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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE WEDNESDAY MAY 2, 2018) — As one of the greatest failures in city history hibernates in amber-encased “lacktivity,” the fiduciary guardians of the public trust continue to ignore disaster. THE PLANET shall explain a bit later on in the column.

First, we take note of the excellent investigative piece in yesterday’s Boston Globe. The newspaper uncovered massive fraud being perpetrated by a group of entities with more-than-ample representation in the Berkshires, namely, the dreaded quasi-public-private agencies. Pittsfield has plenty. The Globe piece revealed that numerous of these monstrous bloodsuckers have hid millions of dollars in spending, defying state law with immunity. The law requires full and transparent disclosure of all financials, but the newspaper examination of records shows the agencies failed to report on payroll expenses as well as operating and capital costs.

These public-private quasimodos combine the worst of both worlds. As Pittsfield has seen too many times to count (Beacon Theater, as just one example), the “public” takes the financial risk while the “private” reaps the rewards, if any. The trouble comes structurally. Such agencies receive state — ie., taxpayer — funds, yet their budgets remain separate with no legislative oversight. More ominously, they operate independent of accounting, reporting to nobody. Deidre Cummings of MassPIRG calls it “a recipe for disaster.” She understates.

Not oddly enough, the named agencies abound in “Authorities.” The word invokes dread, fear, and loathing for any Pittsfield resident wiuth enough institutional knowledge to recall the phrase “Civic Authority.” The Globe piece identified not inclusively the Boston-based UMass Building Authority, the Steamship Authority, and the state Convention Center Authority. THE PLANET, playing word association, conjures the Pittsfield Housing Authority, the Berkshire Regional Transit Authority, and especially the Pittsfield Economic Development Authority. We referred to the latter in the first words of this article, though speaking of the BRTA, the Globe reported that 14 of the 15 regional transportation authorities it looked at failed to disclose payroll and financial records, which leads to an idle thought: How do you think the BRTA would react to a third-party forensic audit?

Back to PEDA. How does this failed agency justify its existence after 20 years of N-O-T-H-I-N-G except fat pay for its staff, particularly the round robin of politically connected but evidentially incompetent executive directors (“C’mon down, Corydon Thurston!”). How many staff does PEDA employ? What do they make? What does the executive director make? Has PEDA made all of its financial records available to the public? When? Where? Has it accounted for every dollar spent since 1998?

Meanwhile, “the fiduciary guardians” THE PLANET mentioned in the first line sit with their fingers up their reverse openings. Idiots on the city council — Moon, Rivers, Krol, White, and Persip — spent precious man-woman-hours on the “mosquito.” Meanwhile, that other would-be guardian, The Boring Broadsheet, though the mosquito story rated page one treatment above the fold. The BB, its last ounces of self-respect obviously being rationed for another place and time, the day before reported in the same prime-time spot on page one a story with the headline: “Pursuing a city that works for everyone.”

We shudder.

A crusading local daily would have long ago done an investigative piece on the financials of the local quasi-public-private agencies, as well as key non-profits. Thar’s gold in them hills. PEDA, for instance, has been given countless millions over the years yet not once the we know of has its board released or the city council demanded a widely available public reporting. No temptation there, eh, for theft of services, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, or malfeasance. Nope. Not in Pittsfield. Nevah.

Sleep easy, though. John Krol and Donna Todd Rivers give their personal assurance no mosquito will disturb your slumber tonight.


“I know the Americans are inherently disposed against us, but when they talk to us, they will see that I am not the kind of person who would shoot nuclear weapons to the south, over the Pacific, or at the United States” — Kim Jung Un



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Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

“Moon river, wider than a mile
I’m crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker……”
– Moon River

“Moon, Rivers, Krol, White, and Persip
spent precious man-woman-hours on the “mosquito.”

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

PEDA will be 20 years old this summer of 2018, and it has proven to be a big failure! Over the past 2 decades, Pittsfield has lost thousands of people and jobs, while its taxes and debts have increased way above the rate of inflation.

Jimmy Ruberto said he had a “rolodex” and he would bring living wage jobs back to Pittsfield. That flopped big time! After all, Ruberto’s rolodex was only filled with the same Good Old Boys who ran Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch!

The “Doyle debacle”, the “Hathaway hack”, the “Ruberto regime”, and the “Bianchi bust”, and now the lovely Linda Tyer, all did nothing to fight the industrial chemicals called PCBs that make PEDA and Pittsfield too polluted to do business!

6 years ago

So my gram pa tells the story as to how older day politicians would skim 10 to 15 percent off the public budget. But as we turned into the new century they began to grab for a bigger chunk. And the greed grew exponentially with the employment of shell organizations which come in many forms and are all technically, but not morally, legal.

Whilst the public more or less came to accept 10 to 15% as normal, the kleptocracy felt it needed a bigger share, and as taxpayers are generally an ignorant unambitious crowd not prone to challenging the people they elected to represent them they sat back. But now the greed has expanded to levels that seriously impact household budgets and the ability to responsibly raise a family.

So many families who would once be considered middle class are now living with super stretched budgets barely hanging on to their homes and foregoing vacations and the better things they thought they worked hard for.

Where does it all end?

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Gaso.ine is going up and no new Wal Mart at PEDA.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Just wait until we start drilling in the Artic

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

What about the Caribou? Lou.
Global Warming.. oooga boooga.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Yes global warming would explain why it was snowing on 4/30. It all makes sense now

Definitely NOT Praxis33/Shakes His Head
Definitely NOT Praxis33/Shakes His Head
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago


Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

pretty sure it will pay for itself and then some

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Mabe they can drill for oil in Pittsfield. Oh wait…no need. Just tax the hell out of the People till they bleed.

There’s gold in them there Hills. The people are to be mined in the Berk-Sheers.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mccandless has never spoken of consolidation and never will.Tyer is so not qualified to do budgets of poor poverty pittsfield taxpayers.So who in Pittsfield could consolidate and run a good school system.I believe Crosby school is making student and staff ill.I bellieve Allendale is making students and staff ill.Every issue in the end is still the city council.All councilors who profess to worry about recycling or enviroment have been silent on school poisons.
Wher are Kroll,White ,Moon ,Caccamo…where is their moral compass as they say nothing.

6 years ago

I have believed forever that Peda cannot pass the smell test. Sham!!

Unwanted Varl
Unwanted Varl
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Cory has to make it to retirement,come on! now that I’m in here the roads are not only full of potholes but dog crap,and cigarette butts and garbage. Check out Columbus Ave.. Is the Hess Forest going to be in Business this year? or Kentucky fried on East St.

What’s the latest at the former paper Company and the loggin
operation over on West Housy,how about the lumber clutter over at Pecks and Onota,you can’t see when turning onto Pecks, come T-Roads.

Churchill is a mess,Dan Casey is flooded sometimes,Wahconah Park parking lot is flooded 24-7 and that field is a constant mosquito breeding ground inside and out for the little critters. So much blight and litter and that is the least of the problems.

6 years ago

credit to Andy McKeever on iBerkshires for a more well rounded article on the city council meeting.

go back to chewing your cud Amanda. You’re fooling no one with your “neutrality”

Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

The Eagle will never objectively investigate anything politically connected.The owner/publisher retired after years of feeding at the public trough . It’s Bronx born Vice president, who is Pittsfield’s version of the “Rev” Al Sharpton; whose foreign born wife who skipped the first few pay grades(steps) is the mayor’s public body double and “Director” of Administrative Services. Connected reporting ? Nah.
At least they all don’t reside in Pittsfield. Stockbridge and Hinsdale perhaps.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The richest city in ma. Wellesley build a new high school in 2013 for 112 million that houses almost 1700 studends.The average household income is 220k…Pittsfield built one in 2016 for 120 million to house 900 students….HELLO,average income 45k……..Pittsfield is a disorganized, no plan for the future group of morons

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

In the end we will remodel PHS for 150 million for 750 students plus Taconics 120million equals 270 million to house 1650 high school students….compare that with Wellesly ma.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Pittsfield will spent 150 million more to house the same amount of students…..why is that?

Two Cents
Two Cents
6 years ago

Well, at least PEDA has an opportunity for fame by breaking the world record for the longest standing “Coming Soon” sign in the history of man!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

GE Pac Man Lobbyist Peter J. Larkin made 6-figures off of PEDA and PCBs! At least someone made out financially!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Dow Down Again???

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Up a lot since 1/1/18

6 years ago

speaking of gas prices…after all the hullabaloo of pipelines and environmental concerns oil companies were allowed to drill in the Dakotas and other places where they could tap shale oil. And much of the deregulation of environmental laws was supposedly because america needed to become “energy independent” and get away from the OPEC monopoly.

but as luck would have it once the oil rigs started pumping the crude it was decided that more money could be made shipping it away from america. And now we are paying high (and going higher) prices but still getting oil from the mid-east. Figger that one out in the circular logic of American ingenuity.

Unwanted Varl
Unwanted Varl
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Wait tile go to war.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

You made all that up and you know it. Cite facts or dont cite at all.

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Steven, all the other kids have gone outside for recess….why don’t you join them?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

I would rather point out your flaws, it is so easy

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Steven, in 2018 FAKE NEWS is allowed.
Although I don’t agree with what dusty says, I will defend his right to say it.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

What worse is the story that Barry has started beating Michelle, and Malia. That is just not right.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

No he did not make it up it true and your stupid

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You mean its true about Barry beating Michelle? Ok then.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Barry beats Michelle? I did not know that.
She seems pretty manly. I bet she could take him.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

school commiittee said it i assume he got i from cnn

6 years ago

So even Coca Cola is leaving Pittsfield. Now that is a true canary in the coal mine moment people!

6 years ago

It’s gonna be a long summer for street crime, just a prediction.Thank heqvensl we have Gaetani on our side on this Water,the councillors don’t have a clue.

Someone told me The reporter over at the Eagle is great?

Looks like the projects for the pick ur pocket are in place, told you the Springside House would be right up there? Two years ago.

6 years ago

H, how did you know Dow would be Dwon again?

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

How come when the Dow goes down its big news on Planet Valenti but when it goes up people are told to shut up about it?- off topic and noone wants to hear about it?

Seems like double standards to me.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Ya think. Of course it is.

6 years ago

Trending, should end up around -50 ^

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

And how much has it gone up since 1/1/18? Thank you Mr. President

6 years ago

You do know that the Health Department is charged with blight,such as unsafe homes or buildings. Dog and cats crapping all cover the streets and yards is a safety issue and health,along with Cigarette butts and unclean garbage in the streets. I have seen several dead rats in the gutters and streets, these are animals and rodents that create serious health issues when comings in contact with.

6 years ago

Buy G E.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Lying Don cant get anyone to help,he is trying to keep the stupids in line with more lying.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Lying Don Mattingly?. He isnt doing that bad

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The Crosby school is dangerous.Mold and old.A very dangerous building.Kids will now be stung by the bees that are attracted by the smelly dumsters .The bees own the building at crosby

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

You manage elementary school buildings by administrators walking the building all day till the bell rings.Walk you building all day.Mr. Mccandless and Mr Curtus have got to walk every building all day,Allendale is unhealthy and Crosby is dangerous.Bill Cameron should make a statement about what he knows about Allendales air quality readings and how the people remove the air detectors on dry dusty days….parents need to be informed

6 years ago

I was responsible for taking a couple of kids out of Allendale. I spoke to Grandma and she did a direct order to her daughter to get those kids out of there. Told her there has to be an issue along the way. Shit travels vertically, air quality is in who’s range? e P a?
Send youz’re water-sewer rate increase Bills to fritz and Dean

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Dying Market. And a dying City.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Dont say that about Big Y

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Get your lawn mower gas before weekend.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Dilly Dally
6 years ago

because due to Barry being a weakling we have to blame him for oi prices

6 years ago

Donald Slump.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  U
6 years ago

U are not bright, or smart

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Should Stan Rosenberg resign from the Massachusetts State Senate after the ethics report aftermath?

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Absolutely,but give him or his spouse that fat Pension.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Great post Jon. Rosenberg should be fired and have his pension taken away. But then again, this is Massachusetts, where legislators are considered above the law.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

“Five revelations from the Senate’s report on Stan Rosenberg”
By Matt Stout, Boston Globe Correspondent, May 2, 2018

The Senate Ethics Committee said it found “ample evidence” that former Senate president Stanley C. Rosenberg suffered from failures in both leadership and judgment when it came to his now estranged husband, Bryon Hefner. Here are five key findings unearthed by investigators:

1. Rosenberg gave Hefner “unfettered” access to his official Senate e-mail account for nearly eight years, free rein that ended only after Hefner twice sent e-mails pretending to be Rosenberg, including to another elected official.

2. Hefner repeatedly sexualized members of Rosenberg’s staff and other members of the Senate in text messages to Rosenberg. That included one May 2016 missive in which Hefner said: “I want to roofie [a senator] and make a sex tape,” using slang for a date-rape drug. Rosenberg also at times appeared to condone Hefner’s sexual references, according to investigators, and the senator himself initiated sexualized text messages with Hefner about the spouse of another elected official.

3. Rosenberg’s 2014 promise to put a “firewall” between his personal and legislative life was, by nearly every account, a sham: Investigators said that it was “nonexistent” and that Hefner repeatedly inserted himself into Rosenberg’s office, including texting staff members while purporting to be his husband. Rosenberg contended that the firewall was never intended to prevent Hefner from having access to his office, only that Hefner would not have “undue” influence on Rosenberg’s own actions.

4. The report includes two new allegations of sexual assault by Hefner: In May 2015, a House staff member said Hefner grabbed his genitals while he drove Hefner home. Then, in August 2017, one Senate staff member said Hefner grabbed his genitals twice in the span of 15 minutes at a social event at a conference. Rosenberg, investigators believe, was at that same event. Last week, Hefner pleaded not guilty in Suffolk Superior Court to five counts of sexual assault, four counts of distributing nude images without consent, and one count of criminal lewdness.

5. In March 2016, Hefner berated one of Rosenberg’s staffers with “racial epithets” and “racist comments.” The staff member reported directly to Rosenberg, who told the staff member “to feel free to formally report the incident to Senate counsel.”


“Nine quotes from the ethics report on Stanley Rosenberg”
By Matt Stout, Boston Globe Correspondent, May 2, 2018

An 80-plus-page report from the Senate Committee on Ethics describes in disturbing detail how former Senate president Stanley C. Rosenberg’s husband, Bryon Hefner, repeatedly injected himself into Senate business.

Here are nine standout quotes from the report.

“Those failures undermined the integrity of the Senate and had destructive consequences for the body and the people with business before it.” — Senate Committee on Ethics [p. 6]

“I want to roofie [a senator] and make a sex tape.” — Bryon Hefner in a May 2016 text to Stanley C. Rosenberg [p. 43]

“Sometimes the best person for the job is a straight white man …. or a whole office full.” — Byron Hefner, in a July 2016 text message to staff pretending to be Rosenberg [p. 35]

“While we credit Senator Rosenberg’s assertions that he was not aware of much of this conduct on Hefner’s part, he had a hand in enabling the behavior by continuing to provide Hefner largely unfettered access to Senate information and to the people who worked in, or had business before, the Senate.” — Report into Rosenberg’s conduct [p. 77]

“Senator Rosenberg – as Senate President – had an obligation to act in the best interests of the institution he led. He failed to do that.” — Senate Committee on Ethics [p. 6]

“Senator Rosenberg’s conduct in this regard was patently unreasonable and arguably reckless given his awareness that Hefner was likely to act improperly. Yet, he provided Hefner with the access anyway.” — Report into Rosenberg’s conduct [p. 74]

“Senator Rosenberg allowed Hefner an unreasonable level of access to his office and to the inner workings of the Senate.” — Report into Rosenberg’s conduct [p. 73]

“Senator Rosenberg knew from text messages that Hefner routinely sexualized Senate staff and other Senators. He knew that Hefner downloaded and texted images of nude men and male genitalia, and on one occasion, inappropriately showed such an image to another Senator.” — Report into Rosenberg’s conduct [p. 5]

“One staff member assumed that Hefner read everything that the staff sent to Senator Rosenberg via Senate email, Gmail or via text message.” — Report into Rosenberg’s conduct [p. 28]

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Thanks for posting all the info. People need to understand the “business” that goes on at the statehouse.

6 years ago

Gaetani has important info tonight. Six o’clock for old times…channel 1301…..the Lone Wolf…..p s send your water-sewer….rate payment to fritz and Dean if the old Master doesn’t deliver. Dow Down..almost 150 .Coca ola leaving…Sabic gone…..Trump is in a Slump. Gas Prices to swell. Good news, there is a barbecue in Onota Street near W Union…..smells good! Nearthe gutter. This could be the new hip thing.

6 years ago

Four convicted criminals running for Congress and Republican
Joe Arpaio
Michael Grimm
Donald Blankenship
Omar Novarro

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Dems will take control next cycle don’t u worry.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

No chance at all. None

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

That is not true. Fake news

6 years ago

Terrible,and Donnie Jiggalow loves joe tent.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  U
6 years ago

You make no sense. None

6 years ago

The fix was in for water-sewer and Mosquito Control,driven by debt and fear, not time just yet for how to proceed with schools, contracts first.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump just hired Clintons impeachment lawyer.Why?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Why not.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Slump made the right impeachment hire.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Impeachment has no chance

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Lying Don Slump,I like it.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You are a disgrace. Bill C the rapist

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Slump should ask Clinton to forgive him

6 years ago

It’s unbelievable what former Senate President Stanley Rosenberg’s spouse was able to get away with. Sexual misconduct with senate staffers, posing as Rosenberg in messages to staff and being way too involved in senate business not to mention shouting racial epithets to a Senate aide who reported it to Rosenberg who did nothing. His spouse was also making unwanted sexual advances to staffers who were afraid for their careers if they reported it because of Rosenberg’s position. Rosenberg was fully unaware of everything his spouse was up to and did nothing. Another black mark against Boston politicians.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Stan Rosenberg is 68 years old and has served on Beacon Hill for over 3 decades. Why doesn’t he resign and collect his state pension for the next 2 decades.

It would also be nice if Smitty Pignatelli stepped down, too. He is a political hack!

V P of Lurning
V P of Lurning
6 years ago

Thank you Mrs. Mazzeo for No Wal-Mart.

V P of Lurning
V P of Lurning
6 years ago

Giuliani just convicted Slump.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  V P of Lurning
6 years ago

Nope wrong again

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

Criminal Liabilty is a certainty. Did Rudy get his Law Degree at Trump U ? Dumb Hannity didn’t have enough brains to smooth over a pre-conf with Rudy. Now that’s doing your homework.

Is Jimmy Kimmel live tonight? That oughta be good.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Trumped Up
6 years ago


Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

Poor Sarah Huckabee, hasn’t been a good few days for her?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Trumped Up
6 years ago

Seems fine to me

Reply to  Trumped Up
6 years ago

Sarah should have her children taken away from her. She is morally unfit to be a mother. I hope they have a nanny that teaches them right from wrong.

Definitely NOT Praxis33/Shakes His Head
Definitely NOT Praxis33/Shakes His Head
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Huckleberry probably still sleeps with daddy, you know ho they do things in the South, well and in North Adams.

6 years ago

maybe Rudy thought he was in a dream? Now a trump nightmare.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Nothing wrong at all

Reply to  h
6 years ago

Everyone is going to want to hire Juliani now. He be the best lawyer money can buy. And a good friend too.

Oh wait….that is fake news.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

The only fake news is reported by you

6 years ago

I know one thing CNN and MSNBC are going to have a Field week with this. No one has stated what my thinking is on this. Cohen and Trump know that something’s that Mueller took out of Cohen office had this particular incriminating evidence.It’s always the cover-up or the lie.

6 years ago

Over 3000 documented lies by Donnie Trump so far. That is beyond pathological but in fairness to him he cannot help it. It runs in the family and was probably inherited so he gets another mulligan.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

More importantly is what Mueller took out of Cohen Luke’s office.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

It’s easy to throw random numbers around, Dusty. How about documenting your top 20 for us? You & Mr. G must use the same leftist site which is all propaganda.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Lying Don Slump is telling his lemmings that the real corruption is at the FBI and Mueller is a criminal for checking on Lying Dons activities with Russia.Don does not want him to get to the bottom of it.Gullianni said Mueller commits a crime because he FBI is being compared to NAZIS

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Krol & Moonbat are trying to shake down BMC to help fund the city’s spending problem. Despicable!

6 years ago


once the nurses union and the moonbat progressives on the council are done, we’re all going to be taking 911 rides to Cooley-Dickenson because BMC is closed.

But at least we will have more teachers!

The pair has filed a petition with the City Council asking for the sum through the execution of a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) agreement. Krol says the total is a quarter of what the hospital would have paid for all of its tax-exempt properties should those real estate holdings be taxes at the commercial rate.

“Berkshire Health Systems is an entity that is quite profitable. At the same time, we’re, as a city, struggling to pay for an adequate number of teachers, to make sure the roads are maintained, and paying for health insurance,” Krol said.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Giuliani is losing any respect he had left.He was once the most respected populars person in the US and now is a embarrassment to his family and all New Yorkers.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

More fake news. You libs are being played

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Trump will fire him before the week is out…Bye Judy…

buh bye now

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Nope, all part of the plan

6 years ago

Guiliana cheated on his own wife.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

So? Bill Clinton still does

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Right Steve…so Trump gets another mulligan

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

There would have been NO talk of Bill’s bad behavior if Hillary had been elected. The media would have been singing their praises on a daily basis. Corrupt liberal media!!

Definitely NOT Praxis33/Shakes His Head
Definitely NOT Praxis33/Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

We have bigger issues than to worry and shame someone for promiscuity.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Hillary is not the president and neither is Bill. I know this because I checked.

time to move on unless you just need a scapegoat for your president…and it sure seem that way…Trump is the NO ACCOUNTABILITY president and the more unethical he becomes the more his base loves him

I find that so weird (and scary)

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Your comments are incorrect and libelous. Try harder

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Bill would not be the president Pat hello

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Bill would co-president with Hillary. She said so. Stop the HYPOCRISY.

6 years ago

It’s pretty disingenuous of you not to point out that the BRTA was the one (out of 15) transit authorities to report its finances.

I guess if the facts don’t fit your narrative, they can be ignored — even if it means making the authority look like one of the violators.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

dusty, can you be that stupid…you libs are being played. I love it.

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

almost 10 AM….other kids will be going out for recess Steve….playing hop scotch today…you don’t want to miss that do ya?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Most of us are at work unlike you

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Yup, working on my tan.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Trump approval at 50% per the most accurate pollster of the last election. Much higher than Barry’s was

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Go Trump!!! Obama got the Nobel peace prize for doing nothing. Trump truly deserves it.

6 years ago

ibershires has story saying councilors going after BHS for in lieu of taxes money….yes good idea….now get on board with all the other scofflaws…there is at least 200 more non profits, many of which need reclarification of status

Mr Krol and Helen….keep up the momentum…BHS has too many friends in high places to make that work but others you may get

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Isn’t it suspicious that Moon is a nurse, belongs to the nurses’ union, and is going after BHS?

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Yes, this could be a make believe effort knowing ahead of time it was dead in the water. But wouldn’t it look good on your resume for “trying”? This same thing was blown out of the water last time it came up. Mr Phelps has deep roots in the politics so I hear.

But if it is real then goody for the taxpayers and the credibility of the councilors.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

They intend to give all the money to the teachers union, though, not reduce the tax rate. Better for all residential homes to be placed in the non-profit category and then we can decide how much we feel like donating

6 years ago

Good for Krol and Moon for going after BMC.

They have enough money for all their constant unnecessary renovating in those bldgs.

The city (through our tax dollars) provides police and fire protection for them when needed. I would love to know just how much in a year. Anyone know?

And don’t just stop ay BMC. Go after all the rest!