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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 22-25, 2018) — Much has been made about President Donald Trump‘s congratulatory call to Russian president-for-life Vlad “The Impaler” Putin. Even more of a non-story was the flash fire erupting after one of Trump’s national security staff leaked the bit about the president’s briefing notes. The bullet points reportedly included in all caps a note that read “DON’T CONGRATULATE.” THE PLANET thanks social media, the greatest communication tool of all time for dumbing down a mass audience, for these “news” stories.

Why shouldn’t presidents remain in contact, especially among major powers? Diplomacy, imperfect as it is, remains our best tool for the prevention of war, that ineradicable disease that humankind has never been able to conquer. Communication lies at the core of diplomacy. That presidents and heads of state take regular advantage of the ability to talk to one another in real time — telephonically, electronically, or face-to-face — may be all that keeps earth’s home sapiens from destroying themselves, a fate predicted by nearly every science fiction film from the Cold war 1950s. Gort didn’t amble down that silvery ramp merely to pet Aunt Millie‘s pet poodle. He came to deliver Klatuu‘s warning: “Wise up or we will wipe you out. Yes, you are that great a danger to the rest of us.”

One can argue with the assignment of Russia into “major power” category. It is a nation that has been suffering from an inferiority complex for 100 years, going back the end of the Romanov Dynasty (a period of ran nearly as long as that of the New England Patriots … fitting since Putin has a Super Bowl Ring courtesy of Robert Kraft). Lenin (not John), Trotsky (not “Hot to” let alone Klatuu), and the rest of the goateed Reds took the theoretically valid economics of Marx (not Groucho) and attempted the impossible when they tried to apply them to soiled human nature. The early Christians tried and failed at the same. What works in principle often doesn’t work in practicality, as the ruins and wreckage every attempted Utopia from Haight-Ashbury to Rajneeshpuram inform those wise enough to learn from history.

Speaking of history, with a nod to THE PLANET‘s recent series on Herbert Clark Hoover, the United States blew its chance once and for all to deal with the Soviet Union when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ignored his predecessor’s advice and agreed to aid and ally with the USSR in World War II. The historical record makes it clear that Adolph Hitler had no designs on the West. In fact, he secretly admired most things English and nearly everything American, including our cowboy movies. If the U.S. had remained neutral, Hitler would have avoided fighting on two fronts, made peace with Great Britain, and poured everything he had into the east and the subject of his true hatred, the Soviets. He would have defeated the Russians and Communism for us. FDR, however, couldn’t resist world war, whose necessary manufacture of arms and materiel lifted the economy out of the Depression that raged during his first seven years in office.

Roosevelt compounded the mistake exponentially at Yalta, where, reduced to babbling ineffectiveness by illness, he and Churchill allowed Uncle Joe Stalin to divide the spoils of “victory” as Uncle saw fit. America’s fate was sealed.

Harry S. Truman, a product of Kansas’ corrupt machine politics and a man with zero foreign policy experience who had been vice president for all of 80 days, also fell into the Cold War trap unwittingly stepped into by his predecessor. Before doing so, “Give ’em Hell Harry” made the Presidential Mistake of the Ages, dropping two atomic bombs on a country, Japan, on the verge of surrender. The emperor didn’t want the continuance of the war, and neither did the majority of his military’s general staff. Stalin had played Roosevelt then Truman like a three-card-monty hustler on 7th Avenue and 48th Street fleecing a hayseed from the wheat fields.

The inexperienced Truman then continued the grievous blunders. In the early post-war years, Truman was complicit in doing something the United States have never done in its history. Using the Cold War the reason, a necessity called into being by Roosevelt’s disastrous dealings with the Soviets, the federal government failed to revert to a peacetime economy. The Cold War raged for nearly 50 years, handily keeping the U.S. on an ever-expanding war footing. When the Berlin Wall came down, dooming the Soviet Union, Russia fell into second-class status, leaving America with a big problem. Where would we find our next Big Bogeyman?

No problem. Enter, Sept. 11, 2001 and the crusade to bring “democracy” to Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Middle East. Nine-eleven was to George W. Bush what Pearl Harbor was to Roosevelt: their lucky day. Nearly 16 years later, Uncle Sam finds himself still stuck in the tar pits “over there.”

Bye, bye Miss American Pie. Drove the Chevy off the cliff while waving goodbye.

Before you do the same, get to Del Gallo‘s on Newell Street before April-something and hoist one in Remo‘s name. THE PLANET sends our love to Ray. He’ll no longer be serving drinks but will remain open as a “social club.” That’s a “Goodfellas” safe house for friendly politicians who continue to loot Pittsfield and rob Berkshire County. Just be careful of the empty cement bags if you use the side door to the back room. They can cause a nasty fall.

On that light note, have a great weekend, everybody.


“Google, Facebook, and Twitter show us the Internet we think we want to see, using filters to limit and control the information it thinks we want” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Would be nice to get Ray Delgallo and Jim Richmany together first of the neighborhood bars and last. Truly great men for sure.

6 years ago

Progressives want everything to be done to avoid war or so they say. Everything that is except communicate with other world leaders. Trump calling Putin had evil undertones, but now that we know about this plot to take down President Trump which was planned during the Obama administration should Trump win the presidency, it all makes sense.

Everything has been done to cast a shadow over the Trump presidency hence we have the Trump/Russia investigation. With social media dumbing down the masses, as you point out, it was easy to spread the nonsense of a sinister plot between President Trump and Russia and it was believed by many reality challenged people on the internet. This is precisely what those who want to impeach Trump wanted to happen and they planned it that way. Get the liberal media in on the act and they were sure that a Trump impeachment was only a matter of time.

What the “deep state” didn’t count on was a little thing called the truth getting in the way. Now President Trump’s enemies have turned to salacious accusations in a last ditch attempt to take down a president since the Trump/Russia collusion is going nowhere.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, an avalanche of evidence and witnesses, and guilty pleas, show there is a lot there in the ongoing investigation. Not sure what will be proven yet and how far it will go but continuing to call it a fake news with hunt is preposterous whistling past the graveyard.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G,
There is no such “avalanche of evidence.” The ongoing investigation is bogus and should be brought to an end. “Not sure what will be proven yet” is a ridiculous statement. The whole purpose of the Mueller investigation has been to drive Trump from office, and at the very least, to distract him from his mission to destroy the globalist agenda.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Just ignore “Matt” i.e. Mr. G….his got busted stalking others on disqus

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Matt, there is nothing there. Stop trying to show you are a good lawyer, you are not.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

I dont know what disqus is, but I do believe Mr. Muller is a pretty stahnch Republican. Ond of a few with the courage to do his job.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

learn to spell. Matt you sure do know what disqus is.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

A staunch republican? Watch Hannity tonight, you will learn some important things about Mueller. He is best friends with that snake Coomey, supports Dem candidates, and much more!

6 years ago

Mika on the Morning Joe show this morning is completely unhinged. She says that Trump choosing John Bolton as National Security Advisor is PROOF that the Trump administration is planning a pre-emptive strike on North Korea. This as President Trump is planning to do what Progressives have been saying is the ONLY action they would support in regard to North Korea which is talking with North Korea. We now have a planned meeting between President Trump and the North Korean leader in the next few months which it seems the fact challenged Mika and her fellow comrades are obviously trying to undermine.

Why is Mika trying to stir up war talk just at a time when President Trump should be receiving praise for having a meeting with the North Korean leader? It’s obvious what they are doing which is to try and destroy the upcoming talk with North Korea and continue frosty relations with that country in an effort to push us closer to war. Isn’t Mika’s spreading these false rumors treasonous at a time when we are trying to achieve good relations with this dangerous country?

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Nope. Mika appears to be exercising her right to free speech, although I wouldn’t watch any of that dreck even under threat of physical violence. My question for you Pat is, why is it such a great idea for Supreme Leader Trump to talk to North Korean dictator, but when Obama suggested it he was roundly ridiculed and ripped by the Fox propagandists? Curious.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G,
I will agree with you that the Mika & Joe show is a waste of time and I also wouldn’t watch that program even under penalty of death. Obama was a major failure in his foreign relations – he was seen as a wimp. Trump has already scored a major victory over North Korea by using international sanctions and tough talk. The fact that the North Koreans are willing to talk to their neighbors the South Koreans, and to initiate talks with the U.S. are major accomplishments. Lines of communication must be kept open.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Because communication is key to keeping the peace although I wouldn’t eat or drink anything when I was over there if I was President Trump. The image of that American young man that North Korea completely destroyed would be an image I couldn’t get out of my mind while speaking to them, but President Trump should keep the dialog going with them as he has made major steps forward with them already.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Matt you are fake news

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

Dan, ongoing dialogue is, as you said, critical to diplomacy. But so is being “diplomatic” once you get the other guy on the phone! I am talking about diplomatic meaning being extremely judicious and considered in your choice of every word uttered. You more than anyone understand that words and word choice matter. Congratulations were not appropriate and send the wrong message, especially if Trump is speaking for the US.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Matt get a clue. we all know you are a left wing nut, but start supporting YOUR President

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Maybe you have forgotten mr. g about Obama’s live mic concession to the Russians? The only Russian collusion occurred within the Obama admin – when Hillary was in charge of the state dept. Have you heard of the Uranium One scandal?! The Clinton Crime Family sold 20% of U.S. uranium to the Russians, blessed by Rod Rosenstein of the DOJ. Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars for 2 speeches to the Russians. Where is the special counsel & investigation into that proven collusion??

6 years ago

Dan, I am curious as to why you state that Japan was on the verge of surrender before Truman dropped the atomic bombs? Most historians give Truman credit for ending the war and loss of US casualties by this action. While I believe that David McCullough’s biography of Truman was more whitewash than reality, and while I confess that I am not a good student of history, I am struggling to understand your interpretation of the event.

And on a completely different topic, I am outraged that the House & Senate passed the omnibus bill. I agree with Rand Paul….too much pork and not enough funding for the projects, like the wall, that conservatives ran on.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Our fathers survived the war but might have cashed their chips in if they were part of a force to invade Japan. You and I might have been born .

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I would have to agree with Ed Murrow’s point #4, below – not buying that stronger diplomatic efforts would have brought about an end to the war. Just my opinion.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago


Disagree on Truman. Greatest President since Lincoln, bar none. Saved untold thousands of lives by ordering the bombs dropped, both Japanese and American, including perhaps my fathers’ who was serving in south pacific at the time. If the Japanese really wanted to surrender, they had their chance after the first one was dropped. Even after the second one, they hesitated. Furthermore, he saved western europe with the Marshall Plan, was responsible for the Berlin Airflit, and the United Nations, and helped form NATO. The Japenese were brutal and suicidal.

6 years ago

Finally Trump has got his A team together so we can start a decent war. Enjoy your teenage children while you can because the draft is coming very soon and they may be going away to see the world for a while.

Thanks Donnie…you da man..

Art F. Di Diehl
Art F. Di Diehl
6 years ago

Trump knows what he’s doing. He has the moonbats frantic.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Art F. Di Diehl
6 years ago

I agree.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Nice try matt. You were against our President in your posts the other day

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Not me Skip.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Yes it is matt

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The on going news here is Trumps ability to bully war heros and fathers of war heros but has nothing but wonderful things to say about a billionaire Russian president.Each and every time given a opportunity to confront this man and does not is News.

6 years ago

Terry should be-thankful for Gaetani tearing the Mayor to shreds concerning his views on,The Cable Bitch session the other night, on his News Hour Show Gaetanixalled the out.

6 years ago

Gigi Fritter and Dean have to be the same people,no one can be this dumb. Where did you go to College?

Reply to  BillQ
6 years ago

Well it’s clear where they went…………Trump U ..Probably fullZ-tuiton.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  U
6 years ago

Not impressed Matt

6 years ago

Gaetani has seven petitions on next Tuesdays Council Meeting, you can see them on the Pittsfield Gazette, this guy is the real deal. Trump is about to be canned.

6 years ago

Who’s dumber Trump or Hannity?

Reply to  Cosbies
6 years ago

That is as toughie. And if you throw Sarah Palin into the equation it is even tougher. But any or all of them can wreak havoc on civilized society.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Cosbies
6 years ago

The answer to that question is Biden.

Art F. Di Diehl
Art F. Di Diehl
Reply to  Cosbies
6 years ago

Biden is dumbest of the dumb. Trump and Hannity geniuses.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Truman a-bombed Japan to stop the commies from taking over the region. Truman defended South Korea for the same reason. To stop the dominoes from falling in Stalin’s favor over Asia.

The Marshall Plan was used in Europe with a divided post-war Germany to contain Stalin’s puppet regimes.

As for Hitler, he was an evil dictator of a brutal regime that killed tens of millions of innocent people, including the Holocaust against the Jewish people. Hitler hated the Bolsheviks and long wanted to conquer Russia. Hitler was badly defeated by Stalin’s military forces during World War II.

FDR and Truman were the Presidents that ended Nazi fascism, and they are to be held in the highest regard for their leadership. To say otherwise would be to argue for an endless World War 2, which turned into the Cold War.

As for 2001, we had to deal with the tragic reality of a new form of fascism or extremism among fringe Islamic military groups lead by Osama Bin Laden. Similar to Nazi Germany, Bin Laden’s terror cells fed off of a divided World full of geopolitical conflicts and inequities.

In 2018, we see the rise of authoritarian dictators-for-life in Russia and China. Trump just passed the largest single increase in military spending in recent history! The World is preparing for War, once again.

Why can’t we all work together? Why is war more important than peace? Why do we have fertile ground for the rise of another Hitler in our future?

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

U like too many woman candidates, that’s fruity.

Art F. Di Diehl
Art F. Di Diehl
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Fake history Melle.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I strongly disagree Jonathan. The rest of the the world is jockeying for position of being the greatest power. They would love nothing better than to knock America out of the competition. In order to compete and stay in the game we need to have a large military, not to use it Jonathan, but to warn off those who would try to take us over. That’s what happens when powerful countries want to become top dog, they will do anything to destroy the competition. We need a powerful military in order to maintain our position. Unfortunately in the world that we live in a powerful military is what is keeping the peace for our country. The idealism of the left needs to be replaced with common sense.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Why can’t you get a job

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Because no one is looking to hire a guy who farts around on the Planet all day.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Like you matt?

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Kenneth, who on here isn’t Matt?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump will never talk to Mueller, never.

6 years ago

Agree, that would be like Percep going up against .Gaetani, not keen enough for either.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  u
6 years ago

please grab a clue

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

DOWn again. All red.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Finally, finally a Lefty says in public that getting rid of Trump would mean President Pence.

Way to go, Roseanne.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

1. “The early Christians tried and failed at the same.”

On a very very small scale–not over the Eurasian land mass–and there were no GULAGs and 3 million starved to death in the Ukraine.

2. “If the U.S. had remained neutral, Hitler would have avoided fighting on two fronts, made peace with Great Britain, and poured everything he had into the east and the subject of his true hatred, the Soviets. He would have defeated the Russians and Communism for us.”

Sorry, Dan, this is crack-pot history. Trying to assign a rational motive to Hitler’s actions is a losing game. Perhaps check in with a man named Churchill on this. You’re arguing the case of Lord Halifax, Chamberlin, Papa Kennedy, and Charles Lindbergh.

3,”Harry S. Truman, a product of Kansas’ corrupt machine politics . . .”

Make that Kansas City, MO.

4. “Before doing so, ‘Give ’em Hell Harry’ made the Presidential Mistake of the Ages, dropping two atomic bombs on a country, Japan, on the verge of surrender.”

This shows a complete misunderstanding of the Japanese actions and character. They were NOT on the verge of surrender. Most, if not all, of the Greatest Generation approved of Truman’s action–because, for one thing, their asses were slated for slaughter next on the home island of Japan.

And I’d argue that those two atomic bombs have prevented any more from failing.

Everything else looks solid in your editorial.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Churchill made his decisions out of the bottom of a shot glass.aside: Dow down 1100 last two daze.corps making a killing.

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Trump alledgedly has Chlamyda from one of his girlfriends, and in a recent health report it is a cause of cervix cancer in women, so, ladies, don’t open you’re doors to the President, he’s carrying.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Another urologist to the stars – right here on Planet Valenti.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

His facts are correct.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
6 years ago

Fake news

6 years ago

Stormy may be the downfall of buffoon Trump. It’s ironic, Trump his entire life has been a slime ball, and now he’s going to be signed sealed and delivered by another slime ball,Stormy. ScumP is the worst President ever,he will just be a footnote in History.

trumps days are numbered and the trump piectas on this thread and Fox News will crash and burn in infamy.

Pence won’t be much better but he couldn’t be worse than ScumP.

Dems in a landslide in the November Elections, if the buffoon isn’t impeached by then, he will be relegated to the trash heap as a lame duck.

Dems, have faith, we are going to take back the government in November. R I P Trump Rot in Purgatory you prick.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Another leftist’s head exploding! Put on your raincoats!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Yup. Halo = mental midget

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

3 women have 3 respective lawsuits against Donald Trump!
Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s campaign and Russia!
Trump has never released his tax returns! What is he hiding?
Trump declared business bankruptcy 4 times.
Trump says he “grabs women by their [meow]”!

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Has Obama released his college transcripts?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Matt you were against our President two days ago.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Nope Kenneth. I like Pres Trump.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

..and the wall is …….Dead.

Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Speaking of impeachment – Clinton was impeached but refused to leave office. Sooooo, if Trump is ever impeached, so what. He shouldn’t have to leave office.

Wouldn’t you agree?

6 years ago

DelGallo a pol who lost his mojo a long time ago,gosh how the city Loves the past has beens like Delgallo and Doyle.Lets forget about these has beens. Let’s get rid of politics as usual and start with the seven lame ducks on the Council, who can’t get us good cable and shaft the rate payers with the water.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  u
6 years ago

Those were the Glory Days of the Good Old Boys of Pittsfield politics!

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
6 years ago

Because no one is looking to hire a guy who farts around on the Planet all day.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Matt enough

6 years ago

Don’t forget,trump has three wives kids running around the white house.

6 years ago

Question, who” ll be red Atrump after Sunday Night, Trumps wife,Chlahmania, or the Dow, Monday afternoon.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I am looking forward to watching “60 Minutes” Sunday evening! Stormy Daniels will tell her story about her love affair with Donald Trump!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Yeas Jon, the woman are coming from everywhere, seems like Trump liked to seal his deals with many kisses, a little head peek to satisfy the screwing he gave to the dealer.

His biggest screwing was the Corporation tax breaks, it will ruin the Country.

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

I never heard of any President being impeached over a love affair. President John Kennedy was having affairs all over the place including with Marilyn Monroe while married to Jackie, but was beloved by the country.

Bill Clinton was a party animal when it came to women, but was so beloved by the left since he was a Democrat that the liberal media blamed the women for making up nasty stories about Bill raping them and having sex with Monica in the White House. His decades long affair with Jennifer Flowers while he was married to Hillary was swept under the rug and Jennifer Flowers was destroyed by the media. Through it all Bill remained popular and to this day the Hollywood starlets fall all over him.

Bill was so popular in fact that the left had no problem with installing Hill and Bill back in the White House.

Now we are to believe that President Trump had affairs with women while married and the liberal media and Democrats attack the President while the women are to be believed no matter what they say. The double standard is unbelievable and even if true, affairs do not rise to the level of impeachment.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

At least all the sex trump has is consensual

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I believe Pat, if memory serves me, Bill Clinton was impeached, BY the grievously offended Republicans after much wringing of hands, gnashing of teeth and shaming, precisely because he lied about his affairs: nothing else. Trump has done precisely the same…plus SO much more that is actually treasonous as opposed to just titillating.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Yes a because a big booked porn star says it it must be true

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

We are going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. Believe me!

heh heh

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

And it will be a beautiful wall,blah blah …

6 years ago

Nobody who values freedom wants the Progressive Democrats back in charge. We saw their game plan after 8 years of Obama. The rich got rich and the poor got poorer is the gist of what has happened under the Progressives. Since the Progressives are led by wealthy Manhattan type people and the Hollywood elites who are so out of touch with the average American that it’s beyond frightening.

From the Progressives we have endured such nonsense as allowing illegal immigration into the country with no oversight and even the coddling of criminal illegal immigrants. Let’s not forget if you don’t like your gender, well you can choose from 50 different ones on any given day and use the appropriate bathroom.

Progressives do not want to protect our border in a way that will keep out not only dangerous individuals, but the drugs that are killing thousands of Americans everyday.

Progressives want BIG GOVERNMENT to be the law of the land. They get real scared when a leader on the right seems too powerful, but if it’s a leader on the left like Obama who famously said “Who needs the legislature to pass laws when I have a phone and a pen” then they are fine with that type of dictatorship AS LONG as it’s somebody on THEIR side.

Progressives also had every intention of pouring in potentially dangerous refugees fleeing their countries. Pittsfield was about to get 50 Syrian refugee families before President Trump stopped it. Yes poverty ridden Pittsfield with so few jobs was going to take in all of these refugee families. Springfield, MA was forced to take in many and locals there have been complaining about it for some time.

Progressives have been a disaster for this country.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Rotten progressives!

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Well Pat lucky for you the progressives are no longer in charge of Washington, And because Trump and his friends are doing so well I am sure that he and his friends will continue to be reelected and stay in charge. So be happy…things are going your way. Just sit back and laugh at those grumpy old progressives. It is all down hill from here. Yippie….

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

We are far from being rid of the Progressives. They are still up to no good in every area of the country.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trump had nothing to do with keeping Syrian refugees out of Pittsfield.

6 years ago

Let’s see how he reduces th debts. He’s done.

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

Too bad about ‘cuse. They haven’t been the same since the NCAA made them play by the rules.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

matt did know you hated syracuse too. sad

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Kenneth, do you know the frequency?

Sarah Cuess
Sarah Cuess
6 years ago

Duke cheated.

6 years ago

Trump must go now!

Pences Wife
Pences Wife
6 years ago

Surprused the Pre hasn’t ‘t hit on me.

6 years ago

Protest against repuklickings.

6 years ago

Dow down 1100 last two daze. Stormy sunday ight

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Steve Dean reminds me of Steve Doucie of Fox and friends,no information

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You are fake news and irrelevant

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

President Swamp will be busy between 7 and 8pm sunday .He will then be crying after the fat pig is exposed.Steve will be making popcorn.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Stop the hatred School Committee. Many didn’t like Barack Obama, but nobody went to the extremes that Progressives are doing to President Trump. Extremism like this coming from the left will do the job that Russia wants to do which is to destroy this country. Impeachment or attempted impeachment of this President will not be accepted by half of the country.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

“Many didn’t like Barack Obama, but nobody went to the extremes that Progressives are doing to President Trump”. Actually they started a conspiracy claiming that he wasn’t born American. Yeah that’s not extreme.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

He wasn’t born in America. Check his first book – Obama himself states he was born in Kenya.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Did they have special investigations set up using taxpayer money to fund the answer to that question? Did they threaten impeachment? Did the mainstream media act like the National Enquirer 24/7 trying to bring down President Obama? The childishness is destroying this country. Are you folks Russian? Russia loves what Progressives are doing to this country.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trump traveled the country saying for years Obama was not a citizen and he lied and admitted it after he was elected ,Trump will be watching it alone.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Revenge by the left School Committee because Trump wanted to get to the truth?

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

ROFL…Obama was not threatened with impeachment…because he did nothing impeachable. It is a matter pf public record that very high level advisers to Trump met numerous times with Russian operatives to better their chances of winning theelection. That is at least worth investigating, don’t you think so as a hard line anti Russki? Jared Kushner is so deep in debt to Russian and Saudi operatives that his decision making for affairs of state COULD be clouded, no? Please, you dwindling Trump supporters remainjng, certainly well less than half the country, please stop hiding your heads in the sand. Trump is doing bad things for the US, for the middle class, for the economy, the environment and for you…unless you are a billionaire.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Mr. G,
Every time you post a comment – my b.s. alarm goes off. I believe you are a globalist troll. Obama should be tried for treason against the American people – all roads point to him in the current FISA scandal. Stay tuned. Under his watch, we had the IRS targeting scandal against conservative groups, Fast & Furious cover-up by Holder, Ben Gazi, the illegal DACA program which he penned w/o congressional approval, suspension of immigration law, the list goes on & on. And news flash – there is no Russian collusion – but then again, you probably get all your news from the Eagle which did not bother to report that. Truth matters!

6 years ago

Obama didn’t treat Americans with disrespect and respect murfpderers and dictators.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Yes he did. He led us down the path to economic destruction, in order to usher in one world government per the globalists’ plan. After his election, he went on an apology tour around the world, claiming that the U.S. was founded by Muslims, and apologizing for what he saw as “U.S. aggression.” He will go down as the worst president in U.S. history.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Bush did us in you liar.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Talk about a fraud!^

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Obama acted like a dictator with his “Who needs the legislature when I have a pen and a phone”. He made his own laws. The Dems thought he was a wonder.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump loved Stormy and tripple cheeseburgers

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

And you love ignorance & socialism.

Art F. Di Diehl
Art F. Di Diehl
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

One and the same

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Rescind scumP tax breaks. Jon, can we get a list of the streets to stay off of in PALOOKAVILLE?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

and any town that Jonathan Melle lives

6 years ago

Hundreds of thousands of kids took their story to Washington D.C. today. They just want to be heard and taken seriously. Donald Trump could not even give them the respect to stay and listen. He left town to play golf totally spitting in all their young hopeful faces. I am not sure how you could get any lower than that.

Good luck Barron…please do not grow up anything like your Dad (or uncles) (or aunts)

Art F. Di Diehl
Art F. Di Diehl
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

It was a crowd full of manipulated morons.

Reply to  Art F. Di Diehl
6 years ago

You are referring to the crowd in the white-house right? Of course you are.

Art F. Di Diehl
Art F. Di Diehl
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago


Pences Wife
Pences Wife
6 years ago

That is not the way to talk to the POOTang of the U S A.

6 years ago

The roads here in Pittsfield continue to deteriorate. When will our Progressive mayor get her act together and do something. People are trapped in their homes at night in fear of traveling on these cow paths that we foolishly call roads. Where is the vibrancy in this city? Not feeling it. I’m only hearing the horrible sounds of going over gigantic deep pot holes and other craters even at low speed. Dalton Avenue heading toward Allendale is a nightmare. Can’t see the gigantic pot holes at night so we are all on house arrest. Is this a modern city or a backwards village?

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Clearly Pat we missed our chance to elect Gaetani for Mayor, his savings to the City supersedes the Current spending budget for the schools, and the new school,a project which many were against, he stated that a referendum vote should have been in place. But I have to thank him for what he has achieved almost single handed.

The Councilors and everyone else had better be on their toes as he has a t v show and goes to meetings, you can’t debate him, the seven idiots are out of their league.

6 years ago

Gaetani should be President.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Gaetani ran for mayor, and lost big time.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

As it turns out Tyer won and the taxpayer lost.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I feel sorry for Melania. I wonder if she will file for divorce after the “60 Minutes” interview of Stormy Daniels? Trump denies any and all allegations against him, but the women are speaking out about his past. Sounds like a redux of Bill Clinton 2 decades ago. I wonder what is on that CD they showed on the news tonight? Is it a sex tape of Stormy having sex with Donald Trump? Or, it may be a bluff? Trump’s denials or lies may catch up with him soon. If Trump resigns or is impeached, I wonder how Mike Pence will do as an acting-President? We will go from a sex-party-maniac to a religious nut who calls his wife “mother”. One thing is for sure, the Republican Party is going to lose its majorities in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate later this year of 2018. On another subject, Trump should have marched with the young protesters on Saturday, 3/24/2018, to stand up to the NRA gun lobby. Instead, Trump was in Florida playing golf.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I still think Trump will kill this story before it airs tonight at 7 pm on 60 minutes. Ideally he would be there to rebut the story and was given the chance but refused to go on for some reason. Maybe Pat knows why.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Hillary and Bill did nothing but lie about Bill’s weaknesses for women including rapes and affairs, but last I checked the left still loves both of them and is extremely SAD they were not put back in the White House. Only Dusty knows the real reason why this is true.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Excellent pivot Pat. When you can’t address the topic spin off into the netherworld.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jonathan if President Trump was the third world Communist dictator that you Progressives try to make him out to be, the march that happened yesterday wouldn’t have even been allowed to happen. Communist countries shut down anything that doesn’t fit in with the AGENDA.

Instead it’s the Progressives who want to block anything that doesn’t fit in with their agenda. The Progressives hate FOX because it is one of very few news networks, if not the only major one, in the country that doesn’t sing the praises of the Progressives 24/7. Progressives were responsible for getting rid of Bill O’Reilly and have attempted to bring down Sean Hannity many times. Let’s see a political party that controls the media, that sure sounds like a dictatorial party to me. Something that would only happen in a communist country where the political party attempts to control the message that the people hear. The Progressives find dirt on anyone who speaks against them and destroy their careers and lives. After having lived in Pittsfield, where you were prevented from getting a job supposedly according to your political beliefs, one would think that you of all people would understand what is happening in this country.

I will not be voting back in Progressives later this year. I value free speech and freedom far too much to do something that crazy.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Great weekend Pat – 14 postings and you’ve still got another day to stew. You better get off your butt though, Steven Dean’s got 19 and hers are all well thought out comments. She’s a very intelligent woman.

Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

And just 23 “progressives” so far.

Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

We need More’ postings

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

Thomas ie Matt i own you

Trisha Trasha
Trisha Trasha
6 years ago

I was talking to Mr. Gaetani last week, he was literally giving some homeless man in the streets some food, and I happened to
notice him from City Council Meetings, he gave me a handshake and a nice smile, so I don’t think he’s as gruff as I made him out to be. With that being said, he will continue to go forward with the water projects and try to help us with that. My cousin had him as a teacher back in the seventies, she loved him, small world. And I believe he is to smart for some of these tax and spend (buffoons).

6 years ago

That is why people won’t come on the former Planet Show or the Gaetani News hour. One show you would be exposd to Transparency and the other wetting you’re diapers, the seven useless Councilors that voted for the water project would be crucified by the Planet, therefore no Interviews, and going up against the builder of the plants it would be like landing a paper airplane in50 mph winds,not match.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Melania signed up for this,she knows the President is a whore.Puttin has his right hand on Trumps balls and is squeezing harder everytime he and Trump come together.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Ah, your favorite fantasy.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Excellent analogy. Putin owns the whole Trump family as well as McConnell and Paul Ryan. He can make them sing and dance and stutter like fools. I think Putin even writes what Trump reads off his TelePrompter. Trump even reads with a Russian accent when he reds from the prompter….check it out.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Obama said to Putin, “I will have more flexibility after the elections”. Flexibility for what? We can only wonder since Obama was obviously being so chummy with Putin. So chummy in fact that he did little to stop Russia from getting away with whatever they wanted.

Obama also famously said that we don’t need to worry about Russia. That country is a non-issue. Really Mr. Obama? Seeing as how we now know what Russia has been trying to do with disrupting our country, it’s obvious that Barack Obama was horribly WRONG.

In fact, Barack Obama is the reason why Russia got as far as they did in attempting to manipulate us seeing as how our president at that time LET THEM GET AWAY with everything. We have to wonder why.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Excellent pivot Pat. When you can’t address the topic spin off into the netherworld.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

I’m not sure but I think it was G Man that started the Viet Nam Chapter here.