safety training, in school. Liberal policies did away with that. We were instructed by Ma Evironmental Police officers

The NRA is one organization, remaining, that still teaches gun safety.

But you’d know nothing of that NIB

Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

I am well aware that the NRA teaches gun safety. However gun safety is a far cry from how to handle an active shooter scenarios. That requires very specialized training.
When I went to school they were not teaching gun safety so I’m assuming that was back in the 50s. Times have changed since then and for good reason. Gun safety courses are readily available to pretty much anyone so there is no need to teach it in school.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Arming teachers,sounds like a very easy answer.I want to know if the planet would arm himself then train to pursue the AR 15 in the chaos of the shooter outside his wood classroom door

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Did four armed and trained deputies address the shooter? Did their managers even develop a crisis policy? What about the coach who challenged the killer with his bare hands and fell? Why trust third parties to resolve the situation, but write off our natural instinct for self-preservation?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Israel the Country, NOT (The) Coward (of the ) County Sheriff Israel, has armed teachers for 40 years now.

If it works on seasoned/trained terrorists, why won’t it work on deranged snowflakes?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

Buffoon post ^

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

TSC that was for you

6 years ago

the walk out is a gross waste of time – kids will be home at noon, learning nothing for the day, which is pretty standard at THS anyways – how about the MAYOR address this issue, but my sense is she is so far over her head (like most issues) that she cannot formulate any response or address it in an intelligent manner – prob the most uneducated Mayor in our history – “Time for a change !!!”