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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY APRIL 2, 2018) — Clearing our the junk drawer of a writer’s political notebook:

B(R)IC-A-BRAC — One of the least known aspects of the deal that will pour nearly $14 million of taxpayer money into the ill-defined BIC building at the PEDA site next to Mountain One Bank is the switch in funding. As originally set up, the public dollars were to be funneled into PEDA, allowing at least for the theoretical possibility of representative and management oversight. The new arrangement sends the money directly to the BIC board and executive team, reducing scrutiny of the funds’ administration. That’s a lot of loose money pouring into a vague enterprise. BIC first started as the proverbial “economic engine.” Then it morphed into some sort of “jobs incubator,” though no one has ever explained just how it would work. Now the project has changed yet again. It’s now  a “training center” — but training for what, for whom? To go where? Is it so a handful of private companies can get “free” employee training with Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski paying for it? Again, as everything associated with PEDA, upon closer look it fades into the gloaming.

MORE WATER TORTURE — Now that the proposed $80 million water and sewer upgrade has been temporarily shot down, the city has put forward a pencils-in-a-tin-cup plea for upgrades to Pittsfield’s drinking water supply and distribution systems, even though the city’s consultant says the water quality is “great.” DPW commissioner David Turocy has cited unfunded mandates coming from the federal government, as he and city finance director Kufflinks Kerwood did with the sewer proposal. How much would this cost Mary Jane and Joe, the city’s bedraggled taxpayers? Kerwood and Turocy “ain’t sayin’.” You can reckon tens of millions of dollars, surely. THE PLANET normally doesn’t call anyone “surely,” homonyms aside, but surely, this must be a late April Fool’s joke. It’s interesting how Pittsfield goes about infrastructure work. It let’s things go to heck, waits for the last minute to spring plans, and meanwhile ignores perhaps the most important element in the city’s nerve system: the roads. Do we need to go into THAT?

SKOOL’S OWT 4EVAH — According to deep-inside sources, what county school district has been fudging its MCAS scores? Hmmm … could it be the same one that sources say had a shooting-scare and waited 90 minutes — an hour and a half — before responding because both the principal and vice principal were somewhere not in the building? And is this the same district school where nepotism has been rife, where teachers’ disgust has been kept to a boil by fear of retribution for whistleblowers, and where authorities, including police, worked feverishly to keep the late response to the feared shooting incident out of the press? THE PLANET isn’t telling until one or more of the teachers or staff wants to step up to the plate, tell the story, and allow us to name sources. For once, why can’t it truly be “for The Children.” They’re the ones who ultimately suffer under such an abusive system. As for the alleged MCAS fixing scandal, we hear the AG is beginning to snoop around.

UNIFORMITY — What supplier of school, Babe Ruth, and Little League uniforms — if any — has also come to the attention of state attorney general Maura Healey? Reliable sources say that for years, this politically-wired supplier has been cheating customers, with not-for-profits being a particular target. THE PLANET can say from experience that this type of dealing typically occurs with help on the inside. In this case, “inside” could include a motley crew of jesters from the Mercer building, city hall, local leagues, and individual schools. No formal allegations have been made, but we can say our sources have a history of near-infallibility, all Pope-ing aside. Sources say that the company has been told that all its troubles will go away, no harm no foul, if the owner(s) sell. It also makes us wonder where the sleeping local daily is on such stories. Where is there enterprise reporter? Why isn’t he on the trail? THE PLANET hasn’t a clue.


“The worst of all seasons for any journey of change is the Season of Immobility” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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6 years ago

According to a Mar 18 issue of the local paper there are still huge PCB contamination hurdles that the BIC project has to overcome before it can get started. It states that , as of now, there is an easement that forbids anyone under 18 years of age on the property. And there are several “hoops” they need to navigate before they can move forward.

After reading the article I wondered out loud why in the hell they were given all that money to do the project. Seems like they may have again put the cart before the horsey.

But they got the money and in politics that is all that really matters. Please do not ever ask to see the books on how or where that money is spent, or should we say “distributed.”

In the meantime, enjoy your bumpy ride through town.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

They are a bunch of shisters. Phony front and deep pockets. As for the roads in Pittsfield, they couldn’t fix all these streets in ten years. And won’t. As for the schools, smarten up and clean house at the top along with the School Committee.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Yes because the fake news eagle only prints what is accurate

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

There are many ways to count cash in Pittsfield when nobody is accountable,as I have been saying when people get caught with funds not accou ted for then we are always surprised.Look around your school and see where the possible abuse could happen.Who in your school handles cash.PTOs and principles,School stores ,who is signing off on the countrd cash…..In the end it is the Principles who ignore the counted cash. Rumor is that Crosby needs someone to audit all things cash.

Aitio Googan
Aitio Googan
6 years ago

Trump to announce resignation.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Aitio Googan
6 years ago

Fake news

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Pittsfield Ma Budget in a city of poverty
CONNELL=YES,MAZZEO=YES,RIVERS=YESKROLL=DOUBLE YES,WHITE =TRIPPLE YES,…MOON ,I predict moon will say yes to every budget she will be presented with for the rest of her political career just like white,marchetti,Amuso,and of course the ultimate yes man Kroll

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Moon is looking like a soldier of the machine. Seems to have lost credibility quick.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

She needs a ride in a vehicle for a caffeinated beverage to explain her positions

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

Moon is a Krol creation, so she had to drink the Kool-Aid…But, in a mason jar of course and while she was on TV, where she performs all of her caloric intake.

Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

You mean Krolaid?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

America is a state of propaganda from the corporation feeding the angry

6 years ago

When will ScumP rich corporate overseas money reduce deficit?

6 years ago

the BIC is a $13,000,000.00 playground for local plastic nerds – just look at the list of “members” – it’s a black hole of $$$$$$$ – isn’t the City on the hook for maintenance too ?? it won’t create 1 job…sorry nerds

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Taxfield run by the haves in Town.Not one responsible councilor who is responcible,why is the a budget presentation?Just watch Marchetti as he said he was not going to put up with the budget process ,just watch him a liar and banker who cant add.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Why cant the superintendant comment about pto accounts in schools……the Superintendant knows there have been some crooked books well lets to an audit of pto and school store cash accounts…..behnke learned to add from the previous purchaser and the math is funny,no bidding on school cars and suvs

6 years ago

Dow only dowN 600 today.

6 years ago

So, the Kiosk transaction is easier to detect the transaction by credit card? And not so much with cash, and an employee of the City collects the coins?

What did they do in the day when Doyle was Mayor with the meters, who collected that?

Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

GoOd QuEsTiOn.

6 years ago

Only 700 right now.

Reply to  h
6 years ago

Thank you Deal Maker!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

How much is up since Election Day you left wing nut

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Perhaps you might tell us. Just out of curiosity, why is it that Hannitys people are so big on name calling? So immature.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Nothing on left wingers. We win you lose

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Trump inherited a great economy from Obama as he took a republican fail economy from 7800 to 20000.Gifted this to stupid regressives who then handed another 1.5 trillion to the corporation and we have gone nowhere.Dead money.Im guessing regressives need1.5 trillion to get it to 30000 and thats not happening this year.Nobody is feeling this economy…..small cities are suffering under Trump

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

Your comments get more ignorant by the day. You are fake news

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

Pittsfield did great under 0bama.

Thees and That
Thees and That
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

Valenti number one.

6 years ago

Dean,suck it, the only one I like is Gaetani. he has actually saved me thousands and good water to boot. why don’t you go back to topix where you can be as silly as you want to be. trumps an asshole and he’s about to get us into a World War, and economic ruin.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Chronic TSD^

V P of Lurning
V P of Lurning
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Bovine Scatania ^

6 years ago

The Stock Market always has an end game. During Obama or Trump or the next President, Trump controls what to sell and buy with the things he will say or do. His Cronies are locked into this information through Lawyers and Brokers at the top levels of Wall Street. He’s an inside trader using his Presidency to get away with it. I’m sick of looking at his Mug.

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
6 years ago

Economy needs to grow over 5% to break even

6 years ago

So just what is going on at the Eleanor Sonsini animal shelter. Something fishy as hell. Who is hiding what??

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Why don’t you go investigate? Put on your trench coat and get us the info. Inquiring minds really don’t care.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

This has GOB stink all over it, doesn’t it Linda.

Bobby Brouduer
Bobby Brouduer
6 years ago

Is This why Mark Reynolds is selling his business instead of giving it to his son?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Bobby Brouduer
6 years ago

Yep. Dan’s on to something but it will be buried at the expense of ‘the children’.

6 years ago

Stoned driver caused crash that killed local radio host. Read the article in the BB today. Driving stoned isn’t safe and can be just as dangerous as being under the influence of alcohol. With all the pot around today, people need to be aware of just how dangerous it can be when you are driving.

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
6 years ago

Pittsfield Schools need to hire the business person from central berkshire school district.She knows how every penny is spent and makes 80k and is not making 125k but is qualified.They dont try to add new positions every single month.They deal with the budget they can afford.Behnke hides in her office on Amazon .com

6 years ago

When will Pittsfield Citizens be able to go into the store that sells ice cream and soda and buy marijuana? I know of a pufferr that smokes and stands on the corner and laughs at the cops all day. Now it will be legal.

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
6 years ago

The largest investment in Pittsfield history will not be maintained and there will be a very slow deterioration of the new Taconic high school as no new custodial positions have been added to protect the taxpayers investment.Behnke is also head of custodial services and knows nothing about maintaince of the very buildings she is responsible for.That building requires 13 custodians minimum but she cuts that department to give herself a raise.The custodial director is paid 60k to do absolutely nothing.He hides all day.He does not do official inspections of areas of buildings to make sure they are clean.Cutting this position tomorrow would not effect a thing.Grumpy school building of the week again goes to the adult staff of Williams school.Well done Williams as it grumpy that leads this bad attitude facility.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

What do you expect in a town run by democrats?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Matt you fool nobody

V P of Lurning
V P of Lurning
6 years ago

Anyone listening to the dumb conversation on the Krok morning show? at the expense of the high school students programming and JIV infomercial for the trough.

Reply to  V P of Lurning
6 years ago

the very fact that he would hijack this station for personal promotion of himself and the good old boy agenda should be a red flag any time he runs for any elected position. He is showing you what he is about….and it is not the common man…so vote accordingly.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

And let us not forget that he charges advertising fees for promoting local businesses, which he hides through packaging it with his Facebook Live show.

Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

Is that legal to use his position of power for monetary purposes?

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

Anyone for an over/under on a date the first shovel goes in the ground for BIC? Like a buck an entry for charity/winner? Could be like a tontine at the current pace!

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Can’t do anything till they get the pollution out of the ground. Guess they forgot about that part. Will that eat of most of the $14 million?

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Yup…my point exactly!

6 years ago

Aside: Trumps ruining the Country in every Facet. If any stockholder is making Any Monies at the Stock Market, how much of that is Corporate raiding? Trump is an asshole of the First order.

M here at home, will have eight petitions next Tuesday, that will be eight more than Donald ScumP or any other petitioner from the public sector. You can see the petitions in the Pittsdield Gazette next week. Gaetani will be running the City free of charge to save the taxpayer from themselves going forward, you have NO ONE ELSE?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  U
6 years ago

Let me correct you – Congress is ruining the country by denying adequate funds to build a wall to secure our country. Activist judges are ruining our country by denying the Trump administration the right to cancel the illegal DACA program put in place by the lawless Obama. I believe Trump is turning the Titanic around – and I hope he cancels NAFTA and the corrupt Iran deal put together by Obama & Kerry. MAGA! Go Trump!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  U
6 years ago

matt, dont disrespect YOUR President.

6 years ago

Again deplorables! and topix fake news artists, ScumP id doing Zero here for us in our PALOOKAVILLE. If anyone wants Anything done, we now have a reliever in the Bull Pen, his name is Graig C, Gaetani.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  U
6 years ago

Matt, give it a rest. You are a left wing nut full of FAKE NEWS.

Support YOUR President

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
6 years ago

Steve is a radical right winger allowing Drumpht to do whatever the ahole wants.Spent 7 year flying around tell radicl right their president was not born here.Trump controls the stupids

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

you are a nut. Support YOUR President

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

I agree, Gaetani has forlornly been the only per-ad vote from the beginning who has steadfastly stated over and over that this Administration was out to steal you’re wallet on this water project- projects. Thank You again,Mr. Gaetani.

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
6 years ago

Trumps controls the stupid vote and that is the majority of voters.The swamp has never been bigger.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

Goodness you have quite the monopoly on the small brain

6 years ago

Agree, the Swamp has intensified with mega rich autocrat types that want to dissolve the Economy by controlling Dow ups and drowns with coded Trump info from the Oval Office. A legal form of insider trading.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Wrong matt. Wrong. support YOUR President

6 years ago

The only thing’ you have to know locally,is to support the efforts of the G-Man. Because of him, we will be able to sustain a residency here without fear of being taxed right out of our homes. Eight Petitions next Council Mweting, Eight.

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
6 years ago

Steve Dean supports a great swamp or has no idea.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

We know you love Obama, but his evil reign is now over. Long live President Donald J. Trump!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

You are ignorant

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  TThe school committee
6 years ago

School committee you are a drunken buffoon.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Matt don’t talk about yourself. Nice try

TThe school committee
TThe school committee
Reply to  Simon Ives
6 years ago

Simons best driving was done driving drunk from bar to bar till he could not find his car.

6 years ago

Another win – Trump is sending our military to secure the border with Mexico. Love this President. A nation cannot exist without secure borders, uniform language and a common culture. These militant migrants want to destroy our country.

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

What is he going to do about the Eskimos? Satellite intelligence shows them massing along Prudhoe Bay with tanks heading for Alaska. We need troops and missiles and thank god for Donald saving our asses once again.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Dusty you are clueless. Clueless

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Oh they are coming alright Steve. And you better board up your windows. We need those troops now Steve.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

keep the illegals out! and they are illegal

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Lay down some suppressing fire. They will scatter