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Second in a Series

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 16-18, 2018) — Herbert Clark Hoover, as we saw in part one, came to the White House already equipped with a prodigious record of accomplishment in both business (a mining engineer and private-sector entrepreneur) and public service (heroic action in preventing continent-wide famine in Euope following the end of WWI and the ruinous Treaty of Versailles).

Republican Hoover succeeded Woodrow Wilson, assuming the presidency in 1929. Illness had reduced Wilson to a virtual non-entity, allowing — against Hoover’s prophetic advice — a disastrous treaty that turned reparation into retribution. That act of official revenge by the victorious powers set into motion two events in their own right as calamitous as the war itself: economic devastation of Germany and the rise of totalitarianism.

Though party-minded historical revisionists on the Democrat side succeeded in blaming Hoover for The Great Depression that technically began with the stock market crash in late October 1929, in point of fact his actions in his four years as president made it possible for Franklin Roosevelt to exploit economic travail for political purposes. This opportunism directed the nation not to recovery but discovery — the founding of an entirely new concept of the federal government that ran opposed to every conception of this country’s founding ideals, ones that Hoover believed in and upheld with a passion.

Hoover began his battle against worldwide depression immediately upon taking office. He:

— Established the Emergency Relief and Construction Act and the Reconstruction Finance Corp. (RFA). This was planned as a temporary infusion of $4 billion in federal money to be used for specific public works and infrastructure projects.  Roosevent turned it the RFA into the much more sweeping Civilian Construction Corps (CCC).

— Convinced Congress to release early payment of bonuses to WWI veterans.

— Helped restore confidence in the U.S. dollar through its backing by domestic and foreign gold.

— Established a one-year moratorium on repayment of draconian European war debts, helping to stabilize the continent’s economy and delaying by years revolution in Germany. Hitler’s ascendancy came after Roosevelt allowed the suspension of war debt repayment to expire.

— Established programs for bank relief, farm aid, labor reform, industrial revitalization,  federal aid to state and local government, cuts in government spending, and debt reduction.

In the ultimate irony, one that reveals the shrewdness of FDR’s scorched-earth politics, after demonizing Hoover for the Depression during the campaign,Roosevelt adopted nearly all of his predecessor’s programs. Raymond Moley, a key Roosevelt aide, wrote late that “When we burst into Washington, we found every essential idea of the New Deal anticipated” by Hoover. Another adviser called the RFC “the greatest recovery agency” of recovery from the Depression. The key difference between the two men was in scope.

Hoover believed in small government and personal freedom/responsibility. Roosevelt believed in government as cradle-to-grave Big Brother centered around a monarchal president. Hoover believed the Depression to be a product of post-WWI Europe. Roosevelt believed the Depression to be a domestic issue. Hoover had a “noble and self-defeating view that legislation should never be written in service of political agendas”(Kennth Whyte, Hoover, 2017, Knopf). Roosevelt — an elite Easterner with a far more charismatic mien than the plain, unadorned Midwesterner he succeeded — used policy to build the presidency along partisan lines, establishing an authoritarian office unrecognizable compared to American historical precedent, a shift that fit neatly into the rise of totalitarianism around the globe.

Roosevelt must be credited with important initiatives of his own, of course. They included the his imposition of an immediate, four-day bank holiday, passage of the Emergency Banking Act, the legalization of beer (dooming Prohibition), and creation of the Tennessee Valley authority. At the same time, however, he was the architect of a “vote-buying scheme” that echoed Tammany Hall, “funneling of relief funds to strategic Democratic districts … [and] playing Santa Claus with public money” (Whyte). Mpreover, Roosevelt’s pursuit of a nationalistic economic policy, as Whyte points out, contributed greatly to the cause of militarists in Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union leading almost inevitably to WWII.

After Hoover, America would never look back and never recover its founding ideals. The Dream had died.

This series continues on Monday.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


The habit of spending public money like drunken sailors for political purposes ensures the absolute corruption of government” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



The Usual Disclaimer.




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Simon Ives
Simon Ives
6 years ago

Hoover was an advisor to FDR. Both men were Progressives. While Hoover didn’t by any means cause the depression he did nothing to end it, and FDR kept following the Hoover formula. It’s little wonder that the depression lasted as long as it did with these lost Progressives in charge.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Wrong. Hoover and FDR hated each other learn history before you comment

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

And where did you hear that?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  12 Guage
6 years ago

History Channel, and every single article ever written

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

You’re very well read Skippy.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Matt so Simon Ives is your new alt. Busted again

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Roosevelt didn’t care for Hoover but would allow aids to meet with him and report back to FDR. It was Truman who actually sought Hoover’s advice and help.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Untrue about FDR Matt…stop trying to rewrite history in your left wing view. You are wrong. And Busted.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Are you calling me Matt and left wing?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Yes because you are

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

News to me.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

What did i state that sounded left wing?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Matt enough. Leave now

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

You can’t even answer a simple can you Skippy.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Matt it’s time you came up with yet another alt

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

I think someone ate you strawberries.

6 years ago

Well I guess mayor Tyers answer to Pittsfield s great depression is the BIC….. BERKSHIRE INNOVATION CENTER. So I was reading about it in the Eagle Mar 10 opinion piece and quite frankly, I could not quite grasp exactly what it is really supposed to do. The story seemed kind of vague to me. Anyone?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Fluffing their feathers, and boosting their egos.
Believe this… there’s nothing to see here. Results more of the same. Sucking up the $$$$$

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Mr. Gaetani says BIC stands for Business Isn’t Coming, thought that was hilarious.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Well there’s one issue I agree with you on, Dusty. Very very vague description of its purpose. Why is the taxpayer funding it? What construction firm/ suppliers are benefiting from the project? Is this just to make the city admin. look like they are accomplishing something? Smoke & mirrors!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Its vague to everyone Dusty, including the people who are behind it. Pittsfield can’t attract businesses because it has no road. Industrial parks are built next to interstates so that the 18 wheelers can get in and out. Here they have to drive through Lee, then around Park Square. A prominent Pittsfield barrister was injured by a trailer truck a few years ago in front of the court house and the culprit was never caught.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Kumbaya rally….. All aboard the gravy train.

6 years ago


6 years ago

The money Gaetani will save on the Water will be spent like water, on these and many other giveaways that represent the special interests, get with it peeps. We’re at the cliff.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Yet the roads were shit all winter, now they’re really shit. Doesn’t anyone remember Dans piece on the roads when Tes was Mayor. On his T V show,years ago?

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

You do not need to be a road engineer or a consultant to see that many many roads in Pittsfield need wholesale reconstruction. The days of “pothole management” are over. This whack-a-mole approach has resulted in costly failure and an unnecessary burden on the taxpayers. If past road money had not been funneled into pork projects such as the gilded North street we would not be in this mess.

The mayor needs to find the money to repave 50 roads a year for the rest of her term and fortunately the money is sitting in plain site free for the taking. She needs to grab that school superintendent by the scruff of his neck and give him a tour of the city roads. And then tell him his budget is being chopped by whatever money she needs per year. Let him cry his crocodile tears into a pillow and put on his big boy pants. He needs to realize that it is not all about him and that there are other needs in the city.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Good idea however not ever happening as McCandess and certain cronies of his know where the unthinkable skeletons are buried and Tyer’s advisors and shadow managers are aware of this.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

It is an excellent comment dusty. The Mayor and the Superintendant of Schools need to be held accountable. The only priorities in Pittsfield are all the Streets and Consolidation of Schools, and a fiscal budget.

6 years ago

Enjoying your history series Dan. Don’t know much about Hoover’s presidency but am learning. I never was interested in history when I was younger….but now as an older adult I find it fascinating and the quote that keeps running through my head is the one by George Santayana “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Looking forward to Monday’s column.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I hope you read the forgotten man by amity shlaes

Archie Bunker
Archie Bunker
6 years ago

And you knew where you were then.
Girls were girls and men were men.
Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

Didn’t need no welfare state.
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee, our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the days!

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

President Trump has been accused of a physical threat to Stormy Davis.Mueller wants all record concerning Trump corporation and Russia.You believe hes making America great again.Please explain how any off this is liberal.Fox news will not cover Trump news.The most crooked President in American history all happening right befor your eyes.The White House is in chaos by all reports but Fox,crazy Glenn Beck,Limbaugh,Hannity propagandist

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Jesus you are nuts and I think a threat. I have notified the secret service

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Please report me as well because I agree with Mr Committees’ statement.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

That means your nuts.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

you are nuts

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

You have been

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Please include abc,cbs,nbc,cnn,british world news and every other person on earth that can turn the channel….Spectrum should offer a cable package of Fox 53 for 53 bucks.Just Fox nothing else

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

you have issues. Support YOUR President.

Hugh Janos
Hugh Janos
6 years ago

Dan you’ve let your blog become a joke. This Dean guy and his friends have polluted the Planet. Too bad!

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Hugh Janos
6 years ago

Just ignore yourself.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Hugh Janos
6 years ago

Hugh, I agree with Steven Dean. Perhaps you are way too intolerant. Grow a sense of humor.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Hugh Janos
6 years ago

busted again…we all know who you are

6 years ago

Hoover Quote; Where there is a lack of Honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  H
6 years ago

A big amen to that!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Time for a mandatory retirement age for those holding positions in the House & Senate. Pelosi, who struggles to remember the President’s name (keeps calling Trump “Bush”) needs to throw in the towel. McCain, battling brain cancer, still hangs onto his job. And just read about the passing of Rep. Slaughter, who was still serving at 88. I guess it’s hard to let go of that gimungous salary & superior healthcare plan!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

There should be terms for Congress. It has turned into thumb your nose at America.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

When the Industrial Revolution and Communist philosophy began in the mid-19th-century, the masses wanted a voice among the wealthy elites. Prior to factories and their exploited proletariat, there was the American and then the French Revolutions where the farmers wanted a voice among the wealthy elites.

In the 20th Century, countries around the western world became centralized states where authority was vested in authoritarian governments. The dictators of the 1920’s – 1940’s promised the masses a voice through great economic and military power. Some of the states embraced communism, some fought against it, while some wanted to isolate themselves against geopolitical conflicts.

During these crises, the western World fell into a Great Depression of the 1930’s. Isolation against fascism, communism, geopolitical conflicts, dictatorships, et al, lead to a weakened economic system that collapsed prior to World War 2.

The common theme through the founding of our nation, the USA, through World War 2, is economic inequality. Respective countries fought Revolutions, began Communism, then Fascism to fight Communism, then Isolationism, then World Wars and continued geopolitical conflicts, all because the inequity between the Haves and the Have Nots!

Now, we are in the year 2018, and economic inequality is worse than ever! It is like we are back in the 1920’s during the time of Dan Valenti’s hero Herbert Hoover! Like the 1920’s, we are planting the seeds of new forms of fascism and evil dictators like Hitler.

All people need basic economic security! We need to find a new way to govern for a promise of fairness between the masses and the wealthy elites.

– Jonathan Melle

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Tell you what. Dont post here until you get a job.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I think you’re talking socialism, Jon.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Socialism: Wall Street receiving trillions of taxpayer dollars in the bail-out of 2008 – 2009.

Capitalism: The old flip of the coin! Heads: Wall Street wins; Tails: Taxpayers bail-out Wall Street.

Side-Note: The US taxpayers even bailed out foreign banks with tens of billions of dollars! Is that how capitalism is supposed to work? We give our nation’s wealth to foreign wealthy financial institutions?

Socialism: Tax cuts, guns, and butter! Since 2001, the USA has passed 4 major tax cuts that benefit Wall Street. Since 2001, The USA has fought in several major military conflicts by borrowing trillions, adding it to the huge national debt. And the butter! Since 2001, federal spending has gone way up, despite 2 major recessions in 2002 and 2008.

Capitalism: The old pass the buck to the grandchildren! The national debt is over $20 trillion dollars! Those without today’s capital will inherit a large amount of debts from those with today’s capital.

Does anyone really believe that we live in a capitalist country when the majority of taxpayers are paying trillions of dollars to those with the capital?

– Jonathan Melle

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Get A Job

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Mr Melle is correct. Steve has no idea what Mr Melle is talking about.The facts get destroyed by Fox

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jonathan, very good point. The end result always seem to be the same. Those of us that actually work pay the bills.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Actuality it sounds like GOBism , a pittsfield staple.

6 years ago

Another Hoover quote; A Chicken In every pot.

Reply to  h
6 years ago

h, A quote from an unknown Pittsfield resident ” pot and rehab joints on every corner”.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

Up in smoke

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Keep them all fighting while we steal the money…George Carlin…use Fox news and keep simple like..dont take my guns…speak my language….stand for the pledge…..drain the swamp….thats how easy it is .

6 years ago

If anyone cares, I received the Irish Person of the year from my household . The reward was a corn beef and cabbage dinner and a case of Guinness Stout.

Reply to  U
6 years ago

Congratulations on the big win. What did the 2nd place finisher get?

6 years ago

That went to JIV…When I’m done drinking the beer,he can get the refund on the cans, so he can put it towards the paraprofessional funding.

Reply to  U
6 years ago

U, that’s funny as hell. The Pittsfield school system should get rid of a bunch of these paraprofessionals. Before you know it the school system will have more employees than students.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

5-1 ratio will have new meaning.

6 years ago

Let us give thanks to the Four City Councilors who saved many Homeowners from being burdened with a four times possible unsustainable water bill. We really don’t know what the rates would have been, but know it would have killed the average homeowner and apartment owner.

Thank you especially Mr. Gaetani for going to the sideshow and against much public sentiment against, sticking up for the rate increase to taxpayers against this project, you have been right all along, unfortunately the seven for the appropriation had not clue, or what the rate increase would have done to the homeowner-taxpayer.

How In good conscience can you not respect the Finance Committee recent vote, that Vote was 3-2 and 7- 4 at the Council?

Unwantediii Carl
Unwantediii Carl
6 years ago

I to would like to thank the Planet for the opportunity to talk about the Seven idiots who tried to force us out of our homes, not many I have talked to could afford the rates if approved. But the most ignorant vote was that of Mr. Simonelli and Ms.Moon.They gave absolutely no debate, well Moon tried, and failed,literally,Simonelli sheepishly for it, maybe he was confused, but I don’tcthink so, don’t you usually give a opinion, especially when you’re voting for a 70 million dollar project?


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Unwantediii Carl
6 years ago

Ah yes, the seven blunders of the world.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

I to would like to thank the Planet for the opportunity to talk about the Seven idiots who tried to force us out of our homes, not many I have talked to could afford the rates if approved. But the most ignorant vote was that of Mr. Simonelli and Ms.Moon.They gave absolutely no debate, well Moon tried, andfailed,literally,Simonelli voted sheepishly for it, maybe he was confused, but I don’t think so. Don’t you usually give a opinion, especially when you’re voting for a 70 million dollar project?


6 years ago

Agree, the old Master Gaetani took them to School. He exposed also the intent of the Mayor and her seven who were Dwarfed by Mr. Gaetani,and Teroixi should be ashamed of trying to force a project with his poor operators as the scapegaots.Gaetani was very helpful, as one of them kept making childish gestures behind the War Veterans back,Shameful, of course that’s how they like to play ball in this dump.

I do ‘t know why certain citizens even try to help our city for free, two that come to mind are the A planet and in this case Gaetani.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Herbert Hoover Quote……Older men declare war, but it is the youth that have to fight and die.

6 years ago

Trump throws his car out the second story bedroom every night to test the white house security system, but the cat keeps coming back the next morning because it knows trump likes his pussy.

You people in Pittz have a real Champion in the Wiz, you should appreciate what he does, quite frankly, I don’t know why he puts up with the water nonsense from those seven Councilors.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz quote, “give it a rest Gaetani!”

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Hell no,Mr. G…don’t listen to the flakes in here against the good things you have done for us. Keeping the Sigs in line is what we need and you’re the man for the job, plus you’re smart and knowledgeable to represent those that are just getting by here.

So,jar samples at the water Plant either aren’t done or the super doesn’tknow if they’re done at all. They should be thanking you for the great water that gets them off the hook on that one.

My neighbor tells me that you have always been an advocate for the less fortunate. She states that she loves your demeanor because that’s the only way these politicians will listen. I agree.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Re: Romney-care flaws

Romney-care was a flawed program that relied on short-term goals to promote then Governor Mitt Romney’s political ambitions to be elected U.S. President. It was not universal heath-care, single-payer insurance. It had no state government-funding source. It relied largely on two sources: federal funds, and the state’s free-care pool, which was used to pay for charity care at hospitals and health centers. It required a medicaid waiver from the federal government. Increases in premiums and deductibles, and the like, priced many needy working people out of the health insurance market. Those priced out of the market cost more money in the long-term due to their chronic illnesses! It was like an added tax on small businesses as cost grew without cost controls. It had tax penalties on the hard-hit working class who remained uninsured or under-insured. It was written by a conservative think-tank named “the Heritage Foundation”. It primarily benefited a handful of state and national insurance companies (see below).

5 Massachusetts insurers control about 90 percent of the healthcare insurance market in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
#1 – Blue Cross Blue Shield
#2 – Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
#3 – Fallon Community Health Plan
#4 – Health New England
#5 – Tufts Health Plan

There are also national healthcare insurance companies such as United HealthCare Insurance Co., Aetna, and CIGNA.

As for Romney-care used as a template for Obama-care, the latter had many of the same flaws as the former program. No one in U.S. Congress read the excessively lengthy bill that not one Republican delegate voted for. Obama-care was a sell-out to insurance and pharmaceutical corporations, and it was written by their highly-paid lobbyists. It did not control for costs, and broke its own promises of affordable care for the hard-hit working class. Unlike Romney-care, Obama-care eliminated the pre-existing condition policy that hurt people with chronic and disabling health conditions, and had other reforms such as keeping children on their parents’ health insurance plan through 26-years of age.

I do not support either Romney-care or Obama-care! I support a universal, single-payer health insurance program or Medicare for All program. Every other country has a public option with cost-controls except our own country. Health insurance should not be about politicians like Romney or Obama. It should not be about benefiting insurance companies and pharmaceutical firms instead of the people. Healthcare insurance is a Human Right!

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jonathan, I disagree with your statement “healthcare insurance is a human right.” No insurance is a “right” but a privilege. The government’s purpose is to protect its citizens – not to provide for their every need.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

When it comes to healthcare ..Many hands make light work…Americans die for profit.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

We agree to disagree with each other. You see healthcare insurance as a privilege. I see it as a Human Right or entitlement. Either way, 1/6 of our economy goes to paying for people’s healthcare costs. And, those baby boomers aren’t getting any younger!

Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

I agree completely with you Lenny.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

She loves Dan Valenti, doesn’t have a computer, she’s old school. But she said she knew Dans Mom and listened to Dans Show on BRK in the ninties from the beginning.

6 years ago

Stormy Daniels will be on sixty Minutes Sunday, be there because the President is trying to stop her. Hopefully young Barry Trump, will not see the interview, maybe he and his mom can play in the White House bowling alley while the tv is on, poor kid, his dad should be ashamed of himself. But as said before by someone here on thePlanet,sometimes the little head tells the big head what to do.

Melania will now be known as a Golddigger after Sunday Night. Most times, the child will have problems dealing which way to go with this, hopefully kids won’t tease him, the little boy could be in for a rough ride.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

You need to be more respectful of YOUR President who is making America great again

Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

I believe that interview is on the 25th, but yeah have stocked up on popcorn.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Con dumbs for me_€€€€

6 years ago

Has anybody compared the two recent “misleading police” cases?

One is an Adams woman (Gould) who hit a woman walking her dog and left the scene and lied to police when they caught her two days later.

The other case is that of Laura Reilly who is alleged to have lied to police about her involvement with the death of a woman whose remains were just found.

Why do I have the feeling that they will go soft on the Adams woman? I wonder why I feel that way?

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Because precident set a few years ago here n Berkshie County? How about the comment by a drug dealing with weapons response when asked if it was true….response unfortunately yes your Honor. Gets Probation. There are a hundred more ya want em.

Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

Cos: That’s why I said what I said. We all know which way this will go.

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Gotcha spicy!

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

If you are found guilty of lying to the Police, then you were covering up your acts. This case is an outrageous injustice to that woman and her family. Crazy.

6 years ago

As said on Here,years ago, beware of Russia,don’t ever trust them,they never liked America and they are sick of being a runner-up against the elite powers. We are walking a narrow line to the edge of the cliff,tread likely on Trump decisions that have anything to do with Russia. Tax cuts have to be retracted, the money coming from overseas is tied directly to that, if Trump doesn’t deliver on That, he has put the Nation in serious Jeopardy, including National Sexurity.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Jesus you are foolish

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Thanx Steve!

6 years ago

That is why someone like Gaetani is so special, what is trump actually doing for the common household in Pittsfield. Gaetani in one minute possibly saved the City of Pittsfield over 200 million dollars, it’s real folks, and he’s done it despite false reporting of the facts, deliberate attempts by certain offials to smother his opinions,intimidation, and that is why he has to come off as gruff because when people are obtuse to his thinking, there has to be a mechanism to deflect the nonsense, usually by gobsigs and the horses at the troff.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  h
6 years ago

I didn’t realize that Trump was the mayor.

6 years ago
Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Stormy’s going to be a Rich Woman,the book will sell 100 million copies. Trump can’t buy her out of this one and would be illegal to do so, plus it’s in his own best interest.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Buffoons like you and school committee will be the type of people who buy that crap.

6 years ago

If the law is upheld only by government officials, then all laws are at an end….Herbert Hoover

6 years ago

trump why did you really want to be President? I was watching you sign a bill into affect, it was small potatoes, and you’re demeanor sitting there was like…here,are you happy? This guy is the biggest,phoniest, President we’ve ever had, the whole clan is a joke except little Barry, who after this Stormy deal will be all confused.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

No Barry was

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Trump has some drinking his kind of koolaid

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Stop speaking ill of YOUR President

Trisha Trasha
Trisha Trasha
6 years ago

What do the Planet and Stormy have in Common? Answer, sexy as all get-out, and book smart.

Reply to  Trisha Trasha
6 years ago

Trish or Trash are you a guy or a gal? Cuz either or, the Planet has a problem.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  U
6 years ago

You have the problem

6 years ago

I agree with everyone about the Great Admiral Gaetani, who in the wink of an eye destroyed any good ol boy, lazy Seven notion, that a hallowed project such as the one the seven idiots wanted with no clarification, transparent questioning or rational reason, why you would appropriate killer Increases, it just made no cents,sic.

Again, the Giant Slayer, known as the WIZ continued his onslaught, it was like taking candy from a baby, it was so easy, he didn’t even break a sweat. Maybe numb nutz thump can take a cue from…”@The Master.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

On this Water Project and clearly the Toter color bag proposal,Gaetani has come to the forefront as an advocate against nonsense in this arena, he would make thump look like more of a buffoon, that he already is.

How many thumps are going down, is his wife the next to be fired. An oval office first.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Dont look now,but that G Man is on the Prowl, his victims are whomever tries to mess with the taxpayer.

6 years ago

Planet Show and Gaetani News Hour were the best shows on pctv Gaetani wasn’t even trying and he had six calls last week.

6 years ago

Gaetani is clearly what we need here in Pittfield. a lone wolf with a t v show,who isn’t afraid of the flock of money sucking pablum pukers. Who ever heard of 70 percent of a city’s budget going to one entity, are we an endowment for krist sakes. We can’t even get good roads to drive on and not only should taxes cover that basic fix, aren’t the excise tax supposed to correct some of our road repairs?

6 years ago

Planet Gaetani

6 years ago

Planet forever. the Planet puts up with the popularity of the G -Man because he Loves transparency and he loves the right to have someone or anyone to represent the Kapanski’s. I’m also sure that the Great One might have a stake in these preposterous rates

6 years ago

Planet forever, the Planet puts up with the popularity of the G -Man because he Loves transparency and he loves the right to have someone or anyone to represent the Kapanski’s. I’m also sure that the Great One might have a stake in these preposterous rates

6 years ago

The gob-sig network is solely responsible for the poor candidates holding offices in this City. The four Sigs,schools police fire and DPW eat up nearly 100 percent of tax payer dollars at budget time each year, they no longer feel that they have to be accountable to the taxpayer because they are the ones who have elected the poor crop politicians will do anything to appease the four sigs, Including trying to stuff a seventy four million dollar unneeded sewer plant update right down our throats.

If it weren’t for Gaetani, the six hundred water and sewer bill would go up to as much as twenty four hundred dollars per year. I saw Gaetani at a Public Meeting Monday putting the final nail in the coffin that would save another twenty four
Hundred on the water project to the tax and rate payer, all told would add up to forty eight hundred, he has save 100 million in the eighties and who knows how much this time.

6 years ago

All told the Gaetani, The Water Wiz,will save the taxpayer and rate payer 250 million dollars through his efforts. Everything Gaetani, (although being gruff) said, is evidentially true. He came at them with a big sword, but sometimes that’s the way you have to deal with a-holes who do not have a clue, and only vote to appease their masters.

V P of Lurning
V P of Lurning
6 years ago

Well that is correct, the schools will continue to come after the taxpayer until they get it right, it is a seamless path. But we accept the challenge, this is not unlike the Big Dig, endless money pit still isn’t enough.

6 years ago

Kindergarten kids in New London, CT were sent out protesting against guns this week. Many of their parents hadn’t even been told about what the kids were going to be doing. Even the principal of the school hadn’t been told and he was also very upset as the protests are controversial. I agree. Children that young should not be used as part of a political agenda. It’s bad enough that many older students are being used for political purposes.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,republicans have made this a 2nd amendment issue and Fox told you it is.Its a school safety issue.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

If it’s a school safety issue SC then why don’t Progressives get behind Trump’s idea of making sure armed personnel are in the schools at all times. They weren’t happy with that even though we saw how Hollywood stars are protected wherever they go and even at the gun protests, Democrats made sure their higher ups were given full armed protection. Don’t our children in our schools deserve as much?

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Many errors by law enforcement with FL school shooting.
Pittsfield high schools have ARMED resource officers.
Florida did not.
Change medical HIPPA laws to report diagnosed mental illness to hold gun purchases.
Stop the false attacks against the second amendment.
Someone correctly stated. Without a strong 2nd amendment, all others will be attacked and rendered useless.

Bowlee and Lebo
Bowlee and Lebo
6 years ago

While we’re giving out praise let’s give a salute to Dan Valenti, the only journalist in this area whose wnot afraid to write and print the truth fearlessly as he says. Without this man’s output no one has any influence.