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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE MONDAY MAY 7, 2018) — Today, THE PLANET attenuates, annotates, and otherwise attends to brevity’s infinitesimal side, a stock that’s best sold short. Hence:

——— 000 ———

All dichotomies are false.

——— ooo ———

Think on it.

That’s it.


“You don’t know what you’ve got til its gone” — Joni Mitchell



The Usual Disclaimer.

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Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Ronan Farrow apparently outed Schneiderman. Trump called Schneiderman a crook 4 years ago. Good riddance to the NY AG! How long has Cuomo known about his AG’s behavior?

Allendale Toxic Dump
Allendale Toxic Dump
6 years ago

When Rivers,Kroll,Moon,Caccamo, White speak about childens safety I dont want them to forget Allendale and Crosby.
Tyer,Yon ,Elias,Taylor are surprised that Behnke,McCandless, Curtis work for so cheap.Taylor is amazed.

6 years ago

and the next news you are going to hear on fox is that Iran has chemical weapons of mass destruction. The drumbeat for war is on your doorstep people. And that is what overturning this treaty was all about in the first place. trump and his lunatic friends want a war….a big big war with lots of noise and fury. But first, we will have a parade honoring all who will die in the next three years in the mid-east.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

blah blah blah you are fake news. 3 weeks ago you claimed we would be at war

6 years ago

Remember what ScumP said during the debates, we have to show our Military strength, we currently are well armed with weaponry, why don’t we use it. This was before he said we need to invest in our Military.

On the Storm front. Was thinking, what rich wackos wouldn’tpay millions to have at it with Ms.Daniels? She did do the
PRez after all.

Heard the Walmart deal is officially DeAD.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

stop insulting your president with lies

6 years ago

Actually want the Dow to be a little down. Tommorrow will tell the tale on Trump and republicans future. I’m saying it will be waaaaay down Tommorrow, thanx Shaq!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

right, and if not then definitely the next day, and if not then really definitely the next day

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Yes, and it certainly has been true of the next day for the last almost two years now . . .

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Actually no it has not. Try harder

6 years ago

Mr. Trump, what will happen is,Israel won’t wait for you to start a fight. They’ll already be it.

Not good what Trump is doing at all.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

He made the correct decision. Only anit semites disagree

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Israel will wait. They want us to do the dirty work….as does Saudi Arabia. they are both using Trump who is just being their useful idiot.

I hope Steven Dean is draft age because it is time he sees the world. There are lessons he needs to learn about what happens when presidents (and others) shoot their mouths off.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Your comments appear to be anti-semetic in fashion

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Washington mountain truck traffic is asked by the town of Dalton to be Eliminate,. It’s time for a bypass, very simple,pave it right along the railroad tracks out of towns.

Reply to  Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Speaking of paving things….Pittsfield is going to have a beautifully paved airport fit for a king….but when you get out of your plane and into your limo you might as well be riding on the moon.

Cloverdale street has at least 8 holes big enough to snap the axle on a beer truck.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

What will Gerry Doyle do in that case?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Roberto Del Halitoso
6 years ago

Fix the roads himself if he had too!

6 years ago

Dow is officially DowN……. Again

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

OMG OMG. a whole, now get this 7.83 points.


6 years ago

Dumass it ended ya. wait till Tommorrow.I stake my rep it will be down !

6 years ago

Oh, wait a minute,it was down, right where we want it for Tommorrow. I win all around.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

oh no you dont.

Once again you are fake news.

final DOW UP 2.89 points

I win again

6 years ago

What was the name of that penny stock out of ma somewhere that went down the drain years ago. Some kind of solar energy gizmo? some Amanda chick was touting? Is it still on the market?

6 years ago

Haliburton stock soaring!!!! War machines stock up. War ordinance stock up.

Will Trumps followers now be running to the recruiters offices to join in his folly? Not likely.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Why should we we already have the best military ever. That wouldnt be fair right lib

6 years ago

The unofficial Mayor and City Councilor Gaetani will be making some, strides tonight at the cheesy City Council rap it up session until he has his day in Court. The most knowledgeable man on water and a lot of other things is in the trenches for the stupidos of the City who drink out of a jar.

Get rid of Turdocy and the Consultants if you don’t want to pay a fortune for a bad dream.

6 years ago

for mi. Flywheel…. Mandee Vivcitti invented it. Graduated fron T went to Penn…a real hot ……remember her very well. Nice girl.

Allendale Toxic Dump
Allendale Toxic Dump
6 years ago

People of America do not have money to spend,treading water in the market and Trump has destablized the middle east as we get anotber step towards war.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Allendale Toxic Dump
6 years ago

Untrye. Your statement is false and fake news

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump needs a war.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You need a brain. You are fake news

6 years ago

Corporations are the only thing ScumP cares about. That is his bottom line. if he creates jobs and Americans are happy with the crumbs, that’s a bonus. But he doesn’t give two shits.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Incorrect. Your post is fake news

6 years ago

Drivers smoking under influence of Pot in Colorado on the rise…N B C News.vWhat is the threshold for driving while smoking it. Is their a blood test?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Most people seemed to be stoned in Denver when I spent a month there a few years ago.

Young woman gets on the bus holding a pack of Marlboros and a large bottle of mouthwash, aquamarine flavor. She stands stupified in front of the driver.

Man sez, “$1.50.”



“Ah, I—dooon’t have it.”

“Sorry, you need to get off.”

And this was only at about 7 pm on a nice summer evening.

Then there were the two tottering Mexican guys who needed a buck for the bus about 8:30 or so on a Sunday morning. Gave it to them.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

401k in a stall,not growing.What did the tax cut do.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

It’s growing. Quite a bit since trump took office

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

It ain’t gonna grow that’s why we have ssi ssdi diss ssoi oei et al.It costs 65 grand to keep a criminal incarcerated one year.

6 years ago

Is that tru green that they spray on lawns safe? It smells like it isn’t (safe)

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

It is bad for kids, dogs, birds, rabbits, squirrels, etc. And they’ll hound you forever if they get your number. Kind of like PCB for your lawn.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

I’m pretty sure it contains radioactive PCB’s.

6 years ago

May is half over next week and half the roads in this city are a disgrace. Worst roads in New England. I would not be proud of the state of this city if I were mayor.

M,adame Du Barry
M,adame Du Barry
6 years ago

One day I seen a tru green guy talking to himself.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

One day I saw a tru green guy talking to himself.

6 years ago

Good call on the Israel comment by mi previous thread.Israel will already be in the fight Mr. Trump.

6 years ago

Trump plants the seed and countries like Israel retaliate, so goes peace in the M E. Way to go Trump.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Death to Iran. Israel only responds! If someone lobbed shells into your backyard would you do nothing?

Polysemy Budge
Polysemy Budge
6 years ago

Valenti is the greatest. lot of double talked with ColorSync at city budget hearing.