(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE MAARCH 12, 2018) — Before we can dispense with the stained-glass nonsense the mayor floated for Tyer Street — er, Tyler Street — allow THE PLANET to provide verse and chapter. Let’s call it a lesson in the oily workings of a city where the alleged “representation” of so-called democratic government struggles tied up in the trunk while a dishonest version of totalitarianism sits behind the wheel, drunk with power and money.
The mayor proposed a stained-glass theme for the latest fake revitalization of a street that has seen its better days. The strained, stained announcement came in a photo-op press availability last week in which Mayor Linda Tyer signed a “Cultural Compact” with Anita Walker, executive director of the Massachusetts Cultural Affairs Council. Pittsfield is one of six communities statewide to join the dreaded local-state collaboration fuzzily involving — you guessed it — “the arts.” The Compact is all smoke and mirrors. It takes $289,000 ALREADY ALLOCATED in state funds, puts a little Max Factor on the face, and pretends it represents a new initiative. Not one news organization in the county dared tell you the truth. That’s how scarce ad dollars are for commercial media.
As you all know, THE PLANET has since Day 1 and more than 1,750 columns later refused to take ads. We”ve even rebuffed a couple of overtures to buy us out. No deal. We are not for sale. We designed this site to operate completely free of the pressures that come with commercial media, remaining unbought and unbossed. Our design eschewed the temptation of money, a luxury allowed after having learned the secret of distilling cash out of thin air.
The Compact, consequently, doesn’t add one paint brush, one line of dialogue, or one painted electrical box to what was already allocated for “the arts.” Nonetheless, Walker, true to her hack pedigree, spoke of the Compact creating “a confident new framework through which the Commonwealth can continue to invest in Pittsfield’s cultural life.” Tyer, trying hard not to be one-upped by Walker verbal Vaseline, spoke of “bring[ing] artists and cultural agents to the table to inform and influence decisions that affect the cultural life in the city.” Not one to miss such fun, Pittsfield state rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier mumbled something between donuts about “teamwork,” “collaboration,” and the need to “bring resources together.”
This is the kind of empty rhetoric the bedraggled citizens of this once-fair city have come to expect. The press availability ended perfectly with Tyer changing hair color, Walker redoing her makeup, and Bouvier “goin’ Dunkin’.” Jen Glockner, Pittsfield’s cultural director, hung around and gave Tyer a pedicure. For what it’s worth, men were not permitted with 100 feet without press credentials, at risk of being axed to EunuchLand.
Funny how this sort of nonsense occurs around budget prep time. THE PLANET doesn’t wish to spoil anything for the airheaded hacks, but there’s no need to distract citizens, small businesses, and taxpayers from municipal budget deliberations. They’re not paying attention. The finance hearings will take place with no witnesses other than the special interests. The unsashed, unwashed masses have long since stopped paying attention, having been thoroughly pounded into the ground by people like Tyer, Walker, and the rest of the skunks.
“You don’t read fortunes for the gypsies” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
The Usual Disclaimer.
Does Pittsfield really need a Cultural Director? In a city with this much poverty it seems to be a ridiculous position that isn’t needed. Are we trying to keep up with South County? South County has completely different demographics. Pittsfield is more in need of a Poverty Director at this point.
This is one of the many reasons why President Trump was elected. People can’t deal with phony politicians any longer. The more politicians and big government we bring into our lives, the more everything goes downhill.
How is that “Cultural Director” the schools HAD TO HIRE working out?
no wonder they are so broke. Not so sound racist, that job should be subsidized by food stamps and WIC
Of course, you have to have a figure head to get those grants.
Trump has been a phony his whole life.Some people buy in to his self promotion.Who on this blog is better off in the Berkshires today because of Trump and why.
And another country is heard from.
The rich.
Saved us from having dozens of hostile Syrians living off taxpayers. All the politicians are phonies, a good one is not trying to steal from you or kill you like Tyer or Hillary
President Trump is only one preventing 50 Syrian families from coming here. Can you imagine? In a community this poor already and with so few jobs not to mention the danger factor of not being able to property vet them.
Can you spell …. Hannity Driven Paranoia?
No Dusty, Fact not paranoia. Pittsfield politicians had every intention of bringing 50 Syrian families here.
so with miss moon and miss types newly proposed pay as you throw gabidge plan using only bags what are we supposed to do with small chunks of wood or metal? What about that overstuffed teddy bear we got for Valentines day? Bags only limits volume but also the type of things you can put in them. Sounds like a punishment plan from these two. Are they trying to corner the taxpayers into going back to their toters?
Do not buy Pittsfield ma real estate.Taxes up on property taxes with bills left and right…
If we buy garbage bags just more problems with taxes…..Close PHS and Crosby
Tyer makes 100k,Yon 50k not working,McCandless 160k,Curtis 130k,Behnke husband and her 200k,Marchetti handles money Pittsfield Co op….these people are directly responsible for you homes losing value….Buy in Dalton and Lenox.Taconic high won the baseball state championship and basketball won western ma title without a new school
Billy the shills wife makes 50k
McCandless and Behnke allow school to go into dis repairs because it cost money to clean them…The new High School needs 12 custodian to maintain it and will only get 6 as those in charge wont budget more cleaning
Sc what’s the pay for custies.
30 K for how many hours of work/weekly?
4o hours
Should be40.
Popped an artery reading the Eagle – another drag queen story ON THE FRONT PAGE. Cancelling my subscription. The Eagle is obsessed with drag queens, I’m obsessed with news – can get more news via internet. Worthless rag!
Of course the Eagle loves drag queens…Didn’t you hear, they are an economic engine!
I missed Leggs and Eggs brunch but I won’t miss the Breasts and Nests chicken dinner.
Amanda Drane and Bob Dunn are drag queens. Nothing but political activists.
That’s idiot Marc Wresinski is always front and center on the comment line too. Especially when it comes to gun control.
Let’s talk about Sexual harassment Marc, you stooge
Planet Valenti always disparages the lovely Linda Tyer! Rather, I think she is the best thing that happened to Pittsfield since sliced bread. The lovely Linda Tyer rulz!
Gaetani rules over the seven Fools tommorow night.
You mean the seven blunders of the world?
BB got a mention on The Five on Fox tonight regarding Elizabeth Warren’s heritage. If there isn’t a trans parade tomorrow it may be on the front page.
Good one Dave!
I wonder how much Deval paid the Eagle to run that Warren hit piece?!
Yeah, in Pittsfield there’s a trans parade every day ofpeople transitioning into Tyer i duced poverty.
Agree, this nonsense with Stormy Daniels and now an O J interview saying Ron and Nicole ruined his life? But we have serious stuff here,the Wizard will have to take them on Lone Wolf style..
Talking to him at the last Council Meeting outside Chambers, Mr. Gaetani said he has the highest regard for the Planet… And is licking his chops to get justice in the wallet for the Kapanski’s with the help of….The four Fantastic City Councilors, and is appalled as I,and everyone I’ve talked to, the Negligence that the Seven Councilors showed, including Moon who just didn’t make sense at last Meeting.
Again , to reiterate, these seven voted, voted, for a Mega Project without knowing what the rate was to the taxpayer? Rest my Case!
I think they knew B Q but just didn’t give a crap. Tony Roads has to be pulling down 60 g pension, connect the dots.This stain glass idea is really dumb, rocks break stain glass, Prep Cook?
On to serious stuff again, is O J still looking for the Killers?
Scaramucchi says O.J. is going to take Omarosa s place.
Amen to the Planet!!!!
agree UC – nobody pays him to write it and nobody pays to read it. everybody gets a deal – this blog is worth exactly what we pay for it
These water consultants are a joke.
Bring in Dan Guss.
Hop on the bus, Guss
You don’t need to discuss much
They know water is wet
The Wiz has arrived! No show Guss? Some worker is there to back up Teroxki. Looks a little petrified. And way out of shape.
Anyone know when the fitness challenge is?
Doesn’t the gentleman acting like a red neck turd at the Public Works in the front row know he’s on T V. Mr. G kid ass again, and tommorow more of the same by the Planet, I’m sure……,stone face, good one G!
Wondered the same thing. He asked the committee (out of order) who was that, Elmer Fudd ?, referring to Gaetani. Council chamber name calling isn’t appropriate.
Saw the, massacre also, if I were Ms. Moon going forward, at least try to get the Project right, it wasn’t waste sewer but drinking water,gawd? Turocci should turn in his badge.
Does the Planet know he could probably get 9.99 a month on here. Also, Tahitti Take- Out is back, remember those days Dan?
Tyer is not consolidating schools,that makes her just as bad as anyone else….Marchetti is a banker and cant do budgets
I support the candidacy of Stormy Daniels for U.S. President in 2020! It would be Donald Trump versus Stormy Daniels for the Oval (or oral) Office. Stormy, Stormy, Stormy!
Monica Lewinsky could be Stormy Daniels’ Vice President!
Trump will not be running in 2020. Convicted felons are not allowed to run for office although the way things are going that rule could be changed.
YOUR President is making America great again
Jimmy Jones Trump would like you to take just one more little sip……there you go…night night now.
Since I am rich and hate poor people, all is well.
… for the rich. Otherwise you’re screwed.
Morandi,Mazzeo, Connell are the only competent councilors for reviewing the schools budgets.Not one other person on that council is allowed to do their home checkbook.Iwill bet the farm Marchetti is not the bill payer in his house.
You wont hear anyone talk consolidation.I wish 12 gauge ,Pat and the rest of the Trump supporter would explain the great rise in food,gas,insurances,car lowns ,home loans,,health insurance.Wondering why and can not explain your desire to pay corporations more money for same product,dont forget your Cable bill.Your love and devotion to Corp.America is crazy just so you can call Democrats snowflake.Hope its worth it.
President Tramp spoke in his dopey whisper voice and charmed Appalachia who have zero idea why they are mesmerized by I guess his charm.Pennsylvania should be squeezed in geographically to the right of Mississippi. They also believe hes draining the swamp.These are the people who saw Clinton as immoral
That’s because Clinton is immoral. YOUR President is making America great again
Do you not love his sexy whisper voice,the dumb whisperer.Tramp has given us debt,higher prices ,and more guns.America is great again.Its the rest of the world fault.Dont worry ,us liberals will bail you out for the 4th time in 25 years.
Wow, the only thing worse that your poorly articulated comments is your poor grammar. It made my point. Go back to smoking dope or whatever it is you do (which is not a job), and let us adults handle things again.
Just like your liberal buddies fixed Pittsfield.
Given the dire situation with Pittsfield finances why would the city go ahead with another major money pit like the reinvention of Tyler street right now. Can’t we wait until the city is not so abysmally deep in debt? This makes zero sense…unless perhaps you are one of the special interest contractors who has been promised a pot of golden coins.
Seriously, how does this make sense now when the taxpayers are bent over backwards?
Can’t be that dire when we’re about to give another mil to the schools, raise the pay again and add on more body’s.
Trump stole 1.8 trillion in future cash and given it to the wealthy.Would somebody tell me how much extra money you have per week
-47 not counting inflation.
Hillary takes another tumble! Maybe she forgot her leg braces.
No activities in the “home” today?
Build the wall President Trump!
Tillerson fired by Trump. Is there anyone he can get along with?
Tillerson’s firing isn’t exactly breaking news. This has been rumored for months. Trump & Till disagreed on the steel & aluminum tariffs, Iran deal etc. Till thought like a Globalist, so hats off to Trump for giving him the ax. Get with the program or get out of the way.
Dusty get your head out of the Eagle & mainstream news reports.
Tillerson was not following directives…..easy enough
Tillerson doesn’t care, got his two year buyout,TAX BREAK.
After watching Public Workd and, one of the councilors talked about the water discussion,it is very clear and evident that when you don’t know which project is being discussed and still want to spend over a hundred million, not knowing the rates?
Hop on the bus Dan Guss,
Your input would be a huge plus,
Please come & rescue us!
So Mayor Tyer today announced Toter program will be dropped. Speaking out in numbers counts!!
Hire Melania for Sof State…..
Tully writes a book that keeps him interested and makes another 100 mil, with tax cuts another 100m,hey that’s about what G saved you guys on water.
That should be Tilly! excuse eh moi.
Did I hear the Super either doesn’t know if water samples are taken, supposed to be taken,or doesnt care if they are taken? Moon had me all befuddled last night and the two hundred pound buffoon in the audience making gestures..
So, the thinking is you buy a car and a brake shoe goes, you replace the whole car. That’s the nonsense in Pittsfield.
The Planet should be S of State!
Did tillerson actually do anything?
trump has fired about 20 people…all people he himself chose and praised. Tillerson was good enough to run Exxon but not good enough for Trump. What does that tell you?
He ate well.
Succon with loss or close election will tell all. It’s a big deal because it’s Trump Country.
Kelly Anne Conway has Pittsfield Teeth, just sayin.
trump mission is to use his staff to show he will be the only one left standing, embossing them, gets acknowledgement from old man for his ego gain as troubled youth. HIS PROBLEM, he cannot be the richest man in the World and that would be his demise and finl straw, if he did, he would implode trying to achieve that. If he is demonic, the Lord above will intervene, it always happens. mr. trump.NO ONE IS PERFECT.
And what a small small man that he does not have the courage to fire these people face to face. He is both the president and the worlds biggest coward.
has a big day today and the media is right on this one,suck one doesn’t win trump will be toast in two.
While watching the Public Works Committee last night, there was a Supervisor in the audience giving the swipe across the throat to cut off one of the speakers ( guess he was doing it so Chairman Connell would shut someone from speaking at the open mike).That man should be fired. Why didn’t the Commisioner answer questions? Why did they have to have this clown? By the way,Gaetani made a fool of the three anyway.
And why doesn’t the workers do jar samples? Guess the water is so great….you don’t have to? the seven, You’re embarrassing yourselves.