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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE THE WEEKEND EDITION MAY 4-6, 2018) — THE PLANET might call this one “News on the March” after the blaring old newsreels that in movie palaces offered current events. Reference the newsreel sequence of history’s second greatest film, Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane.

* NEWS ITEM: Rosenberg Resigns — Another corrupt Bay State politician, as if there’s any other kind, bit the big one after an internal report revealed verse and chapter on his husband’s political dalliances. His husband. The naughties were of the “Do you know who I am?” variety, a fatal flaw not in the least uncommon among state reps and sense including our local tribe. Hubby didn’t care one swinging dick about the unwashed masses, a virtue shared in spades by his better half, now ex- Senate president Stan Rosenberg. We know: You’re shocked, shocked!, that another Mass. legislative leader heaved the bed.

* NEWS ITEM: Gold Drops — Nice of attorney Mark Gold to resign as an officer of the New England Museum Association. Gold did his best Judas Iscariot impression “advising” the Benedict Arnolds on the Berkshire Museum broad to unload more than $50 million in art treasures, among them a priceless Rockwell. The tarnished Gold quit as an officer because the NEMA had received a 20-mule-team load of withering, a form of criticism that crosses rage’s line and enters venomous. Gold, though, still retains his membership in now-exposed NEMA. THE PLANET didn’t know lawyers came so cheap.

* NEWS ITEM: Trashed Codes — You have to laugh to keep from crying. As Pittsfield “health” director Gina Armstrong publicly admitted, the department’s “bark” is all gum and no bite. As the crumbling roadways and public spaces of this decaying city lay bordered by garbage, trash, and junk, the “health” department recently engaged in a “trial run” looking for rubbish-related violations. The good news is that the department found 247 infractions in 19 staff hours covering 15% of the city. The math works out to 695 violations in one eight-hour shift of one employee covering all of the city, a calculus that suggest the degree of degradation in our once little gem of a town. The bad news is that the department issued not one actual fine. None, zero, nada, not even a single, token “gotcha” to send a message. The hopelessly overmatched Armstrong wouldhave done as much if she took out a billboard telling scofflaws, “Trash the City. We Don’t Care.” That’s pissing on Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, who do their best to keep their postage stamp clean.

* NEWS ITEM: Parking Lots and Little — Did you hear the one about city finance director Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood? With a straight face offset by a crooked bow tie, Kufflinks told the city council the usually malfunctioning, Big Brother parking meters have brought in “$200,000” to the city since January — almost enough to pay JIV off for the illegal craps game he floats in the Mercer Building. Last fiscal year, Pittsfield spent $130,000 on the meter- and parking-related expenses. This year it’s $146,000, a 12% hike.

Two other points: (1) Who collects the money from the meters? The Department of Public Services. No opportunity for public theft with THAT crack system, is there? (2) The meters brought in way less money than projected, but the expenses have been much higher. The city failed to consider meter repair, purchase of coin-collection bags, cost of armored cars, bank fees, and app fees. Oh yeah, and when Kufflinks bragged in July about the dollar intake of the meters, he conveniently forgot to include the capital costs to get the clunkers up and running!  Only in Pittsfield, which went into debt another half million bucks to install the parking Daleks in the first place.

THE PLANET”s sources say the program has lost about $46,000, with more borrowing to come. That’s right. You’re reading it here first: the decision has been made to expand this money loser into parts of the city currently allowing for free parking. As you can see, the pain has only just begun. Don’t tell anyone, because it’s supposed to be “Top Secret.” We can tell you our Z-agents in the Secret Squadron are digging up more trash on this fiasco, which has killed business for many downtown businesses. We are soooooo not done with this story.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“Why can’t prevalence be a non-singular event?” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Simple way to defrock a meter, just have a glitch, when it’s convenient. Those damn Mother Boards.

V P of Lurning
V P of Lurning
6 years ago

Won’t be long before you have a Kiosk at the Lake.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Who was in charge of cash meters back in the day, there had to be hundreds of thousands unaccounted for, no trail at all back then.I’ve heard the stories.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Stan Rosenberg resigned, but he will collect a big state pension for approximately the next 2 decades. It must be nice to be rewarded for inappropriate behavior on Beacon Hill!

The Berkshire Museum selling its art collection is a shakedown! Someone is licking their chops and drooling over tens of millions of dollars! You know it was a dirty deal when the Good Old Boys like Jimmy Ruberto endorsed it.

Pittsfield politics losing money on its new “big brother” parking meters. I didn’t see that coming – NOT!

Matt Kerwood is a financial genius! He knows how to raise municipal taxes by 5% per fiscal year, and also increase debts by tens of millions of dollars, too. I would hire him to bankrupt my town any day.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Does Kerwood buy his bowties from the Barnum and Baily factory outlet?

6 years ago

Not to worry. Big Progressive Melissa Mazzeo is going to save the city. As one of Ms. Mazzeo’s followers said on this site yesterday, “So happy that MM got rid of those Super Walmart plans”.

It doesn’t matter that Melissa Mazzeo has all of the same Progressive ideas as Linda Tyer, maybe even more so, but she supports giving lots of money to school salaries so that nothing is left over to repair our decaying road system. Progressives also hate malls, but have no ideas for affordable retail for the poor once the malls are gone.

How low does this city have to go before people figure out that what we have been doing just isn’t working?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Walmart did not want to build there for business reasons.If Walmart wants to build they will build.Why are you so disappointed by Walmart not transfering jobs from down the road to woodlawn ave.Im thinking you live there and it would have been convenient for you.It was not about jobs.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

A Super Walmart WOULD have created more jobs, but it also would have provided more retail choices now that the Berkshire Mall has so few stores. It would have been a true revitalization for the Tyler Street area. Instead the Tyler Street area gets a ribbon cutting for new garbage cans. That sends a message don’t you think?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Progressives hate malls.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

I love Malls, where else will I find Neiman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue?

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Any jobs Walmart create are part time low wage ones. That said, seeing how Walmart was the only company willing to build there it should have been a no brainer. That site will remain empty for eternity now.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Many jobs at Walmart pay $14.00 per hour.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Pat, 14 bucks an hour with a limit of 32 hours a week is a tad over 23k a year. That’s crap pay. Total crap.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

In Pittsfield we need these type of jobs. If you are not connected you have to work 2 or 3 jobs to stay afloat.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

I totally agree Cheshirecat. In Pittsfield Walmart jobs are good jobs.

6 years ago

How many of those trash code violations were for people not putting out recycling bins? Probably 225. I for one put mine out when they are almost full not every week when they may have only a few things in them so is that a violation? A home with elderly people or only one or two residents may not generate enough recyclables to put them out every week and should not be counted as in violation.

But I imagine it would look good on paper if you were pushing for a toter system and needed statistical support.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Could be you’re on to something. What was the objective of the survey?

Reply to  Levitan
6 years ago

I think it was partly an effort to improve recycling but maybe also to bolster the mayors case for toters. Seemed to be a flawed effort if they counted every house without a toter out that day to be a violation.

Reply to  Levitan
6 years ago

the objective of the survey was the spreading of misinformation

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Most of the violations in ward 3 were for not having your trash in cans.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

I bet alot of the ‘violations’ were for having trash cans over the outdated 33 gal limit. Most people use the plastic 45 or 65 gallon toters nowadays – are we really going to fine those people?

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Ask Caccamo

I’ll put together that 100,000 piece puzzle as I wait for his response

Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

Either Caccamo lied when he said the bigger cans are a safety concern as they are heavier to lift or maybe he was told to say that. Either way it’s misinformation.
All the ‘sanitation engineers’ do is lift the bags out of the larger toters. That’s even safer than lifting a 33 gallon trash can from 1970. The toters cover is hinged so that doesn’t fly around in the wind either. And when they lift the bags out the toters won’t end up thrown all over the place, unlike the cans.
Maybe they’ll ban the plastic toters and make everyone use paper ones.

6 years ago

Single family homes do have overloads of garbage, some. The problem is the apartments with two or three families,that have to be regulated. Take a ride ( wear a flak jacket) down Linden St. on trash day and check out the overload. Hundreds more elsewhere.

I’d be more worried about the what’s walking in our city streets, it’s an epidemic of drug weary,jobless,wandering,homeless, hopeless, forgotten citizens,who peruse all the scenery that supposedly what makes up the beauty of Berkshire County.

The streets are the filthiest in a long time and roads are the worst ever. This falls on the City Council, much more than the Mayor. The City Councilor lives in the Ward and should know what the road conditions are.
It’s going to be a long summer.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

The prostitutes and panhandlers swarming the First St. Cumberland Farms are out of control, and this falls on the Mayor, and Police Chief Wynn.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

What do they charge, probably the highest in the state.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

City councilors in the end are responsible for how the city runs.If taxes go up its them.Every pothole should be filled as soon as possible.Nights,weekends whatever it takes.Every white line on the roads should be painted nights,weekends.Every park bathroon should be cleaned everyday and the park department needs to clean and open Belanger yesterday as soon as possible.The schools take all this money from regular quality of life issues.Potholes are safety issues.The council needs to demand all hands on deck to get this done by memorial day for gods sake sweep the streets at night around the clock.Moon,White ,Caccamo, Kroll lets go.This is what people want.Paint every road line in this city as soon as possible.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

In the end we blame everyone but the City Council.Its like they are asleep to what people want done.Theres always money for the schools and they buy new software for 750k…f that.New behavior specialist will have an assistant in 3 months,then a team of people and on and on it goes

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Don’t forget the cultural competency coach or whatever

And our VP of teaching and learning

6 years ago

I am amazed that the students in metal fab and such, couldn’t have an opportunity to fix that piece of junk over at the Senior Center.

6 years ago

With 5 new pot stores set to open soon in the city and with a maximum of 34 pot stores allowed, there will soon literally be a pot shop in every corner of the city. Combine that with all the bar rooms all over the city and what kind of message does this send about the kind of city we have become? Public debate on this issue has been missing completely. The first job of government is to protect the public. With a pot shop on every corner, how can government say it is protecting its citizens or is that no longer a concern of government? Is it now only all about votes? Will all of these pot shops really be good for creating the type of environment that is good for this city?

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Having all those pot shops should attract even more outstanding people to move here.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pittsfielders will be able to get stoned after buying auto parts..then they’ll be able to get a DD on the way home.

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Axtually I like looking at that Capital Marquee the way it is, just patch it up. Wait till the stoners see it new.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Better that booze

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Stop playing Progressive games. Booze and pot are BOTH bad.

6 years ago

Dan I agree with everything you say about the Stan Rosenberg fiasco. So pathetic. Yes local officials and others here in Pittfield also suffer from the “Do you know who I am” syndrome.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Stan Rosenberg should go in the Hall of Shame for Political Hacks!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Get in line Stan.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

And the “Do you know who I’m married to?” syndrome.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Well not in the eyes of the Lord

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

How would you know

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I speak to him

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

The “progressives” in the Pioneer Valley literally worshiped Mr. Rosenberg. It was alarming to see people just fall all over themselves when he was around. Remember how gushy everyone became when Prince Deval was around? It was like that. Just nuts.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

The Mayor is responsible for department heads. lately the heads haven’t doing so great.For instance the roads are deplorable, the lines are deplorable, the streets are full of garbage,just from debris from cars and dumping. One thing is the many lights and stop signs in the City. If you’re going to have so many, then start cracking down on violators.

When waiting for a red light and some clown jay-walks in front of me, staring me down with a cigarette and spitting in the street while crossing, then that is reason not to traverse that area.

Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

was it Steven Dean?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

no i work it must have been an unemployed dolt like you

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

He works nights

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Not what I heard

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

They could have been breaking ground over a PEDA, but noooo.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Three unlikeable people on the propaganda show. The bull scat meter just broke a needle,using students as an example of what they do in PPS trades education,go to Mccann in N A …they have students in metal fab that do the same thing. Stop telling us how great the programs are, the students are the reason they (the student) is successful, and taxpayers are the ones who should be thanked, not teachers or administrators.

6 years ago

I’m looking at something, be back at three.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

NBC News caught peddling fake news again. And how many of you libs fell for it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

They said Trump lies all the time,ask his soon to be 3 ex wives.They stop tracking Trump lies and now track when he is truthful and this new policy allowed ABCto layoff 3 people.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You are fake news

6 years ago

Ok got that Info. What is procedure for recall,anyone,Talking local.

6 years ago

Thanx for the street info J-Mel

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Trump approval at 51%…going up. Love it. Face it majority of Americans admire him, think he is doing a great job and realize the new is fake.

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

the reason the love him is becuz he never ever lies about anything…ask Melania

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

You just hate him because you aint him.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

I think he has a joint and a 40 ouncer.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Trump is doing a great job and should easily win a second term as Prez. He’s accomplished more in one year than Obama put out in 8. Long live Trump!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

That what Fox news say 7 times a day.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Because it’s true

6 years ago

I was stunned to read two City Councilors petitioned Berkshire Health Systems for a 1 million dollar donation to finance heavily burdened bankrupt Pittsfield. Well, I’ll be damned.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

The city councilors & Mayor have a spending problem, so they take the Socialist approach & shake down the companies they think are making too much money. In this case – BHS. Shameful!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

It is and hopefully wont work.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

I just tuned in here to get the latest stock report. I assume the Dow is up because nobody is mentioning it.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

That would be correct. 238 points as of noon

6 years ago

How much more can we the City taxpayer take with this incompetent City Council and Mayor, we are being run out of town, possible 5 G for water and sewer. Seniors and average Joes get the moving truck ready.

6 years ago

Where the hell is G-Man we need him desperately NOW!

6 years ago

Unsubstantiated rumor and possibly fake news has it that the new Capitol marquee will have flashing neon advertisements like the Colonial. If so who benefits from that? Hotel North? Dotties Lounge? Barrington Stage?

But seriously, this city needs to shut down all projects that are not absolutely necessary until it becomes solvent. and by solvent I mean not just stabilizing the tax rate but reducing it by 20%. Is anyone even looking for waste?? Not the mayor…she is spending like a teenager with daddy’s credit card.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

Have you all forgotten about the rising water rates? Not only single family homeowners will be affected. When a landlord’s rates quadruple the rents will skyrocket as will restaurant prices. Guess who pays.take a look inthe mirror.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Unemployment at it lowest rate since the year 2000.
Stocks are up. Way up.

But, you won’t hear about that from the Trump haters who permeate this site.

Trump has done more good in one year than Obama did in his entire 8 year tragedy of a Presidency.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Correct. Many of them have left (thank goodness) since Pat and I started pointing out the truth.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

We haven’t left. We just realize it’s pointless to argue with a monkey. I’m here for local news and commentary.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

You are arguing with the truth teller

6 years ago

If water rates rise, will have no choice but to raise the rents,double if necessary.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Thank you Donna.

6 years ago

Imagine a candidate for Mayor running on a blight campaign, perusing through naieghborhoods during the campaign, and Planet pointing out two specific locations, and still, nothing has been done, nothing.And that is the least of our problems.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

mi, blight WAS the problem. #1 problem in Pittsfield was blight. No doubt about it. Remember the Berkshire Eagle ran it as front page news? KFC and Hess forest will be cleaned up if you elect MS. Tyer.

Same ole story same ole song dance my friend. Elect me, me, me… and I will ______________ (fill in the blank).

Yet nada, nothing, no way hose. Remember, elect me and I will reopen the consent decree. Never opened, nada, nothing, no way hose.

Yet the school always gets more money. Taxes always rise. The airport always needs repaving. Fees alway go up and up and up.

Switch out the actor but the script is always the same. The mayor is always controlled like a puppet on a string. As long as they pay homage to Lucifer, they get in and get their slice of the pie. Well were moving on up to the East side to deluxe (gated community) in the sky high, high, high.

Come election time everyone will be saying the new guy the new guy…. vote for ____________. Make Pittsfield great again. Yet it will never happen.

Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

All true.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Only people that can cut the school budget 4 million is the City Council.Blame Kroll White Moon and Caccamo as they want a clean enviroment except at CROSBY and Toxic dump ALLENDALE….who do you guys think your kidding…..sweep the streets and fix the potholes and paint the white lines……you cant see one crosswalk in town not one.This is why you can not give school whatever they want in Pittsfield.Consolidate school

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Re: Scary Stan Rosenberg resigns!

I read some of the news articles about Stan Rosenberg’s resignation. The bottom line is that many people were afraid of him and because of that people did not feel safe around him. I felt that way about him and Nuciforo way back when my dad was a Berkshire County Commissioner. I felt that Nuciforo and Rosenberg were very intimidating to me and my family. It negatively affected my mental health, along with other problems and issues I faced back then from 1996 – 2000.

I don’t understand why politicians are so scary! When someone like me spoke out against them, they would retaliate against me, such as having people bully me, putting me in legal situations, taking away my job(s), blacklisting me from employment opportunities, and spreading vicious rumors about me to the community. People like Stan Rosenberg and Nuciforo wanted people to be their sheep or take the path of least resistance against them.

I am happy that Stan Rosenberg resigned at 5 pm today, Friday, May 4, 2018, after 31 years of public service on Beacon Hill. I know that he will collect a big state pension for approximately the next 2 decades. I hope his resignation will change the way politicians operate or do business, but I am not that naive. Another politician(s) will replace him, and be just as scary as Stan Rosenberg!

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Stan Rosenberg was in Berkshire County?

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Thank you for your service Stan. ….. pack..

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

No thank you, Stan! You made Beacon Hill even worse than ever!

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

At least we have a City Councilor to see right through the Wal-Mart proposal. Most residents I’ve talked to didn’t want those low paying jobs anyway. thank you Mrs. Mazzeo.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Trumped Up
6 years ago

Wal-Mart stores are not desirable to many communities. I wouldn’t want a new Super Wal-Mart, either. However, Pittsfield is not going to have another Fortune 500 or GE relocate in our lifetime. Maybe something in the middle between Wal-Mart low-wage jobs and GE high income jobs? But with Pittsfield’s high taxes and political corruption, it would be a tough sell. After all, Pittsfield is losing thousands of people and businesses over the past decades!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

An office building on PEDA with 400 employee, Wharehouse with 200 employees, ACasino with 1500 emplyees would work…….Shut PEDA down and advertise 50 Acres for sale .

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Trumped Up
6 years ago

Really? Ms. Mazzeo ran on reopening the Consent Decree. She failed. Been reelected over and over because noone votes and noone runs against her.

At least eh? “People accept the reality they are presented with”.

At least the PEDA property remains vacant so they continue to rake in money for doing absolutely nothing there.
At least we can continue to pay higher taxes and fees. At least the councilors show up for the meetings. At least the pothole machine continues to rust. Thank you Ms. Mazzeo.

Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

I would NEVER vote for Mazzeo. She is responsible for a lot that is wrong with this city.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Walmart Pat?

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Pittsfield water is already so good that WalMart sells it at huge profits. If it ain’t broke let’s fix it.

Higher water bills result in higher rents higher taxes, its a win win.

There was a time when there was no separate water bill. It was included in your taxes. Someday (soon) we will say that same thing about the garbage pick up.

Separate out all the services once included in your taxes and call them fees. That’s how it works in Democrat controlled State.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

We can fix this by voting in the next Cronie. He/she will make it all better. Oh wait, I forget we need to put up with the current Cronie for 4 years due to the new charter than nobody voted for.

But, but the next Cronie will take this sad song and make it better. Remember to let it under your skin, then you begin to make it better.

You are being played. You have been lied to your entire life. Time to wake up. The movement you need is on your shoulders.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Is 4 years of Tyer better than 4 more years of Dan Bianchi?
Did Bianchi do a better job than Roberto?
Are you better off than you were 11 trillion dollars ago?

You die.
Go to the Dark Side of the Moon.
Come back.
And it starts all over again.

“Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome back. To that same old place that you laughed about.
Well the name have all changed since you hung around.
But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.

Who’d have thought they’d lead ya (Who’d have thought they’d lead ya)
Back here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)

Yeah we tease him a lot cause we’ve got him on the spot,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.”

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

First look: “Mayor Tyer proposes $167.65 million municipal budget”
By Amanda Drane, The Berkshire Eagle, May 4, 2018

PITTSFIELD — The city is poised to spend $2.9 million more in 2019 than this year, but will not have to lay off any employees.

Mayor Linda Tyer and her team completed work this week on a $167.65 million municipal spending plan for the coming fiscal year.

The plan reflects a spending increase of 1.8 percent over the fiscal 2018 budget, which saw the reduction of dozens of School Department staff.

This time around, Tyer said she was able to avoid layoffs with an unprecedented agreement regarding employee health insurance, positive real estate trends and department heads who worked to keep costs down.

“We’re seeing slow and steady positive trends,” she told The Eagle on Friday. “This budget preserves all current staffing levels.”

The budget will be formally presented to the City Council at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the library at Pittsfield High School. A series of hearings also will be held in the coming weeks to review items in the various departmental budgets. The new fiscal year starts July 1.

Tyer said fixed costs contributed to the increase, as did two new initiatives she’s proposing. The new programs include $5,000 to help Personnel Director Michael Taylor recruit a more diversified municipal workforce as positions open up, and $385,000 to expand and consolidate the school district’s therapeutic program at the elementary level.

“These are surprisingly low-cost initiatives that could have high impact,” Tyer said.

As for the rising fixed costs, Tyer said, they include: a $525,000 increase in health insurance, a $1.11 million increase in retirement contribution, a $1.29 increase in long-term debt payments, and a $94,787 increase in trash collection.

Tyer underscored the need for long-term planning.

“We need to know as much as we can about our long-range expenses,” she said.

To balance the budget, Tyer proposes using $1 million in free cash, noting she and Finance Director Matt Kerwood have begun the process of backing away from that practice. For fiscal year 2019, Tyer said, they agreed they would budget only $1 million from free cash, leaving $3.5 million in the pot for reserves.

“We set that benchmark,” she said. “We’re trying to get away from this practice of using free cash.”

Built into the budget is an excess tax levy capacity of $636,161.

Tyer said she’s proud of the work that went into the document.

“There’s more work to do,” she said, but “successes are accumulating.”

Amanda Drane can be contacted at, @amandadrane on Twitter, and 413-496-6296.

Budget process …

Here’s a breakdown of public meetings about the fiscal 2019 budget. All meetings will begin at 7 p.m. in the library of Pittsfield High School unless otherwise noted:

Tuesday: City Council gets first look at the budget.

May 16: Mayor Linda Tyer will give a budget presentation and the City Council will begin budget hearings. Line items to be reviewed will include the funds for the city solicitor, veterans affairs, city clerk and cultural development.

May 17: Budget hearings continue. Areas on the docket include the Health Department, building inspector, personnel, airport, library and community development.

May 21: City councilors will hear from the RSVP program, police and fire departments, and emergency management.

May 29: City councilors will consider the School Department’s budget.

May 31: City councilors will consider spending on public services, enterprise funds and building maintenance.

June 5: (location TBD) City councilors will consider spending on workers compensation, finance and administration, IT, unclassified categories, free cash, revolving funds, parking revenue and the overall budget.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Yonic, lots of words there and not one mention of cleaning up the blight your girl Ms. Tyer ran on cleaning up. Not one word.

All you post is more money more money more money.

Yet Hess forest continues to grow.

Why make any campaign promises? If candidates ran on honesty they would just say, “I will keep the status quo”. Nobody holds their feet to the fire. Once you are in, anything cannot and will not be used against you.

Once you become Mayor, you are set for the rest of your life. Penson, health care, nice house in gated community. Nice paved roads. No pot holes on her way to work. I guarantee it.

Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

This is why politicians are NOT the answer to our problems. More government equals more corruption. The Pittsfield swamp needs serious draining.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

“We need to know as much as we can about our long-range expenses,” she said.

Seriously mayor??? You and Kerwood are just now figuring that out?? I would have hoped Barry would have clued you in on this nugget of financial diligence a long time ago. OMG we are doomed

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Has nothing to do with “financial diligence” she is sending the message that she is working to keep the union gravy train on track. If the millionaires in the union need taxes to double in 5 years to support their lifestyle, then property assessments will be adjusted at the appropriate rate to achieve the necessary compounded return

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

Jonathan by cutting and pasting entire Eagle stories you put this site in jeopardy under copyright law. However, linking to a story is perfectly legal….So, again…..Learn how to link!!!

6 years ago

167 million huh? Planet must have just swallowed a Cuban when he read that, Terry, must’ve busted a vein.

Reply to  Nota
6 years ago

I think that is up like over 100 million in the last 20 years…seriously

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

They get there’s, tifs raises more bureaucracy,while decent roads are a figment of the imagination. That pothole at Onota at West on the turn Is one example. And don’t worry about the next recruit, you don’t become Mayor unless you take care of one another.

I have never been inside the Beacon Theatre and never will.

6 years ago

Why is Robert Mueller using KGB tactics to take down President Trump? Wire tapping and raids when we are long past knowing there was no Russian collusion. Is this America? Sounds more like Russia to me.

Robert Mueller is now trying to pin a crime, any crime. to a man that Democrats do not like. His whole team is made up of Democrats who hate President Trump. This is what is done in Russia. Political opponents using any underhanded methods to destroy their political enemies. They don’t stop at politicians either. It’s very common for average citizens in Russia to be destroyed financially or even poisoned if they don’t march in lock step with Putin. That is where this country is headed if Robert Mueller and his team of witch hunters continue on their fishing expedition to take down a sitting president elected by the people of this country.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Turn off Fox

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

No turn it on loud for the truth!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC hates the truth

6 years ago

A Federal Judge says that Robert Mueller is using unfettered power to do anything he pleases. This is wrong and Americans know it. The judge says that Mueller’s only goal is to oust President Trump from office using any underhanded means necessary and destroying as many people along they way as he pleases. Not to mention turning this country into a place I don’t recognize.

6 years ago

Agree with the Wal mart. Thank you Councilor Mazzeo, good job. people were against it.

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

No, people were not against it. ONLY Progressives. In fact, there was even a petition signing that took place at Walmart where MANY people signed in FAVOR of a Super Walmart. I wonder what ever happened to that petition? It’s Fake News that people didn’t want a Super Walmart here. As usual, the SUITS know what’s best for us?!? NO THANK YOU Melissa Mazzeo!!!!

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pittsfield Walmart is the worst one I have ever been in. Customer service is terrible and half the employees are out smoking. Litter all over the front. I stopped going there and go to either Target or N Adams Walmart.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

The people in this area are continually putting down Walmart just as they kept putting down the mall. This are all mainly overpaid liberal school employees who do this. Many people including myself love our local Walmart. These are the same people who run to malls in other cities because they can afford to or pay high shipping charges for online shopping. They keep begging for more money every year to live their high lifestyle and snub their noses at Walmart.

The people in North Adams appreciate their Super Walmart and are not so snobbish which goes a long way toward explaining why morale in higher in the Walmart in North Adams.

Target is too expensive for many items, but liberals rolling in cash love it and ALLOW it to survive because of it’s liberal policies.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Environment Councilors….White Caccamo Kroll Moon must help the kids of Allendale School….I dont think they have ever read a report of cancer causing chemicals under Allendale with fumez and dust seeping into the classrooms.Stop with the bottles and cans

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago


I thought you might enjoy this video. A Day in The Life 1969:

Two Cents
Two Cents
6 years ago

Kind of sums it up that they are more worried about the health of mosquitoes than they are children. I’m beginning to believe that a lack of common sense is a prerequisite for being a city councilor. Name one city councilor-at anytime- that became a big success based on their intelligence….Case Closed!

bill Q
bill Q
6 years ago

Anyone see the officer kick a black man in the head while the man is on his belly and cuffed. It never ends.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Nothing new under the Sun? Get this:
They are removing Analog Clocks from schools because children can’t read them and have no idea what time it is.

How long before Jake, the school committee and the council Nazis cash in on this? To replace every single clock in every single classroom with digital ones in Berkshire County could probably be done for less than 50 million $.

Another cash grab?

I remember staring at that second hand in school going round and round for what seemed like an eternity, tick by tick waiting to get the hell out of there.

6 years ago

Right wing sources accusing Juliani of working with Mueller to sabotage Trump. He may be an FBI plant working undercover…uh oh Steve


Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

You are spelling Giuliani wrong fake news.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Wow. More fake news from you