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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDES, WEDNESDAY FEB. 28, 2018) — THE PLANET thanks the young scholars at Taconic and Pittsfield high schools for winning us a free, fancy coffee. We wagered a friend that the lil’ geniuses who yesterday loaded their diapers on the sidewalks, plaza, and playing fields would stage their protest, that some would be carrying signs, and — here’s the kicker — more than one sign would have a spelling or grammatical error.

And thus it came to pass that early this morning, we were enjoying a $7 cappuccino at one of south county’s more posh establishments. You know, the joint where THE PLANET never sees a bill.

Now let us grudgingly traipse back to the scholars’ signs.

One drippy-eared genius carried a sign that spelled “safety” without the “e” — her placard had it as “safety.” The dumb girl didn’t realize that walking en masse outside the building made her and her classmates exponentially more vulnerable to violence than being inside a classroom, learning. Another future member of Mensa carried a placard reading, “Its our classroom.” This young Einstein, an honor student, no doubt, apparently has yet to learn the dynamics of the possessive case.

In case she’s reading this: “Sweetie, learn basic grammar and then perhaps we’ll consider taking you seriously.”

Folks, you know, I know, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski know, and Aunt Millie’s pet poodle knows that 99.99% of the kids who took part in the walkout over gun violence did so to get out of class on a sunny day, to goof off, to surf smart phones, and to arrange after-school drug deals. The latter happens every day. Schools are officially “drug free” zones, which feature the most robust marketplaces for kids who want their pot, meth, oxy, heroin, and Sen-Sen.

Unlike in other parts of the country, where administrators imposed punishment on student-run walkouts, Pittsfield’s dumb-arsed mayor, school superintendent, and school committee had no problem with the kiddies running the sandbox.

Super Jake “JIV” McCandless even went so far as to break the law, barring all citizens and press from being present during the walkout. He has no such authority.

“These events are planned and organized by students,” JIV said. “These events are for high school students. They are not public events, and no one — children or adults, including parents — will be allowed on school grounds during [the protest].” Earth to JIV: Campuses are public spaces.

And if you’ve ever wondered whether the kids rule over a bunch of spineless adults playing administrators, the idiot JIV admitted it point blank. He said the walkout “is a means of students having control.”

Ironically the hundreds of Pittsfield students who gave the finger to education made great targets, congregating like cattle on the outside. They gave advance notice of where they would be. Fortunately or not, an angry, disgruntled young man with his AR-15 decided to prove that all this hype about school violence is just that.

He left the magazines out of the chambers, stayed in his mom’s basement, and played “Halo” all day. No doubt he was a grad of one of the affected schools.


“Seek life, what is alive, even rocks, for in fieldspur and mica reside ages of atoms, still, now, as then at the birth, at creation” — Sir Tiberius Friitjuice.



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The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Did you go to school in Pittfield Pat,public schools for liberal causes….name 1 liberal cause you endured

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

When I attended schools in Pittsfield this liberal nonsense wasn’t an issue. Schools just taught skills and critical thinking. Not anymore.

6 years ago

Massive tax increases for middle class, just announced. And Gaetani and the four Councilors are trying to save us from living here, the other seven not so much.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Trump is going to crucify the middle class and help opioids and make sure his Brazillian wife stays in satin and sequins and pearls and large gems. his son in law, got a half billion loan during business with business meetings,Trump knows nothing.Trump, very low energy today.

Reply to  Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Madame Du Barry, did Trump get a new wife? Melania is not Brazilian! Furthermore, she doesn’t need anybody’s money, she is independently wealthy. Oh ya and she earned every penny herself.

6 years ago

Trump makes Middle class to pay for all these he will have to hit the middle class hard, Trump has to take care of those billionaires enabling monies from overseas to trickle back into U S. Trump now controlls stock market with info,affecting the Markets only known to him,Rooskies, and swamp Billiomaires (companies) instead of investing takeout),all funneled by Trump info to soldiers from big law and banks.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Corporations,Wealthy,Trump,1%ers,Right wingers Christians,AR15ers,and then the most important angry white men who want money and its never going to show up

6 years ago

Gaetani the taxpayer hero
,that about says it all

6 years ago

The Baker Hill Road District in Lanesboro is going to buy the Berkshire Mall!!!!! I am so happy about this. The slum lord that owns it now is just letting it die. Lanesboro WANTS the mall because they desperately need it for revenue. Let’s hope stores are brought back into the mall. The Berkshire Mall has been run horribly even before the current slum lord bought it.

It’s in Lanesboro’s best interest to get that mall up and running and we are in desperate need of retail in this area. Don’t let Progressives win. SAVE THE BERKSHIRE MALL!!!!!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago


6 years ago

G Man was the hero, Cos! at the recent Sewage Bowl as Tired and Company tried to pull an end around the taxpayers neck. In the next round of the playoffs the reigning Champs with all pros Mazzeo,Rivers,Morandi and Connell should dominate with quarterback G Man running end sweeps and run up the score at the dring water plant. The only opposition will be maybe another Paris Accord comment, which should be sent to the nearest Drain for floculation.

6 years ago

Agree that the Consultant$,Mayor and the seven no shows at the City Council fumbled the ball. The Wiz and Four Horseman ran up the score big time. Terrochi’s still looking for tar.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

After the Quarterback threw the zinger G Wiz, it was all over. Don’t tackle projects with amateurs when you go up against the Pros. And get someone who knows something about his/job.